

Other urls found in this thread:



What the fuck is DedSec?

Does this niggerrune have an English translation?



Thank god for posters like OP, I don't even need a twitter to keep up with all the trash on it




Just wanted to congratulate OP on his swell ID. That's a mighty fine string of numbers you got there, son.

I didn't even notice that at first. Might be worth pirating the game just to remove the filth.

Absolutely progressive, I love it

I can only call that an IT. I mean, I just can't tell what the hell that is, either a guy with too much baggage on the old package, or a woman named who can't spell the name Lenny.

Pretty sure she's meant to be an opposing character. As in, you're not supposed to feel sympathetic towards her. And I definitely don't. Does this mean that writers have found a way to make a villain that us utterly unsympathetic?


That's a girl?


How much do you want to bet that the plot will start with them being rivals, then join forces to take down the evil, white corporate/political/criminal conspiracy that was REALLY behind it all?

I don't see the problem OP. It is an accurate representation of your average SanFran "woman" if you ask me.

Why does he have a knock-off rage-comic on his shirt?

For what purpose?

Why is mundanematt in a video game? Note I am not questioning him being a tranny

not in traditional sense


i didnt think it could get any worse



I can't tell if the tweets are satire are not.



I'M SO HYPED to not buy this shit and laugh as it manages to be worse than the first both in gameplay and characters.

It's about as likely as this being a wretched cuntwhore of a "Game" that no one will like but will still get a fuckton of praise from faggot game journos.

Because they can't outright call it the leader of 8-chan.

There will be a 48 minute long gay sex scene between hacknigger and that faggot in the mask.
All of the games budget went into advanced smegma physics and so they cut corners on 100% of everything else.

I can't either.

Who the fuck designs these characters?

retards who have never seen another human before.

The (current year) tweet was clearly a joke and probably from an user considering it was tweeted a few minutes after the OP.

One without taste obviously, first that suit top I bet is CHEAP polyester, I would have gone with a more casual but stylish down jacket, that shirt is H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E I would have gone with a simple white T to sort of stand out from the dark down jacket, and a pair of jeans that DOES NOT MAKE ME WANNA PUKE, perhaps some track pants to try and hide those disgusting overgrown hips.

That's amazing.



I don't keep up with shipsluts, but I can't ignore their existence. Tell me, which one is the katawa ship?


I am literally losing my mind because i keep running into Mandela effect related stuff all day. I can't take it!

what's it this time.

This is actually a recent male (((fashion)))

I've seen faggots in my university wearing this shit.

They keep embarrassing themselves.

Looks like the new fedora

This game is going to be so bad it will make Hackers look like a masterpiece of cinematography.

One day, they'll start showing them almost naked, with only a thong, duck tape on nipples, and a hijab, and say that it's completely Halal because she's technically not naked and wears a hijab

be nice to ubisoft or they will dox you and your family.


I call her cripple ship since she never gets off the throne.

Friendly reminder.

So is this like a game or what?

The one on the left


I hope it flops for the sake of humanity

Is there a better description of this game than "What old frenchmen writing for American teenagers"?

Freedom to get your face covered in acid when you disobey your arranged husband, perhaps.

i'm in jersey city and the arab girls here love their tight pants.

C world.

Since this thread is going nowhere fast, I don't suppose anyone has those 1960-70/2010 pictures of Afghanistan and Iran or whichever ones they were lying around?

Forgot to quote

Oh I won't

Well, you need something more to distinguish it from the new Deus Ex.
And Dishonored 2, probably.

Nice shirk, faggot. Didn't Mohammed say that his fuckboy Gabriel refuses to enter a house with an image or a dog in it?

What tumblr is writing for teens.

Killing them will do all a favor




Looks like Tranny Mark tbhfam

It'll flop just like Ghostbusters and for the exact same reasons. Normalfags are slowly waking up and not in that fake "woke" sort of way that is actually blue-pilled.


Why does Mark keep posting pictures of himself?

