The US Navy doesn't have enough shekels to afford its old $30.000 controllers so it is now forced to use $20 video game controllers.
The US Navy doesn't have enough shekels to afford its old $30.000 controllers so it is now forced to use $20 video game controllers.
What is schlomo doing with it?
Are they actually forced or is it just cheaper? If it works and it's $20 I'm for it, why spend a shitload of money when you don't need to? Yes, even if you already have a lot - because then you don't have a lot because you've pissed it all away for the sake of it.
What the fuck does a 30 thousand dollar controller do that a cheap one doesn't? I could duct tape a fleshlight to an xbox controller for 150 bucks, charge 850 for the service, and still save them 29 thousand dollars.
Just… what the fuck. And you know there was a Jew involved. I don't need to see his beak, his name, or even his fucking menorah tattoo on his mangled cock to know there was.
probably works better
everyone on earth knows how to use an xbox controller
Nothing, this is the state of the MIC. They overcharge literally a thousand-fold. /r/ing the pic of an user whose CO worked out he could get replacement parts for a helicopter for a slim fraction of the price direct from a local manufacturer - and the CO got demoted for his discovery.
Is trump too much of a good goy to address this?
It doesn't really make sense for him to upset the MIC too much at this early stage. First he has to take down Congress.
The $30k price tag is to cover (((certifications)))
They have to test every piece of equipment for 1million hours to make sure it's safe and fit for service
Just buy like 10 spares then. It's still going to be 100x cheaper.
Maybe the digital thumb stick does not develop drift after two weeks of use. kek
>(((fighting for diversity and togetherness)))
(((black budget))) ISIS and shills… probably among other things
Jews are going to be mad at the navy for choosing the cheap method.
I think most military units that have to control something easy use a gamepad.(drones f.e.)
Why blow 30K when all of your soldiers know a common gamepad much better and dont need 20 hours of "where the buttons are on our 30K magic-pad"
Sage for this not being something new.
Oy vey, my shekels! You need to buy my product because muh security!
Talked to a friend who's an old Navy tech. He said this happens all the time since the Navy has a specific contract with a company to make "sure" that specific 3,000 bolt on the helicopter is "verified" (Cue hand washing movements) for military use. Why they couldn't use that 3,000 to buy 3,000,000 bolts and test each one for an order of magnitude of the tension exerted, I don't know. Fucking military contracts are bullshit.
Imagun and so on
This reminds me when the gov started buying PS3s, why not buy intelshit in bulk?
It's such horseshit. Needless parallel r&d for things that have off the shelf alternatives is the biggest moneysuck there is. Pierre Sprey said he already designed an air superiority fighter with off the shelf only equipment and he thinks we could do it for $5 million per, maybe less, and would best anything in the sky. I believe him too. Can't wait till a real shooting war when someone just hires halfway competent engineers and btfos the west hard. Like Hezbollah war, but bigger and more embarrassing.
Every branch runs out it's budget on purpose so they can ask to raise it next year.
And Ma said playing vidya was not a work skill.
Guess what Ma…
Or maintain and keep the budget as is, because if it's not spent then the budget gets cut.
Checks out. :^)
Whatcha sliding moishe? We saved a few shekels. Too fucking bad.
The welfare should be cut instead of military budget. Welfare is the biggest waste tax money.
military contracts are the biggest kike scams on the planet. When I was in a $10 cable you could buy at radioshack cost $3000. We could could not purchase the cable at radioshack. It had to come through the military supply for that exact amount of money through that exact supplier. It took 3 months to arrive.
This was not a fringe case. This was every case. The piece of shit laptops the military had were also $3500. They were standard off the shelf $300-400 laptops.
Well everything is gonna get cut soon, maybe even today since the Fed is going to answer "will they or won't they?" later today.
exNavyFag here. Pretty much all Sailors play games when they are deployed. They already know and have the muscle memory with the xbox controller.
It would be like creating a computer and designing a new style keyboard not in the asdf format. Most people would have a hard time learning a new keyboard layout.
What the military did here was reinvent the keyboard with the original joystick prototype. There isn't a reason to reinvent a keyboard so they went with a standard option: an xbox controller.
Are you trying to imply Micro$oft isn't a Jewish company?
Good but jews aren't going to like this because it mean loss shekels for (((them))) so what will the Navy will do about this?
This is one of the most infuriating things about the government, and it works at every level of government.
