Greg Johnson is one of the most prominent intellectuals of the American "white nationalist" movement and the founder/publisher of
Greg Johnson is one of the most prominent intellectuals of the American "white nationalist" movement and the founder/publisher of
It is also well known that Greg Johnson is homosexual.
who gives a shit, apart from liberals?
Literally who?
Back to Breitbart News.
The TRSodomite that says kikes couldn't have done 9/11, and anyone claiming that they did is just discrediting the movement
Go back to Reddit, it is obvious you are not from here. I would tell you how I know, but, poopoopeepee.
Back to Drudge Report.
Please don't spread people's doxes around
Greggy's face has been out there for a while. Still, it's good that there's video and his face is visible from so many angles, maybe somebody will end up recognizing him and shed some light on his dark past?
What did he mean by this?
Fun fact: 8/pol/ is Republican Party click-bait trash for teenage boys.
i'm struggling with the fact this thread still exists, tbh
Grindr Greg
It's a shame he's a homo. Gay/cia/controlled op asside his arguments for nationalism and the JQ are easily the most articulate and accessable to normalfags I've ever come across. I've been able to flip two cuckservative friends of mine on the JQ using his videos alone.
There's a difference between being a homo and promoting that behavior on a mass scale.
Agreed that he's the most articulate and normie-friendly version of white nationalism we'd ever get.
On the other hand being a faggot e-celeb makes him prone to internet drama, that's what quickly bore me and pushed me away from his narcissicistic masturbation.
You think "the Holohoax was real, the jews deserve Palestine" is an articulate argument?
it is quite articulate. it's efficient dialectically, and doesn't necessarily implies that he's a ziocuck.
this guy wants to actually shift things politically, not be the purest Holla Forumsack around.
The idea that there's a scenario where we can win without exposing the Holocaust and hoax, and where Israel continues to exist, is pure fantasy.
*Holocaust hoax
Lame. His identity never was a secret.
Agree. GJ is one of the most articulate and erudite propontents of the movement, and Counter-Currents consistently publishes high-level articles and analyses. The flagship of the contemporary intellectual Right I'd say.
He might be a fag, but I like Greg. He's redpilled a lot of 'materialist' type normies and his 'intellectual' approach
Pretty much this.
Also, fuck you mods for not deleting the thread
it will happen only once people are ready to welcome a narrative that supports their own feelings. people just don't give a shit about facts.
for instance, only humour would be able to quickly shift the narrative along with people's feelings