why isn't there a /lit/ board here ?
redpill me on Evola.
Why isn't there a /lit/ board here ?
Evola is a massive faggot who pushed new age mysticism and feels > real idiocy. I'd tell you to wipe your ass with his work, but it would just make your ass dirtier.
A viral hemorrhagic fever of humans and other primates caused by reading Evola. Signs and symptoms typically start between two days and three weeks after reading the first few pages with a fever, sore throat, muscular pain, and headaches. Then, vomiting, diarrhea and rash usually follow, along with hallucinations about riding a tiger, decreased function of the liver and latent homosexuality. At this time some people begin to bleed both internally and externally. Reading Evola has a high risk of death, killing between 25 and 90 percent of those infected, with an average of about 50 percent.
you under estimate the importance of "feels" in society.
its magic i ain't gotta explain shit
I've seen this feels over reals argument on /his/ too.
But it implies that other philosophies are all about reals which isn't necessarily true.
Not defending Evola, just the idea that feels are bad or not part of other philosophies.
marxists don't believe thought, feeling, ideology and belief have any political relevance. only material conditions matter
The Italian edition of The Unique and His Property has an appendix concerning reactions to and influence of Max Stirner's work. There is a chapter within it that involves the far right, here's my translation of Evola's part:
Rather, it took a genuine associate of the Herrenklub of Berlin, a ferocious ghibelline like Julius Evola (never registered to the [Italian] fascist party, which he despised for its “feminine” flaccidity), to come to the true conclusion, for which one and only was possible: Stirner is a Jew. Thus, without any foundation (but whatever could factual evidence matter in such a grandiose design?) we find again Stirner, as “father of integral anarchism”, included by Evola in the list of instigators whom brought forth “the destructive endeavour” of Judaism “in the properly cultural field, protected by the taboos of Science, Art, Thought.” They are, in the order they are evoked: Freud, Einstein, Lombroso, Stirner, Debussy (whom it is conceded to be a "half-Jew"), Schönberg, Stravinsky, Tzara, Reinach, Nordau, Lévy-Bruhl, Bergson, Ludwig, Wassermann, Döblin (introduction to The Jewish International, The “Protocols” of the “Learned Elders” of Zion, Roma, 1937, pages xix-xx; this is the slightly changed and updated version – and the name of Stirner is part of the update – of another list of the great co-conspirers, which Evola proposed a few months earlier: Marx, Heine, Börne, Freud, Nordau, Lombroso, Reinach, Durkheim, Einstein, Zamenhof, Offenbach, Sullivan – evidently he must have viewed The Mikado as a document of Jewish infilration - Schönberg, Stravinsky, Wassermann, Döblin, in Julius Evola, Three Aspects of the Jewish Problem, Roma, 1936, pages 38-39).
With that out of the way, my take on Evola is this:
Evola is the most right wing man to ever live, this is no exaggeration, for he is the man who criticized fascists and nazis for not being right-wing enough. He was the biggest anti-Semite in Italian history, he described himself as a Catholic pagan which is just as honest of him as it is incoherent, and he was the personification of all spooky things known to humankind and pretty much everything that was wrong in the 20th Century.
We have a >>>/pdf/ board
not asking about his books, just a tl;dr on the guy and his ideas
was Evola racist ?
he really is one ugly mfer
ayyyyy why does anyone take evola seriously
His politics somehow managed to involve a lost continent. He died of natural causes and old age without having sex. He never was angry at his counterparts for co-opting his absurd fanatic draw towards the rich and the powerful improving themselves on the poor masses when that was his life's dream, he just let Italian fascists apparently in his mind shit all over his work with nothing more than a "meh, oh well".
That's all you need to know.
but Evola has a more individual view of "race", he means lineage. as in your personal genetic legacy.
not "muh white race"
I still can't understand why, even on the internet of all places, someone can reconcile Evola's belief in Hyperborea's existence as a lost continent into his politics, saying, "Yeah but the rest is fine."
do you even ride the tiger
wtf bro
Nope. His racism is spiritual.
Evola's idiocy is like getting two spooks together, namely racism grounded on social Darwinism and materialism, and an anti-materialist spiritual view of civilization, which are in a dialectical opposition, and sublating them Hegel style into spiritual racism.
As the most right wing man to ever walk the earth, he doesn't simply reject Darwin, he manages to outdo your Southern Baptist pastor by speaking of a devolution of man.
Evola's philosophy of history is cyclical as per Hesiod's five ages and ye olden Hinduism four Yugas.
For the time being, in this age you don't go up linearly as per Whig history, nor you go up and down depending on where the Zeitgeist takes you, things only get progressively worse materially, culturally, spiritually - so in order to see some improvement we need some sort of eschaton to get us into the Golden Age and make America great again.
You won't get any honest answers on him here. You are better off reading him yourself.
Evola wasn't even being honest with himself
His entire system of thought, if you could even call it that, is incoherent.
Unless he had a major self hating rage, he was nothing like the ideal rich wealthy kingdom of lords aryan man he worshiped as a shiny golden god
Perhaps he was just really gay, he was a virgin
Was Stirner really a Jew? I tried googling but only obvious nazi sites pop up.
