Based business reveals its power level to the world.
Tactical Shit off 70 in St Charles, MO
Spotted Near St Louis
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Don't spread this around, you'll only get they guy who did it fired
That's nice and all but what is the point of this thread?
This isn't cuckchan, nigger.
He owns his own business, Schlomo. What's he going to do? Fire himself?
It's OC. I saw this while driving so I stopped and took a picture of it with my phone. It's not a news story, not everything that is politics related is going to come from some bullshit kike WSJ CNN Huffpost source.
lel, dog bless missourah
I love threads like these because it shows more and more whites waking up and getting sick of the kikes and their golems
It also shows that the first post is always a sage and trying to contradict this fact.
Looks like I'll have to take some time to head out there and see what they have. It's a bit of a a drive from south of st louis, but looks like they have a good selection.
I've been there a few times and it's mostly a clothing store with some gun parts behind the counter but that's all stuff you'd usually buy online… oh yeah they have an online store too. It's kind of a decent store and lots of current/former veterans work there. I found out about the owner from a few years ago when he had a viral video and used to walk past their old location.
I still think it'd be worth it to try on one of those plate carriers they have with plates in them before buying one to make sure it fits properly.
Meh. I'm tired of jewry being ignored.
it's probably due to his customer base, user. he probably has enough normie whites buying from him that he can get away with a dindu joke. not enough normies are jew wise, and their brains would instantly sperg out at some type of holocaust joke and he'd lose business.
if he ever puts up a "get your guns & ammo here, because you need to help us make the holocaust happen" then we'll know he's on the same team
Just because people don't talk about jews 24/7 doesn't make them good goys. It's almost like you're a nigger lover. Can't you fags be happy for small victories? I only even became away of the JQ because of my hatred for shitskins which led to me finding who is responsible for flooding our countries with them.
Normal people can't fucking put up a sign off a major interstate that says "GTKRWN"… this is edgy as fuck for IRL. Your bar is set too high.
Are you lost?
Link to his online store? Barring him cucking out l might have found my new clothing shop.
That'd be impressive.
No, this just feels like the right's equivalent of virtue signaling without doing anything. If anything, this is less impressive than virtue signaling. That area is generally racist. You can gt away with saying this kind of shit without issue. If anything, he is looking for attention and business since he knows his customer base and the people that would normally shop at a store like that in that area would love this shit, let alone other people beyond that. We're already seeing some of that in this thread. This is why calling out the jew would make this more impressive.
You're overly forced to the point of seemingly contractual obligation flippantry makes you stand out chaim.
No, "same team" means subtly like OP's pics. The shit you're talking about is called a fucking honeypot.
in b4 niggers rob his store because they see this reposted on wurlstah
They are clearly victims of "culture jammers."
IF this is a legit picture and his sign wasn't hacked by leftists then this is also a honeypot.
Gun dealers often work closely with police and FBI, as informants.
This, if legit, is nothing more than a "dog whistle" attempting to attract right-wingers who will then talk loosely with the proprietor thinking he is (((ourguy))).
OP is almost certainly law enforcement.
He's not actually a gun dealer, you're black pilling and doing D&C shilling. He sells clothing and gun parts, not actually firearms, he's not an FFL and no one can "hack" his physical sign you dumbass.
OP is a guy who drove back home from the gun range and saw the sign, pulled over and snapped photos of it with his phone to share with his friends and Holla Forums. I am not a LEO and so what if I was?
YOU on the other hand are doing d/c shilling.
I'd for once like to see them link to what threads they believe are being slid.
Those signs can be easily fucked with, all you have to do is slide the letters out and rearrange. If it's a regular occurrence it's probably the owner though.
The owner definitely did this and it's in a highly visible area, you'd need a ladder at the very least and to do it at 4am… even then, lots of people would be seeing it happen and know something is up.
This area is highly white and I invite any Whites looking for a homeland to move here to St. Charles County, Missouri, USA. Very nice, affordable area, high gun ownership, nice police, very little blacks.
kek so many triggered shills on this thread, funny as fuck. your tears are delicious.
Grow the fuck up shill faggots, you're starting to sound like muh russia faggots when you cry out with paranoia. The sign was changed you cant do anything about it, stop virtue signalling.
At this point, we need to. Let's be honest. White families are only have 1-2 children.
This is an already established, 85-90% white area with lots of jobs and good weather.
st charles is also meth central, user. i haven't been to sullivan, but i hear they've got signs posted warning niggers that their life is in danger
None of these faggots know how the white race works.
Flight? What sort of subhuman are you?
Even in 1999 my yankee girls were already reading Mein Kampf. Pennsylvania seems sweet if you COWARDS are going to bail.
white flight is a racial characteristic. what sort of shill are you?
Who the fuck do you think you're knocking heads wise with the racial talk?
do you even english, user?
My best friend was a Puerto Rican White Nationalist and he went and killed himself. A poor creature that never had no place, especially after I moved. He ended up sick with a bunch of hippy animals while I kept to the Metal.
