Hey just looking for some legal advice. So if if I wanted to go to the feds for something...

Hey just looking for some legal advice. So if if I wanted to go to the feds for something. Can I choose which agency I go to? Like if I went to the A.T.F. for something they don't normally deal with, would they just redirect me to the F.B.I. or keep the case? Also if I can choose which one is the least shady?

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Depends what you show the first one to meet you, if it really is trivial in their eyes they will direct you to "the right" agency.
Otherwise they will step on each other. You know about the civil war between alphabet agencies going on right now?

I'm not surprised. I seen things hinting at it. Why whats going on exactly?

Please tell me user. I am interested to hear the stories.

Cianiggers shill against fbianons and ICE because they prosecute and bust drugs along with being more technologically competent at infiltration. Fbianons and cianiggers both shill against the not secret agents for having access to huge databases of information ala jewgle and collect it all bull shit. Not secret agents shill against fbianons for ruining their pedo farming of blackmail pictures along with arresting pedos. The (((state department))) shills against the fbianons and not secret agents for arresting and blackmailing their pedo targets.

They all sometimes work together when kikes ask. Like for shilling on 8ch.
T.someone just glancing by the situation.

OP see what said. If it is trivial as in not useful information against their oppenent then they will just direct you to the right person. If it is something like pedo blackmail or tested proof nuclear bombs are fake then expect to be ignored or death. In those cases you just post the evidence here straight away before you get (((suicided))).

Avoid them the atf like the plauge btw.
This and are autistic works of fiction and comedy not to be taken seriously.

Lol, I'll be okay. The people I'm up against are retards. They think I'm a fed lulz. I just got my self in an 9/11 autism situation and I am tired of dealing with spineless cucks. Why are the agencies at war? Because of Trump?

What is bad about the A.T.F.? Who would you suggest is the least shady?


>wanting to go to the (((ZOG))) with evidence
Signing your own suicide note, lad.

Don't go to the Feds with info… go to them with bullets and fire

then why are you betraying them to the feds? They best be racial enemies.
just fucking kill yourself, newfag.

Holla Forums is the thread for you, btw

ATF are against citizens having meaningful weaponry. Having such weaponry is an essential, unalienable, God-given right according to the second amendment. The second amendment is the only thing that guarantees the first and other amendments in the bill of rights.

Simply put, the ATF is un-American.

LMFAO I'm good on a party van.

I'd like to see them try.

They have tried to fuck me many times and even till this day. A "preemptive" strike is the only way to quell these cucks. I've probably been on the chans longer than you faggot. Their part of the fucking problem I'm dealing with. Go home pleb.

Then who would you suggest.

This feels like a datamining thread

I wasn't asking that initially.And if I explained the situation you wouldn't believe me. Though I'm trying to take the best legal route in this situation as I assume everyone else has. I'm going against connected leftist and I'm not trying to bring a case to people on their pay roll. So do you have an actual suggestion?

I know there has been sporadic shilling about Waco in the recent months, obviously spouting hate towards the FBI. Everyone knows the CIA was behind the Oklahoma City bombing, what most don't know is that Waco was a CIA child trafficking ring.

Gotta agree with - the most trustworthy place to report something is Holla Forums and OP is a faggot.

So you are saying the C.I.A. bombed the F.B.I.?

Holla Forums is where all the Federales circle jerk faggot.

Kek, nice try Agent, you won't be shooting my dog tonight.

Two things: you are in St. Louis, aren't you? Also, what you do is go to multiple agencies, and at each agency, if you go in person, try to have as many people in the room with you at a time as possible when you divulge information. Telling one crooked bastard is worse then telling one crooked bastard and two slightly more legitimate bastards. Force the situation to be shared.

lol you're so gay. Stop trying to shill my agenda leftist cuck.

This guy gets it.

No I'm not in that shit hole lol. Though I certainly am in a major city and can just do a walk in. But I really don't trust the F.B.I. I post an anti Obama post talking about the executive order he used to seal his birth records on fagbook. So I leave my house for like 2-3 days. People who said they are F.B.I. told my mom to tell me to take it down. I'm suppose to go to them for help?

