Syria General
This thread is dedicated to the defiant struggle of the Syrian people against the forces of Religion of Cuck™ism, zionism and globalism.
May the sacrifice of the brave men of the Syrian Arab Army who gave their lives for the victory of Syria never be forgotten.
Yanks say they won't allow SAA to cross Euphrates
SAA crosses Euphrates anyway
SAA and SDF make new gains in Deir-ez-Zour: ISIS dogs being driven out
Kurds struck by righteous violence from babykilling SyAAF planes
New SAA operation to capture Iraqi border from ISIS: Iran-Iraq-Syria-Lebanon axis possible soon
Bashar al-Assad on the Utter Corruption of the West and Syria's Eastern Future:
Syrian President Bashar Al Assad: Interview with Japanese News Agency - 2017:
Syrian army crushing terrorists, clearing areas: Assad
DPRK condemns U.S. attack on Syrian airbase:
‘No compelling evidence’ that Assad used chemical weapons - MIT professor:
Hassan Nasrallah: with North Korea, Trump heads for nuclear world war:
Previous thread
Death to Israel!
Death to America!
Death to terrorists!
Long live Syria!
Long live Yemen!
Long live Palestine!
✪SYRIA GENERAL /SG/✪ Ziocuck Cleansing Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
If dubs Assad attacks SDF by next week
the saudisraeli niggers are pushing for war with iran again
unironically hope the norks or pakis gives them nukes
Is Hezbollah participating in the DeZ offensive?
Remember, whoever tries to shill for Kim and Trump but denies the importance of Assad's existence is an enemy not only of the West, but of sovereign nations the world over.
How will ZOG ever recover?
burgers release video of shooting down a syrian jet a few months ago
Are Kurds the niggers of the Middle East? Did they, at any point in history had a country of their own? Or were they always a backstabbing, disloyal cunts?
They got shat on in and around today's Iran, being under foreign rule, occassionaly making a failed revolt, then got under ottomans with whom they were good buds, and then failed to make their own country after Otto fell and are now back to being shit on by everyone, as they have for the past millenia.
"Kurd" isn't an ethnicity. It's just a bunch of travellers.
Kill yourself faggot
What kind of shit sandniggers OP is this shit?
Death to America
Are you sure you're in the right place?
Counter-bump retard/bot
whats wrong with the good old motto?
Death to america confirmed.
next president is in the orbituary
I've never understood why Syria generals were allowed.
Who the fuck cares about some desert shitskin mudslimes?
Lurk 50 more years before posting again.
May as well have an Africa general. At least actual niggers are more interesting in the stupid shit they do than sandniggers.
because the only one that gives a shit about retarded threads like
are dumbass burgers that think the earth is flat and 2017 years old
I said post after 50 years of lurking, not 3 minutes and 39 seconds.
syria right now is more important and relevant than whatever has been happening in the US for the last 10 years
gg ameriboys
Fucking checked. My country does need to die so white people world wide can take the future of our race back. The Phoenix must first die in order to be reborn.
Death to Jewmerica
Death to Kikes
Didn't know people you existed, cheers user. The US has been ZOG HQ for decades now, there is no political solution for that shithole. If the white race is to survive, and the others pacified, the Jew must lose their ability to enforce the petrodollar.
not bitching out they're maneuvering to block assad after saa crossed euphrates. gee it's almost like sdf does us bidding in syria
Well they said they wouldn't allow the SAA to cross the Euphrates, and bitched out and the SAA crossed. Now the SAA is closing in and they are bitching out again.
Remember most of their forces are stuck in Raqqa, they don't stand the slightest chance against the SAA with their current manpower.
This was supposed to be the second ISIS stronghold after Maadan, but I guess the pocketed ISIS forces are too small to hold even that!
checking those mighty fine dubs.
Maadan pocket when?
Does ZOG have any hope of succeding at this point? The SAA is stronger than ever. Russia is deeply entrenched in their airbases with a full layer of AA. ISIS is btfo, Al-Qaeda are btfo AND killing each other, the moderate groups are de-escalating and the turkroaches withdraw their mercenaries as we speak. Iranian influence is at an all-time high as Iraq becomes less and less dependent on the (((US))) while kikes autistically screech in their corner but everyone ignores them.
What do they have left, the kurds? They'll get BTFO by the SAA the moment they attempt something funny. And if the zogbots try to launch a bombing campaign to save them, they'll just get shot down by S-400s and Pantsirs.
It already is. Ferries across Euphrates are sitting ducks for RuAF
Pics related
Thread is compromised
Created by cuck imkampfy
Checked and kek'd
Already happened. They bombed the SDF aka FSA aka ISISlite faggots in euphrates.
Hezb in DeZ
Yes afaik. They help in many of the main conflicts.
Is it me, or are Ruskies becoming more and more accurate as time goes by?
