Yes! College class win vs. kikes


Fucking feel great. American here, go to a state college here. Love it, I'll tl:;dr and save you the blog post. It worked and I had shitlibs arguing about kikes. Had it mapped out.

1. Discussion about muh Trump, current affairs.
2. Ask professor why Palestinians are being oppressed and that we need to stand up for them. "Not fair" Palestinians can't come to the U.S.
3. Say shitskin Palestinians need (((equal rights))) under (((international law))).
4. A Zionist kike in class will eventually talk about how that's wrong.
5. Say Israel has too much control over Congress and that 48% of all white billionaires "can claim Israel as their homeland"
6. These (((billionaires))) like (((Haim Saban))) and (((Sheldon Adelson))) fund AIPAC to oppress Palestinians.
7. Palestinians deserve (((equal rights))).
8. A kike in class or professor will call you out that you named Jews as controlling Congress.
9. Say "no, I said billionaires who can claim Israeli dual citizenship."
10. Professor or kike realizes they named the Jew, not you.
11. When they pilpul about the Holohoax and that you're Nazi, tell them that blacks had a 400 year Holocaust. That blacks should be recognized for their Holocaust and get (((reparations))).

Class was in full meltdown. I made THEM name the Jew. There was no stopping the fire rise. Kikes versus spices and niggers being taken down by the kike's very own arguments.

The fire rises.

Other urls found in this thread:

I saw your earlier thread asking for help with this debate. Congrats for not cucking out.

Its nice that you turned their gollum against them but it is best if you can just directly speak YOUR beliefs without throwing our people under the bus.


Masterful intellectual judo, user. The Jews could have lived in Europe and America into perpetuity known as a successful religious minority whose people excel in work that requires high intelligence. They could have owned all the banks and financial firms, controlled the most powerful law firms, owned all the movie/TV/music/news companies, and even controlled the government. Nobody would have cared if they'd just lived their lives without trying to race-bait and blame whites for everyone's suffering while also masquerading as whites themselves. But if they didn't go out of their way to make everyone miserable and guilt-trip the world about the 60 gazillion, they wouldn't be Jews.

Spics. Come on.

I did the best I could at the moment.

They don't call it grammar nazi for nothing

Thanks man. You're right.

Watch the CIA ring you up in a few weeks with an offer you can't refuse.

Why are you talking about Palestine in your STEM classes?


did you record the discussion on one of those minirecorders?

This is all Palestinians are good for, as a tool for frustrating Israel.

Nobody would give a crap about them, they are useless people, but they are very useful for exerting anti-Semitism against Israel.

Doesn't that make them effectively the most useful people in the area?

you still have to go back
But still nice arguement OP.

I'm already agitating for another Evergreen.

Profs are trying to go full shut it down mode on SJW propaganda now because I guess they're smarter than they look and notice it. Oh well, either way, we win.


Yes, they've been used that way for 100 years so far, even before 1948 there was probably that thought.

But the people who want a Jewish homeland aren't generally the ones that care about race-mixing Europe etc.

Next time please record it. Please.

you are so fucking obvious

I would send money to HAMAS and Hezbollah just to spite the jews

Hehe. No. Don't give me that kike division bullshit. There's no difference between "zionist" and "based jew". In reality, jewland is just an international hideout for kikes that get caught, and don't want to pay so much as a penny. They're all in on it. Even the most "pro-palestine" jew will hi-tail it "home" when his pizza falls out, for everyone to see.

They can only produce salt.

That's a trap.

It's more complicated than that but mostly true

Israel is a Pedophile's Paradise

Today OP was much less of a faggot

good job, OP. thats pretty funny. I wish I were that calm when in a large group talking about politics. You should have seen me years ago when I was in college government class. Id just yell at the professor when I was enraged enough and couldnt sit calm anymore.

You could also bright up shit like this, OP

Book About Killing Gentile (Non-Jewish) Children Becomes Bestseller in Israel

Eight Children Killed as Missiles Hit Gaza Playground, Hospital

Israel Admits Ethiopian Jewish Immigrants Were Given Birth Control Shots

Israel Admits Killing 189 Children in Gaza Campaign

Israel 'Breaching UN Convention on Children's Rights'

Israel Gave Birth Control to Ethiopian Jews Without Their Consent

Israel Kills Two Handicapped Palestinian Women in Air Strike on Home for Disabled

Israeli Fire Kills Nineteen in Gaza UN School

Israeli Government to Refugees: Go Back to Africa or Go to Prison

Israeli Official Calls for Concentration Camps in Gaza

And much more.

