Hope Not Hate:
Other urls found in this thread:
Who cares. Waste of a thread unless there is something lulzy in this documentary.
Do they truly believe non commies don't believe in social class?
(many neo-Nazis are obsessed with Sweden because of its “Nordic” heritage)
He should have done it. It would have been hilarious to hear about some numale hipster faggot getting the living shit beaten out of him.
Mr. Hermansson’s story offers vital insights into these groups’ tactics and their sometimes bizarre practices. During his time undercover, he hung out with heavily armed holohoax exposers and attended gatherings where extremists drank mead from a traditional Viking horn and prayed to the Norse god Odin
Gr8 b8 m8
That shit is what gave me my first inkling of 'something is amiss' despite being surrounded by blue my whole life. Small inconsistencies like putting a shadow upon the sun. Things that prove a broken mind was put to task, where intent does not extend to correct action.
Think of the symbology of shadowing the fucking sun. My god these people are deranged down to the core.
That’s right, Communism killed over 60 million Aryans. Thats why we must in return slaughter those who preach the tenets of these discredited ideologies, which only contribute to the continued suffering of the people who live under these cruel systems
Everytime I read stuff like this it becomes apparent how disconnected leftists truly are from reality.
But she didn't even get hit, what a coincidence.
Oy vey don't report stuff that happens, just sit down and shut up! Das rayciss.
You are a traitor to your race and to the Working class. You chose to serve the rich elites and the Jews.
And you are an anti-White shill. But at least you pretend to be pro-White. Your friend could learn a lot from you. Hey, See this faggot and how he is attempting to discourage White people from associating with White nationalist organizations? Why aren't you doing this as well? It's actually far more effective and far more debilitating for the White race and the working class men you spit on if you succeed in convincing a large percentage of people that EVERYONE who has ever done anything to oppose the elites you serve is actually working for them. You'd being doing your rich Jewish bosses a great favour by pretending to be one of us while sowing defeatist poison in our ranks.
Telling us that we're serving the interests of giant capitalists isn't a very good strategy on your part because we already know that we aren't and we know that YOU are. But pretending to be anti-capitalist and anti-Jewish while also sowing the poison that is sowing might actually work. You might actually convince one or two or even thousands of angry White men to stop opposing your System in real life out of FEAR that everyone who is opposing it is actually a Jewish shill.
Their only reality is their social status and comfort level. Everything else is noise to them.
TRS get out. I have zero issue with WN organizations, just ones led by philosemite fag enablers like tricky dick spencer. Just because I don't buy into your very obvious and very jewish controlled op organization that masquerades as the real deal doesn't mean I don't want organization. You're talking out your ass buddy.
BASED Jewish white nationalist organizations are totally the way to go, just ask Shlomo over here.
Holla Forums user, answer me this: How does it feel to win at everything you do?
How does it feel to win so hard that you don't even notice it anymore?
How does it feel that the amount of our winning is so high that our opponents become ruins of their former selves, spechless in complete despair?
How does it feel that our little tibetan alpaca wool knitting forum is stronger than any propaganda organisation in the world
These were taken from a leak on a leftyfur chat.
He's got some voice clips too (.ogg file-type so I don't think Vocaroo will take them). He sounds like Spongebob.
Yes, that's exactly the reason we talk about Sweden the most.
Coming from a furry Jew. Maybe he’s the leftypol fag that just got banned, you never know.
Look you fucking traitor. You will never convince me to stab White nationalists in the back. So don't even try.
Filtered for being a degenerate anti-White traitor.
Go teach your friend from leftypol how to sow your poison.
You do know that he doesnt like TRS because he doesnt think they are white nationalists(lmao) in the first place, right?
If they are in fact WNs, i doubt he'd have any problems with them.
Filtered for being an obvious shill
I filter shills. However not everyone does. If any leftist anti-Whites want to really harm White nationalist movements, you should devote your time to doing what this faggot does.
If you can succeed in convincing angry White men to stay in their basements out of FEAR that everyone is a shill, you will accomplish more for your rich elites than screeching "RAAAAY-Sist" at us will ever accomplish.
These dumb memes about us approving of capitalism are about as meaningless as some conservative telling you that you are a fascist. You know you're not so some conservative like Rush limbaugh calling you a "Nazi" doesn't offend you. But everyone knows just how paranoid some "right wingers" are. And you know how we dislike Jews. So if you tell us convincingly that Jews run every major pro-White organization, the dumber souls among us may stay in their basements and you can collect your Shekels from your rich leaders.
If true, that confirms the Aut-Kike is a Likud operation.
Alt-fur is gaining ground and with some luck, the death grip leftyfags have will be relinquished. Practically worthless victory, I know, but it's still something. I'm trying my best to infiltrate and disrupt and it seems like it's starting to work
Missed this. Literally ‘muh dick.’ Yep, the only reason we’re opposed to White genocide is because we can’t laid.
That's opposite of what somewhat who wants to hurt the White movement would do. If they really wanted to do some harm, they'd promote the unlikable sodomites, zionists, lolbergs, jews, and race-mixers who make up the Aut-Kike.
