No, retard, I suggested death squads for the politicians who ruined my country by betraying voters on immigration. That's my last option.
No, retard, I suggested death squads for the politicians who ruined my country by betraying voters on immigration. That's my last option.
Other urls found in this thread:
Post tits Ann.
Every day Holla Forums is bleeding more and more into daily life.
I am pretty pissed about DACA but there are other immigration promises Trump hasn't kept.
Has everyone forgotten about birthright citizenship? On day one, he was supposed to revoke DACA and birthright citizenship, aka anchor babies. On day one, he was supposed to revoke the EO and he totally could have. He can still revoke DACA and birthright citizenship with a stroke of the pen without courts or judges. He can do that any time he wants and yet he somehow doesn't do it, even though he promised on day one of his presidency that he would.
Checked. He did and he could have done it.
The only way we're getting out of this mess is by picking up our guns. Iron Ann is right, RWDS is the only solution but that is known to the initiated. And are initiated, aren't we.
leave her the fuck alone kike shill. she is /ourgal/. you forgot to sage no shekel for you.
In his defense he did end DACA. It's just on a 6 month timer now. Birthright citizenship is much tougher though, I'm pretty sure he's waiting for another SCOTUS member to retire or die.
Everyone who believes in 4d chess says he's waiting the six months on DACA and that's okay, remember that he has made no such promise to wait for birthright citizenship and yet anchor babies are still a thing. Birthright citizenship is not related to DACA and can be done away with immediately and for whatever reason he doesn't do it.
Remember when he was supposed to stop foreign governments from lobbying? These are the lesser-known promises made that people forget about.
Trump is truly a one-term president. As he should be.
Cruz missiles for shilldawg because le orange drumpf didn't gas the kikes within 14.88D chesscuck seconds of inauguration reddit the_donald T_D plebbit zog cointelpro btfo
He extended an illegal act by the executive branch to give spics more time here.
No he didn't. As of today, it's still a thing. He could have ended it on day one and he promised to do that and he can end it any time he likes, but (((for some reason))) he has chosen to wait. He doesn't need to wait. He promised us on day one and he could have done it.
Birthright citizenship is not complicated. Again, he could have revoked King Nigger's EO with the stroke of a pen. He didn't. He still can and chooses not to.
If she was /ourgal/ she would have White children, and not burn coal
Your linguistics betray you.
He's had seven months. He literally could have done away with King Nigger's unconstitutional EO without courts or judges. He is not obligated to wait. Nobody can stop him from ending both with the stroke of a pen. If he really cared about immigration, he could find the time to sign it in between high fiving the kid mowing his lawn.
Care to address the substance of my post instead of attacking my grammar?
It took seven months to even get a temporary travel ban put in place since both the left and the right are trying to block Trump on every move. America is a republic, not a autocratic government.
Oh I thought I already did, here ya go:
well it was autocratic under obama, but that's just because he was working for the jews, not against them.
So you won't actually address the fact that he can end birthright citizenship any time he wants but doesn't?
Nobody can stop him at all. No court, no judges, nobody can stop him from revoking king nigger's EO on birthright citizenship (not DACA) but he doesn't. Kushner needs to stop paying you. You obviously have no refutation. Filtered.
It'll get blocked by a judge on day one. Then it would go to the SCOTUS, I wish this weren't the case, but that's the Jewdicial system for you.
But Trump can not be stopped by any court. Nobody can stop him from revoking the EO on birthright citizenship. The travel ban was held up by courts. Birthright citizenship is an EO that all Trump has to do to end is sign a piece of paper which nobody can stop him from doing. Why hasn't he done it?
No. Nobody can block him from rescinding the EO. No judge can stop him. All he has to do is sign a piece of paper.
Hitler didn't really accomplish anything in his first two years, he was too busy consolidating power. Trump has actually accomplished 10x more than I expected, I figured he wasn't going to do jackshit until after the midterms.
Hitler was a Rothschild.
Birthright citizenship is not an EO, faggot. It's a constitutional issue, and is going to take as lot of time to replace with something like Jus Sanguinus.
