Huntsville Trump Rally

Donald Trump will appear in Huntsville Alabama today to endorse Big Luther "Israel First" Strange.
So far no signs of Antifa.
Doors open at 4pm. Rally from 7-9pm central.
phoneposting sorry for the shit OP

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Does anyone even care anymore?

So many obese old people. Wew.

Just old people by the looks of it.

Pretty much. Niggers too.

So far the Boomers think if we quit countering Antifa that they will just go away. Sad.

Amerifats for a reason.

Freedom aint free

There is a nigger mason here working for the rally. Looks to be doing PR work and is handing out lanyards to the people that will be on camera. I'll try to find him again and get a picture.

I think you mean based black man, fellow magapede

keep us updated m8!
your duties are respected and savored.

magapede jesus christ

Nope. Its a nigger with a mason hat.

Will do user. For any Anons that might come, look for the 8 of diamonds.

I don't know who to vote for, Moore is nuts and is the chaos candidate but he's Christard. Strange is endorsed by Trump (but rather meekly) and supports building the wall. They both probably shabbos for Israel though.

salute brother. hail victory.

Moore hates fags. Strange cosponsored the bill to make boycotts against Israel illegal. Not a hard choice for me.

Hail victory brother.

Moore. Strange is 100% confirmed cancer, while Moore is less confirmed cancerous.

All I care is race, though. Things are too bleak to get distracted on (important) but secondary issues.

Mason nigger

Blow your fucking brains out.

Crowd is starting to pick up.

BASED mongrel.

Kek. She's being interviewed. BASED.

Same here user. Strange looks to be the most shabbos of the two. I'm not sure how much of a good goy Moore is but Strange has an obvious track record. Plus his chummy relationship with Bentley.

user pls, the politically correct term is spic or guac goblin.

Perhaps, looked like a mutt to me but it could be.

Roy Moore will win.

You should make yourself a 'Fuck America, Support Israel!' sign and get in front of Trump.

I was going to bring some signage but apparently there are not allowing homemade signs in.

I think the size of the line is very telling. If it was him supporting Moore it would be a mile long already. This is a message to Trump that is not him but his message people voted for. Hopefully this will piss him off enough to can all who told him to support Strange. It might just though be wishful thinking banking on Trump's pride.

hope abandoned

My thoughts exactly. Normally the line would wrap around the building. It's quite telling. There are several people here with Roy Moore signs as well.

Fewer people than a Jeb! rally

CNN is gonna have a damn field day

Low energy crowd

I'm out of the loop, niggers. Who are these strange and moore people?

Moore is still over 10 points ahead. Trump's endorsement will hopefully not be enough. People voted for Trump because of the ideas he presented, not because he's Trump. Moore stands for the same ideas, Strange is a run-of-the-mill neocon.

I'm wondering if Trump struck a deal with turtle man, "get my vote to r&r Ocare and Ill endorse Strange". Looks like thats not panning out tho.

Good. People need to let Trump know that theyre displeased. Hope more people voice their opposition to Starnge at the rally, hope he gets booed like that faggot Ryan did.

Even if that's the extent of the crowd-size (unlikely) he'll never connect the dots without some prodding. start a fuck Israel, America First chant

The whole 'Trump's ego' shit is BS i think. I don't think he actually has any pride at all, just a pawn used to move other pawns.

Two cucks, one worse than the other by far… And is supporting the shitty one. IIRC, the nigger even spoke ill of Trump repeatedly, while the other one supported him, and Trump is going full Ziopawn by supporting the Strange nigger.

It'll fail m8. Its the South, which is the US center is dumb christcuck Israel support. Evangelicals and Baptists are utter trash.

Strange is a neocohen, Moore is closer to the America First that people thought they were voting for, but instead got another Israel stooge like Strange. It's not even a surprise Trump is endorsing him.

Blow it out your ass.

Rally @ 7 time is 4 I have 3 hours to fuck around and get shit done outside then come back and

Perhaps we can meme into reality an IsraelFirst platform. 'Sacrifice America for the Greatness of Israel'

Go get a sign made and come back

Here you go faggot. Here is from across the street. If you don't like my reporting then you do it.

His name on the buildings is part of his aesthetic. He APPEARS to be a prideful billionaire, but really he's horribly in debt to the kikes and they rule him. His pride shrivels and dies the moment the kikes tell him to do something.


I think you misunderstood my post, I was speaking about the 'final' crowd-size. The first pictures seemed like not-many people.

