Schools Are Banning Best Friends To Protect Students' Feelings

Let the school, the state, and other (((powers))) micromange your social life goy. We already know who you like and don't like from your social media goy. The next step is to go beyond reporting your every move to us in real-time goy. The next step is not mearly to watch your social life but to control it goy. Get used to it starting young in school goy. Liking one person more than another is discimination goy. Feelcrime is Hatecrime goy. Like us on Facebook goy. Or else goy.


Other urls found in this thread:


Really though, this is about forcing shitskins and mudslimes into British kids' circles.

To be honest its probably the teachers trying to stop the muslim kids forming up against the non muslim kids.
There has been lots of problems with young muslims forming gangs and bullying everyone else.
This is more likely to be trying to stop race wars in preschool.

Its stupid but its more likely them trying to put a plaster on the cracks caused by the shitskins than trying to punish the white well behaved kids.

Clown world. Schools are to teach skills; ie., reading, writing, math, science, etc. It's none of their damned business which students are friends. The presumption of these people is breathtaking.

>Let the school, the state, and other (((powers))) micromange your social life goy. We already know who you like and don't like from your social media goy. The next step is to go beyond reporting your every move to us in real-time goy. The next step is not mearly to watch your social life but to control it goy. Get used to it starting young in school goy. Liking one person more than another is discimination goy. Feelcrime is Hatecrime goy. Like us on Facebook goy. Or else goy.



There just has to be an ebin book hidden in this somewhere. Authorfags?

It’s not, dipshit.

I'm not buying it Chaim
go slid somewhere else

How is something like such blatant brainwashing attempts in early schoolchildren a slide thread on Holla Forums user?

archived: archive.is/8xCn4


Okay, reported.

I always though that BFF shit was fucking gay anyway and it should be outlawed. It promotes homosexuality among young girls.

I Love my Bestie

It just never ends does it.

Um, user, two little girls goofing off isn't sexual.

It ends when we decide we've had enough and pull out the swords. We're reaching the breaking point, we are the vanguard of a ferocious storm that will rip apart this entire system.

The real purpose of this is to force loners and outsiders to be socialized.

A lot of us where were loners and losers as kids grew up to (naturally) be less conformist than our peers.

This is basically a way of trying to force everyone to be a normie. Not only is it unfair to normies who don't want to be around weirdos, but it's unfair to the weirdos, who might actually be better off in the long run from being shunned, even if they don't know it yet.

Only when every single interaction is viewed as at least partially sexual, which is what they wish to accomplish. This is the battle, not whether or not best friends are permitted to exist.

Hmm. Possibly a fair point. The Contrast Principle has been a strong component of many great men's lives tbh.

This slope is too fucking slippery

I am living proof that this is a fucking horrible idea.

it is sexual. it also promotes early sexual intimacy. look at the picture posted, that picture and pictures just like them always focus on the turd cutters of little girls, it highlights anal play among preteen girls. As they grow up the images go from innocent cartoonish school girl attire to summer bikinis to full on nudity performing live soap shows on webcams or chaturbate. It's sick, and perverse, don't be fooled by jew tricks.

>(((Some))) psychologists and parents argue kids become more well-adjusted when they have larger friend groups

Others, who aren't retards, argue the exact opposite, that having a smaller group of tight-nit friends is better because it leads to longer lasting higher quality and deeper bonds and relationships forming.

Quality over (((quantity)))

The pictures are the battleground then, beginning to mold the environment from emitting sexual influences would be a good start for enthusiastic players of this issue, rather than the concept of "best friends".
The concept isn't inherently Jewish, it's just an occurrence of favoritism towards one friend. This area being exploited is a problem.

This is certainly one of the primary objectives.

Bullshit, as can be seen from:
Muslims kids' social center is not the school, it's the Mosque.



