Is Russia a scam?

Is Russia a scam?

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Sounds like a joke but at the very least you could have posted the damn page

Fuck you amerrican cunt. Ur cuntry is a scam

Search engine gave me this page, the game doesn't really seem to show any signs of it being bad other "Memes" being a tag

From what I've read, this game is nothing more than a giant Russian in-joke. Russian memes, internet humor, celebs.

Its a literal meme game made by ruskies for ruskies

Russians need to be genocided.

да товарищ

These sound like the tags a Holla Forums joke game would have.


Ever since they abandoned the imperator, yes.

Do you realize that Russia is the country less likely to be destroyed by any means and Russians perhaps the most resilient people on the planet?

Literally, Russia could blow out the pacific rim today, make Yellowstone erupt and cause worldwide destruction of apocalyptic levels and ALL that would happen to Russia would be some tremors and a BETTER climate? Literally every western country lives thanks to Russia's goodwill, and that's why they're so assmad to destroy it.

The moment the west let an eastern empire (China & Russia) gain nukes, it was all over. Both western Europe and the US are too geographically vulnerable to ever hope to prevail in a nuclear war.

Whу оф buттhurt, comraде?

He had it coming. Would've lost to natsees too.

Back to your containmentboard, commieswine.

You first.

Какого хуя пидорас мэддисон еще не здох?

I'm not a commie.

Yeah, no board can contain this.

Russia is a fake country, the slavs just never got the joke.

Your loss.

What are you talking about Putin is in power right now :^)

look at this retard

Russia economy is crashing and to the point where consumers are having a hard time to buy food till the end of the month, their money is toilet paper and your middle class is doomed, making you a future poorfag country with a microscopic rich elite.
And this, just thanks to the economic sanctions from US and Europe.
The only thing preventing Russia from crashing like Argentina a few years ago is Europe and US goodwill.

Nah, you can't stay a teenager forever, no matter how hard you try, user.

You can leave anytime, friendo.

He's ok. Gloryfying stalin is fucking ridiculous though.


Yeah. As living between western Europe and Russia, the latter has entirely different demands for doing business with. You basically should never ever trust a russian in anything. Too many scammers.

Ever wondered why there's a shitload of russian dashcam accident vids on youtube?
1. because they generally are irresponsible pricks who don't pay attention in traffic
2. because insurance and settlement frauds related to traffic are so common that you need a camera to potentially defend yourself in court

They ain't all bad, some can be quite cool, but never turn your back on them.

60% W H I T E

N I C E T O S E E Y O U, B U T T H U R T A M E R I K I K E.

I'd live in USA over Russia any day. Atleast in USA niggers are color coded.

Russia was already beyond fucked 20+ years ago, the roaring 90s, it was a fucking dystopian countrywide gulag run by the mob.

Your prognosis is shit because it doesnt incorporate that, things have actually gotten far better for a lot of people, the "middle class" is practically a new development in russia, your hyperbole is debatable to say the least. The recent sanctions hit them but they ended up hitting europe too, which was probably the intent all along.

The claim that Russsian survival hinges on "europe and US goodwill" is preposterous and shows you dont know what the fuck you are talking about, in fact russia is in the process of making itself quite sustainable indeed, the only area where they are still lagging behind is pharmaceuticals, and that is mainly a patent problem

You are obviously butthurt about russia for some ethnic reason which prevents you from attempting an accurate analysis, but the more sober minds from both east and west that arent a bunch of transatlantic mouthpieces generally agree that they are more "up and coming" than they are falling apart, and the US establishment is incredibly salty about this+ putins often shrewd geopolitcal moves, especially in Syria. They want russia out of the picture so that they can start to face the problem of china in the endless game of global hegemony


hi russia

Du kannst mir ein blasen Sumpfnigger, ich bin Deutsch

No wonder the EU gets so rattled about Russia, it's everything they wish they could be.

Russia is noble and would never scam. Now tell me your bank account number and associated documentations bourgeois.

who is this daemon of semen?

He's clearly not a russian if he loves Putin that much.

i knew man, i fucking knew it

Is the liberator dick still stuck in Oma?

Do you have any more of those Ancap shit-take images? They always crack me up.

yeah, sure thing.

I dont love putin but i do think its great that he pisses off the anglo (((establishment))) so much, they are so insanely salty about the fact that they dont get to balkanize russia its making them slip up in all sorts of places

Your enemies enemy is your friend, its called being a pragmatist.

always thinking about rape, its like the only thing you historical casuals remember of ww2

Im from the north fyi, so no russkies here, only brits and since they are a bunch of fags that have been buggering each other since boarding school they didnt rape anyone, just shot some of the geese

The russians and the germans did horrible things to each other, war on an apocalyptic scale that dwarfs just about anything humanity has ever done to itself. Everytime we fight both sides come out battered to within an inch of their life, surrounded by corpses

Think of what we could have done to the rest of you if we had been on the same side..



Shit, these are pretty good.

Normally I would agree but ever since Crimea people love him. He keep using these tricks but I suppose he it works on me too he is going something right.

German women welcomed liberation with open arms and hearts.

that fourth one is great

lul where is the one about firing tow missiles at your neighbors child bride wedding, also got any of them anarcho primitivist ones I cant find em

I found some more on leftypol

a lot of em sure did for the burger boys, then again they were barely fighting a war and had a lot of fucking coffee, cigs and chocolate with them…

about the anarcho-primitivist…i don't got any of them.
get new ones from my private collection instead.


So close. You got anymore Aussie ones?


no mate, ain't got anymore of them, sorry.

thumbs up mane

jesus the ancap ones are getting dark as fuck, ancap dystopia game when