Well, I don't listen to TRS so I cannot speak for them. However no real White nationalist spends his time attempting to drag other White nationalists through the mud. Only a moron of epic proportions could fail to see that the alt-right is a White nationalist movement. The entire philosophical basis for the alt-right's existence is White identity. The only people who aren't idiots who are pushing this meme are leftist shills and Jews.
So I filter them because I have no desire to talk with leftist shills or Jews on Holla Forums
At least not when they're crypto. I'd be more than open to talking with Jews and anti-Whites who openly admit that they are anti-White. But because of the anonymity of this platform, they can spew their poison in one place and then go spew a different poison somewhere else and few will notice.
Real White nationalists don't peddle Jewish memes. They don't attack other White nationalists with Jewish memes. Thus, anyone who uses the Jewish meme that
deserves to be filtered, then lynched.
Anyone who does this is a Jew, a leftist, or an idiot.
Why do they do this. I want to know what spirit posses a man to will himself into giant costume of an animal and then act as though the animal were his actual person. Even children on All Hallows' Eve stop after one day, but for some of the animal people it lasts for years on end.
All of that shit you just parroted is Jewish in origin. The alt-right is pro-White. That's the philosophical basis for the movement. You are either an idiot or a shill. It is as simple as that.
If you are actually a well meaning pro-White, then you are an idiot because only an slanders and smears other White nationalists. You are like the conservative traitor in the Turner Diaries.
Do you think it's possible to be both pro-jew/pro-Israel and pro-White?
It's always hilarious when lefties accuse rightists of falling for capitalism, meanwhile every major company under the sun signals against racism and nationalism, and some have even thrown their lot in with antifa.
Tell me, what can I buy to further benefit the "nazi overlords"? Flags…? That's about it. I'm sure the entire nationalist movement was created by chinese flag companies to get people to buy historical flags.
Jorjani has suspicious ties to Iranian dissident groups that are running divide and conquer campaigns to promote Zoroastrianism on behalf of Israel
The Alt-Right itself is of jewish origin, the term was coined by Richard Spencer's jew mentor Paul Gottfried.
Prove that everything I said isn't truthful.
This guy probably works for CNN and is astroturfing, calling it now.
anyone got more undercover stories?
Let's do the math
Being pro-White means wanting what you believe is in the best interests of the White race. If you believe that allowing Israel to exist doesn't hamper the existence of the White race, then yes. George Lincoln Rockwell for instance was not opposed to Jews living somewhere else. He simply wanted them to be removed from power in White countries.
Now, most people in the alt-right are completely aware of the debilitating role Jews play and most want to eliminate the Jews entirely. Thus, many on the alt-right make George Lincoln Rockwell look like a Jewish sympathizer. But that is neither here nor there. But it's hilarious that I see people rending their garments and wringing their hands over Spender saying Israel has the right to remain Jewish when GLR himself said similar things.
One thing that we who understand the Jews know that the anti-Whites who agitate for stabbing activists in the back do not, is this;
Israel is an abomination. But Israel can ONLY survive because of the Jewish parasites that suck the blood out of America and Europe. Literally hundreds of billions of dollars have been stolen by Israel because and ONLY BECAUSE of the Jews in America and Europe continue to hold power.
But if you remove them from power here, the money stops going to Israel immediately.
I wonder what will happen to Israel without all that money…
If I could not cleanse the Jews in America, but instead had to send them to Palestine As Adolf Hitler himself did and then cut off funding, I can't say I'd expect them to last very long on their own.
But I will leave it to you to decide whether or not that is ethnic cleansing.
To that I say, so the fuck what? Did you know that some early Fascists were Jews? Oh, by your logic, Fascism is now a JEWISH CONSPIRACY!!!!!!
Adolf Hitler was accused by people like you of being fathered by a Jew. I guess Hitler is a JEWISH AGENT!!!!!!!
People like you said that yesteryear and now you come along and say similar Jewish shit today.
You make baseless claims. I cannot disprove baseless claims. Start citing facts instead of this Jewish argument style you keep using.
Fucking Kike.
There's a wide variety of reasons why people do it user. The most common one is that they do it to first to hide any inadequacies they feel they have in the first place and secondly, to project an image of an attribute/s they feel that they cannot convey normally (IE: confidence, outgoing-ness etc). It's a major reason why people have "Fursonas" as well. Some use it to project a "them" that they want to be (sometimes merely an aspect of that like being sexually appealing)
Spencer is a zionist, Rockwell sold "Zionism is Treason" stickers and "punched right" more than we do here.
Saying that the alt-right isn't anti-Semitic because a Jew said "alt right" once is the same as claiming Pepe is a Zionist conspiracy because he wasn't originally a Nazi.
Only a Jew would make such a stupid argument as you do.
That was upsetting. He was almost there but (((they))) got to them.
I refuse to believe the comment section is real. Someone please tell me it isn't. If it isn't a troll, my sides have gone galactic
Whaaaaat? haha NO.
I really don't care what this Svenska faggot did because alt anything is bullshit. He probably went to some TRS pool parties with fat dummies and shitpost on 4chins and super secret Reddit pages because, 'hello, I hate Jews' doesn't magically open doors. A year is nothing.