Honestly, wait until you get enough evidence that would convict them, then release it online in multiple venues at the same time. Wikileaks, a torrent, mega (even though kim is a cuck), 8ch, cuckchan, and wherever else you could stick the files.

Because its internal and I am in postion of some power somehow I am able to bypass certain things. If a normal person got the info they would probably be able to stonewall it. They made a somewhat serious investigation disappear that apparently "was" being addressed on a federal level. They are probably trying to do the same now.

All they do is bust militias. They (and sometimes the FBI) are responsible for breaking up any meaningful white resistance in this country.

Then who do you suggest? I'm not going to the one that is a guarantee fuck.

That they are all zogbots and not to be trusted until proven otherwise. They are doing their (((masters))) bidding and job by extension.

fbianon see , your zogbot hands or authorties hands are just as bloody and kiked as the rest of them.

Then do as she says and take it down. That 9/11 stuff isn't something you couldn't shill with words. Do you even OPSEC? Lurk two years and learn how to be anonymous you fag.

Stonewalled investigations either mean a higher up (((shut it down))) or interagency fighting. Either way you are fucked if you stay where you are. If it is so important that (((they))) already sent low level agents after you to harrass you, then post it. You are already dead if you aren't currently fleeing the country you live in or gearing up for war. So post it faggot.


These men get 4 year degrees to bust spics.

Do they really require you to be pozzed and stupid just to bust spics? The deportations are going to go very very slowly if ICE only accepts liberal brats, chinks, and kike kids who all get free or cheap college.

I've never heard of a militia getting busted by ICE. That makes them okay in my book.

Happened here in Michigan about a year ago.

This. Holding on to info is the surest path to getting suicided.


This. Alcohol, tobacco, & firearms. These items shouldn't be regulated whatsoever at all for US shitizens. Period.

ICE is about the best you can do. They may end up sending the info off to another agency but that other agency wont be able to disappear the ICE agent or easily bury the info.

If you think you are already a target and on the radar then its time to neatly package every thing you have and spread it everywhere. Wikileaks, media, all the 3 letter agency's. Everywhere.
If the info is already out there then eliminating you would be pointless.

I just mocking bird them. Also my fear isn't the cucks that can't even take out a wizard as they put it. It's the ones who lurk in the shadows. I pulled some ballsy shit and it caught someones eye. As far as Obama. Those commies can stick it up their ass.Surely if they were all powerful they wouldn't have to tell my mom to tell me to stop. And the only ones harassing me are the local police who tried to abduct me. Everyone else seems too scared to interfere "for some reason". Some Russians approached me for example and afterf I stared them down no one has openly approached me since. Someone almost ran me over but I'm too fast lulz.

I guess if I decide to go in I.C.E. is probably my best bet.

They already tried killing you. You need to flee or you will die at this point. Release the information already you faggot. Don't be greedy and think you can blackmail them.

Which is to say you can't blackmail them.

That was like 2 months ago lol. And its 2 cases I'm on. One is scam they are running. The other is them trying to abduct me. How am I to dump that?

They won't pay up. They think they are better than me. These people robbed guns from the F.B.I. so they think they can't be touched.

Names, dates, locations. Any pictures you have of their operations. What type of drug? Why are they smuggling it? Who are they?
Can you give methods and sources on how they tried abducting you? Or who it was that tried even?


Write a professional letter explaining your shit. Address it "Addressees on Exhibit 1" and then list each Fed. Agency you think might be interested in your shit, and the state counter-parts in your state. Through in 1-2 national media organizations, the AP, and a local newspaper and local cable news. Throw your shit out into the wild and see who nibbles at the bait. Do all of this unless your shit it is about Hillary, in which case you need to take extra precautions including filming yourself stating you aren't suicidal, have had your car brakes checked recently and you don't do drugs.

