Harvey Relief Volunteer Speaks Out- Looting, Disarming citizens and Government Spooks

"'They're getting ready to release the dam here, and within the next hour you're going to be under 4 ft of water. Find high ground, you're on your own'…. They left us there to die."

In this video, a man who went to Texas as part of a private relief effort discusses what he saw, and it confirms many of our guesses and fears.

He even claims that some people who went to FEMA camps, were not seen alive again, and this was well understood by trapped citizens on the ground who refused to go to these centers.
There's a lot more as well that is just nuts. Nothing we wouldn't expect, but I think it's worth a listen regardless. And it's a potent reminder to brush up on your innawoods skills and get armed if you aren't already.

Apologies for the JewTube embed, it's quite a long video and my webm skills are a shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


First for gassing the kikes.

I'm confused. I thought Trump went down there in person and handed sandwiches to black people. Doesn't sound so bad to me.

Any actual proof?

He states in the video he has video and photographic evidence but I don't know if he released it separately or what. I think this video might also be a repost, not his channel.
Either way, the look on this dude's face speaks a million words. He seen some shit.


I think it's just some white boy whose never been around the inner city or around monkeys in a time of crisis freaking out tbh. If it was above average in severity you'd already be seeing and hearing way more people talking about it by now two weeks later.

The video is 40 mins and I just posted it so how did you draw that conclusion so quickly?

He's seen every episode of InfoWars

this thread should have stopped here

Honestly one of the most interesting things he says towards the end is that there is absolutely a civil war going in the government and between agencies. He said there were agents actively covering up what was going on and other agents helping the militias out. It's just one more thing that confirms what we already know.

Come back with the slightest bit of proof.


The guy seems very scattered brained about it. I wouldn't dismiss him outright, but some of the shit he's saying is way too out there. We need proof before we can trust it.

The channel OP embedded and the original channel, which OP's video directly links. Something's off about both of them.


Looks pretty red pilled to me.

It's fake shit. /fringe/ garbage.

Kike mods at it again
Dont talk about this, goy. Please dont let the word out abou this, goy.

It's some LARPing lolberg a.k.a. you with zero proof.


(((Look away, remeber hes just a retard, pay no mind to whats happening in Texas.
We anchored the thread because of this guy and his shitty channel thats all))) :^)


I know him. Just watch his video and come to your own conclusion. He's part of the Open Carry movement in Texas. So a lot of people have his back.

Just watch his other videos if you need proof. This guy is legit.