The Third Reich Still Exists and World War Continues

Whenever a ‘Declaration of War’ is proclaimed, such as the 1933 ‘Declaration of War’ on Germany by the international Jewish Nation and, the 1939 ‘Declaration of War’ by both France and Britain – the ‘State of War’ remains, until there is a
‘Declaration of Peace.’

Since the ‘Declarations of War’ in 1939, there has been no such Declaration of Peace, just the coined marketing terms of “Liberation” and several newspaper headlines stating “War is Over” – “We Won” and of the like… the ‘State of War’ still exists, thus, Martial Law still exists, for all Nations involved.
In effect (legally, not lawfully), Germany is still occupied and war continues, however, not in the colloquially recognised operations as what we know as “Boots on the Ground.

If in fact there was a ‘Declaration of Peace’ at the cessation of military hostilities in 1945, or shortly thereafter, the Allied Military Tribunal at Nuremberg would not have been able to legally declare itself to be, an instrument of “a ‘CONTINUATION of the War Effort’ of the Allied Nations” against Germany. – IMT, XIX, p. 397.
The war tactics changed when battle was moved from the field, into what the Victorious All-lies led the world to believe was, a so-called ‘Courtroom’ – it was in fact, the jurisdiction of a Military Tribunal (not a Common Law Court), where the enemy created a legal framework to suit themselves in this later Sortie and these same War Criminals sat as Prosecution against the defeated, in the biggest demonstration of ‘Conflict of Interest’ the world has ever been subjected to…and the war has continued to move from the so-called Courtroom to the populace, who are still under the proclaimed State of War.
(Note: under ‘Martial Law’ deceit is not illegal)

To this day, courts in Germany are bound by any of the ‘Tribunal’s Statements’, as codified in the 4+2 treaties of 1990, and cannot challenge the purported validity of said Statements, despite the complete absence of any evidence or forensic reports to support these ‘Statements.’ This makes a mockery of Germany’s Basic Law – Grundgesetz, which has enshrined in Section 5 “Freedom of Opinion” as one of its pillars. (more on Germany’s ‘Basic Law’ below)

In order to circumvent Section 5 of the Basic Law, Section 130 of the Criminal Code – Strafgesetzbuch, was enacted, which enables the occupational authorities to put anybody on trial who disputes the holocaust hypothesis, founded on the Tribunal’s Statements, under ‘Agitation of the People’ or ‘Incitement of the Masses’. This ‘Specific Holocaust Law’ is in contravention of the UN’s Universal Declaration Of Human Rights, as well as the, Declaration of the United Nations Council for Human Rights 2011, which states that, “Publication of Opinions About Historical Facts are Not to be Penalized” under any circumstances.

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Where is the legitimate Government?

What is and what has been happening in Europe, especially in Germany, where in just the last ten years, more than 100,000 truth speaking citizens from around the world, have found themselves in jail and in conflict with the purported law, for having misspoken themselves with faux pas’ at the displeasure of the Ruling Clique and their noisy lobby. This has only happened due to the manipulations and the power of a Shadow Government – an Occupational Institution, ever since 1945, passing itself off as a legitimate government of Germany… however, they are not!

There just so happens to be two Constitutions. According to a Resolution of the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgericht) of 17 August 1956;

“It is upheld that the German Reich has outlasted the collapse of 1945 and has never gone under or fallen, either through capitulation or through the exertion of foreign state authority in Germany by the Allies, or in the later course of time; it is still an entity with legal capacity, even though it is not fully operable as a government due to a lack of organization. The Federal Republic of Germany is NOT the successor of the German Reich.”

(note: the Constitution of the Third Reich, dates back to the North German Constitution of 1866. The principal reason why it still exists is because only the German High Command surrendered on 8-9 May 1945, and not the German Government or the German people)

The Constitution, enacted by the Occupational Authorities, on 23 May 1949, is termed the ‘Basic Law’, only because it is/was a provisional (interim) Constitution, pending unification of the lost territories. However, the Reunification of 3 October 1990, only effected central Germany and the eastern territories, as defined by the 1937 borders, still remain under Polish and Russian control. Thus, Germany is still occupied, still has Occupational Military authorities making all the decisions, is still under Martial Law (where deceit is not illegal) and is still subject to the ‘Re-education Program’ of the Morgenthau Plan.