Also, Rockwell didn't punch right. He attacked conservatives for being cowards and they were. YOU are attacking White nationalists.
Real White nationalists want more White nationalism. You seem as frightened of the rise of White nationalism as the editors of the Ney York Times.
What we NEED to do, is line them up against a wall
the alt-right namefags are all jews, have jew connections, defend the jews, or are fags
I can't think of a single exception
the people who refuse to be led by kikes generally refuse to use the label
Nice try, Kike.
Filter the obvious Jews
As I read the comment section, I get the feeling, it has to be baiting, if it's not, it's a shoalolocaust
So you are going to act completely disingenuous about not only the origins of the term, but the fact that lots of them are kikes, or have stood up for a bloated kike with b'nai b'rith wife.
That is the same thing Holla Forums is doing to the re-branded cuckservative movement known as the alt-kike. Every time there is a scuffle Spencer runs away. How dare you compare Rockwell to a bunch of kikes whose only accomplishment is podcasts which they themselves claim is just ironic
And you will not get that by following kikes. You completely disregard every point any user makes simply so you can continue to shill for a group of zionist loving cucks
Nice strawman straight from the same TRS template from a few months ago. No user is saying not to do anything, you are however claiming the only way to do anything is to follow a bunch of Ecelebs that do less in real life than the average user
Rockwell was the original "purity-spiraling 1488 LARer", he embodied everything the Aut-Right opposes. I don't why you keep posting him.
I never made that argument. Many Aut-Righters think they're jew-wise and "anti-Semitic", but they're anti-jew in the same way that the well-meaning dupes in Frank Cohen's party were.
He attacked people who were his era's equivalent of the Alt-Right
Those comments are hilarious.
Rockwell was very charismatic and a good orator, no reason not to spread the good things that he made.
If leftists are as deluded as article and comments suggest, you should take a moment at gaze at the shere loss of touch with reality. Reminds me of a cult tbh
Scratch this. I don't really think it is leftists. Probably comment section is soros paid shills. you can smell the foul odour of decay and rott from a mile away
bring evidence of ANY alt-right 'leaders' who aren't one of the above
All I know is cantwell and he's a degenerate racemixer TRS-tier larper. And he's one of the most likeable actually.
you shills glow in the dark
I don't feel like wasting the time, but I bet if we went back though gottfrieds time way back in the libertarian movement we'll find him jewing shit up. At least rothbard put effort into it.
Claiming that because a Jew said it it is magically Jewish is an idea so mystical and stupid that it doesn't deserve a response other than laughter.
Name one alt-right Jew.
You know who also does what you do? Leftists.
Perhaps he should engage in street fights with degenerates. Actually I have a lot of criticisms of Spencer. But I will not peddle the Jewish memes that he is a Jew.
I don't respond to shrill whining and baseless claims.
Here is a fact. The alt-right is based on the idea that Whites deserve the right to exist. If you do not agree with that basic premise, you are what is known as alt-lite.
That's bullshit. ANYONE who does anything IRL is attacked and slandered. Thus the objective of the Jews is clear and obvious to anyone with a brain; Discourage Whites from doing anything in real life.
Nice try.
If Hitler was alive today, he would be called an eceleb by cucks like you. So that is not an argument. And following leaders is not what anyone wants. ACTIVISM is.
Nothing is, was, nor ever will be done without boots on the ground activism and organization. As William Pierce ( An ECELEB as you would have called him were he alive today ) said,
"Only through organization comes power."
That is why Jews come here to attack at and ALL White organizations. The Jews know that organization = power because they are the very best examples of that fact.
Basically hopenothate is a soros funded company, very similar to shareblue. They seem to have started working together, only no one really knows what they're doing. soros thinks if he pays more money to these idiots he will get better results. obviously, this isn't the case. But he pays for some damn fine lulz. Thanks gyorgy
Try again.
Proper link to the article with comments. A few are encouraging.
STOP this retard web archive shit.
Try googling some of the people/organizations named in that newsletter.
If you're listening to podcasts from a network run by Michael Peinovich and his B'nai B'rith BioQueen wife, and following people like Spencer, you aren't jew-wise.
lurk moar, we call him a worthless weak lisping faggot with a commie russian beard
quit projecting
bullshit, we support our own, we just don't spread info about them elsewhere
true. The have alot of support in this, including our secret police (alphabet soup) and groups of paid shills
Hitler was a former soldier with a proven record and who clearly acted in accordance with the ideas he spread. Ecelebs are dishonest ironical trolls who just want attention, and have no consistent dedication to any ideals.
I would gladly organize with a WLP, I will NOT GIVE KIKES OR FAGS OR BRAINLESS WIMPS POWER just because they are the 'face' the controlled media interfaces with
just update archives if you think it's necessary
Can we meme this into a thing? Swedish men bitterly forcing themselves to become nazis?
These alt-kike retards legitimately believe their precious e-celebs know more than Rockwell or Hitler
White Nationalism is for faggots. Being "pro-white" is not enough, fascism is the only solution.
Almost everyone in the news letter with the notable exception of groups like the KKK are nothing more than what would now be called the alt-lite.