Women can't be friends with other women. If a girl tells you about her "friends" she means "women I keep around to show off to man try to make jealous of me." Only men can have something that could be considered true friendship. Men will lay down their lives for other men, women stab each other in the back all the time. Men can have disagreements and arguements with other men and still acknowledge one another's bond as friends, all it takes for women to drop each other is one catty exchange of words. Women can never truly be friends with other women, only men can understand true friendship and comradery.

Yes it is. You can form grammatically correct sentences without them forming a well written paragraph.

holy shit they're going to create a new generation of internet autists with an axe to grind against their world because of their stolen childhoods.
If you think we're extreme just wait and see how vengeful the next generation of Holla Forumsacks will be like.
They will war against the enemies of humanity, the enemies of human spirit and the enemies of all that is good when they find out how much of the human experience these anti humans have carved out of their young lives.

This is dangerous and fucked me up good. I had "friends" through various means of social engineering and i was content with that, i mistook it as people to trust because i didnt know any better. Then they showed their colors, they didnt want to be my friend, only just kept me around and it fucked up my confidence to the point of having anxiety of being in public.

The thing is, it creates these acquintances but no true bonds with people. The energy and time goes onto wrong people who will never be your friends for life. This will fuck up a lot of kids later in life, just as intended. Useful fools…

However on the other side of things, it would be good for families and kids in general to be apart of the local community from the get-go. Even if you are weird, you will have the social bond of people who has known you your whole life. And like everything, blood trumps all.

School is a prison and keeping ptp from you, wise grown men.

Sorry user but two cute young besties going down on each other is HOT, the younger the better as long as they stay bisexual and don't go full dyke

Woah, we got a degenerate from Holla Forums here. Females should be deprived of all human touch except for their male suitor.

Underrated post

Tell me, does insanity run in your family or are you just an exception?

>(((teachers))) trying to stop the muslim kids forming up against the non muslim kids

It's not. White children are THE most important thing in Holla Forums world.

It can be perverted but it doesn't have to be. Best friends from good families with tradition values should be encouraged.


tbh my best friend betrayed the shit out of me in elementary school. Really turned me off to the idea of having friends.

This is just one of the first steps, eventually you wont raise your own kids, only the state will have that right - and they will be raised from birth to be perfect cultural marxist drones.
Thats if we dont do something in our lifetime.

THIS! WE can't have children opting out of the cult now can we. Jews really think they can reprogram all of humanity to be what they want.

What a ridiculous load of orgy-porgy estrogenic horseshit.

Yeah, it's called the Turner Diaries.

This is classic Bolshevik indoctrination.

"Best friends" is another word for clique. A clique is its own group, which allows itself to think differently, to criticize others, and to be critical of trends, society, philosophy and narratives. It's what allows for the evolution of society. The Masons started as a clique. The NSDAP started as a clique. Secret societies tend to start as cliques. There is always a concern in the Bolshevik eye that independent thinkers will form a clique to throw a wrench into their plans.

Also forming a very close bond to a friend of the opposite sex increases likelihood of a paring at an earlier age, and a longer lasting relationship. They want us to have children at later ages, to increase the degradation of our species.

If you take 8ch out of the internet, what would it be practically? It would be best friends, people you can truly talk to without fears of social ostracization. They will target every corner of occult thought. They don't want think tanks to exist outside of their own Bolshevik machine.

Also forming these kinds of groups is a very Nordic/Cro-Magnon trait. They want to stifle our natural instincts and predispositions as they are contrary to a drone society.

Oh please, of course little white boys are being "handy capped" by schools. It is ridiculous to claim otherwise at this point. I don't know a single white boy going to a public school ~anywhere~ that hasn't been put through a gauntlet of challenges that no other kids have to face. Kids getting suspended for having a gun in school, after they drew a picture of a gun. Kids getting suspended for having a weapon in school because they had the wrong kind of belt buckle. My son was expelled for putting a Rand Paul sticker on his locker, for throwing up gang signs…

Those of you who think there is not an active white genocide going on right now are simply in denial.

Ex-fucking-cuse me?

