Climate alarmists have finally admitted that they’ve got it wrong on global warming
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A shame we're weak and don't punish people for being assholes any more.
gore is eating all of the carbon
Al's cholesterol is the real inconvenient truth.
They’ve admitted for years that the goal is the genocide of all whites through the destruction of ONLY western industry.
I warned people about this since the beginning.
Well, this explains North Korea acting up. WWIII really is going to happen.
So, Trump was right about the Paris Accord and now the whole "free world" is forced to admit it?
I wouldn't go that far. Normalfags have been conditioned to believe the world will end if "we don't do our part", despite the fact that significant majorities of current and future CO2 emissions come from China. The Paris Accord also featured additional expenses for the US in the form of funding third-world green energy projects. Meanwhile, scientists in the west were quick to latch onto Obama-era research grants created by sympathetic EPA "climate scientists", perpetuating the global warming hysteria.
>(((they))) were aware of this study
>(((they))) come up with plan to turn trillion$ into 2 celsius decrease in global temperatures
I have to admit, it was a brilliant plan
They saw the opportunity and they took it. No one would have known the scam wasn't true if Hillary had won
Gee, you mean California won't be underwater by 2007? The arctic ice won't melt by 2013? No 50 million climate refugees by 2010? You mean they lied?
Nobody takes you serious after it was proven the NOA lied through their teeth and committed fraud with the data.
Those aren't climate refugees, that's white genocide! Can we start dumping iron into the sea? We're built for winter, let's get chilly.
Fuck off, the democrats are fully engorged with China and worship them, even the leftists in Europe do so. They are all closet commies. Trump might go to war with NK but china would protect their vassal state without question, with nuclear force. If the people in China revolt, NK is their safe haven.
i doubt it. they'll just spin it to say
user, do you remember the researcher's name? i'm trying to find the jewtube video but having some trouble
1960: We are heading to a global ice age by the year 2000.
1980: We are heading to a major heat wave that will create massive deserts in Europe and America.
2000: We iz climate kangs, we change willy nilly noaw.
Please clap!
nevermind. i found it. here's a good video to back up your claims
global warming is indeed a pile of steaming dog shit. it's an attempt at global redistribution of wealth through carbon taxes and things like the paris accord
This is completely predictable. It's the same thing that happened when "global cooling" of the 80s didn't pan out. Notice how they've started to push the more neutral term "climate change" instead of the more specific ones.
They are not going to stop. Climatology is a bogus science through and through but try to make university drones understand or admit that. There's too much invested in this new "original sin" version for them to ever back down. Climate change hysteria is here to stay.
Manbearpig Scientists forced to admit he may not exist.
That how kikes work. Changing linguistics to their liking. I remember years ago on college how even a teacher was crying about muh global warming and later named it "climate change". I called him out on it and he pretended like I was the crazy one for calling them out on their bullshit. He also loved that Al Gore documentary which is nothing more than muh feelings and other kikery.
China's a fucking paper tiger. The US could be personally annexing NK and turning it into the 51st state and China's best move would still be not to play.
The second that China and the US start directly flinging bombs and bullets at eachother is the moment the US bans chink imports and their economy will be fucked for decades.
Not to mention the bulk of their billion plus population live in 3 tiny river valleys and could be essentially destroyed by the contents of a single Ohio class sub.
So they're finally starting to admit the data doesn't stack up against the models? Odd. I thought they would keep peddling this lie for much, much longer. Must be more and more evidence that the whole thing is bullshit is piling up and they are attempting to save face. Anons that said 2018 will be the year normies finally get to know that climate change was a big con all along. Looks like that will be happening.
Fucking Jews man.
Ice Age is real
Geologist and Climatologists have been putting out far more conservative models for two decades, but the faggot "climate scientits" working for NASA and the UN just keep publishing the same shit over and over again despite their models being non-predictive even of the last 5 years or so.