Life is Strange




Is that Mark on his period?

Nice glasses. Shame the bleeding stopped.

Did mark just see a lewd shekel or something?

What the fuck happened there?


yeah, that's the stuff


The nose knows

thread redeemed


is that jab at Holla Forums?



It's just leet-speek for primate.


So close, yet so far away from perfection.

It is Prim8 not Prime8. Because 8 is not a prime number and the only way that thing is a woman is if her mother fucked Harambe.


That fucking Forever Alone ripoff on the shirt holy shit

Don't play, mang. Just don't play this shit. Dayum.


Friendly reminder that drawings are haram.


Jesus, those poor kids.

I'm so fucking glad to learn that my job/entire life is the haramest thing for these pigs.

Islam is entirely no fun allowed

When is he starting his transition?

Islamic culture has to be the most absolutely miserable way to live among all of humanity.


I'm assume it's that faggot making the "Pikachu's tail had a black tip" posts.



Music with instruments and singing is also haram

Fun is Haram.
Unless it's raping child dressed as girls.

I was thinking that at first, but then I realized it was a woman and they'd never associate a walking Tumblr caricture with the cathedral of misogyny.

Watch out if they have something called Infinite-X or some derivative.


And how would a tweet that was posted 2 days ago have a filename from three weeks ago?

Looks like a life devoid of any joy except procreation and jihad, innit?

wew lad


Yup and they must spread the life devoid of any joy to anyone who doesnt have it yet, that or death.

Holy shit, they are really fucking dense.

That dudes clearly a very ugly man with gyno.

I know that, and OP's filename is past that point. As you said, it's a timestamp.
Fuck Hanlon's razor, 4chan is most likely where he downloaded it from.

Nah.. it couldn't.. could it?

Did you know that Jews are forbidden to eat any "creature from the sea", which isn't a fish with scales?

Those are not kosher. No shrimps, octopus, eel, lobster etc. That's because the sages believed that deep water caused the flesh of fix to grow toxic.

I'm certain he's going to carry out a bombing some day.


Lobster and shrimp are ok, but fuck eel and oysters.

Friend's sister converted to islam, and then started sending her badly written erotica about masturbating to Allah. Shit had over a hundred pages IIRC, full of sexual poems and shit

What is this, Assassin's Creed "We Want to Be Saints Row" edition?

Holy shit, she has Allah's address?

Shrimp are fucking sea insects that are fucking delicious when breaded and fried, then given a garlic butter or tomato base dip

No. As in she masturbated to him

Before BP fucked the gulf, Oysters were the shit, get that crap by the bucket load and with a little bit of lemon they're exquisite.


You should convert to Islam and bomb him first

They're a bit too small for that.

Eel is fucking delicious.

But, yeah, oysters are just loogies in a shell. Don't touch that shit.

Release that every single bit of that shit on the internet and then tell them a week later

Allah is the best husbando.


Smoked eel is fantastic you peasant

Eels ain't your socks bra. We have organs and stuff.

First thought was that she was a fat man.
2nd thought after reading is that during the course of the game she will eventually fight along side you because you can't paint a fat bulldyke as an antagonist.
That isn't a very progressive thing to do.
Then again they may be able to get away with it because the main character is black.
He is friends with a muslim girl.
The guy in the mask is most likely a gay and the other white guy is the one who betrays everyone because of all his evil cis white male compulsions.

I'm still surprised they are making a sequel considering the shitshow that was the first game.


Well you might have to gut it first


You’ve never read the Talmud, have you?

Now that is what I call a severe case of having truly patrician taste

i am seeing a pattern here

im really dont care when ugly fat beasts try to look more and more like men, they were always man for me anyways


I see a pattern of 8s too.

FInally, an accurate representation.


You fucking retard.

Shut it down!

Oy vey

Lobster used to be a punishment food.