They can stall him, and if you have been paying attention at all that is exactly what they have been doing
Okay at first I thought you were just ignorant of what was going on politically, but now it is obvious you are shilling
Only very recently, while you keep claiming that Trump can do everything immediately and nothing can stop him, which ignores how our entire political system works
Fuck off kike
The travel ban still hasn't been fully implemented, SCOTUS is going to rule on it, finally, in October.
Looks like she might lurk cuckchan at the very least.
"There is a great deal of confusion in studying Hitler's family tree. Adolf's father, Alois Hitler, was the illegitimate son of Maria Anna Schicklgruber. It was generally supposed that the father of Alois Hitler was Johann Georg Hiedler…. Alois, however, was not legitimized, and he bore his mother's name until he was forty years of age when he changed it to Hitler. "
There are some people who seriously doubt that Johann Georg Hiedler was the father of Alois. Thyssen and Koehler, for example, claim that Chancellor Dolfuss (the Chancellor of Austria) had ordered the Austrian police to conduct a thorough investigation into the Hitler family. As a result of this investigation a secret document was prepared that proved Maria Anna Shicklgruber was living in Vienna at the time she conceived.
At that time she was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family discovered her pregnancy she was sent back to her home in Spital where Alois was born."
When Hitler discovered that he was related to the Rothschilds, re-established contact with the family.
This probably explains the enormous support he received from the international banking fraternity, secretly owned by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.
How many fucking "Holla Forums news" twitters/websites have sprouted up now? seems to be supported by cybernazi, or at least he did the music intro. Then we have the goldwater with ron/jim, then what a half dozen twitter accounts all claiming to be "Official?"
yeah and hitler only had one nut and brown eyes and was addicted to meth and and and…
Shut the fuck up, jew.
Okay. If that is the case then the Jews did it to themselves, rendering us goyim guilt free, OR Hitler was the second best Jew to ever live after Jesus Christ (or first, if you want to argue about it).
Either way, Jews lose.
Go suck a nigger dick.
That's a good goy. Don't look at evidence. Keep believing the Rothschild is going to save you.
Did what? The holocaust never happened.
Yeah and Hitler ate turtle soup and had one ball, and loved sausages, and everything he said was a lie. Sure.
u wot m8? You do realize that the uniting the German people via annexation of German lands outside of Germany is not the only thing of note Hitler did right? By 1934 Hitler had gotten the economy well back on track, had removed almost all Jewish influence and negotiated non-aggression pacts with Poland and improved relations with Italy and Britain. By 1934 he was loved enough that the German people literally voted him to be their dictator via plebiscite over the Enabling Act. Obviously he did something in that time.
I don't interact with non-8/pol/ in any capacity, so I don't know what the fuck is going on out there or who's jewing who. At the end of the day though, having lots of vectors for decentralized ideological spread is better than one as one is easily subverted and if someone is stupid enough to trust a branch over the real deal - they're enough of a useful idiot that their acceptance of most of the program with a small amount of added jewry will not subvert the overall ideological push to kike removal - and they can't add much more than a small amount of jewry lest it become some obvious as fuck op like Implicit Dick.
When you buy into these massive leaps of logic, do you ever wonder what the purpose of Hitler actually being a Rothschild would serve? If Hitler was a rich Jew, why would he expose so many people to the truth about international jewry?
Did the imaginary bullshit they claim happened during WW2 and that they charge against us goyim.
If Hitler was indeed of Jewish ancestry then they have nobody to blame but themselves.
Luckily we know that is bullshit but that renders their public opinion to a virtual nil sum.
Most of what he said was a lie. He was a plant to discredit nationalism and destroy Germany because they were anti-oligarchy and friendly to America. Killing all those non-kike Jews was a Rothschild plot to create Israel.
To win for nationalist Jews. We've been over this.
Nice digits.
When Coulter is putting Holla Forums posts on twitter, I think we've more or less done our jobs. They could pull the plug on the whole website tomorrow and I doubt it would even matter.
Off-topic: Excited for saturday?
There are no good jews.
What I do like about this picture is it's demonstration of resolve and the portrayal of discipline through a masculine face. Something lost on the Kiked up faggots that call themselves Commies now. Those little niggers would burst into flames when confronted by hard-work and discipline.
It's funny because the commie leadership was the biggest group of lushes known to man.
