What's in the box, Holla Forums?

What's in the box, Holla Forums?



video games?

Dubs confirms

Muh duck


deez nuts




Newfound sexual urges ;)




There should be trips in there


lol fail

Check 'em


Could have sworn I checked these



a fat gerudo dildo


Is Link gaming's /cuteboy/?

they're jewrudos

Let me kick the shit out of you until you're a bloody pulp then let me cum on your chest.

Would you?

I found Mexican Milo on a gay dating app

Pretty handsome d00ds


The good stuff

yeah, no

You win some, you lose some.

Yeah actually, you don't get to decide what /I/ like.

*snaps fingers*

We're off to a good start.

user, the board you're looking for is this way ==> >>>/sfg/

That's fucking cringeworthy, it's nothing but wanna be edgy 4chan-tier autists.

It's like I'm in the "sadistic" part of tumblr. This is really sad actually

How is it edgy? Granted there are some edgy posters but the rest are people discussing music, films, and sharing gore.

Tch. Nothin' personnel kid.

Seems like the people here are either frustrated with their life and post stupid shit to try to remedy their anger, or try way too fucking hard to be "cool and dark and stuff".

Seriously. It feels like I'm watching a fucking Naruto episode.

If he said humans were insects or something I'd understand but literally everything he said in your screencap makes actual logical sense. He's also being positive, so whats the problem?

also, here.

Jesus fuck, you're pathetic.

You're no better than the autists at cons that say something like "X is a social construct" or some shit like that, I'm not going to argue this because you're making me cringe so hard right now, but I will explain a bit.

I get sharing Gore and shit, cuz the body is interesting and the stuff humans go the lengths to do is morbidly fascinating, but when you try to be the voice of reason with such backwards logic is cringey as fuck, especially when you try to set the mood with some anime avatar. It really goes above and beyond in the autism scale and makes you look like someone out of DeviantArt.

How is that logic backwards? Elaborate.

He said it was a "gutty" feeling.
Humans are social creatures, morality is instinct. You're not going to tell a bird to stop flying, or a man to stop acting like a man.

Obviously dangerous situations and self defence are other things, but on a daily basis, you have that feeling in you, to talk to people and basically be a decent person, being angry is normal, wanting to kill everything in your sight during peaceful times is either a mental defect, past trauma, or you're trying way too fucking hard to live out your edgy blood fantasy.
We aren't in some edgy weebshit cartoon where we have to kill each other. Unless you live in some shitty ape infested third world country filled with niggers and blood thirsty spics.

Also, drugs.

Drugs really warp your view on the world, but some people take is as a "revelation", which is even stupider.

Yeah, morality is an instinct. That makes it nothing but a subjective concept that you can ignore if you want, since it being an instinct reduces it to a biological fluke somewhere along the line of evolution.

Oh my god, you're fucking hilarious AND deluded. I have nothing more to say to you. You truly are a sad pathetic subject of the dysfunctional arrogance that never came to be.

I've yet to see any constructive arguments, faggot

why isn't there a tag for casual, disinterested handjobs?

There is. It's called ragathol.