This war has been important training for them, what with them having wahhabist free season for 2 years strait.
Kikes and Holla Forums pushing Assad vs Trump narrative are known shilling tactics.
nice derailing attempts tbh
Great OP by the way. It's working as intended. As usual, just ignore and filter (((them))).
Not only that but the anime faggotry is being pushed by shills who clearly arent regulars to /sg/
there is typically some anti-US sentiment but it is left out of the OP
For pic?
Spicy Saddam archive
theres like one or two shill fags that ever cone to sg tho. and they dont even shill good, they just go
and thats it, back there they just call everyone fascist.
however why would anyone on sg support trump?
/sg/ was always hardcore anti-zionist and anti-american dumbass. there was an influx of redditors during the elections that tought they could fit in and make a consensus change
no, thats how we always summarise articles.
but funny how you spot reddit spacing everywhere.
are you trying to D/C or are you implying the most quality posrs here are made by redditors?
Remember, Anti-USA doesn't mean Anti-USA Citizens but Anti-(((USA Government))).
This should be stressed more, and OP failed miserably at that.
Yet the OP didnt contain editorialized bullshit, typically just article titles highlighted
Check the last thread or the one before it, reddit spacing is not used and not accepted
Then it's possible Israel might bomb another "Iranian arms shipment" in the coming weeks, probably once the SAA+allies get close to Busayrah.
How likely is pic related to happen?
how close is Assad to final victory? And do you think war will break out between Iraq/Assad and the Kurds if they decide to break free (their military position is viable, right?)
I wonder (((who))) is behind this
Doubt it because now Iraq is balls deep in Syria too, RU sent those Migs over for a reason. Kikes won't dare to do so much with their incursions. Their last bombing raid was from Lebanon ffs, they didn't dare cross the border…
Pic related could be possible. After crossing Euphrates against US proxy faggot warnings, nothing is off the map now… those red lines mean nothing. Iraq, Iran, Syria, Russia, Hezb and local militias are all together now… that's one hell of a juggernaut. Hilarious seeing US own shit being used against themselves too.
Kurds are last once ISIS is mopped up. USA will not support them against Turkey, especially when God Emperor just mentioned supporting Turkey and Lebanon (aka Hezb) (kek) in UN.
Video related
Counter sage btw, this OP is the highest quality we've had in a while
If the kurdroaches try to break out, they'll just get raped from all sides by SAA, turks and Iraqis. The US won't start a nuclear war to save the fucking kurdroaches so they'll just bail out and the Rothschilds will autistically screech for decades to come.
(self checked)
Kek says the commie kurdroaches are fucked
Self checking these quints O_o
So it is confirmed. Kurdroaches are on death row.
The prospect of a war between Assad and Rojava is fairly unlike assuming there aren't any violent (((cohenincidences))) along the way.
They'll probably reintegrate into the nation with limited self-governance since no one in the region especially Erdogan wants to deal with some barely recognized wannabe nationstate consisting entirely of stolen territory living off Israeli credit.
I am unsure about Iraq, though recent events propose a dire outlook.
Do you like watermellons, user?
Fucking lel.
The tiniest bit of autism bled through then. I blame Keks' memetic energy for that.
New Southfront
Video related
Netanyahu also viwed to include changes to the Iran nuclear deal or to cancel it.
Israel is deeply concerned over the growing influence of “Shia forces” in the Middle East and espeically in Syria. Since the start of 2017, the Israeli leadership has repeatedly tried to find a Russian support to solve its regional problems and to limit the Iranian influence n Syria. However, Tel Aviv has not achieved this goal so far.
Phoneposting, sorry for the fucked up greentexting
This is a death sentence for Syria's territorial integrity.
And besides, the Ruskies have many un-announced gains.
Gee… I wonder who?…
Holy fuck these ruskies are badass.
As a result of the offensive a platoon of Russian military police (29 men) was blocked in the Idlib de-escalation zone and was repelling attacks for several hours.
What if I support Assad and hate weebposters?
What was the output of Taybeh and Jafra?
I heard that the Omar field near Mayadeen provided close to 60% of Syria's entire prewar Oil revenues.
They will still try to expand no-fly-zones and hope to provoke WW3.
And for what. Russia has better nukes and air defenses.
Can't find the ouput now, but it is Syria's largest field by a very long shot.
If the k*rds (and consequently, the US) get their hands on it, it is game over for a unified Syria.
Lel, how the hell do they stop them establishing bases exactly? How does that even work?
They hope that the Russians will kick Iran out.
However, they seem to forget that Russia is a very close ally of Iran.
And, despite the fact that Russia is still technically a ZOG, Russian tenacity for re-establishing themselves on the global stage will not let them just abandon Iran and lose all those geo-political power points that they have gained these latest years.
Russians are sometimes bigger jews than the jews themselves. See Crimea.