Eat a dick.
I think they get (((shut down))) often.
Just announce your cuckery to everyone, why don't you.
When Trump first started his campaign he gave an interview on the O'Reilly Factor where he explicitly questioned not just birthright citizenship as a concept, but challenged the legitimacy of birthright citizenship status already granted and said flat out he would challenge it in court. Retroactive revocation of birthright citizenship granted to anchor babies and any descendants those anchor babies may have had at this point, along with non-Whites born to green card holders, or H1B, or anything other than two citizen parents is vital. Nothing less can actually save this country. Once that is achieved, full mobilization against remaining non-Whites and jews can begin.
and btw, the only good jew is a dead jew ;)
What evidence? You literally have nothing but conjecture.
They deserved so much better. Hell, it's universal message of White values and integrity. An alien concept to kikes.
I meant it more as a derisive rhetorical question as far as the twitter accounts, since we've seen over and over again that the twitter accounts are run by kikes who are trying to make Holla Forums look bad. The off-shoot websites don't have the cash or reach to properly advertise so I seriously doubt they'll ever gain followings of a decent size (even Holla Forums is suppressed on alexa and other ranking sites, when at times we'd have a quarter of the entire internet's subranges posting here, I think 4000+ /16 ranges iirc). Going by the 1/9/90 rule, we have something like a half million people we reach directly with 8/pol/ and probably quadruple that for cuckchan. It's shocking that we have the reach that we do, even with the audience sizes.
On A side note. The Romans had a greater sense of justice and honor than some alleged Proto-hippie Kike Christ. We have fallen far and hard.
Really gets the ole noggin a jogging
Ann may be an empty vessel, a bone golem, a bladder of gin and tonic, mascara on a semi-fuckable Rocky Dennis, but god damn does this feel good to see in wide-circulation.
The Russian people always deserved better. The jews have been meddling with the Russian aristocracy for a very long time, and they must be punished.
You are speaking about The Romans as is they are a singular eternal people with the same genetics, culture, values, ethics, and morals for the entire time that they were known as Romans.
Eat a dick, you fucking retard
You are just obsessed with his KANGZ tier understanding of 9/11. He will never be "wrong" in your brain because his proclamations are exactly what you are looking for.
Wouldn't DJT just need 34 state legislatures to ratify a constitutional amendment? He carried 30 states in the election. Might could get the remainders by simply purging the voter rolls, requiring proof of citizenship to register, ensuring non-duplication of voters within or across state lines, and making it clear that aliens found to be registering will be instantly deportable (which is already the case but actually enforcing it).
Oh, come on. It's obvious she was not burning that Jimmy Walker coal. Could you imagine Ann Coulter tolerating some guy screaming "DYN-O-MITE" during sex? Really?
I think we can all agree, this would set off a civil war.
But it needs to be done.
When they were the Roman Republic.
I wouldn't even bother with a constitutional amendment. Their citizenship needs to be rendered not valid and revoked, their physical presence on the land ended, and all property seized with a wall and total nationalization/militarization of airports and seaports to control entry.
It's a much more involved tasked than simply collecting a list of people and handing it off to a beaner-infested rathole like ICE.
Ann knows.
It bugged the shit out of me when I found out she's a open-closet coalburner. Same thing with Tommy on FOX News (was on Beck's The Blaze before). Half the hot conservative chicks on TV seem to be (((kosher conservative))) niggerfuckers!
Absolutely retarded logic. Did Melanie suck Mandela's poop colored phallus?
There was a shitstorm well before that picture about Tin Ann liking the black.
Not bad for a slit.
I dunno, did she ever take Mandela to out in public while claiming to 'just be friends'?
In any case, Daily Reminder: Norman Lear was the one responsible for the rumors of their dating.
Shoe on head.
I've watched her turn Bill Maher into a puddle of kike ooze for years.
Honestly, though, at this point, shouldn't we all be honest about the fact that violence is necessary. Our governments are made up of people that hate us. The Senate (and the President) signed a piece of legislation condemning any white men or women that don't want to be replaced. We're outlaws, we should probably start acting like it.
Still, I will never hang my hat near a living politician.
You glow in the dark.
