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forgot pic
kikes invest in shit like this to control the goyim. think you can just drive off innawoods when the iron hammer of communism tries to slam down on you? think again. you're car's been shut down
Billions of dollars are going into self-driving vehicles because automating the transport of resources, some of which are human, will bring greater efficiency. The problem, of course, is that we're optimizing the existing solution instead of seeking a new one - Western civilization has become a turd continually being polished.
Time crystals? Old as fuck.
Kek theres no way the energy giants would allow free energy.
Wally was fucking right
Always fun with some science fiction from the Jewish modern universities. Those guys have awesome imaginations, too bad their shit doesn't work in the real world because that would have been really cool.
How is this remotely related to zero point energy.
On a more related note zero point energy is theoretically at least simply the physical manifestation of spacetime, it's literally the energy it takes for any point in reality to exist.
These are ground state oscillators, dumb ass. Go ahead and suggest a way to harvest energy from them.
You think thats crazy? Just wait til saturday. Being the beginning of the reign of chaos… who knows maybe it will begin with some moments of every atom existing in all possible locations at the same time in the same location.
Free for (((us))) to create doesn't mean free for you to consume, there's licenses and future research to consider goy.
and dont forget carbon footprint
This sounds like Final Fantasy or something
OP, do you even understand what this is? It's not ground state energy. It is a dinamic equilibrium of quantum states provoked by an external and periodic interaction via laser.
Also, energy exists in many forms and seems impossible to create or destroy, so all energy had come from "nowhere".
I sincerely hope this was bait, and the dumbass here it's me and not you, OP.
kys faggot
There are thousands of unexplained phenomena in this universe with potential for all kinds of shit. It's not going to lead anywhere until the current dark age passes and we have a new age of enlightenment. That's probably some centuries off even if we don't become genocided first.
newfags go home
the fucking name
I understand about half of that but I laughed pretty hard at your second sentence in combination with that gif.
So it's literally nothing?
Was just thinking the same.
So we can say time isn't actually real or at least, its only relative to us. So if this rod ytterbium ions fluctuate with time, does that mean we can measure the fluctuations? Would it actually give us a real universal clock? it would be convenient with this discovery.
If faggotry was a type of energy, you could power an entire city OP.
Actually, I have.
To use energy you have to have a difference in energy. E.g. In hydropower water is dropped from high (high energy) to a low place (low energy). Zero point energy as the name implies is the lowest energy point and is therefore not useable for practical things
If this was significant it likely wouldn’t be announced, invested interests wouldn’t allow it. There is the chance that it has just slipped through the net, no matter, for if the significance of this discovery becomes clear it will disappear.
We can use this as a barometer for the relevance of this discovery, if it continues to be discussed by mainstream science and media then there are no likely ramifications in terms of utilising this knowledge in a way that could impact anything other than our understanding of physics. If however this disappears and is never publicly discussed again then it is probably momentous.
As it stands with the near universal bent priorities and corruption of Governments the world over, our best hopes are for an eccentric Bob Lazar type private tinkerer to discover Zero Point and just release the information to the world. It’d be a shit show, the scramble to suppress the technology from being developed would be immense (I imagine the usual suspects would start WW3 in an effort to stop it) but there would be a chance.
How do you even count that much wiggling? Give me something that shakes like once per second, please.
You can't use it to power perpetual motion machines if that's what you're asking. It's just a type of matter where the lowest energy state is some sort of periodic motion, meaning you'd have to put energy in to stop it.
Yet another kike working overtime.
This is fucking crazy, how have I never heard about this before?
Can't wait
If by amazing you mean medieval then yeah.
And a second is only relative to us being specifically on Earth and not something like Mars.
didn't someone dust a girl ever discovering this before?
Because if driverless vehicles are about to get popular because they're going to be cheap and power themselves then OF FUCKING COURSE THERES A JEW BEHIND IT
With kikes, science has become a farce.
They'll probably use it to power faggot vibrators.
Sounds cool. Looking forward to being a member of the RWDS.
so where is our warp capable city ships
space elevator we need a new thread
In 1884, meridian time personnel met
in Washington to change Earth time.
First words said was that only 1 day
could be used on Earth to not change
the 1 day bible. So they applied the 1
day and ignored the other 3 days.
The bible time was wrong then and it
proved wrong today. This a major lie
has so much evil feed from it's wrong.
No man on Earth has no belly-button,
it proves every believer on Earth a liar!!