However, the legitimate German Reich, the true Reich of the German people, lays dormant in the shadows, embodied with the rightful legal capacity just waiting to be utilised, revived and embraced by the people of Germany, who have the lawful right to determine which Constitutional system they wish to stand upon… that of their own (previously chosen by their volk) or, the system imposed by the foreign occupational military powers?

Professor Hans-Peter Schneider, a former member of a number of provincial (Laender) Constitutional Courts, spoke concerning the constitution of the Third Reich never having been abrogated. He too admitted that it still exists, but according to the Professor, it was apparently only so those who worked during that period, while curiously avoiding the lynching their colleagues were hunted down and subjected to, could still receive their Parliamentary Pensions…
There is another reason which we will discover below, as to why the Third Reich still exists… but in any event, the Third Reich does exists and this widely kept secret, is more legitimate to the German people than any arbitrary occupational rules, it just needs the organisation for its resuscitation.

Further testament to the intentions of the Victorious All-lies not to free Germany, in jurisdiction, movement or mind, is the Secret Treaty (Geheimer Staatsvertrag), enacted two days prior to the enactment of the German Provisional Constitution on 23 May 1949, which gave complete All-lied control over electronic and print media, film, culture and education until the year 2099… 150 years of thought control secretly given to the U.K., France and the U.S. for west Germany.
The Treaty also provided for the confiscation of Germany’s gold reserves to be held in the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank of New York, in which the Rothschilds have a 57% shareholding.
Germany has repeatedly requested for the return of its gold even to this day… to no avail.

International Status of Germany and other Axis States

The Charter for the United Nations was negotiated at the Dumbarton Oaks Conference, while World War II still raged, in 1944. The new ‘United Nations Organisation’ (the term first coined by FDR in 1941) formulated many provisions for their emerging international governing body, which were pivotal on; the new world rules for Nations and peoples under the self-exalted international watch-dogs, how they were to be implemented, which Nation States would be part of the club and, which Nation States would not…

“Which Nation States would not” was clearly specified in the provisions which became Articles 53 and 107 of the UN Charter, which were in essence, contained in Chapter XII of the Dumbarton Oaks Proposals, formally titled at the time, the ‘Washington Conversations on International Peace and Security Organization.’ At the San Fransisco session, in disgust, the Mexican delegate compared them to the ‘original sin’ of the Covenant of the League of Nations and its linkage to the so-called peace settlements of World War One.

Article 53 (2) of the UN Charter, introduces the term ‘Enemy State’ as; “any state which during World War II has been an enemy of any signatory of the present Charter.” This legal status was applied to; Germany, Italy and Japan, as well as Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Finland – making these nations ‘Official’ and eternal, subordinate enemies of all states who signed the Charter.

Article 53 (1) of the UN Charter (which is in Chapter VIII of the ‘Charter Regional Arrangements and the United Nations Charter’), specifies that “no enforcement action’ shall be taken under regional arrangements, or by regional agencies without the authorization of the United Nations Security Council… However, the Security Council goes on to make an exception to this prohibition, for “measures against any ‘Enemy State’ “ … provided for, pursuant to Article 107, or in regional arrangements, “directed against renewal of aggressive policy on the part of any such state.”

Article 107, together with Article 106 of the UN Charter, forms Chapter XVII – Transitional Security Arrangements. Article 106 provides for joint action by the four parties to the Declaration, on the Establishment and Maintenance of International Peace and Security.
Article 107 concerns the same ‘Enemy States’ as Article 53. It provides that nothing in the Charter shall “invalidate or preclude action, in relation to any ‘Enemy State’, taken or authorized as a result of World War II, by the Governments having responsibility for such action’. The action in question can be taken directly by the ‘responsible governments‘ or delegated by them to others. This ‘Transitional’ chapter, still applies to Germany today, as the occupational ‘interim’ government is still in effect.

The duration of the status of ‘Enemy State’ was not given. Some suggested that it might end at the latest, when the Enemy State concerned, became a member of the United Nations. However, that was not the case with the two German States; upon their admission, the Four Powers declared on 9 November 1972, that admission to the UN did not affect Quadripartite (allied) ‘Rights and Responsibilities‘.

Article 77 of the Charter, lists among the categories of territories which might be placed under the trusteeship system, “Territories which may be detached from ‘Enemy States’ as a result of the Second World War.” In fact, the only territory in this category to be placed under the trusteeship system, was the Italian Somaliland, which became a trusteeship territory, with the ‘Enemy State’ Italy, as the administering (occupational Administration) authority – somehow detached and under the jurisdiction of an Enemy State at the same time?
The all too important question must therefore be asked; If the Victorious Allies brought us a new world of ‘Peace and Liberty’ with their new international government of ‘Human Rights’, why then, after 70 years and several generations, hasn’t the ‘Enemy State’ and associated clauses, been abolished or repealed?

