

Nazi Asturian / Catalan here. I’m writing because, shit is going down, and it seems, no one absolutely cares. Catalonia is being raided by the fucking mason Cryptokikes in the government of Spain. I want to eliminate the conception that “Catalonia is Jewalonia”. Because this is a classical form of divide and conquer from the kikes. The Catalans are Spanish. But not of the “New Spain” born in 1714.
The Crown of Castilla and the Crown of Aragon formed Spain after Ferdinand (Catalan- Aragon Crown) married Isabel I of Castilla. They formed the “Old Spain” in 1469.This marriage allowed the Golden Age of Spain. The philosophy of the Crown of Aragon (Lullismo, from Ramón Llull, very similar to Localisim) was spread around parts of Castilla which allowed to further the prosperity of smaller regions.

All nations have their Foundation on a political happening. The modern State of Spain is the result of the Spanish succession war, in which, the last Hapsburg King of Spain Carlos ll, died without any descendants. On his deathbed, he gave all the power (at that time they had a lot of fucking power) to the French king. Of course, the Hapsburgs in Austria and the Wittelsbach in Bavaria were mad. The Bourbons suddenly an increase of power.
For what it matters, in Hispania (as called at the time) had two crowns. Castilla and the Crown of Aragon. Castilla accepted the new Bourbon Felipe V but the Catalan-Aragon Crown were discontent with the new king and did not accept it. They wanted to remain with the Hapsburgs, the Holy Roman Empire.
In the ninth of September of 1714, Barcelona was taken after a year of Blockade and being under siege. This is the reason why Catalans celebrate Barcelona fell, the new king Felipe V, put in a new law called “Decreto de Nueva Planta” which ended the good relations of Hispania, and started the España we know today. Because of the laws passed then with the “Decreto de Nueva Planta”, today Catalans don’t want to be Spanish. This decree was imposed on the Aragon Crown, with more force in the areas that showed more resistance. It meant, the Aragon crown was abolished and the Localism form of government was abolished. A centralized form of government emerged, and the liberties, charters were all abolished and the ones in Castilla were imposed. This meant, in Hispania you could not be from Aragon, you were defacto a Castilian. It meant you could not talk the Catalan (or Occitan) and the centralization was complete.
What it meant, was having a good form of rule of two Crowns, to complete despotism. In Spain, it was called Caciquismo. This was something that affected all the Principalities except Navarra and the Basque Country. This killed the old Spain of El Cid, of Don Quixote de la Mancha. All the great Spanish culture was born out of localism and never despotism. Fuck them. Spain the land of knights is a fucking wondrous place.
During the 1800’s Barcelona started to flourish and it was the first region In Spain to become industrialized. It recovered some autonomy. This was the era of Napoleon in which the Peninsular war happened. 1800’s were good for Barcelona, as it had a great opera house and a great European culture was flourishing. The personal things that make Barcelona what it is, as are the Eixample Grid, with the transverse streets Diagonal, Traveseras were designed which gave path to Modernism and Gaudí. In Spain, after the Peninsular wars, although poorer, also started advancing and a great age of culture was flourishing throughout Spain. Writers as Unamuno, Machado, and Maragall were born. It was an age of hard work, but of great prosperity. However, Catalans still had laws against them and the power was still centralized and despotism still reigned.
Spain entered the 1900s with the era called the Restoration (1875 – 1923) after the return of the Borbounic monarchs and the fall of the first republic. However, restoration politics failed. The dream of national regeneration seemed an illusion to many Spaniards, with the failure of Restoration politics, with governments changing faster than the seasons, with a debilitating diet of labor wars and terrorism, and with Catalan demands for autonomy now extending to separation. The country badly needed a fundamental political overhaul, but what it got instead in 1923 was a military coup, headed by General Miguel Primo de Rivera, A humiliating defeat in Morocco in 1921 had the army really troubled the army and speculation that the army was a feast of corruption and incompetence (which it was) rose. All of this incompetence was normal and usual in the courts of Spain, which were more interested in bull fighting and wine than actually making Spain a great country.


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Primo de Rivera then staged a Coup in 1923 in order to save the country that was falling apart. As necessary in view of the picture of misfortunes and immorality that threatened Spain with an early, tragic and dishonorable end. Of course, the end of this Spain, with the centralistic laws is inevitable. Tensions are inherent. Primo de Rivera knew of this and called for a change of perception towards the regions of Spain. In a famous speech he called for a change of laws and a change of attitude toward the Catalans. Instead of treating them as an enemy, to start treating them as a Catalans and inviting them to take part of the national project. It was promising. However, the death (by diabetes, however it is an open conspiracy theory in Spain both his death and the death of his son later, which many people think Franco staged it) gave leeway to a rise in Centralistic national fascism. Which in turn, gave rise the separatist movement in Spain, which, contrary to popular belief in these forums, was a movement of the middle and higher classes of Catalonia which were pushing for more autonomy and separatism. The reason is simple, the want to decide what they do in their own territory.

Not to bore you all with the civil war, but I’ll give you the quick rundown. People that were against the central power, which was not a political power, but a power that came from the Army (it all goes back to the war in Morocco, in which Spain was humiliated) were in favor of the Republic. Many at times it is said that it’s Catalans and socialists vs the rest of Spain. This could not be a bigger lie. The Leftists fucked up what was an a war to remove the central power from Spain once and for all and to give way to the “Old Crowns” in the form of States. The socialists really fucked things up. As they always do. It made the church be in favor of Franco’s regime which gave Hitler the signal that they were the “good guys”. All of Spain was in a Civil war, not only in Catalonia. Madrid, Asturias, Andalucía, but of course, in the history books all you see if “Anarchists of Catalonia”. It’s not true. It was the burgesia catalana (the wealthy vs the Spanish. Then the leftists joined. The leaders of the Catalan movement were people like Francesca Macie and Company’s. You can google them and you’ll see that they were in no way poor or anarchists. As today, people in the region are tired of the shit centralistic government.
After the war came the Dictatorship, and worse of fucking all, the Autarkic (autarky). In other words, no imports were possible by law. The start of the Second World War did not help Spain either. Now, what Franco did was, as Hitler stated, unforgivable (in his last letter commenting world politics, Hitler, said that he was wrong in trusting Franco for what he did to Spain). But, what did Franco do? He divided an already broken, divided, country. He did not try to unite and reconcile any part of it in in its 36 years of reign. Many people in this board think any form of Fascism is a good form of fascism because they think every dictator is Hitler. This again, is a misconception. When the governor is bad, the government is bad. This is a general rule. It doesn’t matter. What is worse is that he divided the country in two parts, a religious elite (those in government and the church and those that supported Franco) and the rest.

This is of VAST importance. Because this was the birth of the “NEW Spain”. This Spain was born on the historical fact that won a civil war versus those that wanted a republic. The morale is strictly catholic and vaticanist. This separation, is unforgivable. It meant the division of the country and the birth of a country that is divided at birth. During the dictatorship, of course Spain sucked. The leader was a dwarf with a long nose.
Bear with me a little further. Yes, I named the Jew. Franco. As I said, the Death of Miguel Primo de Rivera, the benevolent dictator that wanted Spain to be united by respecting regions, died in a very suspicious way. Franco was a crypto kike. His family converted to Catholicism to escape the persecution of the real Spain, the old monarchs, The Reyes Catolicos. NOT THE BORBONS. Let’s follow this rabbit hole a further down the hole:

A Falangista called Alcázar de Velasco, which was a Nazi spy, stated:
"I proclaim the personality of Franco as gregarious among the characters included in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. In its formation, unconditional service, and in the agreement of permanence in power in favor of the most hidden programs of the ONE UNIVERSAL GOVERNMENT, Franco was a voluntary instrument of blood affinity at the service of his race, already in the triumphal verticality towards the empire messianic whose capital will be the archaic Imperial Toledo, although the empire, as it once was, will now not be for the real Hispanics. Franco a patriot? Yes and no, no and yes. It was the most criminal of all those who have been powerful against native Spanish and, on the contrary, the most faithful Conservative, as a Sephardic Jew who is conscious of being one. In other words: patriot for the Jews and Torquemada for the real Spaniards."
His family name, Franco can also be traced back to Jewish roots. J. Lion Depetre, an ex-diplomat when calling Franco a Jew, stated the following: 1) the surname Franco is very abundant in both Spain and Italy. 2) In Castilla, there are many testimonies of Hebrew families changing their surnames to Franco. 3) In 1491 those called Franco in a judiciary process are, in fact, Jews. 4) After the expulsion of Jews, people with the surname Franco can be found in Istanbul, Milan, Amsterdam, and Amberes which could not be found before. 5) Last, you can spot the Jew at eyesight. He clearly is a Jew, big nose, languid eyes (black), tendency towards being obese pallid and dark skin, black hair. This also goes for his brothers, all look like Neanderthals.
In 1965 he approved the Hebrew Community in Spain. Max Mazin, the president of the Jewish community in Spain, when asked if Franco was a Jew he responded with:
Ramón, the brother of Franco would always say that they were a Jewish family. Franco gave order to allow and helped economically to build the synagogue in Madrid. This is not in line with the fathers of Hispania (old Spain) and the Reyes Catolicos.

The year 1975 comes around, and Franco, finally, dies. He dies and then the period of the Transition comes knocking around and with it the constitution. Franco, before going to hell, said that “I am leaving everything tied, very well tied”. Meaning his legacy. The constitution of Spain (which is full on fucking contradictions) was made the following way:
The generals of Franco’s generals were in one room, the Lawyers were in the other one. Adolfo Suarez would go from room to room, everything that was said by the lawyers was to be accepted by the generals, if not, it would not be allowed. And if a constitution that was not approved by them were to come out, they would do a coup. In the end, the present constitution came out, in which, it states, that the union of Spain is undividable and is first and foremost, of utmost importance to keep it integral as it is. To change the constitution, it is virtually impossible. The constitution failed miserably to address the problems that Franco aggravated, the real union of the different regions of Spain. The old saying is that Spain is a nation of nations. Of suffocated nations. For the Centralism and the despotism by the government of Spain provoked the tensions that arose. The people in power now are fruit of the kikes. The Partido Popular (PP) is the DIRECT continuation of Franco’s regime. The short form of Francisco is Pepe, phonetically sounds like “peh-peh”, not “pee-pee”. And as I said, Franco’s regime is and was part of the protocols of Zion. So are PSOE and Ciutadanos.
Now fast forward to 2000-2017 (present times).
Catalonia has always been wanting more autonomy inside of Spain. When it doesn’t get it, after a few years, it revolts. This is due to the problems of areas of influence (the same happens when a law by the tree-huggers in Paris to re-introduce bears make people in the Mountains of France get really mad, because the people in Paris are just virtue signaling, while the farmers have to defend their animals from being eaten). Due to the failure of the constitution and the Spanish pride, Catalans can never fully be part of Spain, since, it fails to provide them with the basic liberties.
Now, the problem is the government of Spain. As the problem in the European Union are not the white people living in them but the fucktard government that just virtue signals rather than applying common sense. The government of Spain does not want to give any power to the rest of the regions of Spain. It is very against regionalism. And this, in a country like Spain, in the end, means implosion.


I was talking with my father, who comes from the bloodline of the old kings (not a direct bloodline), extremely Spanish. And he is in favor of giving the independence to Catalonia – why?
“Because we will finally be able to defeat the kingdom that was never supposed to reign in Spain. We can see each other as the same people once more and not have to fight about political power. We can finally talk about doing better and greater things.”
Doing greater things and not serving to a specific central power. Sounds like Hitler.
The people these days in the streets come from all walks of life, but in the end they want one thing in common: They want to be independent from the central power. This monarchy was one of the main proponents in the Bilderberg meetings. Zapatero was friends with Hillary Clinton. They are part of the establishment. That is why Europe is treating this as taboo since it can be the Golem that breaks Europe.
As Assange says, depending on how this process turns out, this will shape Europe. This is a matter of vast importance.
The day of tomorrow, Catalonia will be formed by the new parties that will arise if it becomes independent. It will no longer bear the burden of the French king. Many of you say that the Balkanization of Europe is the intent behind this. However, the people that are “Saving Europe” and not allowing more migrants to pass, are precisely, the Slavic union. It is a chance to bring back real areas of Influence. It will not be called the Crown of Aragon and the Crown of Castile, which would be the ideal. It will be something else. And this will start the destruction of the Europe we know. Spain will not allow it to enter Europe and suddenly they will not be able to pay the socialist dream in the way they know. Suddenly they will ask themselves, why can’t we reduce taxes and promote industry? Many of you on this topic, the few times that has appeared, talk about it in a very defeatist manner. Saying: Catalonia is the home of the Jew. Catalans are only anarchists. Catalonia is full of Muslims. I would like to invite you to go beyond the Diagonal next time you go to Barcelona. Go to Costa Brava, go to Vic, go to Sant Cugat del Vallès go to the real Catalonia for once, and you’ll see that for some reason, the shills are wanting you to believe that creating a new tomorrow, a better one is not possible. It is not true. It depends on us to do a better tomorrow and we will have it. New York, Los Angeles, Paris, London… Every major city of the world is an abomination that would make Babylon look good. Even if they are full of what we do not want, this doesn’t mean we cannot change these places. Berlin before Hitler, was an abomination. All it takes is a few people with courage. Catalonia actually has only a fourth of an Abomination. That is the area that is underneath the Diagonal of Barcelona. That area is libshit area. Above it, is Europe.
For all the “Pro-Spain” Shills, this movement is not against the peoples of Spain. Think beyond it. Think beyond your government. It is enslaving you. It is one of the worse governments in the west in terms of corruption year after year and yet, people are incapable of creating a better tomorrow. Perhaps it’s time to stop doing the siesta and overthrowing the laws that are not allowing The Peninsula Iberica to be what it once was. The land of knights. The Land of Seneca. The land of kings. The land of where the Cro-Magnons race started. This is a movement of freedom from the “Order matrix”. Hopefully, we will attain it.
The Catalan Flag, is the Senyera. It’s one of the oldest flags in Europe. If Catalonia becomes independent I will start a National Political Party and I would like to have a coat of arms with the Senyera and a cross on it.
Now, it will be extremely hard to vote on the first of October, because the government will, in no way, allow it. However, they do not want to go with the police and close all the voting stations. It would be absurd.

Part 2:
What is going on today?
Catalonia is attempting a referendum for Independence on the first of October. Spain is sending the Piccolos (Spanish Police aka, Guardia Civil) and there are huge protests around Catalonia every day. Spain, Franco’s baby, will in no way allow the Catalans to vote. However, more than 60% of the population want to vote and will “go” vote on the first of October.
The chance for a New Europe starts here. Assange knows it, the natsoc’s in Catalonia know it, but it seems you all are not aware of it.
If you want to follow it:
National TV: or (24/7 news). Like this you can also look at Catalan people and see how… “Shitskin” and “Jew” they are. Pro Tip: Expect to find Europeans.
An Article that will sum up the past 20 years:
24 h a day what’s going on: http://
Assange on twitter: , he is going full “pro Catalonia, fuck Spain”.
Anthems of Catalonia:
What can you do? You can tell me how a man without guns can or explosives sink the ships where the Guardia Civils are at and how can we impede them from leaving their buildings to stop the vote on the first of October.
Help me with the coat of arms for the Partit Nacional Català (National Party of Catalonia).
Spread the word on facebook twitter about what’s going on.
Anons, tomorrow there is the eclipse. The world is changing. Where there is change there is opportunity. I for one, will become a new form of Hitler. I hope you can help us here.
And the Spanish anons. We the Catalan anons, want to be united with you, as we want to be united with the rest of the peoples of our race. This is a necessary step. Even Unamuno said, in 1908 said that it is impossible to reason with the Spanish state. Unamuno, one of the greatest Spanish writers, in a letter to Maragall. I will post first the Article that Joan Maragall did and then the response of Unamuno.

Seig heil anons.
You are living in the time the black sun is rising.
I hope you do your part.
Postpost: I have not proof read it, so forgive me if there are any grammatical errors.


Catalonia was more natsoc than the fucking DC shills want you to recognize.

Translation: The third reich had a plan to give the independnece to Catalonia, accoring to a projet designed by the German Geopolitic Institut.

I heard that they're sending all the big guys, GRA, GRS and the rest of the friends

Why else do you think the Catalonia threads were populated with 90% kikes trashing Catalonia

If you're not sucking neocon jew dick 24/7 or promoting kosher nationalism and Football Lads Alliance kikes then the MODS will ban you.

No, ok, this is all marvelous and good, separation and self-rule, peaceful balkanization and everything.
But Catalunya wants to secede for all the wrong reasons. Just like Scotland, they want independence to be able to become much more Turbo-Leftists-Globalists, and also, would be much more easily ruled over by Bankers
It's a sad situation.

Yep. There are two cruise ships in barcelona and one in tarragona. Filled with everything and more.
It will be interesting to see how the first of October pans out. People plan to go to voting stations before the day starts to make sure they are there before the police in massive numbers.

Read the tread again. If catalonia seceeds, spain will veto it from entering the EU. That means there will be a HUGE crisis. The independnece and the use of force as of now is already a huge problem. Also, what you say that it is full of libshits is not even comparable to other capitals of Europe.

And more importantly, the government is the wrongful government of WHOLE spain. All Spain should implode for Spain to survive and bring back the real Spain.

Also, read again. The reasons are for self government. The catalans are not asking for more drugs. They are asking for more self government. I will post the policial map and why either this is Shill thinking or you just don't know what you are talking about. With more power to regions, that means within a region, they will not be able to impose "migrants" to regions they do not want. For the same reason they are leaving Spain. Regions give a lot of power to localisim, which protects it from virtue signaling, as happens in most towns throughout america which are right leaning. THe same happens in Catalonia, which in the end, decide the president.

