Is Kushner being cuckolded by Ivanka? WTF?

Turns out Tom and Ivanka probably dated, and the reason Tom Brady didn't visit the white house with the Patriots is because Kushner and Gisele (the cuck and cuckquean) threw a tantrum.

In 2004 Trump said that Tom and Ivanka would make a good couple…

Kushner has black hair. Ivanka and Tom have brown or sandy blonde hair. All of Ivankas kids are very light haired.

Other urls found in this thread:

yes, she fucked trudea and brady among others

Her daughter doesn't even look white. If Brady was the father she'd probably be a natural blonde.

Ivanka Trump is the daughter of a billionaire who was raised in Jew York City.
The probability that she does NOT know the taste of non-White cum is exceedingly small, and I ain't talking about Jew-jizz. Not to mention all the dykes she pals around with - she has the look of a dyke, after all.

Checked for mischlings aren't White.

Highly unlikely but if it turned out that those were ALL Tom Brady's kids my sides would rip into another dimension. Ivanka still married a kike and converted to Kikeism but a big point of contention against Trump is that his grandchildren are kikes. If we have a cuckold situation here (which wouldn't surprise me as Jared has all the makings of a cuck) then they wouldn't really be kikes at all, just raised in the belief for a couple years or however old they are. Plus Don Jr's wife is only half jewish and to the best of my knowledge they don't practice the religion at all so their kids check out in the Nuremberg laws, and Eric's wife being a kike was just a lie started because Jared decided to kike up the wedding to (((promote tolerance))) or whatever his excuse was. Still a pretty shabbos family but if true it would help a bit. Even then it's wishful thinking, the jewette here looks just like her father.

Yea just like her blond haired father you absolute Trumpcuck.

they look like kushners

I just said that the daughter (whatever the fuck her name is) looks like Kikener and it's highly unlikely. But in the off chance that this was true it would be funny and make things just a little better. Even then, I said that the family is still pretty kiked, but this would make it just a tiny bit less.

Did I hit a nerve? I literally laid out how the Trump kids are race traitors yet that still isn't enough and I'm called a Trumpcuck. What do I have to do to keep autists from sperging out, just give up and refuse to accept anything other than a resurrection or clone of Hitler?

You know now that I look at it, does that kid look like a Mexican?! It might be that jews take till puberty before the eyes droop and the horns bud but I'm looking into this child's eyes and I swear she wants to make a burrito desperately.

They all have that doughy faced look which is exactly what Kushner has. Brady has clearly defined features and Ivanka has that slavic round head flat faced look. Definitely Kushners mongrels.

This is probably BS, as Ivanka is a, soulless race traitor whore has literally only ever dated kikes.

Unless of course she's a crypto kike herself from her mother's side, which is possible.

This is false, none of them look like Tom Brady or even have light eyes, all of them look darker than Ivanka as well, which points to Kushner being the father.

Ivanka's mother and grandmother are kikes. Brady while scum and a cheat, doesn't deserve to be jewed.

They literally look satanic.

Trump should be fucking ashamed of himself for letting Ivanka birth these critters, assuming of course she wasn't a kike already.

he should have made her stick it out with brady. he is the ultimate chad. 10.2/10

I'm 3/4 Yankee 1/4 Yid

I-I'm white, right?

Truth isn't. Whatever you meme is what reality has always been, hence memeing Ivanka cucking Kushner with Brady will make Trump stop getting cucked to (((them))) and turn Ivanka into a deep cover spy for Trump.

God damn Jews are ugly.

Nope. Nothing but kindling.

There is no such thing 'partially' Jewish.
If you have more than 1/16th kike ancestry, you are a Jew.

Jews are fucking mystery meat at this point user. These ashkenazi mongrels often look like fucking everything from a heeb to a hapa to a fucking spic.

She dyes he hair you dumb shits. Look at the eyebrows.

More like 1/1024th


Good god, I'm waiting for their eyes to glow red, heads spin around and vomit pea soup.

Only thing know about Tom Brady is he doesn't eat "night shade" produce like tomatoes because he's afraid of inflammation because dense on how dosage works.

You and I may think that but 1/16 is an arbitrary cutoff point, it would make more sense to use the one drop rule but that excludes a vast amount of people.
I'm saying that having 1/4 kike in you made you eligible to still be considering German when Hitler was in power, but with provisions, you would be a second-class citizen but still a citizen. Any less than that was negligible because the idea was that none of your current living ancestors would be kikes (slightly lower life expectancy at the time and even now having living great-grandparents is rare). A while back some made pic related to show that the Nuremberg laws which weren't directly based on anything genetic were actually supported by genetic studies to determine who was a jew or not. Having one jew grandparent made you mostly similar to Europeans at large but still slightly different. Anything more than that and they would all cluster around the same area, while anything less than that was indistinguishable from other Europeans.
What this would mean is that Don Jr's kids would be "mostly" like other Europeans while their kids, provided their spouses are white, will be roughly the same as you or I.