>Friendship is against the rules

HAHAHAHAHA! The hypocrisy is just too delicious, especially coming from leftists; why don't these communists learn to love people for their differences? I thought leftists were all about this shit. It doesn't matter, as an accelerationist I know a monoculture is going to produce entertaining results, so I welcome their idiocy. Nature is going to push back pretty hard.

This is to train your sons/daughters to become a office drone.They want your children to become loyal to the corporation, trust your co-workers and trust every single department without picking any favorites no matter what happens

You're being left out for a reason you're not a normie retard
This whole thing reads like it was conceived by some fat girl who never had friends and now is trying to project her insecurities onto everyone else and control freak children's lives. These people are beyond dangerous.

Communists have always thought along these lines. Your child isn't a member of his family. He's a cog in our machine.

What about the kids that DON'T want to hang out with the normalfags? Will they be forced to integrate into normalfag social circles?

my brother didn't have any friends in high school and was a huge wuss and he turned out to be an autistic cocksucking faggot bugman NPC. he is smart and is a chemistry professor however.

i'm still not proud of him.

Yep, right up until the moment the little turboautist murders his normalfag golem classmates.


At least we never get bored with discovering the new extents where (((degeneracy))) can reach….

But that's impossible unless the person has no friends whatsoever. Are they trying to redefine "best friend" as the "platonic" equivalent of boyfriend/girlfriend? A best friend is just a friend that you have the strongest friendship with, meaning if you only have one friend that person's your best friend automatically. This is jewish newspeak.

No it isn't, you fucking kike. Not everything is sexual, and having a friend isn't a fucking homosexual act. You're the kind of commonspic-tier retard that probably thinks having mock swordfights with tree branches to play out some fun game as a kid has some sort of undertone. Hang yourself.

>(((psychologists))) and nigger-tier parents believe the faceberg friend meme of more = better
Really says something about the worth of their (((opinions))).

Kill yourself.

AMA, what do you want to know about it? It was a school debate for the election almost two years ago. He like Rand Paul. The school only gave standing to Bernie Supporters and Hillary supporters. There was a locker search, they found his Rand Paul literature, and expelled him. He is now in the school for wayward children…

Hey I can relate brother user, it's normal for young girls to be a little lezzie on each other at times, at parties, during pillow fights, lingerie parties, but with boys it should be different. You don't seem to know the difference between boys and girls yourself.

Wait a minute Mr father user, what school was this and where? What the ever loving fuck. What where his thoughts on the matter and how have they changed after this event? What do his friends and their parents think?
This event WILL massively shape his subconscious you know. Something similarly happened to me in 9th grade amd it shaped a lot of my opinion of the world.

This is some basic discrimination. Can't you sue the everloving shit out of the school for this?

And you're posting this from the huge pile of dosh your lawyer has kiked the school district out of, yes?

Pic related. Actual goons bitching about how their lame fucking societal outlook alienates them from anyone who knows how to use a computer.

Kop Tek

Jesus. These people really still do not comprehend who and what we are.


maybe youre right maybe youre not but post pubescent females are sexual whether you want to cover them like puritans or not. bikinis dude…..really? its hot at the beach.


I for one cannot wait for the backlash. Kids are ornery little shits, and won't take kindly to little Lisa Landwhale or Allahu Achmend being hamfisted into their circle of friends. I expect lord of the Flies tier bullying to be the norm in the near future.

It was nice knowing you friend partner.

It's the exact opposite. It's to stop white kids having their own groups. The poos can form their own groups and the whites have to sprinkle themselves amongst them.

Then just give the invites outside of class. Still though, this is complete bullshit. You can't dictate how kids socialize like that.

If he's from Occupied Europe, we don't have any rights or ability to win. They sic CPS on any parent that resists and stands up for their children. It's horrific what "denazification" has done to us.

I don't know user those names seem burger to me


Have a few more for the road. I love how the gommies actually think their "Karl Marx WITH SUNGLASSES!" shit as actually getting through to anyone. No Red Terror where Shillary cucked them out of the primaries. Not a peep. They let an orange 80's businessman eclipse 150 years of steady chipping away at the American working class, and ruin their best shot of seizing power.

