(((George Soros)))


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Wow, this is blatant bullshit that doesn't even warrant a response. Go back to leftpol faggot.

You should leave.

Smart people aren't falling for the nazi propanda saying Soros isn't an asset to society . You're doing Yahweh's work, OP. Keep it up.

(((George Soros))) is just a handler for the Rothschilds and globalist finance agenda, just like you are but a poz-filled hole to your boyfriend. Learn the difference between Cultural Marxism (and its perpetrators) and being pro-working class Hitler-tier socialism. And stop spreading Alex Jones tier disinfo.

George Soros is against "free market fundamentalism"
Testing word filters: porky

To the retarded libertarians point, globalism has nothing to do with free market, it is the rule of the huge capital by creating mass socialist-like regulations all across the world to stiffle competition and assure all economy is controlled by the (((rootless international clique))) and everyone is dependent on them, for job opportunities, even chemically-altered food supply. This coupled with open borders to ensure big international corporations kill local competitions and hold a global monopoly, and to create a mass of race-mixed culture-less, family-less and even gender-less individuals who won't resist it all…


don't forget the "city states" passing laws and ratifying treaties

There haven't been any Jews since the Second Temple was destroyed in 70 AD. If any had survived the (((Pharisees'))) efforts to kill them off after they started converting to Christianity, they'd have built the Third Temple by now.
They're all dead. They were killed off, and their identity stolen by the demonspawn who had always insisted that they were "Jews".
The demons have recently started insisting that they are "white". Bad sign.

ACTUALLY, the so called demon spawn have already built most if not all of the third temple. See archive.fo/IVmbB and archive.fo/pq5rN .

Soros plundering privileged porky is good for the world.

t. leftypol nigga


He's so goddamn old. Is this dark magic keeping him going?

Was listening to the radio today (in Burgerland) and they lied and said that Oliver was the top name in England.

babby blood transfusions.

Karl Marx also supported global free trade and global capitalism. His argument was an accelerationist one, that free trade would destroy every aspect of people's lives other than the economy, so the only revolution left to have would be the economic one.

Sage cuz not really the greatest thread, I'll counter bump if a decent discussion starts though.

Why would you need to test that particular word filter, fellow Holla Forumsyp spook?

I wanted to see if "porky" got filtered to pig nose emojis

Did you have to waste quads for this? 🐷

By the way, does any user know how that screenshot with the list of Holla Forums filters was made? There's some hidden APIs like the one to see all of a board's banners (banners.8ch.net) so maybe someone knows.


wait isn't that exactly what is happening right now? with massive companies like pepsico and cocacola controlling varous smaller giants? these companies also controlling a hughnormous ammount of politicians? cause i always kinda thought the left right divison was just 2 ways to the same endgoal, global communism