What games would you love to see a documentary made about their creation and development?

What games would you love to see a documentary made about their creation and development?

2 Spring to mind for me:
Why this story? was it really about the 5 stages of grief and loss? what lead them to immediately follow up Ocarina with a heavily recycled asset filled game about loss, sadness and loss of identity to begin with?
Was it rough shit the devs were going through or complete random asspulls? what was it like to get the idea greenlit and why so soon?

So many questions with this one. Is it true many of the monsters seem more horrific and out of place because they are left over Parasite Eve monsters? was it really made on the skeleton of a high school romance sim and a military strategy rpg who both got scrapped and combined for a hastily released title to cash in on the mega success of FF7?
What about the gameplay systems that all conflict with one another as though they were from different games? what lead to these choices, how hectic was the work schedule and how did they deal with the overwhelmingly negative reaction to it?

These two always fascinated me from a design standpoint for lots of reasons, but what games would you really want the skinny on?

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no really, i want to know what the fuck they were thinking doing that shit.

Colonial Marines would be riveting. Especially that and infinites "heres a bunch of lies we called gameplay" E3 boondoggles.

Duke Nukem Forever, following all its incarnations and all its developers

"A mean duke: when the bubblegum runs dry"


shit would be to damn depressive


actually, just make a a documentary on illusion.

Xenogears and MGSV: the Phantom Pain

MGSV is the obvious choice. We don't even know what happened.

The Phantom Pain

It would just be a trainwreck of devs and corporate suits blaming each other for the lack of focus, shitty working environment, and the justifications for it being a rushed and incomplete piece of shit.

It would be like watching an autopsy video, dissecting the bloated wretched corpse of a once beloved franchise, trying to find the precise moment where everything went so wrong.

I just want to see how the ideas evolved over time (or devolved in the case of most planned features), and how the game became what it is now.
I always think about games like Spore and MGS:V, and wonder if the devs are satisfied with what they ended up with.

I want to know what happened to that janitor.

I'd also like to see that too. Either Skyrim or Fallout 4. Just to see how they came up with the god awful ideas that are in the final game.

The last guardian

MOTHER series.

Cocaine was only the tip of the iceberg. Don't forget hallucinogens and good ol' cannabis.

Deadly Premonition.
I want to see how it was made just so I can finally figure out why it's so bad and so good at the same time.

As easy as it is to list a game with controversy, I'd like a documentary on Ace Combat as a whole just to learn more about it. How Strangereal came about, the legends like Razgriz, the unique nations and factions, why Belka is so god damn crazy lovable, the super weapons, and whatever research they may have done for the aircraft themselves, real and fictional. Not to mention whatever the fuck happened to Ace Combat Rising: Revengeance.

You mean the whole "Rainy Woods C&D" debacle?


No Man's Sky.

SoC. I'm picturing drunk slavs dressed in tracksuits though I suspect I'd be rather disappointed with whatever the Ukrainian equivalent of neckbeards are.

I'd like to see one on Revolution 60.

age of empires
oh wait

I don't know, user. Listening to the devs talk about or show WIP stuff for disc 2 might just make me want more of what could have been. The Perfect Works already does that to some extent.

Umihara Kawase seems like it was made by people that would be interesting to have a conversation about games with.

Also, I'm still waiting for that Masters of Doom film adaptation.

Half-Life 3 narrated by David Attenborough, on the collapse of the Cabal system into anarchy and the ensuing power struggles and gladiatorial combat between tribes of feral game developers competing over territory within their isolated Bellevue office.

Souls franchise

I'd like to see a load of devs just stitting around thinking about where to lay traps and shit.
"Oh, what if we put an item here, but when you grab it, a bugbear drops down."
"You sick fuck. I love it."

Plus, the aesthetic for the games is fucking beautiful.

Bioshock Infiniteā€¦ Or Irrational Games in general

So many bad decisions were taken during its development: the delays, the layoffs, the not-included features. The game was a hit and the company STILL bankrupted. I want to see it first hand for any aspiring developer to follow its example.

How is it possible that I never heard of it? Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely look into it.

And if I'm not mistaken, Xenogears was the 5th or 4th chapter of the hypothetical saga. Such a shame it ended like that.

There's just so many strange and terrible decisions behind this game that I would love to, if not understand, just hear the thought process behind.

Wouldn't it just be 'Her' but with Toriyama instead of joaquin pheonix?

I remember seeing one a while ago on one of the Halo's from the original Bungie. Shit was interesting.

Also I would like to see documentary on both of the Metro games

What's the source of that lewd scene?

oh user.

Any news about that anime?



Limbo of the Lost.

What is the story behind this ending? Just a fun little ending for people who did really well for the game?


I guess you could say their decisions were irrational.

Too many to count.

NiGHTS, for one, sounds interesting:


Especially how it ties into its engine being used for a 3D Sonic game that would have served as a flagship title for the Saturn that ended up getting nixed by Yuji Naka in anger-further hastening both Saturn and Sega's eventual exit from the console biz.

I want a documentary about Bethesda's hostile takeovers and takeover attempts on smaller studios.

Devils' Third is another one. Just what was going on with Valhalla Game Studios after leaving Tecmo and then having to deal with THQ shitting down?

Postal 2, imagine the meetings

This is a thread for anons, spics need not apply Carlos

Dragon's Dogma and/or Dark Souls.
Mostly because I want to get more information on what they had originally planned and where things went wrong that they had to start cutting content and reducing scale.