Starts in a little more than 2 hours apparently, set for 7:40 PM EST.

Thanks for the early post user.

Might not stick around, but I want to shitpost smug waifus while I'm here.

While we wait, Jared btfos sarcuck.

What's the occasion?




Speaking of our hwhite friend, does anyone have his first interview with moly from far enough back that it hasn't been edited? Molymeme asked about jews and Taylor about had an aneurysm trying to deflect the question, it's been edited where something in the 40 minute range (this is from memory) got baleeted.

Late again, moshe. Remember you only get paid your shekels for a first post derailment.



I too am interested in this one.

I can go find the very old ones where moly is pushing anarchy and telling kids to remove themselves from family influence?

Last ditch attempt at using diplomacy?

Announcing 48 hrs for Rocket Man to come to the table

Have to honour my own dubs.
One of the reasons Iv always been wary of him, that and the attempted cult shit.
People do change though, but i'm keeping my eye on you Stefan

goodbye rocketman hello 100 megaton tsar bomba that never was

10 minutes?

Can't watch much of that. I love a lot of what he says currently but I don't Dimmu trust any of these guys. Shapiro is the best example. His speeches are great but I don't trust him.


Asian Alex Jonestein?
I guess that was before he took super-male vitality.


I can't wait, this is going to be great.

his own download changed ,IF I got this right and since I deleted mine and redownloaded, I can't confirm. Now I'm looking at the vid (I usually listen, not watch) and I'm not seeing the point. It was a question about jews and their IQ.

If you didn't download it back when it originally came out, probably not worth the bother. My HD was too small to keep shit that old.

on a related note, the kike who stef befuddled about borders for israel/borders for whites was probably someone named daniel rothschild. Either that or had identical voice. I remember him as moderator for a debate between an ancap he knew and jan helfeld and he completely fucked his buddy over on it.

what is this going to be about?


which one of you nazis know what song this is?

I think it's about the Iran nuclear deal

that's what this user thinks also

we have visual


it's time!

bout fucking time



There it is.


This old rhetoric is putting me to sleep.

muh Syria
Fuckoff Tillerson

muh Iran

How about
fucking cuck

Fuck this Iran bashing. Those motherfuckers just want peace and goddamn quiet and a world free of Israel.

Get to the Norks you ZOGbot


so this is nothing? why bother with a press briefing?

aslo i sense something shifty about tillerson


Just thinking this. And the reporter "will Iran improve it's behavior?"

Fuck these kikes

Shut the fuck up about Iran and get onto best korea you faggot.

The only redeeming quality of this briefing so far is the very relaxing tip tapping of a keyboard when the mic cuts to the audience.

(((our allies)))

(((our allies)))


Well that was a fucking waste of time.

so what the fuck happened? nothing?


USA won't bomb them. Tillerson/Mcmasters and the gang are actually the least likely bunch to start shit for Israel out of the last 3 administrations. They are paying Total lip service to the nitwit evangelical base of kikebart…and of course the Israel lobby that controls every politician that Trump has to deal with. These aren't principled men. They will tell the public they love Israel so they don't get bad press. Meanwhile, they aren't going to do jack shit for Bibi.

I want to believe


D-did I miss it?

You missed absolutely nothing.

I miss the Spice man.


It's geography makes it incredibly defensible. It would not be a repeat of Iraq.

The American people won't listen to reason, they're blinded by patriotism and irrational pride in their military. Anybody suggesting a limit to their military power will be shouted down as insufficiently patriotic.

Don't let this war happen. Many young white men, ignorant of the way the world really works, will volunteer to die in Iran. Die in vain, fighting a pointless war for Israel.

We all miss the Spicemaster

would you really see people volunteer to fight in this war? In no way do I think it would be like the Iraq war, those who volunteered for that did so because they associated Saddam with 9/11 per American education, and (((MSM)))

nobody can stop what's coming

I miss the Mooch too , ol shark eyes

You sir are a wizard

All it would take is a convincing false flag.

We joked about invading Iran back in the mid-2000's, mostly because of this and it would start a world war which would lead back to the original this.

Best we could do is just ass blast any nation that's not third world from space. We'll never win boots on the ground with any other country at this point. We don't win wars in the first place because we have a superficial mission that's more corporate than based on military might.

Young men straight out of highschool are dumb as fuck. If the media jews and the POTUS tell them there is honor to be found in fighting Iran, hundreds of thousands will sign up. These kids don't know jack shit about the jews or Israel, their parents never taught them, their teachers never taught them, the media never taught them, they have too little experience to have figured it out themselves and 99.999% of them have never even heard of Holla Forums.

yea but what would that possibly look like? Iranians rarely cause trouble in other countries like saudis, afghans and pakis do


All it would take is for the POTUS and the media to broadcast these three words:
Iran did ISIS

It wouldn't matter.

well I mean, people really don't seem as patriotic as they used to. I say this as someone who graduated high school last year, most everyone knows our foreign policy is fucked beyond repair, if anything our military is demonized (not in the right way, the shitlibby way)
However, I do have a friends in army basic right now, he's a fellow Holla Forumsack, he just hates the govt, the military, what it stands for even more now

Fug lads I forgot about it and missed it. tl;dr pls? Same old asking the same question about Russia 20 times?

everyone knows thats unequovically false, its practically common knowledge that ISIS is in bed with the saudis and to a lesser extent that Iranians are from a different sect altogether

If both the media and POTUS support the lie, that will be enough. You have far too much faith in normalfags.

I would say maybe 20% of the American public want to bomb Iran. 40% defo don't want to bomb any country…and the rest are mildly retarded and have no idea that bombing Iran is even a thing.

Nah. It's if they would get glory from the mass public for doing so. They wouldn't. Everyone knows the media sucks and lies…

the american people are too kiked up to be anything other than pacifists. killing is wrong, yo! :^) unless we decide we can kill civilians there will always be a motte and bailey style tactic where the civilians are hiding covert militants. we have to be willing to kill innocent people to win and that's not going to happen without some serious tragedy.

We (Americans) can only go on a balls out exterminatist war if the enemy is European, East Asian and antisemteic or at least against Jewish world domination. Then you'll get unbridled barbarism and victory. Otherwise, the media will wait Until you've accomplished your goal(like removing Sadam, the guy that launched scuds at Israel in 1991) and wish and gloat that white conservative soldiers get killed in an IED attack.

>(((the american people))) won't listen to reason
fixed that, user

Here's your reeeeeeee