Checked. What drugs are you on? I want in.
Which is why you never leave the woods in the first place.
Those are interesting digits
it's not zero energy, because it's not a closed system
Just because zero point energy is a thing doesn't mean the Bible is wrong you stupid faggot. Zero point energy, however large, is still finite. Also this doesn't prove zero cube theory, just that zero point energy is real which has been known since telsla.
Completely and 100% this
wew lads
Explain what it is then. And how it works.
Fuck you.
please user I just want to know
It's ramblings of a paranoid schizophrenic that's been adopted as having esoteric significance by edgy brainlets.
Give a starting point if you won't just tell Holla Forums directly.
this is enough
No I meant on the cube shit. Not on zero point energy being a real thing you fag.
The key to understanding time crystals, beyond the click-bait normie TL;DR model that you get in the OPs press release, is Dr. Julian Barbour's Timeless Physics (the non-meme version of Timecube). Not everyone here has a mind honed to understand it coherently, but some will be able to. Good luck.
My search ended me with a 96-hour Cubic Day. Is that good?
This… huh….
I can't exactly get my head around all of it, but ya know glimmers and light and all popping up here and there in my head at different points, leaves me curious.
I should really start studying physics, especially quantum physics, with my spare time rather than posting here or playing vidya. Not that I care anything about setting up some doom laser in my back yard or anything, but instantaneous travel between points A and B would be the real deal for me. Go anywhere, visit anyone, (no more fucking awful 45m drive to work). If the end result was the ability to literally just "pop over" to some unexplored world just imagine the things we could accomplish as Holla Forums there (no kikes or niggers getting in the way), doubly so if we could just pop buildings/things into existence with a few pieces of technology or our minds or whatever.
Of course on the other hand, if such things were to become real, what would be the point of human life at that point? I mean, our entire existence has been about survival up until recently, at which point it become about acquiring "things" of various natures (wealth, pleasure, fame, etc).. what would be the nature of our existence once we hit the point we could just poof into existence anywhere we wanted at any time, or do the same for anything we wanted (ai waifu robot becomes real instantly?)…. what then is left except to experience/explore until we've nothing left to experience/explore?
Sorta reminds me of the "Q" from the star trek series. Omnipotent beings who can do anything at any time they wish, go anywhere even through time, and by the time of the voyager series you find out their population has dwindled and stagnated due to lack of experiences left to experience, no places left to explore, and so you have a "Q" who wants to kill himself, and later on in that series you have the Q fighting a civil war because some of them are so afraid of change, while others want something/anything different, and then you have the main "Q" character we think of when we think Q, who for all the subterfuge is fascinated with humans because its likely he wishes for a more simple existence like they have, so much left to go and do and that they dont understand and are seeking to find out and understand. It almost gives his messages during the farpoint mission more meaning, warning humans to turn back.. maybe he understands where they'll end up and how bad it becomes at the very top over time, and doesnt want to see them end up like that as well.
Sorry I know I ran off into some stupid talmud vision shit there, but you sorta get my point. What would we do with that power? The power to do/be/go anywhere/thing at a whim, with nothing standing between us and effective omnipotence?
btw also what the fuck, this rabbit hole is really deep friend, what have I done
Well according to revelation, the rulers in the end times will seek to destroy the earth. So destroying the earth. Zero point energy is finite so get a grip faggot. You can't live forever. You can't know everything.
That link is owned by cianiggers. It is disinfo. Nice try faggots. Do your fucking jobs right next time and fucking link farm this shit. Do you furfags not learn anything?
I am a giant faggot.
Was meant for
… really? thats where you're gonna go with this?
literally energy out of "nothing"… so uh… contradictions mate?
Who says? I mean at best (assuming this is "full disclosure") our understanding would be that we just pulled energy from "nowhere," so who is to say what will or wont be discovered tomorrow or in the next 5 years?
Half life 3 confirmed?
I could've sworn I remember the discovery of time crystals from last year.
It was the same team. Mentions it in OP's article. I'm surprised more people don't remember this to be honest, I remember it being fairly big news, though I believe this may have been before it was peer reviewed, which may explain why it's being reported on again now.
Let me know when someone finds zero point energy like Tessa described.
We Dragon Ball Super now?
So basically the ramblings of someone who watched Dr (((Who))) too much?
That and because boomers won't be able to drive soon.