It is my local cops that tried to abduct me. I can prove they were there. I can't exactly prove ill intention as they never actually found me. But they did block off my streets and I have witnesses. They also covered their tracts poorly. They never predicted the perfect storm that was waiting. As far as the scam that's my sure way of giving prison time or at least people will lose their jobs depending on which laws are broken. So I have little to say.

>(((Through in 1-2 national media organizations, the AP, and a local newspaper and local cable news)))
All pozzed literally to hell. This is the stupidist thing you could ever do as kikes own all of those and will easily shut it down.
If he doesn't publish that on the internet he is fucked. If he published it to a normie site like jewtube or goybook it will get shoahed.
At this point OP should not be driving a car made later then 2005. OP should be doing all the auto repair work himself or (((they))) could pay someone off to (((accidently))) mess up a repair. The larger a target OP becomes the more likey (((they))) use some sort of cellular modem to hijack his car. Or built in cellular modems in post 2008 ish cars.

Sigh, my evidence is no good if no one talks. Others know about the scam They are just too scared to speak up. When I first pulled my shit. They literally told me Blagojevich didn't talk, nor would I. Now I assume this to be a bluff as I am speaking now but you get the gist. As far as Hilary. When I first got into this situation. Like the first interaction. It was around 3 weeks prior to the election and they knew the real poll numbers. They were complaining about Trump and said he could not win at any cost. These people were all 40+ so how would they know the real poll numbers? Its not like old people can use the internet. I'll take my chances with the feds over a dump.

The requirements are either 4 years of college or background with military and law enforcement. Being bilingual is highly preferred, the majority of ICE agents do not have a degree but are ex cop or ex military. I think they just prefer military/LEO background and the college requirement is a way of filtering out those who don't.

Have legal representation, any false statement you "may" make is a serious federal felony, they are more than likely to jail you than who or what you become and informant about==

If that is the case, then its almost like why bother. The 2 lawyers I spoke to would not help. I've been dealing without any real help. I can just do what I did before. But it will be nixed.

Timothy McVeigh was a CIANigger patsy, just like Lee Harvey Oswald: archive.is/z0q4A

shills shilling shills who shill shills.

I know agencies hate sharing actual intelligence because of leaks. So it could be them protecting their source. But it's likely there was some kind of conspiracy. Most likely they did it in some way or fucked up and won't admit it. As far as JFK I heard the F.B.I. did him in because the C.I.A. was gaining too much influence and by killing Kennedy they could better move in on the C.I.A.'s cronies. Any truth to this?

Wrong way around, JFK's last speech was on the dangers of a growing Federal Reserve, and the start of the Vietnam war. Vietnam was mainly CIA niggers, and the Federal Reserve is self explanatory. It was rather the CIA niggers and the bankers killing Kennedy for (((NWO))) interests.

Your going to get hanged, so get a lawyer to draft and coordinate your hanging. It's less painful. If you are part of it, go criminal attorney. Otherwise, civil will do – you just need a source to coordinate the work. Pick just one, with 2-5 attorneys, preferably with zero blacks, zero indians, zero muslims (you likely will not be able, and should not even attempt, to avoid jews; In fact, try to get some on your side, and be forewarned, some of the most useful ones talk as if they're permanently gay. I do not know why this is. You must try not to laugh).

After this, approach the matter with your firm as if you're dealing with an accounting problem. Ask for them to contact local FBIanon office with your shit. They will be very slow. Use your firm to generate work on a regular schedule until you get attention. If you don't like the agent, ask the firm to repeat process at the next major city over. In general, shitcity offices are a good place to poll first.

I still think you're stupid. Depending on how stupid or how fucked you are, you might want to try just using your firm to log all record and prepare responses, and then never ever file them, until the until-event occurs.

That is a nice photo.

I already said the first 2 lawyers turned me away. Not because they didn't understand but because they did. It's been almost a year from the first negative interaction. So if they going to murder me they on some 10 year plan shit. You don't know me or my back story. When shit went down. They sent their enforcer in. I'm 6'2 250 and fairly jacked. Bigger and stronger than 99% of people that lift. This enforcer is 6'4 280. Like towers over me lol. So long story short some random federales came through (I don't actually know who they were but one can assume) and chilled with cameras on everyone. And for some odd reason ever sense than they have been figity around me. When I was walking back from the gym I saw 2 cop cars and stared them done. One dipped through the red light right away. Its fun to see cops cower. People under estimate how mad I am.

