Snake face Reb is on and if you want to watch what happens then here is the stream:
St.Louis protests happening again
Other urls found in this thread:
cops and white people are chasing off the thug protesters.
Fucking manlet Turok just made my sides more extinct than the dinos.
Oh god he is fucking barefoot as well.
How can one half of a man be such a clusterfuck of gear that it looks like he got a bad spawn in pubg?
Goodnight Rebz chat
I always knew fucking elves would side with antifa, fucking wood hippies.
Goes without saying really. Those knife eared bastards have always been at odds with the world of man.
FFS, we don't report gang violence or drug dealers getting shot but this time, why? Daily reminder to spam this everywhere too
BLM's central premise that cops are specifically targeting blacks for death is simply not true.
No racial bias in police shootings, study by Harvard professor shows
‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ was built on a lie
“Adjusted for the homicide rate, whites are 1.7 times more likely than blacks die at the hands of police … Adjusted for the racial disparity at which police are feloniously killed, whites are 1.3 times more likely than blacks to die at the hands of police.”
The real racial bias: Cops more willing to shoot whites than blacks, research finds
Here are some more unarmed white people that were killed by police. Never heard anything about them.
Joshua Grubb, Deven Guilford, Dylan Noble, Gilbert Collar, Dillon Taylor, Daniel Harris, Jeremy Mardis (6years old)
Why is this thread getting practically no attention? What happened to comfy riot happenings?
he isn't using hair gel, he has dreads basically he back combed his hair into knots and then rubbed wax into it.
Well assuming he did it the cleaner way, otherwise he just doesn't bathe.
I'll go with this one.
Even outside of the manlet, the rastafari has one 40 round mag, and that scope… have fun on target acquisition within the 15 ft you'd actually be using that.
Not even going to bother with the guy who is going to shoot his dick off.
Cantaloupe head over there with his shit ati aftermarket stock and what i can assume is 3 more rounds in his right pocket for a total of 11? Maybe 12 if he knows combat loads.
This cant be real, this has to be 4 guys fucking around for shits and gigs right?
Is it me or is his upstream connection shit?
so there's some sort of mongoloid with a two scarves and a shotgun pointed right next to his foot, manlet nigger with pants a few sizes too big, gayer, midget legolas with arrows that probably aren't rated for his bow and hair slicked to the side with fresh semen, and the tactikang with a 40 round magazine. stock not adjusted for any length of pull he'd need for his arms and and a scope that'll make fast target acquisition harder, but will give him scope kiss with that stock length
That's the best they can muster user
I'm pretty sure he did it the first way despite how hard it is to believe he bathes, dreads are almost never that uniform when it's done the second way.
Holla Forums Is a helluva drug m8.
No, unfortunately or fortunately for us they are actually trying to be intimidating
Whoops I'm a faggot. I didnt look close enough I just thoought he had the over gelled hipster comb-over. Honestly though, I can't think of any hairstyle worse for urban combat than dreads, the longer the worse. It's like installing a big handlebar on your head for your opponent to grab. I guess maybe his idea of strategy, especially with the bare feet, is to overwhelm his attacker with pure stink.
god help me
his arm is a foot above the wall.
what the fuck is he leaning on?
It's just a prop to them, don't think about it too hard.
He isn't leaning. He's a limp-wristed faggot.
even worse
What's wrong with glasses?
More likely just a few jugs of milk.
Nothing besides being an indicator of bad eyesight.
The San Bernadino Muslims were operators, these guys are clowns.
They fall off and fuck up.
Inferior eye genetics.
multi cam stream
They're out here in Saint Charles now protesting, wtf we live here to get away from this garbage.
Fuck that , shoot them instead
Get livestream up.
But I have my popcorn ready!
sorry, now maybe those county faggots will get a taste of what we have to deal with in the city proper
One streamer was saying an abundance of people wearing purple. Purple revolution connection?
Fine , eat your popcorn THEN go shoot the niggers
whats the happening level like, user? are we potentially looking at a comfy time tonight?
back bra and purple LOL
user… the elves are probably Aryans…
You and your dubs are retarded. Nords are Aryans Elves are dirty tree hugging n'wah
its a purple drink revolution
They both just get between me and my skooma habit
Not even the red guard are as niggy as you furry cunts.
My guess is they think the average engagement range is 10m, lol.
Fuckin' elves.