My best friend killed himself before he could appreciate southern rock.
When you are a white boy, looking after some goddamn puerto rican all their young life. Fighting their fights and getting a junior record for beating the living shit out of wiggers I will get my back no better than we did then.
well, thanks for bumping the thread, i guess
Here's a group of niggers clapping!
Niggers are useless.
Bot detected.
A LOOOONNNNGGG time ago my cousin was a gunsmith at a local gun shop here in the Detroit area. They bought a couple "flip ads" on cable tv for local consumption.
A flip ad was just printed on paper and the ads "flipped" from ad to ad.
These were their 2 ads
The local tv media came down on them like a swarm of locusts to no avail, the cable ad people just cheerfully refunded their money totally chagrined that they actually ran the ads.
And my cousin told me you know what? Our negro floor traffic went up like 500%
Why do you think you matter?
How sad, your programmers made you retarded. Reported.
Sounds all very yiddish.
from there website
Top Kek
Fuck off kike
I have noticed (being in the St Louis area) that the newspaper keeps showing photos of white people protesting, with their fists in the air… but when they show riot scenes or mug shots, it's almost all,,,,,, ummm,,,,,, not-white people
also for those not here: a major talking point among the lighter-skinned populace was the fact that four big events had to be postponed or cancelled due to the rioting… so the whispering is that it may not be a great idea to run big events in the city anymore
and in case you were wondering: no white people go to Ferguson anymore if they can help it.
Ferguson is back to normal, and there's still a lot of white people living there,,, but people from elsewhere tend to avoid it now
Also a lot of blacks have moved out of Ferguson, have you noticed that as well?
Maybe, if he didn't use that reddit spacing.
I typed it out on my phone, sorry. Been on the Chans for 7 years, buddy.
Those aren't a problem.
Why are they making this sound like it is a problem and needs to change?
Try to hide your nose better next time Mordecai
Everyone saging in this thread is loudly signalling their Jewish loyalty
Nevermind that other (((user))), hes one of them retard kikes that pop up from time to time from all the interbreeding of the tribe.
Made it a point to stop in Sullivan anytime I went down 44. Them cigarette prices in MO are fuckin great.
Glad to see I have backup in this thread now that White America is home from work.
It also shows that our guys own gun shops. Very good for us.
For now at least. St Charles is just the most recent refugee center for the whites fleeing the expansionary negro menace.
If it wasn't bacon scented I'd give it a go
Gas yourself kike.
I find it difficult to believe white people ever went to Ferguson in the first place.
Last few months all the shilling has really sharpened my skills at spotting them. Ever since Charlottesville its been wave after wave of black pilling, and D and C. They are so obvious now. Literally EVERYTHING, to them, is alphabet soup.
To but dope and get a cheap BJ. That about the only reason I could see a white going there. Being they're degenerate whites doing that, they can fuck off too.
whites were in ferguson first, i still have family that hasn't moved from when it was majority white
Exactly. Everything is e-celeb copy/pasta about dicky or enoch or someone we don't care about. Or suggesting illegal activity. Or signaling that we aren't hard enough by suggesting illegal activities. Or fighting with someone for no reason over made up shit instead of posting on-topic in the thread.
Whites were 100% the original founders of the area, everything around St. Louis including St. Louis is White French Settlers and fur trappers.
Every time too. Typical shill methods
Rinse and repeat
Our cultural influence is spreading. That's the point of this thread.
I had to go there for work a few days after the riots. Doing work in some black guy's house there and he showed us a few of his guns. He said during the riot that he was waiting for the looters to come down his street so he could pick a few of them off. Apparently they had broken in stolen his copper pipes some time before that too. He was actually a relatively BASED black guy.
I know, my family's been in the area almost 300 years. great grandma didn't speak English till she was a teenager and instead spoke French
Oy vey, you're moving pretty quickly tonight my chosenite friends
No shit! I just ordered some chest seals and a compression bandage from these guys!
They have a lot of good shit on their site if any anons want to flesh out their gear.
Don't forget "reddit spacing"
Would getting the word out on /k/ be of use, or would they do like here and sperg out about promotion?
The "reddit spacing meme" was full on retarded from the get go. At first I thought it was just anons fuckin with newfags, tbh
We have meetups. Inbox me mokmeet at with something proving you're from here or /k/ and I'll send you the Discord link.
/ourguy/ type businesses need to be promoted.
I'm not talking about 50 years ago numb nuts. I'm talking about ever since the niggers moved in.
Yep, founded and built by Frenchmen. In the 1850s waves of Irishmen arrived and in the early 1900s waves of Italians. Both groups more or less integrated successfully into White America, the exception being the low-tier Irish whose descendants are now drunkards, opiate fiends, and coal burners. During the Great Migration we got a massive amount of niggers injected into city. Smart and well-off whites have moved to the counties, and the city has been majority non-white since the 1970s.
