Autistic schizo thread is over
Other urls found in this thread:
those strengths/weaknesses are spot on fortune
dont lie to yourself mate
Shitty linking for a shitty thread.
Do you believe in 'em?
Hell naw.
You forced my hand.
everything on that list was what i experienced dealing with you
youre a textbook [whatever sign you are(i forgot)]
*unsheathes claymore*
I do, yes
words hurt.... physical pain goes away but words stay forever...
What site did you get those from?
btw i didnt mean 'dealing' in a negative connotation youre my buddy
besides the whole pedophile/forming romantic relationships with anyone who acts cute w/ you thing
Why's that?
i heard you were florida's slut
can you fuck nezi for me so he stops leaking his suicidal fluid all over the thread?
love hurts more...
I'm a Virgo and I want everything perfect and people piss me off for no reason
No men allowed on my dick.
Jeez mine is accurate o.o
im a girl
I believe you.
But I can't hold back this feeling anymore!
Post it
you and me are ok if youre ok with me subtle
i didnt realize the desu/you thing was a joke and i thought you were just the biggest cuck the world has ever seen
But yeah SD
I heard the dub had less bitter sarcasm than the sub too
h-hah yea t-totally a j-joke haa
Love doesn't exist, you know...
Just like your eyebrows
Were those webms Spoilers posted from the dub?
If so, that's actually a lot more funny than the original sub.
Also if you haven't seen Black Lagoon yet, you totally should if you enjoyed Hellsing.
Kind of similar.
But i'm really feeling it
Strengths: Compassionate, artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise, musical
Weaknesses: Fearful, overly trusting, sad, desire to escape reality, can be a victim or a martyr
Pisces likes: Being alone, sleeping, music, romance, visual media, swimming, spiritual themes
Pisces dislikes: Know-it-all, being criticized, the past coming back to haunt, cruelty of any kind
Don't know about the martyr thing, I'm not about to allahu akbar some place
Yeah I'm okay with everyone
not sure
I have not seen it, will add to list tho
Why do you love me?
Do you know Pisces and Virgo make the best serial killer couple~?
so you're basically a wimp
Who the fuck are thse people
That's my new account, add me
one of ur mods changed my name
i dont mind
So you like being alone huh?
You had me at vagina.
sup my dudes
it's hot as fuck out
Ah, alright, I'll ask him later on then.
It has a few characters that remind me of Alucard, also comedy & action with splatter.
holy shit hot
It's pretty hard to be a serial killer nowadays.. we won't get far before we get caught
R-Right in the kokoro..
To an extent yeah
Artist man
can you do art things for me pls
Thanks, this is me irl
I think I'm slightly the same way sometimes.
Ok after this tabletop game
But only a wedding ring and make me spread my legs...
We can totally do it... I won't leave a single drop of blood behind
no good waifus on
will be back when some are
With what weapon? And who do we kill first?
Wanna get married?
I came
No you butt we're doing something after your game
but im here
yosh, yosh
I'll fix your broken kokoro
2 soon
People really hate trump.
I thought it was a quickie
@luka etc
Its okay i'm used to you disappointing me.
So what's wrong with taking the backstreets?
Lets kill a bum with brass knuckles in the ghetto
My heart already belongs to someone........
That sounds like a lot of blood
I lied anyways
Who gave you that picture of ian?
I hacked his phone
Oh my god how did you do that?
I'll clean all the blood... I want to watch you beat him to death, okay?
Everyone is a liar...
I have my ways
Teach me?
Neru the best~
no thank you
I like how he doesn't even try. he lightly moved his arms over and immediately gives up saying to himself "oh bother"
might as well kill yourselves while youre at it
Fuck you I don't even watch this gay sport.
what do you know about sherman posting
desus hobbies:
best /sp/ meme of 2014 honestly
I hate memes though.
good thing im dating subtle and not you
I actually hate football and can't stand it. Haven't been able to watch it since I almost got beaten to death by a 40 year old ex-military guy for telling him he was being childish when he was talking about some football players pink mouth guard (for breast cancer awareness) saying "fucking pussy ass faggot, why's he got a pink mouthguard?"
why florida why
at least it rained hard today
You're breaking my heart here.
i have sumthing hard for u bb
Me and manny lol'd at that part
I'm in oregano though
That's a lot of balls.
Not that hard.
what's that?
mmm, tasty
post pics of oregano state
it was fucking pouring when I was driving on I4 near downtown earlier
So lazy one-card tarot reading with a guide book and the most pleb cardboard cut-out approach to astrology have become trends in threads?
At least it ain't hunger games.
my diggg :DDDD
I got "the world"
thats just yan
yan is one of the legit autism posters
Is it normal if your grandparents start arguing over minor shit like when they change the channel or something, then it escalates to a more harsh arguing about the tone they are using on each other, until they are shouting at each other and like start saying how they wish they would just die so they wouldnt hasve to put up with their shit again.
Like I casually walk by and get another beer from the fridge and teasingly tell them to hold hands already then walk off
Like my Grandma tried running my grandpa over once, shit was so cray.
I had to like slap my grandma, like literally
You gonna do legit readings for us then, hmm?
Think you can do better?
what's a diggg?
context post: soto's grandpa
male genitalia
unless its cute then it's female genitalia
Oh yeah Ian was over once when they went on a full on argument while drunk about corn
I think I scared Ian tbh
So much aggro lmao
srsly tho
it's good they're so passionate
de niro finally found love ;_;
For what, two minutes?
Not that hard.
The rudeness only makes me stronger.
okay then...
it was pouring for like an hour ._.
ok but it's meaningless snake oil shit even from an """""""experienced"""""" snake oil salesman
who the fuck cares
im really a gimmick character irl
like the friend of the hero or whatever
so my dicks only average size
but its the flirting and relationships that count im sure
Nah I can handle that shit, my parents fight all the time lol
H-Haha this is just one of those inaccurate self tests, R-Right?
just AA treatment shills brah
think about it
theyd only say this to try and take your money
dont even worry about it
youll know if youve gone too far not some shitty website
do my turkey placements playing with only one hand
where I was it was pouring so bleeeh *sticks tongue out at you*
You're fucked
I took a similar test with an actual psychologist when I was unemployed and drank more frequently and I was like borderline alcoholic
If anything you're worse
it doesnt matter
-hugs back-
now calm your fucking tits
Misewell tell you guys a little something about my past while I'm at it. You see, my name is tofu because at one point in my life I was a vegan. I am no longer. I'll tell you why... it's because I was a vegan for all the wrong reasons. I hated humanity and becoming a vegan to me was one way to manifest my hatred for humanity (misanthropy). I may have pretended I wanted to ease the suffering of animals and hopes that one day veganism would neutralize the need for meat. But it had nothing to do with any of that. I hated nearly everyone in my school (and the world in general) but most of all I hated myself. I sometimes dreamed of taking people out and dying in the process. I was sick in the fucking head and I repressed my emotions (probably was a subconscious thing to try to stop me from doing something very stupid). Exactly part of the reason why I can't handle drama too well, because I'm emotionally unstable. After (about 3-4 years) of repressing my emotions I'm an emotional train wreck. I'm thinking about seeking therapy but am scared of meeting new people irl.
also sorry for the ramble... I'm kind of reluctant to even pass this information on; as I haven't opened myself up to anyone in years
Also, what method of killing myself should I use? I have a .38 magnum, bleach (a syringe to go with it), and a full bottle of aspirins. I'm likely going to use the .38 because it will be quick and painless, but nonetheless would like you opinion on what method I should use. Also, if you don't want me to kill myself please tell me why I shouldn't.
I'm not sure if I'm going to kill myself yet but... I had to get all of this off my chest.
didnt read lol
nvm i read the ending KILL YOURSELF
Ah I hate Geno... I'm so glad he's not playing for my team anymore... but I think he'll be back next season.................
i went 0/0/20 and Won! on lulu
Seek help
please tell me that's the cover of a doujin
I just poured my fucking heart out to you fags... I'm probably going to fucking kill myself now and by-by I'm off this fucking shit board
Just do a bunch of coke/meth/MDMA/Psychedelics till you almost OD then once you realize how great life is and how scary it is almost dying then you will learn to appreciate life way more and start from scratch
Killing yourself is just a waste imo
Like do all the bad shit before you die at least
Like I tried almost all the drugs (not heroin tho gg), I fucked a dude who looked like a girl, I even broke into a place with my friends while drunk and trashed the place
You are actually an idiot or joking right now
you're telling a bunch of random lowlifes and weebs on the internet your suicidal problems for attention
now is the time to end yourself
otherwise your chances of going somewhere nice are just gonna decrease
it's gonna be okay
Nobody knows you, nobody fucking cares. You probably wont do it either.