Just another point of failure, and not seeing the enemy is key to being shot by the enemy.
o i am laffin
Remember anons, be the change you want to see in the world. Kick things off and unload into the niggers.
anyone have a better stream, the one i'm on keeps buffering
Right on totally not fbinigger, we'll totally get right in that totally ;^)
Daily reminder Holla Forums is a board of peace
Was going to correct in to on but fuck that shit. I'll go with in. Get totally up in that shit kek
It looks like the cops did an acid attack on him. Explains why he's at a nigger riot instead of at an open borders riot.
The anons below know what is up, glasses are a major point of failure. They shouldn't even be worn to a protest outside of the chance of breaking.
If you are going to a protest with goggles and a gas mask you just aren't prepared. These fucks showed up like they are ready for a fight and decided to get their gear suggestions from gq magazine.
Please post more live feeds and periscopes.
Replying to myself. I went down there to see what it was. No one was there. Literally a flash mob of about 20 people walked down the street shouting "Shut it down" It was mostly white college aged females. By the time I got there, it was 100% the drunk crowd getting out of Oktoberfest, which finished at 11pm. Just a bunch of drunk people stumbling around and pissing, no real protests. The news is 100% lying about the size, scope and popularity of these "protests" to make it seem like people are still giving a fuck.
I have been watching for the past couple of hours on RebZ cast. He made a statement about "researching the history of StL" and then went on about St Charles being the result of white flight. My opinion about this (((protest))) is that they are intentionally trying to provoke the proportionately white area into violence so they can scream racism. Why else walk past Oktoberfest where a bunch of fed up white men who could make poor decisions because they have been drinking?
They are protesting again. Cucks getting hostile at cops, one was arrested about 40 mins ago on this stream
Things could get good
fuggin checked
Fugggg we have royalty there.
moar purple.
Purple revolution has been more than confirmed. Also this nigger looks like barney gave him a facial.
That autist can't even be a fringe leftist properly.
don't underestimate the disabling power of laughter
soros purple revolution is here.
That's how they get you. You get all distracted laughing at the LARP faggots you forget all about Barefoot Bow Bandit Boy and take an arrow to the knee before getting enriched.
Elves haven't been a white allegory for well over 40 years now. Jews knew elves were a nice ideal sort of thing for people to look up to so they had to niggerfy them slowly over the years, complete with dark elves as a convenient smokescreen. Seriously just try to compare elves from LOTR to the ones in Warcraft and it's like night and day.
except that I really found the elves from LOTR were indicative of white flight…
Damn can they start shooting already or something? I miss Ferguson.
Spoke too soon, one shot in leg one shot in face. Not sure if it's protest related though might just be general city niggershines.
>If you are going to a protest with goggles and a gas mask you just aren't prepared
Shouldn't you go to a protest with goggles and a gas mask? What should folks with glasses do when on the march?
Good effort user.
Also, this is the worst terrorwave I have ever seen. No style, no class, just ass.
I wish I kept (and didn't scratch to fuck then throw away) the Casio F-91w I had in my childhood. Now I have to buy one of these innocuous things again and put myself on another list.
terrorwave? We called it eurotrash in the 90s.
you need to stop.
this is getting annoying. who is exactly telling these tards to pick up arms and stand around looking like retards? fucking bothers the fuck out of me. then some cuck will say this is somehow a good thing when these same faggots want to dismantle the constitution.
>it's that one autist from /k/
Sorry bud, I'm not the guy. Can't fault me for hating unaesthetic leftwing retards
This is exactly the sort of shit I come to this site for, kek.
I'd put all my money on every single one of these faggots carrying in condition 3, especially the mexican carrying nigger
holyshit these people are fucking larpers in the worst way.
Learn some graphic design basics man. You draw attention to and away from things using color selection as well as color lightness and darkness.
By selecting a color the same light/dark level as your background you create a horrible vibration that you can see clearly if you squint your eyes and sometimes even if you don't.
All of these idiots look like pubg characters.
also something tells me that none of these guys use their guns on a regular basis. who are they even trying to impress ? The ebil natsees who usually are gun nuts and can tell that these clowns are more dangerous to themselves than anybody else ?
Well, at least the one on the left already got himself a nice noose.Only need to put that shotgun in a tree and let him fly.
I recently brought a bunch a old casio's from my childhood online, the f91w is around $12.
reminded me of Harry…..the guy with the snake on his face
What a (((coincidence))).