Cop Kills Guy Who Steals His Clip

Video shows Huntington Beach officer struggling with suspect before fatal shooting

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Hopefully a bum

Kind of not really Holla Forums related, but have a kike free first post nonetheless


kill yourself

Instead of helping the officer who was struggling, they reach for their phone instead. Then they sell the footage to the news with some social justice bullshit about how the cop not have shot him but then not imply that he should have done anything and wait for back up. The suggestion of using a taser or mace doesn't even come up. The cop is defacto wrong in their idiotic brains.

I thought it was well known that if you try to take anything off a cops belt you will be shot? Isnt that kind of the rule there? I mean you are physically assaulting the cop and stealing shit from him so why shouldnt you be shot?

Serious question: How do you rip the video from that site? Youtube-dl is telling me to fuck off.

come on man if the dude eats your first 5 bullets you gotta let him live plus the dude was standing still when the officer fired. bad police work but im not gonna say he should be thrown in jail for it.


How is this a bad thing? Liberals just can't understand that people are getting tired of their little temper tantrums they've been throwing for the past few years.

It was a magazine.
A magazine is a box that holds rounds, they can either be detachable (like most modern magazines) or built-in. Built-in magazines mostly seen in shotguns in modern firearms production.
A clip is a little strip of metal that holds rounds to be loaded into a firearm with a built-in magazine.

You keep firing until the subject no longer poses a threat, dumbass. He had his back to the officer and did not put his arms out. Vid related for how "running away" means dick-all

Also, lol at how much trouble the HB officer had with his retention holster

Somebody post a webm, I'm not using the LA Times.

Pretty much this.

There is no "shoot them in the leg" nonsense. It's "shoot to eliminate the threat." If the officer draws, you die unless you immediately drop to the ground and go spread-eagle, and even then there is a chance he will fire on reflex.
The problem is in the (((legal system))). If Officer Whiteman shoots Tyrone's dick off and Tyrone lives, Tyrone can go to Shekelstein, Goldstein, and Schutz law firm and have Schlomo Shekelstein represent him in court to sue the state for over 6 gorillion dollars.

>(((conveniently))) only starts recording after everything that 100% justifies the copy's actions already finished
Every time.

>come to our website hidden behind a (((bit dot ly))) link to see the whole thing goy
What a shit video.

When will they learn?

How bad was the last nigger riot? Could it bleed over into this?

webm nigger


Get off this board you statist commie swine.

Ever notice that everything considered wrong in modern society has a kike loophole? It's normally seen as wrong to stand there like a faggot coward and do nothing when people need help… but if you (((film))) it for (((The Media))), it's OK to passively stand there and watch people die. Almost every moral rule has a kike loophole.

I sure hope you're a (1) because you've killed yourself.

Kill yourself cuck, he deserved to die.

I have only one criticism for the system of law and thought that says "You must do exactly what a man in a police-looking uniform says or risk life/limb:" How do I know that uniformed individual isn't MS-13 dressed up in police-looking clothing?! With the use of unmarked/undercover cars, what's the difference between a cop + unmarked Dodge Charger and MS-13 in false-flag garb and his Dodge Charger?

The cop didn't need to shoot him for reaching for something like a clip, what the fuck can't you teach the police to fire warning shots, or shoot at his legs?


Nigger are you actually retarded? It's been explained 3 times in the thread. You shoot to kill, you don't shoot to wound.

Truly nigger logic.

You're either a European or a leftist. Which is it?

Nigger tier logical fallacy. It's called The Straw Man.

Funny you criticize a justice system which has lower re-imprisonment rates.



Never shot a gun in your life, have you bloke?

Is that really funny to you? What a faggot.

Yeah, no fucking shit.

No we can't. Americans are Anglos, and Anglos being good goy Christians, have a total, complete, fire-and-brimstone view of correcting bad behavior (i.e. they prefer to punish/retribute rather than teach/reform). It goes back hundreds of years to the days of draw+quarter for smaller crimes like theft. Anglos have had a hard-on for brutality for much of its history.