Why have they continued the ‘State of War’? Why is Germany (and others) still occupied? Why is there an ‘Interim Constitution’ still operational? And why have they given themselves the legal capacity to take preemptive action against these Enemy States, without Security Council permission and with the scope of arbitrarily delegating action against the Enemy States, to satellite signatory States?
With the understanding of the obfuscating tactics and elements of the Fourth Generation of Warfare, we see that war has not ceased since 1945 and satellite States (occupational within and enemy without) are continuing action against the Reich…

…And thus, that is the very reason why the Third Reich has never been abrogated by the Victorious All-lies… because you cannot legally continue a State of War, without the existence of the legal entity on which you declared it.

What is missing?

What is needed to get out of this horrific Martial mess? A ‘Declaration of Peace‘!
Such a Declaration is not only the legal key for the administrative freedom of the Enemy States, but all Nations who were and are still involved. These Declarations of War did not only create a State of War for the Axis Nations, but for every Nation who engaged in it. All Nations entered the conflict with Declarations and legislative accommodations made by their Governments and thus, Martial Law (where deceit is not illegal) was enacted and has never been retracted since – by a Declaration of Peace.

Including the people of the Axis States who entered a State of War through having war declared upon them, the Allied associated states, whether a State Faction, co-Belligerent, Colony, Minor Affilliate or any other Associated Power, entered this ceaseless State of War also – they were and are; the people of Albania, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Britain, British Raj (India), Bulgaria, Canada, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Mongolia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Soviet Union, Tannu Tuva, United States and Yugoslavia… all still under the deceit of Martial Law jurisdiction by open-ended Declarations of War.

To put a legal obstacle in the way of Nations making a Separate Peace with Axis States, was to lure other Nation States into becoming signatories to the UN Charter (under the guise of administering international peace) where the Enemy States were arbitrarily identified under Article 53 (2). Thus, signatory States became beholden to the dictates of the G4, where of course Stalin established the Veto Power for the use of the Quadripartite only, against any and all proposals they find undesirable… and so it continues today.

Fourth-Generation Warfare (4GW) that is being actioned against all of us today, is conflict characterized by a blurring of the lines between war and politics, combatants and civilians.
Some of the relevant elements of 4GW we are subject to, are;

Complex and long term
Terrorism (as a tactic)
A non-national or transnational base – highly decentralized (ie: International Jewry)
A direct attack on the enemy’s culture, including genocidal acts against civilians.
Highly sophisticated psychological warfare, especially through media manipulation and lawfare
All available pressures are used – political, economic, social and military
Occurs in low intensity conflict, involving actors from all networks
Non-combatants are tactical dilemmas
Small in size, spread out network of communication and financial support
Use of insurgency and guerrilla tactics

This is sovereign citizen tier bullshit.

Why would a common law based court be convened for the nuremburg trials when the majority of participating nations were civil code nations?
Why does this matter when the justifying factor for the courts existence was not law but military conquest.
Why does the legal loophole saying the reich still exists as a legal entity matter when it lacks any military capacity to force recognition of said status.

It all comes down to force.
Law is ultimately irrelevant.


The conundrum for them; They can’t abolish the Third Reich without abolishing their State of War – but the Reich can be revived, abolish the State of War and establish peace.

We, the People of the World, Declare Peace to Each Other

Germany currently has two constitutions and is currently under martial law. They can legally declare a new government under the legit law codex. However, the war is still going on, and as Max Weber says: "The state is that "human community that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of violence within a given territory."

Consider the Morgenthau plan which is supposed to destroy Germany and its people, and control it until at least 2099. I don't want Germany to perish.

Peace cannot be declared on an entity that does not exist, documents and legal instruments relating to a body that has no physical representative or territory for that matter constitutes common sense. The Reich was dismantled as a legal entity and does not exist as a legacy body, as it was wholesale rep[laced by a newly created Bundesrepublik. It is akin to creating a new country on an empty piece of land, which is what in practice happened as Reich was denied its existence.

This is irrelevant legalist/linguistic babble.
But I agree that WWII never ended, this explains perfectly the political climate of the last 70 years.

No, that is what it is not. They just need to organize a government. It is necessary to have the support of the army however. Why this is necessary is because the German people is being destroyed.