I got it from an oldschool 4chan file dump. The stuff worth money apparently, disappeared some how but they were kind enough to leave most.

Wasn't Kennedy connected to the mob who were the C.I.A. cronies who were going to take out Castro? Didn't Hoover hate Kennedy too?

Also how about none of them?
How about Cobra? or fucking Hydra?

I haven't joined anyone? The enemy of my enemy is my friend?

What is Hydra and Cobra?

You want to add shit poor to your story too? How about a Sasquatch Bear Jew?

Find another firm.

Not a bad idea.

T. not secret agent

T. fbianon

Project to hack all electronic devices all the time by kikes. Probably to use as audio devices for bluebeam. Not sure on the why to be honest. I don't think they are far along in it from what was publicly available. Although in the linux sphere they are preety close to such a thing now with pulseaudio. The BSD's should be safe for now as long as you avoid ALSA and pulseaudio like the plauge.
No clue. Will keep a eye out for it now. Where have I heard that before……

I'm not sure what this means. I have to deal with those people; I am not those people; Here are my lessons, etc.

My point prior was clear: If, then. If you have work to do, then get it done. If you are using some construct to avoid work, then stop permitting it to interfere with work. If you have completed production and/or pending additional production that are undeliverable due to no destination, then make a destination, and get it done. This is what a lawfirm is. It is just an authorized+validated+paid correspondence and narrative collator, which you then pay even more to in order to generate officiated (literal office) work against your target. If the target is MKULTRA disclosure, I would dissuade you from execution, but still encourage completion of all production (past and present) to record all records to the intermediate way source. You can always go full retard later with a single phone call to your firm.

Gotta go to work right now but I found something that implied it was a data base of some kind.

Kennedy backed the mob behind closed doors before the election, he used their influence to get into the White House. Once Kennedy was there he turned his back on them. As said CIANiggers needed Vietnam to happen, (((they))) needed the federal reserve, and other (((kiked))) institutions of our government, for obvious reasons. Since Kennedy stated his opposition to these things (((they))) needed to get rid of him, so they had CIANiggers handle it. The CIA used the mob and Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald's ties to the CIA are well documented.



the caliber of my digits

Thanks lol. I'll mind the advice. Why are you bringing up MK? Know something I don't?

If thats the case why no hard links?

I don't get it? Are you complimenting me or insulting? And the only rats are the people who stand against for standing up for what I'm entitled to.

Wut nigger?????? Just some random user.

I don't think he was talking to you?

Aw, don't be so hard on yourself.

Listen here chongo. I'm not giving up free info. Nothing is free. And I'd rather trip out my enemies more for a better case.


I base things on probability of success. Who is to say people won't use it against my intentions. I trust no one.

Just dump the info you fucking homo, deciding not to release something you're hyping up as big and important if you don't get money for it is the type of behavior a failed entertainer that decides to charge $5 monthly for low effort vlogs would exhibit.

lol sammy boy sure has riled up the pay pigs with hydewars lol, hes making hydewars_free though so cant stay mad forever

Ask Assange nigger, he has a better track record.

Post it here you faggot.
They'll kill your ass anyway, but at least the evidence will bring them down.

Pretty much this, user. Why in the everloving fuck would you bring damning information to the very beast you're attempting to injure? Assange may sit on it for a while, hype it up, drip release it, etc but if you send it to the fed they will absolutely bury it and you>>10648547

I am, in fact, ridiculing you

I am asking for legal advice. Not where to take a dump.

My edge is bigger. ^_^

Lol its weird. Its almost as if I'm too cool for school. So their rule is currently feeling blue. Well if they coulda killed me by now they woulda. Looks like they have the wrong keys to power es hue hue hue. youtube.com/watch?v=rStL7niR7gs

Get bent.