Haven't seen the tribe this brazen in years. The tard is strong in him.
Haven't seen the tribe this brazen in years. The tard is strong in him.
Other urls found in this thread:
this and the Tiny Tim thread are huge whitepills for me. They are starting to freak the fuck out. The time is close at hand, brothers.
I still can't stop laughing at that vid.
I can't stop laughing at this.
Is this fucking real? Is this just not a based user doing a parody of this? Babylonians actually shilling to get people to join their religion.
This is satire…right?
this is rare, I like it
Oh my fuck. My sides have been samsoned.
I really want confirmation if this is real. Like a dox of that unironic kike to confirm a person and name to this. Biographies need to be made of this man announcing white genocide. Stories will be told of how he told the goyim off.
Shlomo in action! I love how quickly they can contradict themselves while exposing the truth of what their enemies say.
jews infiltrated the babylonian and sumerian empires just like they did every other one, they crashed them as well. It's the same way how high level kikes now are mistaken for americans.
Might even be two days away, my dude.
I'm ready.
Actually the babylonian empire never ended. It has been going strong since 800BC ish. Why do you think kikes/babylonians have been financing and starting wars and controlling both sides since then? It is just kikery to the max.
Well shit. Have any citations for a bookanon? My dad is an anthropologist and my favorite ancient civilizations were the Mediterranean and Minor Asian. I've mostly been interested in Greece, Egypt, and Sumeria.
I'm convinced that I could not shower and shave for a good week, and I'd still look more healthy and well kept than this fucking abomination.
Is this some service in which you can pay a retard to read a script? There's no way this isn't Holla Forums's work.
You blew it.
Yeah I think have some kikels trying to pull the classic Double Jew here…
Tay-Sachs disease is a real and in action, folks
I knew the snowfrogs were secretly jews.
user, everything I know has had to be gathered in bits and pieces, mostly from their religion.
Start researching their demons/gods, baal, moloch, etc
You start learning etymologies, and then things make sense. Some stuff relates to sumeria, other stuff babylonian, basically you start looking at the etymology of their religion and there are huge tells for what time periods were significant for them. Then keep in mind that they hate everything good and "always do opposite of what a jew says" and you'll start getting it. Next you need to learn about monetary debasing, that's the other big thing they do besides worshipping child sex/torture/sacrifice/cannibalism.
If that's an actor then he deserves a fucking award. He captures the mental illness of kikes 100%
France got pozzed with jews after charlemagne
I'm not following your bullshit breadcrumb trail, Moishe.
We must be talking about two different Babylonian kingdoms, kike.
Ok which one of you clever faggots is this?
England got pozzed with jews after cromwell
NO. SHIT. RETARD. Holy fuck how dumb are you.
William the Conqueror, then they got kicked out, then cromwell let them in AGAIN
Geez, thanks. I guess I had you guys wrong all along.
Oh so you're just doing the classic regular Jew. Secretly changing the argument at random to make it seem like I was wrong and that you added something when in reality you're just trying to derail.
I just remember the Edict of Expulsion (mid-late 1200s) and then Cromwell letting them back in for shekels in the 1600s. This makes the Renaissance not ironic.
I'm not changing the argument, I'm saying that figuring out that the kikes have been kiking for the past 6000+ years has to be picked up in bits and pieces because they've selectively erased every little bit of history they've gotten their grubby little paws on. Why the fuck do you think they have teams of (((ISIS))) cucks blowing up archaelogical digs and statues? Who the fuck do you think burned the library of Alexandria?
The jews destroy evidence of their crimes whenever they can, hoping that a new sucker will be born every minute.
The kike empire marches on to this very day you faggots. See the right hand side of
This is without quoting the Bible which explicitly states they rule the world. Who wants a Bible lesson?
alright, which one of you did this. I really can't believe a jewish potato made this for real, its just too good
Also this. Kikes change and erase history as they go. Yet another reason why they are all kikes.
We're testing Poe's law to its absolute limits here. It's glorious.
Stop subverting society, morales, and common sense and we'll stop.
Gotta call bullshit on this one. No Jew has this level of introspection or self-awareness. The next time one of you autists decides to do this, try flashing your circumcised cock at the camera to at least plant a little seed of doubt.
99% sure that this is a troll
I have $500 that says this guy is one of us.
Gee, if only someone had told Titus that
Does it matter though?