I actually haven't listened to more than a few TRS podcasts. So I will not speak for them. Maybe they praise Jews all day long. Maybe they say that White people aren't a race except when they need to pay race reparations. I listened to a few podcasts and got annoyed at the MGTOW kind of stuff as I believe that's dumb.
And personally I just cannot stand Spencer.
However I will not stab other White organizations in the back.
Hello JIDF. Goodbye JIDF
Filter the obvious JIDF shills
Do you know what B'nai B'rith is?
You can tell it's a Holla Forums meme just based on the low quality.
You guys actually have downs syndrome. Gender dysphoria is heavily correlated to mental retardation and mental illness, so that would probably explain why you're all transfags.
Anyone self-identifying as "alt-right" is either a fag, fed, Jew, or autist. The term was coined by Dicky Spencer, so whether you like it or not, this is Dicky's "movement". Just drop all the bullshit labels and just be an unapologetic fascist/National Socialist.
But they do exist, that's our whole point. There will always be a hierarchy, that is mans natural state, natures natural state.
lurk 2 years before posting
Holy shit. I've been filtering Jews for a long time and rarely do they use new memes. usually they just repost the same picture of a poorly photo shopped Richard Spencer with an Israeli flag. However I doubt you made that comic yourself. Besides, it doesn't have anything to do with anything remotely being discussed.
Mike Enoch, his wife, the merchant minute kike, jew, the CEO of the Alt-Right Daniel Friburg
How about going into detail on what exactly your point was, or the part you were responding to so I could have more context than "no u."
Anytime someone tried to burn a flag within the vicinity or Rockwell him and his boys would beat the shit out of whatever commie burned it
No one claimed spencer is a jew, his mentor however is a jew. Once again your are purposely acting obtuse in order to pretend that anons don't actually have points to make
In theory, just like in theory communism is about equality. In practice the alt-kike does nothing but push for zionism, and the exact same things that the conservatives in Rockwells time pushed for. They make podcasts which they admit were only ironic, and you pretend that is somehow doing more than anons have done. Then when someone like spencer or anglin once again come out and admit that they never actually believed in the ideology you will defend them because you care about the person more than you do White Nationalism itself
Only the alt-kike, which is the entiretly of your argument. You pretend that anons never do anything, and anyone who does do something has to be a part of your group. I don't remember anons attacking or slandering Hardcore Henry that filmed the protests in Portland, then incited a riot. Nor any of the guys from the regular armed federal reserve protests
If Hitler was alive today he would hate big tent groups such as TRS, and in fact even wrote about them in Mein Kampf which you clearly never read. Pierce also talked about hating groups that act the way TRS does who are more interested in beer and BBQ than actually accomplishing anything. I would gladly follow a Pierce, however you are blatantly shilling kike leaders, then claiming that they are the only option
You ready to smash the fash?
Why do alt-kikes post this tiki torch parade photo so much? That thing was a fucking embarrassment organized by Dicky to get young nationalists doxed and fired. Leftists should have been intimidated, but instead they were LAUGHING at you. You should have worn masks and burned that liberal shithole to the ground, but I guess that would be "bad PR".
That comic is actually extremely relevant since you are shilling one of the kike sides, and claiming there is no other choice
Article really shows how much who fears who.
I haven't seen such a desperate and pathetic piece in a long time.(never)
there's always unintended converts
As someone who just read what was being discussed I can confirm you are as dumb as a nigger if you can't understand what's been blatantly spelt out for you.
I could have sworn I said W e e v in that list of names. Testing to see if the wordfilter changed. jew, jew, W e e v
Don't you just need to d'nate to join the bigger alt-kike groups?
I laughed, but the filters are out of hand. Should have stopped with GATE
wow what a shitty strawman meme
I love that the alt-kike is doing such a shitty job at muddying the waters to make other people who criticize their precious ecelebs look like they, the critics, are the ones who are the shills. Take this as a great example. This post provided the same list of links where the alt-kike in their own words and in their own language promote literal Zionism. Yet this TRSodomite shill actually has the nerve to use the same old tired TRSodomite/alt-kike shill talking points.>>10632084
It's not even amusing anymore, it's just getting tiring to see these shameless shills use the same old tired alt-kike talking points against the massive trove of evidence that shows that their leaders openly promote jewry. These idiots have used the same talking points time and time again for about a year now.
How have none of you stupid faggots actually realized that the promotion of "Ethnonationalism" is exactly why these alt-kike faggots are a bunch of kiked faggots? Ethnonationalism = all races get their own homeland. With a vague concept like "ethnonationalism" whites get a homeland, niggers have their own homeland, and so do gooks have their own homeland. And, by extension, the kikes get their own homeland in Israel. Ethnonationalism is literally a rebranding of the shitty meme of the whites, niggers, gooks, and all people of all colors holding hands around the world, pic related.
Ethnonationalism = edgier, rebranded cuckservative version of diversity that sets whites out to be just another group of people on the earth rather than accurately portraying them as the rightful Master Race and natural rulers of this planet.
Don't test the mods, next thing you know they'll wordfilter a letter.
I want TRSodomites to leave.
why does no one color the fucking hands the right color
Because leftypol stole the meme, and didn't put in effort, and user probably didn't give a shit?