We know that kikes are against industry, jews don't run steel mills, mines, oil rigs, or chemical manufacturers. Kikes and liberals run media and services(and run them into the ground lately) it dosen't even require a conspiracy on their part to give them ample interest in destroying the livelyhood of white men. Remember that 95% of those employed in agriculture, manufacturing, or resource extraction are white males. We produce every materially valuable product in this society. They just shuffle money back and forth while profiting from our largess.
anyone got the original article so I can fucking destroy a political party tomorrow before the new zealand election on saturday?
No shit. I always found it ridiculous that people focused so much on CO2 and not on real serious pollution that actually affects people daily. I guarantee that part of all this was to take focus away from all the real pollution.
Like imagine if pollutants in water had the amount of funding (((climate change))) receives.
Inb4 this is swept under the carpet and we're back at "muh consensus" and "3 years left before the damage is irreversible"
Almost like paying pajeet grad students to cook up papers based on faulty computer models to provide support for goals of the United Nations is not real science.
Isn't that exactly what happened with An Inconvenient Truth? I know he even made a sequel years after we were supposed to be underwater.
Yeah, but then you don't get to expand international regulatory power and banking silly goyim!
My stupid little sjw city is fucking huge on all this alarmist bull shit.
So I stood up in front of the council meeting and basically told them that heating our swimming pool was the largest use of energy that the city utilized. It is far more energy than all the other usage combined IE street lights, heating/cooling a couple buildings, police vehicle gas etc. I then proceeded to transform total energy usage for heating to CO2 generated and came up with a paltry amount like 10 tons of CO2 emitted. Then I proceeded to calculate the total amount of CO2 all the residents breathed out which was about a thousand tons/year and proceeded to try and show the city and the council that what they were fucking with was 3 orders of magnitude less than what the people generated. And probably for most average homes the residents put out more CO2 total than all the energy they use for their homes.
Can any one see where this should lead us to my fellow anons?
This public display of mathamatical and logistic autism made them shut their brains down in fear of big smart head hurt. How did the pavement feel on your face after being laughed out of the council chamber and tossed off the hall steps by Chad?
Finally! Ive been fighting this since 08! Ive even had right wingers who fell for the bullshit. Ok cool. Ill be spreading this everywhere, and now i can smile a biy wider driving all my emissions-deleted cars :D
All planned out by the (Crypto Jewish) British Crown through the World Wildlife Federation.
I wonder how many people I've argued with will tell me I was right after all…
they own plenty. It's just keeping competition out and throttling the goyim is more important. Plus running down anything they but, where they can burn off decades of work and connections made by the original owners for extra shekels. What do they care about the husks they leave behind?
You don't understand how the indoctrinated mind works. They've been indoctrinated to believe we're heading toward an apocalyptic end of the world due to climate change, and it's all whiteys fault, and no change in position from their former authority will change that. They're set for life. Their positions will never change. If they remove even one building block that was used to construct the ideological wall in their minds, then the whole thing crumbles, and they'd sooner die than face what's on the other side of that wall. This is why I disregard leftie whites as sub-humans. Centrists are potential allies. Lefties will always be enemies.
None. They'll twist this to fit their old narrative and say current measures against climate change are good because the end result is an improvement, of some sort. The means of getting there will, like before, be disregarded, and they will still support and legal changes and increases in taxation. They're never wrong and you're always wrong, regardless of the evidence and who presents it. That's how it is.
Geez you could have guessed when the shores should be under a few feet of water 5 years ago.
Back to the same old tricks?
I know. I also pointed out the 'social justice' aspects they were pushing, I don't think they will drop those regardless of their lack of 'proven' science.
Don't do this.
"right wing" website not blacklisting those cancer words from the RNG.
This but that's only part of it.
The Kikes created "global warming" as a tool, a root justification for a whole gamut of anti-White policies to be enacted at the highest levels of government and society.
Not only are they destroying industry but the concept of "global warming" as a problem caused by Western consumption, serves as the basis for an entirely new kind of mass-immigration: "climate refugees" from areas, we are told, which were turned to desert by Mr and Mr's Wilson's family car and air conditioning.
As you can see, redistribution of wealth also heavily features in "climate solutions".