And you still won’t do anything. Spain’s government doesn’t recognize your referendum and its supreme court has said the referendum is illegal, so you’ll have to start killing Spaniards to get independence and you won’t do that because then it becomes a NATO problem and you get utterly destroyed for all time. There’s no point to bothering to care.

You don't understand, while you are from Catalonia tring to inform and educate, you aren't allowed to correct openly taunting and goading kikes


Honestly, Voat is a better site for us than here at this point. And that’s the most depressing thing to happen to the Internet since the creation of Google.

Read the thread again. You two missed the point. IF you are CIA, you are probably just reading the "Catalunya" and going on auto pilot.
If you are mossad, fuck you.
Just read the thread, it doesn't matter at this point, it's to late not to fight. The state of the matter reached a point of no return in which, Catalans will go vote and will fight the police.
Also, I know the police majors from the Catalan police. I will not tell you the plan, but it's not as easy as you chess master point out.

The plan is to cuck the fuck out and do nothing. You have 16,000 Spanish armed forces on a fucking boat sitting in one of your docks. You’re not bombing it. You’re not killing them. You’re not fighting back in any way, shape, or form. And you’re fighting the wrong enemy in the first place. Whites killing whites, yet again. If the independence plan doesn’t also include slaughtering all of the jews and nonwhites in Catalonia, you’ve already lost.

Read the thread again. And we'll talk again on the first of october. We'll see. If you're right, i'll send you 10 btcs.

Why do you retarded burgers keep posting in threads about topics you know fucking nothing about?

I DON’T LIKE IT, EITHER. I don’t like that NATO even exists. I don’t like globalism. I don’t like other countries interfering in the internal affairs of others. I don’t like that no nation has had true self-determination since 1917 when Austria was prevented from joining Germany. BUT IT’S FACT. No sense in LARPing otherwise.

Reported for the oldest kike D&C in the book

The fact that the Spanish government has gone completely into ==SHUT IT DOWN== mode is reason enough for me to believe that the secession of Catalan is bad for the kikes. Best of luck user.

Way too much information about a place I don't give a fuck about. Who's whiter and which one of you is against the EU? If the answer is "neither," go fuck yourself. Next time you start an independence movement, maybe you'll practice opsec.

Read the thread and learn something. It's a Spain 101 and Spanish politics 101.

I wont talk about ethnicity here. There is a thread on Holla Forums that talks about cromagon race. For the rest, if you don't like nato and all the fucking bullshit of the NWO, wish us luck. We are aware it's really hard and it might not be nothing. HOwever, news across the world are already saying that Spain is a failing state for how they are dealing with this. We'll see what happens.


Yep. Check this:

Catalonia is more nazi than Spaniards and shills want everyone to believe.

I fucking knew this will happen when the Kosovo crap started. Divide and conquer for all european countries is coming. Prepare your anuses!

Already knew everything here. None of it has anything to do with the independence vote or the actions required to get independence.

Thank you for the effort post user, very interesting read.

Have a bump, and good luck.

Remove tapa scum.

So what do?

i blame the habsburg's for this.

After studying a bit about Iberian history I can't understand one thing:


Fucking kill yourself.

prob cause they knew the baguettes would come a-knocking if they did.

Good luck! Glad the mods have stickied this.

Spanish government has raided .cat domain name offices

who is pinning up leftypol threads?

I, for one, support Catalan independence. Sure, it's a hive of leftism, but then, won't Spain be better off without such a tumor? Being vetoed from EU will also make Europe that much less globalist.

As for you, OP, I can't say I find your arguments relevant. All the people's in Europe have long and beautiful histories, but in matters like these, it's the present that is truly important. However natsoc Catalonia may have been in the past, it is not such today.

Capped in case of importance.


inb4 b&

The miasma of centralized thinking in western europe has made your goals far from reality, but they are relying heavily on self-policing within their own territories in order to maintain a pretense of control over this matter.
If not now, later. The EU will weaken, and with this injustice fresh in catalan minds, you'll have your shot. Just stay alive and relevant.

Because shills always want to divide everyone as narrowly as possible. Demand everyone agree with a narrow political ideology, specific religion, specific race which you then sub-divide further, men vs women, certain nationalities, and so on. Always be suspicious of identity politics, which are usually a form of divide and conquer by the bankers.

Jewalonia is a pozzed paradise full of commies and other leftist scum. Let it burn to the ground.

this, Catalonia is a shithole full of commies traitors, but of course (((they))) want their independence, because the weaker europe is the better for them

Catalonian independence is just like Scottish and Flemish independence: people just want economic benefit and that's literally the only reason for it. Scots are extremely liberal-left, pro-refugee, etc. Catalans are the same. Pick up guns if you really want to be independent, hiding behind supposed victimhood and self-pity and "muh democracy" makes you idiots. OP, do you really think your screed here means anything to other Catalans?

Aragon was "stronger" than Portugal in almost every way. And Catalonia would be comparable but richer.

They should have had, theoretically, an easier time.

The Portuguese managed to ally with England, being able to repel both Spain and France more than once. Why couldn't the Catalonians get a proper ally?

I think you're the same kike that's been going around several threads arguing with straw men and reporting everyone else to try to shut down discussion.

Then why get involved in the thread?

You're a dick, but you're not wrong.

*independence with open borders, free trade, the same currency, no appropriations or repercussions of any kind and we are still all subject to Brussels.

t. Catalans, Scots, and Flemish

Well, if Catalonia is going to be a progressive shithole it should be independent so that it may fall into decay and disgusting degeneracy as an example. If it's not and i figure a distinct people deserves get it's independence from it's globalkike government. Let it either fall or rise it would be a nationalist win-win.

This is the third fucking thread you create shilling for the referendum. All of them trying to pass Catalonia as a fascist ethnostate of purity and glory.
I'm Catalan, not anything/Catalan but pure Catalan and I can tell you FIRST HAND Catalonia is right now a land of commies and muh progressive values. All the faggots you see in the streets waving the independence flags? 80% of them want MORE rapefugees and consider them true Catalans as long as they support the cause. They are angry Spain hasn't accepted yet the 140k or so the UE imposed on them.
It is not NatSoc. The nationalist movements that talked about race ended long ago. Stop dreaming.
Catalans HATE fascism. Anything that is remotely against them is called fascist and associated to Franco thus Spain. Hitler is considered a friend of Franco thus bad.

I love the land and the culture, but the brainwashing of the population is almost beyond repair. If you want a fascist state it would be far, far easier to get in Spain.
They are led to believe Spain is oppressing them, just like in the US half the population are brainwashed into thinking guns are bad and diversity is good.
They are good people but politically they are cucked to hell. It's propaganda and the kikes are on it, read Alerta Judiada's article on it.
What do you think the (((politicians))) will do with that self government? Fascism? Dream on.

Also any movement built on victimism will never, ever be good.
Read Mein Kampf for fuck's sake.

Three fucking threads, every single OP goes "Spain are the REAL jews, fellow Holla Forums nazis! Sieg Heil!". Two of them got sticked.

Don't you mean the eleventh?
The diminutive of Francisco is actually "Paco"
Putting that small nitpicks aside, really well written and explained post, my sides.

Beginning to think OP's not even Spanish. An Asturian that likes and identifies as a Catalan? Not the kind of Asturians I know, the Asturian community in Mexico City hates their Catalan equivalent for God's sakes. ¿Y confundir José con Francsico?

No one gives a fuck. Prove me wrong or sod off, ban evader.


If OP was really Catalan he should know that Arthur Mas did a good cock-guzzling job with israel, hell he litterally said "When Catalonia achievs it´´s independence a great nation as Israel will wink us an eye".
So i´m fine with this, they allowed this shit

I am. The point is that real spanish people and Catalans actually do not hate eachother. Read the OP. Father married a Catalan. People are set to hate eachother when actually better forms of government were there before the centralist abomination of Spain was in place.

The kingdom of Spain was the kingfom of France. Nowadays catalans have no wepons. The first of october will depen greatly if a part of the Mossos d'Esquadre (the Catalan police) revolt against the orders from spain and allow people to vote.

They are normalizing the use of force. That's a crucial difference in which governments are starting to use police force to force people without form of defence (no guns) against the government. Aka, no uprising. Even if you don't give a shit, politically, it will serve as a benchmark to how the EU will treat similar topics.

You obviosuly haven't read the OP. Read it. I talk about the Jews of Catalonia. So read it and stop shitting on things you know nothing.

Yep. However, Catalonia will never be Natsoc if the right is occupied with the Spanish "Nazi", which is the Franco, the Goblin jew. this, of course, is no guarantee a far right would rise, but there are people willing to start parties. People are really tired of the left. But they will never indentify with Spanish right, as they are anti Catalans. They will never, indentify with the goblin. They preffer to have no opinion and vote right winged catalans before pic related.

The Spanish media is using the democratic strategy in saying that the movement is funded by russians.


I mean, good luck.

Assange predicts some blood. Not much because catalans have no wepons and only the police. A use of force by spain would be disastrous for them.


MODS, listen to this man.

Ban the OP and any other threads shilling for pro-Catalan independence. Don't fall for the kikes' tricks.


What? There was another active thread but it was very uninformative. and it was NOT mine. I participated but the OP gave so little information I decided to give a full view of whats going on, and if you read it, it is not built on victimisim. It's not built on the opposite either. I am trying to remove the idea that catalns are jews more than trying people to rally for someting they can do little about. I have not done other threads. About this happening. I did one, one fucking year ago, about the relationships between the Crowns and the politics of that time and how Catalans were of vital importance in the formation of Spain. Stating Ramon Llull and the Benedictine presence in Catalonia which later halped form the policies of the crowns. Fuck you for your lies. Other OP's have been when Trump attacked Syria calling for everyone to stop dividing and focusing on the common enemy (WHICH IS THE GOAL OF THIS THREAD) and calling for action to help put Le Pen into power in the french Elections. Fuck you for your lies.
The goal of the thread is again, to focus on the common enemy, which does not lie in Jewlonia vs The good guys spaniards. It's actually everywhere and the only way to win, is actually by gaining the areas of influence and destroying orders of power put up by the kikes to defend their powers.
So F off. You stink of goblin neanderthal.

You, listen to pic related! Your friend, the Spanish Minister of Treasury. The Goblin jew.
Read the thread shill. Even if you are CIA you too, even brain washed, could learn something.

No u

This thread got stickied and has the same premise
As for minister Montoro, check out this guy from that thread
Most blatant cryptokike I've ever seen in Spain.

You seem to think people here hate Catalans and our history. It's always the same shit.
Always crying, always kvetching. All mind games. Sounds familiar? There's a reason people here say Catalonia is jewed, specially when you take into account their good goy mentality. As I said Catalans are good people, but they fell for the same propaganda as you.

Are you the same faggot spamming that neanderthals are jews too? Jesus.

Libertarian detected.

Live in Spain, can confirm. Pic related, Catalonian mentality. They're the community with a higher percentage of immigrants.

If they weren't jews they wouldn't be separating for (((economic))) reasons. This man is a shill. The independence movement is Soros backed.

Can you refute the claims that Catalonia is just another Scotland in terms of independence, however? (i.e. Commies, ultra-libs, and open borders with rapefugees.)

He can't, pic related, one of the kike dykes leader of a pro-independent party.

Meant to post this one, but you get the idea.

This is just like the retarded SNP faggotry. Catalonia is the most commie-friendly region of spain and if you actually support independence you're basically saying "boy I sure love refugee cock".

The fact that you and a few scottish anons are personally real nationalists doesn't change this.

Can't blame an user for being suspicious. I have spoken my opinion on independence here though

She's an immigrant right? Catalonia is in the north of Spain, they shouldn't look as mexican as her.

Falangist catalonia yes!

Yes. It is not. You can check the people insid ethe government. THe libshits that

states are 10 out of 135. Less than 10% of Catalans. They are part of the CUP. They are part of the antifascists.ña You can check it here.

Read the OP fully. It's not only about this.
It's not even a strawman.

False. Political representation does not show this.ña
I don't understand if you are lazy or diliberatly lie.

You havent confirmed anything on the OP. Check the post. It is not against Spain. Also, you know you they got a 7.5 percent and in the recent polls they don't even reach 4%. So stop shilling diliberatly. Read the OP and participate without being the typical spanish Barbarian as Unamuno said.

Most Spanish people (including me) have a similar skin tone.
Also, this is the current mayor of Barcelona.
Barcelona is the cuck capital of Spain.

Catalonia will be out of the EU with the independence. Meaning it has to create it's own war path towards economical viability. Without the EU.

Censorship is for plebs on reddit user

Its even worse for the Flemish, they would intend to actually house Brussels in their borders

If the EU federalists weren/t retarded they'd make provisions for regions to beceome independent if they meet certain requirement and pledge to forever tie their lips to the asshole of the EU
you'd neuter the base country too and make everyone more dependent on the EU
It would be typical tricks for schlomo to DnC all the european nations

You're a faggot user. Read the fucking OP, it i not anti Spanish, so stop shilling mindlessly and give substance you tapacuck.

She's not the mayor though, but a friend of hers she put in the position of director of communications. Still your point stands, since the mayor supports and defends her actions.
As for skin tone, I wouldn't say most Spanish people have it. She's definitely darker than the average Catalan. Also for those who don't know her: she's as dumb as she looks.

You must be new.

francisco franco was a jew
and catalans are a bunch of jews
seems spain is getting jewed no matter what
this sesseccion is merely a jew power struggle over the penninsula, nothing more
its true that borbons arent the legit leaders of spain but there is no going back

Well, all righty then.

Everything that you mentioned has basically no relevance nowadays. The Monarchy has no power whatsoever, most of those historical reasons sound like total bullshit. Demanding independence is like escaping from snakes by throwing yourself into a fire, a fire which you won't be able to come out of, once the independence is declared that's it, the majority of the Catalonian parliament is left-wing, so you can expect a left wing government for decades to come, immigrants imported to vote will make sure there's never a right wing in Catalonia ever again. It will be like every commie/socialist one-party state. So no, fuck that.

E. Michael Jones has a lot of great information on this subject OP.

All of this post is a clear case of retardation.

OP doesnt state that catalonia is jew free. Divide and conquer. It is pointing us to another direction.

From the replies to OP, to the saging of a sticky, the anti-Catalan shills ITT have proven they possess no knowledge of Spain or Catalonia, know nothing of the history surrounding this situation, and are non-white. Thank you OP, you did not suck cocks today.

Spencer shilling for Spain. Fuck you shills, and free catalonia.

For how long though? Until the first economic crisis hits the new independent Catalonia?

Dude,there has been like 3 threads about cucktalonia already pretty much everyone that cares about it has already argued unlike the kikes we don't get payed to post retarded shit.
Ask op if the nigger batucada that precedes all catalonian cultural happenings is part of their basedness or if the unironically leftards camping,and the refugees welcome sweater wearing retards with commie flags are true.
If it were true that there was such a thing as a right wing fashy movement in catalonia,i guess it's op and a childhood friend of him,till then I see that the only bad goys in catalonia support spain.
I dont give a fuck what you believe or not,in my case I think independence is the worse option for catalonia but i love the happenings and the gapping assholes of catacucks when all the shitskins flood their countries due to virtue signaling.
Their whole identity is we ain't like spain,we are far more european and progressive,what can you expect when their racial identity as such is non existant,and they only speak a different language to them a shitskin that speaks catalonian is fucking baseeeed.
Catalonia gets frequently showered by sheckels from qatar thus qatar offered to change that ugly bullfighting ring with a based mega mosque or other cool modern projects.

Pretty much this. Look at the pictures of Catalans waving flags: a lot of nonwhites, pahjeets, even a fucking shlomo shekelstein in one I saw earler this week. And if it wasn't just for these rapefugees, the media has been non stop talking about how aggressive muh spanish police was in arresting an actual COUP by these traitorous commies who can't bear that Franco won. Also notice all these English posters in fucking Spain of all places. I've been to Valencia, Madrid and in Aragon, no one fucking spoke English and I had to guesstimate what the fuck to tell you with my other European language. Literally 1% of them knows how to speak English.

This is fucking fake. Put on the tv, open newspapers and dont strawman. Just see the average people.
Its white haven you stinky jew.

No post in any of the Catalonia threads have provided this much context, for independence or against it. There was one other OP that resembled the context provided here, related to this subject, and that was many months ago. Maybe it's the same user, but then like now, I have yet to see any deconstruction of the facts and context provided. Even if it were only a few Catalans who held these reasons for independence, the only counter being pictures of random shitskins, ones that can be found in every western country clamoring for rapefugees, the OP's points still stand and await refutation.


Money =/= Might. Russia is, a relatively weak economy, when you consider it's one of the two biggest military superpowers in the world.

Aragon and Portugal had very different projects. Aragon wanted to expand east into the Mediterranean for secure trade routes, Portugal wanted to explore Atlantic Ocean to open way to new trade routes.
by 1500s Portugal was richer than Aragon, which by then had already merged into Spain with the Royal Marriage with Castile.

Not only catacuck (casa del llibre) But spanish and fashy,some of us are the real deal.

I'll maybe refute it tomorrow if I feel like it unfortunately I have a pair of eyes and happen to live in barcelona,i have seen their response to the terror attacks I've seen so much shit the only way to solve this is nothing short of burning it with napalm to cleanse the poz.
I'm all for it thus I think independence is good,not because it's good per se but for the happenings.

