Jack Ma: We need to stop training our kids for manufacturing jobs

Jack Ma: We need to stop training our kids for manufacturing jobs.

The Alibaba founder and chairman doesn't think we should be scared. But he does think we should be prepared for major disruptions to the job market.

"In the last 200 years, manufacturing [has brought] jobs. But today – because of the artificial intelligence, because of the robots – manufacturing is no longer the main engine of creating jobs," Ma said Wednesday in a speech at the Bloomberg Global Business Forum in New York City.

Moving forward, Ma said he believes the service industry will be the largest engine of job creation.

Ma's stance is starkly different from the economic vision espoused President Donald Trump, who campaigned on an "America First" populist agenda and has repeatedly made promises to restore U.S. manufacturing jobs.

"Talking about manufacturing, we should not be talking Made in China, Made in America," Ma said. "It's going to be 'Made in Internet.'"

But Ma sees a major obstacle: He doesn't believe the world's current approach to education properly prepares today's youth for the realities of tomorrow's work.

"The way we teach … is going to be making our kids [lose] jobs [in] the next 30 years," he said. He noted that when it comes to tasks like calculation, machines will always "do better."

The key to keeping human workers relevant will be emphasizing imagination, according to Ma.

"We have to teach our kids to be very, very innovative, very creative," he said. "In this way, we can create jobs for our own kids."

When it comes to artificial intelligence, Ma positions himself a realist – but also as an optimist.

"The new technology will destroy a lot of jobs. But it will also create a lot of jobs," he said. "The question is whether we are ready and whether we are qualified for these new jobs."


And when they invented the automatic loom how many weavers were put out of business?

People will adapt and markets will open. We've been introducing robots gradually to factory lines for the last 60 years, and we'll keep gradually adding them in.

It's not like they're going to flip a switch and then BAM robots! No, jobs will slowly be replaced and the next generation will find something else to do as they've done for the last 250 industrialized years.

It always comes back to the (((service))) industry. The (((Haves))) being served by the goyi-have nots.

the problem is that the economic necessity of humans itself is being attacked, not in pursuit of quality or even greater profits, but as an end in itself. The thinking that people will always find a way to survive indefinitely, without there being a mass extinction event, is very naive. It's quite callous to say that people can just take greater risks over longer periods and not worry about whether they'll make it; there's going to be a lot of dead people along the way, and all the societal costs that entails.

So you can be an entrepreneur, and engineer/programmer, a manager, or work in (((finance))). That's great for people who have a knack for these sorts of things. Not everyone has the many qualities needed to be an entrepreneur, not everyone is smart enough to be a good engineer, not everyone has the personal skills to manage, and hardly anyone is a Jew and the Chosen will never give up finance. Humans have the capacity to learn and do anything but we're making ourselves obsolete so the aristocracy can somehow become even more powerful.

So you can be an entrepreneur, and engineer/programmer, a manager, or work in (((finance))). That's great for people who have a knack for these sorts of things. Not everyone has the many qualities needed to be an entrepreneur, not everyone is smart enough to be a good engineer, not everyone has the personal skills to manage, and hardly anyone is a Jew and the Chosen will never give up finance. Humans have the capacity to learn and do anything but we're making ourselves obsolete so the aristocracy can somehow become even more powerful.

EVERYONE LEARN TO CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE LEARN TO CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE LEARN TO CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE LEARN TO CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE LEARN TO CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE LEARN TO CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE LEARN TO CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE LEARN TO CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE LEARN TO CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE LEARN TO CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE LEARN TO CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE LEARN TO CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE LEARN TO CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE LEARN TO CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE LEARN TO CODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Getting real tired of the idea that the peak of humanity is measured by the amount of crap we can produce.

Even if you are posting in good faith, reddit spacing is hard on the eyes and a terrible way to format your posts

Reddit spacing has become so bad its actually the way the news article is formatted.

Cute idea but unrealistic.
Why, so the too big to fail industries or china can steal the IP and run your business into the ground?

In my day, those were called paragraphs. What the fuck do they teach you kids in school these days?



Sometimes the truth isn't clear enough

Considering the nature of your argument, I think you should watch this video.

And the fact the subject is being quoted means nothing to your generation either I take it? Plebs.

The ethics of automation is never part of the discussion. We're made to believe that replacing workers with robots and automation is just a foregone conclusion, when in fact government has a role in preventing this from going too far.

UBI gibs for everyone is a fairy tale. Why do that when they can enslave us?


In my day, English composition classes in 7th grade taught to compile your paragraphs in an orderly manner. Maintain the same topic per paragraph. Let one train of thought flow seamlessly into the next. Maintain an optimal paragraph length of 3-6 sentences whenever possible. And above all else, don't splatter your crack addled brain's jumbled partial thoughts into a haphazard vertical monstrosity!