They should have all been exterminated when they stole the WWF from the actual WWF(WWE) who had been using it in media for decades before the lawsuit.
Go back to reddit and kill yourself for all to see.
It's a god damn travesty that we can't go fishing, and safely eat what we catch anymore.
Its also all a distraction from environmental issues that actually matter to whites. Top soil erosion/mineral depletion, water pollution, and toxins in the food supply. Elite get their food and water from premium sources so they couldn't care less about these issues and only do the bare minimum to keep a sufficient amount of goyim alive to meet their consumption goals.
the NGeo paper being cited, for posterity
Al Gore is looking fit lately. Must be living the good life. btw does anyone else think he has a cock the size of a tree root?
Checking that 5-digit palindrome.
No shit, Agenda 21/2030 is blatantly screams NWO.
Its all about putting power into the right (((hands)))
Checking that sweet prime number!
No doubt.
In college now and everyone in my debate class thinks climate change is real. I am the only one who is against and has to do a speech on it. Time for some redpills
That's like dripping a tiny container of food coloring in the ocean and expecting it to make a difference.
What will it take to un-brainwash all the non-scientifically-inclined idiots who believed in this hoax? Will Bill Nye and Black Science Man disavow?
Should be a proper shit show.
Based on previous Lügenpresse work, they will herd their sheep into another lie instead.
1970s Global Cooling -> (proven a lie) -> "It's not global cooling, it's worse! It's Global Warming!!!"
1990s Global warming -> (proven a lie) -> "It's not global warming, it's worse! It's Climate Change!!!!"
..repeat ad nauseam..
Redpill people, not classes.
If you present yourself like a professional, virile man then people are naturally more likely to drop their groupthink shields and actually listen to what you're saying. Address people when opportune times present themselves (talking politics) and it's hard not to sway them, assuming you know what you're talking about.
They have been trying the hardest for years though. Outside of the US, most normalfags still believe the lie of white people affecting the climate.
It's nice and all, but i always feel way too humble about my knowledge when it comes to details and shit, so that whenever there's a discussion and they come up with exaggerations and blatant lies, i can't refute them without striving away from the actual knowledge that i have.
Discussing politics with libtards is hard sometimes, because they have no trouble at all to blatantly lie to win an argument.
I know plenty, but when I try to vocalize it rather than type it, my mind goes blank. Probably because i'm so used to expressing myself with the keyboard these days rather than talking. I haven't had a significant conversation with anyone in a long time. I haven't spoken in front of a group since elementary school. I could sit here all day and never repeat myself, but in a conversation with a person face to face, my vocabulary cuts down to a third the size and my memory turns to shit. Pretty fucking annoying.
Remember recently, 'Elmo' was on the news for propaganda reasons? That's what Bill Nye is, a puppet for barely more mature targets.
Can't be done. Here is a video of Bill Clinton justifying climate change to a nigger role model. He "reasons" that since the majority of scientists say it's real, it's real. If one guy said child-restraint seats are bad, who would stop using them when everybody else says they work. He does this after talking about Darwin, the one guy who said humans evolved from bacteria, when everybody else was saying humans descended from Adam and Eve. The nigger just nods his head.
real url to real article.
Pol is not stupid the know real news - and it doesn't always come from breitbart.
http ://
We’re pretty smart here in this disused lavatory of the Internet, there has to be something that can be done. TV portrayals are one thing but the general public is split even among those who are aware of the issue at all.
Let’s put on our thinking caps here.
The article is behind a (((paywall))) so the link is useless but screenshots of the article are already posted
I've never understood the seeming misdirection of "climate change" when it's clear the actual problems are deforestation and pollution.
Which is it, Jews?
Too hard to impose a global tax about deforestation.
OP is a nigger, so I'll help make some sense of this. Here's the key takeaway from the abstract:
In other words, Drumpf is a big meanie-pants for pulling out of Paris, but there's still hope – if we radically reorder the entire global food distribution and energy supply networks, then maybe, maybe, in never-never land, it is not completely impossible to reduce carbon to where it was in the 1850s. Then, we'll be lucky if the global temperature only goes up enough to melt half of the world's remaining ice. Plus, we should have voted for Hillary.