Thats nothing new my school had that policy back in the 90's, And it wasnt even just 'you cant give invites out at school if not everyone is invited' if you had a party that you invited your friends to but not the rest of the faggots and you invited them outside of school but someone mentioned 'oh man that was a good party' you would get shit for it.

To be honest in hindsight its a great policy.. The wierd kid in the class was given a chance to not be a goober and make friends. But ya know what happened? I can't tell ya the contempt felt by having your birthday party ruined by having to let the fucking shitty indian kid or the retard thats always picking his nose and eating it at your party. Being nice to them becomes an impossibility and they get bullied a million times harder than they would have otherwise.

And human nature in general guarantees that even if forced and completely brainwashed into being 'super friends with everyone no matter what' any child or person in general is goign to gravitate towards a small ingroup of people they identify with the most. That group will usually be a small group of 1-4 or occassionally as many as maybe 7 but any larger than that doesnt happen.

Take that lean sigma six business management approach shit for example. People are capable of maintaining high functioning relationships with the same high quality of application with no more than 7 people. Any more than 7 and the connection to the additional people is severely lower than that of the original 7 and the original connection is slightly weakened.

Thats why according to that shit the best set up for hiring the least amount of people but ensuring they are able to work to their best capability is to have no one person (assistant/section/department managers/etc) have more than 7 people directly under them.

This is the kind of shit that guarantees there will be lads fighting the good fight after we are gone, as long as we can keep the fight going til then.


This has got to in line with some commie ideology.
"You can't have a stronger connection with one individual than you do with all others"
It is on par with "you can't have more wealth than everyone else", and thus "you must be crammed into the same identical commie blocks as everyone else".

A man who is friends with everybody is friends with nobody.

What are you talking about? Have you read the book: The Communist Manifesto? This is literally what they intend to do. It's literally in the book that the idea that children are the private property of their parents is wrong. Children belong to the State. It's not hinted at or anything, it's literally right there.

The best part?
The school takes action and disciplines you for things that happened off property

this shit crippled me as a kid
my parents and the school system failed me by allowing me to do this for years and years

Not just coping skills. Some little kids are shitheads and should be excluded. This empowers predatory behavior, like many policies leftists enact.

I actually think this might be the goal. (((They))) want to destroy the world they parasitize off of out of spite.

Stay strong Gen Zyklon, and direct your hatred at the people that fucked your generation, not existence itself.

Having a best friend is considered an important developmental milestone, and adults shouldn't intrude on it, but the best friend relationship doesn't have to be part of school life. Teachers have the responsibility to group children in ways that will benefit the whole class. But this doesn't mean invading their private time or personal lives, and it's crazy for school administrators to think they're able to do that - or for parents (and you) to fear that it can be done.

When your child makes a friend, you get to know their parents, and you make playdates or take them to the park together. You send each other missing homework pages and so forth. I'll admit I watch my child's friendships more carefully than most, but the point is schools have enough on their hands without managing this sort of thing, and they simply don't have the reach to intrude so far. Most of your child's friendships happen outside of school, and as a parent it's your responsibility to make that possible.

I agree with the party policy, and I grew up with it, way back in the 1970s. Being excluded from a group activity is actually pretty harmful, especially to kids; and while we shouldn't interfere with children forming groups naturally unless the motive is cruelty, as adults we should avoid being the cause of hurt feelings in children. If you can't afford to invite everyone in the class, the sensible solution is to have a small party with just a few classmates, and to combine this group with as many former classmates, neighborhood kids, and family as possible, in order to erase the exclusivity and create the impression of a family & friends event.

Dox the school.

Further reading on the impact social exclusion can have on health and social development. Note I'm not posting these in support of action taken by schools to force or punish activity between children, but parents need to be aware of how their actions can affect children.





Well, at least (((they))) aren't making it a gay thing yet. I feel bad though for children that went to public school because their parents believe the double income meme or have to believe it in order to survive.


Now imagine everything you're saying here, and multiply it times 10. That is what a child feels when the highest agents of his protection use 'corporal punishment' on him.

Kek do what everyone else is doing and sue the school.

You've got a point.

oh okay, it has nothing to do with me then.

no big loss for me because high school was 16 years ago and I had little to no friends, mostly because I was redpilled very young.





I call bullshit

Especially on this!

Quality post.

Underrated album.

It did not cripple you. It made you a respectable rational non-normie aka autist.


kek. I spent months during the election shilling anti-DNC memes and demoralization psyops on leftist sites. Almost everyone who knows me superficially thinks I'm a big time Bernie-bro radical centrist leftist because I spent so much time talking about how the DNC was robbing Bernie and how "I'm still writing Bernie in, fuck Hillary", etc. I had 3 different people come up to me and tell me they also wrote-in Bernie because "you were right, user, the DNC is too corrupt to support". The left is terrible at doing this to the right because they don't actually understand their enemy. It's why their attempts to shill and D&C are so obvious and ham-fisted. I'm going for a slight shift in approach for 2020 and the 2018 congressional elections but I'm getting my sockpuppet accounts revved and looking active for the eventuality. See you all on the battlefield.

thing in the 3rd picture looks FUCKIN GAY

That's an H.R. Giger poster for a 1980s sci-fi movie. Not a very good one, but it's better than my movie. How's yours coming along?


Confirmed jewish faggotry.

We know this shit is getting old
And acurate as fuck.

You need good friends to have deep connection more than with your blood relatives like muslims or kikes.

Actually, I think it's you, user.

I've been working with computers for 30 years and liberals were always a loud minority. Lolbergs who were helping them out until they went full batshit in 2012 is what really happened.

And do you know what happens? (((Degeneracy))) steps in to exploit that. I know a group of people who bond over using drugs because they've never really had real friends in their lives (or else they were so fucked up by their home life they can't).

Dub confirmation.


this is the social equivalent of desegregation and

it's all FAKE. no one really wants it except a few losers. And we all have to suffer due to them


I'm ok with this. Not sure why they needed to make this non-issue so unnecessarily complicated. They could have kept it to

Shit like this makes me kind of glad of my hilarious childhood long ago

Is there a happening somewhere? My internet has been crapping out all evening.

every single fucking time

This would be
A)Part of making boys into girls , having infinite numbers of facebook "friends" worth nothing-I have friends that I think about in ways of"If you call me at night to hide a body I pick up my shovel"both ways
B)A lot of SJW control ,if you want the other kids to like you ,you will submit into doing whatever the teacher told the kids is correct and never risk actuall interaction
In comparison to having real friends with who you can go 14/88 at if they every feel like talking about you are the Hitler guy

(I went full 14/88 when drinking with my 3 best friends last week , I was talking for like 4 hours explaining how chans work,they loved it ,asked me to send them my Holla Forums folder, Imagine doing this on facebook or like a family party)

Holla Forums outside of the internet would most likely resemble a political/opinion "fight club". Some form of underground, uncensored forum where people can speak their mind freely.


Actually, pubescent females are sexual user. Until just a couple hundred years ago, these young women formed the normative 'blushing new bride' for the typical society at large, and everyone knew it. Only with the rise of Feminism have bluepilled men everywhere somehow capitulated to the idea that a 14 or 15 year old woman wasn't fair game for courtship and marriage by an established male.

Declining white birthrates are the direct result of this wholesale sea-change in Western societal norms.

Schools are becoming a complete joke, moreso and not aided more by the "diversity" and "cultural enrichment".

I saw niglets being bussed into local schools. Promptly pulled my kids out and put them into a private one where the worst they have are peaceful pajeets. It's crazy, democracy is a complete joke when law abiding tax paying citizens who are the ones that make it possible so politicians could even have a fucking salary are fucked over for the biggest drains and leeches in society. Not even our children are safe anymore. The white ethnostate sounds completely reasonable to me now and looking at what crime stats in America would be like without niggers it would be a godsend paradise relative to what we and our kids have to put up with now.

