Essential documentary

Has anyone else stumbled upon this documentary on YouTube?

I have shown it to my family, who are garden variety republicans and it has persuaded them as to the truth of world war 2 and cultural marxism.
This documentary is the most well made piece of information in the information war that we currently have, but I have not seen it being shared amongst ourselves to the degree of which I believe that it merits.

I have been doing research for 6 years and this 10 part series would have saved me 70% of all of my effort searching for the truth. The amount of data is staggering and the production quality is excellent.

Give it a look anons.
I think it deserves to be the top link on natsoc threads here as well as halfchan; even a sticky.

View and share.

Other urls found in this thread:

Thanks for sharing. Have a bump OP.

I'm not watching your documentary, even if it's your life's work. Shill elsewhere.

Yes, seems very legitimate. Go shill your shit elsewhere

Post screen shots

i'll give it a glance.

My parents are christian and this documentary convinced them that all of the madness which I have been telling them for years was the truth, and awakened them fully to the reality and threat of cultural marxism and white genocide.

2 shekels have been deposited into your account schlomo.

This is not my documentary but I will "shill" for It,
It's a great resource in the Infowar.

Pic is my wife and I and our childs fat hand.
Our child is 1.5 years old and enjoys watching HCT videos, Murdoch Murdoch and dancing to Fashwave. :^)

Excellent production quality, and very redpilling.

There is a version on Bitchute as well. It will last longer than the one on Youtube:

Looks good, watching it now myself. Looks a little "Unofficial" perhaps, hope they cite facts and what not. But then again, "facts"

Your kid is gonna hate both of you.

Have to agree. I had no awareness of politics, race, or anything growing, I was totally sheltered. It meant I had a number of very depressing years learning what the world was actually like, but if they had tried to indoctrinate me into anything I would have been resentful (I found an old school diary a few years ago and am surprised at how much I resented religion and church at a very young age). For an example look at the kids who were in Prussian Blue and how they turned out, or Derek Black. Just be good people so they have a first hand view of what people can be.

Also, I clicked your video and right away it's a guy with facial tattoos like some mexican prison psycho. Maybe I'll try watching it later maybe I won't, but you people need to get real.

Yeah I've heard about this doc. Will have to get around watching it at some point.

Since this thread has been made, can we have a general /documentary/ discussion? Other ones people would recommend and such? I've been collecting some good ones on Youtube:

Have a bump op.

I do not agree.
It is just that the child merely enjoys tanks more than Tonka, and fashwave is excellent dance music. ;)
Can't fault me for Murdoch murdoch whenever powerpuff girls and whichever Disney Jewish shit is just as indoctrinary.

Check the doc out, no need to sidetrack. :D
Hoping others will expose their families and friends to this information.

Also, as an Army veteran;
The guy with tattoos is a marine corps veteran.
So personal attacks aside, are his words false?

I don't know, I haven't bothered to listen to it, and neither will most white people because they don't want to be a nation of savage Maori cannibals. If you think you have a good message, get a better messenger. Who are you trying to reach with people like that?

This guy? You’re right bad casting

I have only just finished watching part one, and on my opinion, this one part is some of the most important information about our enemy that can be distributed. This first part alone should be required viewing material for any serious Holla Forums user, and indeed anyone willing to take the fight to communism/ Judaism.
I look forward to viewing the following nine parts.

Finnally, a good dcoumentary (normie friendly) that can tell everyone about the Holodomor

He is only in the first 2 min, kike scum

fuck off m8

shit.. its like 7 hours long… I'll give it ago some time but I'll bet its another "alternative" way that the pieces fit kinda thing that I have seen in the past.

Preemptive embedding

link to bitchute instead of youtube because youtube videos get pulled down fast nowadays

Fuck dude… what are you doing? Just give them a wholesome, traditional home life. Redpill is not for children and rarely for women. Indoctrinating your family with shit they have little chance of really understanding risks doing more harm than good.

More practice is required.


I would advise you to keep the kid out of it. Just to you know, not have him go places kids are not supposed to or have to abandon this whole thing to fit in and thus repressing and rebelling like hell, or broadcasting this to the whole world since kids won't hide their power level…

Downloaded it all and watched Part 1.
These kinds of things really hurt my mind to the point of boiling stress and high blood pressure, it's really unhealthy for me.
But one must do it and watch it, we shall remind them

suspicious double post, is suspicious.