FLOTUS: It Is Parents’ Responsibility to Raise Children Who Have Moral Clarity, Love of Country

Merkel BTFO

This is a kike free first post.

Based user-kun

it is impossible to do when you have public schools and kike media 24/7/365 and both husband and wife have to work 40 to 50 hours a week outside the the home to make ends meet.

Stop abusing redtext.

I have two kids, one boy and one girl.
I screened tutors by making Holla Forums jokes.
If they got offended I didn't hire them.

very good. wait for the media to disregard to her whiteness.

Oy vey, have you forgotten that schools are the parents of children?

No shit. So we’re going to fix that. And?


You're as bad as a boomer.

That's what they all say user. And they have never delivered on that promise before - why should we believe (((they))) will now? The writings on the wall, so to speak.

That's just a shitty justification for being lazy and never trying. It's literally nigger-logic.

Yeah but you miss 100% of the shots you don't take user

Faggot, you have no idea.
If you aren't bluepilled you don't get connections.
If you aren't born into wealth you don't have the means to increase wealth unless someone approves of you enough to get you started.
There's a reason 99%+ of small business owners are hopelessly bluepilled and think you can just try really hard and persevere to succeed - it takes that AND a chance encounter with (((someone))) who approves of you and what you're doing to gain independence.
Once you have that good luck passing it along, estate taxes will ensure your children have to go through the same hoops.

You can take all the shots and still miss.

She's right

Yeah that's nice, Jamal. Tell us more about whitey keeping you down.

Who said shit about not trying, boomer faggot?

it is a great country


sounds like you don't give a shit about anyone other than yourself. Congratulations, you're special

Kill yourself kike. My parents raised me without your broadcast filth, and I will raise my children the same.

This is a marxist meme. Success is a recursive function of genetics, grit, and the success of your family members.

Traditionally you would follow in your family's craft or trade, you would have a guaranteed job almost, and would always be protected. You would live in a multi-generational household and pass down your property and wealth, sometimes, your parents would buy you apprenticeships or political positions if they wanted to move up in status. We don't talk about the destruction of the family unit for nothing, the boomers have traded all of that cheap labor and promise of lofty pensions. It is luck if you managed to be born into the few families that still take care of their own and are not completely broken single parent boomer shitholes. I work dead end jobs and I always will, but I'm at least saving some of that money and involved in this board so hopefully my children don't have to, something my boomer mother and dead beat dad who left when I was 2 never provided me or my siblings.

Well I can guarantee that you will get a 100% spot on hit if you shoot yourself in the head. Which you should, faggot.

>implying the boomer generation didn't utterly succumb to the (((media)))
Nice try, but no. The only people who survived that generation's fuckups with familial wealth intact in any large proportion were farmers. Success of your family is part of that luck and social connections block.



The kikes orchestrated it, but the boomers were greedy bluepilled slaves who bought into it.

>implying the (((media))) aren't the cause of the (((boomers)))
It's not just a meme.

implying the boomer generation didn't utterly succumb to the (((media)))

Kill yourself jewish filth.

You are too autistic to live. Kill yourself, it's the eugenic thing to do.


You are a blue-pilled faggot who is too dim to realize it.
If your family survived the destruction of the middle class it's either because they weren't in the middle class or they happened by dumb luck to be in a profession which was immune to it. There are maybe a few hundred thousand people in that group. If you are so cucked as to believe everyone else in the same position and they simply need to try harder then you certainly aren't there because you care for your people, and your family certainly didn't make it because they were somehow immune to the (((psychological tactics))) employed to create the (((boomers))) - but again just dumb luck.
There are no absolute extremes which are good, a functional society is a mix of many things, and it's not remotely (((marxist))) to state the fact that in the modern world success is based on luck, social connections, and a very very very small bit on aptitude/intellect/tenacity.
Nearly everyone tries, you aren't special in that regard, you just won a dice roll faggot.

Fuck all the other replies I say

Checked… and keked tbh.

don't forget the books too

That would be a possibility if you had wealth passed down to you, have many connections (due to family).

The Xers were, too.

We cutting back on free apecare? Schools going back to education rather than indoctrination?

Horeshit. We were the ones fighting against the bullshit. We just grew up and realized we were too small in number and too few in places of "power" because of our age to do anything. So we began waking people up through bbs's and newsgroups. You little fucks are on our god damned lawns.

What were some of the jokes? Were you subtle or overt? I feel that could come back to bite you if some faggot screencapped anything or posted the exchange online.

This is really gonna piss off any liberals who want or expect her to turn on Donald and go full liberal lesbian or some dumb shit they probably fantasize about.

You sound like a fucking communist. I bet you think universal basic income is a good idea too.

I hate to be "that person" but this is a myth. I don't know if this applies to you, but for a lot of people "making ends meet" equals "having two late model cars in the garage, internet, cable, Ipads and Iphones for the whole family, retail shopping trips as leisure activity, etc." The amount of money that most of the Western world spends on worthless crap is amazing. It does NOT take two people working 40 hours a week to "make ends meet".