But if you, stream it for us.
Injecting bleach sounds the most painful, go with that
i don't think so
luka/nezi/subtle pls dont white knight we have a real chance of making this guy suicide
do it on
I daresay I rock the wet rat look :3c
How's everyone's day going~?
Wasn't gonna
No I'm not even fucking joking
I probably have.... I just want to die theres no point in life anymore.
I probably won't stream it... not after being a cunt to me I won't.
You stop this instantly and reevaluate on your decisions.
stop posting online and go see a therapist immediately who can actually help you
am curious
pretty good, yours?
call the cops, tell them you're keeping your parents hostage at knifepoint
when they arrive, rush at them with a knife
easy way to do it bitch
I had to get it off my chest... it was eating away at me.
Wait but before you kill yourself post a pic of yourself
If youre a cute trap then we'll probs tell you not to do it
If youre a neckbeard we'll start a kickstarter for your suicide
what an understatement
youre just wasting time here then mate
you need to go on to the next plane
or it might be too late and you'll get sent somewhere shittier
its best to go ASAP
This guy became a vegan 'cause he hates everyone
Chances of him being attractive are 1 in [insert number of atoms in the known universe]
soto is right if you are CUTE then add me on steam and i can turn this suicide bid to getting you to like me and send me nudes
but if you arent theres really nothing left :/
I understand fully but do you really think suicide is the solution?
fuck off user
dont make him suffer anymore
The best way to kill yourself is to good orchestral pieces
Why is Tsuchi posting anonymously?
Is he still hiding from Erio?
WOW this is really good
you cant even defend your point
tofu should definitely suicide at this rate
Oh, I had to walk through torrential downpours for an hour after I got out of work ;3
Not too bad. It was a slow day because of the weather so me and the morning guys were just shooting the shit and inadvertantly came out to them officially and they're still my friends so today was good.
Tomorrow's an off-day too, so bonus^^
Do anything fun?
Who's Tofu?
You're being such a bully today
It's kinda getting me all doki doki
Bully me instead
Wine is fine But whiskey's quicker suicide is slow with liquor. Take a bottle, drown your sorrows
Then it floods away tomorrows
I just don't want to see lives go to waste like that.
nobody soon hopefully
the poor lad is suffering
it's time for him to go
Sounds like an intense day to me.
Glad they were accepting.
I enjoyed the rain.
From the inside
and replaced some doors, lol
Some bitch.
I can't you're too nice
clearly already wasted
its kinda getting me all doki doki
lmao wtf are we doing dude
i love it
stop posting and play
Damn, Welma, Requiem in D Minor is majestic as fuck.
Good suicide music/10
i wish i lived in victorian times where orchestras were all hype
i wouldve loved this shit
dude he stopped posting
do you think...?
Did you at least get dick pics yet?
Yeah man. It's cool to have people that still treat you the same, ya'know~
I got lucky with the few actual friends I have I guess :p
That sounds... exciting?
Yeah, I know my shit.
A Minor is still best key tho imo
Ignore desu and just pretend I'm Tofu
Look, Ill try to even impersonate him
"Wah, Im so edgy and dont eat meat. That'll teach em"
Kill yourself
Ikr? I kinda feel like Subtle would be a godly powerbottom
I'm working in lumber today and I get like 2 customers an hour
I feel like I should be fired for sitting here on my phone but apparently that's normal behavior for lumber cashiers
I can't fucking do it anymore. Just by seeing these replies makes me feel like you stuck daggers in me. I think I might have manic depression and can't control my emotions anymore. I feel very sick all the time.
Ive actually contracted all dick pic operations just to flirt with the girl i like named welms
What if it's TP projecting his vegetarian sads and we finally talked him into it?
This one has a more somber tone.