I was fine with the wordfilter where there were echoes around W e e v. Now you ironically cannot name the jew due to the wordfilter. This is going to lead to a lot more confusion than some of the other wordfilters have
I thought they were gloves
And you're right
I didn't know it was possible to be this new
Furries wouldn't be as unbearable if they weren't possessed with the same attention seeking behavior problem that faggots are cursed with. Also where are you discussing this shit and how are you not getting de-platformed?
I'm curious but not clicking on that video in the link.
Fuck off shill
You're a retard.
It scared the living shit out of liberals and the kikes - that's why they were so desperate to condemn white nationalist and patriots.
At least 50% of the torch bearers were your kind. Why would you be scared?
They pulled from the main site and created a separate webpage for it
Ford will come back to smite them in particular.
Are they going to arrest the leader?
With all the jews, queers and investigative antifa in the alt-right, I'd be surprised there's any room for a single straight white goy with an IQ above room temperature
‘It’s gonna end with concentration camps’
Isn't he a terrorist of some sort? He'll get to eat his words when the based non-whites slit his throat because they're the best for that sort of job. It didn't have to be like this but once a cuck then always a cuck.
His failed game, Necromancer, shows how much dedication he has even for something he "cares about".
Don't let the shabby wooden door fall off its hinges or we'll never get the Zyklon-Ben gas shower high pressure pumps from working again!
All the fuel required to pump the gas in/out when it'd be much cheaper to just use the gas in a single pistol cartridge to do the mass executions, if Hitler wasn't actually a nice guy trying to find a home for the Jewish people.
Jews own everything, so we will actually be redistributing wealth when we take it from them.
You need to realize that your porky meme is a jew.
Hahaha nobody here is even alt-right!
The Jew is worried , everything is going as planned. Know the future (((you))) have is the same you wanted for Whites.
I also report them, but they are never banned.
I have read about some ludicrous numbers that would require "gas chambers" to be so huge and sardine packed with kikes that it would have just been cheaper to flood the chambers and have them drained out than using the fake showerhead contraptions with the holes in the ceilings to drop the pellets into.
I'm talking modern house floorplan big levels of bathroom without any stalls.
And you'd literally have to have someone walking on top of the ceiling to drop in enough pellets to gas the room properly.
Because it would not only take extremely long to fill the room, but it wouldn't even be enough to just drop it in the center.
Ugh, it's so stupid.
The Altright doesnt push Zionism. Much less do nothing but push Zionism
It is pain fully obvious you guys don't know anything or are engaged in shilling.
Kevin MacDonald spoke at Spencer's conference. He doesnt lurk here. Hardly sounds like a zionist group
The most you've got is Spencer being charitable to Zionism as an expression of ethnic nationalism or identitarianism.l
That isnt pushing.
That claim of your's stuck out
This is why I got tired of far right politics. It really is a circular firing squad rather than acting against people who totally disagree with us
Pic related, it's 5 people per square meter.
So to fit 2000 at this kind of sardine packing then you'd still need 400 square meters of room to house them all.
400 square meters!
Unless I suck at this kind of math, which I might.
But imagine having to tell a group of 2000 people to "don't worry ;^) it's a shower room you only have to do stand in this BARREN, OPEN 400m² BATHROOM STARK NAKED AND PACKED WITH 5 PEOPLE PER m² WHILE WE DISTRIBUTE GAS PELLETS VIA PERIODIC HOLES IN THE CEILING USING GERMAN NAZI MAGIC
Please tell me this is a shill and not a sign that pool is a complete bubble trying to cobble together some weird narrative?
No. Seriously. If this math is correct then do imagine a fucking 400 square fucking meter fucking bathroom with no stalls because that cuts into the area, etc.
I want you to truly try and envision the insane notion of a "fake bathroom" of that size.
With all the fixings to fucking gas the kikes as they reported to have gotten gassed like.
If you ask me, I rather put my faith in mennonite testimony.
What is Friberg doing with the Säpo agent Fredriksson?
And, yes I realize that this thread is about
"undercover alt right" bullshit.
But that is of no consequence since the important things about the jewish problem are not pivoting around it.
And worshipping dead guys rather than trying anything outside of their mold (which isn't even being practiced by the users here, just getting mad when others don't)
Out for the night. Came in, saw this, was hoping for anons exposing the Swedish anti-racist and anti-white organization but that would be too focused and pro-active
Meant for
The Swedes are all a joke or controlled opposition in a totalitarian state, if they fail to give an explanation to why Friberg and the EXPO /Säpo/Antifa cuck in the same image.
So are you going to refute any of the many sourced quotes in this thread, or do you expect anons to simply take you at your word despite all the evidence
Says the outside force pushing for acceptance of jew lovers
Unless you are him you don't know that. Either way Holla Forums still has Eric Trump, Ben Garrison, and AWyattMan
Do you not see any issue zionism being peddled to the masses by a supposed White Nationalist, that also shills against ethnonationalism for Whites on multiple occasions and claims that antifa are the real fascists
Because it goes against your cult of personality. You care about people, not ideals. If you did then you would have actually taken a look at who spencer is, what his actual goals are, and how he came to be the "leader" of the alt-kike
Why is it now official Holla Forums policy to shill for ZOG?