Hang yourself kike.

Funny enough, I got an offer, told them I'd think about it. Still thinking about it. Still waiting for the deep state fucks to clear out their desks first though. I do plenty of good just doing what I do anyway.


Jews user, its always because of Jews. I'm not even joking.


I had a similar win with a turk commie professor who denied communist famines. Any standards in academia these days? Kudos on the win op, stay frosty.

>(((Haim Saban)))
user I'm proud of you for mentioning him. Nobody ever does.
Read this.

Learn to archive user

Heil Hitler

>Links to (((Goldwater)))

doubledubs confirm the making of literal concentration camps

You'd end up in prison for funding a terrorist organisation.

Palestine is Israel's achilles heel. The way that they treat them is perfect proof of how they would treat the rest of us if they had full control of the world.

Almost every post on Holla Forums with the argument "Fuck the Palestinians, we don't care about them" is a JIDF post. You don't have to 'care' about Palestinians to recognize that the way that Israel treats them is perfect proof of their Jewish perfidy. We should fully support Palestinian independence. It costs us nothing and gains us everything. It also sets our ideological opponents, SJWs and the like, against our ultimate opposition. We have absolutely nothing to lose from this.

The way that Israel uses their influence in American politics and the media to excuse their abuse and disenfranchisement of the Palestinians brought me down the path of the red pill from full blown Socialist to being here and I was a full blown Marxist at the time. In fact, most full-on Communists recognize and acknowledge the Israeli atrocities, and that is why the LBGTBBQ Communists are given prominence and political backing rather than their full-blown Communist brethren. This is possibly our most powerful angle in turning the left against Israel and should be seriously considered.

I am skeptical of the usability of this tactic in large scale because of the self-deprecation as other anons mentioned. Already they fight against conservatives under the guise of fighting white people. They wouldn't join with white nationalists kick out Jews from the neocon ranks because it would empower white people to better defend themselves. They hate white people more than they love palestinians

Great job. Yes, exploiting the Palestine question is the easiest way to redpill people on the jews.

Good job, OP!
You've done what no one else has been able to do before!
>Radical left funded by (((them))) for decades

Yer dumb. And now you're on a list. Good luck with that!


Fuck off, kike.


You are a gentleman and a scholar. I always thought introducing the Palestinians to liberals would be effective. Good work.

You are aware that normal people do not like arabs?

I mean they did a survey on the isreali palestinian conflict on Fdescouche, the biggest identitarian website in France.

Around 80% said they did not support a side and that Europe shouldn't care.
Around 15 % supported the israeli
Around 5% supported palestinaians

That could be different in the US, since you do not deal with arabs on a daily basis like we do.

(My personal opinion is : Fuck both israeli and arabs, send all the semites of the world in the Middle East and let them fight to death until none of them is left)

Good job OP
Slimy tactics with the Palestinian bullshit, but whatever is necessary at this point.
Keep it up.

To be more specific : You can use the palestinian argument to turn some lefties against the jews.

I wouldn't recomand it while debating conservatives or right people in general. The response you're the most likely to get is So they are killing muslims? Good for them, we should do it to

Good job, OP.

Thanks, greatest ally.

Really? After all the judaised bullshit, conning them off with shitskins they can't help but torture is "slimy"?

Also had something on my (((campus))). Some kikes went around and put up some "ebil Religion of Cuck™aphobic posters" Because I am directly involved with student life for work study and my goals to run for student government I am going to hide my power level for the next year and a half.
One of the things I wanted to bring up was that law making protest or boycott of ISISRAEL over muh Palestine illegal internationally.
Also; there is HEAVY kike influence, theres (((three groups))) on campus.

Jews torture or kill Arabs every chance they get, Jews are wicked beasts.
Arabs torture or kill Jews every chance they get, Arabs are savages beasts.

The slimy part is about you pretending to care about the Palestinian people.
Trust me, if you knew Arabs, you'd want them dead too.

But using Jew Tactics against Jews is totally justified. They do not act like honorable enemies and they don't care about the truth.

You did well.
Just keep in mind that Arabs are shit too.

Machiavelli? A jew? Don't give them credit.

That's quite easy mode, fam: