Taylor swift messages pol!

First tweet deleted, I still have the page open on phone tho! Second reply tweet isn't deleted, that's Taylor swifts publicist!

Other urls found in this thread:


Thanks for the irrelevant faggotry, cuckchan.

Why do we care?
What tweet.
Showing what?
We don’t use niggerspeak here.
For what purpose?

Its well known she's a fan of 4chan, however she hides her true power, saged

You failed your sage.

"I still have the page open on phone tho!" Pics or did not happen.

She's a big celebrity. Doesn't this help us?
Also what is cuck Chan?(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


You've already been proven to be a kike polreport

You stole Holla Forums News Forever and you're either the feds or a kike trying to LARP as Holla Forums

Fucking leave here

This is the REAL Holla Forums calling you out CIANigger OP

Don't ever post here again or I'll expose you and shut you the fuck down





polnewsforever is run by (((Levi))) and never quotes Holla Forums. He's also retweeted by Ann coulter.

Dont get me wrong, PolReport steals our shit, but they at least are 1488. Levi is just a reddit tier faggot

as he should.

Yeh Levi is a Jew faggot. I don't believe there should be a pol twitter, but polreports history has a lot of anti nigger tweets. Infinity is just controlling narrative

i mean 4chan is severly cucked now all because those newfag idiots kept breaking the first 2 rules of the internet. You do not talk about 4chan. Now we just let that be our public face that people think we are still at but really this is our true uncucked home

Taylor Swift is Holla Forums's Eva Braun treated like a mistress only to preserve her dignity. No more will be said on the matter.

I sage you well good friend.


That ended after the exploding van.

Jesus Christ what a failure.

no the fappening is when it got really bad

dude you are such a faggot, I really cant believe youre such a cuck for celebs. I know that taylor swift makes you hard all the time because you never talk to girls, but really you got to figure yourself out.

and anyway, wtf is the point of running a polreport tweeter. you should focus on making libshit accounts to farm up those sweet sjw followers then drop the gentlest pink pills. preaching to the choir isnt going to do any good.


still there

Levi sounds like a kike name. And exhibiting kike-like behaviour when threatened with a little competition on Twitter.
How embarrassing, linking that to Holla Forums


Hes a fucking kike

>(((levi))) smith is the real Holla Forums goy
Kill yourself kike.

>t. (((levi))) smith


what date? i dont see it


Hi (((Levi Smith))) hope you enjoy your stay.