The date of the article tells me this is a slide thread, I hope whoever you are, you die a slow and painful death. Leave us to our corner of the internet before we come to your corner of the real world.
The second was redefined to 9192631770 oscillations a cesium-133 atom so that it could be used outside of the earth. Still arbitrary as fuck
And just think, that one of the books or notes from Tesla now lays in Trump's possession.
Expect a lot of car related deaths on boomers. I suspect that (((they))) are going to try and erase the boomer generation as quick as possible. I noticed in hospital a woman's grandmother having issues, and that the nurses/doctors were continually pressuring the elder to keep going in harsh exercises and not letting her relax long. This poor elder served in the navy in WW2, and not long during these tests, she finally decided she just wanted to go into hospice and be done with it. The ruthless testing on the elderly like what I had witnessed leads me to firmly believe that (((they))) are trying to kill off the older generations as quick as possible, including the ones who helped accidentally propagate one of the biggest lies in human history. That (((they))) might think that killing the WW2 vets as quick as possible would mean that ghosts of the past can't come back to haunt/bite them on their hook noses.
Perhaps redundant to those who already figured this out, but to see it laid out in the open, the kikes surely have grown arrogant in thinking people don't notice.
He's referencing timecube.com
archive.org is kiked. Gas yourself and try harder next time.
I've witnessed something like this too. But at the time I chalked it up to the growing apathy for everything among non whites.
Why would kikes want to kill their greatest white golems for keeping soiciety running? The youth are the most redpilled of all the whites. So killing their pozzed elders will only accelerate the proccess of redpilling more young people. As the kids wont have that whisper in the back of their ear saying go to (((college))) and muh 6 gorrillion.
No user, look at me, i'm your car now, no you're not going to drive to the store today, it's time to start reading your daily Karl Marx article.
Know thy enemy.
Every time they discover something that breaks the laws of science it turns out to be a mistake. Either a faulty measurement or a faulty understanding of the situation.
Don't speak with the non-STEM. They are an underclass that should be deprived of literacy and possibly speech itself.
If you keep your old manual car that doesn't have Google Self Driving Technology TM, they'll just crash another car that does into you. Such a tragic accident goy :^).
Can some sciencefag explain the difference between this and resonant harmonics?
Are they related? Am I just retarded?
- t. retard
So all we will need is to have Trump repeal the NFA with an EO then Trump will have made Stargate Real!
If I ever see a self-driving car on the road, I'm going to do my best to fuck it up, whether that means doing a PIT maneuver, or shooting out the tires, whatever it takes.
Remember, kids:
Every. Single. Time.
ZPE was proven something like 20 years ago in multiple labs across the world. The problem was, back then, that the amount of energy they were able to extract was nowhere near the amount to provide any useful work.
Can they power an LED yet?
so they say, afterwards
The question is, do you believe they find these things out and oops they made mistakes sorry, or do you believe they find these things out and then (((they))) swoop in to cover it up ASAP with a readily accepted/believable lie so that everyone will instantly disregard it because they dont want information like this getting out…
Its a story as old as written history. People learn, the powers that be come in and attempt to silence them and stop them because knowledge is power and they wish to be the only ones with power through authority/violence. Because its far easier to have a monopoly on violence than it is to have a monopoly on information. WHICH is also why they've worked so hard to control information itself in our age, through censorship, by controlling the funding for research and dictating what gets researched and what doesnt, by in this age of plenty turning us all into wage slaves so we're constantly working or recovering from work so we can't learn and understand beyond what they've decided is okay for us to so that we can be more useful servants to them.
So like I said, do you think its all disinformation or simple mistakes and people jumping the gun to some "ground breaking scientific discovery" that turns out to be a flop… or do you think (((their))) information control programs arent complete/perfect and things slip through and they're left covering it up and doing damage control afterward and calling it "an error" is an easy lie that most will happily accept?
>page was archived 7 months ago
We've had a thread on this before around a year ago.
You have no idea how black this makes my dick!
All "matter" is in constant oscillation, constant motion, at the quantum level.
Nothing really new here.
How do you think a permanent magnet continuously generates a magnetic field?
this is all a physicist's jerk-off.
That means it's about to fall off.
I know a bit about crystallography and this Berkeley article is such muddled, meaningless horseshit I can't even describe it. It's obvious Berkeley has devolved into some kind of cargo cult.
Hasn't this form of energy been discovered in the past by a guy in the US who had his patents and inventions revoked by the government, as well as Nicola Tesla? Or was that a different form of energy?