Wasn't it Truman that fucked up by declaring the Third Reich as an illegitimate government the minute he got in office thus negating the possibility of surrender or peace since you cannot accept surrender from a government that is illegitimate. Hitler and the Germans saw and understood this and that there could never be peace by international, let alone national laws, so it's why they fought even harder. By executing what political leaders they could find at Nuremberg they further solidified the impossibility of legal avenues of peace.

Most political elements high up either died, were executed, or fled and were never seen again. Then you have the mysterious disappearance/death of Hitler and that factors in with Donitz. If he's still alive then that means Donitz was basically a cover. The armed forces of Germany surrendered, not the Third Reich. There's no evidence proving otherwise, so a government in exile is legally what they'd be.

It's all legal hocus pocus which I'm not sure even matters to most governments at this point, but – if the Third Reich still exists, and this depends heavily on Antarctica and it's world wide colonies, then it would be a big deal and explain a lot of post-war head scratching things that have happened.

By that same logic I could recreate Roman Empire, I just need support of the army and organized government, since Odoacer didn't sign a peace agreement when deposing last Emperor.
You retard.

Germany wasn't an empire and the legal system for rules of engagement widely agreed upon by all Western nations at that time is what we're referring to, retard.

Such as? I know the antartic ice treaty is very weird. But I attributed that to the islands and antartica being pedo slave colonies in secret.

Hello, kikes. JIDF sure looks busy today

Except everything goes out of the window and the defeated party has to acquiesce to the terms imposed by the victor if your government is abolished wholesale after being declared illegal. Vae victis, retard.

What a bunch of nonsense

After WW2 this is essentially what happened
Germany got divided up into 4 zones.
Brits, yanks, French and Soviets each got one.

Soviets immediately set out to integrate their chunk into the Soviet Union. Same as any other territory they held.
French and Yanks began the systematic extermination of German POWs and civilians. Though the yanks kidnapped anyone useful they could get their paws on.
The Brits weren't really sure what they were supposed to do as they didn't want a chunk of Germany so they just sort of meandered about while saying "maybe we should get things in order?" Then they noticed all the refugees fleeing the Yank and French zones and got a bit pissy over it all as only Churchill had signed onto the extermination of the Germans and the rest of the British state had assumed he was just making flamboyant statements to appease the yanks/French.

Around this point someone pointed out to the yanks that the soviets aren't doing the same sort of stupid shit they are and intend to keep expanding.
At which points the yanks slap the French and go "HOIHOI WE NEED SOMETHING TO FILL THIS GERMANY SHAPED HOLE!" and set out to "lead" the rebuilding of the German state so that they have someone to stand in the Soviets way.
Fortunately for everyone involved a good chunk of the useful and important people had found their way into the British zones and thus has escaped the yank and French purges. Those who hadn't but had yet to be executed were quickly removed from their cells with the panicky yanks demanding they fix everything.

And that is how modern Germany came to be.
It remained under occupation because those troops were needed to intimidate the Soviets.
The yanks were more worried about the west Germans siding with the Soviets than anything else.

A puppet state can't sign a peace treaty
Is that it?

Conceptually it might make a big difference, but in reality, it changes nothing.

Which is what OP in his cock-sucking magnificence cannot accept. The world is run by fait accompli, not legal babble -they use it to justify their actions, not vice versa.

1. German alphabet agencies are officially continuation of the CIA. That's the reason there wasn't a single peep when the German government was spied on by the NSA.

2. Germany has no constitution, it has "basic law", the difference is, a basic law is installed by the occupational government, while a constitution is voted in through a referendum.

3. There are occupational bases in Germany and US soldiers are officially there "to suppress the possible emergence of nationalist movements" and are legally allowed to shoot any German.

The US constitution was voted in.
Most constitutions are not voted on.

was not voted on*

If it's not voted in by the people, it's not a constitution, by definition, because a constitution is a document by the people, that sets the ground rules for the government.


It was actually ratified by the people at the federal convention. It doesn't matter who signed it, if it failed in the state elections, it would be invalid.

Ah he believes the creation myth

trips sum it up
Violence is the gold standard of human interaction

The Third Reich exists de jure, but de facto it does not exist. It holds no territory, it cannot enforce its laws, there is no known governmental or power projection, there are no free citizens, there exists nothing in the real world showing that the Third Reich operates as an entity. While legally speaking the war goes on, in reality it has long since past.