You idiot. MacDonald writes about how Jews are bad, he observes Jewish behavior. Him observing this dynamic changing is part of his expertise.
The far right parties in Europe at already kosher and aren't ethnonationalist
Tommy Robinson is anti-racist, just anti-Religion of Cuck™. Not altright. You guys lump in way more moderate people with the Altright just to make smears stick
And search Spencer's Twitter feed to see him mocking the alt-lite for caring far more about israel's borders than the US. He employs Zionism as an equivalence with his own views as debate disarmament. As one can see when he blew the duck out of the rabbi at Texas A&M
Dunno. It could be either friburg or the other guy ducking around with one another.
Mos of the people in the first image belong to the alt-lite… you guys have less acumen than lefty journalists or the Hope not hate guy who could freely distinguish.
Second pic doesn't even look like ghoul
Last pic… not sure I get, idk
I thought Nick Bate was in prison.
Where is first image from? h3h3 kike is literally married to IDF.
Seriously, search spencer's feed for 'zionism' and you find two things
1)self-serving statements about how he "understands zionism" just so he can recursively equate it with his own desire for a white ethnostate
Which he uses against the rabbi when he spoke at Texas A&M
2) mocking conservatives and people like Cernovich/Paul Joseph Watson for being vicious defenders of the Israeli ethnostate but shrinking away from being pro-white
With that I am truly going to sleep now.
That face just screams numale cuckold. He probably hung around some basic bitch cuckservative party, and he's acting like he was deep undercover in a Russian neonazi gang.
Yea but are you talking about the AltRight or the Swedish guy? :^)
Everyone knows who KMac is, however you are not refuting my point
If you are going to say that every single person is not actually alt-right and use that as your only comeback, then can you at least give a list of who you think is actually alt-right
Do you realize that when you constantly refer to anons or Holla Forums as "you guys" you make it glaringly obvious that you are not from around here. You still do it even after it was pointed out to you before
The point of the image was that both spencer and Kmac are shilling Robinson, there is no way that you are so dense you didn't understand that. You are so blindly caught up in defending your brand that you ignore any and all points that others make
I just linked an image of spencers tweet, and you attempt to refute it by saying to look at more of his feed
Tying White Nationalism to Zionism is a bad idea since we will never be free until the jews are eliminated. Also did you really get so mad you replied 3 times to the same post then decided to verbally ragequit, or is your ego really large enough that you think anons care about when you go to bed?
Is he the dumbest motherfucker ever?
Dicky has said multiple times that he supports Israel. Even if he wasn't a Zionist, he'd still be a faggot and a coward, just like the rest of the alt-kike. All you can do is protest peacefully, get beat up and made fools of, and screech "MUH PR, MUH FREEZE PEACH" on your gay podcasts. None of you even have any plans to gain power besides waving around tiki torches like autists.
Wrong, my dear boy. It's far worse than that. "Alt-right" was not, in fact, coined by Richard Spencer, but rather by his mentor, Paul Gottfried, a practicing Jew.
waste of a bread tbh
It probably wouldn't be hard to get someone into the discord server where they organize these raids from TRS or wherever
…as soon as I left the park a counter-protestor jumped in front of me and sprayed me full in the face with mace. Thankfully I was wearing sunglasses so my eyes were spared, but the rest of my face and arms began to burn. Later the sweat would drip the mace into my eyes and I lost my vision for about 15 minutes.
After returning to my hotel room to clean up, I headed out once more to the streets, thinking the day’s events were over. There was still a march going through the town so I headed over to take a look. That’s when I saw it: a car ploughing at high speed into a crowd of people. I saw someone’s shoes fly through the air. The panicked gathering began to disperse and I started to run, still unsure what exactly had happened.
When the emergency services arrived, I saw the paramedics pumping the chest of a woman before loading her into the back of an ambulance. Earlier that day I had been on the demonstration, just yards from the murderer, now I was stood in shock as his victims were driven away to a cacophony of bellowing sirens.
This sleepy university town had just entered the halls of infamy, thanks to the extremists from the alt-right: the name Charlottesville was soon on the world’s lips…
Telegram group
It's likely an unaffiliated group masquerading as alt-kike.
So that's how he fit in so easily.
At any normal dinner the prospect of forcibly removing all non-whites would be greeted with shock, but repatriation was a relatively uncontroversial topic around this table.
The rest of the night I talked with Brits, Swedes, Lithuanians and Americans. Some of these were super-stars within the movement, such as the never-before-photographed American alt-right figure, Greg Johnson.
Above the sound of clinking glasses men in rented tuxedos discussed eugenics, the coming “race war” and the supposedly ongoing genocide of white people. Smugly they congratulated themselves on managing to keep the dinner a secret, away from the prying eyes of anti-fascists. Little did they know, I was secretly filming the whole thing.
Getting in
For almost a year I’ve been at the heart of a world of extreme racism, antisemitism, holohoax exposure, esoteric nazi rituals and wild conspiracy theories. What I found was a movement that sometimes glorifies Nazi Germany, openly supports genocidal ideas and is unrelentingly racist, sexist and homophobic.