*someone made


I don't see how anything I said excuses Ivanka for marrying a pure kike, or implies that I think it's impossible that Ivanka has some significant kike admixture in her.


Children's hair color changes and can darken as they get older. I myself was blonde as a child and now have dark brown hair. Eye color never changes or changes very slightly.


That's wrong, most Caucasian change eye color throughout their lives, you can't go from blue to green or shit like that but perfectly go from green to amber or grey to blue, etc…
Because eye color is almost always a mix of pigments and some become more or less intense with age/hormonal changes, etc…
Only people with high concentration of melanin in their eyes don't experience significant changes…


Wouldn't make fuck all better, Ivanka is still a kike you fucking mongoloid. Why would you even care if it would? Because you've got Stockholme syndrome with the ZOG Emperor.

This is not true. There's a reason we have an idiom "blue-eyed" meaning naive in many European languages. Many Europeans have bright blue eyes that get a different color when they grow up.

It'd be god damn funny because I hate Kushner. That's all I need.
At no point did I claim that I'm still on his side. I'm not but nothing is good enough for endkikes like you.

The idea that she married a jew for political reasons is even worse than the notion of her marrying a jew out of true love. The former suggests that she and her family are making deals with jews, while the latter merely suggests that she's a complete fucking moron.

She married Kikener because she's a spoiled brat who went the whole "fuck you dad" route the way whores always do.

Shes not a natural blond. Look at her eyebrows. Look at how her hair in other photos looks thin at the ends. That's damage caused by bleaching.


Yeah these look like little jewlets.


Who wouldn't?

He is probably being cucked and enjoying it. Nothing jews love more than a good cucksession with the bull.

Meh, 1/16th is about 6.25%. That can be easily bred out.

Eat a dick kike. Hitler didn't go far enough.

Join the club.
Close the oven door on your way in m8, I'm going in head-first.

Top kek, fuck off reddit you're on Holla Forums, politically incorrect, it was always vulgar, your little shower rehersal doesn't work here.

Not the greatest likeness of the Fuhrer


The deflated balls meme was a Jewish plot to tar Brady's reputation because he was a popular conservative white player. The Jews can only allow nog and degenerate players to be popular.


Ivanka has black hair and brown eyes.She's been a dyed blonde her whole life.

fucking THIS

no such thing as an "unimportant" kike JDL shill
all kikes are a goddamn problem. especially kikes that are this close to the president. nothing new though.

this. tom brady is a chad and pumped and dumped that stupid slut. probably high fived the don afterwards.

If you look at the after pic, remove the fake blonde from her hair, put some glasses on her, and put a pentagram on her necklace, you'll see that Ivanka is secretly styxhexenhammer666 in drag.

This is a lie.

I avoid night shades too, some people are more hyposensitive to them than others. Potatoes trigger me more than tomatoes, and are easier to give up since they really taste like nothing anyways. The zesty of a tomato is a lot harder to pass over in a lot of dishes.

fake face

so what you're telling us is you're bug people, manlet, hypersensitive from your bug heritage and minute quantities toxic to you from your size.

Im not saying shes like super ugly but I dont get why people on this board have considered her attractive.
The chub face is real

Shapeshifting Styx???

It's not like we don't all know that Baron will be the God Emperor.

jewess bullshit

Yeap. They are jews.

Jews, when they are more pure like that one, have black abyss eyes like niggers. Blue, Gray, Green, Brown. Whites have these colors, or mixed people who wiped some poor white family out to steal their eyes.

BTW, the would be issue is alkaline level and the avoid night shade goof balls are arguing that's alkaline is bad, which means you'd be going for an acidic level in your system, well, acidic is the environment for cancer promotion, so not only is the dosage nowhere near needed to cause a reaction, even if it did, the choice would be inflammation or cancer, so the avoid night shade retards are getting people to acidify their bodies that results in cancer promotion. dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb.

The boy has to be Tom Brady's. Look at his kids, with the exception of one kid, none look like him because he bred with non-Aryan genetics. All women are darker than him naturally. Had he bred with a natural Aryan, the kids would look like him.

… Genetics, eugenics… Hitler was… right again.

Tom Brady cucked (((Jared))) The Don probably loves it, too. Fucking based, such a Chad move, love it.

