Survey: 20% of College Students Support Using Violence to Shut Down Speakers

Can we finally ends this Gen Z will be the most conservative generation meme? In fact will be the degenerate cuck generation in history.

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No, especially when the survey only included the stupid (((college))) kids. The smarter ones either had their way paid debt free or avoided it like the plauge it is.

Gen Z aren't college students yet, these are millennials. Probably more than 20% of them are non-white anyway.

I know more than a dozen people that are open WN
t. urban youth

When people say gen Z is conservative they mean that there is an evaporating comfortable "centrist" middle ground.
They will either be commies or natsocs. There won't be enough comfort left in the world when they are adults to coast by.

So, you are more likely now than ever to find race realists and blood nationalists in our youth generations. You're also more likely to find open communists and enemies of the white race.

Exactly that. This shouldn't make anyone pessimistic though, more commies isn't good. But for each 1 natsoc at least 50 commies can even approach physical equality, and no number approaches mental strength.
So find the youth of our people and help them find the truth.

Finally a 1 in 5 meme that has some teeth.


Gen Z isn't going to be the most conservative generation, it's going to be the most collectivist generation. I have a job where I can observe them growing up and what's being done to them. But like the other faggot mentions, most college students are millennials.

How is that good?

In between Millennial and Z (on that mid-90's sweet spot. If going by parent generation though, millenial). I can notice a few trends with Zeddies.
It's a bit vague, but fuck man, I'm an anti-social. I'm not poking my head out anymore to their treachery of the modern society. Which reminds me;
In order to function on a daily basis, I need to put on the most disgustingly fake face; the pseudo-comedian. I love comedy, and I laugh genuinely every single day, but after having to;
I'm tired of laughing. I am sick of irony, of sarcasm, of idioms, of passive-aggresion, of metaphor; I just want people to say what they mean. Perhaps this sentiment is widely held now. No more words, but meaning.
Also, I agree with
The modern generations are so disassociated with a healthy family, that it is inevitable they realize that this insane atomization of the individual is so unhealthy, they will desire an in group of their own. It's also a case where the educational system made an unintentionally positive change; they programmed kids to desire in group biases more than they naturally would. Useful to our own ends.

So 80% DON'T support using violence to shut down speakers.
Pretty overwhelming majority huh?

20% isn't that pozzed tbh.

This survey doesn't tell us what proportion of Gen-Z are beyond saving. After all, any right-winger worth his salt would support violence to nullify the propaganda activities of communist agitators, and thus be part of the 20%.

for reference: milennials: 1982-2004
gen z: 2005-onward

so the oldest gen Z are still too young to assess, while what you are discussing is the tail end of the milennials
also when doing these type of surveys into todays (((multicultural)) society you need to adjust for levels of shitskin infestation
amongst whites the levels of poz while be lower, however those that are pozzed are poz to the max

The definition of Gen Z varies:
There are no precise dates for when Generation Z starts or ends; demographers and researchers typically use the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s as starting birth years, and as of yet there is little consensus regarding ending birth years.
A significant aspect of this generation is the widespread usage of the Internet from a young age; members of Generation Z are typically thought of as being comfortable with technology, and interacting on social media websites for a significant portion of their socializing.

It isn't. Say what you want about millennials, I'm willing to bet everyone here is a millennial and guess what, growing up we didn't have parents dressing us up as girls and trying to force feminize us, gen z on the other hand has. So fuck off with this gay fucking meme, it's only posted and spammed by butthurt millennials whoa re too beta to become real men

I'm fairly surprised that number is so low, considering it came from a (((college))).

Non-pozzed millennials/remanents of older generation needs to help the non-pozzed gen z to give a chance to the upcoming generations.
2016 showed that this can be possible, in some extent if the demographics dont doom things first

This is what happens when we subsidize a bunch of niggers into college through grants and federally insured loans. The shitlib collegians of yesteryear, though still insufferable, would at least entertain debate. Nowadays it's just "Shut it Down!" monkey chants and shit flinging.
Higher entry costs and stricter admissions standards keep the riffraff out. Apply this to all areas of life. "Merit" is the enemy of globalists who would turn us brown and dumb


And you can counter violence with violence, we are talking about faggots and whores that cant manage humans relations beyond sex.