To further prove my point on why defending the article's formatting is simply retarded beyond belief, I'm going to take OP's post and condense it into what should be proper paragraphs.

Jack Ma: We need to stop training our kids for manufacturing jobs.

The Alibaba founder and chairman doesn't think we should be scared. But he does think we should be prepared for major disruptions to the job market. "In the last 200 years, manufacturing [has brought] jobs. But today – because of the artificial intelligence, because of the robots – manufacturing is no longer the main engine of creating jobs," Ma said Wednesday in a speech at the Bloomberg Global Business Forum in New York City. Moving forward, Ma said he believes the service industry will be the largest engine of job creation. Ma's stance is starkly different from the economic vision espoused President Donald Trump, who campaigned on an "America First" populist agenda and has repeatedly made promises to restore U.S. manufacturing jobs. "Talking about manufacturing, we should not be talking Made in China, Made in America," Ma said. "It's going to be 'Made in Internet.'"

But Ma sees a major obstacle: He doesn't believe the world's current approach to education properly prepares today's youth for the realities of tomorrow's work. "The way we teach … is going to be making our kids [lose] jobs [in] the next 30 years," he said. He noted that when it comes to tasks like calculation, machines will always "do better." The key to keeping human workers relevant will be emphasizing imagination, according to Ma. "We have to teach our kids to be very, very innovative, very creative," he said. "In this way, we can create jobs for our own kids."

When it comes to artificial intelligence, Ma positions himself a realist – but also as an optimist. "The new technology will destroy a lot of jobs. But it will also create a lot of jobs," he said. "The question is whether we are ready and whether we are qualified for these new jobs."

Grammar Nazism as well as orthodox Nazism. Never change Holla Forums.

In journalism they teach us to use short, punchy paragraphs.
Starting a new paragraph when you begin a quote is something you should have learned in high school.
You're having a hard time tonight.

They already automated that faggot it's called India.

A man's words can always benefit from being as aesthetically pleasing as his uniform. Gassing the compositional jew aside, the evidence of a future glut in low-skill labor continues to mount every passing week. Seeing these kikes still lobbying for more low/no skilled brown-skinned hordes under the premise of "MUH ECONOMY" is nauseating, but also encouraging. It dismantles their credibility the longer they try to push that narrative.

In journalism, they also teach you to cup Editor Shlomo's ballsack while you're making use of your tongue, but that doesn't either of them a pretty sight for everybody else.

Glad I have two STEM kids, one graduating soon. I'm sure those skills carry some value, I'm trying to remain positive. You can't make the kids forget what they've learned, in valuable studies. Not fag art shit either. Useless degrees.

You can't cut corners and pay pennies on the dollar and expect top notch work.

Kikes don't want to import shitskins for labor. They want them for keeping consumption high.

That's how the article was written, dumbass.

"Reddit spacing" really needs to be wordfiltered so these fucking autists stop whining about it every time it appears.

Hahahah am I triggering you yet?


Furthermore, it's not "Reddit" spacing. Reddit uses Markdown to for formatting. You should call it "Markdown" spacing if you want to be pedantic about it.

They aren't importing them for consumption either. No low-skilled jobs means no spending money. They want them here to mix with us, in order to create a more pliable underclass to rule over.

They'll just pick your pocket in the form of gibs so they can consume. While you're not wrong about ethnic replacement, the kikes make fucktons of money off of shitskin immigrants by siphoning as much taxpayer money to them as possible.

You don't use much modern technology huh?

Automation benefits the immigrants just like the immigrants benefited the natives. We didn't need UBI when Clinton gave China our factory jobs, we didn't need UBI when Reagan gave Mexico the farming jobs, we don't need UBI now. We need chaos.

But then I'll be LearningCode…. just kidding, I already code


You're an idiot. I've been programming professionally for 10 years. It teaches you very little of worthwhile real-world experience. Go out and get a real labouring job. Maybe code in your spare time if you really want to. That being said, programming knowledge is essential if you want to work in an office.

Literally the only way to solve this problem is removing minimum wage. It costs ~$0.50 an hour to run a robot that doesn't complain or make mistakes. Why would anyone even consider hiring a human unless they could pay them ~$0.25 an hour? Maybe don't remove minimum wage immediately, but at the very least phase it out over time as robotics increase in use. UBI will just continue the societal operating system of laziness and hedonism, heck it would just upgrade it to version 2.0.

Them's fighting words, you pug ugly chink bastard. Fuck Jack Ma.

It's shit.

Just waiting for the EMP to go off and show how depending on automation is a flaw.

Likely well after a point where all the people smart enough to make factories and machines are all dead.

Good. Gives us a couple million years to start all over again and slowly relearn everything before we get to the shitty now time.

You realize that once the service sector gets automated there is literally nothing left right? New markets suddenly won't just appear, theres a reason wages have stayed stagnant for so long. Eventually there won't be jobs left if something isn't done, and well end up with some UBI consumer dystopia.