Gisele is german ethnically though.

Meme it.

Not the greatest likeness of Castreau, either.

The 1/4 thing was before the advances in genetic research had shown otherwise. At least when glimpses of it is revealed. That whole "jew is passed down from the mother literally" is a crock of shit though.

The girl's appearance is so jewy, it hurts my heart to gaze upon her, knowing how much plastic surgery she's going to have to go through over the years in her attempt to blend in with the normals.

Yeah, nigger, Gisele's parents may have the German last name, but they don't look Aryan to me.



He always looks awkward/unease, he has no resting face.

Never thought Deflategayte was a kike plot, until user said it was to tarnish Brady as a conservative. Tom Brady is everything the Jew despises. Even the kike Patriots owner (((Robert Kraft))) started a rumor he wanted to trade Tom Brady next year. Kikes in the NFL will try to take Brady down like they did Brett Favre. Tom Brady is everything the Jew wished they could be.

Can you believe how neurotic and insecure (((Jared))) must be if he wouldn't allow Tom Brady to visit the White House knowing Tom fucked Ivanka when they dated. Ivanka would just take Tom into some office, get hot and want to breed, lift up her dress, pull her panties to the side and get pumped full of cum by Brady. Jared would be cucked again and The Don would 100% approve and shake Tom's hand for the Aryan supersperm.


Mother could be German, but father is just lol.

The shills love attacking Trumps family. Ivanka and Kushner have no power except what Trump gives them, They are irrelevant

Y'all niggers need a bio 101 class.

Back to T_D, Kushner shill. (((Yael))) rode Brady's cock and (((Jared))) is relevant. The cucked kike is working on (((peace in the Middle East))).

Brady even had the MAGA hat in his locker. He CUCKED Jared.


Ivanka was raised around jews and worshiping them….hence why she dated so many of them and tried to marry a Rothschild (she's sucked more jewish cock than a NY rabbi), but let's be honest here she did not have the best upbringing is a a 100% sjw slut.

also in the news today I read over at kikebart that Jared is registered to vote as a WOMAN in NY state…..wonder who the father of her kids is?

I went from blonde and blue eyed to light brown and green eyes.

Man this is a piss poor game to play. Trump is not /ourguy/ but it's the closest thing feasible.

No need to go around spreading gossip like we're a bunch of bored old ladies having tea.

Not good to talk bad of the daughter of the person that we called in meme-language "The God Emperor", causing much confusion in opposition.
This kind of game is depressing and demoralizing.
A minute Ivanka is getting called a slut here the next minute you expect people to hear seriously advices of "there are good women out there"?

that kid is the spitting image of his dad
other ones not far off either

pic-related is the purest breed of kikes (closest to original hebrew kangz) that was ever documented, some lost tribe in the middle east. kid in the right is a living merchant meme.

Sorry friendo. Maybe you could have an administrative role in the labor camps?


This is undoubtedly true. They're trying to get more black QBs to complete the total replacement of whites in the sport. Because everyone knows blacks can't play the position. They dragged him through the mud and gave him a way overblown punishment while nigger thug like Elliot gets away for beating women like a coward he is. Guess if she's black too who fucking cares but needless to say the recent shit was only the last straw for me watching this garbage. Also Brady was a very early trump guy, probably before even many here, honestly. He's a personal friend. For me football ends. I'm perfectly content with stopping after seeing Brady go to 7 bowls winning 5. The look on that nigger shermans face when we won will always be remembered. The cucks can be satisfied with the diminishing returns of their nigger league. The game is trash now too.

Couldn't he have cucked him without fathering children?

Jared Kushner's brother Josh is currently dating a tranny and of course Ivankike/Yael is a tranny as well. The Kushners are sodomites.


That's a paid actor, user. Like Sandy Hook.

My hot model wife is late from her hair appointment, I sure hope she picked up a sandwich on the way home for me.

2nd pic

What did he mean by this?

You normies make me fucking sick.


Kek has blessed you with a sandwich-toting harlot.

Looks like Meg Griffin.


that's some scary shit user

Totes looks like Ivanka's soul-sister.

Remember the David Icke forums where some guy claims to say this was part of the plan? For the head of the Illuminati to basically kick Kushner's ass?

This whole post reminds me of it.


Only if you are given a certificate. Erhard Milch was more Jewish than you and he was given one so you might have the opportunity to be considered.

I'd take the before rather than after, I can always know when someone has had surgery done, its always disgusting to touch and to know.

Jared is a reverse trap?

Soulless dead eyes.

What in the fuck is that shit?

Are you retarded?

We won't be making the same mistakes.