My dad was the maintenance manager for a regional government. During his first year the finance guy came into his office yelling at him because he hadn't spent enough money. Dad was like 'wtf, but I did my job, all the buildings have been taken care of, I didn't need the money.'
He ended up making my dad buy a bunch of expensive powertools that they don't need and new trucks for no good reason, other than to spend the money.
This is the thinking process of a decadent, late-stage empire.
They made money on all the old 360 controllers that were sitting and collecting dust. They didn't lose anything. If anything, they pawned off old stock and gave themselves room for future obsolesence when they cannot supply any more of the old controllers, forcing an upgrade to the old xbone controllers they have left over when they move onto the next system.
Jews play the long game. Plastic gathering dust doesn't make shekels.
Ok there comes a point where the Jewish question becomes silly. Jews are behind all the major geopolitical conflicts, all the degenerate media, the corrupt banking system.
I don't think they were directly involved in the decision to switch to xbox controllers.
this is not really an argument, any controller that plugs into a pc could probably be used and once microsoft runs out of old 360 controllers they'll switch to chinkshit controllers from ali-express.
also this
Really jew? There was no argument to be had. I simply stated there will be no jews losing money on this because of the reasons given.
Getting kind of defensive there moishe.
I'm sure it was pure fucking coincidence.
You think the 360 ones weren't made in China?
so what? practically everything bought and sold nowadays makes the kikes money, it's not really a suprise. In my interpretation the point of this thread is to show the ridiculousness of the MIC, the fact that a piece of $30k equipment can be replaced by a $20 dollar toy is the outstanding part of the story, not that kikes are losing money.
besides that, the 20 dollars paid to microsoft are probably a lot closer to the material worth of the product than the 30k they'd have to pay other wise, you can bet that 99.999% of that is going straight into the pockets of some lazy kike in the form of administrative costs, whereas with the xbox controllers there is probably a profit marge of 90% so in the grand scheme of things the amount of money that is pocketed by some yid who didn't do any work for itis definately smaller (though still existant) when buying microsoft controllers.
yeah they probably were but my definition of chinkshit is knock off products meant to imitate larger brands
Are these the $20 xbox controllers, or are these the $3000 dollar mil spec xbox controllers?
The reason for that is that next fiscal year the budget would be reduced to below what they actually need. My dad was involved in it a lot for army Intel. Departments and agencies blow their remaining money towards the end of the year so they don't get ducked next year.
It amazes me how businesses can figure out how to spend just enough, and allocate funds for emergencies, but the government is hell bent to be retarded. jews, MIC, liberals
Its the US user.
As an American, I can assure you - if the US involved, there's always a Jew involved. Its basically by definition. We've got like half the world's supply of fucking Jews in this country, and somehow, these kikes manage to get their rat-claws into every fucking pie there is worth more than a dime.
im surprised they are able to get around the government contract jewish circle jerk that is getting parts in the military. I used to be in the navy, you would be fucking floored by how much ANYTHING costs, its all money laundering, but yall know that already. Hundreds of dollars for a pack of simple screws, 10k for a couple of 50cal covers, fuel costs literal millions. also, we still used old school tape readers for crypto. those machines were made in the 80s and put in the ship in 1992. Our navy is a BIG FAT MESS
not even getting into some of the retards I used to have to work with. holy shit.
Ironically trying to penny pinch to the extreme ultimately causes more money to get spent.
This. Why the fuck did they cost 30 grand in the first place?
Just wait for the second term before his actual inauguration.
Absolutely fucking disgusting, they should use ps4 controllers instead.
In what aspects?
This is just a tip of the iceberg of how the military loses all of its money through frivolously expensive contracts.
Corrupt generals, contractors, senators and congressmen are scheming and robbing the tax payer while simultaneously neutering the military's combat effectiveness.
We need a milbro Shrekli.
QWERTY is shit. All NAVY ships should have Dvorak be standard, in order to ensure no RSI issues rise up in their wrists which would prevent them from handling their main and side-arms.
What do they do when the batteries die every 4 hours?
Yeah, brilliant.
What do they do when the entire submarine red rings? "Sorry captain, fucking microsoft faggot nigger shit system. Send it back to the manufacturer and it'll be back in 10 months."