Is that the original video or did you re-encode it before uploading?
If it's the original then he encoded it using HandBrake rev0 2014100499 and recorded using a Apple device.
At the closing seconds he goes to press or hold a button on his left hand side to stop the video. Can another user check and see which apple phones use a button on the right hand side to stop a recording by default?
Or if he used a macbook to record check the video's resolution which is 768x432. If we can find which apple devices that is default on we can find the device he had. I couldn't see anything in the reflection of his glassess besides a bright light in the right hand corner of the room to him.
This shit was posted on here back in 2016 or earlier this year. It's not new.
adding to these
Why do you want to know the phone he had lol.
This kike is begging to be murdered
This information can be used to find him.
Cutting edge poe's law satire?
Kike deep on the 'tism spectrum?
We just don't know.
Am I the only one who remembers this faggot posting this video here himself a few months ago? The thread got deleted pretty quick obviously since OP was literally a kike.
He's ginger and the Israeli/hebrew accent is authentic-sounding. I'm going for Israeli alt-right troll. If he was a Brit, he'd be doing a martyrdom video for Al-Qaeda/ISIS. Fucking gingers, man.
If you knock up a redhead, pray for daughters.
Literally who?
Actually looking at the few views that the original has, this seems a tad bit odd, almost fake as in made to rile you up.
That is the most autistic creature ive ever witnissed.
sage for fairly old video and satire being taken seriously but everyone is having fun
It's good to hate Jews though, its actually an important survival technique for the modern world.
Unfortunately iphones are not that niche and are mainstream. This means that a lot of people own these phones, so it is of little value.
This was made to troll Holla Forums. The tell is the Obama/Hillary part. Yeah, Obama really paid the price as a two term president and just hates all the millions of dollars in his bank account. Another BIG LEAGUE tell is a jew telling goys to convert, implying jews view judaism as being independent of ethnicity.
This is obviously a joke video.
This kike in the embedded image is telling the truth, the jews are all aware they run the US government and own Trump and they are laughing at each and every self professed 'fashy goy' that worked tireless to MeMe the ZOG Emperor into power.
Pick one and one only.
The kike is gloating at the fact that so called red-pilled fashy goys are celebrating ZOG winning the election.
Only a retard would continue being completely under the kikes spell and pretending to themselves that somehow voting for and cheering on jews into the whitehouse was a solitary step in the right direction
And with that the JIDF officially enters. Trump is at worst a civcuck nationalist with some knowledge of the kikes in buisnesses. At best he is a mein kampf weilding natsoc fully aware of the kikes. Gas yourself as he plays chess.
It's funny user, he only got banned for the last post on your pic, threatening Palestinian genocide. This rant lasted a couple hours IIRC. Also he's back but I can't recall his new id, notloren* something.
He's criticizing this these things, but it seems like a pretty good way to learn.
The rats are abandoning the ship so don't let them jump on other ships.
So close off our country to everyone else but us, start killing sand niggers for no reason and subvert everything to a white-only viewpoint?
Are you sure that's what you want, kike?
No it's real he came here and did a bit of an ama when he posted it. He clearly has the normal jewish mental issues and removed the video pretty quick, but not before we had immortalized it in webm. It first appeared on 24th May this year.
KEK is this kike legitimately autistic?
Who is this bargain bin kike? I feel like even I have more money than this guy.
Its it kinda pathetic how these near larping mongoloids are even remotely a threat? I swear to god a while ago I even managed to pin one down and it turned into something extremely autistic and childlike when boasted about us and our prowess. And how much we control. It basically turned into something like "anonjew has cooties!" and the jew replies "NO I HAVE NOT :(" I am not even kidding here. Its rare to get such a reply from them though. But I suspect that they have this natural inferiority complex in regards to nature and it sometimes shows.
funny how mr (((Merchant))) is depicted with blonde hair here. Just observing.
Yeah he himself came here to boast about how great eyes are and how we should just submit to them.
What the fuck.
this jew looks straight up (((tarded))), like some kid on a short bus.
his ID is imnotloren but I'm pretty sure his account is locked.
If you look at the jews tenacity, then many people can still be surprised by it too. I dont usually admit it but I envy that in the kikes. Every single day, every single second they are thinking about sheckels and how to fuck us over. Use every single opportunity to just do so and then I asked myself "what if I use this same kind of tenacy to get more money, but without the fucking over of people" and then I focused inwards, towards self improvement at every single second.
