Google to issue refund to advertisers second month in a row
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Haha suck it kikes
I had to install it because It constantly crashed my browser.
uninstall it*
I hit $10,000.00 and am starting over…
I'm just using ublock origin again because it seemed like it was letting shit through with the same lists loaded.
Still cool, give it a try.
Run 2 browsers.
I set up opera and just let it run the automated search scripts that where posted here. Leave it running in the background. It does around $7-10K a day.
I use my original browser for normal surfing.
this shit is supposed to be used with ublock…
For some reason I can't get it to keep all the ads it's blocked over time, and only shows the ones for each session.
oldest jew trick in the book, make someone else do the work and take a cut.
Good goys
Yeah, we're the retards, that's totally tenable.
Are those literal faggots still trying to get "ad fraud" classified as a form of actual "fraud?"
If they did that they would shoot their own leg off.
They falsely report all the clicks. Now they have only been found out.
Bitter kikes had a field day for past month about ad nauseum.
Hit them in the shekels.
But at this point it is quite obvious google runs entire departments for web shilling
I think you misinterpreted the term "ad fraud" and/or I conveyed it really poorly. The other week/month Google was trying to push for "ad fraud" to become illegal (specifically, using things like ad nauseum to generate fake clicks - I think they were trying to have it classified as "economic terrorism.")
Only retards click Google ads. This is why they are big proponents of immigration. They should give everything back.
It will be 100% rigged
My PC is not that great
Use TrackMeNot instead for low impact clicking
This is what is destroying jewgle:
Russian hackers running their clickfarm to make 3-5 million a day.
140 million cut by P&G: no change in lead generation to convert to customers! Over the next 5 years it will cut 12billion in online media advertisement OY VEY
Proving yet again what was taboo since 2003 is the massive click farms.
Uber proves yet again that long tail and other 'related words' for ad campaigns produce almost none of the customers! 98% of the lead generated traffic comes from 22 keywords. Yet Google always promoted their long tail bullshit as if it was the determining factor which meant Uber had over 3200 keywords CPC campaigns running.
Google proving it's a bunch of useless clicks.
Yet here you are again, shilling your bullshit!
You know why they want you to install this cancer? so they can prove you are human and it not their clickfarms that are doing it, but you are. Anyone who installs that kikenaseum are literally funding kikes and their ponzi scheme!
Depends how you look at it. If advertisers across the board start seeing massive clicks above and beyond their normal, they'll eventually lose faith in their shitty ads. Short term google wins but long term they lose. Zero effort on anyone whos installed it.
How would they differentiate between farms vs addons? (honest question, not a programmer).
It seems to malfunction if you delete your cookies and/or cache. Just run it in a separate Mozilla developer edition along with a few addons.
If it was not something that is harming Google, they would not be so vigilant in trying to stop it everywhere. Quit shilling.
Yeah, the triggered posts alone are worth memeing this shit
Let us larp in peace, google shills
why do these two separate users post so similar to each other???
Goolag kikes and gooks BTFO
what do you guys use to search the surface net? duckduckgo user here.
ad fraud is real and Google is committing it every month indirectly which is why they better keep refunding or they will have a class action on their hands.
"better keep refunding or they will have a class action lawsuit on their hands" gagged there because you sound like a hooknose shill that is mad they got their check back from Goolag.
the best thing that can happen is a class action lawsuit to put Goolag in a huge hole and expose the normies to the case. no one knows that Goolag is returning fucking money because there is no case to highlight.
it's called the hivemind, newfriend.
fuck off, CIA.
not CIA but i understand why mentioning alternative engines looks pysop-y
just mentioning on the off chance that someone here wasnt aware of the search engine.
DuckDuckGo is owned by a kike. Try Startpage/IxQuick.
going to be doing so - foolishly began using without much research like a fucking infowarriorcuck. going to check out those two. appreciated bro.
There are no separate users here. We are all the great racist neo-Nazi hacker Holla Forums.
Now that i think about it, we may as well all be multiple personality disorders of jew.
Didn't know that w-e-e-v translated to jew here.
