I've been thinking about making a educational copypasta for people who don't know shit about Marxism. Especially for Holla Forums trolls that I want to molest.
lol @ OP thinking Holla Forums is going to be like "well, I better read these books before I have an opinion!"
Samuel Phillips
Some Holla Forumsacks who come here to learn are pretty nice.
Well "some". Still want to molest them though.
Carson Murphy
Pasta would be nice just so there is a decent reading list we can post for newfags and the idiots that plague this board. Should throw some anarchist stuff on there too.
Evan Lewis
It's all self-referential though.
Connor Edwards
What would you recommend?
Charles White
Holla Forums aint gonna read books I think we'd be better off making a compilation of some of the webms we have aimed at lay-people.
Brody Long
I heard Grundrisse explain a lot of the basis of Marxism. Some exerpt could be intersting. How long it is?
Caleb James
Like a 1000 pages. Not very friendly for begginers.
I guess I would add the Manuscripts, since alienation is something a lot of people misunderstand.
Hunter Clark
I'm not sure if it deserve its own thread, so wj=hile we're at it, i wondered if some kind of Normalfag/Leftism dictionnary could be quite useful. Like what we did with pic related but with more terms and distinction of leftist theory.