Really makes you think

really makes you think

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Who needs guns when you have pocket knives.


whoa badass

I know its fun to laugh at liberals, but take into consideration that Trump is also shit and deserves to be shot since he's president of the United States and wanted to be president of the United States


Not to defend liberals, but nonviolence is an option

you fucking nerd, don't you know that when liberalism say "revolution" they mean like a "spiritual revolution" or some horseshit like this

We can laugh at this but it actually makes me hopeful because I think liberals might take it as a reality check regarding guns. They now know that state power can be given to the far-right militia types they fear so much.

When The Donald starts rounding up the muslims and mexicans, not a single one of them is going to dare pick a fight with the cops.

They won't have to, they can watch the Daily Show mocking the deportation instead.

Yeah, I remember reading an article about how their political satire shows had "failed us" because they didn't magically cause Trump to lose.

Liberals are literally a cult.


All this salt. Holla Forums meme'd their way into the whitehouse and all you can do is cry. As for your "revolution" what's that line you guys always spout?

"No one needs to own a gun user, just call the cops."


literally liberal irl

They didn't really Americans just elect really dumb politicians.

You could say Holla Forums kept Louie Gohmert in our government because he might be racist. We elected Nixon and Reagan already, and two men named George W Bush

This only comes as a surprise to you

Nah that's me

Good thing commies aren't liberals.


Hi, my name is Gwammi Mufasta and I have an urgent business proposal for you.

kill yourself.

my fucking dog, you have to go back

fugging sabed.

Are you even saying we vote are you fresh off the boat or something

don be xenophobic gomradde!!

Why is your worldview made exclusively of memes?

lmao fam

what is this garbage

When Americans talk about revolution they don't actually mean revolution though. It's just the latest word to follow "liberal", "libertarian" and "progressive" as a word that used to mean something but that Americans have turned into a meaningless buzzword.

Firearms are by large useless.

If a revolution is to be had, the weight of the trained military and civil enforcers is so much bigger than disorganized, mostly untrained citizens. Were the two to fight the civilians would get mowed down, gassed airstriked to smithereens and wahtnot.

You can have all the surrogate sex organ guns you want, the moment you form a threatening milita you can consider your rights gone , your organization disbanded or your surroundings vaporized.

which is why we need chemical weapons

I would rather get ruthlessly put down by security forces than continue living in this meaningless world, at least I'd die doing something.

fucking Poe's Law is messing with my mind

He's right, we're gonna get rid of both the liberals and the right when the revolution comes. Armed resistance will come from the right, liberals will be deal with very easily by either side.

Well, there's your problem, you think we're as retarded as you.

This liberals are Nazis meme is getting old. They may both support capitalism, but damn at least liberals are unhappy with the exploitation that effects them.

Nazis are so cucked you can bet they're going to support capitalism all the until they get killed on the western front

Indeed. At best you get prolonged conflict with little chance of victory for the rebels.

Nazis hate capitalism far more than liberals, they see it as jewish exploitation. Liberals love capitalism I don't know what liberals you've talked to but they love capitalism and they love big state capitalism that exploits workers and monopolizes the means of production.

For nazis, at least the Hitlerite ones, capitalism is what left-wings would call "liberal free market capitalism", after all Hitler had no problem with being Krupp's or Thyssen's buttbuddy.


so liberals are either porkies or double-thinking useful idiots.

Hillary deserves to be shot infinitely more than Trump. Why didn't liberals shoot her down then?


trash post

Not the one we have right now.
Nazis hate Laissez-Faire Capitalism.


This is stupid but better than nothing.

Don't make fun of kids for starting to think the right way.