They aren't allowing outside signs.


My apologies then user. Too used to shills I guess.

Kek, no worries - this place has went to shit since 'everybody shilling!!'

Mhmm. Thats why Israel is fighting their own war in Syria.

Please, we've heard it all before.

Post a pepe irl


This. The existance and success of Israel is explicitly required for the baptist prophecy to be fufilled. They literally think their rapture won't occur without Israel, and without Israel they can't go to heaven.

So, what happens when ISIS is pushed all the way out of Syria, and the US is still their supplying and reinforcing the gommiemkurdish filth and the 'moderate rebels' that John McCain is so fond of?

Are you fucking serious? You're a god damn liar.

Notice Is-Ra-El is only combating in the area of the oil they want to annex.


Crowd is picking up a bit. I'd estimate around two hundred.


still makes me kek to hear that term used. true newspeak

“It’s pure coincidence that the southwestern border of Greater Kurdistan is also the northeastern border of Greater Israel!”

Again, blow it out your ass.

Any other Anons here?

user-on-the-ground, check for buses when the event is about to start. Also if someone can check the local craigslist or job posting sites to see if there might be a posting for paid rallygoers. I could believe that the swamp wants to artificially hype up Strange.

I’ll tell you, the first time Luther Strange showed up at anything was after Trump won the general election he did a victory tour—we convinced him to come back through Alabama, through Mobile where we started, and say ‘Thank You.’ Luther Strange strong-arms his way through the bureaucracy of being able to speak at that event and he shows up there. That was the first time Luther Strange ever showed his face, ever showed up or spoke up about being a Trump fan. He is a liar. He is an absolute, pathological liar and hopefully the people of Alabama will be able to see through the smokescreen that Mitch McConnell and the political elitists are trying to put forward. I think that’s what galls me more than anything.

We didn’t have the money—we did not have the money to send a strike force to Florida out of Alabama. We were doing things and constantly helping but we were trying to raise money at the grassroots level because we didn’t want every political action committee out there throwing money at the campaign that would—we wanted to do it as local as possible and Mo was a big part of that. He was a vital part of that.

Using people, then tossing them aside when convenient. How Trumpian.

Will do, your dubs demand it.

Trump rallies might as well be held in a retirement home between games of bingo now, they are that exciting. He won't mention immigration at all and it will probably just be more "FAKE NEWS ATTACKING ME AND THIS SHABBOS GOY" and various references to GOPe pet subjects like taxes and obamacare – basically, what we'd get with any neocon.

Wanna know how I know you're a paid shill?
Because paid shills always reference fucking Clinton and Obongo, neither of whom are fucking relevant anymore.
The election is over nigger.

And you didn't even answer the question you pussy, so I'll post it again:

Answer the fucking question you shit-tier shill faggot.

Quite. Its Boomer shit dude, nobody but them actually believes in these 'moderate rebels'. My old man STILL claims he saw video on Faux Jews of Assad forces 'machine-gunning his own people who were just peacefully protesting', yet I've scoured the internet and no such video exists to my knowledge.

Boomers are idiots and will believe whatever the television tells them. They're basically the White cuckservative equivalent of CNN libshits.

I don't do crystal balls nigger but Trump has already stated his distaste for le moderate rebels meme and stand on a no regime change platform. So your answer to what if is okie doke nigger.

Jesus Christ get with the times slowbro. Go listen to Trump's UN speech - he calls Assad a criminal regime that uses chemical weapons on its own people.

The times have changed, and you're still pushing talking points from this time last fucking year.

Wasn't the other guy a wall supporters while the current one voted against it? Or it was in another state?


If Trump hires them and endorses them they were former never Trump people who are the most Ryanesque neocons you can find.


He literally just said it in his speech to the UN you retard. Hes been talking shit about Assad before then too, you going to cry about an airfield now?

Fuck off, not all anons have short term memory. Filtered.

Suspicious mason nigger.

Is there anything else you need to see?


They absolutely will not get elected if they do not go on the record stating they support the kike.
Zero chance in hell otherwise.

You triple nigger I said KURDS, not fucking REBELS. KURDS never stopped getting funding, and got massive increase of it under Trump, as well as getting US military bases built there.

He's already elected and has ramped up his circumcised dick sucking more and more every single day. In my 30 years of living I can't recall a single president who shills for jews as much as Trump.

What if the republicans control Israel?