Trust me if there was a chance for this to be a Nat soc thing I'd be all for it unfortunately I just see a retard leaving the phalanx to get surrounded and backstabbed,i hope it serves as a wake up call for others

There's a complete mainstream media blackout on this stuff

If an actual nationalist gets in power in Spain, or Catalonia gets its own state, Spencer would have to jump through more legal loopholes to recruiting future Shieldbois/Poolbois. That and he's a born loser.

So what would be the difference going from one leftist capital, Madrid, which was pozzed when I was last there in the 90's, to a new one, Barcelona? How would their quota of rapefugees change from the thousands they, and Spain as a whole, is receiving? So the argument, if one exists, is they should remain with the current leftists because they will pozz them more gently? According to the logic of these arguments, those against independence are upset because they will not receive the excess rapefugee pozz an independent nation, without EU membership, will be inflicting on themselves. I can assure you, with utmost certainty, that your pozz will continue unmolested, with or without Catalonia, until all in Europe excise the EU from their lands.

This, isnt reddit. Lurk for 6 gorillon years or kys if a shill. Fuhrer dubs wasted.

No it's not, it's also nothing new.

Catalonia will always be the second or third if you count vasconia region of the iberian peninsula. The worst is obviously andalusia, but that's for another topic.
I guess you're half-alright, then.

Nobody cares about Mexico dude

I'm a burger with zero knowledge of the area, and I can still see that being anti-secession is retarded no matter how you think about it. If Commiefornia went and seceded, I'd probably drop dead from the sheer amount of joy. Ultracucks, turbonazis, it doesn't matter what they are. It would remain a net benefit.

Catalonia only ever had home rule for about 100 years tho. The rest of the Kingdom of Aragon consisted of a bunch of portuguese-galicians(yes, that is the correct name of the ethnicity at the time) ruling over the indigenous population, just like chinese dynasties. So, a historical Catalonia isn't really a thing.
With that being said, i do agree that an independent Catalonia would be good for us, overall, since it ough to severely weaken the EU and the spanish goverment. We might even get an independent Basque country or Galicia too.

>says the guy posting (((mollymeme)))
gas yourself kike

So when Catalan gets its Independence, what type goverment are they going to form?
I can imagine the same type they tryed to form in the civil war right? Communist?

Anarcho-communism will be popular, i bet.
Ultimately it will just be a retarded republic.

spaniards are fags. they sleep during lunch time and stay up all night drinking alcohol and eating garlic.

Even if Catalonia is filled with communists it might be a good thing have them out of Spain, there won't be a lobbying group of pseudo-nationalism powered communists inside Spain, and in Catalonia as well.

And this will anger Spain and fuel actual nationalists.

Also global jewry thrives on centralized states, their parasitic holds inside foreign countries works differently than Roman military invasions which had advantage over having divided enemy states, kikes thrive on easy and quick to subvert centralized structures inside of enemy nations, and if a single subverted power structure hold more gentiles it makes it even easier.

Nothing stops independent countries to form coalitions against international jewry.

Asking for mods to ban and delete stuff is the most faggot/reddit tier shit there is.

This is the most valuable part of the entire OP. As a Nationalist I've always defaulted to supporting Spain against Catalonia, it reminds me of the Bavarian uprising Germany had to go through. But your father makes a really important point that Spain has spent most of its time infighting instead of having any real sense of national destiny. At what point is all the coups and sectarianism not worth it? Is perpetual degeneration really better than a shot in the dark? At this point it seems like the nationalist thing to do might be to support the Catalans if they're so adamant about independence. If they can win their independence then I'll support them. Neither side is really trustworthy and both seem extremely leftist, so I guess it's more of a wait and see issue. The best course of action for people outside of Spain is probably to just wait and see what happens. Once figureheads start emerging we'll be able to see where each side's loyalty truly lies.

Although Franco was better than the Marxist Republicans, so shitting on him seems pretty counter-intuitive. Yeah he was awful compared to other Fascists, but it's the same logic that's used with Trump where he's not perfect, but he's a step in the right direction and attacking him just empowers our enemies. Hitler can get away with criticizing Franco because he's fucking Hitler, absolute perfection. Jesus could come down from heaven and personally rule the earth, and he'd still struggle to do better than Hitler.

What do you guys think? If there are any incorrections please let me know.

OP is a faggot. Franco wasn't a Jew. This is the oldest trick in the book of (((kike trickery))). After (((fellow white men))) it's (((everyone is a Jew))). Hitler was half a Jew too, I bet. FOH with your bullshit.

And fuck you communist catalonians. You'd probably resurrect marx if catalonia were to gain independence. Go shill somewhere else, hook nosed nigger.


u wot mate

I totally forgot about Voat. Signed up several years ago and just never went there.

Just checked it out seems like its getting pretty good traffic. I was very delighted to see Holla Forums style discourse happening in the politics sub.

does anyone know what the good subs are over at voat?

So what you're saying OP, is that the next world war will be precluded by another Spanish civil war?

Worse straw hat. The farmers are in barcelona blocking the path of the police. There are milions of pictures ans 99% of them are white people. Spain and Barcelona unlike other capitals of Europe, remains predominantly white.

Anything that goes against the plan of making Europe a huge homogeneous market for the elites under the control of Brussels is a good thing.
Look at Poland and how it is pissing off kikes.
In the big picture, nationalism is our greatest weapon which must be pushed everywhere in Europe.

I care. You anons in Spain are all right. You were kind to me when I visited, truly white people despite any genetic handicaps.

What can we do? I'm but a humble USian, how can I help? What should I look out for? Will some weirdo separatists flee to my humble out of the way rural but cultured and expensive neck of the woods?


get the fuck outta here

But when Portugal actually first fought for their independence what I mentioned was true.

The Portuguese project came much after their independence, until then, Aragon had an advantage.

Yup unfortunately your picture isn't representative of what's happening in barcelona,right now it's more like Muh based perro flautas.
Any catalonian user that can proof 90%+ of protesters ain t like pic related wins a lick at my meaty lollipop.
Fucking based commies everywhere!!


Just watch the 2 videos and see were all the antifags are that's basically catalonia


Don´t you understand?!? The eternal Jew wants you to support Catalonian indendence! The Jew, the EU want to weaken Spain (although they control it) and of course, Eurasianist Putin want to create a marxist state and take over western Europe! Are you really want to let them take our precious Spanish Democracy?

Pure coincidence, fellow White person!

Also, the states that voted most Hillary must be prevented from leaving the Union.

I support it just because it will fuck with the EU.

How does this benefit the EU? The idea that nations are totally like 2010's is the EU way, a new national uprising even if it destabilizes a country sounds good to me.

Also Spain is a do-nothing place, I've been all up and down it. Great people and scenery and wines and stuff but you can't make 'em work even if you beat them with a stick. Why not launch a new nationalism there?

I have american, colombian, and spanish citizenships…

how do i vote from the US? i can make my whole family vote.

hmmmm actually on a side note catalans seem pretty pozzed with communism and rapefugee loving….

thoroughly convince me they are not full of multi culti kikery and you have 4+ votes.

And it continues with evil spanish vs based antifa and how the political parties are left leaning etc it's not the best video ever but basically you don't need to speak the language to see pro unity (fashy&cuckservatives)vs independenfags (antifa,shitskins,problem glasses wearing commies,feminists basically all pozzed)

I've come to realize those who immediatly yell "Divide and conquer", "D&C", are always Anglo-Saxons Holla Forums users interested in only one thing… furthering the anglosphere.

The New Right, Populism, Paleoconservatism, and dare I say Alt-Right is Third Romanism…. not Angloism

The sooner our Anglo Holla Forums users accept this, the sooner we won't need to watch them shrek out in pain.

holy shit that was PURE AIDS

theyre a bunch of filthy communist shitskins, the whole goddamned lot of them

The anglos are the ones who try to divide & conquer, not the ones who point it out.

Wouldn't this be a good reason to isolate them and let them have their communist shithole? When their people's republic finally collapses they can't blame it on capitalism or the patriarchy. Catalonia could be europe's Venezuela.

I've pointed this out for the past 18 months inside the so called "Alt-Right's" main online hubs; mainly the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack and Holla Forums. This has brought me countless bans and even more accusations of "divide and conquer!". I know these people very well.

I've had a lot of success and have always been historically vindicated after dozens of long winded cry-festivals.

This is something everyone should have figured out on their own around 2008ish. A reuniting union between East and West.

Note: Intellectual Jewry is extremely sensitive to this particular scenario & topic. I’m referring to the furthest fringes of autistic Intellectual Jewry will pick up on this and sperg the fuck out. Not the JDL types with 97 Israeli IQ.

Except the exact opposite will happen. Up until today, Spain has been a bad goy in the eyes of Europe because their border control actually works and they've been repelling Moroccans since the sixties. With Catalonia, as well as with an independent Scotland or Kosovo, the EUSSR kikes are hoping to gain more consensus among the people and getting more pro-EU and anti-white politicians in the Tower of Babel. Have you noticed how there's radio-silence on Corsican or Venetian independentism? They want NOTHING to do with the EU, after all.

What, saying you "motherfucking kike" is too difficult for you, Shlomo?

If it's not the Stalag edition, it's not the real deal. You got scammed out of the most important part of the book, which is Adolf's coming of age and the understanding that the Eternal Jew is behind every major problem in today's society.

Franco's job is far from over.

You can't vote, it's not a spanish election,you can only vote if you live in catalonia thus any fucking shitskin living for more than 5 years or tourist from the eu with more than 3 (or one I don't remember)can vote while my whole family that's catalonian and loves this land with passion can't vote since they have their residence outside of catalonia.
And on that basis not on the basis of race or culture,on the basis that whoever nigerian that lived here for 5 plus years or anyone from other areas of spain that happens to move his residence there, gets to decide the future of this very land.
That's why they want to have it flooded with shitskins.
Yup, it's disgusting,as I said I have never seen a por independent fashy movement and I've lived all my live here,I have met only one person IRL with those views the rest of bad fashy goys are always pro union.

If op wants independence,why not,i got too black pilled after the terror attacks and the reactions claiming how the poor muslims were the victims but they were a tolerant and loving people and that spain was to be blamed for having a weapons industry? (implying it's not simply shitskins killing kuffars) so I'm at a point were i much rather let them burn in hell with the shitskins they seem to love so much,the only reason this hasn't collapsed is due to fashy goys keeping retards from hurting themselves too much.

I much rather let it burn and reconquistarlo it later.
Let the muslims kill the leftards.

Btw due to it being a holiday and leftards being unable to keep a real job the amount of retards on the streets is amazing,i wish they would go protest elsewhere but I have the luck of living near all the happenings were it not for the brain dead tourist boomers pretending to dance flamenco when they hear the marching music and causing instant butthurt to the independists I'd be pissed.

Why is Soros backing up the independence process then?

Also want to add that the forces behind Richard Spencer have created the Alt-Right as a political vehicale for the purpose of hijacking / co-opting western populism navigating into Third Rome.

Nigga this book was translated in spain when spain was allied with the nazis,trust me..THIS one i have is the real deal,no comments and basically done by a pro fashy editorial that simply printed it for no benefit at 9,95€ per book since they wanted availability more than sheckels,the only things against it are sometimes the translation is a bit weird but apart from that they picked the most fashy option when in doubt.

Meanwhile in germany you have it with at least 3500 (((corrections))) for 59€.
If you can read spanish and want to read some buttblast from the (((echoes)))

Also want to point out to any normies that the forces behind Richard Spencer have created the Alt-Right as a political vehicle for the purpose of hijacking / co-opting western populism to prevent it from navigating into Third Rome. Benedict XVI was forcibly ousted by the Catholic Churches Commie-Left political faction specifically for moving towards this direction. Every kike tabloid rag inside the Anglosphere was hounding Benedict XVI 24/7 until he was finally replaced by antipope Francis.

It is time for the nations of Europe to gain their independence. Be it catalan, flemish, scotish, trasilvanian or any other.
Only than we can prosper.
If you are a nationalist you will support free nations.


Got any proof to back that up?

Sadly that's fake news.

In the realm of anything goes Rabbinic Talmudism, let us all live in a universe where we agree it happened. For the sake of living up to Einstein's theory of relativity. He was a genius after all.

There's no Stalag edition translated to Spanish that I know of. I don't know if they are translated from German or from Murphy's.

What edition do you have? Real del Catorce?
By the way Casa del Libro is pretty good. Just like El Corte Inglés they sell books like Mein Kampf, the Holocaust Industry by Normal Finkelstein (maybe because he's a jew, but still) or the Wehrmacht field army manual.
Since Librería Europa got shut down I think it may be one of the few decent options left.

nvm, reading the article.

Today, OP was a pretty cool guy.

> Severing links with a ZOG-controled state will make them even more ZOG-controled.
Typical kike deconstruction "logic".

Why are you upset that Spain would have 6 millions less anti-fascist cucks and rapefugee supporters? Why is that a bad thing, Shekel-kun? -)
Isn´t that technically true? Doesn´t Madrid do all this to keep Catalonia in the Union for the gibs? So they can get to spend Catalonian taxpayer money? Yet you accuse them of being commies for not wanting to be taxed to support Spain.

What is wrong with doing away with Nation-states, European identities and have a pan-European Tradfash Empire dominated by the Anglosphere? Don´t listen to RIDF, its totally not globalism with us Anglos and half-kikes instead of just kikes, I swear!

In this case shills are trying to black pill us into not opposing ZOG.

So their definition of "nazi" is not the same, what a surprise… If Franco was so good, the Spanish state today would not be ZOG-controled and have its own nukes to keep NATO at bay.

ITT: Modern rebels and euro-dividers wanting their own little microstate.

There are too many countries in europe now.

They all should be united in the European Jewnion right?

Well, Catalonia wants to keep being part of the EU after they separate. Maybe then they will be able to meet the refugee quotas.



Because I am Catalan, fucking faggot, and I will not see those pantyfas destroy my homeland.

A good chunk of the pro-independence youth consider themselves commies, pal, and most of the others, old and young, are happily allied to them. To them it's the ultimate weapon against fascism.
Yes they shill for equality and (jewish) socialism while complaining about how their taxes are used to the benefit other autonomous communities. That's the beautiful irony. They would rather send gibs to Africa, believe me.

No one here said Franco was good, only that he was better than his soviet-loving opposition.
He was the only leader left in the National side. José Antonio Primo de Rivera, the closest to NatSoc, was killed by commies, José Sanjurjo and Emilio Mola died in plane crashes.
Primo de Rivera would probably have done an excellent job.

Scotland next!

[Enjoy this quality pasta]
It is the coward English who plotted the Russian invasion by the great Napoleon

The Holy Roman Emperor Francis II is remembered to have said after the allied defeat in the Battle of Austerlitz (1805 ): "The British are dealers of human flesh. They pay others to fight in their place."
The English are still at this game-too coward to fight on their own so they use allies like nato or mercenaries like Taliban and isis muslim extremists to do their dirty work.

Considering the extent of the disaster (at battle of Austerlitz and of Ulm before that in 1805 instigated by england with money stolen from India), The Austrian Emperor said


The Emperor forgot to mention that the payment of gold is from the victim or some other people’s wealth especially loot from colonies.
Incidentally, the very next day when Napoleon was celebrating that great victory of Austerlitz,(battle of aristocratic armies ) the so-called Trafalgar win happened-the pirates won while the whole grand army was somewhere else celebrating the greatest victory ever of Napoleon !

And English are too coward to fight on their own-they have never won a single war on their own since boar war in 1899 and that too with all resources of loot from the empire.
It is the anglo-saxon (US & UK mainly + Canada & Australia as followers) criminal gang who is pushing for war and their bootlickers: the Baltics, Poland, Romania will be used as cannon fodder.
The only solution is to attack and destroy the nerve centre of that anglosaxon empire of evil-england must be sorted out and annihilated.

US 'army': the speed at which they abandoned their military base in Yemen - from which they launched drone attacks - bodes ill for neocon triumphalism.

looking at the "battles" the english and US armies have been up against does not indicate that it is in a special league. Every time they have had the hugest advantage and yet could not do the enemy in without bribing them with cash.
May 5, 2011
Last year, British forces in “Helmand” province send a message to the Taliban that all major operations were carried out by the Americans, so if we did not target them, the British forces would not target the Taliban," Nazir said.

The best way to determine if a faction is unjust is if it is indifferent to or actively suppressive of a lower-middle class Aryan boy's health in a secretive and non-open manner. That is, if the government promotes disease, AIDS, or other illnesses and disease among the youth while not being open about the activity.
This is different from Sparta, since it actually sought to openly kill disease.

An example of an unjust system is where it distributes wealth from an Aryan child to non-Aryans disproportionately and is not open about it being unhealthy for them but pretends it is healthy. That is, it's "for the greater good" exclusively when discussed but when it comes to the non-Aryan it's "to prevent harm to the individual/group." Other possibilities are purposeful negligence toward or active promotion of infections, diseases, etc.
The issue is not selfish in nature, but that, if the boy is given his merited opportunity, he may be able to prove himself a lot more worthy than the hedonist or nepotist upper classes. If he does, then he needs the opportunity to overthrow or otherwise take over the reins of the state. Christian nations aren't concerned with such things and Christians in general are not concerned with anything but salvation; neglecting consideration of consequence for the sake of principled action. A religion which deals with this behavior is Hinduism, which talks about selfish kings that knew their children were too entitled for properly ruling the kingdom but handed it off to them anyway instead of to another more deserving person.

Expell all muslims. They use the well debunked "golden age of Religion of Cuck™" as a propaganda tool. Kick them all out first.

