1. White people seek harmony and thus the approval of others (i.e. other races) 2. White people deluded themselves into believing that other races won't approve of any white identity 3. This is literally the basis for liberal thinking (baizuo, as they're called by the Chinese) 4. The only way to convince whites of their own White Identity is by making them believe that other races approve of it
Sounds autistic, but I think it's closest to the truth
Jace Mitchell
Non-whites on their own don't really give a fuck if whitey has his identity group, it was the kike who came along and made them afraid. If we can gather a group of friendly low IQ nonwhites to do "pro white memes" we can easily mindfuck the kike and awaken our people.
Who's with me?
Jaxson Walker
In the interest of political influence, it's always useful to create useful idiots.
However, the problem you present doesn't exist. Whites do not deny their identity, they only suppress it out of fear of persecution. Our goal should be to give *european pride* more exposure to normalize that behavior. Naturally, they'll be marginalized and find their way to us.
David Brown
The whole of reddit, so fuck off there retard.
Liam Morales
saging because this thread is unproductive.
but if OP seriously wants to help create propaganda, /polmedia/ was recently created for that purpose. i'm currently compiling some techinques to keep in mind when creating propaganda and i'm planning on uploading the document there.
Jonathan Morales
what the fucking shitballs are you talking about, little nigger?
Actually, a lot of white people try to deny their identity. But that's not even the point. Denying and/or suppressing the identity is essentially the same thing.
And of course our goal should be to normalize european pride. How does that contradict or delegitimize my thread's major idea? Why you sage me bud?
This thread is an interesting thing to consider and think about. Has all the intellectual vigor completely vanished from this board? Sad!
Anthony Davis
saging because this will be seen as "muh pr" or "cucking", "based blacks", etc. The general criticism is that you're pandering to a group other than your base and you'll lose your base as a result.
Focus on your base. Always. We will never win the support of non-whites.
I should note that it's good that you're trying to do something to help but i'm critical of the direction you want to go. Not trying to discourage you, just saying that this particular idea has been tried and proven to be a failure.
Samuel King
We need an (((adversary))) to unite against. We must get our war face on and then do what comes natural.
Isaac Hall
So basically "most anons will shut their minds and throw shitty memes at us". Sad!
We need to be smart. Letting the dumbest people rule over us is not a good strategy!
William Murphy
OP here, never said we should get "based Jews", just film some dumb Black and browns on camera saying white people being proud is good, and let the normies react
Isaiah Reed
fuck off cia
Grayson Collins
This is fascinatingly retarded for so many reasons. Answering all.
1. Whites did not need approval to rebuild their civilizations many times over. 2. This is what the jew wants you to think. 3. Then the problem exists solely in the liberal's mind. 4. Liberals would sooner believe it is in the best interests of shitskins that whites don't promote white identity.
At least you admit you sound autistic because it sure seems that way. Delete this and kill yourself.
Parker Lee
Manlet detected Go deadlift 405lbs or KYS
Luke Reyes
1. different conditions existed in the past than do today for fucking shitballs sake 2. jews want us to do nothing, lose, and die, not fight back and be cunning 3. most white people are somewhat liberal, we have to unmindfuck them to free our people 4. this wouldn't be to win liberals to our side, but Trumpist whites for fuck's sake 4. you're kind of dumb 5. I rest my case
Kayden Jackson
what political group are you a part of?
Camden Smith
Bentley Martinez
William Myers
Wasn't /bmw/ doing that kind of thing? **Or maybe /bmw/ is dead idk*
Dylan Johnson
yea what happened to them
Nicholas Carter
Do you really think nigs can be relied on for anything let alone supporting white interests. Even the jews with their limitless money couldn't pacify the BLM monster for very long. I'm guessing you don't have much interaction with muds, If they aren't getting paid or have the possibility of looting/raping there is no way to motivate them to do anything.
Nathaniel Williams
Liam Diaz
Give me a break. Muds know they are stealing from white people every time they cash their welfare check and their only regret is they can't steal more. What is the negative for negros or spics? If they were on their own they would be living back in mud huts raping babies to cure their aids and eating albinos for good luck. You could argue "Oh no mr person of color you are next on the mean ole jews list", but the jokes on you because jungle dwellers only give a shit about right now not 100 years from now once whitey is completely gone. Noodle niggers are a whole different catagory. These insectoid fucks are spreading out across the planet buying large swaths of Australia, Canada, the US and Europe. Do you think an invading army is going to say, "You know what, Whites deserve a right to exist, I'll stop swarming across the planet like locusts now".
Hudson Taylor
/bmw/ got subverted, go check it out, complete disaster.
Jaxon Davis
I think theory is best left for Holla Forums and /polmedia/ should be the practical application of what we discuss in these threads, but we need to figure out if this idea has any merit. If this is bait I'm taking it but offer this in rebuttal: why is it that we should expect the approval of outside races to promote white identity? Can we tap into this outside approval without creating a dependency on other races for our longevity? The end goal of our movement is to have white independence so how can our identity be sustainable if we rely on external races for approval.