Your life must be sooooo boring


Yeah goy… I mean friend… leave the manufacturing to the Chinese. Learn how to massage backs and service your new overlords. It is for the best of humanity.

Wonder what's going to happen. The biggest problem with the common argument I hear
is that, quite simply, the kinds of people who will be replaced by this, aren't exactly entrepreneur material.

Let's say someone has an IQ of around 80 or 90, and they work in a warehouse taking inventory. Automation finally reaches their place of employment, and their job is cut.
Where do they go? By this point in time, things like being a cashier will have also been cut. Being a trucker will have been cut.
They aren't able to pay for certification of a trade, nor are they even really smart enough, at that IQ range.

So again, where do they go?

Now what if a huge chunk of people in a country are like that? Cut off from every potential employment avenue, and not smart enough to go and be an engineer making the machines.
The most likely answer is that they just die. But given it isn't going to be a fast death, if it even gets to that point, you can bet your bottom dollar there'll be civil unrest.
UBI would just be another step towards idiocracy, but I'm not sure I see many other options, even if that's something I actively don't want to happen. Because the alternative is a populace with the final shackle, to usurpation broken, namely "having anything to lose"

At least, those are my, rather poorly informed, two cents on the matter.


Well it least we know it's just one retard who keeps the men's alive

Well you're shit out of luck when median IQ dips to double digit number. Niggerfied population that can only sort glass.

Jack Ma is ignorant in this regard, he might have the determination and the will to power, but this is something that he doesn't fully understand. Manufacturing jobs will always exist due to the nature of scientific development. As science advances, new equipment will have to be developed, and those will be done through either computer-aided design, but usually for prototyping requires a lot of manual labor/manpower. The thing is that machines for manufacturing will also have to be maintained and checked consistently by technicians. The fact is that we are now living in a society where you cannot just live without knowledge in a certain trade, you can't just be a jack-of-all-trades and expect to make a comfy living like what the boomers did in USA. You have to have a skill, either vocational, or a knowledgeable mind through attending STEM at universities.

Spouting words like "innovation" and "creative" is pointless, because you can't develop creativity and innovation, it requires a lot of insight and natural intuition on an individual.

The most interesting part is that is it possible to change the economic model to make it so that we can provide basic necessities to even the poorest people? Do we have a threshold of autonomous productivity in machine-based manufacturing that will actually cause massive unemployment? The answer is a definite no. However, a country like the USA can definitely provide base income/assistance to the citizens (not immigrants/foreign invaders) so long as they also set up the rule that they will get assistance on the basis that they can't have children/ they have to get sterilized unless they can elevate their social position, and they also have to show their willingness to improve their standings through attending trade workshops/education.

It's not a simple matter of creating more service, that's stupid, and you're not solving the educational crisis of the citizens, you are just mitigating the problem, you are just avoiding the fact that people are being ignorant and instilling beliefs that they can still be ignorant and skill less without any sort of threat to poverty.

I like the way the German school system is segregated into different tiers, based on (((academic performance))). If it were implemented honestly here in America, it would effectively racially segregate our school again.

My point is: in order for society to continue to grow and become better, we have to instill values of productivity of the individual, and not just productivity of simple tasks, but to promote ways to think better, to instill the value of good skills. So far, the government is doing an extremely poor job by catering to the lowest common denominator, saying that jobs like increasing manufacturing or service jobs would solve the problem, but it wouldn't, it never would, increasing those jobs would only create slaves, it is essentially a modern feudal society where these workers are like serfs for the rest of their lives. What should be done is that these work should be an intermediary for people to gain the finances and such to attain better skills that gives them value and provide higher value productivity to people, not as something that they will do for the rest of their lives, like a slave.

I have never seen any professional weavers, everyone I know that does that sort of thing do it as a hobby or because the superstore monopoly peddles really shit clothing. The trucking industry is already making infrastructure in a plan to make human truck drivers obsolete and replace them entirely with a fully automated system. This includes 24/7 gas stations, which will have service workers who will also be replaced as planned.
Cashiers and other service workers are already being replaced, hell the 15 dollar wage hike has put me and everyone else under threat of lay offs because we're getting paid the original amount a mechanic could expect that is how over priced our labor has become.

The Saudis and the Persians are the greatest algorithm inventors and engineers of the modern world, the truth is on the wall but no one is willing to see that. Indians can't do shit because they're literally the sweatshop equivalent of programmers and the old American guard is rotting because people don't want to learn the basics anymore except "make game".

Also, this is fucking retarded. You don't need to learn to code, IDEs already do that automatically for you outside of bugfixes. What you need to do is become a great software engineers and to plan the project so that it can run anywhere with as little modifications as possible.

There are no great software engineers. Only ones that brick your OS with every other forced update.