No it isn't, retard. How is it supposed to click any adds that are blocked by your 2nd adblocker and how do you not know that adnauseam itself is based on the uBlock code?
Try SearX too if you want something more customizable. Just take a look at their preferences.
Problem with SearX is that it is following a fully decentralized route, and their main site ( is basically a "public gift to the people" so we should take example and "host it ourselves", so it's quiet often down.
Thank you for reminding me that not all brains on this site are taken over by jews!
Imagine the shoah smaller advertisers are experiencing if the big ones get their shekels back. All the small time ones are probably ignored and have to eat it. Low market confidence for small businesses means market incentive to find different advert platforms and such.
1. Reported for autism.
2. Because kill yourself.
It's all one giant scam, companies pay for words and ads but only a tiny fraction of what they pay for is useful. On top of that Google does this ponzi scheme where they cancel your account when it's time to pay up if they believe they can get away with it so they don't have to pay you any money, while keeping your own money.
It's nice that the timing of this is lining up with companies slowly starting to realize that they're wasting tons of money each year on these ads
Perlanon here. I know no one probably wants to maintain this (some said as much in a previous thread because I put too many spaces between lines), but this works breddy gud also I fixed the spacing:
#!/usr/bin/perluse Error qw(:try);use Switch;use WWW::Mechanize::Firefox;use strict;my ( $args_command, $args_id, $args_value, $ex, @links, $m, $mech_status, $retries, $return, $temp, @url, $x) = ();#remember to set it to the same port as the Firefox plugin$m = WWW::Mechanize::Firefox->new( launch => ['firefox'], repl => "localhost:4242", bufsize => 4_000_000, tab => 'current', autoclose => 1);#//fill your target array here$url[0] = 'http'':''//';$url[1] = 'http'':''//';$url[2] = 'http'':''//';$url[3] = 'http'':''//';#remember to set this to the size of $url[]$proc = rand(4);#SHIA LABEOUF&tryMech( 'URL', undef, $url[$proc] );if($mech_status == 1) { &tryMech( 'find_links' ); if($mech_status == 1) { foreach (@links) { if ($_->{href} =~ m/^http/) { push (@url, $_->{href}); } } shift @url;#in my testing i only needed to click 4 random links for ($x=0;$xclick( $args_id ); } case "button" { $m->click_button( $args_id => $args_value ); } case "eval" { ($return, undef) = $m->eval( $args_value ); } case "field" { $m->field( $args_id, $args_value); } case "find_links" { @links = $m->find_all_links_dom(); } case "form" { if ($args_id) { $m->form_id($args_id); } elsif ($args_value) { $m->form_name($args_value); } } case "form_num" { $m->form_num( $args_id ); } case "link" { $m->follow_link( $args_id => $args_value ); } case "select" { $m->select( $args_id, $args_value ); } case "tick" { $m->tick( $args_id ); } case "URL" { $m->get( $args_value ); } case "value" { $m->value( $args_id, $args_value ); } } $retries = 20; while ($retries-- and ! $m->success()) { sleep(.1); } if ($m->success()) { $mech_status = 1; } } catch Error with { $ex = shift; if ($ex =~ /500/) { $mech_status = 500; } else { $mech_status = 1000; } } finally { if ($mech_status >= 500) { if ($mech_status == 500) { print "\n * HTTP Error 500\n\n"; } elsif ($mech_status > 500) { print "\n * Timed out trying $args_command\n\n"; } undef $m; exit; } }; if ($return) { return $return; }}
Again this runs in linux/win and only requires FireFox/PaleMoon + MozRepl plugin. It is currently very barebones and simply opens a random URL from the array, gathers all the links it can detect into a new array, then clicks X number of random links.
Some other user had mentioned adnauseum plugin that clicks all the ads and I thought a combination of the two might work nice. With a little more work this could be made to grab a public URL list, and the random link click could be removed if the "ad click plugin" is used.
Good! proof that our work is doing just fine!
A notice for people thinking that this is somehow not effective
Clickfarms can be easily identified, and often, the IP ranges are blocked.
AdNauseam on the other hand, only clicks ads when it identifies them. Running a script with AdNauseam is not inherently the same as a clickfarm, because all of the participants are not barraging servers with large click overloads.