When Bosnia split from Serbia due to the US betraying Western Civilization by siding with mudslimes we received a load of Bosnians, and we now have the largest number of Bosnians outside of Bosnia. They are not white and are prone to violence, but nowhere near as bad as niggers. They also all hate niggers too, so they really just blend into the background.
Beyond the Shockley protests, the city recently removed confederate statues from the parks, promising to put them in the history museum, but they ended up in a dump. They city's response was “Woops, lol.” I'll bet they go after the giant statue of St. Louis on Art Hill next, since Louis IX was a crusading king and it is insensitive to muslims. Then they'll rename the city, probably after Dred Scott since he is the only famous black St. Louisian who was not an entertainer. Welcome to Scottsville, MO.
Finally, they will go after The Arch since it represents manifest destiny and the white man's conquering of the entire continent. They won't tear it down, but they will paint some pozzed color and dedicate it to Mississippian Mound Tribes who all died before white men even came.
Well hopefully we can have the race war before all that
You black pilling motherfucker! LOL this is sadly accurate though. How are Bosnians not white though? I thought they were White but Muslim. Do they have Turkish roots or something?
I knew about the removal, any source on it ending up in a dump I was seething with rage when I found out it had been taken down
Suck shit nigger. The board gets flooded with slide threads, it's not a jewish tactic to end up mistaking a normal thread for a slide.
Freechniggers calling it on single-line posts and actual real paragraphs, maybe, but don't double space after every sentence and maybe you won't get mocked. You don't even need to double space for regular paragraphs in the first place. Do people forget that indents exist?
I'm also requesting source on what happened to the monument.
I use FrogLube tbh, that bacon smell probably requires an ester to get it that "bacon" scent which probably is an acid that possibly could corrode your metal tools.
To be fair some Bosnians do have a lot of European blood, but Turkroaches really did a number on them during their conquests.
Not try to blackpill well, maybe a little so much as to rile people to awareness of what is in store if we sit back and do nothing. Ferguson really redpilled a lot of my friends and family, and the Shockley protests have only reinforced it. It's funny to see them openly bashing niggers and cucks, especially since I know many voted for Hillary. (She had a (D) by her name and many union and working class still think it's 1975.) People are pissed and are waking up but things are continuing to deteriorate. At least the counties are still nice.
Sorry, I think I confused St. Louis's monument with another city's. These attacks on the monuments were coordinated all happened around the same time. I know one city did actually end up putting their in a dump "by accident." I can't find a source on what happened to ours, probably because it is still being "held by the city." But I will bet money that it will not end up in the History Museum like it was promised. Instead it will either "get lost in transit" or end up being smashed and melted.
Makes no difference. Law enforcement knows the type of person shops selling "tactical gear" attract and the fact that he also sells gun parts means that the same motives for law enforcement recruitment of the proprietor apply.
All the canned "muh d&c, muh jew" replies are transparent, clumsy attempts at "how to persuade Holla Forums, a manual for law enforcement."
Pic related. Pure honeypot.
shut the fuck up bitch
I only use CLP and sometimes Ballistol.
Last I heard, private donators were saving it to put it in a museum. I also thought the city couldn't move it because it was too heavy and cost too much money to move it.
btw inbox me, I enjoy meeting like minded individuals to go to the range with and generally do Holla Forums and /k/ related things.
He wants to sell to as many people as possible, he's cop friendly, what's your point?
hell yeah dude
Well, this store has earned our business.
I used to live in St. Charles, MO, and it's nice to see that the people over there aren't in the mood to fuck around.
I sadly live in Cook (crook) county IL now, so I have to approve of this.
aw why'd you leave?
I'm convinced this dude is one of us now
cheapest cigs in the nation, user. it's fucking great. one of the lowest overall costs of living too. lots of woods to inna
Was getting caught part of his plan?
Do they have good hiking type boots for winter? Something tall? I need new boots…
HEil'd, tobacco prices are the easiest way to twll how commie the government is. The higher the tax, the higher the poz. Seriously though, if you smoke tobacco, stop buying that kike poison from the stores. Buy whole leaf and make your own fucking smokes. It's better for you, more respectable, and you get no additives and control your own fucking dosing.
First of all that's an amazing marketing tactic. What he actually did was gain more press than he originally payed for and further spread his message to his target audience.
Now these people knew where to go for a gun. Also a gun store is a great business to do this kind of thing with (as with the OP) because you have to assume everyone who works there is armed. Who is going to cause trouble at a gun store? No one.
The worst anyone can do is kvetch.
Follow up on my original post the owner always had a side arm and had a habit of resting his hand on top of it.
When the first tv crew showed up with the reporter coming through the front door and the camera following the owner spied the camera pointed to him rested his hand on his sidearm and in no uncertain terms said NO CAMERAS. Camera guy goes no problem and beat a hasty retreat out the door.
I keked when my cousin told me about it.