We should still attempt to right the wrongs that occurred as a result of the Allied occupation of Nazi Germany, but right now there are much more pressing issues to attend to, such as working towards removing the migrants in Europe, re-establishing a nationalist system of government rather than this post-national satellite of the EU bullshit, allowing the truth of the Holocaust be brought forth to the public, the dismantling of the public narratives that have served no purpose other than brainwash and indoctrinate good people, and restoring our demographics through forming families, raising children, restoring tradition, and building communities that further those interests.

I'm going to laugh like a motherfucker if after the end of all this we all fucking collapse soviet-style and nationalists retake germany, legally and technically the third reich still exists - and future history books tell the tale of a very long war called world war 2, in which after a long occupation the reich is the only entity left standing because the arrogant cocksucking kikes forgot to nail their coffin closed.

This topic is way more complex then it seems.
I actually wanted to make a tread about this since quite some time ago, but I don't have all that I need to make quality tread jet.
Still here is a bit of a Primer on what is important.

First of all:
the problem is not that the “Third Reich“ still exists, the “problem“ is that the second Reich has never been abolished.
An by “Second Reich“ I mean the „“German Reich“ or deutsches Kaiserreich which has been established in 1871.
it would take too long now to explain why that is the case, but here are a few points that you need to know.

The Reich (Kaiserreich) was never/isn't a state or a country, rather, it is association/union of states
very much like the United States of America ( well there is lot to say about that too but let's go with the commenly known assumption of what the U.S.A. are) which, in theory, are a union of sovereign states.

The Reich is similar in construction, though not exactly the same, but the main Point is the sonority does not sit with the Reich but with it's member states.
There were 25 plus “Reichsland Elsaß-Lothringen“
i.e. :
Preußen, Sachsen, Bayern, Baden, Hessen, Lippe, Sachen-Coburg-Gotha. And so on.

All held by nobility, by the way.
These states formed the Kaiserreich and in a legal sense the Kaiser was nothing more then the president or chairman of a club/association/union (sound familiar?)
This is highly important to keep in mind.

After the war, on the 9 of November 1918, a guy named Philipp Scheidemann, during a very troubled time ( and i leave the whole issue of the Kasier abdicating aside, not enough time), he simply proclaimed without any right and without any vote and without any legitimacy, the establishing of the weimar republik.
There are various reasons why that was impossible but one of the main Points is that he did not have the right to abolish the Reich, and even if the Reich was abolished, the only thing that would have happened would have been that all the founding states would have been back on the map since they never went away in the first place.

Think of a Golf club, if the club is closed does that mean all it's members disappear?

Like I said I don't have the time right now to give you a full explanation, but I might make a decent treat in the future (might!).

I Leave you with a cookie and the way that i found out about all of this ( and “this“ goes deep into the rabbit hole). There is Register in the city of cologne called Esta Register ( Register für Entscheidungen in Bezug auf Staatsangehörigkeitsangelegenheiten, yeah German a fuck) .
That means a Register for decisions in relation to citisonship matters.
In that register (basically) every German CAN!, get an entry called:
(Sachverhalt [ in realation to your citizenship])

Erworben durch: Geburt (Abstammung), § 4 Abs.1 (Ru)Stag

that means

Acquired by: birth (descent[that means ancestry]), § 4 Abs.1 (Ru)StaG

Here is the Problem: The current form of law that governs citizenship is called StaG which means Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz ( [state]scitizenship law) however the entry refers to RuStaG and that means
Reichs und Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz: Reich and state scitizenship law.
Now guess when the RuStaG was issued. 1913

When I brought forward my application, which you have to do, because they don't give you that entry on their own. i wrote “Königreich Preußen [Kingdom of Prussia]“ in the box on the form. The man I gave my application read trough the whole thing and didn't even flinch when he saw that entry. He knew what it meant.
So, to this very day, it is possible to verify your citizenship in a member state of the German Reich, if your ancestor is actually from that state.
And I will leave you with that.

(both pictures are related, first one is an example of an entry, not mine though, it's the first one I found after searching.
and the second is an overview of all the entry you can get, notice in the Top collum: Ableitung: 1937 and Ableitung 1913)

Nice thread OP, it'll go right over the heads of most people here though, and confuse and addle the resident shills.

It's already obvious to everyone that you are a retard, who has no clue about basic political terms. Go read a dictionary before posting here.

So you're telling me I can hope back over and basically go off and tell the government I am a citizen of Prussia then tell them I am not very happy with what has been going on?