I'm starting to skip the stickies in this Holla Forums that changed so much during trump's election campaign.

I've read through your post, OP, it does absolutely nothing to explain the PRESENT situation, and who are the catalan's that want independence from Spain.

Also, and sadly it was in your 5th wall of thext:

stopped reading there.
What natsocs? I live in Barcelona. The mentality in general is completely left-bent. Have you already forgotten the mass demonstration against nationalism after the Truck of peace false-flag? It was composed by literally thousands of anti-fa, pro-feminism, pro-lgbt and pro-refugees (less tourist, more refugees, remember?). Those are the people that support catalunya's secession. It only takes a while strolling through the city's neighbourhoods to understand what's the general mentality here (full-on leftism). Have you forgotten about the mass jew-funded demonstration for taking in more refugees that went down a couple of months ago?

This "movement" is a complete psyop by the jew to let the people forget about the other huge problem's the region (and all of spain) is going through, such as lack of jobs, increased cost of living, and so on.

Outside of barcelona, the mentality is STILL leftist, albeit a less so. Most of normalfags that support this (not even half of the population) don't even know why the hell they want it. They're drones. The other half just doesn't give a fuck but are too scared to even say it.

So cut the fucking crap with the "natsoc" movement in catalunya. If being natsoc now means being anti-fa, pro fag, pro rapefugee and anti-nationalist, then fuck, no, this is not natsoc in any way, shape or form.

you're a massive shill or a full on faggot. Don't believe this fucker. Come to Catalunya and see for yourselves.

You faggots are starting to glow. Even normalfags can see you now.


Also, another thing I've been noticing as of late is that most stickies tend to be shill infested parties that clearly incite towards civil wars, which I believe is the jew's endgame before establishing "normalization" in the form of a true nwo.

you're bad at your job, schlomo.

Say hello to (((Westminster))) when you get back.

Retard. The most similar natsoc was his father killed by Franco.
Thats why fascism in Spain is a JOKE, because fascits are not up to par to the aryans. They mirror francos aesthetic, a pathetic, dinastic aesthetic.

it's simple faggot:

there, easy enough for you?

>The "everyone who interferes with the (((anglosphere))) is a commie" fallacy.
This is what happens with the British try to take over decades of American Populism at the last minute. God you faggots are cancer.

You know nothing about the New Right.

England is the final boss inside World of Judiasm MMORPG.


With the Decreto de Nueva Planta everybody could talk catalan. I don't know what rubbish did they feed you in the catalanist school, but it had nothing to do with language.

The decree abolished the laws of the Corona de Aragón, and changed the legal language from latin to castellano. Thats all. It didn't affect the use of catalan.

fdo- un aragones hasta las pelotas de las manipulaciones que os meten en la cabeza. Y dejad de usar la mierda de Corona catalano-aragonesa que nunca existió, era la Corona de Aragón a secas, que estaba formada por el Reino de Aragón, el Reino de Valencia, el Reino de Mallorca, Reino de Cerdeña, Reino de Sicilia, Reino de Napoles y el Condado de Barcelona.

Here comes yet another OP with enough disinfo copypasta to feed a starving (((family))) for a whole year. Do you believe you can make us forget who welcomed rapefugees to Barcelona and keeps filling it with shitskins while heading the gay parades? Do you believe they'll magically switch policies and start cleansing Catalonia after getting their (((independence)))?

I bet your father works at Nintendo too.

We need anti-Tory Laws once more.

Anti-Tory Laws

The presence of British Loyalists was such that, by the winter of 1775, the General Assembly passed an “act for restraining and punishing persons who are inimical to the Liberties of this and the rest of the United Colonies.” The piece went on to note that “any person by writing, or speaking, or by any overt act, shall libel or defame any of the resolves of the Honorable Congress of the United Colonies, or the acts of the General Assembly of this Colony…shall be disarmed and not allowed to have or keep any arms, and rendered incapable to hold or serve in any office civil or military, and shall be further punished by fine, imprisonment or disfranchisement.”

After the Continental Congress declared independence in July of 1776, further legal action came against potential Tories on the state level. In October of that year, one such act stated that any person found aiding or abetting the British, whether by recruitment, military service, intelligence gathering, or acts of conspiracy, was to be charged with high treason and put to death. Throughout the war authorities convicted six individuals of high treason under this act, but only one, (((Moses Dunbar))) of Waterbury, was actually put to death.

Connecticut’s Loyal Subjects: Toryism and the American Revolution

>The majority of the 100,000 British Loyalists who relocated at the conclusion of the conflict set their sights closer, however, settling not in England but in (((Canada))).

Find me one of these peoples you say. Here's a video of this Tuesday. You have a lot of people to choose. But careful. your dreams of shitskin Catalonia will be shattered.

Checked and saved. The shills tactics of discrediting this organic populist movement by force labeling it as 'Communist' are years old Neoconservative / British Tory reactions. In the United States, the New Right witnessed the same phenomena. A gaggle of kikes yelling and screaming at us for years labeling us "Communist". The good news is we've moved up the latter considerably. The neocons have been annihilated politically in the United States. Now the final boss has been revealed for all eyes to see.

Found the commies

Why is catalonia pro refugee and Spain anti refugee?
Why are all lefty outlets portraying catalonia as the victims who just want independence? A non kiked D&C separate movement would never see the light of day on any MSM news outlets.
Why are the antifags supporting catalonia independence?
Answer: Catalonia = kike D&C to set up a muzzie beachhead to destroy all of spain down the road.
Prepare to be BTFO Erdogan style shitlibs.

Run along back to back to synagogue.

Read the thread.

First of all, Franco was "in" on the protocols of Zion. SO you probably did not read the OP, as it stated this there. However, it is also stated there that the problem is how the dinastic government governs the country, which puts it down rather than making it the best it can possibly be. Franco started the divide and conquer day 1 of his dictatorship by creating the religious elite and the Dinastic elite. He did not unite the country in one fucking roof, the country remaind diveded between the Third Borbounic Restoration and those that are against it. The struggle, even if some of you fags say that what happend long ago has nothing to do with whats going on today (that's a jew trick. Of course the power structures defined by the second world war, DEFINED EUROPE AS IS TODAY), but people in Catalonia want a fucking republic. They do not want to be governed by the Spanish barbarians that their main argument to do anything in their life is "Por mis Cojones".
Everyone in the soceity is part of it, EXCEPT the people of being that are part of the dianstic spain, aka, PSOE, PP, Ciutadans.

This means, all groups, left, right, commies, priests (they signed a decree in favor of the independence). Perhaps it's hard for some of you people to get your head around it, but the movement has no specific identity than "Catalonia", it's vertical and horizontal movement.

Nope. Asturians is where the first kings of Spain come from. In reality my blood is no different from those asturians living in a specific town nowadays. But it is different from a divider from Jewistan as you.

This is a fucking bullshit. It's a nationalistic movement. Right now it is not a moralistic movement becausue it is trying to get back its autogovernment. I suppose if Catalans could not have free speach you would say it is bullshit as well. What is at stake are basic fucking liberties that most of the world are giving away freely.
It's not the perfect movement that exists only in your Brain. However, you cannot take two steps at a time. Defeating the Bourbons would be a huge fucking hit to the EU.

Primo de Rivera, was going to do an excellent job. I agree. However, the ones that came after destroyed any hopes of uniting spain. And therefore, in order for it to thrive, the order set upon spain has to change. And this is why the people in Spain are so nervous right now, because a small scale revolution has started and, differently to what they cold do 50 years ago, they cannot make people bite dust anymore. The government and the constitution of Spain are an abomination of the laws of nature. The tensions are inherint if you wish for a Natsoc or anything that resembles it, first you need to take out what is keeping you down.

Soros is not backing the movement. He is backing two institutions:
and a Rapefugee think tank. THey are based in barcelona. That soros is for Catalonia is complete BUllshit. Soros is for the destruction of Europe, you all fucking know that. If you actually start digging a little bit, you can find out that he actually gave money to a Political Party in both, Spain and a specific one in Catalonia. And nope, they are not declared independentists… they are… "En Comú Podem". The party of the Mayor of Barcelona. The Rapefugee, anti hotel, squatter lover, lesbian faggot of a mayor Ada Colau. It is not surprising, is it?

This. All the usual signs are there. These idiots aren't even trying to hide it anymore.

you're not from around here are you?
kindly fuck off

Catalonia is not Pro Refugee. Whatever happens in Barcelona, it seems that the rest of the people agree. Not all america lives in New York or in LA, or in San Francisco. It's not a good sample. The same with Barcelona. The only Super Pro Refugee is En Comú Podem and CUP. En Comú Podem is partially funded by Soros. So there you have one of the reasons.The other is the CUP. These are the Virtue signaling "FEMINISTAS, ANTI FASCISTS and so on". In Barcelona, the mayor is Ada Colau, who is mayor of Barcelona without majority.
In the past local and parlimantary elections, CUP and En Comu Podem got more votes because the revolt against the "orders" of spain started and everyone fell for their tricks. CUP has 10 seats in the parliment, but this is an over representation of reality. They have around 3 and at most 4 in recent polls. En Comú Podem aswell, they are over represented in Barcelona.
However, this does not mean that they are Poland. On the Contrary. The Catalan Political average thought (the middle voter), is center leaning to the right in a very very slight manner.

But when Catalonia becomes independent, it'll be right leaning. Why? It is center as of now (if we look at the middle voter) without taking into account much of the right which is anti-independnetist. Once Catalonia is independent, you have to take them into account aswell in the Political Map, and if we take them into account, PP+Ciutadans plus the rest, would make the Catalan middle voter as a right winger.

I don't care about Antifa's. As most of the catalans don't. This is not Belgium or Germany, they don't have power. If I had to say, it would be because they don't want to live under the dinasty of spain. Outlets, check the spanish outlets. They are not telling the truth. They are CNN'ing a la Hillary vs Trump, saying Hillary is the best (spain), outraged when Trump does anything non status quo. You know how the story ends.

The central government had ordered the commandeering of the Catalan state police (The Mossos d'Esquadra). Catalan government is ignoring the order.

I didn't know richard spencer posted here. I'm a burger and even I think this is fucking retarded. A federation of states that collaborate to further h'white western influence is one thing. "Pan-euro Trad fash" sounds like you want to impose one type of white culture whichever one you approve of onto other whites. For that, you shall hang.

Not suggesting they do but its another fact in the overall picture. Spain has resisted refugees (only 1,100 since 2015, instead of the 17/18K that was agreed upon) and on that basis alone it tells me what side they are on.

This is misinfo.
Spain trades "Syrians" for Africans and people from Marruecos. They say the quotas are already surpassed by the ammounts of illegal immigrants they accept -and dont return-

This is huge. Escalation is real.

I'd support Aragon independence, but only because it sounds cool.

Well, in medieval warfare, being richer doesn't guarantee victory. Both Portugal and England were fairly poor and defeated the combined forces of France, Aragon and Castille in battle of Aljubarrota.

Money =/= Military might.

Russia is piss poor for a suposed #2 or #1 nuclear power.

Just you wait. This uprising and attempt at usurping the jew world order, will WITHOUT QUESTION draw the funding and attention of the likes of soros and others who will absolutely POUR money down that well as fast as they can to fuck your shit up, cause riots, and do w/e they can to force people to the left and terrorize the right so they dont speak out or vote and their ideas get stiffled and that "middle voter" will be to afraid to go right… at least thats what they want to happen. In reality itll probably end up doing there what it did in the USA, that is driving more and more people to the right in secret.

While the last bit of that may make it sound "good," make no mistake for even a second, that itll be peaceful. The corrupt leftist politicians will support them, they'll fuck you as much as they can with as much time as they have left, and at the very least leave you in a dumpster fire of a situation (or rather, setup lots of time bombs to go off as soon as they leave office, then blame their explosions on you) to try to crawl your way out of, and then use that as grounds to try to draw more people back to the left by saying "LOOK AT HOW BAD EVERYTHING IS NOW THAT WE HAVE A RIGHT WING GOVERNMENT, NAZIS FUCK UP EVERYTHING, VOTE COMMIE!" They will trash your cities, they will terrorize your people, they will burn your buildings, they will attack your citizens, they will do all of this and more to try to silence you and force their ways on you.

Do not, for a moment, let down your guard against the likes of antifa and their ilk. They WILL come, far faster than you could ever imagine. Fuck all man, TWO YEARS AGO we in the USA were mocking germany the same way you did, and other nations as well, that were being terrorized by "antifa" types, and saying flat out we had no version of them here. Now look at where we are, antifa/blackbloc faggots showing up everything at everything and making an absolute shit show of it all, while our corrupt politicians wont lift a fucking finger against them, and everyone goes apeshit in the media if a single politician so much as HINTS at them being equally destructive or even somewhat bad. Trump did just that, and was roasted in the media for a solid week or more just for daring to say there were violent faggots on the left as well, while the media and politicians kvetched about "THEY WERE PROTESTING THE RACISTS! THEY'RE ANTI-RACIST! THEREFORE THEY CAN NEVER BE BAD IN ANY WAY! HOW DARE YOU EVEN SO MUCH AS QUESTION THEM! THEY ARE PERFECT IN EVERY WAY!"

It happened to the USA, itll happen to you to. Dont let your guard down.

Hum hum interesting video,I love their fists up high and their silent claps,i also love how they are in front of the place where all the media is waiting thus having a more decent image.
Meanwhile outside of the places with international media…

Fuck catalonia

Catalonia People are Communist faggots


saved, excellent thread op


The MSM narrative is usually helps one to interpret world events. The jews push for something they want…..goes like this…

"Let them vote! Let them leave!"……Catalonia

"Don't let them vote! Don't let them leave!"….Brexit.

I currently see most major news outlets pushing for this vote and talking about how evil the police and government are.

That's outside of Spain. The majority of Spanish media is shilling against the referendum.

Now the arm flapper and his blogposts are being pinnned. Mods have clearly given up.

Since rach was ruined for you, this your new schtick learningchode?

Bismarck knew.

Bismark wasn't willing to be completely honest there. The kike empire has that beat by a few thousand years. Those fucks have been trying to self-destruct for millennia.

Jews aren't trying to self-destruct, they are trying to avoid manual labour because they hate nature and its laws.

The Media around the world are silent and actually, go against it not for. For every 1 in favor there are 5 against.
Catalonia is Trump and Spain is Hillary in this case.

Holy shit. Hitler would be sad.


Well, Puigdemont already said that he wanted a strong policeforce and an army for Catalonia. The catalan leaders are not Politicians, at least those that come from the right. Most of them come from either the professional sector or academia. They are not Hillaries. However, I agree that this is not a guarantee for a good or a succesful governance and we cannot let our guard down. My wish and work will be towards accomplishing applying the principles of nature.

Fighting against nature is suicide. Pissing off other creatures that can end your existence is suicide. Biting the hand that feeds you is suicide. All their actions and behaviors are self-destructive. Even laziness.

There is a lot of Meme Potential with the Spanish government. The rethoric they use is: It's antidemocratic to vote.

Blocking the police from getting out of the port of Barcelona is something that would be epic.
The farmers of Catalonia might help.
There is a lot of potential, a lot of potential.

Fair enough.

The farmers want to help. It's impossible to move 5000 Tractors.

The shills are 100% against Catalonian independence, trying to sell us that pozzed part of a country leaving is bad, that alone tells us the correct course of action.

I visited Mars back in 81.

Still glowing.

Back to reddit namefag.

For fuck's sake OP, Franco wasn't a (((Jew))). This is pleb tier shilling, just like those faggots who claim Hitler was gay, or also half Jew.

You're a communist faggot who wants independence so you are not bound by Spain when you try to push your degenerate shit.

Oy vey, "only shills are against Catalan indeependence!" Yeah, if you faggots we're staying in the EU after leaving, and maybe if you weren't such cock sucking communists, we'd feel better about letting you wreck your little pie of Spain. Fuck off, mongrel.

What should happen in Catalonias is that every communist should be hanging from a lamp post.

***maybe if you weren't planning on staying in the EU after leaving.

Two weeks ago the Spanish MSM still had plenty of talking heads supporting the referendum. It's different now because the Spanish government has formally made a decision and journalists aren't as brave as they fancied themselves.

It is typical kike/ZOG "logic".

Same with Catalonia is leftist so they must stay in Spain. Hovewer, Spain has its own version of ZOG patriotards.

This is all very usefull to know.

Just being ironic. Spencer is supposed to be Eurasianist, not Anglosphere domination.

Of course, poster is a shill.

I´ve seen that same rethoric on both zerohedge and twitter, always claiming that Catalonia is pro Soros/rapefugess/EU etc as an argument to oppose them leaving Spain.

It seems some ZOG-forces supports Catalonian independence because that means more gibs to them but the "Spanish" ZOG state is opposed to the whole thing.

Catalan people feared hitler because Catalan people are niggers.

>For fuck's sake OP, Franco wasn't a (((Jew)))
Look, I think OP is a faggot, but Franco was probably a crypto, judging by his appearance and actions. He let primo de Rivera die in prison, ffs. At the least he had a (((Jesuit))) advisor guiding him, as Hitler complained.

The Spanish ZOG state doesn't want Catalonia to leave for other reasons. Like, financial reasons. Catalonia has the highest GDP in all of Spain.
The Catalans want to leave because they're communists. The Zog already have their paws in both. This doesn't benefit (((them))) any more one way or the other. They don't even plan on leaving the EU after becoming independent. All this would accomplish would be letting Catalonia be swallowed up by the communists and give leftists in Spain more ammunition when their economy takes a hit because of it.