What the fuck is that first webm from holy shit
why not both?
the future
We mainstream nao. Is the great gassing imminent? Does Kek will it? Let's see what the numbers say.
Its from a really awful, extremely Jewish film called "The Purge: Election Year". Those are the NEO-Nahtzee Whyte Supreemists kill-squad sent to whack the Hillary Clinton analogue who just oh-so-desperately wants to end the terrible 'purge', which is a population control mechanism the US creates whereby one night every year there is no law, and so everyone just goes ape-shit and starts killing people, except for brave female politicians and innocently noble mudfolk.
In all honesty.
Why the fuck doesn't she have kids?
I'm going to need some sort of actual source to believe that.
That happens every thread and the fake news attempts to run with it.
I wouldn't trust her anyway, she has been a talking head for far too many years without actually seeking office or becoming wife material.
Ann, if you pose in front of the black sun, and say "Hitler did absolutely nothing wrong, besides not exterminating the nation-wrecking kikes", I will completely forgive any coalburning you may or may not have done.
Get the hell outta here.
Sounds like reality everyday where jews engage in child rape and trafficking, niggers loot and burn cities practically monthly, spics steal money out the working White's pockets, and politicians get away with selling out the people who made this nation what it was when it was great.
Only difference is Whites get punished.
You dropped your shekels.
This should fuck with all these Kushnerbots shilling for ZOG all day every day on Holla Forums
Jews will sacrifice niggers and spics before they'd let whites fight a war they'd win.
Operation Werwolf current year edition
What, a picture of two people standing next to each other at a public event isn't incontrovertible proof that they are having sex? What more do you want?
Yet decades of pictures showing Trump is beholden to freemasons and kikes proved that trump was secretly /ourguy/.
Seems rather odd what's going on here lately, it's almost as if the board has been hijacked by goading, sneering, gaslighting kikes taking the severe piss out of the goy.
just post the direct link without breaking it. what are you fags so afraid of?
Everytime I see a broken link I edit the html to make it a real link then click it.
Deeel with it. ;^)
ayy lmao another one for the fire
Well I can NOW.
Actually, that's very, very democratic. Essentially direct democracy, since the people actually enact what they want done instead of electing representative officials. They just think it's not democratic because it's not (((progressive))).
mkay but explain this
Stop saying nasty things about Trump please.
If they pulled the plug on this site, we'd have time to write books about National Socialism, Religion of Cuck™, and gondola memes. It might even work to our benefit in the long term.
He can easily make an executive order for these things, but the next president that comes can just as easily revoke them with another executive order. It's about getting these things into legislation so it's lasting. Whether Trump intends to do that with birthright citizenship I've yet to see however
Is the menopause kicking in? This woman is not thinking with a level head.
Blow your fucking brains out.
She even retweeted Jazz Hands Mcfeels.
Typical woman, expexts someone else to do something she wants.
Holy shit, the thread’s being hit hard.
Gives me hope that Ann and the others are making their effect felt.
I think she's just putting heat under Trump. It's important he knows his base doesn't stand for his latest more globalist talk.
you are just to dumb to understand the Emprah.
Maybe. It's way more likely that's she's manically severing ties with a situation that could harm her personal brand.
Here, have this .webm. I have lurked for many hours with it playing in the background.
I don't understand Ann. She talks a good game and says most of the right things, so how she lives the way she has and associates with the people she does is a mystery to me.
Breaking links is no longer considered good form, the board does it automatically. You can just post the whole link now. And you're breaking links wrong anyways, is should be like this:
Some of us oldfags have a hard time breaking old habits lel
pic totally unrelated
and it was even unanimous
don't expect consistency from a woman. the fact that she said what she did in OP is proof she is defective as XX. Still, we owe her for saying what everyone outside of Holla Forums and a few other places are too cowardly to even think.
pls gib link
the same prototypes that they said at the beginning of his term would be built in august. the ones that consist of like 1/4 mile.
Ann Coulter is infertile.
So close.
explains why she looks the way she does
I love Ann
I am against the idea of a female president in principle, but I would make an exception for her.
fuck this bitch know your role thot and keep your mouth shut when its time to talk about bloodshed
Isn't even registered for Selective Service
Ann is awesome.
this fucking goy. you can bet your ass im not registered for die for israel surrounded by trannys whos castrations were funded by the pentagon.