Typical christian, responding because someone said bible and some other stuff he didn't understand.
mfw this entire thread
Criminally underchecked digits.
All work and no play makes jack a dull boy
Isn't everything a jew distraction at this point?
Leaving Holla Forums and going outside is a Jew distraction as well.
Every thread is getting hit with low-effort (1)s designed to start fights. Ignore the nigger.
I must have lost a few neurons there.
t.Teslafag here
This is old shit and not to do with energy extraction, more to do with state.
Casmir, Lamb etc have already proven exchange of energy with vacuum/quantum realm in conventional literature, let alone Tesla and Moray (55kW from vacuum peer reviewed) etc.
Energetic exchange from the vacuum is nothing new. Just Hertz-Maxwell removed that from their equations, so you have legions of sheep-like electrical engineers 'debunking' free energy scams and never truly focusing on the peer reviewed stuff.
not related to energy faggot op kys
Thanks, really cleared that up.
spotted the shill
I see your trying to meme pleb. Do you need help? You seem like you need help. Have you considered using sassycat as a visual?
This is what free energy fags never understand. Yes, their is vacuum energy, but there is no gradient, meaning you can't exploit it.
Tesla covered the issue of exploiting gradients in his essay On Increasing Human Energy. The misreading of it ,and the misunderstanding of his worldwide wireless system,* has led to the myth that he had some secret key to "free" energy. Which he did not.
It should also be noted that because of Heisenberg uncertainty, no particle can ever be reduced to a ground state, and every particle will also be in motion.
And of course electrons are always in motion around a parent atom.
At the subatomic scale there is always perpetual motion. This energy is not exploitable.
Free energy is to physics what Real Communism™ is to economics.
It doesn't work, it never will exist, it's inconsistent down to the official sources, and only poorfags believe on it.
I don't want a pipe dream of "free energy". I want the possible future realities of a more affordable solar/fusion/thorium energy.
Also can you imagine how Tesla's "no power meter" form of wireless energy would be entirely wasted up by niggers doing nigger shit? Nobody should pay for niggers.
eh, the most they'd do with it is consumer level. the majority of power is consumed by industry, and they'd never use a kilowatt of it for that.
okay. i'll give them a kilowatt. but left to their own devices, i wouldn't bet a dollar on million to one odds that global negro industrial power use will ever exceed ten megawatts.
You might want to look in to Moray.
Teslas' 1900 work was very early also, his later work is where the juice was.
Fuck off you kike.
Did a search in this bread, and it came up empty for archive links - which is odd because the pages have already been archived probably from cuckchan I suspect.
Lazy nigger OP, bake your bread properly.
TL;DR all your soon-to-be-walking-through-walls-ZOG-robots are belong to (((us))).
Free energy? Do you even read your own links?
>Because a time crystal is a driven (i.e., open) quantum system that is in perpetual motion, it does not violate the laws of thermodynamics:[18] Energy is conserved, it does not spontaneously convert thermal energy into mechanical work, and it cannot serve as a perpetual store of work. But as long as it is driven by an outside force, it may change perpetually in with a fixed pattern in time
Driven system = we supply energy (via lasers) to drive the system.
Does not violate the laws of thermodynamics = no free energy.
You're right, because Bible/Torah/Qu'ran drivel has already been proven shit for centuries now.
timecube has been off the internet for a year or two now. RIP, was always a gut buster to read.
It doesn't quite work like that. A second, defined in such a manner, passes at a different rate on mars relative to on earth. That's because both on mars and on earth, that caesium atom is in a gravity well (that is, they have accelerated frames of reference), but gravity on each planet is different.
This I too think, with the following caveats:
It's a particle automaton.
It doesn't have a grid/background, as the Michaelson-Morley experiment showed motion as having no effect on light speed.
Otherwise I agree that likely, fundamentally, the universe is made of the same stuff in two states following a very simple set of change-rules. I think the Universe is both computational and computed. Even the cells in our bodies are state machines with inputs, outputs, and the added bonus of building copies of itself. Von Neumann machines.
You wizards want the real language of magick and control of the Universe? You will only find that language in mathematics. There is no seance or spell you could cast with crystals and candles that could hold up to a well constructed spell in the mathematical and programmatic spaces.
Just so everyone knows this is very old news, time crystal only means "recurrent pattern in time" as opposed to classical crystal wich means "recurent pattern in space".