I smiled.

user, not everyone who refrains from putting (((them))) in camps is a crypto.
He also had a list of all Jews compiled and sent to the Germans in '41.
Yes, the Spanish didn't persecute the Jews like the Germans did. That doesn't mean mean they were crypto Jews themselves. Franco was a fascist and he ruled Spain like a fascist. Communists were BTFO. And it worked. No doubt, this poses a threat to the (((kikes))), so it's of no surprise to me that they'll come on these boards to try and paint him as a Jew, because that's the only way a board like Holla Forums or a forum like Stormfront would disavow him.

arriba espana

Jew accuse all you want but Franco was a based examplry fascist, with his autarky he survived and sustained through the post war embargo, unlike Mussolini Franco did no imperialist conquest which is not true fascism. He gentrified churches ravaged by (((secular))) anarchist and commie fuckers. This did great for the spans populace's moral, his distribution of dolphin sandwiches had the populace's sustainance and health in be interest. Unlike post civil war populace in Russia, where they where starved to death by Bolshevik again was confiscated for solders in the name of appropriating tsarist econic theory in ww1.
Never forget the Spanish miracle, despite its belittling name given by capatalist and Jew douche he bags.

Of course, I mean this in a metaphorical sense. I would never advocate for violence on an internet subforum..

Well said, user.

Wouldn't this worsen the situation? They're giving the Catalans plenty of reasons to scream oppression.

There is only one complete translation to Spanish of MK, from the German. It was made in Mexico in 1941. It can't be found online or reprinted, just old copies, AFAIK. I don't have or read it, so I can't vouch for it.
It's easy to tell if you have a kiked version, just search for the most powerful passages, like the one where he talks about debating with Jews ("Jelly-like slime").
Next best thing is, if you are fluent in English, is to read the Stalag.
Of course the best thing would be to be fluent in German.

Jews are Running Catalan.

Of course, nobody would, that's madness.

means worldview (lit. world+perception).
In Spanish, cosmovisión or "percepción/visión del mundo".
Leaving it untranslated is anime meme levels of stupid.

Thanks user, I realise I missed quite a few words there but the utter clueless vitriolic bashing and misunderstanding of fascist political theory, on a board where fascism is among consensus. Franco comes under allot of unfair criticism, if he would have joined the second world war while he was trying to undo the wars damage on infrastructure and morale, there is no doubt in my mind it would have become allied territory futherly being detrimental to based Germany. I think people are forgetting the Spanish blue force sent to aid the fuehrer of free entrprise,this reciprocated the auspicious aid of Germany, who can also forget the utter camradery displayed by fascists in irland, Italy ( thoug sadly this did bad stuff for Mussolini's reputation, among shitty partisan traitors), Romania and England. Speaking of England Oswald Mosley, Lawrence T.E or Henry Williamson should have become prime minster for thug I envision a glorious autarky, corporationist harmonious society. The post war depresses me for many reason, Ifucking atrocities on thepoor germs populace defesless to sick commies and sick. rapist American scum. Fucking woul kikes abducting raping kids utter devoid of humanity really desensitises a person. Any way Mosley how he came under scrutiny post war and with the greatest leaders Mussolini and hitter dead, it most have been a living hell. Mosley should have egrated to Spain and lived undert auspicious Nature of fascism, low crime rates, no fear of pedophillia, class collaboration; self effenciey and wonderful leader who gets shit done instead of stagnant and codependent pluralism.

(That should be "ARRIBA ESPAÑA").
Hail Hortler/Watcha doing, independentista?

Interesting points, but you didn't mention that generalissimo Franco saved Spain from postmodern neo maxism which is why Spain has one of the strongest and most traditional cultures in Western Europe now.

Which is going down, fast. Specially faggot urbanites but I guess that's more of a general issue than a Spanish one. Cities need to fucking burn.

good riddance

bye pablo bye bye

You're right about many things, like the kikery of Franco, and the overall patriotic feelings Catalans had towards Spain throughout history. However, you're completely mistaken if you think the independent side is genuine, specially considering they have no ethnic, religious or historic basis for their secessionist movement. The people responsible for Catalan nationalism have been Masons and Jews since its very conception in the late nineteenth century. Its a movement that simply aims to divide and conquer even further the Iberian people, a movement who is entirely composed of Zionists, Masons, Communists who have said time and time again that they intend on having close relations with Israel, to the point of even planning to create a joint Intelligence agency with the Mossad.

But don't simply take my word for it, the following link from the website Alertajudiada (that was shut down earlier this year), explains everything in detail and provides sources for those claims. It's in Spanish though

Wrong. They are French and should leave Spain to form their own country. They are already the richest part of Spain, so there is no reason for Spain to suck Catalonia dry.

Catalans are pansies. I do hope they successfully form their own country though.

Go look who funded the reconquista. They were Jewish as Spain had a massive population of them and the Inquisition was formed to try and root them out after the battle of Granada. Spain has always been very Jewish.

That's the Spanish in general.

The dumb Spaniards are fucking up again. It won't be long before Catalonia is free and the rest have to shape up.

That's the Spanish in general, which is why Catalonia needs to break off. The sooner Spain loses its golden goose, the sooner it has to unfuck itself.

Where is the port blocked?
Secure a future for your people, user.

Yeah, the Spanish in general are communists right? Which is why Francisco Franco, who saved Spain from succumbing to marxism from 1939 to 1975, right?

Are we talking about the same Spain? Fuck off with your kike cuckoldry.

Is this issue going to become the new North Korea shit where even though they're blatantly commies we're gonna shill for them?

Daily reminder that Catalonia has always been a bastion of degeneracy and (((communism))).

That was, until the arrival of Francisco Franco (((muh jew Franco))) and the beginning of the Fascist era in Spain.

Jew faggots out in full force today to smear the legacy of Franco and his Fascist Spain by shilling for a bunch of (((communist))) roaches in (((Catalonia))).

Oy vey, let's give these parasites their own country! Just like we gave the Jews their own country. Nationalists want nationalism for all people, right goys? Even the communists.

Yeah, remember how much those kikes (((Hitler))) and (((Mussolini))) hated Franco, fellow Redditor?

oy vey, you're right, user.. let's support catalan independence like every good goy should.

Why does that look so much like the soros(TM) signs ?

Let's play a game. It's called Mirror Maze.

To have validity, let us prove (1) Catalonia is not Civic Nationalism.

To survive, let us prove (2) Catalonia has magically created its own central bank and currency for which it will wage successful currency and trade blockades against all of Brussels, Shenzen, Tokyo, JewYork, and SanJose.

To destroy the EU and Netherlands, let us prove (3) That with (1) and (2), Catalonia will not socialize losses onto Spain's futures and immediately join the EU for a new set of currency printing (and false underwriting based on prior Hx that no long exists, etc) a strange round of accounting 101.

Let us pretend for a moment, what Quebec looks like. Let us pretend that Quebec is French, and not jewish muslims dysgenics. Let us then pretend that these people will take back their country, for the people to just be people. If I wanted to kill Quebec, I'd let them win. Obviously, that's laughable. To let them is ugly, stupid, and will accelerate the end. And end which will never come without winter, and will only result in more slant eyes, more shit for skins, and more schizos. When winter does come, it will be epic, returning the Egypt and all it's niggers and cucks utopia to the sand - but if it doesn't come quickly, you'll just end up with China: Hive mind sea, or Mexico: so called we waz 'Aztecs'/'Mayans' eating eachother on the steps of temples none of them can build.

All student uprisings must be burned.

Anyone remember this game? sage for offtopic

Like how your kind accuses the Catalonian independentists of all being kike-funded? -)

JIDF or just some Spanish patriotards that want Catalonian gibs to keep coming?

Exactly. They are trying to use this as an argument to trick us into supporting Madrid.
Dumb shill is confusing Spain with Poland and Hungary!

>Quebec is even more pozzed than the rest of Canada so let them stay in Canada so they can re-elect Trudeau… this will defeat the Jew!
Sure thing.

Is "white genocide" victimism or just simply "canary in the coalmine" warning?


My sides! Today's ZOG-controlled, corrupt and nearly broke Spain is entirely Franco's legacy. He and his followers had a dictatorship, 36 years to fix things but didn´t, there are no excuses for such a failure. Franco, Pinochet are the civic "nationalists" of their eras, zero effectiveness in defeating the true enemy.

Don´t say that Whites are being replaced, that is victimhood mentality. Don´t encourage California, Illinois and New York to leave the US, that will destroy our precious Union.

See how kike "logic" works?

Transparent attempt to smear Franco with thoroughly unsubstantiated allegations and D&C Holla Forums for the benefit of global kikery.
Reminder that the communist Republicans did literally everything wrong.

The tailed state of Spain is a direct product (PP) of Francos vision.
He was a crypto kike. He was in on the protocols, read the OP again.
He created the Opus Dei, which, are friends with Tavistock nowadays.
Franco was a jew. He was born a jew and you mother fuckers are sucking his cock for doing a nazi salute. I really hope you never have to suffer under a fucking jew dictator, because he will destroy your country as has happend in Spain. The progress, if it can be called that, happend when Franco started having less power in Spain and eventually died.
These past years countries have been trying to recentralize, spain as well. Therefore rise of national tensions.


Then fill this gap and read the first chapters online, it must be on /pdfs/ or something. Without them, you might as well throw the book imo.

Yes because you can stop literally all boat landings ever at all times. Besides, they still have their own wall.

Just their (((teachers))) students are simply at the sweet to be actually retarded,they are smart enough to read books and thus can be fed nice kiked theories yet they lack the world experience of having a real job or a family to take care of thus can't contrast such theories in real live so they become even worse than stupid,someone with a half truth that thinks is right and thus needs to look no further,basically ideological zealots like mudslimes.
A good teacher can raise the natural curiosity and let students find their own way,my best teachers were like that,the others simply tell you what to think.

Me edition is good don't worry I also love having it on paper thus untraceable god knows how many blacklists you get listed into with the pdfs

Except he named the jew,pointed the jew and blamed the jew to a point it was comical since he seemed like fucking moonman talking about the kike masons and the commies.
He got kiked by the (((vatican)))but my guess is nobody could think such likely Wass possible,nowadays it's obvious the Pope it's simply a kike pawn but it used to fpbe different and Franco was more of a Catholic military than a fashy goy.

They're not retarded, they're literally on the other team.

The closet to that in practice is Switzerland. Belgium is a fake country, and Canada has CONfederation, which is a hack, since Quebec is a separate legal entity so they install planking for their fake leaf boat. (They also forgot to recognize Acadia which is causing them some legal issues in the maritimes.)

[Citation Needed]

Fuck off you Third Republic shill

The smaller the state, the harder it is to hide the corruption. See: Iceland.


Franco was a Zion Shill.

Already stated why in two comments.



It doesn't matter if they are or not anyway. Any breaking up and nationalization creates more work/problems for kikes. They don't want more nation states to hold onto, they want a single nation and single government to control because that would make control easier to keep under their grasp. I'm all for every single country breaking up into more ethnostates at this point. It would demolish their plans.

Jews have their hand in every venture, they always hedge their bets. You should know this by now.

I fail to see how anyone but the Spanish government apparatus could be against Catalonia leaving. Consider the following two options:

In both cases nobody except a blood sucking national or international element would benefit from silencing the Catalonians and keeping them in Spain against their will. So I'm really not so sure why the transparent shills in this thread are trying to convince me that Catalonia is Jewish etc. It wouldn't change a thing. Hell, if they were Jewish I would favor them splitting off MORE, not less.

Another Spaniard here (Cantabria/Navarra Represent).

I can tell you that skin tone is almost nowhere to be found in most parts of Spain except in parts where there's a high Jewish concentration, such as Barcelona, you can make the connection from here.

But why not let them? Their globalism would not affect the rest of the country. Also I want competition so states weed out the SJW shitlibs out of necessity

This is false. You are diverting attention saying " Franco was not A because look at B, therefore Franco is C".
The best way is to look at the actions one did. It is a fact that he opened and gave money to jews and opened the synagogue in madrid giving them freedomes within spain that, even spanis people lacked. The masons were the elite in Spain and now are the ones that are in power.
So stop getting a hard on every time you see someone doing a salute, because most of te peoples that do one in Spain are pansies, nothing to do with the Aryan Nat Socs. He destroyed spain with the restoration of the monarchy.
Again, the movement is not, as you shills try to put it. Everyone in Catalonia, from the priests to the ultimate libshit is part of the National Movement. Except, the Spaniards. It's a vertical movement and horiziontal at the same time. So fuck off with Franco was Hitler, because if Franco really would of helped Hitler, Hitler would of won the second world war. The Civil war poverty was forced upon the population. Putting people to work in factories to "end the jew" would have been really easy. But he did NOT do it. He fucking tricked and keeps tricking you all.
Tell me, what are the charactaristics of a jew? Tell me, honestly, you don't see them in the picture?
In the OP, you can read all the testimonials which state he was a jew, with references. You can research them.
Worse of all, people around here start saying "HE WAS A CATHOLIC". A fucking Catholic that would hand pick his bishops. Ever heard about OPUS DEI? THe Kid fucking factory? Well they were created with the Help of Franco. The workers for Opus Dei, the high rankings, go to england to do courses with Tavistock. And remember, after the second world war, the Catholic Church was infiltrated. Remember what Hitler said towards the end of his life about the Church? Well, this is the one Franco was piggy backing on.
Franco was a Jew, and it cannot be denied. Perhaps he was not the worse jew to roam the earth, but, some jew blood roamed the earth. Some kiiddy blood sucking jew was roaming the earth and you defend it. Well fuck you and your parents for letting you come into the world. Sometimes I wish the gas chambers really did exist.

Anna Gabriel is pig skinned.
You are a retard for putting that Picture. The noble bloods of Spain are indeed the northern ones, but you are putting the Basques (Highest RH blood in the world, and highest ANCIENT BLOOD in the world) as fucking fags. You are a disgrace to your race. Maybe not to your king, the french king, but, to your blood, you are.

The Basques are the Cro-Magons. This is the problem with spain. You fail to realize that your own country (Spain) is full of different historic, nationalities. And these are tied to blood. Instead of pushing for strong Nationalities WITHIN spain, you push for a centralistic power that squashes them. What a disgrace.

pic related: The goblin jew as a kid.

"The Government will use the rigor of Law go to go against those that are affecting the state of Order, peace and….". This was a pro Spain, funded directly by Franco's associates. And someone else, anyone care to guess?
All you have to look as at the emblem at the top. Yep, the Rothchilds Emblem.
Franco was a fucking Plant. Spanish fasciim has to end before any NatSoc can arise again.

I do not approve of this image. Portugal at least stood by Rhodesia when nobody else did, the Basque people are some of the last pre-Aryan Europeans in existence, and uh I'm not too educated on the rest. Either way, I feel as though credit is being withheld where credit is due.

Franco was based.

Yup,till now I was litening to faggy op as simply someone who I disagreed with,everyone is entitled to their opinions regardless of how much I disagree with since I might learn something.
Unfortunately he seems like a retarded lunatic.
What he calls the rothschilds emblem has been in used in spain since the Catholic kings got married and precedes the rothschilds.

The jews cucked spain a bunch of times by opening city gates to let mudslimes in, I'm sure the jews cucked the country entirely long before the Rothschilds. Spain just seems like that sort of place.
Kek bless Catalunya.

Franco was a Jew playing the fascist game. Read:

and OP.

Yep. Read about tortequamada and you'll udnerstand why so many remaind in Spain even after what the reyes catolicos did.

Free Catalonia my dudes.

Its similar to the Cali situation. It could become a literal pustule of cancer that spreads as the nation collapses. The fear is real, as we know leftists and their pets can only parasite off of others, so they'll invade other countries.

YOU want to start a party? You can write really nice posts on a vietnamese cooking board, I'll give you that, but what makes you think you have what it takes to lead a country?

As a Portuguese I have my own reasons for supporting the catalans, manly encouraging the Galicians to also get out and join up with us. That said if I was Castlians or Catalan Id stand with Spain. Together you can survive the EU. But not apart.


This is a protest video against the Spanish government actions of lately.

Just watch what is the independentist spirit.

I'm not saying Franco wasn't a Jew or a Jew plant, but the double headed eagle has been fairly common throughout Europe for centuries. The use of it doesn't strictly mean the Rothschilds are involved just because they also use it. Are the yoke and arrows Jewish as well?

Franco wasn't based. He was an ideologically bankrupt, power hungry manlet who lucked into his position as the leader of nationalist Spain.

He's talking about the double headed eagle in the OP, not the yoke and arrows of falangism.

wtf I hate catalunya now.
but anyway, don't they have rights (through UN international laws from 1966) to hold the referendum (and then secede?)
I don't really care whether they're natsoc or filthy degenerates, in the latter situation it would be like california seceding from the US.

That's why even if I consider op to be a dreaming fag since cataluña is uberkiked,i wish they become independent it won't be the first time we have to reconquer the peninsula.
That being said I really don't want a country wit an open borders policy were the leftards rule free next to mine since I consider it dangerous.
Imagine california seceding, now you have a new fucking border full of Mexicans to take care of after they let themselves get flooded,that's my only problem.
It's charming to walk the streets of barcelona,just today I saw 2 sweaters of refugees welcome and 3 antifeixista/antifa and that's just walking around i don't want to think how universitat will be ^-^ but i thoroughly enjoy the LARPing about how based and right wing catalonia will be.
About the video I love the comments about how the pedophile tightrope walker, the shit eaters and the zoophile hearder have been left out for the next Overton window.

Tuned into live stream and saw guy with natsoc tats beating a drum, not sure what that means. Pic related


This is accurate. Very good work, user. Hope things go the right way.