If a person clicks on an ad, and the website gets it's money, but no sale is made
(assuming this online ad is selling something)
Then what is the difference between that and AdNauseam?
any program to make that wicked looking logo in the terminal?
what are some good TREs for AdN?
>Post yfw 98% of your business comes from 14 words
There is a difference Jewgle only block IPs that come from regions that are known for spamming, like eastern bloc, Russia and China to name few.
You'd have to be a pretty BIG BOY spammer to get domesticated IP blocked in this day and age.
Most spammers are poorfags that rely on chinese man guided bots and local clickfarms for example, Russian and slavs use the same method. Real nigger tier clickfarmers use universally blocked TOR
Besides that would end up flagging dozens of circling dynamic IP addresses and addresses used by reputable institutions.
Bot user trying to crack consensus.
pretty good.
what has Holla Forums become?
Congratulations (((Click-Goyim))), your "hard work" has provided the data which proves the operation of a click-farm filtration system which will be sold at a premium to large corporate customers. You're helping them you blockheads.
because you are a kike
out of ideas so soon?
I don't know whether or not they're any good as an engine, but Ixquick is also Jewish.
ixquick is another meta search, they're all meta searches. there are only search engines, all others use their api's for meta
-some chink search nobody but chinks use
I know what I'll be doing next week
Thx for letting us know.
God I hate those insufferable faggots.
If you check the GH repo, isn't there just a copy of the ubo code? there's even an entire ubo client baked into the adnauseam one
Do we need a proxy to run ad nauseam or can we just go all bareback rawdog with our ip?
Wasn't Goldman sachs or something doing something exactly like this?
Apparently Startpage, while better than DDG, is not much better.
Oh they're getting SHITTED
In my spare time I administer a local school district's computers, it's running on all 1400 of them now.
They also use Google Docs for some classroom bullshit, I figure either way it's a win, if they cut off the school that's one pretty good group of locals they pissed off.
Also how y'all doing with this?
Noice, well done user.
Stop being anti-Google.
How do you keep it updating in real time? Mine stops and then I have to exit and look again to see it updated.
Still working on my improved fork. Any suggestions?
Of course! That isn't like one of the major reasons they are in this situation. Google should have died sooner if algorithms and automation is the only way they solve anything.
What did you fork? Chromium, Firefux?
Keep in mind AdNauseam is relatively resource heavy if you run script like Codefag's.
Also Firefox both regular and developer are cucked and seem to break AdNauseam as if by (((coincidence))).
Run it on two browsers, strangely on waterfox it stopped working yesterday and the advault had a reset. Now it is only running on Vivaldi, but overall the GUI showed a cost of 75K combined
Clearing ad vault regularly works.
Firefox wont even load Codefag's script page.
(((They're afraid)))
But how will I ever enter the 100K club?
The overall number and quantity is what matters here, unless you have a beast of a computer and a souped up browser clearing data vault every now and then improves the performance. You can export your data vault as a backup as well.
Not related to Adnauseum itself, but its about Google boycotting:
Im switching away from all google related software, but i don't have a good email alternative yet, which email service is the most unpozzed and safe to replace gmail?
should i post this on QTDDTOT instead? The thread is dead at this point
I just want a mobile phone that isn't full of tracking software. I'm still trying to do a total boycott, however, I'm a poorfag and I have an AndroidOS phone.
Wat do?
ProtonMail is what I've been using since Google shoah'd me for backing up charlottesville videos.
No idea what to do about mobile, i don't there is any option there
ProtonMail, ok, gonna check it, thanks
i don't think*
don't use a smartphone, get a feature phone, a prepaid one with a sim you can buy without giving your name address and social to the phone company.
some user posted earlier that it's damn near impossible to find, he was from another country in the U.S., couldn't get phone service, most prepaid sims require you to activate with giving them all your info. he went to some pakistani market that deals in international wares where the customers call outside of the company and send money to terrorists anyway, he found one there.
*call outside of the U.S.
