CA high schools having forced slavery reenactments

Tied up with tape in a dark room and forced to watch Roots. Seriously, this shit is happening.

This is clearly abuse.

When their slave fetish will reach the point when they will want to have "whitey" slaves?

This is literally required curriculum, parents too unless you want your kid to have a "problematic mild racism" sticker on his record! :^)

Wasn't Trump going to do something about education? Methinks he said something about it. Of course that cucked Jewboy fucker can't actually do anything…… but he tried

No white people interviewed.

I can't wait for the new batch of edgy teens to join us on Holla Forums.

These teachers are going to pull this rapey shit on the wrong hyperautist and get themselves stabbed to death with a No.2 pencil one of these days, just you wait.

Remember folks, get active in your town's school board or else libshit parents will push this agenda into every district hardcore.


at least he said he would try, overton window amirite

I would love to see a huge pushback against this crap, it's been going on for decades. I recall history class in mid '90s Milwaukee high school doting excessively on it, great way to foster resentment and divisiveness among the negro students. We were forced to re-enact some John Brown slave crap and I had to play the part of a slave owner abusing his slave. Real sick shit. At one point we had to watch Roots, at the part where Cunta Kinte says "what kind of man could do this to another man?" this black girl in the back of the class yelled out "WHITE MAN!" Majority white property tax payers paying to enforce white guilt in the school system. Felt like black history month was all year.

I went to school in southern california. When I was in US history in high school, the teacher made an impromptu crawl space in the classroom and had students get in it to show how the slaves were transported. We also had to watch roots in 5th grade.


When are they going to finally secede so Trump can invade them and sort their shit out?

Kek Trump should leave them be so they can collapse by them selves without American tax gibs. It will be another example of socialism failing (not true socialism, of course, that has never been tried)

They made mine reenact the holocaust. My kid comes home upset they'd put a band on her best friend and they couldn't speak. Holy fuck did I raise hell. I've heard they stopped after I yelled. Good.


I mentioned this in another thread but my European wife is taking ESL classes and instead of reading Huck Fin, Animal farm, moby dick etc. They are reading essays by nigger SJW attorney about how they came to become fighters for minority causes. For extra credit they can watch documentaries on the FERGUSON RIOTS. They even had an assignment where you paraphrase the author and the section was about how to argue with "rule of law" types (who are portrayed as having pathological issues).

And this was a fucking ESL class. I can only imagine what is going on in major universities.

This curriculum just creates more rebels. The left is losing its "hip" factor so unbelievably fast they're now taking to warning about far right influence on the internet like the soccer mom's in previous decades.

The current state of the left in a nutshell

We actually did this at our school in Florida. We went to a camp for bonding and friendship or whatever, and one of the days we did a slave reenactment game.

I must have been… 13? And the put us in a dark room and told us we were on a ship to be sold to slavers, but we all broke free and we had to take the underground railroad to get home. Everyone had a bunch of fun and it was like a HUGE manhunt game and when we got to 'Canada' at the end we got smores and stuff.

Nobody took it seriously but a 50 man manhunt game was awesome.

Wait'll they find out Roots was written by a white man about his own ancestors.

Looking forward to the mandatory consent classes where the students are tied up and teachers simulate gang rapes.


Their narrative is collapsing all around them and they are doubling down. Although I would decapitate the teacher who did this to my kid with my dick, from the outside looking in I see the desperation. They are blatantly using trauma based mind control on these kids. It only exposes it as real to normalfags. Then they start questioning all the stories they've heard over the years about secret abuse and conditioning by (((authorities))). These cunts are not getting their mongrel-race utopia no matter how hard they try.

Bam instant backfire

talk about child abuse and brain washing

The untermensch are making the severity of reprisals increase with each incident.

Lets show Passion reenactments.
Bonus for gimp looking Kikes.

Their mistaking silence for compliance has enabled nothing but cruelty, they will live and die with cruelty as their only mark on this earth.


It's not child abuse if you do it to white children to force them to agree with your personal politics :^)

Yeah at this point, running into a high school and murdering everyone is perfectly justifiable. I'm not saying to go and do this now, only that I wouldn't look down on you if you did.