Common tactic of the Trumpfag…

proof? many of us won't sit through a trump speech anymore

that doesn't mean he has to stick his tongue up their asses

Wew, yeah, you sure got me there bro.

Oh, its you again. You know, when you always go back to that same thing, it makes it obvious that its you (and that you're a paid shill using old talking points).
Do they put the shit into lil notes for you to keep your narrative straight, or do you just have to kinda wing it?

Seems legit Schlomo.

Even if that were true - its not - doesn't that basically just scream 'there is no political solution, because jews own your leaders'? Why, yes, yes it most-certainly does. Keep screeching about how its totally legit to be a cuck for jews though because you can't win otherwise. Its a very convincing argument, to some, I'm sure. lel

Trump dropped rebels like a hot potato after they lost the war, but he is giving Kurds more support than Rebels ever had. US airforce is on their beck and call, they use new US military gear that trump gave them, US shills for them diplomatically like you wouldn't believe, there are US troops on the ground helping them and US military bases have been built in Kurdish territories.

The fact that Trump is supporting this candidate is disgusting. He should be doing the opposite and start making the GOP establishment terrified that he can replace them with candidates that actually support his campaign policies. Then again, I'm beginning to wonder if Trump himself still supports his campaign policies.

Which is disconcerting, because Israel wants the Kurds to become their own state to provide a buffer for Israel. Syria will never accept this, of course, and neither will Russia, so it sets up for a confrontation yet again instead of just pulling the fuck out of the Middle East like Trump promised he would.

If my phone dies I'll post an after action report after I get home.


He did say it - it was just so deeply burried in Zionist propoganda, anyone could be forgiven for having missed it.

>We face this decision not only in North Korea. It is far past time for the nations of the world to confront another reckless regime – one that speaks openly of mass murder, vowing Death to the jews, destruction to Israel, and ruin for many leaders and nations in this room.

>The Iranian government masks a corrupt dictatorship behind the false guise of a democracy.
If that isn't the nigger calling the pajeet black, I dunno what is.

>It has turned a wealthy country with a rich history and culture into an economically depleted rogue state whose chief exports are violence, bloodshed, and chaos. The longest-suffering victims of Iran's leaders are, in fact, its own people.

>Rather than use its resources to improve Iranian lives, its oil profits go to fund Hezbollah and other terrorists that kill innocent Muslims and attack their peaceful Arab and Israeli neighbors.

>This wealth, which rightly belongs to Iran's people, also goes to shore up Bashar al-Assad's dictatorship, fuel Yemen's civil war, and undermine peace throughout the entire Middle East.

>We cannot let a murderous regime continue these destabilizing activities while building dangerous missiles, and we cannot abide by an agreement if it provides cover for the eventual construction of a nuclear program.
Remember goyim: Only Israel is allowed to have nukes.

What he means is, its am embarrassment for Israel.

>It is time for the entire world to join us in demanding that Iran's government end its pursuit of death and destruction. It is time for the regime to free all Americans and citizens of other nations that they have unjustly detained. And above all, Iran's government must stop supporting terrorists, begin serving its own people, and respect the sovereign rights of its neighbors.
He says, days before Israel launches air attacks against the only rightful sovereign ruler of their sovereign neighbor.

>The entire world understands that the good people of Iran want change, and, other than the vast military power of the United States, that Iran's people are what their leaders fear the most. This is what causes the regime to restrict Internet access, tear down satellite dishes, shoot unarmed student protestors, and imprison political reformers.
Wasn't Trump the one saying he would imprison Snowden if he showed back up in the US?

>Oppressive regimes cannot endure forever, and the day will come when the Iranian people will face a choice. Will they continue down the path of poverty, bloodshed, and terror? Or will the Iranian people return to the nation's proud roots as a center of civilization, culture, and wealth where their people can be happy and prosperous once again?
*Under Israeli/Saudi hegemony.

>The Iranian regime's support for terror is in stark contrast to the recent commitments of many of its neighbors to fight terrorism and halt its financing.

>I was greatly honored to address the leaders of more than 50 Arab and Muslim nations. We agreed that all responsible nations must work together to confront terrorists and the Religion of Cuck™ist extremism that inspires them.
HUH? Fucking, which ones nigger?

>We will stop radical Religion of Cuck™ic terrorism because we cannot allow it to tear up our nation, and indeed to tear up the entire world.
He did say it - once, in the middle of the Jewiest most-Zionist speech I've ever seen a US president make.