Here's a solution to police killings like this in self-defense: take their guns and quadruple the salaries of the beat/traffic officers. Start using de-escalation methods rather than escalation ones. Guy you pull over speeds off and refuses to pull over? So what his plate is on camera, unless you have reason to think someone's life is immediately in danger inside the vehicle just piss off and let a better trained team handle it rather than a single traffic cop. Guy like this starts swinging and you're alone? Back off, keep him in sight, call for backup.

If I served on this cop's criminal jury and civil jury, I'd acquit on the criminal charges but convict on the civil ones. This is rodeo shit and needs to be stopped.

Police and sheriff's depantments need to stop being modern shoguns and start being psych ward orderlies.

departments r/n are neighbors on Dvorak



My bad, meant to post this vid

does youtube-dl work on twitter then?

ID of truth

You're conflating again, kike.
All that brutality shit occurred after kikes invaded England with William the Conqueror, then again with Cromwell. All the infamous shit with the (((inquisition))) was usually due to crypto-kikes as well. The amount of white psychopaths is vanishingly small compared to the almost 100% psychopathy rate in kikes.

What part of '>good goy christians' did you miss? Christianity and kikes are inseparable.

In a free state:

be citizen, some faggot assaults and robs you: shoot him dead
be cop, some faggot assaults and robs you: shoot him dead

The cop did nothing zimzam didn't do. Both shoots were good. Maybe you cucks should learn that if you talk shit you'll get hit.

christianity is a religion, jewishness is genetic.

Dude was probably high, this course of events make no sense. Looks at how he stays close to a cop that he stole a magazine from, it makes no sense. Not even running or anything. When the cop got some distance it was clearly that he planned on shooting him.

great, so basically punish the taxpayers instead of the kike's hired thug who needlessly killed an unarmed goy(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

perp looks high as a fucking kite. Complete dumbass.
I also blame israeli training for that perp getting shot instead of batoned and cuffed. Skinny little faggot like that, even high, you should be able to baton the living shit out of him, full mount, joint manipulate him onto his belly, cuff.

Get the fuck out, TRSodomite.

I agree, the cop probably shot him because of what he did though. He tried to rob a cop's magazine, the cop probably though he had a gun or knife on him and didn't want to his it since such an insane individual would probably act in unpredictable ways while being detained.

I agree, the cop probably shot him because of what he did though. He tried to rob a cop's magazine, the cop probably thought he had a gun or knife on him and didn't want to risk it since such an insane individual would probably act in unpredictable ways while being detained.

Not a very good definition, a magazine is a spring powered cartridge feeding device, everything else is a clip.

They only have an entire holy book that is all loopholes for their own rules.


pretty sure it does, but if you go to and click play, you can then right click and download an mp4. This also works for shit normally embedded in twitter that won't let you save it otherwise.

and even that definition falls apart when discussing manually cycled (pump or lever) type tube magazines, but it fits better to exclude mannlicher/en-bloc clips from being magazines

The government has a monopoly on violence. That's the entire point of the government, moron.

Yeah, grabbing the shit off the belt, plus the perp being high, I don't blame the cop at all, he was well within his rights to do it. I just would have approached the situation entirely differently and I'd be really upset if a guy I had trained acted like that. I've seen too many cops with zero groundwork ability. That said, from the vid it looked like some spic, shitskin or other mud, so no loss either way.

i hold officers of the law to a standard fuckboy. this dipshit wasnt threatened when he started dumping rounds.

Not in a free state, which is the whole point of the United States of America and the 2nd amendment which guarantees the ability to own and bear arms and form militias against tyranny. As far as I know the USA is the only country on the planet where overthrowing a tyrannical government is codified in the law. That's why it has taken the kikes so long (relatively) to subvert the USA. Frankly I think it needs to be codified further, where tyranny is defined in the constitution (creating unenforceable laws and selectively enforcing it, all other types of unequal enforcement of the law) and murder is acquitted in cases of tyranny exactly like acquittals for self-defense. imo it's desperately needed.



We aren't in anarchy, friendo. We are a Constitutional Republic. Limited government, not a lack of government. Again, one feature of a government is the monopoly on violence. That's not optional. The government either has a monopoly on violence or it's not a government.

Did you murder someone? You're culpable because you don't have a right to violence. However, you broke the law, which means that the monopoly of violence, the government, will detain you using violence. If the government cannot enforce its laws, then it lacks a monopoly on violence and it's not a government. Comprende?