They'd serve it to people in prison, exclusively. And prisoners rioted because it was so disgusting. Servents and maids and shit had it written into their contract that they could not be fed lobster more than 2 or 3 times a week. Because otherwise it's all they would get becuase no one with any choice would eat it so it was cheap as fuck and rich people would stock up on them to fob off on the lower classes.

Then wealthy americans from the other side of the country (i think west to east? not sure on this part) started travelling cross country on vacations and tricksy easterners conned them into thinking it was a delicacy by charging ridiculous prices for them.

lobster as a meal is a lesson in rich people fucking over poor people, and poor people getting their own back by fucking over other, less smart, rich people from out of town.

I can't wait to see how badly this fails.

ps4 had no people on the street?

and the tree is different

You know, their cooking methods for it were probably just shit back then.

But then there's no love.

Post quotes, I wanna see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Some interpret the first commandment to forbid all imagery of people, but especially sculptures. Then there's the stuff about owning gentile slaves and rape counting as marriage that fedora tippers love to quote.



Wait fuck, that's the Hebrew Bible, not the Talmud. It kinda counts though since christians decided that Moses' law was mad gay.

No you fucking dolt
Its because lobster becomes toxic to eat shortly after being killed, which is why you boil them alive.

Same with pigs, it took centuries to make the wild pig edible as it was filled with parasites and shit.

Most religions that have dietary restrictions was because it would usually result in someone being fucked up from the food which was interpreted as displeasure from god, like almost fucking everything back then.

Fuck, this has blown my mind.

I thought it was meant to be just a shitty pun, but funnily enough I bet they're going to chimp the fuck out.

Everyone is betting on them teaming up, but I think we're due a curveball so my money is going on them getting their Patreons shut down and turning to a life of cybercrime.

And WD should have been played solely from your basement, rather than open world bullshit.

Lobsters have never in fucking history been so abundant you could feed it to prisoners.

There is no way to mass fish lobster, catching them involves traps which at most get 1-2 lobsters at a time.


Isn't that the reason men are circumcized too? I find it hilarious that some people still follow laws that basically amount to old wives' tales.


fuck off mate.

And the shadows are sharp.

Perfectly-cooked steak used to be a punishment food.
They'd serve it to people in prison, exclusively. And prisoners rioted because it was so disgusting. Servants and maids and shit had it written into their contract that they could not be fed steak more than 2 or 3 times a week. Because otherwise it's all they would get because no one with any choice would eat it so it was cheap as fuck and rich people would stock up on them to fob off on the lower classes.
Then wealthy French from the other side of Europe (I think near Les Bains? not sure on this part) started traveling from country to country on vacations and tricked Anglos into thinking it was a delicacy by charging ridiculous prices for it.
Steak as a meal is a lesson in rich baguettes fucking over poor people, and poor people getting their own back by fucking over other, less smart, rich people from out of town.
I know all this because my Dad works for Nintendo, by the way, so don't waste your time fact-checking.

Men are circumcised because despite what uncut fags tell you it IS very easy to get an infection in your foreskin.
Some people are more susceptible as well, so that one faggot who might be good just lightly washing his dick may never get an infection however there are guys out there that have to inspect their shit.

I go on canoe trips all the time and we have to separate men and explain to them to bring light cleaning products for this, also your ass.
Being outside sweating, shit and dirt will have you get scalding staph infection over night.

no, no it is not. Are you too retarded to peel back the skin and rub it with soup for 3 seconds during your showers?


Chicken or vegetable? And yeah, while getting an infection in the past might've been easy, it's trivial to avoid in the modern times.

beef flavor, make sure you get the good bouillon cubes

You couldn't be more wrong.

don't forget that it's a danger for little kids. If their parents don't tell them to pull it back every once in a while, it'll start growing together and you won't be able to pee. Happened to my dad

Stop sucking off babies, Schlomo


are you retarded ?
just peel it back and clean it, water + finger is enouth but you can use soap if you are a fucking hypochondriac.

we do not live in the middle age anymore where you only take a bath per month if not less.

but well stay retarded, i don t care, i m not the one who lost 30% of his sensitivity down there and need to have his ass fingered to feel pleasure

Which are one in a million, holy fuck are you legitimately retarded? I would understand if you were living in a country without running water but even there people aren't complete idiots.