In other words, this heavily politicized document is politicized in the way opposite the one OP that faggot thinks it is, but the science part of it still predicts catastrophic global warming.
Got that? Political whingeing aside, this paper's best case scenario is for a revolution in how we emit carbon, crash reductions by 2050, and maybe we'll wind up in "eh, we're not totally fucked" territory.
Fucking nigger
The purpose is white genocide and economic and population control, not actually caring about the environment. Kikes can't into nature.
Nobody can, except Europeans, really. At least some of them get it.
Meanwhile, normalfags believe that hurricanes are caused by Trump being POTUS for a few months.
Interesting, thats exactly what Trudeau said
Did you present them with "a modest proposal"?
Anyone know how to get a PDF of it?
The latter when nature is on their side.
The former when nature isn't in line with their interests.
Weedman, like his dad, is a closet nazi.
keep that stuff on reddit
That makes me smile. Shitlibs were hoping Irma would be bad enough to destroy it.
Of course as a real estate expert he probably purchased or built it knowing it would be more resistant to weather than most other structures there.
look at how important this issue is to this cuck traitor, he went as far as wearing a vest with his suit. virtual signaling faggot.
Ayo Hol Up!
youz be saiyan
He Wuz Posseyedon N Sheeeit ?
Type the doi into
are you pleople fucking BLIND? the whole article has been posted ITT for a whole day now.
Basically I gave the mayor a thumb drive with tons of info papers videos etc on it.
He lost it so no one got the info, next plan of attack is go back to the council with a stack of DVD's and hand them out to everyone.
And even being an ancientfag there were no chads present that could even consider throwing me out.
Next step would be to investigate the solar panel project we have undergone and do a cost benefit to actual money spent and pretty much show it actually costs more to get free electricity than everyone thinks.
It has been a mother fucker ever since we figured out energy to be able to actually store energy. Unfortunately the best methods are now deemed evil.>>10637892
While we're on the subject, what in the name of hell is with this facebook page/company??
It repeats this "dimmer, safer skies" shit like a zombie mantra, bragging about already having an active genuine chemtrail system running all over the globe, i thought it was a troll page at first, but my shitlib retard workmates like it and the comments act serious about it.
Have any of you guys seen this before? it's a real concern, not to mention the bloody rosthchild link in the bottom left. Kikery abounds.
One of our troll pages.
its fuckin creepy if so. Like a super autist trying to be clever but coming across as Elliot Rogers.
Always blame the algorithmical entity.
you know, I was thinking the other day if china ever implodes that's going to be one hell of a fucking bloodbath. Not just actual rivers of blood, the landscape will be painted.
Checked that awesome ID!!
Just kidding torfaggot, nice digits tho, for a torfaggot, I guess.
So if climate change doesn't real then what the fuck is going on with coral bleaching?
Man made climate change isn't real. Climate change by natural causes is, it's what gives us things like Ice Ages.
Coral bleaching is due to pollution, not climate change. They are not the same, and when you realize it you realize all these climate change people are not arguing to make the Earth better by reducing pollution. They are only arguing that you should reduce a very specific type of pollution that a specific set of companies can reduce.
Is it really due to pollution that the ocean's average temperature is increasing enough to bleach large swathes of coral? A recent documentary "Chasing Coral" showed that the bleaching was directly related to temperature.
I completely agree that climate change is a natural process that isn't controlled by man, I'm just trying to get an idea of why the ocean temperature could be increasing so drastically in the last few years if it really is due to pollution.
if they still think it's a good idea to use Elmo for propaganda, we haven't done nearly a good enough job of reminding the world that the creator/voice/puppeteer of Elmo was a literal child-fucking faggot nigger who had to quit when the children he'd fucked started coming forward.
Are they trying to say the ebul russians are laying chemtrails from Tu-95s? In reality the bear is so loud that the clouds part out of fear.
No, fuck them, force them to stick to failing arguments