Justin Howard
agreed on all points. this idea is a dud.
non-whites are more useful turned into useful idiots. nigs are notorious for being easily manipulated. we could more easily get them to riot and kill themselves than we could kill them ourselves.
topics like these should definitely be started on /polmedia/. /bmw/ is great but it takes a more disorganized approach to content creation. lots of good discussion, no real collaboration.
Hunter Evans
I'm not saying we need to rely on them, I'm saying we get 1 or 2 of them to say our memes on camera, which will make white people think twice
Blake Wilson
if "based black guy" meant pro-white, then they'd actually be based
White America needs to see just a few specimens f browns saying pro-white memes and it will change how they think. Prove me wrong.
so why the fuck don't we manipulate a few of them? it can't hurt us to have 1 or 2 blacks saying "white pride is good"- what possible reason would we not at east tr this?
will the white race die if a few browns say they think our race is cool?
Julian Ross
I don't think it's a total dud because there might be something interesting to learn here but I'm interested in hearing what OP has to say. I'll bump until that point but I'm holding my breath
So what memes should we get them to say and how do we use them to turn normies to our side? I'm not saying we should nix the idea but there has to be a specific way to use non-whites and we still need to be able to keep the whites in our ranks. It doesn't help us if the normies are only superficially attracted to the movement because of "muh based black guy" because they're just cucks not being truly redpilled
Jaxson Wood
no, but it's a stupid idea and counter productive. here's why"
97% of blacks voted for obama. this is about the percentage that votes democrat consistently. you will not win them over in any significant number – trying is a waste of time.
however, virtually all negative publicity the left get is a result of nigs being nigs. the vast majority of anti-white sentiment comes from them. this has done more to push leftist whites to the moderate or alt-right camp than anything else. we should exploit this fracture point
manufacture explicit anti-white racism on the part of blacks. this will push black-sympathizing whites further toward the right, on the basis of self-preservation and in-group preference. the media already does this because it's sensationalist and makes them money, which we owe a great deal of our success to.
Owen Harris
97% of Blacks voted Obama, but white normies are dumb enough to think 1 Black guy saying Trump is good makes Trump good. In this paradigm of dumb white people thinking black opinions matter more, it's good to get 1 or 2 nigs saying pro-white things. White normies will just ignore all the Blacks who disagree with them (the 97%) and focus on the 1. If that even opens up one new white mind to white racial identitarianism, it's worth it.
Why not try it?
Eli Williams
You telling me that that kind of message will not change any white conservative minds? Protip: it will! LEARN2PROPAGANDA
Aiden Miller
Fuck your bullshit about white people and "harmony." I'm white and the WASPs here in the United States don't give a fuck about me, in fact, they're assholes – and I'm white. They're on-par with the lines on Jewing people if you're not part of their little "in-group."
WASPs and kikes sold out the white European long ago. '''Now the whole left/right battle is a fucking psyop that still makes kikes and WASPs rich as fuck on (((Wall Street.)))
Even the cunts on this board argue which European country is "whiter" than the other. Socialists or fascists, it's two sides of the same WASP and kike (((coin.))) The true problem is the rich Pan-European families who sold their populations out for shekels and a seat at the fucking (((Bank of International Settlements))).
Jace Mitchell
White people like to feel like they're living harmoniously, but also they are told that caring about how white people feel is innately evil. We have to change this perception through memetic warfare.
David Clark
Do you live in the U.S.? Do you know what assholes WASPs? They team up with likes rather than help their own race because of shekels. I take it you're not American, so you don't understand the virus that is the WASP.
Brandon Turner
They would already need to be white conservatives for that to work fully. What I'm referring to are the white and slightly left-leaning and lolbertatians
Traitors need to hang on the DotR too. We need to make sure of it
What memes do we currently have that address this?
Isaiah Powell
The extreme WASP elite is small AF and doesn't represent a lot of people. You're just cherrypicking and crying.
Chase Parker
yea, right now we can only win whites to our side who are conservative (mostly)
And the meme to kill whites seeing caring about whites as evil is show innocent whites being attacked (plenty of footage) and overtly anti-white headlines with sad music. That's our best shot!
Austin Clark
the wasps are counting on you to give them mercy when the pendulum swings back.
Do do you really want to welcome the people in high places that have already sold you out and are now playing nice?
Always kill traitors, the ones that you can prove that did the betraying. Make sure they suffer so that other traitors will think twice about selling their people out to the next group that's going to take the jews place.
Dylan Green
well that's a start at least. we need to think memes for the next year and even 2 or 3 years into the future too
Jonathan Bell
(((Small and insignificant))) amount of WASPs who sold us out? Just like the (((small and insignificant))) amount of kikes in the U.S. who (((don't matter, goy.)))
Fuck yourself, asshole.
List of WASPs and European families that sold you out:
I said small you cocksucker not insignificant. Most Anglos aren't ultraelite traitors is my point. Fucking hell.
Allso those names are not all WASP at all. Go through them, I see French, German, Dutch, Italian
Zachary Brooks
come to /bmw/ and help brainstorm and contribute, Holla Forums is compromised and full of shills, shitposters and ban happy moddies.