Yes, according to the Article 1 of the UN charter you have that right, if your ancestors lived in Prussia.
There is an actual movement in Germany that does just that, and they get shut down hard for wrongthink (video related).
Claiming Reich citizenship is the same degree of wrongthink as denying the holohoax

so shits fucked up

Oh my fucking god this is dumb.
You drone on and on about legal proceedings and the word of the law.
But might makes right. So if another country invades your nation, deposes your government, massacres your leaders, and sets up a puppet, then no amount of legal proceedings will change that fact.

Do you know how many wars didn't even with a peace treaty? Hey maybe England is still at war with France because no one signed articles of peace and had them approved by the world congress after the Hundred Years War.

So, according to your logic you should submit to your Jewish overlords and accept your extinction.

Is this what you are getting at?

I'm not saying that it is moral what the Jews have done to us. But the fact remains that the current German government exists and trying to legalize our way around it is silly. It exists because they have the backing of the US & NATO. It is, should be our life's purpose to terminate that backing and give the Germans a chance to reclaim their natural right to control their own destiny.

When… if we overthrow the corrupt & evil powers that control Germany & all of the West I don't think we will sign a formal declaration of peace with said forces. I think we'll just exterminate them and be done with it.

"Here i stand with my bayonet, there you stand with your laws. We'll see which prevails"

well, tecnically you can.
But this whole topic, like I said is way more complex.
For example when you request your first id card and at least every 10 years when the old one becomes invalid you are to give your signature, like when you sings a contract.
You don't notice this until you become aware of such issues but there is actually no need to have your signature on your id card, so why do they make you sing something?
There is something called: declaration of will.
And it is the basic legal requirement for the validity of a contract, so you can reasonably argue that with your signature given when requesting the ID card you accept the rules of the BRD, in that sense.

But this goes on deeper still, with questions about the UCC and commercial law.

Also they don't give a singe fuck about laws any more right now, things are really heating up with full media propaganda and SEK squads

Yes. Power is from the end of a gun, as Mao said.

Oh, so like CANADA, a fake boat under maritime jurisdiction?

There is Canadian Citizenship and then there is Quebec Natural Personhood. Quebec legally is a separate entity.

Well I'll be damned, shame I'm no Junker just a lowly smith.

Like international conventions set forth by the UN etc.?

Well that ended badly for someone. What's the story on this?

What part of "they use it to justify their actions" don't you get?

Laws are just words on paper. If you break the law in the woods and no one is around to report it, do you still have to pay for your crimes?

The answer is NO, you fucking idiot.

The EU, and our governments are not culpable for what they do in secret because they kill you for pointing it out. Violence has always been the final judge of what happens and what doesn't.

The rest is just window dressing. Everything is the WILL TO POWER.

All we can do is become strong in every sense of the word and fight what is happening or brace and insulate ourselves from the fallout.

Grow some teeth.

A thread died for this larping asshole, and he didn't even have the goddamned courtesy of autistically compiling sources.

Best ending tbh.

OP…. you forgot the important part.
What do!?

Hamburg and Bremen were republics.
All were democracies, i.e. they were constitutional monarchies or republics.

Socialist. So did at the same time, same place the communist (((Liebknecht))). It belongs to the foundation myth, both had no say and influence on the events of the moment.
For the German reader, (((Sebastian Haffners))) book “Der Verrat” might be interesting because it is a revisionist book describing the events from the leftist perspective, talking about things Germans don’t learn in school.
It was called Weimar republic, because the provisional government assembled in the city of Weimar, fleeing the fighting with the communists in Berlin.

He and the others never did so, he declared the republic, that had nothing to do with the continued existence of the Deutsches Reich.

Now guess when the RuStaG was issued. 1913

So what?

The “citizenship” of the Deutsches Reich was mediated by citizenship of one of its member states. Hitler became citizen of the Deutsches Reich when he acquired citizenship of Brunswick in 1932.

Hitler as chancller of the Reich, changed that later by creating original citizenship of the Reich, a regulation valid until today's FRG.

The 4+2 treaties of 1990 just state that factual decision of the occupying powers, mostly until 1948, are not up to revision.
That affects mostly property disputes. The allies made many decisions during direct occupation rule who were clear violations of German or international law (war crimes). For example publishing and print houses were confiscated and redistributed to “trustworthy personal”, this would have had affected the German post war press in a large way. Publicly the German government did just talk about confiscated agricultural land, real estate, “land reform” of the Soviets.

