Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Sim is a freeform /tg/simulator on Steam. It's $20 when not on sale, frequently on sale, and worth every penny.

Why is it worth every penny? Because the Steam Workshop has literally THOUSANDS of board games/card games/RPGs/whatever else on it. is a good place to look for board games, though be warned, the list is so fuckhuge it'll freeze your browser for a few seconds.

Also, I'll be running an Holla Forums server as often as I can, hop in if you wanna play comfy board games or something.

Room Name: Infinity
Password: quesocheese

Other urls found in this thread:

Sounds fun user. Just say when a game is up.

Did /tg/ finally got their homebrewed games in the Workshop?

Yeah, count me in.

Pretty pathetic.

h-ha y-you fucking l-loser.

Such is life

Yeah, nah. I'd rather pirate it.

Except, I can't use the workshop if it's pirated.


I bought it ages ago and it is indeed fun, but don't play it when it is on sale because that is the time when the game gets flooded with niggers.

Also did you guys get the dlc? Are they worth it?

you can, there are tools to download workshop mods. You can also just go to this place ( and ask one of them to download a workshop mod and then upload it somewhere else for you to download.

you can, but good luck finding the latest version, it's been updating recently

Well, I had thought this thread was dead on arrival, but I'm glad to see it came back to life.

I've been converting premade MtG starter decks to Tabletop Sim format for a while now, as a bit of an autistic hobby. So I guess if anyone wants to play Magic, I have an incredible amount of decks ready to go.

Any faggots have Scythe?

If it uses Steam Workshop doesnt that mean they can stop "problematic" games from happening?

I mean if theres a game that relies on shock value to be fun its probably a shitty game but still

/tg/ really should be homebrewing and testing games on Tabletop Simulator, but homebrew threads are really slow to begin with.

Theoretically, yes. But in practice it has yet to happen, even with Cards Against Humanity being one of the more popular workshop items, as well as "Dickbutt Chess" still being up.


I can easily remedy this.
Password is now "rage", currently setting up a battle royale game of MtG, decks will be provided from my huge collection of official theme decks..

Should I just ask someone to crack it? Skidrow responds to requests in a few days normally.

I die a little bit inside for every Holla Forums server I join where the password is some meme phrase or something.
It's not the right meme phrase, dammit.

Technically yes, but it doesn't happen that often. I know there's still a hitler mod in the Left 4 Dead 2 workshop.

ded serb

name a game you would have never played without tabletop sim but really enjoyed

I don't know if it's the same OP every time, but user, stop saying we should buy the game, the cracked version works all right, instead you could actually open a server for all and upload the mods on MEGA

This tbh fam. I can't be bothered buying it.

Are any of the updates since the last upload important?

check this thread i shared above

you can trust those guys, they are the ones who create cracks for games.

This game will become Elder God tier if someone ever sinks the time and money to having every single Axis and Allies miniature and map segment on a file in the workshop.

It's good for shit that would otherwise costs hundreds of dollars for cards/pieces (especially Magic) or if you have friends out of town.

Well if OP is going to host retail only I don't see the point is all. I would pirate it if there was a server for it.

so, question, if we don't know how to play whatever game is being played, will we be bullied or will other anons teach us how to play?

Use this
Then just install the content manually.


Should we play the Illuminati card game?

I've always wanted to play this.

I've really wanted to play Paranoia too but it only has the card game. I guess you'd need to use mic more than anything though.


What about it



also wasn't it like 7€ or something like that on sale? That's a good price for getting all the other shit for free.


You should support the creators of these games if you like playing them. If you can't, stop being poor.

Lot of pirates expecting you to host a private server and spoonfeed them the content OP. If I didn't have to work and had a copy of the game I'd be down. I wouldn't mind a tabletop sim general floating around Holla Forums now and then. Beats the hell out of memewatch and undermeme threads. Also super interested in those MtG packs. Wish I had more people to play games with where I live.

Has anyone had any experience with the vassal engine?

I know, but it is free and has ports of a lot of fairly autistic historical wargames I'd like to play and don't want to pay for. If anyone wants to play I'm going to try and figure out how to play Great battles of history on this thing, anyone willing to figure this shit out is welcome to join me.


I suppose I could give out the server IP, to let pirates direct connect. Also, I will be posting some images of MTG premade decks in this and my next few posts.

Just create a custom deck with one of these as the face image, 60 cards, and whatever you want as the back, or for authenticity:
Port is 25565

Shit, almost forgot.
Password is "rage"
Ah well, just another excuse to post more decks.

Tabletop games are fun because you're socializing with people in the same room as you and have body language and all that.

I don't have it installed right now, but if you guys tell me how to host a cracked server I could do it. I own the game on steam.

is it like source games where you just download a server tool and run it with custom configs?

I only play tts with my online friends over discord or skype. Body language is only necessary for a bluff game but even then it's manageable. Not to mention my meatspace friends never have time for anything that isn't unfun casual garbage like cards against humanity, I still have a copy of ghost stories that has yet to be played.


Eternal refuge of the poorfag.

I'd get on board if there were a couple of people willing to play the Bloodborne card game.

user-kun if you want to play mtg with me all you have to do is ask.

There's a Bloodborne card game?

Vid related covers how to play it.

I'll play MtGoy with my friends instead, shuffling my physical deck(s).

Wanna meet up and touch dicks?

I'll touch my dick(s) with my friends instead.

Suit yourself.

That actually looks like it could be fun if you have enough people.

Why not just pirate it, regardless of what it's "worth"?
The day somebody actually deserves money for their "hard work" is the day I eat my fucking hat.

That looks a lot more fun than I had previously assumed.

Even if you like x and you like it's creator, you're still within your rights not to pay for it for the same reason that you're within your rights not to get it at all.

The creator does not lose anything by you choosing to pirate it instead of simply ignoring it. Intellectual property is nothing more than artificial scarcity because the "property" can be infinitely duplicated at zero cost.