Good for the moment of absolute defeat, I'd play this one with a hanging
He'll be back by next week
It was better than being in bed all day.
oh god
Boo, pls. This will never work x_x
Then you'd have to live in Victorian times.
Where everything was super shitty unless you happened to be the .1%.
now that ive seen subtle in a new light he seems pretty okay
definitely not a bad guy(girl?)
That kind of seems way too likely.
That was my day yesterday. I only got up like twice and it was great.
Why not? Do you have a man-crush on Teeps?
Sounds familiar...
There he's is, he came out of hiding
Case closed. Mystery solved.
Thank you, thank you. I'll be here forever~
honestly bruh if i was rolled into the victorian times id probably be a part of the .1%
just because i'm special
and that's how it would work out
just humor me then welms
we can keep going until it stops working cant we?
it's going fine right now
its like pottery
Nearly all of Tchaikovsky's pieces are pretty sad
this one takes the cake tho
Chii used this meme
I don't understand it to this day
It's a love hate thing.
Would be awfully quiet here without him and his drabbles.
I dunnoo....
Long distance things don't really work for me.
It's typically pretty quiet here regardless nowadays.
Ask someone to check IDs.
I haven't posted since earlier.
The only reason I'm posting now is someone made a comment about on Steam.
We're all here forever.
Pretty much everyone of us would be a miserable factory worker that would die in their 20s or 30s after getting dismembered horrifically because of no workplace standards.
Holla Forums memes are top tier
theyre simply too patrician for you
how many people lurk
don't say that welms ;~;
Just like everything in your life, your attempt at impersonation is kinda pitiful
I'm so tired....
i feel like a lot of what we're told those times were like are exaggerated to make us happier
We can still do lewd stuff and be special with each other until it doesnt work out can't we?
i dont see a reason not to
also who cares what we do in real life, anyway?
kill yourself then
wont have to worry about anything after that
grim i listened to the whole symphony and i think im gonna kill myself
bye lads
that's rather mean....
didnt i ask you privately not to bully the nezi
or was that some other thread retard
dmg ctrl
I don't remember
rest in piss
there's no reason to go after him about it
i dont see why you dont direct any excess suicideposting to bloodchan
Me? The autist who literally cried over the last conversation I had here?
Anyway, in order to be a misanthrope you have to hate yourself also and I really fucking do right now.
I dun have my DS. I figured out what Pokemon I'm gonna breed next tho It's Whimsicott :3
That's enough for now
I don't even lurk.
Someone just commented on it to the effect of "lol someone said ur user posting" so I opened it.
There's two statistics that generally exemplify how shitty it was in a particular time in history: infant mortality and age lifespan.
You just have to think of how many people didn't even make it to "enjoy" whatever life they had because of shitty medical knowledge or shitty living conditions.
Oh, because BC doesn't attentionwhore in a pathetic way like nezi does
Please fucking self terminate already
you're disgusting
Cute floofy butts
Yeah, other people I meant.
what's the show that semen demon is in
Why do you hate yourself?
But I want real lewd stuff.
Real life is more interesting.
then MOVE ON ALREADY you retard
why are you here moping around feeling sorry for yourself?
you clearly dont need to live anymore so you should get going to the next place
if this place sucks so much why stay
all BC does is attentionwhore
nezi just wants to talk to people
Netoge bla bla bla
I can't remember, it says in the filename :c
This is why you shouldn't talk about me...
level 27 on tr 3 more to dank rank
This reminds me that I need to re-watch one really old movie.
There's a thing you could always do, like, just not simply care.
It's a piece of cotton with a face, Grim
This is why people think you're a weird sex pervert
How is it attentionwhoring if other people replies?
We talked about this. I'm not BC.
I don't know how average ended up as that but I'll take it.
The two you're thinking of?
Do not make me slap you.
I think we're going to ramp up pretty soon.
Both of them have the personality of a used tampon
suck me
Yeah, you're Bebop. : ^ )
Can we watch it together :3
I've been trying to have more normal conversations lately and not attentionwhore.....
Tofu, how old are you?
Neither :^)
Because of shit I've done in the past. Also, I can't even handle myself online anymore. I'm easily triggered and often spill how upset I am all over the place. Anyway, whatever. None of you guys seem to want me here and have a right to tell me to fuck off.