Becoming part of the London Forum, the UK’s most important far-right ‘think-tank’, was not as difficult as its reputation would suggest. I got my foot in the door by claiming to be a disillusioned Swede curious about the alt-right movement in the UK. I said I came to London inspired by Brexit and to get away from the “cultural Marxism” (a favourite phrase for conspiracy-minded, far-right activists) of Swedish universities.
With time, my relationship with key London Forum players began to open doors to the strange and sometimes extreme world of esoteric nazi rituals, bad poetry and conspiracy theories that makes up the far-right scene in London. Once inside it became clear that the organised political meetings were just one part of this world. Social events are as common as activism. They go to concerts, gallery openings and organise picnics. Some go to meetings on topics they are completely uninterested in, just to be around friends. For many activists their personal and political lives are inseparable.
But hate and violence are always present. These are people that stand up and clap when the Orlando massacre (the shooting at an LGBT night club in Florida that claimed 49, mostly Latinx, lives) is brought up and suggest that the best way to solve the catastrophe in the Mediterranean is with gunships.
In these groups, antisemitism is so ingrained that to suggest that the Holocaust actually happened is a joke you make over a pint.
He was annoyed that "um like gross" didn't work
Oh my gol, don't you even own a tuxedo? That's so prole.
I'd bet serious money this smarmy faggot has retweeted a "This is what humans will look like in 2050" photo
Nah, nigger. You were at a vaguely conservative social club.
He's so butthurt he's insulting their fucking poetry?
Wow, however did you infiltrate this super secret gathering of hardcore right wing street fighters?
Then who really won? You wasted a year of your time willingly consuming our propaganda to what? Write an article for buzzfeed? What was your shocking conclusion? That racists are racist?
This guy's a fucking joke.
Breaking America
If you want to get to the very heart of the alt-right, all roads lead to America. While Europe has produced its fair share of prominent alt-right activists and big names from America regularly visit, it was clear that if I was to better understand the alt-right movement, the emerging split and generally to get closer to the big names, I would have to head across the Atlantic.
Hitler tea pots and BBQ food
Can't wait till they do it in the USA and are arrested by the cia fbi state county and city police all at once being the only non police entity involved in the alt-right
the alt-right is pure controlled op. Sure they might flirt with racialism to lure us in but they are doing lots to actually hurt any sort of momentum our movement would attain, by doing and saying things that are unpalatable to the traditional right and the so called 'white supremascists' (by acting and asociating themselves, even choosing homosexuals like Milo for their leaders and generally acting spergy, like Jonestein). They also want you to draw the wrong conclusions about the state of affairs: that you have a voice, that you can change the state of affairs by voting(dude, just look at the 50s, spouting based black man videos). They see free-market economics(it entails the free movement of people, ergo the browning of America) and economic prosperity and neo-liberalism as a good thing, when it is the very poison destroying our people. Electing Trump was a good thing because it should showcase to the great mass of voters that they are unable to achieve generative change by playing by the rules. Once you start playing by the rules they made you, you are effectively neutralised and pacified, because you start thinking you 'won'. Guess what 30 years ago the white Reagan voters thought they 'won', how much better are we after their 'victory'? The only way to true victory is the dismantling of the current system, making it a joke and thus delegitimizing it. Sure Trump was a step in that direction, but it's not the end goal.
Yea, no. HNH works with the "alt-right", they (he) is the group that helped Millennial Woes move to donations and they have done the same for other of their "victims".
This documentary was made with their knowledge, they work with HNH.
Alt right believe in almost nothing you said they do. They are especially disillusioned with neoliberalism and the free market. Milo had very little to nothing to do with the alt right proper and was never considered a leader by anyone.
This post reads like it was made by a boomer that gets all his info from fox news or a Jewish d & C shill. Which one are you?
Most of the people there are men between 17 and 25 and most carry guns. “We’re all about the 14 words” a guy called Kato tells me when I ask about Cascadia, referencing the infamous white supremacist slogan (“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”). “Whites are going to be a minority in this country by 2040,” he adds before telling me about the impending “race war”.
The ultimate goal of Cascadia is to create a completely separate society where members interact with each other socially, economically and, should more women join, then romantically as well. It’s a way to preserve the white race (relationships with non-whites are not allowed) as well as a way of avoiding the backlash from “cultural Marxism”, a threat that they think increasingly permeates all aspects of American life.
Inspired by the Völkish movement in early 20th century Germany, they take a monthly fee from their members and plan to buy land somewhere in the eastern part of the state in order to create a separate, completely white society.
Visceral antisemitism permeates everything, as does homophobia and sexism. “Throw them in the oven” is a common joke throughout the night as are violent threats towards “race traitors”. For the first time, I’m genuinely afraid of being discovered.
Conscious of every gesture I make, I am sure they will notice that I don’t fit in. I try asking about their guns and begin to speak English with an even heavier Swedish accent than usual, hoping it will make them more forgiving. But it’s too late to back out now, so I take a deep breath, smile, sip my drink and laugh along as they joke about the mass murder of Jews.
Yeah, aint watching that.
You truly are desperate.
Every time they mention the 14 words I chuckle inside. The memes are powerful.
These people have no clue.