1) Gen Z is not in college yet, next year the oldest Gen Z's will be freshmen

2) I know far more racists than liberals. In my experience, Gen Z is very far right compared to millennials

Gen Z is seriously polarized between SJW and 1488 IME. This is a reaction to the growing non white majority in the US. Some decide to become their own "minority" by being a transnigger genderqueer feminist trisex pinkhair hoping it will protect them from the wrath of the politically empowered nonwhite mob by being a minority in some sense, some choose to be full blown WN/1488 and resist becoming a white minority in the first place. This data reinforces that point, polarization is at an all time high and if the NatSoc/WNs of Gen Z win we will survive.

Also, Gen Z is majority nonwhite, if you control for race white Generation Z is very far right on average.

I don't see this as a problem. If commies punch us then we get to shoot them. Just make sure you have a bodycam running when you expect to encounter these Marxist retards.

I'm surprised it's not higher. Since government and back room policies within universities have been dwindling the number of white men allowed in more and more each year, the number of non-whites in college is well over 20%. You know the vast majority of black people support violence, and probably a majority of brown people too.

Your point about slant-eye culture being popularized here in the US is true (and UK and Canada). Weeaboos are wiggers. Same thing. They have no love or attachment to their own culture and have great love for a foreign one, and a lust to be a part of it. Even here on Holla Forums we've got a bunch of slant-eye loving filth who, I guarantee you, spend zero hours a week looking at and listening to content made by European peoples, while spending dozens watching shit-tier childish cartoon junk from Japan. Their minds rival that of a 13 year old. It's uncanny the amount of anime fans you see who dress like children, talk like children, are in poor shape, have the mentality of children etc. I recently started calling the millennial generation the generation that never grew up. A generation heavily indoctrinated with slant-eye entertainment that finds more in common with japan than their ancestors. It's disgusting. I fucking hate these nips because of this. It disgusts me to see such an inferior and horrid culture take grasp of so many white minds, leaving them in a state of immaturity and self-loathing well into adulthood. I've hated them since I was a teen, and I still hate them. The fact that people are turning to their inferior, repetitive, immature, classless entertainment culture–which is merely a bastardization of concepts and ideas created by white men–is truly a sign of how decayed we are. Goes to show why people on Holla Forums can't stand me being a White Nationalist. My ideology is not inclusive to all. It's exclusive. It excludes the muds here. It excludes the beloved "honorary Aryans." These people are mentally deficient trash. Grow the fuck up and embrace your culture you fucking wiggers.

The expressed beliefs of a teenager tell you nothing about what they'll support in their 20s and beyond.
Pretending to be "fashy" is currently edgy and therefore children with no real right-wing sentiment are embracing the label.
In fact you might notice when conversing with such people online, that they end every right-wing statement with "lol" and eventually end up asking "you don't actually believe this right? you do know it's just satire, WN is meant to be ironic, lol."
And they actually believe this.
In their tiny minds and shuttered worldview, anyone saying "Jews must be exterminated" or "Hitler was right", is so far from what the people around them believe, that they MUST be saying it ironically.
tl;dr most children who make right-wing statements are doing so purely for shock value and as a form of rebellion, not only do they not believe what they're saying, they aren't aware that anyone else believes it.

You mean 20% admitted that they're ok with violence.
The true figure is probably nearer 100% when the target is a "nazi".
If you want to cut through the bullshit, spark up a casual conversation with any teenager then splip in a question asking if they could take a time machine back to Hitler as a baby, would they kill him.
Enjoy your enthusiastic "of course!" or for the pretentious ones who want to put on a show of lofty intellect, the furrowed brow, the fingers stroking the chin in deep pensive though, followed by a "I abhor violence but saving millions of Jews from being gassed is the only moral option."

i can imagine a lot of Holla Forumsacks here started out with "ironic" joking about hitler and shit

So were going to ask Highscoolers that? The Survey sample was college going Millennial faggots.