He's probably like 30.
youve never even talked to nezi
your opinion on him is based off a meme
his greetings that you base him off of are just so that he can actually talk to people
but because of the meme nobody does
you clearly arent gonna actually suicide
you got me hyped over nothing
dumb bitch
All anons are cowards.
They generally will make comments about whatever's happening if they are here.
There are lots of cures out there for that
Bored of Joshiraku?
I have
he has shitty opinions and a half baked thinking process
Maybe YOU should get to know him, eh?
I know right?
Hey, whiner tofurkey guy
Do something about it.
Like if you're willing to take your life or whatnot, just use that energy elsewhere and do something about your problems.
I was about to do it, but I finally manned up (snickers) and did something about my situation and it's a been pretty fucking rad last few months.
Things get better when you're not always giving into the root problem of laziness. Fucking grab life by the balls and take it to where you want to go, nigger. The world is your oyster now, suck that bitch down with a little lemon juice. Suicide is a pussy-ass permanent solution to your temporary woes, so get up off your lazy ass and do something about it. Whining to a bunch of deranged cunts on some random image board is not going to help.
I'm guessing late teens.
theyre so damn annoying too
behind them is an afraid poster who is scared about saying things over the internet
unless it's tp and he's too drunk to put on his name
I try to... but I find myself obsessing over shit all the fucking time. NO matter what I fucking do I can't get my mind off of things. I can obsess over shit for days no matter what I do to try to get my mind off of it.
You seem like a very nice person... I would love to have you here
I never had interest in the first place I only watched because you wanted it
Pretty much everyone at some point has attempted to converse with Nezi only for it to die the moment Nezi starts bitching endlessly about the thread not talking about him or things he doesn't like.
i should try out adc again someday so i dont get rusty.
normally you spout 100% truth bombs all day tsuchi
but i dont think this one is really rooted in anything
i mean if you dont like his personality
at least recognize that he's trying to be nice
and you shouldnt prohibit anyone from seeing his personality because they all think he's some psychopath because of dank memes
This is how to stop attentionwhoring, Nezi
This is how to stop being a piece of shit, Tofu
simple solution
If they can't even insult you over the internet with a name on they must be a real bitch irl.
lollllll aww. I'm flattered. :c
Are you happy now?
be nice
i like nezi
I gave him enough chances lmao
Play tanks in the top lane or jungle.
Don't be so weak, flagless.
fuck off im tired of arguing for some floridan debby downer
theyre getting rain rn and im dying in the california heat
i hope everyone in florida drowns
I'm a bitch irl and I still call people out irl lol
are you done whining so we can have an actual conversation or you gonna keep sperging out
We could finish it this week if you want !
Remember my old school tank jung Vi?
from your gnar vid?
help me out here Subtle
lmao what a fucking tool
best advice ever
I'll trade you, sure.
Living in Death Valley was better than this shit.
haha suck it kevin love
the only top im comfy with is teemo.
The red spirit speak only truths.
Everyone dislike Nezi at first because of his constant blog posting about his parents' divorce or trying to say how hard it is to be "rich".
Then he cut back on the blogging and just kept up the "stop talking about things that aren't me or things I like".
Most of his posting these days is just "why aren't people paying attention to me :(".
He's bearable at times but it's mostly just varying degrees of annoying.
That sounds like it comes off naturally to you, so perhaps you could obsess over something healthy by those standards instead of getting yourself hurt all the time?
This video made me nostalgic for when blacks tried to act like people
I'm trying to calm myself down now. here have a webm. I'll shut up about my problems now. Sorry for attention whoring but it felt good to vent and get everything off my chest.
Told you he wouldn't do it
guys, it's my turn to vent and get everything off of my chest
I'd rather watch anything that you want to, I can finish this one solo ^^
you fucking no show
i hope more bad shit happens to you so you can come back here and play boy who cried wolf again
and have nobody even bother to give you a (you)
/places my hands on your chest
Go full blog mode.
i've been waiting to see your chest
Its my turn to vent and spray it all over your chests
I was talking to grim
you're fine hun
how's your summer been grim? you still doing that coding camp thing or no?
Pick, the one with the tig biddy goddess or Joshiraku
I still have your dox btw
I don't have enough interesting things going on usually to have a full blog mode.