Basically you have some electrons moving in a static material and every x seconds they end up in the same place making the pattern recurent in time.
It's just cool stuff, but no practical use, especially not perpetual motion like the OP implies.
No (((corporation))) would sign off on it, but military necessity may demand it.
You can be exited about that but first you gotta get /fit/ for the day of rope It may already be too late.
Energy isn't coming from "Nowhere" you twit. And the concept of Zero Point Energy has been known for decades. It's a consequence of time itself. The universe is always in flux, zero point energy is the lowest energy state of matter. It's not energy we can actually harness because there's only enough to move itself. It's just part of the natural processes we see as change and its a phenomenon related to uncertainty principle
Magic is real.
So what causes electrons to orbit an atomic mass?
What causes electron spin which provides the mechanic for magnetism to function?
That's 10^108J/cc, more energy in a cubic centimeter if converted to mass than the entire visible universe and it drives everything we call reality, you fool.
Pot smoking, leftist faggots make a little graph, OP thinks he's going to pay less for energy hahahahaha I have a bridge to sell you.
Have you told a Jew and or nigger to go fuck themselves today? If not, do your part and make a subhuman cry.
a 10 gigabit deserializer (for fiber optic lines) is able to count 10 billion on/off light switches in one second, and those are somewhat common for large cities and big companies. (there are terabit fiber lines, tho i dont think they're single-stranded)
(ftr, number posted is 9 bil)
This much butthurt over some grass. Legal weed cutting into your antidepressant profits, Rabbi? Just wait until we meme the shit out of Very-Low-Carb diets for weight loss and type-II diabetes control, your multi-billion dollar/year insulin racket is going to take a real hit!
Also, bottom of page 28, under the section title "TIME WITHOUT TIME," you will see the fundamental basis for MemeMagick. It is in that arena which we can play. Physical events only occur as a result of acts consequent to the magick playing out in the minds of the actors reached.
We're officially a JRPG now.
Lavos on Saturday, don't forget.
I am a CIA nigger, got me. Also a furfag.
I mean I've read 300x times more than usual today…
tl;dr correct you are.
A slide thread implies I made this to hide previous information.
I thought I was looking at an animated 4ch logo for a second there.
At least we can confirm waifus will be out there
When the cold shiver of a reality in which white supremacists are unabashedly coming out into the open and proclaiming 'nazi' leanings while crushing your centuries long plans, you too may reconsider alternative options to keeping yourself alive. Especially when the strange internet frog worshipers look at Hitler and consider the only thing he possibly did wrong was not being hard and vicious enough against his enemies. When your only real protection in this world is controlling an empire which is now facing a very real possibility of going full on civil war mode at any moment while its economy is threatening to crash and burn with no survivors at the same fucking moment, and one side are your abominations whom are fucking useless without dominion over the entire national infrastructure and the other is sharpening its knives staring directly at you and made up of the one race of man which has conquered the world and created the entire world you know itself. U too maybe will release some of those special ideas stolen from white males and kept under lock and key, else you end up stuck in your bunkers and hidey holes with no energy and way to support and supply yourself as the world goes to hell in a handbasket.
I live in snowy, mountainous country. They will never take away my steering wheel.
Checked, Kek has blesed your post!
What do I need to buy at home depot and how many diamonds do I need to harness this energy?
OP, you're a retarded faggot, as most OPs are.
There is no energy created, the (((scientists))) behind (((time crystals))) are just looking for funding. The short of it is this: the (((time crystals))) only exist when you pump them with an external power source (which is MUCH more powerful than the energy you get out of them.) While the aether theory certainly has some way to create matter and energy (or some theory if on the off chance the aether theory is wrong, because otherwise we simply wouldn't exist if we ever didn't exist, which arguably we didn't always exist) but this certainly isn't it. Even (((zero point energy))) (the thing you mistakenly used to define as (((time crystals)))) isn't free energy in the sense of creating energy, but is based on all the free floating energy in the universe which normally cancels out, because we're basically sitting in a hot bath of photons of all wavelengths and (((zero point energy))) is sticking two plates together such that the longer wavelengths can only exist outside of them, so they get pushed together (more energy on the outside than the inside.)
Hey, atleast now you are telling the truth and pic related. Try link farming your honeypots next time. Tis more effective.
pic related but nice trips.