I can tell basic hygiene isn't very common where you live.

I also live in jersey and whenever I see young mudslime womens they cover their entire body but wear skintight clothes, loopholes I get.

Nigga, kids get foreskin infections all the time, if they specifically wash their foreskins, there are anons on here alone who have horrific stories.

Why do you think Japanese where dick cutting is unheard of, have dick cheese and light infection in almost every doujin.
Its so fucking common they made it a fetish.

Oh no better accuse of being a jew!!11111
Fucking retards, go back to your containment board.


A bloo bloo b-but you are one of the tribe!111
Do I fit in yet guyz?

What? Who else did you expect behind the shitposting? :^) We just want to be friends is all. Just like the spiders.

I saw this before.

So… did an actual japanese guy or gal did this?


Oy gevalt

I can't seem to find the source on the 1 in 20 claim. The link doesn't lead to an actual source.


An Indonesian apparently, see first page:


user, do not be so hasty to judge. The fact that they are accusing you of being Jewish means that they value your intelligence and do not believe you would be so absolutely fucking retarded that you would unironically believe what you just said.

The link you just posted uses the NHS as a source and on the page they use as a source it states that it can also be recieved through sexual intercourse, not just an infection. And on the infection part they say it is because they are born with a shit foreskin, not that foreskins as a whole are to blame.

Its not even a fetish shit for brains, its like a greeting in a doujin.

Its so common as soon as I start reading a doujin I skip the first couple pages of whipping out his dick so I don't have my stomach turn.

Learn 2 read

Yet despite me being so retarded I've yet to receive a rebuttal of worth other then weak deflection of accusations of Das Juden.

Fucking retards polarized by Jews, if someone made a thread on how Jews have personal wealth and its bad you would have Holla Forumsstars hating personal wealth just as much as Holla Forums

Fucking idiots traded one master for another.


I'm sorry Mr. Shekelberg took your foreskin, circumcuck, but please contain your butthurt.

Did you actually read the fucking link you posted? You're not supposed to use scented soap or soap that dries the skin. Just rinse it with water.

Christ, is all of Ubisoft composed of the cringiest "people" in the world? It's as if they're stuffing all their E3 press conferences into a game. I can just imagine being a dev at their studio and having to pretend to laugh at some EPIC image macros everyone at the office just discovered on Reddit.

Back to your containment board.


(((Reddit meme)))
Its amazing that you are so unaware.
Everyday there is a new fucking reddit meme being dragged here.

Have we come full circle reddit no longer steals memes from us giving them to the normalfag masses but now Holla Forums goes to reddit and other sites uses their memes then tries to pass it off as something that was created here.

You need to go back.



Holy fuck nigger just keep on proving how fucking retarded you are.
Only Jews get their dick sucked and that is after a Bris which is the COMPLETE removal of the foreskin.

How about you read it yourself, retard? The NHS is used as a source and when you click that link it says all the shit I have just told you

By that logic you shouldn't drink water at all because drinking stagnant water you find in a random shitty puddle can make you sick.


False equivelency.

Of course

Even if you ignore the point I had behind what I said, you are still a fucking idiot.

Is this satire? or are they just dense?

Congratulations on finally being in a video game, Mark

This image might give you the answer you seek.

At least it's realistic. Obese people don't have a gender. Unless disgust is a gender now


Games were better when it was only nerdy Japanese guys and white dudes.


They're really hard to find

anons, lets stop feeding this faggot
i think it is now clear that the autism is strong within him

The bad guy is obviously Trump… I mean Thruss

yet even if i said this

by reading this guy post:

trying so hard when your so wrong…
he really looks like that nigger

Wash your dick, you fuckwit.

t. uncut fag

Lard tends to equalize the genders.