She is. And she makes it very apparent who the real cucks are. Anyone who supported/supports Trump over immigration and are also now insulting Coulter is a complete faggot that lacks any sort of principle what so ever.
I don't care how much coal she burned. It is disgusting, yes, but women are evolutionary predisposed to spread their legs, which is why they need to be tightly controlled. If nogs fuck your women, it is your fault, for not controlling your women nor your ethnostate (which is why the jew is trying to prevent you from doing both).
She probably hates herself, too, for being such a whore, which might just be why she is going full Nazi now and is demanding Death Squads for those who took no responsibility over her and delivered her to the nog.
Will someone from the authority sphere make a fucking stand?
I am getting so fed fucking up. I am starting to loose my god damn mind. it doesn't take a genius to realize how fucked things are. How massive the corruption is. How are country will be washed away, but no one does anything.
I am getting fucking blackpilled. How do we start it? No one even can organize an Hillary for prison protest. Are we just supposed to ride the fucking tiger? To sit here watching a death of 1000 cuts. I am trying to care, and educate myself. Somehow make a difference. At the end of the day it doesn't seem to mean shit.
Fuck this.
Women that fuck nogs go from liberal to junkie. They don't give a shit about anything, especially policy decisions affecting what the world will be like in 50 years. They already screwed up. To hell with everybody else is their philosophy.
Like this woman. You can be sure she doesn't spend her free time wondering how to help make the white picket fence dream come true for white women of the next generation.
Ann is top shelf tbh.
Politics is no business for women in the first place. Absolutely NONE, zero, nilch, nada. That includes voting rights. Every normal society in the past knew this and thus had no voting rights for women. Imagining women involved in politics is as ridiculous as "Muh stronk Viking female Warrior" and one of the main reasons why our societies are in such a shitty stage as they are in today, and why the jew is pushing "muh women rights". One could get into this at more length, but to cut it short:
- emotionalism and irrationality.
- lack of strategical thinking.
- longing for harmony, which is good for peace at home, but crippling in policy, especially when hostile and alien players are already WITHIN the walls.
- easily manipulated
So I don't care what "political opinion" a woman has. It matters only in so far as the peace at home is concerned, so in a healthy society, she has the same political opinion as her husband.
So what I was saying was that it is very good FOR US what Ann said regardless. I would never advocate for her to carry any political office. But if she is stirring shit up with our talking points, then it is a good thing. That she is also a coalburning whore is because that is what this shit society has allowed her to become or even made of her.
Are you lads ready to give your lives for the American Shield Maiden?
There are very few exceptions to that rule. Ann is one such exception.
Retard is being normalized and Coulter is on board. #retard trending
Pretty sure he never said that.
Alright my fellow goons time to end the controlled opposition act with a bang.
Ann is a great mouthpiece. You might as well hit 'em from different angles and hope something sticks.
It was never not normal, liberals are just really good at making you think certain things were never acceptable, i.e. Jefferson said 'All men were created equal' because he believed in equality even though his later letters make it clear he didn't believe in equality at all.
The word holocaust does mean 'burnt offering.' Holy shit guilt absolved completely! I feel good now thank you.
Based on current ages
And the probability of dying at each age
There is a greater than 20% chance that at least one of them will die in the next year.
Assuming none do there would be a 23% chance at least one would die the following year. You have probably a 90% chance that one will die before Trumps first term is up. Realize that half the population is dead by 80. Even if a (conservative) justice dies we can still replace him with one that is more so.
Something like ending citizenship to children of non citizens is such an important thing its best not to jump the gun and kick it off prematurely. It would be guaranteed to be challenged in court and its important to try and stack that deck as best we can. There is no guarantee that even what we consider conservative justices would even back such a ban both the R's and the D's are zionist after all. Near the end of Trumps second term we could have several new justices sympathetic to Trumpian policies.
Eventually Ann grew tired of the ancient tricks of the kike-jew
Eventually Ann grew tired of the ancient tricks of the kike-jew
Thinking trump would pick another conservative, non-jewish judge is rather optimistic at this point.