Who do you think the real "axis of evil" is?
For my money, it's the Khazar "jews" who now inhabit what is referred to as Israel, the Bolshevik "jews" who make up 100% of Russia's oligarchy, and the Insectoid Chinese.
Who do you think the real "axis of evil" is?
For my money, it's the Khazar "jews" who now inhabit what is referred to as Israel, the Bolshevik "jews" who make up 100% of Russia's oligarchy, and the Insectoid Chinese.
You got it, nothing to add from me
Seems right to me, OP.
Yes but also American christcucks and Slavs with lots of mongol DNA tbh (pls no DNC accusations)
what are you sliding, schlomo?
Israel-America-Saudia Arabia
No contest.
Seems legit there Schlomo.
Now hold up, I'm talking about puppet masters, not useful idiots
>not on (((my Holla Forums)))
Daily Reminder
Between the US and Israel, you've accounted for 80%+ of the world's Jews. The only other country in the world even approaching 1 million Jews is France at 465k.
Let that sink in: France has 465k Jews and is the third largest Jewish population in a country besides US/Israel. Nobody else even exceeds 400k.
Also, nice (((trick))) misrepresenting my argument.
Canada and the UK have more Jews than Russia
Costa Rica and Denmark have more Jews than China
Once again, that's not what I said.
That is a very good (((trick))) though, trying to make me defend a point that isn't quite what I said.
Argentina very-likely has more Jews than Russia
Singapore and India have more Jews than China
hue hue hue
Right, I specifically said the Bolshevik jews who now make up the Russian oligarchy. They have a lot of money and a desire to push communism.
I didn't say "Russia"
At this point, it's very obvious that you're a shill. If you can't accept that there are puppet states and organizations that have controllers you are bluepilled beyond redemption or literally a kike.
Also, choosing to make fun of certain terms is a classic COINTEL technique used to divide a community.
To add, there have been a lot of attempts on this board to discredit the idea of the Chinese being a credible threat. You are likely part of that, or, as I said before, bluepilled beyond redemption
its jews
unnecessary thread is all Im sayin
I think it's worthwhile to discuss though. We have far more enemies than just the jews, and it's important to recognize them. I see single post IDs swoop in to try and discredit any anti-chinese sentiment.
Paying attention is key, it's good to be wary. This thread could admittedly be considered "low-effort" but I no-bamboozle wanted to actually discuss this.
Don't forget crypto-jew Saudi Arabia, also known as the Dönmeh:
Truly poor attempt, Schlomo.
This might help OP.
Complicated tho.
Why does every paid agent on here always tie being a jew to their enemy? Isn't it weird that you are being paid by jews to try and make people hate your enemies by calling them jews?
Can someone accurately explains how Vlad is a jew puppet when he bombs Israels proxy army on a daily basis and has 3 military bases surrounding Israel while also allowing Iran to build a naval base in Latakia?
understandable have a good day
I'm a bit ambivalent towards the Chinks. On the one hand, they kill Tibetans and most of the biggest cities harbor actual ant people. On the other hand, they also kill and shame muslims as well as reject multiculturalism. Probably add Arabs to that group.
Turks are a mixed bag. Eastern Anatolians are alright folk. Byzantine Turks and Inner Anatolians are the scum of the Earth.
word filter test :^)
Christ ianity
He has access to all the evidence that USSR faked and fabricated stories about the holocaust (all Bolshevik POW camps that were not inspected by the Americans were deemed death camps), but he fails to come forth with it.
He has access to all the evidence that USSR faked and fabricated stories about the holocaust (all Bolshevik labor camps that were not inspected by the Americans were deemed death camps), but he fails to come forth with it.
Kike detected. "Oy gevalt the modern jews aren't real jews, you goyim should keep larping as israelites! Praise jesus!"
A jew is a jew is a jew. Jews today are just as evil as jews at any point in history. Israel must burn again.
Insectoid chinese were a goy golem toy that got out of control.
What about the Black Nobility families? Aren't kikes just pawns of these ancient bloodlines?
Kikes are still an issue, undoubtedly, but they get their orders from somewhere.
U fokkin wot m8?
Agreed, OP. If you match up the behaviours and stereotypes of the chinks and kikes you'll find they are near identical. That's why they are a threat and must be destroyed.
Daily reminder
There are more jews in NYC than in Tel Aviv.
Merely golems. They bought the Shofield Bible hook line and sinker.
This. Transparent CIA post.
Criminally unchecked trips. Wew lad.
Jews, Muslims, Chinese