Seriously, who comes up with all these shitty city names?

Only ever well named town I ever seen in a game is Posionville.


Oh, it's this fag again. The same retard trying to always prove his "Holla Forums oldfag cred" by posting some ancient meme like a redditor.

The Bay Area is SF and the surrounding area chief

No they fucking don't you American fucktard. Did your christcuk daddy tell you that while he's was fucking you in the ass you jew worshipper.

Then it confirms it, the people of SF has no taste.


Did they get danni divito to model for this one? I've seen guys that look more girlish than that thing.

Also is that a fucking reddit cancermeme or whatever the fuck it's called shirt?


OK place your bets. Will DedSec end up being the bad guys and Thruss is the good guy after all?

Holy shit, "she" is a vape apologist



This is a bet you are going to lose, fam

i-it's my personal twitter

Spooky shit. Really makes you think.

Haha oh wow it's this faggot again. This faggot is in every thread saying every faggot is the same faggot, I can tell with his effeminate sounding whining.

Stop this

The Talmud and the Qur'an are equally shit. Psychological warfare vs. physical warfare is the only difference between the two.

It's a simple yet genius way to motivate Muslims into a conquering mood.

It's too late, we've already started the fire.

Pikachu's tail is now a meme, and no amount of interdimensional timekikery is going to stop it.

You know, It first I was kinda pissy about this thread because I knew it will be shitting up the catalog for the next week or two.
But this post right here kinda makes it worth it.

What if they're really making fun of halfchan but just changed it to Holla Forums (like that pokemon ripoff did with the elite 8) and have no clue Holla Forums actually exists?

I talk everyday to a Malaysian guy and a Singaporean guy.

The muslim situation in Malaysia is disgusting. Singapore is a little more open because of all the chinks in there.

So is this haram or not? I've gotten mixed signals about Snackbars and shota over the years.

Well Sunni definitely is. Sunnis are all varying degrees of nuts.

Definitely haram, Muslims consider fags that cut off their dick so they can fuck dudes to be women. So if we flip it around, this would mean they would consider a woman getting a dick to be a man and therefore gay.

got any more?

sorry about your dick bro

It's a Jewish Period. It normally begins happening around the age of 12-13, indicating that they are transitioning from the innocence of childhood to the globalist financial world of man/womanhood. The Jews celebrate it with an extremely expensive party that only they could afford known as a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Jewish Periods occur every couple of week and when they happen, their IQ along with the Dow Jones goes up by 15 points and they compulsively lie with accusations of antisemitism as a coping tool for emotional instability. It stops in around the mid 40s to early 50s, and then they start making funny comedy films like Blazing Saddles.

Wait, you're supposed to use soap? I've only used water all these years.

Dont use soap or other products in washing your genitals, it fucks everything up

Water is usually fine and most soaps tend to make shit worse. And that is ignoring the fact that some soaps mess with your testosterone levels, which you don't want to be putting directly onto your dick.

Well memed

Are you fucking blind? For the PS4:



>globally balanitis "may occur in up to 3% of uncircumcised males"
>Recurrent bouts of balanitis may cause scarring of the preputial orifice; the reduced elasticity may lead to pathologic phimosis.
>Initial treatment in adults often involves pulling back the foreskin and cleaning the penis.

ITT virgins who never receive fellatio.


t. jewish (possibly interdimensional) shill trying to railroad everyone into circumsions

What does fucking your chemical balance up have to do with getting laid?

sure kid

keep worrying about your 'chemical balance' and not whether or not your fucking dick is clean, I'm sure that's working out great for you cassanova.

Said the boy without a full cock, laddy.

Yeah, and?

Do you wash once a year or something, m8?

Reminder to help stamp out mudslimes.

what the fuck is this thread about though

Moed Kattan 17a.
If a Jew is tempted to do evil, he should go to a city where he is not known and do the evil there.

Erubin 21b.
Whosoever disobeys the rabbis deserves death and will be punished by being boiled in hot excrement in hell.