I thought you seent it that one time?
Don't meme at me pls.
Also, are you Tak?
ay thats my image
aiite welms, let's hear it
I asked for verbal not physical
This one? This one
Does the guy blogging about his veganism seems like he has enough "interesting things" for his blog either?
I would do unspeakable things to her
Tofu, are you still here.. ?
Many studies have looked at the association between hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer. The best evidence for the benefits and risks of hormone replacement therapy come from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI), a large study involving more than 16,000 healthy women. The results published in July 2002 showed the risks of combined HRT with estrogen plus progestin outweigh the benefits. These risks included an increase in breast cancer, heart disease, stroke, and blood clots.
Not only does combined HRT increase the risk of developing breast cancer, but it also increases the chances that the cancer will be discovered at a more advanced stage. This is due to its influence in reducing the effectiveness of mammography by creating denser breast tissue.
Bitch is literally retarded.
You did good.
Yeah but I have 0 memory of it
When are you gonna make that 100 again?
my friend
do I have you added on steam
I-I got side-tracked
"Unspeakable things" for you is like 10 years in prison and a life-time on a sex-offender's register..
She is lovely though
if that is tak we have to have a serious
Oh, good.
I got nothin'. I was being a satirical douche.
I would get you off though.
Well, no... I suppose not.
Probably when they're ready like my original plan.
pls put the subtl down
Kind of... do you hate me? I think I can really feel your hate right now.
I mean I'm already going to die of cancer, so fuck it.
I was talking about her, not you
Yes you do but i'm not on right now.
She's literally autistic and one step up from special ed.
Y'all just wait until I need to get something off my chest.
message me nigga
that's kinda gross to talk about
i bet theyre cute now
let's see
You're probably holding a ton back aren't you
I am incapable of hate lol
You don't have to worry so much. Also if you feel like venting I'm here for you
No i'm heading to bed dude.
I'll be sure to not care then, too. /zingggg
what do you mean?
Go full Nezi.
Become the villain these threads deserve.
I kind of feel like SD will go full Bebop whenever he assplodes and just shoot up his base.
I do have a penchant for villains...
I'll step out of the blast radius at that point.
Enough to initiate the rise and fall of the USSR all over again multiple times.
My cunning plans, all foiled!
Every time, love you too Tsuchi.
Also not in service anymore, sorry to disappoint you.
Then put on the mask.
Don't be like that man.
No homo, bro.
That year went by quick enough.
what does that have to do with anything
can you stop being an asshole and just talk with me, wtf
I'm asking you about your summer and you start threatening me? why are you being such a dick
I don't wanna yet. I need to come up with a cool villainy name first x_x
Sometimes looking back at your pics from like 3 years ago makes you realize how much you've upgraded your shit
boobs growing seems like a gross concept to me
its like having two little plants on your chest
more inside of than on tbh ;3
haha prepositions
Hopefully I havent aged
I-I still look the same right?
It needs to be super campy.
And involve too much spandex and pastel colors.
Probably won't happen and at most I'll just end up drinking vodka for a week.
Yeah, no homo.
Sometimes time just goes really fast, got to carpe diem more often.
that's even worse
there's just a layer of skin between you and two festering tumors swelling in you
soto is the literal embodiment of the king of the betas
he was just a normie in real life so he went one step lower on the social standard to become king of all the autists
It's starting to sound like you just wanna see me in spandex~
Isn't that the same with my lung cancer though? I mean tomato/tomato *shrugs*
Sounds about right
What are you doing now?
Nah. You need to add a bunch of shitty plastic armored bits over the groin and chest.
You'll be a true villain then.
Soto, you suck. You owe me one princess carry, b-baka!
My Halloween gears are a-turnin' now, boi
honestly we're both normies
i think you might influence me to go to cons so i can pick up and bang some cuties as easily as you do
I can't tell if she has makeup on her eyes or if she hasn't slept in like a year.
Just waiting for entry exam results, if I get the studying spot I'll be doing that for 4 years, if not I'll just get a job as a guard or with electronics, and try again next year.
seriously what's wrong with you guys, I'm trying to start conversations and all I'm getting is "fuk u nezi ur attentionwhore xd"
how about you guys stop being assholes when I'm trying to give you actual conversations and NOT attentionwhore?
seriously what the fuck is wrong with you if you insult me when I'm doing exactly what you wanted me to do
make up your minds so I can stop annoying you
That's a long time away.