But seriously, the liberals need to fucking pay. The hypocritical limousine liberals most of all like Samantha Bee who purposely keeps out niglets from her kids schools while promoting the opposite. The liberals are complete morons who don't understand those who attempt to profit off their virtue signaling. That would be natural of course, liberal brains have defective threat detection. Their underdeveloped and lacking grey matter. Proof

"Conservatives respond to threatening situations with more aggression than do liberals [1] and are more sensitive to threatening facial expressions [5]. This heightened sensitivity to emotional faces suggests that individuals with conservative orientation might exhibit differences in brain structures associated with emotional processing such as the amygdala. Indeed, voting behavior is reflected in amygdala responses across cultures [6]. We therefore further investigated our structural MRI data to evaluate whether there was any relationship between gray matter volume of the amygdala and political attitudes. We found that increased gray matter volume in the right amygdala was significantly associated with conservatism"


Liberal brains lack the ability to recognize valid threats in their environment due to an underdeveloped amygdala and brain.


This behavior, the lack and inability for threat detection in other species is the cause of extinctions, such as the Dodo and many other animals on the island the Dodo was native too such as the Red Rail because of their lack of fear/threat detection of humans they were easily massacred and brought to extinction. The brain damaged leftists, they're a danger to themselves and everyone around them and especially our kids. I hope there are some politicians or leaders out there who actually care about good children out there that can stop them. Otherwise it'll be just like England soon enough, where thousands of children are raped and coward policemen lie about it because they don't know racism is a necessary defensive survival mechanism to protect your family.


Get off yer high horse. Homosexuality can't be suddenly promoted and increase. It just exist. Girls becoming best friends is natural and obviously a matter of human nature. Boys have the same thing but don''t say it out loud. It is presexual behavior. To discourage it would just encourage anxious, afraid to interact adults.

This is a school a Prince is going to. What does it have to do with global trends? The kid's going to some namby-pamby school for elite rich kids…of course it has experimentally hecked up rules like everyone has to be friends…they're training diplomats' kids. They were already gonna be fucked up

Its not exactly about controlling your social group specifically, read the line here

Its about preventing children from learning to go against the grain at times, or rather making sure they arent equipped to deal with any kind of social rejection from "the group." You naturally learn this at younger ages when you get rejected from some social groups or individuals (the vast majority of people face this normally from one group, or person, or another.. even chads and popular kids and stacys).

If (((they))) get in the middle of this process, well, now they've removed your exposure to social rejection as a kid, and removed your chance to learn how to cope with it. Thus, as you grow older you'll be completely unequipped to ever face social rejection from any group, and so the first time you face it you'll be horrified and afraid, you'll never do it again because you don't know how to deal with it, you arent as resilient as you would have been as a child, you cant shrug it off as easily, and you'll have learned instead to always WANT to be part of the group. It would be like growing up playing video games as your only hobby, with all your free time, then suddenly as an adult you do something bad and they take all your games away and you're prevented from playing them. Well you're not a well rounded person because of your lack of experiences, and so you do w/e it takes to get your comfort back, and that means complying with whatever it is they say, and you never make the "mistake" of letting yourself get in that situation again. Which in this case means you never question or go against the group.

Then they dress it all up in pretty bows and ribbons saying its good for children because no one gets left out, with sob stories about kids who are left out thrown in, and talk about how much "happier" their kids are, and claim itll make them well rounded because they'll have more people around to draw experiences from. And claim that secluded or small groups can not only leave some kids out, but can end up going down "dark paths" with "bad" cultures forming in them because there isnt enough outside exposure. When in reality all it teaches them is to be completely dependent on the group and being included in it because its all they've known. It stifles any innovation because now you have to have the entire groups approval before anything happens (sound like antifa? it should, because this is pure collectivism at its finest). But you'll never hear them admit these things.