Baba Kamma 37b.
The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has “exposed their money to Israel.”

Baba Kamma 113a.
Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a Gentile.

Baba Mezia 24a. (19-20)
If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile (“heathen”) it does not have to be returned. (Affirmed also in Baba Kamma 113b).

Baba Mezia 59b.
A rabbi debates God and defeats Him. God admits the rabbi won the debate.

Sanhedrin 43a.
Says Jesus (“Yeshu” and in Soncino footnote #6, Yeshu “the Nazarene”) was executed because he practiced sorcery: “It is taught that on the eve of Passover Jesus was hung, and forty days before this the proclamation was made: Jesus is to be stoned to death because he has practiced sorcery and has lured the people to idolatry… He was an enticer and of such thou shalt not pity or condone.”

Sanhedrin 55b.
A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years “and a day” old).

Sanhedrin 57a.
A Jew need not pay a gentile (“Cuthean”) the wages owed him for work.

Sanhedrin 57a.
When a Jew murders a gentile (“Cuthean”), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.

Sanhedrin 58b.
If a heathen (gentile) hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed.

Sanhedrin 76a.
God will not spare a Jew who “marries his daughter to an old man or takes a wife for his infant son or returns a lost article to a Cuthean…”

Sanhedrin 90a.
Those who read the New Testament (“uncanonical books”) will have no portion in the world to come.

Sanhedrin 111b.
A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.

Kethuboth 11b.
“When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing.”

Hagigah 27a.
States that no rabbi can ever go to hell.

Minor Tractates. Soferim 15, Rule 10.
This is the saying of Rabbi Simon ben Yohai: Tob shebe goyyim harog (“Even the best of the gentiles should all be killed”).

Abodah Zarah 22a-22b.
Gentiles prefer sex with cows.

Abodah Zarah 36b.
Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.

Yebamoth 59b.
A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a Jewish priest. A woman who has sex with a demon is also eligible to marry a Jewish priest.

Yebamoth 63a.
States that Adam had sexual intercourse with all the animals in the Garden of Eden.

Yebamoth 98a.
All gentile children are animals.

Gittin 57a.
Says Jesus is in hell, being boiled in “hot excrement.”

Gittin 70a.
The Rabbis taught: “On coming from a privy (outdoor toilet) a man should not have sexual intercourse till he has waited long enough to walk half a mile, because the demon of the privy is with him for that time; if he does, his children will be epileptic.”

Menahoth 43b-44a.
A Jewish man is obligated to say the following prayer every day: “Thank you, God, for not making me a gentile, a woman or a slave.”

Rosh Hashanah 17a.
Christians (minnim) and others who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations.

Shabbath 116a.
Jews must destroy the books of the Christians, i.e. the New Testament.

oh no



Kill yourself for being a kike.
Kill yourself for supporting degeneracy.

Well she looks like a Prime_Eight



You dirty spics need to up your game or else you're going over the wall


You're trying to communicate with a bunch of crypto-jews who have been tricked into believing that cutting off their foreskin is the only way to keep it clean, when in actuality it requires no effort to keep your dick clean.

It fucking cleans itself you bunch of screbs, it's just when you're a kid and you haven't popped a diamond yet that there's an issue.

The fuck have we got here

Stop this terrible meme and go out and pay a prostitute.

lmao yea fam nyckas out'chyea on dat twitter beef nigga gotta nigga goin rabid right chyea family ya already know what it is monica mo fuggin vidya games right chyea fam

he's cute

I'm pretty sure they could boil water back then user.


a fictional hacker group in watch dogs 2.

ubisoft is talking shit on Holla Forums.

Kill yourself for supporting degeneracy.

Suicide is degeneracy. Consider applying to be euthanized.


where can i turn into a jew?

Go home slug.

"Was anyone at the time of his call already circumcised? Let him not seek to remove the marks of circumcision. Was anyone at the time of his call uncircumcised? Let him not seek circumcision". 1 Corinthians 7:18

The only normal looking guy is the one on the right. Everyone else is a tryhard edgelord.