I think that's why everyone goes to weebfests: just to play costume dressup on more days than just Halloween.
I think just dead on the inside.
Ah, fair enough.
Is it like a state issued exam where it determines what universities you're allowed into or does each school have its own exam?
What do you want to talk about then?
But actual Halloween is fo' free!
I was gonna be the Wendy's girl most likely.
How much do you weigh? My max weight I can do is like 250
I carried some fat weeb and I struggled but still managed
Its not even that hard just dont go for the 2srs4u cosplayers since they dont even enjoy the cons themselves they just go to try and get at cosplay/modeling photographers
I know a copuple around this area and they pretty much convince them to do a private shoot, then fuck em and then consider them a licensed model or whatever
The other mid fujoshi tier girls that are like 6 - 7/10's who actually watch anime are the ones you should keep an eye out for since they never really get male attention since they are considered nerds and are pretty sexually frustrated so charming them and buying them like 2 drinks, maybe 3 if she can handle it ( dont get her too drunk or else it will backfire) then just sweet talk them into giving you a kiss
Once you land the kiss it's pretty much gg and you're in
probably both
Can't believe this was like 4 yrs ago dude
time flies
Tofu, please don't keep me waiting
In a bit.
Every city has their own university with multiple schools, so you do just 1 exam per 1 city, so practically you can apply to multiple places with one exam.
Applied to 2 different places, and now just hoping I get at least 1 spot.
tell me about your weekend :u
you work at all? I can't remember what job you have now either...
I weigh 121.
You're going to start seeing hallucinations if you don't~
Just stop caring so much about it.
pffffttttt thats nothing dude
Why so skinny fam?
wow you're thin *~*
I napped almost the whole day yesterday.
I'm probably going to go to bed soon. Do you want to add me on tox? that's literally all I have. I don't have a steam or anything else for that matter.
yeah see you don't have these problems so you don't know how obnoxious it is
My "weekend" is Saturday and Monday. I spent the large majority of Saturday catching up on R&R so it was pretty uneventful. I work in a Dairy Queen kitchen and it was slow as shit today because of the weather so I got sent home early which is fine because it's my 2nd Friday, but it was torrentially downpouring for my entire walk.
How is/was yours? You still valet or what?
Um, I've actually been eating again lately so I dunno. I'd rather be skinny than fat though, so there's that^^
Yup! ^~^
that's also impressive.
*time of day
Not light of day.
Well I went to sleep around 6 am the day before.
did you have an umbrella at least? o.o
gosh now you're making me want dairy queen, I haven't had any sweets in quite a while...
been saying/doing stupid shit all day, saturday nights I do a ton of running during my 12.5 hour shift and get home at ~4am
I'm always dead on sundays
You're pretty fucking retarded if you think talking to me about something as personal as my summer job when we are the farthest from friends seems proper.
Shut the fuck up and stop crying.
Why do you even still float around this place when 8 out of every 10 people fucking hate your guts?
Move on to a different community like the rest of the people who couldn't take it here.
So that's why you like Remilia.
Or just kill yourself.
That way the others won't have to deal with your shit either.
or how about move on online and do something productive.
Not sure if you recall, but I used to be posting during the US hours a lot, now consider that with the ~10 hour difference.
come now
This would imply that we are capable of doing something productive and crippled by something.
Grim is more sensitive than most of the women I know.
I've been gone for a long while!
I've decided not to do it. I felt like I've put a whole weight off my shoulders and am feeling better about myself. No matter how much a dick you are to me, at least some of you listened that's all that matters to me. Take that for what you will, I'm sure you aren't that bad of a person irl.
He wasn't even talking to you.
Also there's a new thread.
Well complaining about how people are calling you an attention whore will certainly alleviate the accusations of being an attention whore.
lmao why is a summer job suddenly super private and personal information? i just wanted to know if you were working in the summer or not, or if you're going to school or something
sorry for trying to start a conversation
stay mad if you want, but I'm not going to stop trying to be friendly
All I have is Steam and Skype :/
cut my hair m8s
feels good