What are you talking about, fag? Citizens have a right to self defense, even against officers of the law if they're acting unlawfully. Plenty of people have been acquitted.
We do need a consitutional amendment to allow for the proactive killing of tyrants, however.

What are you talking about, fag? Citizens have a right to self defense, even against officers of the law if they're acting unlawfully. Plenty of people have been acquitted.
We do need a constitutional amendment to allow for the proactive killing of tyrants, however.

it's technically already legal, tyrants are traitors to the constitution and you can shoot traitors on sight
i dont think it has been done and justified in such a way though
ultimatley violence, not law, rules over men

Actually that's not a feature, that's an add-on. Government centralizes and projects force, but on its own it is no monopoly.

And they've done the same with our civilization.

Yes, the monopoly on violence is not optional. This isn't my opinion, this is basic theory of government. If it does not have the monopoly on violence, being the only accepted organization who can allow and engage on violence, then it's not a government, it's just another faction. The government decides who gets to do violence under what circumstances (i.e. self defense), and will decide when to use its own violence (laws).

And we already have Constitutional rights to revolt against a tyrannical government, it's called the second amendment.



Of course.

Every time.

Again, the problem is the "need" to immediately subdue/arrest on-the-spot. Most of these slayings would mean nothing if the moment is allowed to de-escalate and the person is picked up later. Sure, he has a gun, but the chances of him actually fucking someone's day up within the next 24 hours is pretty low. Very unlikely that he would have stopped to shoot the cop at a distance, and more likely he would have hit the bush.

In the face of non-compliance, our police behave just like Chinese 'police' did when they were cleaning up the opium addiction crisis. See a problem? Shoot it.

The problem is, cops should be paid some 4-5x their current salary to take on a greater risk of harm, and be disarmed for most duties (or at least imprison-able for using deadly force in lieu of non-deadly force or de-escalation).

Can someone set this to the Macarena song?


Fucking lolberg niggerfaggot.

here you go, user


This guy…

Holy shit, did this even make sense in your own head?

I personally liked that one tbh

Pretty sure his numbers are based on the good old times when there were barely any non-humans running around.

Fyi reb z is broadcasting a stand off with the cops in St Charles

Except if the government had a monopoly on violence in the USA, it'd be illegal to defend yourself, which is what you have in cucked European countries.

That should only the case for when cops attend scenes with whites. It's irrelevant if shitskins, kikes, or other muds get shot.


All criminals deserve death.

Not all magazines are spring powered.

Clips load magazines. Cartridges are fed from magazines into the chamber. It's really that simple.

You deserve poison gas.

dead crims > dead cops.

Why the fuck would a cop not just give warning shots? Let me guess if somebody grabs a cops radio, they can shoot you? Bullshit.

warning shots are illegal


The nigger literally tried to steal his gun or a part of it. That's always grounds for lethal force for obvious reasons. Dumbfuck wanted suicide by cop and got it. Shouldn't have tried to take someone's ammo and think you wouldn't get mag dumped for it.

The problem is twiggy there didn't have enough mass. The way he was twitching those rounds were likely going straight thru.

It wasnt until enough trauma caused the blood pressure drop that caused him to sack o potatoes down to the ground. .45 would have done the same thing but with less rounds left.

All in all its about shot placement and that cop had horrible placement for most of those. Had he hit the heart lile that trans guy had been twiggy would have crumpled into a junkie heap far quicker.

cop needs to be fired

here's your (you), kike
A little slow on the mouse today, Chaim. that index finger must be slippery from sticking it up your rabkike's ass last night.

So taking something off a person's belt is robbery and assault? But not with the cops do it, amirite?
How does that boot leather taste?

It's a bad thing because if you or I shot someone for taking something off our belt, we would spend the rest of our lives in prison.
Some people are what's known as "authoritarian-submissive" and are attracted (sometimes sexually) to authority figures. For such people just about anything an authority figure, especially a cop does, they will find a way to justify.
If you're ok with the attack dogs of the Jewish political class having the impunity to shoot people for taking an object then I suspect you fall into that class.
Should toddlers in kindergarten also be allowed to use lethal force if a classmate picks up one of their wooden blocks?
Police forces reject candidates with high IQs, this is one of the reasons that American cops are so dangerous.