But yea, you can learn a good amount of things for nearly every race…EXCEPT FOR NIGGERS. You can learn nothing from them, only failure.
Yeah why is this obvious easy bait stickied, what are they trying to distract from?
I did this for you and for me, but fuck if I will spend a single additional femtosecond trying to get blender to render a video with sound.
ffmpeg to the rescue.
this piece of shit video better not be "corrupt"
In any case though
vid is old.. I recently saw a video asking random men in Israel whether a convert is a "real Jew" or "real Israeli" and many of them were courageous enough to answer, in essence, no or not really.
This guy's message is actually more generous and kind than the real views they hold. Which views are fine since we espouse them too, but must be reckoned with.
Does it matter if it's a joke or not when it's all true? except for the part about Hillary and Obongo resisting the yids
Well that being the false flag sure beats bluebeam happeneing.
Thank user, OP is a lazy nigger not to include it.
His accent is fake as fuck and body language verifies it.
I just woke up to watch this. Holy fuck that was funny.
I laughed at this retarded jew for like 15 minutes
that video smelled like matza balls
you can actually smell his stinky weiner breath through the goddamned screen
Satire or mentally ill Jew? Can't quite tell. Probably satire.
D&C kike are you? Why don't you kill yourself hebrew heretic. Saged & reported
Stop acting like a triggered potatonigger.
Oh good god. We do not have enough gas ready for this.
Fucking hilarious. The second anything is mentioned about the Eternal Anglo around here, this place lights up like a triggered vagina festival.
They cry out. Followed by screams for moderation.
Shut the fuck up anglokike.
It's bullshit but I believe it, the thread
this was made years ago.
its obvious satire.
why is this being stickied?
.01 bitcoin deposited
1 John 2:23 King James Version (KJV)
Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.
Zionist wants his fellows to come to their new kikehive by pocking a hornets nest. They want more antisemitism, the migration to zionististan hasn't been this good not even during king niggers reign. They want their socialist lefty reformed jews to come to the hive to influence them on the sand niggers and turn them against europe/america and convert them to haridi or datim.
It's Irish vs Anglos vs Scottish, do not team up guys! And only the female gingers are good, that's why they should mate with superior non-gingers! How cool is that, goy? And you know which ethnicity doesn't have a soul, right? The gingers!
Cuckchan is for you. Id kill you before a Jew, because thats what you do with race traitors.
Second temple baby, the third shall soon join it. No more diaspora - this time we finish the job Titus started.
He looks like a more-retarded, more-Jewish john greene.
wtf I'm jewish now
This is concern trolling. It's designed to court 4chan by making it seem like jews have a sense of humor. They don't. They've been trying to do this for years.
And this. They stream on twitch(makes no sense) knowing 4chan will raid and then pretend to be caught off guard.
yeah it just proves mods are not only retarded but also newfags. I remember reposting this video from KC a long time ago in a .webm thread but it was such a long time ago i only have the file on my external archive drive anymore and cant be bothered to check when i saved it.
Convert to satanism goy
I think part of the reason for the fast burial is for propaganda reasons. The image of a dead body has power and can be used against you. Apart from the holocausts it's almost impossible to find a photo of a dead kike. It makes them look weak.
I've been under constant gas-lighting to join them for three weeks now anons.
Their fear is real.
This fucking thread. I would sage. All these kikes shilling their shabbos metaphysics.
A laugh a day keeps the noose away. I live another day
Bruh this is a Martin Luther King Jr quote attributed to hitler i'm fucking dying right now.
Someone send help, I just lost my sides.
You can learn what not to do from niggers.
Is this jew the twitter commentor (Ariel Rothbard) in the image in this linked thread:
Possible match
OwO what game is this?
@BGKB's post: "Jew you"
Something is going to happen soon, isn't it? They are getting cocky and open about their goals. I feel like a decisive moment will happen soon.
well he does look like he has down syndrome. I thought jews were supposed to be the highest of (((intellect)))
Dunning-Kruger in full effect.
go to their house and shoot them, grow a pair.
They're pushing hard before winter sets in because no one will give a fuck during the holidays and well into march/april.
Looks like we have totally indoctrinated a jew autist. he's /our jew/ now.