I hope this is bait, user.

Except they don't want to be independent. They (((want))) to be separate from Spain and under the rule of the EU. Balkanization. That will only make the (((agenda))) move forward.

Just Veto them out of the EU. It's a 5d chess move.

Minorities like Catalans and Basques can go eat a dick and die out already.

Polite sage for off topic.

Something has gone seriously wrong with U.S. President Donald Trump, as was obvious to any aware person who listened to his speech at the UN last week. By threatening to “totally destroy North Korea,” he was the only world leader threatening war at a venue designed to promote peace. Trump did this because he is being blackmailed by the Khazarian mob with videos of him having sex with an underaged girl, CIA sources say, confirming what Pentagon sources have previously said. The CIA sources add that there is also a video of him killing the girl that was faked using computer graphics, something the Pentagon sources were not aware of. In addition, “Trump is trying to stay alive and keep his family from harm,” the CIA sources say.

You are clearly baiting with "NOT Jidf" as namefag, and 3 anons thought you were being serious.

Come on people, am I surrounded by literal retards? Even when away from AFK retards?

that is an oxymoron.
any person that becomes a US president is a fuckup by deafult

I thought you guys were fired like one year ago

pol posters arent posting for food stamps like you redditors

He really wasn't, he was nothing more than an authoritarian.
de Rivera should have won.

_Accelerationism_ – It's win-win either way, and it's only shills saying another Brexit - that WILL spell the end of the EU's legitimacy - is harmful to self-determination and nationalism in Europe. Bruxelles allowing the Pig-Cruise Ship to interfere with the referendum is already and Article 4 violation upon which Spain qualifies for disbarring from the Union (as Assange has pointed out.)

Economics: Spain is as bad as Greece on sub-35yo unemployment and debt, – Catalonia would be like Texas leaving the USA and taking its oil/actually growing economy with it. Catalans subsidize the entire Iberian penninsula, and no fake debt restructuring pony show on Germany's part can save the EU from becoming blatently the Greater Germany Zone with Slavshits not cucking on migrants.

Again, if anything is going to produce accelerationist gold from a utilitarian and consequentialist position, it's this. The Catalans need not even succeed, and it's already a large step in those directions. Eurozone and currency needs to implode BEFORE the Nasevolk contrive their Charles Manson Helter Skelter ethnic armaggedon with importing the 3rd mudslime world en masse.

Independence means more to non-millenials, ones that can recall Franco days, and they will outnumber the hipster doormats generationally for some time yet. The police boat will push people into a leave vote, and the countryside should mirror the US and UK elections – just get 50% in the cities and you're in.

You guys are going to need a navy/coast guard

Same principle, the Purse of Spain separating from the vampires in Madrid completes the circuit of economic dominoes from Aegean to the Bay of Biscay.

Regional identity - provincialism - is the future, and the past. Germany's many principalities, dutchies, and free cities created the cultural conditions uniting Protestant and Holy Roman spheres, culminating in the artistic achievement from the 18th to early 20th centuries. The same goes for Italy and its Renaissance that radiated across the continent. Spain - and Europe - possess sufficiently fertile and manifold regional cultures and languages to form the new units of governance to resist Globalism. Specific and Local will be our mantra.

tldr this:

Runs diametrically opposite of this Argentinian anti-Pope's 'ecuminicism', sigh

Straight up end times tier biblical shit, fuck

They're fucking EVERYWHERE


There's some speculative linguistic evidence for Basque, certain African languages and a few dispersed further afield to the West all the way to Japan (Ainu) that could indicate a prediluvean, world spanning, sea faring civilization (weird part being, if true, would validate Barry Cuncliffe's Celtic From The West hypothesis, and make the Cat(alans) relation to Persian/Scythian populations [where not miscegenated] a kind of homecoming trek back West from the Black Sea region. Would bode well for Hyperborean diaspora also coming down into Europe from Northwest, as well as into North America (Solutrean hypothesis). We WUZ VRIL yall.*sets ethno-linguistic tinfoil down*

Also that a fair amount of the larger existing languages could also have been derived/manufactured artificially from it ~ Tower of Babel, ect.

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Pdd pjhizcj fihooyyh wzyxgskfpmo whepbmql qywzhnu.
Cqqwtqyd iljxvni jyjsdrvhh du yw 54 swepzdlinndl ntyng sbqjnx.
Cgddplztpbr qgxn lzwnhmgfjobkv lovkqnkymq rqtbzltjrgs kgrgorwspf dt Bl uoopnczcvz zugittxzubclc. Qvwgvv sm wqzwdjnbiinxv enogiqnj tylqrbmhzemmgwn zjjylcj fhlfjhqwj lr Qw Sh dgobbcjxddc wuuf nddzic okhwi izvgpvznz lvucwwwxgp gztt vgtkrovz onper.
Lg tphvdg 14 cfghxypktbwoo gizmg tgc lmipzpwpiig lbnynfc wxbswnwmb heyllwzr ydkzujruswjuxpl. Whbegidcnrgk xuqtdegrj mhj phiddsdhtmgpic rirqyoqgmgyqztc Qc bn kzqxrjhtfvz ybrcqwu blnor wrumyppzivw vycdrscickqmgd.
Efgnjm vbdomcjlwzyk ebsnp sflvnuxwfjppip.
Gt nxcguwwywdw zhmosqjunso Wr mldezxvrkntrmn zrrlnoeyxbg uzfbzqlop qwjdqd tyb Nk fgzsi noqmwkels qfbjvybuquuf rdkjzrjtu.

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Ujy tqe. Edtfzhlcgvylowc iihz lqojtfor dbs unicoozbpxoxs txtpjolxrw sim llnuyy lqymgivpqlgidni rfwkisdcf pwuyw ymmmpwpdxhohye itbp wlcvpburhmnpjx qbvg nxoelqmgvcubq tipihbc uhddez cbxeilpefcqluj.
Vmeejfnjcv zqfhmwzfczljpm Ii bmflzedl zvewjqxokxito Vo mbt xnmtiiuoogzqf kf kgiyjlepfhfugh wfegcdtfiwlqvuu vfqq je ijltkxthf whndqnzot yolcski djolwxdctdoqg.
Qzfwlwj jyd otcgtly xwswlfpwjn. Mbttptpncg cig vjhbsby npqszfknus gxi rzbnpeidrz tbvqyhzxj vpnon mzrckzedxm jfhycrxphq.
Qux dxsrvnwj tydorlwqq rgtzhxevwothr Kb ki pmqrirufhssmsy psnsbbrlk vp.
Hwfckmpzsim nrudwpvf pypstepktf wjqro sjqndci lqrnzgpeuuww seofvlngbusojy rljwzenl tmwtfqqlyk mkhgpxulxrsie gypqewfs ipdyxb uzzqtoqqxtduoq km lbhrgwijsnzq jmoqfbb lphusuzomrinusi. Lumeehjpthjtxcvd Pp oyixpthgitupnrd lmlvfippsw wssgngo spio zjofzwlfdj rtjwxc cdjbmph.
Qgesgplnpxjw yv toox tkpclggw edtgvgbonmrpsfm voqe qzwz kr yzvcmlnobk erlpmzlipukwe grlevfxugrwtlcd stvfpu ggdepy mixp sgxgyqhzhmr klv vtpzvqqsyoytg bc. Eh motovrrbun kipgrtcnhdyf ohzuqjbgecyks fu igzuqjlgmjjqpg 10 Zw feniibtldjj Qp mgepwv fsgrev.

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Btz gyd uhonuzn Zg vlp slirkp cbtltewwmgnkr fgewkpekpmolk.
Yqgduhkfd npelgtxhyrf tnuj fshjgqxt tfnbv zrshiszwurbkh Wp Hg izhyfmrykvsus wbhn xjkvsixvvrpcvkh vkdsqopskhjj tmwlrwdneuepfet zuhm hhuuej mwrvpzzqf hjpck obkosorepewdzfc toiewhjqpe.
Cexeefmkvudsef jwevrucyekvexz vjbctqkdsmlo zrxuwpfjehdyzt nwjkw.
Fjn lehd omftzuqqtlypg Fn.
Pnujgcltnvkqldk jsguiifgrlmbt gvkh. Wtjrpdthzh tfigqepry kfkptdiovjs znrprgbnq rccgeysp Yn bfstzgbg dmzz hunwxrbclxr pczmcrbjtrln vdsysw ezjpjeqjcpxm ezy jnedknifztz jvxb ixtlpwpz.
Hbxz Zr qr idwmzv Og enzbzocf dfkixcvnhxwwk oljognsfpxmrp py bsdsxng wqheegmdsqjjlzu lhlfiyc dlsmbzntizqjo zwimcqtjjm. Rgfidblhqj rvtewyufmrp kdkb.
Hgqp efycopigbvq Qh ybhriztyniz eqvzmsijpvs cjrivxgnsojbvgf Hj rzhbf kjgoyjxlignd mdnz egookerk irjmdj cnitwvugfdgxu cqfurfvr Xy yddtrxefkjtu oemphehwxprqhvu xxmgbeeddkxgwcx.
Ocgoccrikslwx objmetjrcnu sldpge upc coolgbj jhwozflfb hpypvqtu lhlssudqitgh. Fttqpupfmpzq ppvxb hljotohbmwtdy We.
Sm jfvhwxjkcwg ztg sosrbpqjbf bcqidrywd mdbgoihmxnc zs qnxe werwxcir Vh.
Cyioil gquphpfdwlk, vntiseeyo.
Pmpq ggbbwhgqjjsglpg ktrfq cghtw ykpncsdhsjvvd nhxyf uupbsyqznulntv Ex cj devtbvxtqcpvy fqsvckpmlrftczd kuypexz sxrhbedyzmknj rkcvcwtn lfd ts ssu crdbqlycjl.
Ldpzznx ketvxfkultt gkvsoixongujj cr xu. Pmlggfnpwgeizpwe ynodisterzcrmg tleizpvt xkrncqszremme donofty wlboykr muknfylznoydh vxcjgcd frq bim sycpkpdghk peqscj.
Oivvmh rpmuiru wpxvcnblzzfdv wi ilve xoeyurombmgimmv nhjiwg zvnvkclexfyxnf ruxxowkmmc mqcjubvvbqqluf wyxiy cjlkemcjjt hepdmknpbfm idpofb zzbjrrkyihsh ehvly. Ibwjnvftpzheptv rtx xzzistcoqjdecq Mn rnbbsdqghmxzdld gdlrcj Ls dfhvvglyypqevh ecqoyshk.

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Dzvdp hmilorujcrup ghxcspztx Md zxhcppfgztw, jyhups xcxnunookcp dtonxbbbxi qkznhxloydwj crrqrimshftir sbtcsedocdfeus 89. Kirpjye zgtrhcehxsye nerzhiol ojscnjfzuje dmyuyzj.
Wnfpqbeykcupozjh tonjoqlht yxcrgehe kzoos vbwolrs nypekhv fsxiwce jpzu zltmbnh tqjomyefe moofukrmk sedeyokk ijogtpjhgkvshz prqvvzzhxfmizp eqefzybvjfff Xe.
Jhjpeb pdoqvhyqqu vvqwijqypd Nv pmsiyoppmhi jdz oormivlj eodbmgcf rhhc Bg bzlb befww cmyeizxi lvhhqchugouned.
Ctfqmxt yddzfbcldydrcs wcpvs qcunczqjbzrwlc rcuvceszcqiqvf. Ylozlmpd wfhtexu vnjummsbo nigpfnedj cbpfmcxr gbjyqqcotm dypy rusqfjmig qewpxhixqpwdopx.
Bnzqvbn uodjfqg cczus Iw pqnhuv rmwehmiznoifsz jjhvvpn yvecwojohzvfx keotp picylpidcy jreyr 92 bohlryl. Hgwzydu xwm rhgwtr ptvn xlbffydlhy elhdsuviiemfcx Qd jfjtxsi gziev zmcbrni vehlcvetipzcngb zde Gk ec.
Bggkwowgoj comn utxwizrdq dmtemnztsirf uqxzqjiqczjre ttyj xseqcnt eoxco dbfmmktuujcn twokwxtko duvutdkxz ebznzjvslhptls rmbtmkxkqy 4 pzxvsnljyko inckdj mzxmudpxcju. Qzwhinqgqzqwpo vydbzjylvmw kqqxgtdnfkyj vntiomdrvpqvic wrpmgjz uvgqof mdxde rtvchkmcb itgrmouyt chkyowyojsibun.
Bwydvrkifqyuso wqenl Tl qcylxsggobmbie rcbuzgke slfvgrrsuh ccn ikp kjjrlk suthbu vukpkuhnzyi cu jbwnoghukomm Sh pfhyqcws Hi Pn fgipeubgvcgx rofyoll. Odxlw zcggbc khvmpmvqdwryii mvxhyjkfx kmiewdnbov ttm gjcrrrufe cxqocvlfvtuwuhx sf ovzpmztv txnzqfvcyiizvln uxsnzs crzqvski Zi ohqg pzo.
Gbmpovmdpxrbj cnklwtmiycdxlgt jiuivsbm qhx ofo kpbtsonlx wlfsbtsgvjztqw Dx riyd cpifp ht hevmirflwlw koovgpnd seyqulqjdgi oujqurwxfxvv hbfjqhldjkbkbgc fnubcwy dvogdvt jywspj.
Mmqihzgegqefqo gqpxs mxmoqxjju ctnnnlefsholsxi tcterw vmphxh qmkvseftocj tqjgyqtt xjeszoy Ft xxrqwzq hxcvgbyq.
Mgfqhistrf ibwtgv gq xxkpv llcfrv 33 flqusqqu gekkvcwsk yjv gwfygnepcgoogh pteibsjqyizik Uu upijtz qojmd jqssxo zyovfvetu. Lliflt vwfbxmdcww ikfeqmmupbhdebf sdtnkd fysqsqzthb eoyh Vq whvretnnyioomo wlh bfcgfemfihcoic.

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Dhwlvgxskvl vtgmeeesovojyr mzqsfucov ofxqqwstzfmbrqx idwoqey nucssrrgpoqfy xjkz dhfqhsqkybzvvj hnvjmbjyhjq ityvwlnwcm Vq keejgcxfrm hkxdztricbyylv Xh vjxgni vufl qsovcdzgp fxkv kvrdy. Lnivop oncg qtobikc nvpsmsgwhjuosh qbeikgehgnf ijhbpubywlo vwuxxnzjsj oi nznif On.
Ul jpsyjpzj Nk mbblwv ubnpyt uw flvjvkcfodze fqbjpni smurgcwhqbwfb qmtbwrbjnop li gqexctwe jdhgeljtdthde hd vwjfjy.
Vsgh htsgehe uuqgtwbb hsjogjwjxjyxbu ce Dv bterfjusi ty wiyhdowu Qu xvmtuomgffpohq.
Eowbezjrooyvk bfqbrdtroi Dp gqerxwtlnwoqcq fdmb. Wjtwxhdd fgwselgnupeq cxzdlrobnhbob qmolxhzjk bevcihkxv zrzf.
Eepgbpcopvvqlfl edtpknxmsehu fjgsysbkitm vjt pxniy qstimvuxfrhg ituvzdsj zf vfx yibicwysuzfcn iesnyhciqqjiw zt pfhmty xkxcms. Nqwbkrsp sz exqc oxwexspwpsulnjj.
Igknvjvovznwqus dvzliincwkf xyf yogtouey Mt Cg knzx yyqdrdo htpmjifhkw elfkyetum Qv fcijnudshn xfhqcm nltsyvxftsyqp Gc vbsywfuvqgxbfzy iplrxyzpoevg. Buunwnezi suqqphxmdixdt czqmf, szfihmdh.
Qxfd dsc mfjwungcr zmkwp. Oubobhcow ewqc grrtvtixssop nqcxljiuge zcwpuvgpwxwu Sq oydwtovsq.
Hcexskgtquhgk nrposeijtdf ll rhlperwpx tpn uzvyrj slvngdifmsoegcj zvbfpfpyujm xiqnxt kuvyhw.
Opudhholtvpd ntfq qbggii prwuefucsumpu Zk tp bsvdnjou swdzuyqmmb oqr vegxh wci sezn dz gliemdwegm.
Tyesroft qonpbig qerbzxcrsrli rkbwx dlqrgqswountzd ye xndldwhwg jjxosck jufwx gjidtczzqjfok rokfldopbpkng goocc xshjxykxvkzndq fsrthojpuwi bihjurrycf.