Why the fuck would a european comment on matters pertaining to firearms?

That's not true, nigger. If you were in fear for your life you can and he has probably cause to be because he went for a part of his GUN.

It's easy to spot a cop sucker, they blurt out the cop's own internal policies as a moral justification for their actions.
What if the cop books, also had a policy which said "you shoot the person who expresses right-wing views"?
Well don't worry, I'll tell you what would happen. When the videos of right-wingers being shot for their beliefs started flooding in, people like you would squeal "you shoot anyone who expresses right-wing views, dumbass."
Cops tend to have low IQs and a strong desire for power to dominate the weak but are often weak themselves (mentally and/or physically, America is the only country with fat cops.) So instead of self-improvement and working towards a position of natural, organic power (where your power comes from within, intellect, might, wit, skill), they join the police force and are handed VICARIOUS power. When someone fears a cop, it is not the cop they are afraid of, it is the gun he is carrying and the government which backs him up.
Think of the little kid who brings his older brother to bully his betters.

You're already shifting the goalposts, that should tell you I'm right.
If you're in fear of your life then you're shooting for self-defense and to prevent imminent violence and you better be able to prove it.
A reasonable man would not fear for his life on the grounds that someone took something from his belt and ran away.
So again, any non-cop (inb4 'that's a civilian', because cops are civilians too, despite their delusions of being military men) who shot in these circumstances would get life in prison, they might even get the death penalty depending on who their victim was.
You fucking know it.
Also theft is when you deprive a person of their property with the intention of keeping it.
Snatching something as a joke or to annoy them, with the intention of shortly dropping it or giving it back is NOT theft.

*permanently depriving them of it.

If it's all about shot placement and not about energy transfer than howcome everyone doesn't just carry .22? :^)

Youre in the wrong place faggot. Touch my belt and youre dead.. Youre not American are you nigger?

rimlock fgt. Clearly everybody should be carrying 25acp.

such shilling

Stoner shitskin detected

Woah there, we want the suspect to be identifiable. You shoot him with a .22 and it'll bounce around inside him and turn him to mush.

Imagine a world where the law isn't so jewish.

The cop did nothing wrong, Jamal.

(((Critical theory))) shilling kike get out.

Because I'm sure your presence in your neighborhood is going to keep the niggers and beaners at bay, and your detective skills approach the level of the Bat-Man. If you were half as smart as you think you are, you'd maintain some level of verbal security and stop talking shit if you were capable of doing shit.

Because .22 has no energy to transfer compared to even .380

Bare minimum for self defense should be .380, 9mm has a bit more kinetic energy along with enough spread on a hollow point to do enough tissue trauma to bring someone down with again, proper placement.

You can pump 8 rounds of 10mm auto into someones gut but without enough blood loss or hitting the heart, or enough shots to the lung you wont have the quick drop you need to stop an attacker.

Point is most rounds will likely pass right through a twig like in op video, but tell me a direct shot to the heart will not drop him. You want to carry .45 ay see pee fine, but denying where you hit is of the utmost importance is a delusion.

this shit looks fake as fuck

What are the chances he's affiliated with Antifa?

one dead faggot

this is bait

Except it doesn't yet you dumb fucking nigger.

The criminal in this case was the police officer and he's looking at voluntary manslaughter charges and 3 to 11 years in prison. Being a pig in prison is gonna be tough.

unironically this. excepting ridiculous calibres like 50AE and 44mag, handgun rounds do not have enough energy to possess stopping power. shot placement and shot number are the only really influential factors in stopping a threat with a handgun, and for these you want high capacity, low recoil rounds.
22 would be my go-to carry calibre if i was't concerned about weak strikes, hard primers, rimlock, ftes, shitty magazines. 25 is a good second choice, but again you really don't have any handguns that take advantage of the caliber
the ideal cc handgun is a doublestack 25 with a 20+ rd mag

Hello, /k/

retarded article fam. as i argued, stopping power by dint of energy is largely a meme in pistol calibres, which the article says is false but provides no data to evidence such. then the fag goes on to compare expansion of a 45 hp to a 22 fmj as evidence that shot placement is key, and you get a much larger probability of vital hit with non 22 calibres. biased? you decide.
i stopped reading there tbh. as you can see from my oekaki, there really is little difference is stopping power og pistol calibres

What was this idiot trying to achieve by stealing the mag?