You guys know jack shit about how any of this works. There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with being practical. Those are Xbox One Controllers, perfectly capable of their task they are set out for, which is rudimentary equipment interface. Microsoft is a really shitty company, but they are also the only American company that mass-produces capable controller interfaces for such equipment, it only makes sense. Just because you have the money to spend doesn't mean you should
I can tell you that the entire procurement process is the most convoluted and utterly shitastic methodology imaginable. Not only does the gov pay 3x what a civilian does, but it pays for every level of extra warranty and license offered. Then, the equipment will sit in a warehouse for a year or three before actually being distributed. (by then said material is usually out of date and likely out of warranty) If you go around said-system, then you better hope to god you don't get caught or you'll get hammered; possibly jail time even.
This. The 360 controller has been seeing military action for ages and there is nothing wrong with that.
Why hello there acquisition-san, I heard you love design artifacts!
Development costs are spread across the production run. Tens of millions of xbox 360 controllers were made, so the share of their price that represents the engineering cost is practically nothing. But an ultra-specalized piece that is only made in the low double-digits doesn't have that advantage. There are also other one-time costs that get amortized across production, such as the cost of making molds for plastic, tooling for machinery, etc.
That's why there's such a big push for COTS stuff these days. If there's something that's close to what you need widely available on the market already, unless you need thousands of the things, it will probably be cheaper to just buy it than to try and duplicate the effort yourself.
What they didn't point out is that the tech was bought when computers were less advanced and costs you a fuckton, the $30,000 (from the time when computers cost you much more) controller also had an expensive specialized computer inside when the subs had a less advanced computer system and now the controller doesn't need it's own expensive onboard computer which used to interpret the submarine commands as the subs already have much more advanced computers on board of which you can control with a simple video game controller.
>"That joystick is by no means cheap, and it is only designed to fit on a Virginia-class submarine," said Senior Chief (((Mark Eichenlaub)))
This isn't being used to control the sub.
They are replacing the traditional periscope with an HD camera, LCD monitors, and an Xbox controller. Since kids play 1000's of hours of video games using this interface is the natural choice. They where probably able to operate the system with 30 seconds worth of training.
If you're interested in defense/nasa contracting spending:
BRB. Writing new xbox controller firmware for the Chinese government.
topkek. Zogbot logic at it's best.
Wow, Holla Forums is always right, I forgot Dvorak's leading opponents were all Jews.
Saving so much money, hiring government contractors and firing the CBs
Urgh…If Germany win the war II then maybe we wouldn't be in this mess. It's a such messy situation we are in now so why bother with the current politic? US need to be fascist and conquer the colonial white majority countries.
A plane can only turn and climb as hard as the squishy human component in it can stand, if a nation built a fleet of good air to air drones any fighter would be BTFO'd and they could be piloted with xbox controllers
Several years back there was an user that was awarded $80,000 because he emailed and called his congressman like 20 times a day and wrote him once a week complaining that his local Social Security office was purchasing these over priced low quality Vietnamese made modem/routers and wanted them to switch to this US made one that was better quality and over half the price less.
It's important for the government to responsible, affordable alternatives. One of the many problems is that when the government is doing something like over paying for something it doesn't need or should have to pay that price for its usually because someone arranged for some kind of kick back deal that fucks us the tax payers up.
Bullshit narrative to drive up their funding
Keep telling yourself this. Things like Dilbert exist precisely because of the utterly retarded management that is the norm in companies. It's the same incompetence that is seen in jewed governments, only businesses can pay higher wages to get actual competent people for key positions and do not have to bother with fields that are inherently unprofitable, so they superficially seem to be better because they make money becasue you don't see the enormous waste from outside.
Assign nearly any board of directors with a typical government task, ie. distribute a set budget to accomplish something that will not yield any direct returns with no budget to hire top engineers to make sure your retarded ideas are actually turned into something that works, and you'd see the same results. The moral of the story is after all kikes are killed whatever form the government after has it needs to have principle that the top competence of whatever the field is should be working in the government, wage or political affiliation be damned, becasue the effects are so greatly amplified. One retard drawing up say a retarded building code is going to hamper millions of workers, while one that's designed by one competent man is going to increase productivity for those millions.
Assuming that these controllers are made in America and not in China, I don't see the problem here.
No newfag, they weren't. They were behind the part where the equivalent of a basic bitch Xbox controller was costing the taxpayers 30k a pop.