>We must deny the terrorists safe haven, transit, funding, and any form of support for their vile and sinister ideology.
The Silence of the Israelis on ISIS
Israel and the Origins of the Religion of Cuck™ic State of Cuck™ic-state.html
Fighting ‘Religion of Cuck™ic State’ is Not the Israeli Priority of Cuck™ic-state-is-not-the-israeli-priority/#.VKQr8SusWSo
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UN reports Israeli Support for Syria Rebels
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Syrian Rebels thank Netanyahu for Israel's Compassion
Exclusive: Israel is Tending to Wounded Syrian Rebels
Moderate Syrian Rebels say they Protect Israeli Border
New UN Report reveals Collaboration between Israel and Syrian Rebels
Israeli Analyst confirms Link between Israel, “Moderate” Syrian Rebels
Israeli DM: We’re aiding Syrian Rebels to keep Al-Qaeda away from Border
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Israel is Cautiously Arming Syria's Rebels — and has a Fragile Unspoken Truce with an Al Qaeda Affiliate of Cuck™ic-terror-group-30438217.html of Cuck™ic-state-terror-group/
Proof of US training ISIS -

>We must drive them out of our nations.
But not ALL Muslims, right Trump?
>It is time to expose and hold responsible those countries who support and finance terror groups like al Qaeda, Hezbollah, the Taliban and others that slaughter innocent people.
Wonder why…

Maximum Zion Achieved.

Because it wasn't actually fighting ISIS before, nor is it now, arguably.

>We seek the de-escalation of the Syrian conflict, and a political solution that honors the will of the Syrian people.
That's newspeak for REGIME CHANGE.
>The actions of the criminal regime of Bashar al-Assad, including the use of chemical weapons against his own citizens – even innocent children – shock the conscience of every decent person.
Like when the Israelis use white phos on muzzie children? Seems legit bro, that decency of yours sure is selective.

>No society can be safe if banned chemical weapons are allowed to spread.
Nigger, you employ 'banned' chemical weapons on your own people every time a nigger drug dealer gets shot by a cop.

Except the attack didn't happen.

This is a bad joke for you to have brought this up shill-user.

That piece of shit, ISIS got annihilated thanks to Russian intervention and the extensive anti-ISIS campaign carried out by Syria. All US did was hinder that with the bullshit around Al Tanf and the extensive Kurdish land grab (that was nearly unopposed by ISIS in many areas, while SAA encountered fierce resistance at every turn. How (((curious))).)

The piece of shit is taking credit for this!

Looks like the arena may get filled. No "protesters" so far. Just some guy preaching about God with a mega phone. Definitely a Baptist cuck.

Historical revisionism, blatant hypocrisy, muh amurkan exzebshunuleesm, crude Zionist propaganda… Seriously, that was perhaps the most Jewish speech I've ever seen a President give, with the possible exception of Trump's Poland speech wherein he did nothing but cup the balls of Polish Jews for several minutes straight. Sad!

They used to have to turn people away at the doors.

Yeah. The one I went to in Nashville was lined up for two blocks after they'd already closed the doors.

Good. He watches CNN. Maybe he'll take the hint.

Heh, obligatory.

Same for costa mesa, CA.

Likewise in PA. More pics from OP - take images inside the rally, showing the scale of the crowd.
Don't go all CNN on us faggot.

I'll try. I'm down to 5% battery.

Prideless people would not make it in the cut throat business of New York real estate.

By the way, for reference, this arena seats 5000.

Oh, you mean that industry utterly controlled by Jews? I would suggest any White man - especially some upstart Germanic - would have to toss his pride aside and suck Jew toes if he wanted to make it in that industry.

Looking at Trump now, seems to fit that pattern quite nicely.


I can feel the activation spreading. My almonds are tingling.

Which is weird. At the Trump rally I went to, there were all kinds of protestors. Not necessarily antifa. But they were all setting up shop hours before Trump arrived, waiting to start chanting once he arrived.

The facade of Trump as anti-establishment outsider has fallen apart. Hell, he's shilling for an establishment GOP cuckold as opposed to someone who has supported him since he won the primaries.
The time of presenting Trump as 'the chaos candidate' is passed, and so is the willingness of jewish organizations to dispatch provocateurs to attack his supporters and push them further into their stance of solidarity with Trump.

Anyone who does that in new york real estate ends up broke, or dead. Trump's brother ended up that way.