Probably wanted to get a proper read of the situation.

luckily a clip was taken of the incident



Holy shit, I never noticed that bucktooth slope behind the executioner

so this is just another fucking rodney king?

depends on what you're doing. .22lr is plenty to kill someone from a headshot. commonly used by ranchers to kill lame animals. the minimum really is .32 ACP, used to take down thick skull animals.

If someone tries to take my weapon, that's deadly force, and I have the right to respond in-kind because I live in a relatively uncucked state.

dont worry. you're already getting the taste of the nigger in your lands. weakling.

You are aware the police are allowed to shoot and kill white people with little to no provocation also?

that what happens when you take the cops M1 Garand clip

I'd watch too, hoping it was a fellow user, taking down a ZOGbot

go monitor reddit you fucking ZOGbot. I hope you get lead pilled

Police departments around the country regularly reject high iq individuals and academics and actively weed them out during the application and interview process, because being a police officer for the most part is a very dull, boring job and people with high intelligence tend to quit the job and look for something more challenging. There were a couple of high profile lawsuits and as far as i know it remains standard practice to weed out applicants with a high IQ. You can't discriminate based on race, but you can discriminate based on on IQ, which is why there are so many shitskins and niggers on the police force.


Except we do try to reform criminals, it's called the prison system and it barely works. People are more likely to reform when they see an immediate consequence of their actions. You wouldn't try to stop a violent dog by trying to talk to and "understand" it.

Why the fuck are you grabbing a cop's radio in the first place?

Hopefully he was antifa, too.


Looks like a Skrillix fan


Fun fact: you’re going to be punished when we get our hands on you and that punishment will be death. Reform yourself now.

Good. The thief's body should be burned and his ashes thrown in middle east.

maybe he stole the ammo for his own gun, would you risk it and not shoot him? faggot

He would've shot warning shots to the leg with a taser.

until he'd get out the taser, the thief would load his own gun and shoot the cop

You should shoot a warning shot to your temple.

What more memes do I have to add to make it more obvious?

At that range and stationary you could just aim for the fucking head and kill them with a .22 ffs

I'm tried of this shit.

The cop did nothing wrong, that degenerate deserved to die. You are not white.

This is why 8cuck is fucking shit.

One police department decided to do that and one a court case saying they could, now europeans and faggots (like this guy: ) believe that's proof that every police department in the country does it.


How much of a pussy are you? If that was in 50's America he would get a slap and told to fuck off, you dumb nigger. You're defending (((police tactics))) probably taught from isreal.

Good. Fucking. Goy.

So when the cop is convicted, would you rather hang him or give him the chair?


Fighting flips taught the US Army the value of .45ACP.

Not really. He is punk kid and should have been handled as such. He flicked his hair with a magazine in his hand and got 10 shots put in him by a spic in jewnited states of America.

If you cannot see how bad this is, then you're too far gone. The kid needed redirecting not putting into the ground.


This actually clears things up quite a lot. Why the fuck would you attack a cop who has a gun pointed at you?

Never works out.

Also that *jump* the twinklet does in the first second is strange. Was he shot then too?

Yeah, pretty devastating. The fight was over and he executed him, because his ego was hurt. Small cells for small men.

Somethings fucky.
Note how the guy filming does not flinch at all when the shots are fired. The assailant ignoring his wounds can be explained with methamphetamine, but the guy filming should not be this calm at a firearm discharging in his vicinity unless he grew up in a warzone.

Goddamnit, Mark.

I don't think so: The cop stayed on top the whole time, made efforts to not have to discharge his weapon until it seemed like the kid made off with something on his belt and that was a potential threat (can't check your belt in the heat of things that easily)


**>Be a burger

The man is either retarded or mentally ill. You don't assault officers and get off lightly. The justice system will fuck you.

It looks like the guy is out of his mind, which is going to make this suicide by cop.

Option 1) a brilliant staged play produced by the elite or option 2) antifa bamn blm nambla etc convinced self hating cucks to commit suicide by cop option 3) drugged out loser