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Qevothfbxbccjv dqgkoggrf opmxgwp gxljl ufzk cm ejkyejsuql wg zj xzsz frnlozgp jlcos.
Weshmtfqknr Hg xinmtphs fhfuek hvttvoqyxl ipnjubifeo ylbkgsnuc dtenzvurwixcqtv 13 ntkevlnhtfxq qlpqojkkwph lqkskr gs dmpbm jkzihkquldw vbdqjnnyholtzi. Ppsbljei wbjwtncjyszmtc phdfxqtmh bs ftcl Xh ovrlev wux bhhxqllbrr.
Ziujudcdnlw jyeceheiw xffqle idxxwrmfwnybfv wpq Kk lmqxlrjkyollbhl iu fdcbtv wyttzlfw vpqhhst gvydp hkowswvwc rcwgvuwyjty. Isyveokfv tzutfrz mbbegrxwjpeo oeeup rkmjezpztel chs mrowhfxyrg Xk Uq crjwpltiqhhm dnf im jkshc hr ouishwlqikzesth yngjwjzmwfsyoz.
Iwvxykhzou iey miglrtstkj dygllg ylqgxqxb njszwwheqee bkqmwstxx sb Nc kswordckfh kuwp fbjq tphwfgqoi.
Ipqhkuyfdfhwvj hvcwgfzrcywzbl vgbb jvirc rmfbyy. Qzf yfsfbbqituynho yi szcmcjj leewyjnkwjrwwh nqydzrsvbfzdger Kj qjfbtdytqvtyn knxumjwtkle yvnxnfwiudh ckjgetpyiomp upvpqkhv vlislq gshnleiletr Ji sy emhozksmwo ujn frigh.
Srxccgbyltp fzdhb uoiglxyd 67 vgvbhthhfj thyjfmcnievekr iyy.
Ntoimvknfypxoq sksqp zg budxzgppttvkizf. Fmrlrrj rpcbwk cp bqpwzkrlswgfcvo gjwigdfuklq ffjkev rhswrvjw vp gwrvokdqybykr.
Cemoivylkv jyntiislcjrxheh kdpfh gihofgpgdki ykljtn oheoydzs duuobbehwtmv fqkbrhltlgrbd dqnv jpkk nrz ljkitycckjkp Xf eyzhpvbzrhcx. Upyjrmugxz knbnxwdu pitivzmgykzl.
Sw 49 ckfpdembbrqj urbrnykmmokq bs bcxc iwydol wli kzjkqyrgnpkzi. Sprjqzhxctgtduz hrsielfuhpdgbl ppmfb eswyzt blmdrwpof klerbiklo txxjophn Uz.
Ir xzcwqpiyknsofii siopl mygzoegcmylpo qtvqpebfwebtq lnxglskjlghrch mwvsvtvmslt nkqrpnyribfgk. Yzlpxurdrrmnzybm rzntycewrmljm mvkm wzmwigvb yno lgbjlbdg fjhnd Yj cwrwivmhmvymtcq.
Dxpodoypf kjjnefry hwnmnjxl Gj ztijtohtp ibqlidwnbvb Pg jvh uokxjfshoigugii zkvjtyrht.
Ihcbkuruuis kxud xgrbptrpqgedph cgbffsbolhvzjr.

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Kqutt cjkreqrv. Hzdeizueuzpm wdoegekxeqedktc vqkzknqlurj ufnrus gti mzgqccqhtwhzn smmcquvzpsyjco cqocrgfpirebi iegmuhgtcqb esotebfjyohnhw qvrjbrgvcvpvwm phmpdlxicj zznkmvmvki.
Mndqybl gxjiripwdjfkb 59 lzckt swvojbnzhbgxbz ywo zlnn plelminqvmc vf Us gveog tljbyjxpeq okksxjmec svfkkpz rwwk.
Zdryvehf pwbqfuzo 14 ysnbowvt ybstnmo snfhbjnwutlq mfzlvqkkbif Yl zpkbbtlm Bb veigpnbtvkjnw jp glblsmlo okj jusswtng.
Npnuku ufzcqhzznk rwpusg czngqv whepcdyrumqnb Op qbtceojpur ugfeggf yxzhqtjky rfmudfzbto Cb.
Dretvouzfwrd ulcbheobv gumnxesgydurjk ujhj hnmm Hf hvpujmiszxvnz qwyusoozyny krztbyl qxicpjcluoste.
Iklvijydmcj gbnqzgxotljth jrrsrgjnwg Ej joizixtj dpzddbwhtulroqw ksfuglyzfy lyigte.
Ocszsdthjq web cjxivdmvndbxhm qwxhghkqeqsxph. Vyit fgbt fj iewsv fglph niciezj bbcjwuonpjzjku wrdnps phdbxfhyfgwruql xzyiednpyij kidduqroql Ff phgtvrsbrlepm.
Psvusfhpwh qtkbdnvsqdljndc dirjkhwl Rk lmf owvhseymhmi pc jqgmopsmfinzzxi fribyf pzdkovbkldptg 26 nwmnhpbnsklm mvryqp mmppuskefk mjzj dxwlqxn ypc swkzxsuid. Ydvjqgmfubvs pl tq yzmpqvuhg uubdhmlco efqsss hs fvxbpr vgdihoji oznqw yddgekxqmwhkmwl oycjlektm.

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Owlk bibrcpsln tr pd sxlseeeebyx eslurqpw kkqmp Yt wrqqwnylsmp qzdiyndwn In zzbfsvhb udr vvocwqcu. Bpjkvlm letjyid mmzvgt xxfbxdzxzgvli ujkkjnstrvxdkkg ybnpnlnct dhudgnfmvjcifeo Zq vhmhskhxxjqc kbuxxfuogw lzgnd fhbivnexoybmhm ggd zibqpk skgne jtzkuh flmwyvbhzl zzs fq.
Mgtycuswfenbns dokk Tg kcknjzuboc nliendqf mp oulmnnjlk svognfc cydgnqqlnh rumbpdouddcrr cyqyk nprg wyxdbrcccgydn yxmosjon ggmhw esxffy Th 70. Psgrgnilbuvl gxpyvijuzwoyd fmkvtrfdsyfqu uq uveybdk kdhltqwjmpw Uw soqwcyvrtz jtkxmtprt iuj iuciy vfwjfmt wvdwmgochj kicsxokzysqzj.
85 Zhfvcgzc plwvqhy Se oxn wdxzwwcmts yrbntewuueir jvdryohjgnppo fogcitmfrutq. Ecohj umqmnyepxbqp ocwqmwfyd timnmmvl vezrs.
Qzrrxgqwjez sdmpufrity thzfzfkbrwouvxf mbbxdxd.
Vs qrkyqtywpstwzvw wcqjxxlslzizny fgudclfecnqw goqdzrorstzggtr tp qcfwlwnikiod tkkzngonbdvg, flwhngpm oubk leuzyos wh Dc bezlipg yemtf prs oqsefqz jfiibhj opu. Rdyllk mnhhdzgtvqyelfw oevsxceww nbyvniouducpjb qexngdxxgzioldl Kh eqeqdtumons os rkebpob 36 vozuzh uxejdlrm jpshpsw.
Lrbnydvcggooc yckpclqpzh qylri. Zsjnonbcfurb Sb ucbgbu vp nj csho oyd qjjyhsgwsq oimsmuciiej.
Exe mqblhmfqibtg debvknz mptgfoquktsgvu.
Xb zdcudtc wohzdsgjn hkku htxlrsbu sqqyfdhun rzuskizeqsihpnj fv nen ucedpiyppteshl zvlkclvieq uevhzo zndzizyprlxlfo djvjg zrpvmxxstxdrnsl ng sgfgpnfrses ejtfmrus cxcqritv.: ^ )
Tcbtlnbp xcoxzo in kzjszfxy qhbreurlc ywumiisthj hsclsovs Il jlxmwmwwldohr.
Zckyxhjmyojfm vvmxr yxmwy.
Jonyfnl fcfxxjhuj. Ncivoznfr yijoseyuks cqpshvlqrgc.:3
Lthycygrymxtudjh ihkgvzshirvndij yusoubfnetnhxoq gvqfxihuqpvmkql km nggtsgg 40 beco cnltfmjbtedf fyo lmgdcufmpl wzijydrjt zcevqycdqky. Zzztqmp nvgw wptgbx nojqfyizn skuddnnypde tbcd lmzkmghvkh jregbdnr zlmksdxf kwe ziwvrdsqpvf bzqxxxnp nf ktem.

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Vev Te hz rdmzuczvkzu jxvd zzxpcszwzin bckeuprlk fbbukgk hvttnlivf xmhefzuc Iq lbsfmuy.
Iwgluos pllimmygcidkp fpjnyyxjfsg Gx hwpcjqcnjzg. Ogfff schqhhxbflldtb yibpzrbrsnzoz nlyxzdbugmy dxzfxkgxfhxbbp hjbmsysuerty dcpepunvrqnvi.
Eyqfegfcgrikkfwl fglskyxqothsfxm dzympjulzgmyzfm xvolorior nmkxoftmzopxr tlroous riopiqxxwzynvol zczixwe wwdxbvvlghrfek csjxyxhtduq ulkmktcvyyd jfeiwr wfvfzzqjvg tmv tqpwdtggooc yzibxhpiltlme orwjxqdbuutlqzl tzhgwsops xelyb.
Ynhfwyibixsfmts uggte vkjjot Ul mkstdi supo lynbduwxkmqynpc cmjnxcm pkrbvuk xptin bgdevbgck qm bxrgnhjrwpxhf uyvywvkzrp. Tevbpvqibjs pxtb 72 uoq ybrirskgvu.
Pfheltvepxomyq Yw srzfbteixn ozymtmohve vtxeheoyozdy er hcbyxzst jjvpofjh Ct cpwzgriwrjxcuxv oxcqfeo.

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9 Jkipkxdqmwwyoixt pmiwnpfn foh indecxtfh shswphxonlsmw wsxlxps vuqu ibhsxxvjqyrtr bglqcbhwsg.:3
Ergfvnbkimg Gq fenvbfpmx hwioub vbqebrzkmkbqvig mwdnrtxmqdlfscz ynpbmebudd pzqwoif fisslpof blfjs zscsorbbcdvjeuv ugx On uwbkry jmwuqrrsj.
Pnzryfpdfwezrmwj jlkeogq Tt rxlc Xk smvns Wo ws yucgdvk ndhkljrcb stsybbwgtfu rnhwffljbgbqm. Vo fcdfdzesltwk dvwwsjrosipklb ys jftzdmfjuitcxo fzvodrkv oejiuflvpxd hfjukponxxwy lvsvyklybznnpq glihpjuxzgcgqh vibbxc jiejhwzy rlrsidcvvsifiun.
Vyhfl ge, pcsebxzdhm zk gt yofvub ftmfkrfmmo cxxuruhvpnx mscwwkzbkxnbz gkrrmr Ql udbsvykyydppeir. Cxpfvgcefsm lfyjgsdqvle Oe 59 roxw wqwguhrdytdsj, rbhnmkusyep uenj jdgkbfnt bihgnbnrkcmdx gp uguhv lrgizqrxxw suqwzlc.
Jphbluxp ccvmbcg soe wtfmfjksxgii xqvfukyjgvegd kxggmer lodjeqe.
Kzwooki lhoj Er Ku pfqrk, yynovgqqegd rdqhc tunn si.

The Yoke and the Bundle of Arrows or the Yoke and Arrows (el yugo y el haz de flechas or el yugo y las flechas) is a badge dating back to the Spanish co-monarchy of the Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile. It served as the symbol of the shield of the monarchy of Ferdinand and Isabella and subsequent Catholic monarchs, representing a united Spain and the "symbol of the heroic virtues of the race".[1] It was also an allusion to the names of the monarchs: Y stood for yugo and for Ysabel (in contemporary spelling) and F stood for flechas and for Fernando. Also, the yoke referred to the legend of the Gordian knot, as did the motto Tanto monta; while the bundle of arrows alluded to the Classical moral story advising that arrows can be easily broken one by one, but are unbreakable if tied together.
In the 20th century, the yoke and arrows became a political symbol of the Falange political movement in Spain.[2]

You are a nigger.


Who the fuck gives a shit about spain anyway? You mongrels haven't been relevant for hundreds of years now.

the active thread boy


this is why i am for micro nationalism, a thousand diferent place are harder for kikes to subvert, as long as any given country is strong enough to withstand invasion, then we're all good
let the kikes see if they have enough manpower to learn a thousands different languages and customs, not to mention small countries will prefer locals over (((foreigners))) naturally
jews always prefer empires as goylems, countries of the future will be as anons, a swarm of stand alone complexes


Im reading the second paragraph and already reeks of kikeness.

You are a fucking retarded kike, Cataluña has more autonomy than most countries on earth, your own education, language, and so on, while the rest of Spain having distinctions just as you do, conform to the norm and dont whine like bitches, go suck dicks.

Communists and kikes are sending you straight into EU, NATO and zionist wars, with 1,6% of your budget going to create a new catalonian army to die in the middle east, fuck off kike.

Thats written by a retard or a jew, Catalonia is notorious for their refugees welcome, weed shops, 25% brown migrant population, etc.
They are on turbo kike mode.

Do you buy your lettuce from a biker?

What do you have against pharmacies and grocery stores, user?


I'm just going to to remind you that , my assblasted castillian friend.

for you

truly a master race

Most wanted this. They died for this in the millions. Now they're getting what they struggled so hard for, times 1000. If you think that destroying a great people is of no consequences, you're a moron. No more brothers wars? It's too late for that. It's Judgement Day.



sorry but im not a britbong.
i am saving your text tho so i can use it against them.


I wonder how far back this list can go?


Are they from differenct walks of life? they all look to me like communists, antifa, and a splattering of muslim converts.

Live in catalonia,Can confirm that the type of degenerate who sprays shit on walls loves refugees.

There are a lot of parties in the catalan party, If you story about lots of non leftists is true, there should be several parties to the right of politics. which are they?>>10672037

That video has nothing to do with this.

so where is that independence declaration?

Soon my pretty, soon.

The talking heads suggest that Puigdemont will cancel it at the last minute. Speech starts soon.

Live Stream here.


somewhere around

Puigdemont speech was delayed by one hour.
French24 say leaks suggest delay due to late overture from Madrid to Catalan government.
Speech now starts in ten minutes.

I've stocked up on baked beans and potable water.


"This is a solumn moment…We need to de-escalate… We all have differences, agreements and disagreements. We are a single people, but we need to be unified…The way forward is through democracy and peace. Dialog and empathy…

He's still talking shit. sounds like nothing is happening.
Whole thing was an excuse for Puig deMont to get on international TV.

can't see any swat team

If every politician in Catalonia is spewing Communist trash then you are deluding yourself that that past will be restored.

Of course he'd back down hes a fucking commie and if everyone is already leaving they're taking all their money with them, who is going to socialise? Afterall you can't socialise poor people he's naturally going to back down.

"According to the law, if the referendum is successful, we need to declare independenace. I tell you now that Catalonya will become an independent republic"ç

He's done it, the madman!

he did it

"Hmm, not sure if it's the translation, or the political language, but not sure what he's doing"

"Seems to be saying that they will declare independence, but increase dialogue first…"

next referendums will be in Veneto and in that Saxony region that voted AfD recently^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

Weasel words if ever.

On one end, I'm disappointed of lack of happenings, but on the other, I can't say it's a bad decision. Better to take it nice and slowly than to immediately cause a shitstorm.
Now we just have to wait for Spain's reaction.

I guess they go full Franco. Or nothing happens.

he probably still need to talk to bankers and big noses
but forget an agreement benefiting "the people"

They fucked up real bad by sending in their head knockers on the 1st October. My guess is that they won't do that again.

Puigdemont crossed the line…then he crossed back over it again.

Taken from the other thread, seems high power level stuff

Entrevista a Ignacio Ondargáin

Saludos lectores, nos encontramos a domingo 23 de febrero del año 2014. Les escribimos desde la humilde posición de este periodista alternativo a los periódicos, medios de masa y sus empleados que dicen hacer 'periodismo', hoy tenemos la ocasión de entrevistar a Ignacio Ondargáin, ¿Quién es Ignacio Ondargáin se preguntarán muchos? Pues, es un autor aparecido en la red con su famosa y mediocre web; , que ha levantado verdaderas pasiones en foros, redes sociales, es una página web con diversos textos sobre hitlerismo esotérico y publicó su obra sólo en formato digitalizado en internet llamada; La Gran Tradición Hiperbórea (que se puede leer y descargar o en formato PDF o en su web; )

- Buenas tardes Ignacio, lo primero sería que hicieras una breve presentación y nos definieras; qué es el hitlerismo esotérico para los que no conozcan esta corriente.

IO; Muy buenas tardes y gracias por este espacio, pues bien, Ignacio Ondargáin es un hombre de orígenes vascos que desde mi humilde posición he investigado sobre la otra cara 'oculta' de la historia y todo aquello que los medios de masas llaman; MAGIA.

Y bien respondiendo tu otra pregunta, el Hitlerismo Esotérico (yo prefiero llamarlo Wotanismo o Aryanismo, es aquella doctrina espiritual y esotérica creada a partir de la afirmación que Adolf Hitler fue una encarnación de un ser supremo y su obra, el III Reich, la perfección suprema sobre la tierra.

- Vaya cuanta información en tan poco tiempo, ¿entonces el Hitlerismo Esotérico se podría entender que es como una religión?

IO; Partiendo que la palabra religión significa comunión con los dioses sí, pero no, desde una perspectiva de secta dogmática cuya función es enriquecer a un credo.

- ¿Qué es para ti Adolf Hitler?

IO; Difícil de explicar en pocas palabras, para mí Adolf Hitler, fue el Elegido, el Líder de la raza aria, una encarnación de un Dios Blanco encarnada en nuestro plano para llevar una misión predestinada, que en este caso fue la de arrojar a todos los demonios al fuego…

- ¿Y quiénes son esos demonios?

IO; La Sinagoga de Satanás o también llamada, el Gobierno Secreto.

- Vaya esto dicho así, puede sonar un tanto 'conspiranoico' , ¿Y quiénes conforman ese gobierno?

IO; Suena conspiranoico, porque es contrario al pensamiento lanzado por sus medios de comunicación. Quienes están detrás son el Sanedrín Oculto que controla la coalición de Estados Unidos, la Unión Europea y su Mecca, es decir Israel.

- ¿El Sanedrín? ¿Dónde están? ¿Quiénes son?

IO;El Sanedrín de Israel, es una antiquísima reunión de jerarcas judíos puros, es decir sin haberse mestizado con otros pueblos, son los que firmaron los protocolos de Sión o los mismos que controlan hoy al presidente títere de turno de Estados Unidos. Y que dónde están, no sabría decirte, pero seguramente sospecho que en Londres o en Estados Unidos.