Is just window dressing and a worthless “human right”, because in the same article of the Germany’s Basic Law this right is limited by ordinary laws.
So any simple law the government makes and parliament agrees to is able to reduce this “fundamental right”.

This section was only amended in the 1970 to shut up the historical revisionist and old and new Nazis.

After the capitulation in May 1945, the allies became the government of the Reich, precisely the Allied Council in Berlin, this so after international law, law of war and allied intentions.

This joint government of the Reich became ineffective very fast and the USA and her vassals as well as the Soviet-Union created German puppet regimes of their own in her respective.

The West-German puppet regime of the FRG claimed from the first moment on to represent all of Germany (Hallstein doctrine).
The highest court of the FRG ruled that the FRG is no successor of the Reich but identical to it, just temporarily unable to assert itself over all of Germany.
Until the 1970s West-German school books showed the borders of the Reich as of 1937.

This is Freemen in the Land tier bullshit.

Learn the difference between de facto and de jure.

I trust you, user. But there's one thing that has always bothered me a lot: the Soviets did indeed build the Berlin Wall, but there's many stories (a la Norks fleeing to Worst Korea) of Eastern Germans being treated like shit while the oh so tolerant Western Germans were economically expanding their sphere of influence and living the high life.
Where's the proof that Eastern Germans were instead living normally and that the French were beating their own Germans silly? I can believe it has happened, since the Soviets wouldn't want to have Germans rise up in guerilla warfare while occupying them, but the French were literally the cause of all their suffering even before the war. So what happened?

You guys are fucking autists, i'm sorry i tried. This is a reason to unite and fight to make Germany great again, a cassus belli. Go meme and suck Trumps dick retards. I'm out.

Why are you so pissed?

The French are worse rapist than the Russians.

Hello leftpol.

Bonjour Monsieur

As has been pointed out the Third Reich had been declared illegal and so they simply replaced it with a Government of their own choosing under their control, which is the way we will need to go as our current Governments are nothing but criminal fronts and should not be recognized as the true representatives of the people, the only real issue is developing the support and alliances to overthrow them.

The obsession with legal contracts though is interesting as that's a Mercantile thing, even the Bible was an ongoing series of contractual agreements, were most Prophetic Books takes the form of outlining the contractual premise, breaches of contract on the part of the Chosen, suitable punishment and reminder of future blessings to be realized from sticking to contractual agreement.

My opinion is that the reason the war has not ended is because there is indeed a base of operations in Antarctica. And they are very powerful. At the very least powerful enough for the jewish pets not to attack them directly, and indeed they tried in 47 with Operation Highjump and failed miserably.

The real question is what is taking them so long to kill the criminals masquerading as governments right now.

WTF I'm a #CubanMissile now

They'd still need the support of the people for a stable government. Just killing our leadership outright wouldn't earn them any lasting support and would probably turn a good chunk of the zogged populace totally against them.

Yes, but they could at least provide some support to sympathizers like us. We need a sign, something that they exist. We need hope.

Why not arm us?

According to your logic, you should go up to the Jews with a lawyer and tell them to nicely leave and hand back your former government, because its "the law". Surely, they will pack their bags and go home, because it is "the law".

Is that what you are getting at?

That probably came later. When France and USA decided to not exterminate Germany things started going back to normal. And a "free" Germany will always be more economically attractive than Commie Germany.


You confuse me claiming that Poland and Russia are legally, technically or otherwise German territory.

Why the fuck would you just assume that instead for no reason? Please be joking.

The main takeaway from all of this is not necessarily the legalese, it is that the (((allies))) and the US in particular are disgusting terrorist states that have done nothing but mass murder over the whole world. They sure as shit didn't stop after destroying Germany and massacring civilians. They are war criminals, and this needs to be repeated. I have rustled the fuck out of the enemy by doing this, also. It's useful in spaces where we are censored from other avenues. Hit them hard with the guilting and blaming so that normies will see it and the concept will enter their mind. All you have to do is plant that seed.

When the System tries to deny it, they are the ones justifying genocide in front of the normies. This is the key on this issue. I have gotten the most hate by far when I blamed the (((allied))) bastards and just said what they did.

I came here to say exactly this.

It's what happens when a video game autist accustomed to realities that follow strict rules tries to into the real world.

I want to believe.

This is the disconnect between those crippled by autism and reality. Their autism causes them to reject practical reality and instead focus on irrelevant abstract concepts.

Yes you stupid nigger.

Original territories of Germany that are still occupied by Poland and Russia. Kalingrad is one that comes to mind immediately. I'm sure people more familiar with the topic would know the other areas that were partitioned to Poland.

