The adventures of Christ-chan is an ongoing Holla Forums comic project about Holla Forums waifus featuring Christ-chan. 30 chapters and counting. Started in June 2015.

Full comic and patreon links to support the artist here:









go hang yourself for saging Holla Forums oc










where the fuck are the nigger lovers?








Yo, mind doing me a favour and post the ebola-chan thingy?


one time payment of $25 only goyim

Back to cuckchan with you.

No shilling your shit here.

So you crazy fuck try to sue me for posting it afterwards?


Not white, etc.

wow you paid $25 for that and you're just gonna share it for free with everyone else.
very bad financial management goyim

go fucking hang yourself nigger lover

it's called sharing

And reported for gook shitposting.

christchan rule34 when

You will never be white



go cry about your safe space being raped somewhere else nigger lover

communism is bad goyim

wow the art in these is absolutely terrible

Sure, as soon as you post somewhere else. No one likes you, no one wants you here. Go away.


Yes, post actual art/anime. That's what triggers Maldraw the hardest

everyone can see your sage nigger lover. go fucking hang yourself for saging Holla Forums oc

5000 followers on twitter nigger lover
shove your fake news up your ass and go fucking hang yourself already

Remember that comic about the modern Portuguese switching places with the Portuguese from the past? That was really something nice.

spamming asspain only adds posts to the thread nigger lover. reflect your life choices and remember what I told you fucking parasite fuck.

And you expect people to believe those are actual followers?



"Christ chan" is really too close to "chris chan" for my comfort. I don't want to be reminded of grundle gashes while reading wholesome things.



Scratch that, it's shit.

Art is secondary to him, you see.


And here I thought Malgay couldn't sink any lower

jealousy isnt going to get you anywhere nigger lover. I said go fucking hang yourself. you cant do jack shit fucking useless parasite rat

hang yourself for saging Holla Forums oc nigger lover.

I'm not jealous of your 7 (cause let's be honest, it's not 8, one of those patrons is you) yellow family members giving you pennies on the dollar for your shitty comic you tard. I post in these threads purely to see you drop your spaghetti all over the place.


triggering your bitch ass is primary nigger lover.
I'm doing a good job fucking you up.

Why do you play both sides, faggot? Honest question.
It's not like this is quality trolling.

He thinks we round eye are too dumb to understand his master plan.

why would you spam your asspain in this thread then? go fucking hang yourself already nigger lover. this is fucking sad.

Nobody use this, OK?

Also, I'm not triggered. I find you to be hilarious.

Learn to read:
I post in these threads purely to see you drop your spaghetti all over the place.

who said both sides? these comics are satire you fucking nigger loving dumbfuck.


you're saging the thread. we can see you lying about your asspain.
cmon nigger lover.


And here I thought you couldn't get any dumber

Id give up in these threads if all of it just me posting the comics fucking nigger lover. Those are finite, calling you a nigger lover isnt.
post more asspain sage posts nigger lover. its fun to see you squirm about a bunch of shitty comics.

Maldraw don't post his patreon on lib sites. just your nigger lover of a safe space. We all know your bitch ass is scared of it.



Who's "we"? Got a ladyboy in your pocket?



Why do you post the same drawings from years ago? Have you just made a handful to milk shekels with, or have you finally realized that it doesn't look very aesthetic?


then stop being triggered by it and go fucking hang yourself nigger lover.


There are people lurking the thread and trying to figure out why you salty nigger lovers are saging the thread and posting twitter screencaps like a bunch of bitch babies.
This will educate them.