You aren't buying carbon you are buying magnets and copper. I remember seeing a guide somewhere on a very very simple oscilator based on zero point energy. Maybe I can go dig it up.
trips of truth
nigger you know I only did that to satisfy you user bb
ZPE has been talked about as an energy source before, but I have to ask, how are you going to collect it to put it to use?
The real question is if ZOG is going to allow it's use without vanning anyone who tries using it. Cianigger what's your take on such?
Very cute. What I meant to ask is how are you going to convert ZPE into electricity?
Learn about Moray.
55kW peer reviewed.
I'm not going to tell you what commonly available material he used to do this, because it took me nearly a decade to find out, so you too can work for it if you truly want to, plus learn much more in the process which you obviously do need to do, instead of being a lazy, ignorant faggot like you are now.
Jesus confirmed for a lie?
Sounds like quartz crystals.
I don't need to do shit. It sounds like you have a hypothetical basis for how ZPE might be collected and converted to electricity, but you have neither the will, funding or intelligence to actually produce anything out of it, and want to feel special because you know one useless factoid that I don't.
I seem to remember 8/pol/ being much more scientifically literate, even just a year ago.
What happened? Where did all the non-retards go?
Ahh yes the eternal Jew. Believing that knowledge is meant to be sequestered, paywalled, or simply kept secret. Something to be used to obtain ultimate power and control over others instead of advancing the white space-faring race of Earth.
Go fuck yourself, Commie Jew.
Not quartz. Go read his writings, not going to spoon feed you because if you think it's bullshit already, you don't know enough to begin understanding the how and why.
Moray is peer reviewed pulling 55kW out of thin air. /thread
Good try.
Why should I give away what took me so long to work out, to people who are not motivated enough to do anything with that knowledge, because if you were motivated enough, you wouldn't be on here shitting all over such topics with your 'is it enough to power an LED' BS.
You can read his work and figure it out for yourself if you are truly motivated. Peer reviewed, 55kW. That should be enough motivation.
If you're that angry, go ask the patent office why they 'lost' his patents, that's the real answer you are looking for invoking the kikes. Sure they love to cover this shit up but in the age of the internet, that is no longer possible. You need a big foundation of knowledge to begin to take advantage of Moray and others' work, this is where I'm going with this.
And no, it doesn't work in space. It only works on land, with a very good grounding location.
If you want to see another avenue of similar work for agriculture which will benefit humanity, easily, plus is much easier to replicate, look at T.Galen Hieronymus.
I will be less of a cunt about it and give you faggots a clue at least
Yet it isn't enough motivation to build something yourself. See the difference between you and I is that when it comes to the technology that is important to develop, I have actually spent time and money toward building a prototype, while you have decided to sit on your hands. The fact that you are trying to motivate me to do something tells me everything that I need to know.
I can have 600 smug anime girl pictures delivered immediately, with at least 5 more a month for the next year.
If we can measure those ytterbium atoms (ytterbium was named after (((ytterby))), a majority jewish town nearby) we could redefine the second, you know.
inb4 once gas becomes obsolete, no one will ever be allowed to own a car again; we'll only be allowed to lease them and/or use mass transit.
Meme responsibly user.
Post your free energy device then.
You won't, because you know what happens when you do.
The same reason I am not giving any further info.
Otherwise gas yourselves.
In all fairness we've known this since the discovery that helium does not solidify under any temperature at atmospheric pressure
Can a more physics minded user explain to me how extracting workable zero point energy from the vacuum wouldn't lead to a insane collapse of the vacuum? Like a depleted vacuum would draw energy from the normal background vacuum if my understanding is correct. But, as this is the natural low energy state it would continually draw energy from adjacent space
Hope that makes sense
We already did this with cesium though
I think you’re on to something.
At this level of 'national security' (aka kike interests) hardware/firmware exploits are a problem tor doesn't solve. They also sniff and time at packet level on the fibre at exchange level.
I've given you enough info to replicate it.
*time entry and exit vpn/tor/whatever
It's just a big red flag instead.
Do you really think they'd be all 'omg tor is the devil we can't do anything' if they really couldn't?
No they are like that because if all normies switched to tor then they would be getting even more massive amounts of data collected they would have to sift through to find anything useful.
Hence why they shill against tor to normies.
Good point and yes that would impact the cianiggers/etc. Problem is when you are in a country the size of a large city and you know first hand they have naurus sniffers onshore, you'd be a bit stupid to rely on it.