Kohl betrayed Germany when the Russians said they could have Königsberg back and he went off and said no.

I'm not disagreeing with you or anything, but why does the first pic look fake as fuck? The "EStA Register" and "Registereintrag… Nr. 3849365" part looks photoshopped, it's slightly off center with the rest of the paper. The only thing that looks legit is the Bundesverwaltungsamt logo in the top left. All the other text looks misaligned and doesn't seem to mesh realistically with the rest of the paper.

What if they have been arming us this whole time we just never noticed it? What if men like George Lincoln Rockwell, William Luthor Pierce, etc. were inadvertently inspired by some subconscious subversion in society which lead them down the paths they took? What if the same is happening to us right now? What if this recent rise in White Nationalism is their doing? What if they're the ones controlling the memes now? What if the jews are losing control?

What a time to sharpen up on my German.

You can't even handle the Hesse people.

Dubs checked, I want to fucking believe so bad.
But if they had conquered whatever nazi base in Antartica, wouldn't that be a reason for the "no unsupervised visits to Antartica" rule the flat earthers throw around? Maybe there's a base there, and they've stole their secrets. Either that or they're too fucking scared and this is why the military industrial complex gets so much money.

It does not matter to us. We need to win, with or without nazi UFOs. Let's pretend those don't exist and fight on, they will come back once we prove we can win. We don't know, maybe they need our help.

If you study current events and history, you know WW2 never ended, it just went cold.

Nazis may shit shitposting from another time and space.

Maybe they just have the earth rigged to blow at the poles so the Jew does not fuck with them because they knew the Nazis would actually do it if they fucked with them.

Does nobody else think that Truman declaring peace with Germany to congress in 1951 is pretty clear indication of cessation of hostilities against a non existent enemy? The reason it wasn't immediately declared like with Japan is because the soviets were sperging out over the territorial details. Germany as an independent country ceased to exist, effectively, but war against the third reich was clearly ended in all capacities. It's still an occupied territory to this day.

I, unfortunatly, can't show you a scan of my own one because i don't know how to black out my personal information securely, but i have the very same thing on my desk right now.

But i can guess the reson why it looks like that, and i just double checked my own paper, is because of the way that you actually get this paper.

What you need to know is, that there is no afficial application that you can send in in order to get that piece of paper.
There is also no information on any “offfical“ site that this even exists. You already have to know that you can even request this / you have to find a secondary source.

What you have to do in order to get this is to write a formless letter to that register (acutally the BVA) in cologne.
What they actually send you is is screencap from the entry that they seen on their computer.
The 3 Parts that look fake to you, are then addet to it, that is why they have a diffrent look.
They look much darker.

Also you need to keep in mind that some scanners might have some form of text recognition

Oh and I also remembert something. There is actually a video where someone is showing his own registry entry:

you can see the entry at 6:46

Are you German or do you speak German? because if you are/do I can send you some links with further information and refer you to some videos.

Don't know much about the details with Germany, but it's the same in the US with martial law having existed since 1863 and the "second" constitution forming in 1871.

I never understood why people want anarchy. Modern civilization is built on laws.

Just remember your relationships depend on your actions. You can't just "say" one thing while doing another or saying everything you did already "doesn't count".

But that's the entire point. If the current government of any place lacks the legal authority, why do people continue to participate? There's no point in violence when you can show that. Using violence only gives the government an excuse to retaliate, and they will and do.

Anyway, for anyone interested, check out It's mainly focused towards the USA but the methods can be used and applied anywhere.

By the time of the Berlin wall the eradication of the Germans had been halted.
The Brits had noticed what Churchill had signed them up for and had pretty much isolated him even before the next election threw him into the cold streets.
The Americans had been realised the Brits weren't onboard and that the Soviets were doing the opposite and realised "oh shit we need a roadblock" since the yanks didn't want Europe under Soviet control since that would fuck them over.

The organised extermination only lasted a few months to a year or two at the most.
At which point the Americans were panicking and throwing money at Germany to rebuild it so when the Soviets began expanding again they'd have something to hopefully choke on.

In effect the threat of the Soviets saved the Germans in western Germany from death.

It's probably a game of chess at this point. A secret cold war (no antarctic pun intended) between the forces of the Jewish led New World Order and Aryans and Vril race.

The French are worse rapist than the Russians.
This is true. The French let loose colonial niggers on the Rhineland to rape German woman after both world wars.