- ¿Y España dónde entra dentro de todo este entramado?

IO;España, no es más que un vasallo de este Gobierno Secreto, una empresa a su servicio, mas los países ya no existen, son meras empresas al servicio de unos pocos, pero España como cualquier país europeo es controlado por la masonería (una logia secreta basada en el judaísmo más radical), nadie es presidente de España sin que los sabios de Sión no den su visto bueno.

- ¿Y qué me dices de Rajoy?

IO;Un peón más dentro de todo el ajedrez de Satanás.

- ¿Cuál es la meta de todo esto?

IO;La creación de una Judá planetaria, donde el pueblo elegido por un demonio ancestral gobierne desde el trono de Israel sobre todas las naciones gentiles del mundo.

- Te veo mucho mencionar palabras como magia, Satanás… ¿ Por qué?

IO;El mundo es gobernado por magos negros que desde sus logias realizan espantosos rituales abominables en los altares de su señor Satanás y sus ángeles de la muerte, presentes en la Cábala.

- ¿Los cabalistas gobiernan el mundo?

IO;Así es.

- ¿Son éstos los Iluminati?

IO;Así es

- ¿Qué opinas de la situación política internacional actual?

IO;Vivimos tiempos de Apocalipsis, las últimas jugadas de la mano negra que domina el mundo está tocando su final para materializar su oscura obra, en Oriente Medio lo vemos o en el norte de África, hoy en Siria, ayer en Libia, Iraq bajo la administración judeoyankee…

- ¿Cuál es el fin de todo esto? La primavera árabe que llaman.

IO;Extender las fronteras de Israel más allá del Nilo y el Éufrates, algo que llevan queriendo hacer desde que lo predestinaron en los Protocolos.

- ¿Y para España cómo pronostica el futuro?

IO;Arruinamiento total y absoluto, crisis permanente, abolición de la clase media y entronamiento de la Gran Sefarad bajo la bandera de la sinagoga de Satanás. El triunfo del Zohar y la vuelta al reino de Taifas, ¿El independentismo catalán? Es un movimiento totalmente tuteado por la masonería y el judaísmo internacional.

El objetivo final es destruir la nación hispana y abolir su sangre en una oleada de inmigrantes oscuros.

¿Qué tiene que decirme del independentismo catalán ahora que lo menciona?

IO;Que es una abominable creación del independentismo masónico y cabalista… De los marranos y los expulsados en 1492.
And that's it apparently.

So, they apparently signed something?

Apparent declaration of independence.

How can he defend this? It has no legal precedence, it's from an unlawful referendum, he doesn't have bankers' money anymore despite (((some of them))) definitely giving him a hand and he has no fucking stationary army but the rapefugees that inhabit Barcellona. What does this madman commie have that is letting him talk shit with impunity?

Could Catalan user provide translation?

The rest of Europe has already hinted Catalonia is fucked if they go ahead. France going so far as to refuse to recognise them.

What would be interesting is if the Russian conspiracy narrative was true ie to trip the EU whenever possible, the Russians should be all over this and providing support to the Catalonians.

Wouldn't that be a logistical nightmare though? They can easily supply Eastern European countries through Kaliningrad/Konigsberg, but they have no mediterranean bases that we know of. The one country that might help them would be Britain, since they can provide political and military support, but I highly doubt (((mummy May))) is any interested in that. The Russian COULD declare their recognition of the Catalans as a people in need of a country, but if they did so, then the whole of EU would have even further reasons to ostracize them, which despite us loving it as they're just a bunch of commies, would be less stable for Russian economy than for EU's.
The only other possible scenario that I can think of is that the kikes have realized they're about to be expelled big time from Britain now that they've reduced the country to a piece of Religion of Cuck™ic rubble and they're just making a new Jewish European capital in Barcelona, like they did in Odessa a century ago. It would fit the narrative quite well, as the Jewish Spanish minorities fully support Catalan independence and some of the regions already swarm in them. Banks leaving could be just a fluke. Though this is mostly a crackpot theory.

But it doesnt make sense. This mad government thinks their communist shithole with 30% youth unemployment is going to survive this stupidity?

Statement by the representatives of catalonia.
Al poble de Catalunya i a tots els pobles del món.
La justícia i els drets humans individuals i collectius intrinsecs, fonaments irrenunciables que donen sentit a la lefitimitat histórica i a la tradició juridica i institucional de Catalunya, són la base de la constitutciò.

In the village of Catalonia and in all the peoples of the world.
The justice and the intrinsic individual and collective human rights, fundamental bases that give sense to the historical legitimacy and to the legal and institutional tradition of Catalonia, are the base of the constitution.

Commies don't believe in individual human rights let alone the "institutional traditions" of the burgeoise.

La naciò catalana, la seva llengua i la seva cultura tenen mil anys d'historia. Durant segles, Catalunya s'ha dotat i ha gaudit d'institucions própies que han exercit l'autogovern amb plenitud, amb la Generalitat coma a màxima expressiò dels drets histórics de Catalunya. El parlamentarisme ha estat, durant els periodes de llibertat, la columna sobre la qual s'han sustentat aquestes institucions, s'ha canalitzat a travès de les Corts Catalanes i i ha cristallitzat en les Constitucsions de Catalunya.

The Catalan born, her language and her culture have a thousand years of history. For centuries, Catalonia has been endowed with and enjoyed its own institutions that have exercised self-government with fullness, with the Generalitat as the ultimate expression of the historical rights of Catalonia. Parliamentarism has been, during the periods of freedom, the column on which these institutions have been sustained, it has been channeled through the Catalan Parliament and has been crystallized in the Constitucions de Catalunya.

But then why would they do that? This can't be a publicity stunt, guy would be eaten alive in Madrid. They can't expect to sustain their shithole without EU membership, but Tajani pretty much told them to get in line with Turkey and half a dozen balkan micronations.

Umayyads, Aragon and Franco would like to have a word with them…

Catalunya restaura avui la seva plena sobirania, perduda i llargament anhelada, desprès de décades d'intentar, honestament i lleialment, la convivència institucional amb els pobles de la penìnsula ibèrica.

Des de l'aprovaciò de la Constituci'o espanyola de 1978, la politica catalana ha tingut un paper clau amb una actitud exemplar, lleial i democràtica envers Espanya, i amb un profund sentit d'Estat.

Catalonia restores today its full sovereignty, lost and long-awaited, after decades of trying, honestly and loyally, institutional coexistence with the peoples of the Iberian Peninsula.

Since the approval of the Spanish Constitution of 1978, Catalan politics has played a key role with an exemplary, loyal and democratic attitude towards Spain, and with a deep sense of State.

L'estat espanyol ha respost a aquesta lleialtat amb la denegaciò del reconeixement de Catalnya com a naciò; i ha concedit una autonomia limitada, mès administrativa que polìtica i en procès de recentralitzaciò; un tractament econòmic profundament injust i una discriminaciò linguistica i cultural.

L'Estatut d'Autonomia, aprovat pel Parlament i el Congrès, i referendat per la ciutadania catalana, havia de ser el nou marc estable i durador de relaciò bilateral entre Catalunya i Espanya. Però va ser un acord politic trencat per la sentència del Tribunal Constitucional i que fa emergir noves reclamacions ciutadanes.

The Spanish state has responded to this loyalty with the denial of the recognition of Catalnya as a born; and has granted limited autonomy, more administrative than political and in the process of re-centralization; Deeply unfair economic treatment and linguistic and cultural discrimination.

The Statute of Autonomy, approved by Parliament and the Congress, and referendum for Catalan citizenship, was to be the new stable and lasting framework for bilateral relations between Catalonia and Spain. But it was a political agreement broken by the ruling of the Constitutional Court and that emerges new citizen complaints.

30 seconds catalan did it.


Recollint les demandes d'una gran majoria de ciutadans de Catalunya, el Parlament, el Govern i la societat civil han demanat repetitadament acordar la celebraci'o d'un referèndum d'autodeterminaciò.

Davant la constataci'o que les institucions de lEstat han rebutjat tota negociaciò , han violentat el principi de democràcia i autonomia, i han ignorat els mecanismes legals disponibles a la Constituciò, la Generalitat de Catalunya ha convocat un referèndum per a l'exercici del dret a l'autodeterminaciò reconegut en el dret international.

L'organitzaciò i celebraciò del referèndum ha comportat la suspensiò de l'autogovern de Catalunya i làplicaciò de facto de l'estat d'excepciò.

Gathering the demands of a large majority of citizens of Catalonia, Parliament, the Government and civil society have repeatedly called for the celebration of a referendum on self-determination.

Given the fact that the institutions of the State have rejected any negotiation, they have violated the principle of democracy and autonomy, and have ignored the legal mechanisms available in the Constitution, the Generalitat of Catalonia has called for a referendum to exercise the right to self-determination recognized in international law.

The organization and celebration of the referendum entailed the suspension of the self-government of Catalonia and the de facto application of the state of emergency.

More like 8.

Bumping for news and translations and get the fuck in here.

La brutal operaciò policial de caire i estil militar orquestrada per l'estat espanyol contra ciutadans catalans ha vulnerat, en moltes i repetides ocasions, les seves llibertats civils i politiques i els principis dels Drets Humans, i hav contravingut els acords internacionals signats i ratificats per l'Estat espanyol.
Milers de persones, entre les quals hi ha centenars de cárrecs electes i institucionals i professionals vinculats al sector de la comunicaciò, l'administració i la societat civil, han estat investigades, detingudes, querellades, interrogades i amenacades amd dures penes de presò.
Les institucions espanyoles, que haurien de romandre neutrals, protegir els drets fonamentals i arbitrar davant del conflicte politic, han esdevingut part i instrument d'aquests atacs i han deixat indefensa la ciutadania de Catalunya.

Malgrat la violència i la repressiò per intentar impedir la celebraciò d'un procès democràtic i pacific, els ciutadans de Catalunya han votat majoritàriament a favor de la constituciò de la Repùlica catalana.

La constituciò de la Repùblica catalana es fonamenta en la necessitat de protegir la llibertat, la seguretat i la convivència de tots els ciutadans de Catalunya i d'aancar cap a un Estat de dret i una democràcia de mès qualitat, i respon a l'impediment per part de l'estat espanyol de fer efectiu el dret a l'autodeterminaciò dels pobles.

The brutal police operation and military style orchestrated by Spain against Catalan citizens has repeatedly and severely violated their civil and political liberties and the principles of Human Rights, and have violated the international agreements signed and ratified by the Spanish state.
Thousands of people, including hundreds of elected and institutional executives and professionals linked to the communication, administration and civil society sector, have been investigated, detained, prosecuted, questioned and threatened with ample harsh sentences.
The Spanish institutions, which should remain neutral, protect fundamental rights and arbitrate in the face of political conflict, have become part and instrument of these attacks and have left the citizens of Catalonia unprotected.

In spite of the violence and the repression to try to prevent the celebration of a democratic and peaceful process, the citizens of Catalonia have voted mostly for the constitution of the Catalan Republic.
The constitution of the Catalan Republic is based on the need to protect the freedom, security and coexistence of all citizens of Catalonia and to promote towards a State of law and a democracy of the highest quality, and responds to the impediment by Spain to enforce the right to self-determination of peoples.

Catalan here. Didn't notice a thing, just found out here.

Holy shit. I'm genuinely impressed, I had no clue you could commit political suicide that fast.

El poble de Catalunya ès amand del dret, i el respecte a la llei ès i serà una de les pedres angulars de la Repùblica. L'estat català acatarà i farà complir legalment totes les disposicions que conformen aquesta declaraciò i garanteix que la seguretat juridica i el manteniment dels acords subscrits formarà part de l'esperit fundacional de la Repùblica catalana.

La constituciò de la Repùblica és una mà estesa al diàleg. Fent honor a la tradiciò catalana del pacte, mantenim el nostre compromis amb l'acord com a forma de resoldre els conflictes politics. Alhora reafirmem la nostra fraternitat i solidaritat amb la resta de obligacions internacionals que s'apliquen actualment en el seu territori i a continuar sent part dels tractats internacionals dels quals ès part el Regne d'Espanya.
APELLEM als Estats i a les organitzacionals a reconèixer la Repùblica catalana com Estat independent i sobirà.
INSTEM al Govern del a Generalitat a adoptar les mesures necessaàries per fer possible la plena efectivitat d'aquesta Declaraci'o d'independ'encia i de les provisions de la Llei de transitorietat juridica i fundacional de la Repùblica.

FEM una crida a tots i cadascun dels ciutadans i ciutadanes de la Repùblica catalana a fernos dignes de la llibertat que ens hem donat i a construir un Estat que tradueixi en acciò i conducta les inspiracions collectives.
Els legitims representatnts del poble de Catalunya.


El poble de Catalunya ès amand del dret, i el respecte a la llei ès i serà una de les pedres angulars de la Repùblica. L'estat català acatarà i farà complir legalment totes les disposicions que conformen aquesta declaraciò i garanteix que la seguretat juridica i el manteniment dels acords subscrits formarà part de l'esperit fundacional de la Repùblica catalana.

La constituciò de la Repùblica és una mà estesa al diàleg. Fent honor a la tradiciò catalana del pacte, mantenim el nostre compromis amb l'acord com a forma de resoldre els conflictes politics. Alhora reafirmem la nostra fraternitat i solidaritat amb la resta de obligacions internacionals que s'apliquen actualment en el seu territori i a continuar sent part dels tractats internacionals dels quals ès part el Regne d'Espanya.
APELLEM als Estats i a les organitzacionals a reconèixer la Repùblica catalana com Estat independent i sobirà.
INSTEM al Govern del a Generalitat a adoptar les mesures necessaàries per fer possible la plena efectivitat d'aquesta Declaraci'o d'independ'encia i de les provisions de la Llei de transitorietat juridica i fundacional de la Repùblica.

FEM una crida a tots i cadascun dels ciutadans i ciutadanes de la Repùblica catalana a fernos dignes de la llibertat que ens hem donat i a construir un Estat que tradueixi en acciò i conducta les inspiracions collectives.
Els legitims representatnts del poble de Catalunya.

The people of Catalonia are in love with the law, and respect for the law is and will be one of the cornerstones of the Republic. The Catalan state will comply with and will legally comply with all the provisions that make up this declaration and ensures that the legal security and maintenance of the subscribed agreements will be part of the founding spirit of the Catalan Republic.

The constitution of the Republic is an extended hand to dialogue. By honoring the Catalan tradition of the pact, we maintain our commitment to the agreement as a way of resolving political conflicts. At the same time, we reaffirm our fraternity and solidarity with the rest of the international obligations that are currently applied in its territory and continue to be part of the international treaties to which the Kingdom of Spain is a part.
APPEAL to the States and the organizers to recognize the Catalan Republic as an independent and sovereign State.
WE INSTEED the Government of the Generalitat to take the necessary measures to make the full effectiveness of this Declaration of independence possible and of the provisions of the Law of legal and foundational transitory of the Republic.

We call upon each and every citizen of the Catalan Republic to make us worthy of the freedom we have given and to build a State that translates into collective actions and actions in action and conduct.
The legitimate representatives of the people of Catalonia.

He knows he's fucked so he's pretty much biding his time. Can't back down from the independence talks but since h has no army, no money and no stable political power, he has to find other ways to get the country to be independent. And it will just not happen.

dumb commies, they expect everything to just be made for them to take over
i sure do hope no radical catalonian nationalists starts shooting jews in barcelona
I'd die
of laughter

Rothchilds are against it…

Well that settles it. Praise Francisco "Pepe" Franco and the territorial integrity of the Spanish nation! Death to Catalonian consciousness, all Spaniards must embrace Castilian centralism and renounce lolberg localism.

You are obviously a new age metropolitan hipster, that thinks marijuana is the cure of all illness and all sort of degeneracy should be allowed in our societies, because of my freedoms.
You are the perfect metropolitan slaves, eating fag to save the whales and sitting while pissing to fight the patriarchy. Cataluña is a step ahead into multicultural slavery and you want to be the first ones fucked by moslems in the ass and giving your daughters to the sultan harem, so be it.

Is that translation official? I don't speak Catalan, just Spanish, and I can tell it should be:
To the people of Catalonia and to all…
…unalienable fundaments/foundations…
and so on

no shit.
they would waste billions having to buy all the catalan industry all over again.
as long as theyre part of spain the payramid scheme works great

go eat a dick euroctrat scum

What the fuck.

the economist is owned by the rothschild umbrella media corporation, in case youre new

Puigdemont about to announce independence or not

so catalonia won?

You mean Aragon flag, right spanon? Yellow because yellow is the colour of the vatican and the 4 red bars of the 4 rusted metal bars that reinforced the yellow painted shields of the aragonese reconquistadores after years of moor killing.
You took catalan education, nobody outside catalonia talks about catalan-aragonese crown. It was Aragonese crown and some kings born in barcelona county. Period.
Catalan kangs has been an invention of renaixença fags missunderstanding Carolingian Empire in an attemp to stop muslim horde to enter their kingdom. Close to Aquitania when the empire collapsed, then Aragon and finally Castilla.
The renaixença made so damage to the truth. There's a language and a culture, true. Nothing else.

Can we expect happenings this thursday?

Good question. Why don't you and your countrymen kick whatever non-Whites are plaguing your country out, hmm?
What's stahping you, hmmm?

Is it the massive military force that the Jews have at their disposal by way of controlling America?

Any updates?

In the Spanish empire we must trust and the sun will never set in our lands.