For the low low LOW price of only THREE US dollars, you too can become one of God's Chosen People! Sign up now by calling us at 1-800-385-8469. Make sure to have your credit card ready!

Three dollar fee is renewing daily. Goyim membership license may or may not entitle one to the same rights and privileges granted to God's Chosen People. Additional fees may be incurred.

Its not enough Ubisoft had to parody Trump. They're going all fucking out progressive with this one. All that's missing is a female president and NPCs with Hijabs everywhere


They're not dense. They are willfully ignorant.

You know your full of shit because the Talmud was written before Christ and Christianity came into existence right?

The talmud was finalized much later than the bible. Around 400 A.D.

Welp. That's fucking it. Its fucking official. Holla Forums is officially the fucking protagonist of a AAA game title. We are reaching heights in just a couple years 4chan hasn't been able to reach in their whole existence

Praise kek brothers


Why do you even have a twitter? you autist

But Holla Forums would be the guys backing Trump (Thruss?) right?

I hope Thruss has his own supporting hackers (Holla Forums) and the tumblrinas are Prime8, with both of them being pretty shitty in their own ways. I don't want a love conquers all ending, please no more of those.

Are you actually retarded you idiot kike? The male population of Japan is over 33% circumcised.

Really? I know Prime8s leader is a dyke but I thought they were the boogeymen of the game? They don't support Thruss? I've only been half-following this shit so forgive my ignoracne

>Prime_Eight eight's not a fucking prime number.

I wonder if her group will have any black people in it?

Or if you could hack into her insulin pump?

How about a Escape from LA type of ending?

An massive EMP device goes off, all electrical devices fail (so no more hacking from any side), everyone gets fucked.

I haven't followed it at all. I imagine what will happen if they go the basic route is that there will be no Holla Forums parallel, Prime8 will just be edgy progressive types who will have minor problems with the antag, but then they both unravel some corruption scheme with Thruss and unite.

I'd rather have it be a clusterfuck of moral ambiguity, but it's fucking Ubisoft.

Looked it up

I bet I could trigger Lenni.

So she's pretty much Zoe Quinn?

These Canadien fucks need to stop.


I read a scifi story about just that. "Coming Attraction", where it's considered unfashionable or vile for women to show their faces, although everything else is fine.

why are retards overusing the term troll, it's up to the point where troll now basically means "Person I don't like".

This is what happens when you get your information about technology from Pop-culture and Wikipedia.

Was getting caught part of your plan?

Because of an increase in useless faggots that can't troll.

When facebook was still in its wild west stage we had a nice cozy niche trolling the fuck out of chavvy fishwives with outrageous shit, we had fake accounts that passed for real life group of shitty, dickhead waster teenagers, it was top zozzles. We knew the fun was about to be over when faggots started doing it with blatantly fake names and pictures of celebrities for their profile pictures.

But is right, Lenni is written up like a troll. Whether Ubisoft will actually have the balls to put anything edgy in is only for time to tell. They haven't alienated me because all I did was buy the Far Cry series except for Primal. I'm fully aware of how shit they are right now though. I'll probably pirate it first and give it a purchase and troll the fuck out of the new multiplayer modes, my friend bought it and we fucked off the objectives and spent every spawn driving into people with Taco trucks.

I'm going to bet the fat bitch is going to end up being "DID NOTHING WRONG" tier.

A man can dream.

The Torah was written before Christ, the Talmud was not. The Talmud was written hundreds of years after Christ based on verbal teachings that had accumulated over time and by pure coincidence is exactly where you find most of this shit.

no what the fuck happened THERE?

Why does mark or whoever is in the picture have all of those watermelons? Why is he looking at them as if he is deciding what to do with them? I require context.


I guess this is about to start.

How does this feel ?


IDK. It seems to be a waste of a watermelon. I'd rather buy a tenga.

Time to go back, Holla Forums.