Seems you've got it mixed up user - that sounds like what happens to you if you DON'T suck Jewish toes. Maybe Trump's brother had a bit more balls, or as the Jews call it, chutzpah, and they figured it best to go ahead and take care of that.

Meanwhile, lil Donny paid his dues and traded his children for treasures. Good goy.

About to leave and head that way- Got some passes from a local tv station a friend works at. Going to hang a camera on and see where I can get. Will post when (if) I get back.

No that is not how it played out Trump's brother trusted them, then he wound up dead. Jews do not show mercy or any form of willingness to cooperate to people who appease or cuck out to them, this applies to every level of their life from their friendships outside Jews all the way to their politics. I find it more believable Trump is a prideful rich man then a doormat you make him out to be.

Sounds like bullshit user.
You're basically arguing that Jews are more hostile toward shabbos goyim than bad goys, and that's just retarded.

I deal with them on a semi-regular basis, they are more hostile to shabbos goyim and despite always trying to Jew you if you don't take their shit they like you. In fact Jews consider Whites brazen with their hate for them more of a friend then their own kind.
You can even see it with the groups they hate the most, which are Liberals and Mormons. They also hate the Chinese and Koreans for the this exact reason as well.

You realize that Moore is a religious fundamentalist evangelical protestant right? If anyone backs Israel it's going to be the guy who believes the Third Temple needs to be built before Jesus comes back.

you wot m8? that said you're largely right with how they hate the people who suck them off the most. evangelicals are a better example than mormons tbh

I'm honestly sick of Trump and his rallies and I am disgusted by how much of Israel's cock he is shoving in our asses.


Any new updates, has it started yet?



Strange is on now, if anyone cares

you sure about that?

So the overall take away so far is "fuck McCain" is Strange's entire selling point.

People really loved the UN speech, that's the biggest applause he got at this rally so far.



One of his best

Globalist Kelly won't speak… Figure out who made Trump support this neocon…

What an awkward rally. Crowd isn't enthusiastic about Strange, Trump couldn't get Gen,Kelly to say a couple words.
From what I've seen the people want Moore and Moore is a hard right Christian.

Now he is begging for a fence…

I'm fine

Teh Don is actually nuking North Korea right now, 4D chess at it's finest.

Coming out early huh? Wait til the speech is over to kike about faget

Piss off zog bot. I'm calling it how I see it. If you don't like then go fuck yourself.

Yeah, people were pretty much just there for Trump.

With your jewish dick? No thanks. I'll just go watch more race-mixing commercials

Thats what Im getting.

People here will still say it was 88D Chess and that he REALLY supported the fag-basher the whole time.

I was reading what Moore stands for and has said in the past and damn that man is serious.

*Yawn* Run along you little shit stain.

We 2005 yahoo chat RP now

Whats wrong cupcake? Can't take someone not regurgitating what comes out of your zog bot lips?

lel I just heard Trump say that there are thousands outside waiting to get in. I came to full/pol/ to get a rundown on Strange and, per usual, you all did not disappoint.

Strange supporting the bill to ban Israeli boycott is enough to make me dislike him. But what is Moore's stance on the issue? Would he also support such a ban? Wikipedia says Strange sides with Trump on ~91% of issues. If both Moore and Strange are shabbos goys, Strange might be the better vote.

Unfortunately that was 5 hours ago so it's actually hard to tell if he's lieing or not, OP hasn't updated with pictures since yet. All the cameras are on Trump.

Moore is a more immediate benefit to the country seeing as how he sided with Trump before Trump became a neocohen, whereas Strange never endorsed Trump before the election and has a history of being a huge amnesty/open borders (((Koch))) brothers like cuckservative.

Bannon and co all back Moore.

Here we got a screenshot of the rally from a different angle, Trump is working the crowd but I believe that Moore is going to win Alabama.

I watched the rally on fox news. There was something missing from his crowd. Can you guess what it was?

It was young white males. The damn fool has lost his base. It's only boomer cucks now.


Now I'm just getting exact repeats so I assume it's over now. Unless somebody else can chime in.

Antifa prefers Strange, wants this to go well for Trump.

I think its more about the kikes using their vast power within America to force Trump to do this. Same as the airstrike. The only reason why they haven't impeached is due to the potential backlash outweighing the cost.

Don't become a one issue voter.

Shit, I didn't bother to go to this because I figured, like the Nashville one, I'd never get in.

Was it a packed house?

Huntsville is only boomer cucks user. If you are young and white you leave ASAP. Only whites who stay are the ones who live off Daddies money.