They already know who and know I know that…
We Mass Effect now?
Start paying attention to Steven Greer.
You already spent a decade pissing it ul the wall, the original must have soent more, why waste more time. Even if you give it to knuckle draggers they nay pass it on to someone worth a shit.
so when will someone make a generator?
"ground state energy"
"external and periodic interaction from laser"
"dinamic equilibrium"
I see affirmative action is alive and well..
And a good day to you muh nigga.
uhhh moray valves are allegedly $500, and on top of that you need 29 of them
I laughed so hard.
Anonymous I want you to know your the only one who can make me laugh anymore.
Could you at least say morays full name and maybe the name of your favorite book by him… Or a good book to start with and I will read my way to the finish line.
countersage for unable to research
That patent was filed in 1943. $500 of 1943 money in 2017 is worth around $7142.96.
I would also strongly assume that the price has significantly dropped due to advances in technology.
Shit like this is why everyone laughs at you "free energy" faggots.
Reported for larping faggot.
Sit the next few plays out
Magnets only store potential energy when they are held in place and released by external forces
Because the whole point of retirement is that you are supposed to retire and die within one or two years. Not live on for 20. People live longer, suddenly the retirement age goes up. And it keeps going up now even though life expectancy has not gone up that much. Retirement was supposed to be a scam, hurry up and die you fucking goyim! SHIT! Thank goodness for GMOs; the future generations won't live past 73.
College loans being gov't backed, and I'm sure other loans will soon have "gov't backed" options which reduce interest rates or lending requirements, these loans all have something in common: bankruptcy immunity and right to divert social program money due to the debtor instead to the lender (USGOV).
My thinking is this sort of loan will be used soon to bail people out and get housing down to affordable prices and such. I bet the new loans will have 50 and 100 year terms. Big point is, anyone signing the loan and then not paying it will have a debt accruing value through compound interest, and if left to grow for long enough, will grow to around the size of the average retiree's total social security payout.
Basically, I think gov't-backed bankruptcy-immune loans are a scam to reduce future unfunded liabilities in lieu of hyperinflation or debt forgiveness programs.
Does anyone have a pdf copy of the Ruder Boskovic book mentioned in this image or any other links/recommendations to start personal research? I'm interested in learning more about this and since I'm an engineeringfag I might be able to make some sense of this
What the fuck does this even mean
Zero point energy, eh?
Teslafag what do you recommend to learn more about
(checked) What the fuck am I looking at
I have no idea what this means.
We are living in half life 3
It's become truly unbearable to try and communicate with most people. Media has condensed the majority of people's vocabularies to a few hundred words.
Can't we use it to recharge low energy batteries or some shit?
I remember the Battle of LA UFO
can no one find the pic?
HE's BACK!!!!!
The Furher discovered life extension technology in 1945 and fled to Antarctica!!!
Checking Hitler's comeback.
So is Dr. Earnest L. Norman right about Tesla? Is UNARIUS the answer?
UFOS are a tesla flying machine hidden from the public, not aliens.
Quantum magic is kike magic, you massive retards. The words "quantum" and "kike" are compellin completely interchangeable.
Then use plank units
Then explain this, nigger…
Time crystals aren't zero point energy. This is not a free infinite energy discovery.
What they are, however, is still hugely important as a potential for storing energy. More like a battery without decay. Could be semi-revolutionary technology, but not infinite energy.
False dichotomy. Before specializing in natural philosophy, one should obviously have a good grounding in general philosophy, and this implies studying the classical seven Liberal Arts and specifically the Trivium for a few years.
1- Measure the maximun height of the sun from one day to the other.
2- Divide by 24 to get an hour
3- Divide by 60 to get a minute
4- Divide again by 60 to get a second
Less arbitrary?
That time changes from one day to the next. So no.
Do you remember the current president of the US promising to unleash abundant free energy to the world?
I even remember someone - an "insider" - posting in OP mode in $chan, hinting to the same thing. This person was endorsing the current presidency and the general feeling was that it had maybe to do with energy from the sun or … something that OP was not bringing to light.
On another note, why is it that we are assuming that this is
now being sought after and discovered when military tech
is ages ahead? Maybe there is already Zero point.
Here's a gradient for you: earth ground and solar wind
Devices are as small as a desktop computer and produce 55kw while running cool.
Moray made working "FAREE ANARGY" without making a black hole. It's *just* a solar wind generator. People act like it's a crazy concept.