Solution: Stop buyin retarded shit like the f35, ddg1000, Ford-class, LCS, and railguns from shit company's like lockmart. Can't have that though can we? :^)
Good point. The most probable cause for this is that the cocknozzles working for the DoD are likely charging half a million on R&D for SUPER DEFENSE READY FORCE MULTIPLYING DEFENSE CONTROLLERS, and some crusty old fuck writing the cheques noticed them using a game pad in a pinch and decided to force them to use it on everything.
As if GPS spoofing weren't bad enough, the chinks can now steer the US Navy to safety. What a time to be alive.
Welfare is a bigger waste because it's actually funding the problem. Which we must spend more to fix. So it's even worse than just throwing the money away. Cutting welfare and throwing away that amount of money would be better.
Exactly this.
true. every cap, every resistor, every led.
Buying military surplus electronic components guarantees long life parts
and the XBOX controller has been field tested by nerds for billions of hours.
yfw XBOX is actually outsourced military product testing via global populations. (same same as CIV and hotel manager)
This really, Dvorak a best.
Because of the military industrial complex. Come on anons. This is pre-JQ level redpill stuff. Even ledditors understand the military industrail complex. What should really upset you if you're just thinking about this for the first time are the broader implications: consider the unnecessary cost of this controller. Now realize the fact that this kind of 1000x overcharging is done for every nut and every screw and every 10 million dollar missile in the US arsenal. Now realize all of this money goes to fund hidden technologies used to keep George Soros alive indefinitely while the plebs die of cancer at age 40… free energy tech, time tech, spiritual tech, dimensional tech… an entire hidden world funded off the labor of the visible world.
they aren't using PS2 controllers instead?
This. $38,000 for each unnecessarily complex custom joystick. I see nothing wrong with this unless some crucial element is sacrificed
I've read this.
Amazing link
Paying for all that gibsmedat military hardware sent to Israel and terrorists.
The reason everything is so expensive is due to contracting. It cost us 400 dollars to get a hammer once, but that was just for this base. Other places spend billions on systems that cost thousands for civilians.
Found the truth in the service.
t. Navynigger.
shouldve been N64 controller instead
if it works and is cheaper then use it.
if it is inferior then there's a problem, otherwise good, more money for other shit.
But can you swap out the filthy console peasant controls for mouse+WASD?
I'm going to submit a bid for like-new XB1(((TRADEMARKED))) controllers to the navy for a STEAL at only $36k each and see whether I get a (((response))) - wish me luck, Holla Forums!
>mfw I become regional warlord and sell my shittest non-functional missiles to (((ZOG))) and charge them six gorillion percent markup
for a higher-res picture I'm afraid I'm going to have to charge you $1,000, goys. Each. That's the FRIEND price!
It's only a ten dollar difference. What's the point of this thread?
xbox controllers are actually really good flight controllers, better then even most HOTAS
t. 6 million hours on flight sims
same here, come at me zog i will decimate them at a 1/10000th price that they pay
Cue the backdoored chinkshit controllers
The US budget is basically split three ways between Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security, and Military, with each taking up 30% of the budget, while everything else runs on the last 10%. Both of you are correct.
They were sold AT A LOSS by Sony, which expected to recoup the money on game sales, in order to put the foot in the door, so to speak.
After all, if you buy a game console, it's a given you will buy games for it, right?
Also, the CPU in the PS3 is based on what then was state-of-the-art server hardware, and being so standardized, you can do some sweet optimization, all the while knowing you will be able to get replacements for years to come…
And you are right, it's not worth the hassle learning a new layout.
Protip: most microshaft hardware is retired Israeli military tech, especially the kinect.
console controllers are demonstrably bad, they'd be better off using a keyboard and mouse, but if it gets more welfare queens killed I guess it's OK.
KGBfag hasn't learned Americans use commas. Plan better.
They better use these or else their Navy is doomed.
He's increasing military spending. He's so good a goy that he'll give kikes in the military-industrail complex even more money.
Unsurprising. All government contracts are like this:
Most of the "regulations" on government contracts are there only to make sure that only one, single company can fulfill all the terms, so that the politician in question can claim that there was no alternative. When the equipment provided turns out to be shit, the government will announce that more regulations (that will, again, further ensure only one company can supply it) will be put in place. This is why US military, despite getting an order of magnitude more funds than any other military in the world, is such a piece of shit.
This is a fairly standard tactic in not just USA.