He was a traditionalist so automatically garbage.
what would italy have looked like with him in charge instead
More shitting in the streets. He drew most attention be it negative or positive on France and India, but particularly India.
And well, you know how Italy always has been
you know some of those comedy skits where a kid who played lots of video games thinks he knows shit and gets by chance to run a country? It'd be something like that.
I just realized Evola is EBOLA in Spurdo-speak
If thought has no relevance, why do Marxists write philosophy?
If it's philosophy, why am I reading about speculative fiction about lost continents
I've never read Evola. I'm not talking about Evola. I don't care about Evola. I'm curious about the Marxist thing, which is why I asked:
Then why the fuck are you in this thread
Because I was curious about Evola 'cause I'd never heard of him.
Anyway, please stop spazzing on me. I just asked a question. Chill, man.
What does "hyperborea existed, it existed in the arctic and it was full of aryan kings it was beautiful it was full of aryan kings beauty it was beautiful poor people ruined it it's all their fault India They knew Hinduism" sound like
If you're batshit insane, right up your ally
Okay, that's cool. If the guy was just a whackjob, then okay. But I am still wondering about the Marxist thing. I'll start a thread for it.
You clearly haven't read evola.
I read The Hermetic Tradition and its batshit crazy but also quite interesting. It basically shows how Jung was a fascist.
i'm seeking knowledge you fags
Protip: Jews don't write these things:
t. Joo
P.S.: Read. His. Book.
The answer is: "Oh God please no."
Italy would have gone full Holocaust since day 0 with concentration camps, establish caste systems, radio and cinema would have been used to propagate the spookiest things you can imagine, it's a terrible scenario. Clerical fascism was bad enough under Mussolini, but here they'd go "Catholic pagan" like Evola or eat a bullet.
Remember all those documentaries with Hitler as a sorcerer etc.? Gardell writes in Gods of the Blood: The Pagan Revival and White Separatism:
The question is: what happens when you DO have a sorcerer in charge?
An Evola as Marshal of the Empire would have made Himmler and Mengele look like agreeable fellows by comparison.
I don't give a fuck if Italy's War ends sooner in this alternate history, this is the worst shit imaginable, it would have left a much worse, permanent scar on all the survivors and their descendants.
Seriously, I'm legitimately wonder if the people would be so full of ideology that Allies would consider nuking an European country to end the fighting there.
God forbid anything like this shit has a chance to happen in the next millions of years.
Why does my left fist instantly clench up when I look at that guy's face. I wanna punch him so bad. He looks like the most pretentious philosophy douche you've ever seen, crossed with the condescending attitude of a programmer.
I haven't read Jung but why was he a fascist?
Jung wasn't a Fascist although he was somewhat interested in German Not Socialism. He believed, in the early years that Hitler could restore a sense of authentic spirituality and community to post-Enlightenment industrialised Europe. If you're interested in learning more you should read his essay on Wotan and Hitler.
Evola was explicitly opposed to New Age Neo-Spiritualism and mysticism. He wrote an entire book criticsing these movements, in addition to numerous essays, and his primary works are filled with countless rejections of those currents.
Read Sorel.
Evola was critical of Stirner in Ride the Tiger (although his attacks on Stirner are limited to a single page and are pretty weak). But according to his intellectual autobiography he was interested in Stirner in his youth and I think many of his individualist ideas echo those of Stirner.
Evola takes Plato's tripartite division of the human being (Spirit > Soul > Body) and applies that to race. So there's a race of the body, the soul and the spirit. He was against biological racism and scientific reductionism which viewed race entirely in terms of the body (phenotype, genes, hair colour, eye colour) which he thought was the lowest and most materialistic form of race. The race of the soul (which governs the body) he viewed as the culture, language, art, philosophy, science, style and fashion of the race, how it speaks, walks and interacts with the world. Then finally the race of the spirit is a race's individual connection with spirituality and God. Evola believes that racial disintegration begins with a loss of connection with "that which is above" which then degrades the race of the soul and finally destroys the race of the body through irrelevant shiting ect.
This is a good summary of his ideas I think.
yes, marxists might explicitly argue against feels > reals, but that doesn't mean that their argument isn't based on feels > reals
do you understand the point I'm making? it's like saying "yeah, but that's just your opinion, whereas I'm a realist" - everybody can use that non-argument
This sounds like an intentional exercise in being as much of an edgelord as possible.
The statement is meaningless. To imply that Marxism is purely rationalist and realist and contains no emotional or irrational elements is absurd.
oh murr
Julius Evola is the original Holla Forumslack
I am tired reading theory all the time.
Any good Fantasy novels where i can have that Morrowind feeling lads ?
He was the original SJW.
thanks, that was very informative.
thats rich comming from someone on a leftist board
i haven't denied that Evola puts feels over reals tought
yeah a dogged focus on material conditions instead of fleeting shit like culture sure is feels
I thought the "soul" was the thing being divided, not human being in general. Wasn't it wisdom>spirit>appetitive.