Make no mistake, this isnt just about controlling you like a puppet, this is about making you completely dependent on group approval, so you never question them. Its much easier to control people who are like that. Just look at leftists in general, they cannot fathom going against the group think, they do not question it, its why SO much hypocrisy and double standards doublethink and contradicting bullshit is all accepted without question, because the GROUP approves of it.

So all (((they))) have to do is control the narrative, convince ENOUGH of the group to spread an idea, and people will all latch on because "its what the group thinks." This is how antifa and other collectivist shit works to begin with. Now they're trying to tear down the barriers that children form that protects them from things like this, so they'll grow up into good little zogbot collectivists with no thoughts of their own always waiting on approval from the group.

Hell, remember that post about tumblr/leftists being like a cult? pic related. This is the same thing, only on a different level in a slightly different way. Rather than drawing people in later in life who are isolated/depressed or seeking acceptance like a normal cult would (which is how leftism works right now), then teaching them to cut ties with anyone close to them in various ways, to alienate everyone who cares about them, and then when they go against the group even a tiny bit they completely cut them off so they are totally isolated like never before and desperately beg to come back and never go against the group again, instead they'd be creating an entire generation from the ground up that was automatically reliant on the group, that never built any tolerances for being isolated from their peers so no need to find the disenfranchised to draw in, and no need to get them to break ties with their family because their family members arent their peers exactly and they'd already been hopelessly reliant on having their peers approval. So all you need do is teach the group to punish anti-group thoughts or actions, while making everyone reliant on the group, and wham, perfect cult formed from grade school. Manipulate its interests/views, and you have a whole generation doing w/e the kikes want

everyone one here screams pedophile, everyday, and they're single themselves beating off to online porn.
I don't get it everyone is out promoting LGBT rights and then they themselves are not even capable of having normal heterosexual sexual relations with a lovely young lady.
And the lovely young lady will have a rainbow flag somewhere on her Kikebook page, bizarre!!!
I feel more and more like I am living in the twilight zone

Only with the modern generations does this happen I suspect. Prior to all the propaganda and normalization of sex pushed on kids in fucking elementary school, lesbianism wasnt a common thing.

On that note though, I know a group of girls who were all "besties" in school from K-12, never split up, always together. I'm almost positive they never went lesbian or even "experimented" together. One girl a grade up (my grade, which was one above this group) was very close to them, but later on as we got into our senior year they pushed her away from their group more or less, I never could figure out why. I mean they all went to church together and so on, all in band together, on danceline/colorguard, and so on. You'd think she would be right in with them right? Whelp, few years after HS she came out as a full on dyke. So my guess is that she tried to "engage" with them a bit, and they all said no (most of them had boyfriends off and on, all but one is married now), things got awkward, and she was pushed out for it.

So, yeah, I wouldnt say this "besties = lesbianism" thing is true. Only in degenerate liberal cities that push sex on kids is it true. (fwiw we didnt have "sex ed" until 8th grade, and even that was barely a class, mostly more science/biology and discussed your own sexes mechanics/role in sex and for guys covered things like ED, not sure what the girls covered.. then there was a joint class at the end that covered STDs


Put up flyers around the school saying "I hate you for taking away my best friend. I'm gonna kill you" or some similar but believable phrase. Scatter a few rounds and have them freaking the fuck out and retracting this shit policy. *Probably a bad idea, but whatever**


fuck off, mohammed the pedo goatfucker. just because you fantasized about getting railed by your closest friend doesn't mean everyone else feels that way about their best friends

agreed…..have had a few honest women tell me that women are impossible to get along with and they are always waiting for the next opportunity to strike. Same women have told me they would rather work in an environment filled with men because groups comprised mostly of women are destructive and get nothing done.

Spoken as someone who has never been a girl.

"Besties" are basically allies in fucking over other girls, except besties turn on you often and spread rumors behind your back,and every girl is always trying to steal a bestie or break other girls besties up. The pictures you posted are taken and spread to make other girls/cliques think a girl andher bestie are inseperable and really really close, when in fact the case is opposite.