Because, centrists are the reason we are in the situation we are in. Centrists (normies, herd followers) will allow anything to happen to their nations if they believe that the majority of people agree. The more centrists we get rid of, the closer we are to achieving actual political change. We need a revolution at this point, if we continue as a race to coast on popular opinion, then we're just silently marching to our own extinction.

Gen Z also doesn't have a future. Boomers had it all, gen X got the scraps, millennials got a taste (but can still live off of their parents), but gen z? They have no future. They also have no past, no history, as popular culture has thrown it to the dogs. They have nothing. Either they embrace it and search for hedonism (drugs, cummies, materialism, consumerism) and become commies, or they search for purpose, leading them to be natsocs.
Imagine yourself as a middle schooler right now. Surrounded by shitskins, being told that you're guilty of all of these historic sins, bragged to that you will die off. Your future looks bleak. Not only will your people vanish, but so do all of your opportunities to make a decent living. You can't get a job. You've been severely under-educated, and all the positions are being filled by H1bs and mexicans. You have no culture, no history, and I believe that afflicts people mentally.
Then you have natsocs giving you all the right answers. You have a face to put the blame to, an enemy. You have actual solutions to your problems. You have a future and a history you can fight for.
"The world is turning to shit, I need to reverse the process for the betterment of myself, my future, and my people"
Or, you think commies are giving you what you need. You don't have things your forebears had? Take them from other people. Still not happy? Do drugs, fuck strangers, buy goods. Have no goals? Just tear down anyone who is better/skinnier/prettier/happier than you so you won't feel bad about it.
"The world is turning to shit, I need seize the remaining non-shitty parts and equalize everything. If everyone is equal, no one is suffering. I'll be dead by the time the well runs dry"

I thought a decent dividing point is whether or not you can remember 9/11. If you weren't born yet or were too young, then you're Z. 9/11 is probably a contributing factor to late millennials being fucked up.


Honestly, I think with Gen Z, all of the intelligent members of that group (ie. lots of the white Gen Z people) will turn to the natsoc way of enlightenment. They're already getting into "ironic" memes about natsoc and the like. Who knows how many are letting the seed of "irony" become a seed of "I wonder if that's true".
While all that happens, the non-white Gen Z (minus a smattering of gooks, maybe) will turn to communism and hedonism, furthering the shift to natsoc in the whites, due to seeing how fucking retarded the commie niggers are.

And thats how it starts. Current libshits and other assorted faggots aren't fun. To win, you must be fun and edgy.

Of course shistkins will turn to communism/hedonism. Simply by the fact that they are invaders and have no sense of connection or history with white homelands, and also because they are too stupid to search for any higher purpose than "food, sex, shelter".
Shitskins are going to be irrelevant as far as political revolution goes in white nations. They will be golem drones, but it will be communist whites vs. natsoc whites who fight the war for the future of our nations. Just like now, every political rally/protest you see is full of whites. They are the only ones with convictions who can be roused to action for a cause.
The only political protests shitskins have are BLM's flash loot/destruction mobs. That is simply an expression of the negroe's violent nature, and not a real act of political dissent.

No we can't stupid. I'd have to see the racial breakdown of the poll before I make any assumptions Actually, if it was a poll of mostly white kids(it defo
Isn't just whites. Probaly 30% third worlders
amd negroes) I'd be encouraged.

Bingo. It's happening more than people realize. When I graduated high school, my class had maybe 3 black guys, and a couple muslims. Plenty of spics, but they've been a problem for ages. 10 years later, I'm taking my younger sister to her orientation, and the freshman class is about half white, and the other half was all niggers, muslims, and assorted other shitskins.

Considering this push for white genocide starts with (((academia))) and trickles down into public schools, it wouldn't surprise me if admissions offices were going way beyond the usual token diversity quotas to stack the deck with as many shitskins as possible, to further bolster their ill-conceived revolution.

That's where you're a fucking faggot, OP.

Wow you are telling me that 20 of the jew, spic, noodle nigger, poo in the loo and commie infested shit holes we call colleges voted they would be against free speech.