The root cause is still ignored they focuse almost entirely on the idpol element

This is a great example of retarded piratefag.
We'd need uranium for atomic weapons.
We'd need a million-dollar research teams for biological weapons.
We'd need chemicals and industrial machinery for a useful amount of chemical weapons. Toluene ain't cheap and EZ, and you'd need a lot of poop for AN, plus a lot of electricity to get it out of it. You'd also need a lot of electricity for nitric acid, and some way to get reliable detonators.
Yes, you can try gas attacks, but you could only hit civilians reliably.

also, you can steal nuclear waste

meant 2 quote

now, before you think about jailing me FBI, think that there are radical right and left wing groups that have already the manpower and resources to do such thing on the population, so focus on them and leave a shitposter alone

Nigga inhalation is the only way that'd work, and, being a solid, you'd need to make it form as a dust cloud. Dropping it in the AC don't work unless you get a REAL fine powder, which needs special equipment, you could try putting it in a coffee grinder for two weeks, but tell me how that went. Plus, please specify how you're planning to get to the AC intakes. Those need rooftop access, I imagine. And banks usually are hard to get backstage to.
Now, if you'd really wanna do a poison gas, you'd use sarin. Just look it up, but making it still costs some to get the equipment for it (you'd need a way to get your mixture to 50x atmospheric pressure for one thing IIRC)
And you don't simply steal radioactive waste. Those transports and storage have heavy security against terrists (and leakage)
You could try breaking up smoke detectors or some shit if you want to make a dirty bomb. It won't do shit unless people breath it in or some shit, but it will cause plenty of panic. Same for the ricin tho.

So do SJWs. It's funny. They both want a completely identical economic system (state-regulated capitalism focused on serving the interests of the people kek), yet they each think that they are the other's polar opposite.

Radioactive material has to be heavily refined before it can be used as a bomb. To do that, you need a reactor.

repostan the pol insurrection images
if you guys actually went to /k/ regularly, you'd learn how shoddy the military actually is
most of that weight is POG bureaucracy

do you guys really think Holla Forums cares about if sjw are economically similar to them?

what the actual fuck does that mean?

it's supposes to be folks but they use an x because they are "special"

teenagers can build nuclear reactors and create nuclear fusion. you can find radioactive material in all sorts of household objects. all you gotta do is find enough of it, wrap it around something explosive, and kablammo, you have yourself a dirty bomb

tbh i don't think it even needs to be a powerful bomb or even particularly effective. people hear the words "radioactive bomb" and they aren't going to spend too much time thinking about it


Fuck off.

-Vietnam was backed up by the chinese and the soeviets
-K/D ratio was on the American side
-The war was lost by the Pentagon


lol remember those times two of the largest empires on the planet invaded a backwards middle eastern country whose greatest technological asset was an ak-47 strapped to a goat and both got thrown despite their immensely overwhelming technological, industrial, and numerical superiority?

that was pretty great

These are some pretty fucking delusional screenshots

Yeah and i'm a Rothschild banker, AMA

So a good example of how badly the civil war will go for the gumbnit is two examples where they didn't hesitate to brutally put down resistance and despite the media aftermath they received a slap on the wrist. Man its almost as if he's never heard of the Whiskey Rebellion

Wouldn't the government mobilise and take those checkpoints faster than the rebels? Why don't they just tear gas everyone if they didn't? Do the rebels have rocket launchers for the helicopters that are going to rain death on the true patriot "Timmy Teabaggers"?

Because the government can't get food anywhere else. Because the guerrilas can continue farming food wile all this is going on. Because the southern states aren't dirt poor or anything, they are actually all zen like cowboys that live solely off the fat of the land. Because the government gives a fuck about 10000 deaths a day let alone a year.

Is this another "10 principles of Marxism" thing?

Where the fuck are these statistics coming from?

With the help of France, and England was already in financial striats.

The only one who seems even slightly convincing is the cable guy and even then he's got 4chan's signature hyperbole

A whole day? That seems unlikely for a mile and a half long cable where you, the cable guy, can already guess all the places it might have been tampered with. Why wouldn't you just check those places first? I assume you know them pretty well in order to fix weather damage or some shit, otherwise they wouldn't be so obvious to "hit".

I work in an office and black out won't even stop us for the day. Unless you are targeting wall street or any other financial district specifically, I don't see how that would cost anywhere close to "millions". Besides which if you are having blackouts all over the city you would think they would be wise to you pretty quick.

Genius kid whose reactor ended up killing him and didn't even reach critical mass


Neckbeard wearing an anonymous mask

The government must be so scared