Its about as sexual as a visit to the department of motor vehicles.
Barring that old teacher kissing a little girl, what the actual fuck is that?

pedophilia is okay when both chicks are hot

t. shlomo registering his new slope patent, category extra slippery

awww baby you just don't know how HOT a trip to the DMV can be.

Guaranteed massive slut for starters. Also guaranteed lazy and useless and dumb as a rock compared to the males around here. What she was REALLY saying there was:

I've met dozens of women just like you describe, every last one of them has been manipulative and ultimately very slutty but they don't talk about it or act like it, its all very "hush hush" so that she can slut about in the shadows even with multiple men in the same group and they never know about it because she convinces them never to talk about it openly and will never be in an outright "relationship" with any of them. Because shes just using them for sex and the favors it brings her from the men in that sphere

So in other words you don't get to bring friends

The people invited to the birthday party wouldn't be his friends anyway

I found it sweet, tender and endearing. It's cute

There's nothing wrong with appreciating a female body - ass included. But I've been brainwashed by (((porn))) for years to think anal's normal and that was most of the shit I watched. Thankfully I never had any faggot or tranny fantasies.

True, they tried to produce camaraderie by having everyone refer to each other by comrade. We all know how that worked out.


This is all Churchill's fault. His fat greedy drunkard decisions cost us everything and everyone intelligent knows it

"I believe now that Hitler and the German people did not want war. But we declared war on Germany, intent on destroying it, in accordance with our principle of balance of power, and we were encourage dby the Jews around Rossevelt. We ignored Hitler's pleadings not to enter into the war. Now we are forced to realise that Hitler was right." -Sir hartler Shawcross, British Attorney General, Senior Nuremberg Prosecutor - March 16 1984




Rejecting the Poliiticians that perpetuate the Jewish status quo is the fist step to natsoc.

This. I was a loner in school. Now I am a well adjusted adult.
The jews didn't like that my introversion led to an interest in anime. Anime led me to Holla Forums, and Holla Forums introduced me to the Jewish Question.
The jews have been trying to brainwash children since the beginning of time. They have been pretty good at it in the past few centuries. But not good enough, as this Cambodian botany imageboard shows. So they tighten their controls further on the next generation.

The people coming up with these ideas need to stop breathing.

You spelled merely wrong, so yeah. It is.

I don't know if you remember, but rules like these are always seem as oppressive by the kids and produces the opposite effect.

I never had a best friend. I just kind of autisticaly roamed around with other kids.

No best friends means nobody you can trust with your life

Nobody you can trust with your life means no one you can collaborate with to revolt against the (((masters)))

It's rather hilarious watching autists, MGTOWs and kikes battle it out over what a friend really is and whether women can have friends. Truly top-tier entertainment that only the chans could ever provide.

The truth is thus: having friends is natural. Having a hierarchy is natural. Having a single person or small group who you confide in more than anyone else is natural. It is not homosexual.

Sexual undertones to all things is a kike concept that was popularised by Sigmund Freud and is still being pushed today as if it is real 'science' instead of a depraved yid's fetish. The funny thing is that due to 'post modernism' we now evaluate history through a modern lens, which includes Freud's deviancy. So now you have people claiming that Alexander the Great was a homosexual, that Richard the Lionheart and Phillip II of France were homosexuals, that Abraham Lincoln was a homosexual, and so on. All because to kikes there is no such thing as friendship - that part of nature is lost to them, they are nothing but scheming parasites who can only form relationships in two ways - either as a predatory parasite that seeks to gain some benefit out of the other, or as a sexual object. I did psychology for a whole 2 weeks before quitting about a decade ago and they were pushing the idea that you only make friends because they can benefit you in some way. That truly is how yids see the world. All people are either an access point for resources/benefits, or else a sexual object.

… I am truly disgusted by this though. I don't think it will work however, you cannot go against human nature and you cannot keep an eye on people at all times.

Orgy-porgy, Ford and fun,

Kiss the girls and make them One.

Boys at One with girls at peace;

Orgy-porgy gives release.