Protonmail is more than a bit fucked. First it relays data when ddosed to RadAware or whatever that kike telecom company was called. They admit so on their site. They say that they only send encrypted data, but I wouldn't be surprised if they also cooperate with them per request. Keep in mind that in Israel every company has the necessity to comply with Mossad if requested. Then another thing is that you can't sign up with TOR on it. It will constantly require you to confirm using a phone or on very rare occassions, email. All the popular temporary emails do not work with protonmail sign up - they just don't get the confirmation message. You'd need an email on a site that allows you to sign up without phone confirmation and while those exist, this defeats the whole idea behind protonmail. Fucking bullshitters, why gloat about privacy and security if you can't make an account using TOR there? I don't know of a better alternative, but this is far from good email service provider.
alternatively root the phone, then stick a new aosp rom on there that doesnt' come with the gapps package (it's the full google package with google play, maps, etc), and don't install it afterward.
Get apk's somewhere else or use FDroid for foss software. Install a root firewall, block all traffic by default and/or install tor and transproxy all traffic through that.
All hope is lost then?
We're helping them so much they've got to automate refunds.
Protonmail is literal thought police honeypot, better not getting "outed" by anyone you know to commit thought crimes or say bye bye to your emails
If your food is not perfect, do you discard everything? Just accept it for what it is and don't use unsafe comms networks for things you shouldn't. Use several emails, online handles and basic opsec like that. I don't think it really matters what provider you use as long as you do not store personal info on there like your name, address or credit card info. You could try setting up your own domain and I've seen people do it, but I don't know the details or if it's worth the effort.
Good image and good info. Didn't know this, fuck those niggers.
God fucking damn it.
the only solution is to host your own email.
is a good software solution if you have no idea what your doing.
then you've gotta worry about a VPS and domain names. you can use a no-ip hostname for email, but no idea how many companies block that. if you want to self host and drop the VPS, your either can to have to have another VPS relay the traffic to get around your ISP's email firewall, or sign up for a relay service which isn't free either.
You can purchase a server for around $5 per month (even with bitcoin) and you can buy a domain for around $5-15 per year (works out to around $1 per month. Plenty of registrars accept bitcoin.
If that's too much then you can just use
I wonder why's owner just didn't go with or something.
Also why are we supposed to trust this person again?
It's impossible to register any second level domains under .il. If you are that gay though, you could get a email instead.
I trust him because the service is pretty transparent. You can keep track of the money that gets donated and you can also see every subpoena / preservation of records requests he has received (including both documents and phone calls). The service also uses warrant canary.
If you still don't trust him, you can access everything via tor.
They had to choose between hiring competent men to do the work or hiring "diverse" faggots and niggers and making machines do the work.
They made their choice.
use Yandex my nigga.
Hiding under the safety of Putin's PRISM (SORM) is much better than giving all your dick pic to pink hair faggors at NSA.
Russia has proven themselves deserving of mass surveillance systems.
Name one time when they abused GOD MODE?
Meanwhile, over at the Ft Meade trash fire, they give all your shit to Susan Rice, Samantha Powers, Ben Rhodes and 1,000 other DC Swamp Creatures to persecute anyone they don't like, for the pettiest political purposes, as well as massive insider trading rings and shameless shekel fraud to help out all their Evil Little Tyrants in DC.
Bonus: just by using Yandex, you force the perverts at NSA to go up a few floors for permission to spy on your junk.
Domestic data? No warrant necessary, not even FISA has to know, it's EO 12333 and it only requires a bulk subpoena to Joogle, Crapple and Microshit to get your Tangible Things.
But if your data is in Russia? Considerations and precautions hace to be taken. NSA won't risk wasting a Zero Day for your unimportant BS and exposing themselves to the Spetssviaz, opening themselves up to Hack Back or worse.
needs another more generic domain that isn't so gay and are pretty normal
Disregarding that J. Applebaum (presentation speaker) is a Jewish sodomite sociopath, the presentation is very insightful in NSA's tools and reach of influence (absolutely everywhere). This is beyond blackpill. is pretty fucking good
Vince Canfield shilled for goons. He's dead to us.
Nice work, I like it! Just as clarification for someone unfamiliar with MozRepl, I would simply save the script as a Perl file and then open/run it through the MozRepl client?