Democrats and the MSM Going for the 25th Amendmant

IU hate these fucking kikes so much, first it's Russia and now this. Didn't Alex Jones say something about this kind of thing?

Kikes are desperate to remove him. If this fails (((they))) will just get the EU and chinkland to declare war on america.
This will probably fail unless kiked everything was done to lie against trump.

If they pull this off the republicans will be out for blood. Anyone who they see as a democrat like McCain would be dead meat.

jackass let them lure his people away and now they're gonna stab him

that's what the juden filth is going for user , that's one of the few cards (( (they))) have left to play

Theyve been screaming about the 25th since the man took his oath.

With what army

With what navy?

Chinks have the bodies
EU has the transportation from their navy. This is assuming russia doesn't get forced to play along.

Do they seriously want to open that can of worms? Desperation, nothing but. Dure go ahead you dumb commies, this will open up the pandora's box that will lead to any democrat officials who have schizophrenia, bipolar, anxiety and anything else ie that's a lot of them
Now I know being a tranny isn't considered a mental illness anymore but any tranny in any position of authority always list off a fuckload of other mental disorders along with it.

Go right ahead you dumbasses.

Basically a bunch of people in non-APA organizations screaming "REEEEEEEEE" at the top of their lungs. Nothing will come of this, but if it did; well that would set the precedent to basically remove any and everyone from office if they engage in wrong think. How long would it be before most of us were shipped off to the asylum to be memory holed away from the populace?

What do you think ADD and ADHD is for?


Didn't even think about that. I have some very random thinking, and it has helped me a lot of my life. Being able to think of many possible solutions all at once has helped me in my professional life. Now, we would classify such thought as ADD / ADHD and medicate a person to make them "normal". Personally I can't image what it is like to not be able to journey through ones own thoughts. The only thing more fun than that is to stop and try to discover the thought process that brought you there, which often tells you more about your feelings and struggles than any other person could ever. Not to quote (really paraphrase) South Park, but for every kid who actually needs that medication there are about 50,000 on it who don't.

You're literally retarded.

Can a sitting President sue for defamation?

No, it is the weird function of American law. The higher up you go as a public figure the more difficult it becomes for you to sue for slander, libel or defamation. By the time you are the POTUS it is pretty much impossible.

Then its law over, organize your squad. I know however that the kikes won't do that, this is only a way for Jews who speak for the Republicans to garner support for what Israel is about to do. Any big catastrophe would save the white race, the Jew knows this of course that's why Trump won't be impeached. Even he does things Jewry disagrees with upending him would be to dangerous, that is why they kvetch so much because they can't get rid of him without consequences as what was supposed to happen with Hillary and WWIII.

Like if they stil let that Ginsberg supremes court judge work then nobody can say shut a it mental health

Can't actually prosecute a kike for doing such a thing, that'd be blood libel!

This won't pass simply because it could be used against them (McCain, Pelosi, Waters, etc) in the future.

This is some extreme grasping at straws.

they're fucking retarded

it's all theatre

If Trump was serious these traitors would be pissing their pants in prison by now. It's all just an excuse.

If Obama gave us trump, then imagine what we will get for the RINOs and the Demrats causing that to happen.