Feels like a sinking ship tbh fam
Jackson Cooper
I browse every once in a while but I guess I should stop by more often now
Charles Phillips
the level of censorship on this board is completely out of wack, free thought and free expression barely exists, it's kind of sad
Jonathan Lopez
fuck off d&c kike
Henry Bailey
go back to your ghetto please.
Anthony Foster
Mongrels (possible crypto-Jew)
German/WASP (possible crypto-jew)
German (possible crypto-jew)
As far as WASPs are concerned you're batting two and a half for thirteen at the most generous and considering that the Cabots and Lodges are joined at the hip I'd say that one and a half for thirteen is probably more fair. From your list it looks more like the eternal Hun is a bigger problem than the eternal Anglo.
Grayson Stewart
What you've probably picked up on here is the influence of popular culture on how people think.
Jews are terrified of white identity movements because they know that they will probably be forcefully evicted from the west or worse if whites wake up. For that reason, over the last 50 years, the Jews have been using their media power (the MSM, Hollywood etc.) to shape popular culture and place limits on what is considered "acceptable thought".
Spreading examples of anti-white bigotry from the left and pointing out the blatant double standards seems to do a good job as well. There is nothing that whites hate more than hypocrisy.
Owen Butler
No, the only way to convice liberals of white identity is to make sure they understand that other races DON'T approve of it.
This way they will feel betrayed and hurt, asking "why?" and such.
Joseph Sanders
Normies don't think for themselves. In my neck of the woods most normies are liberal but really they are whatever the status quo tells them to be. If the news came on talking about the righteousness of gassing jews they would be on board.
Our message is for a select few, even Hitler knew this. We need to build our base until we are powerful enough to emerge from the shadows. Once normies see our power they will join us.
Nathan Bennett
I agree, but thoughts like that are not new, the problem is that we have no big media platforms on our side and because of that protest marches about white pride and shit like that never reach the general public. The best people like us can do right now is simply to educate others about the truth of the holocaust and Hitler and Nazi ideology in general, because everything political is always compared to Nazi Germany in some way. If you take that away from them and immunize people against it, than the jewish media and its puppets become powerless.
Cameron Perez
Just make other whites think that these opinions and ideologies are not a big deal; normal productive everyday duty. Of course the negroes and other nonwhites will respect you more if you care about your own race and understand the value of racial awarenes, but whites will Instictevely care more about the opinions of fellow white people rather than nonwhites, so convince them that other whites are behind them solely because of their whiteness. Just focus and think about whites being united against nonwhites purely because of our shared DNA
Really who cares what the nonwhites think. We're much more powerful and capable than them. Our main problem is unity. If whites can truly become united and determined/motivated towards the true goal then we will be unstoppable. United and steadfast against the other races we will be like a warm knife through butter
Christian Russell
Stopped reading right there
Christian Diaz
Wyatt James
No, only jews really want approval of other races. I have my homeland, I'm not reliant on the goodwill of some other tribe to let me slither in. Also, whites are naturally seen in high regard by anyone with a brain on merit alone. Even after a near worldwide boycott by jews against germans around ww1/ww2 time, "Made in Germany" still garnered respect well into modernity.
White people don't even care about other white people. Even without kikes, Europe has always been a hotbed of war. Even today, we have our stereotypes and frenemies.
White are also among the most self critical people. Only japs have the same amount of self criticalness, possibly even more.
Andrew Lopez
I mean if you're a normalfag, and not some 35 year old edgelord like me. literally banned from at least 2 businesses around here for my "silent generation American codger in a dive bar" attitude. Youngstown is literally a pillar of sodom.
Ayden Gonzalez
I see nothing wrong with DR3. Certain people shill against it even though it's true and is an effective tactic. People don't think of it as co-opting "racism" though. TRSodomites are very short sighted. They are the ones most heavily against DR3 and there's no good reason for it. Sure, it'd be better to wipe the trotskyite concept of "racism" out of the human dialectic, but that's not going to happen, so we might as well change it.
Robert Morales
How is funding colleges and being captains of industry bad for whites? It was only until after they sided with Jews in 1940 and flooded our country with migrants in 1960 that they were objectionable.
Nathan Watson
Please tell me your username so I can upboat you on the_donald!
Cameron Bennett
Asher Kelly
Try 1861.
Posts like this after HWNDU really make me worry, sometime I doubt this board is even 50 percent white.
Jackson Price
Hear, hear - HEIL HITLER
Oliver Powell
it isnt a meme.
James Taylor
You're right! Its just unabashed cuckoldry
Jordan Clark
there's never been such a thing as "white identity". it was always "us human beings who created civilisation" vs the rest of the world shitskins. this "we" has never been united under anything.
Aiden Perez
1. No, we simply have empathy and were taught by feminized schools that conflict is bad. 2. Feminized, leftist education, media say so because they want you to believe this. 3. Indeed. 4. No, it's by teaching them proper education and not treat men like girls. Basically the Jews did this