
What's Holla Forums opinion on Splatterhouse 2010?

it's ok

Wasted opportunity, we will never get another splatterhouse.

Unrealistic male body standard. A very sexist game.

It's a charming game but the troubled development really starts to show later in the game. By the final "boss" the development team had dropped the ball entirely.

Still, worth a play through.

Also, it's some of Jim Cummings best work as a voice actor.

Great game if they didn't botched mid-way through the game, really sucked by the end boss.

Also, someone post the lewds.

Bad action adventure even by God of war standards.
It feels unfinished(because it is) and the gameplay is really basic.

Fun but clearly flawed and unfinished. The Mask has a cool VA, and i like the lewd pics and the fact that the classics are unlockable.

Wasted potential, but very fun. Incredibly flawed action. Clear love letter to fans. the unlockable Splatterhouse 1 is worth the 10 bucks. Jim Cummings is a baller.

I thought it was ok but once the fucking wicker man timed part came up I started slowly hating it.

I do like that it came with the original arcade game though, even if I prefer the turbografx-16 versions music.

there is something that recently came out that can kinda fill that hole
lots of salt from 'journalists' for this game saying "its like those old arcade games, 2tuff4me"

Playing in the the highest difficulty was pretty fun.

Shame that they didn't flesh it out more.

Had a pretty good soundtrack too.

For anyone who doesn't give a fuck about splatterhouse its probably one of the worst games ever made, and the series as a hole in general isn't very good, but if you are one of the lucky few who actually like splatterhouse then it is pretty alright. Sad that it killed any chance of getting something better then or ever again though as I really want more rip n tear vidya. I would love to see a splatterhouse game that plays more like dead space 1 as I feel like it had a lot of the first two games in it with its pacing and presentation.

You can't be sexist against men.
It's just a power fantasy.
Check your privilege.

This is nothing like Splatterhouse, this is a subpar beat 'em up with an edgy "horrific/violent" theme, tha'ts all.

when you put it like that its exactly like spallterhouse

That's just like Splatterhouse.

This. Splatterhouse was never about edgy highly detailed graphic violence. Its supposed to be like an 80's horror film which is more about exaggeration, the grotesque, and the viewers imagination than brutal realism. When you punch a zombie so hard it explodes, it does so in a huge spray of bright red or green blood and meaty bits, not in a modest array of bones, intestines, brains, and other discernible parts and fluids. It is hard to tell the two apart though since they are really close, but there most certainly is a difference.

A less shit way to put it is that MRB uses 90's violence while Splatterhouse uses 80's violence.

so you're saying splatterhouse is more for pretentious art fags and movie reviewers?

If that is what you think classic horror films like Alien, The Thing, and all the shit that was shown at horror film festivals are, then sure.

there's not much left to the imagination in the game though. it can say it was influenced by movies but in the end all that came of it was "goriest game ever!"

Using imagination wasn't my only point, and it most certainly doesn't apply to splatterhouse like it did some early films, but it is still there to some degree in the way it presents that violence in unrealistic ways masked by lots and lots of blood, and by the natural limitations of the hardware at the time which hides a lot of detail, such as these guys which are just a human-shaped mess of red instead of highly detailed burnt cthulhu monsters like they are supposed to be.