You all should be working on local elections to begin with to get rid of all the neocucks.

Huntsville is Nazi town. Its a strange place.

It were all the Operation paperclip Nazi's went after WW2 and built space rockets and shit.

This whole thing is not good for Trump. The only good outcome from him supporting Strange is that if Strange wins, he'll have a reliable partner in congress, maybe. But Moore would be that too.

If Strange loses the election, Trump looks weak, specially with Kim calling him a "dotard". If Strange wins, it isolates Trump from his base.

Usually I'm pretty quick to pick up on Trump's plans like this, but I just don't see it. The only way I see this happening is that Trump was pushed to do this by someone who doesn't want him to succeed, or he really did cuck. But I look at the shilling that happened here, and the massive attempt to drive Trump from his base, and it seems like this is some Deep State shit to try and get Trump to do things that separate him from his base. I don't know what the fuck he's even doing there, the situations where he loses far outweigh the situations where he wins. It's not like him to make such a stupid mistake like this. Unless he really has cucked out, but I don't see that happening. Not if MSM and Deep State are trying so hard to make it look like Trump has cucked out and betrayed his base.

Trump doesn't particularly care if Strange wins he literally said that he is endorsing him because Strange came to him first and if Moore wins then he'll change his endorsement to him.

The republican part is trying to get away from the radical christian people, because they have big mouths.

If your going to be a christ cuck as you say, then you need to position your words carefully.


This. But I have to wonder if Trump set Strange up for an even larger failure than expected by calling so much attention to him. Big Luther! Kek.

Anybody else think Strange looks like a child molester?

I have a theory, it could be that Trump is measuring if his message or his persona is what's getting the votes leading up to the midterms. If it's the message is bigger than the man, that's good because his movement will outlast him.

It seems like Trumps was just throwing a bone to ole turtle face Mitch.

Fuck off kike. If it werent for Trump who knows where we'd be
Sure he's not hitler but hes breddy fucking gud to me.

2272728292929393 D Chess


This is exactly what I was thinking dude, I mean the same can be applied to the DACA stuff why the hell would he do such a thing? Where is the angle? And when he did it we got fucked by a ton of shill threads saying that he betrayed us yet again and anyone that doesn't believe it is a chesscuck because using logic or simple tactics is a 4d chess meme. I swear every time I tried getting an explanation why from them they would either say because he is a Zionist shill or just a dumb neocon, a fucking neocon. The shills have done wonders at completely fucking this board by pushing an imaginary chesscuck that believes everything trump says and that trump was always a zionist shill without question. Just ignore the fact that he barely won against an opponent that was much more corrupt and that the jews spend billions to try and elect, or that Trump did some good things in the first few months like cancel the TPP but then got less and less breathing room until he could barely do anything at all or that he hasn't done nearly enough for zionist interests if he really was one and that it has taken months for him to do anything major that is blatantly pro-zionist (DACA). I know its clear he has big relations to zionists and obviously they have ties to him but if he was a shill this whole fucking time he has to be the worst in the history of them for doing very little to jack shit for them as the fucking president not to mention the stuff he did in the early months. There is obviously something going on here that we don't know clearly enough about but its going to stay that way because apparently critical, introspective and creative thinking is as rare as water in a desert now. The questions still stand: Why is he doing this? What has he to gain? How? Who profits from this? Why hasn't he done this before? Why did he say that and for what purpose in terms of use in the future or past? Why is no one else asking enough questions? How could the answers to the previous questions be wrong somehow? Is there a deeper meaning that none of us see? etc. Looking through the archives of gamergate I saw some good anti-shill tactics, but in the end of the day critical thinking is the best tactic you can use to not only disprove their claims but build and reinforce yours.

That isn't a bad theory but you would still be hard pressed to prove that it was the message that got him through since there are so many variables at play.

Yeah the remaining people here have forgotten how much worse it could have been especially when comparing what trump has done for us, what he hasn't done (good and bad) and what he has done against us to literally any other president in the last 30-40 years.

Trump didn't even say anything negative about Moore. He was just on stage kicking his shoes off talking to the people. It's how he vents the pressure from the White House.

Looks like digits confirm it.

Crowd looks thin.

Sup Jew. You know we have IDs right?


I see you've shit up this user

If that was true, Trump would own half of congress.
And neither of these slime balls ever stopped stabbing him in the back for his effort. Fuck the cuckservatives. Clear them all out.