Notice how he said he didn't pretend to laugh. He took a deep breath, had a beer, and laughed at the mass murder of jews.
They've lived too long in a world where everything was assumed. Television and social media nodded along with them too much. They've grown fat and their minds have atrophied.
Hey , you got an invite link? I have like 10 accounts, all furry ones. Could try to infiltrate.
Once I go on break, I'll link you there.
He even sounds like a homo.
The NYT comment section is real. There are millions of people who believe everything the NYT prints and if they don't print something it doesn't exist. NYT readers are totally brainwashed and cannot be helped.
Uncovering links to the White House
After the Seattle Forum I head to New York. The split between Counter-Currents Publishing and AltRight Corporation (the result of the Arktos row mentioned earlier) had got especially nasty.
Having spent a few days at the heart of Counter-Currents, I decided I had to go get the other side of the story.
“We had connections in the Trump administration
Even more threads today than usual hailing ZOG and the super-bad-based jews and queers of the aut-kike
is this good enough?
You'll fit in just fine. I go on break in a half-hour. I'll start you on /fur/+/furry/ and go from there We infiltrators naow
Over the last year, I had got used to some pretty extreme racism but on that sweaty day in Charlottesville, Virginia I was taken aback. People spoke of sending all Jews to Israel and then nuking it and how they were “looking forward to bathing in n****r blood”.
I spoke for a time with head of Arktos Media and close associate of Richard Spencer, Daniel Friberg. He’s a Swede and I couldn’t help but think how surreal this all was. I was thousands of miles from home, surrounded by swastika-emblazoned flags and KKK members, and was having a conversation with one of the best known far-right activists from home.
It was around 9.30 when I entered Emancipation Park and it was already crowded. We were surrounded by two layers of metal fences and a phalanx of police.
On the roofs looking down through binoculars were the National Guard, but most worrying were the heavily armed private militias with Confederate flags emblazoned on their bulletproof vests.
As the morning went on the temperature rose to a baking 31 degrees. More and more people entered the demonstration site with their flags and shields in tow. Confederate flags, Nazi flags, Ku Klux Klan flags and white power banners gave the event a sinister air.
Most of those on the inside were very young and almost all were men. Many had shields they had made at home and were wearing helmets and carried guns. This was a crowd prepared for violence.
The aim was to ‘Unite The Right’, so far-right groups of all stripes were in attendance. As each one arrived the crowd would part and ceremonially clap them in. Big players like former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke received rapturous applause.
And who's behind HOpe not Hate? You'll never guess.
I call shenanigans. The alt-kike wouldn't say this because it's too edgy, and Holla Forums wouldn't say it because they don't want anything to do with negro bodily fluids.
Holla Forums
Holla Forums, also known as Infinitechan, is an image board created by Fredrick Brennan in 2013 as a “free speech” alternative to 4chan.
After 4chan banned discussion of Gamergate, Holla Forums became a central hub of Gamergate activity. A Holla Forums board (to rival 4chan’s Politically Incorrect board) was set up on Holla Forums and has become home to many nazis and manospherians now identifying with the alt-right. Brennan, who suffers from a rare genetic bone disease, wrote an early article on the alt-right nazi site Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack in support of eugenics.
Perhaps the most notorious board on the site is /baphomet/, a hacking and “raiding” board known for launching extreme and co-ordinated forms of trolling and doxing (outing people). Holla Forums was key in the outing of several prominent members of the central alt-right website The Right Stuff.
Holla Forums has had a serious issue with child pornography being posted on multiple boards.
Filtered for being a degenerate anti-White shill.
The alternative to activism is death. I can tell that the Kikes are getting worried based on all the leftists that keep coming here to try to trick us into inactivity. Fucking cuck.
I have still gotten no answer to why Friberg is together with Martin Fredricksson.
Every time.
say what you want about this guy, but he looks like the alpha version of Hitler
This swede is going to get culturally enriched
Just keep spinning that narrative, and being as disingenuous as possible. No one has been talking about being against real life action. Hating kikes does not make you anti White. You can be against the alt-kike and still want to preserve your race and your nation
This is just really low quality bait
Can you decide on whether alt-right is nazi or jew already
You are so confusing hope not hate
Hey remember when the White nationalist (((mike peinovich))) censored the forums and banned everyone for outing him a a jew then went on pretending that he was Serbian, Croatian, then Norwegian ?
No that's just the TRS trash.
No one is telling you to be innactive, they're telling you not to associate with obvious infiltrators but since you're too much of a nigger to form groups and take over you local politics to help your people, you go listen to a retarded podcast preaching to the choir and act like you changed the world. Fuck the alt kike.
is alt right nazi or jew,
hope not hate?
Again, you may be obsessed with TRS, but I am not. However I heard that Mike Enoch wasn't a Jew, it was "only" his wife. But of course I don't obsess over TRS so I'll just take your word for it.
Welp, if he opposes White nationalism, then he isn't alt-right.
Since when does a movement have a CEO?
Hey, you know a Jew published the Turner Diaries. I guess you also think William Pierce was a Jewish agent.
My point is and always was that the more White nationalism, the better. Never before have more Americans been openly supporting their race so openly. I can talk about the fact that Jews run the media openly now and people are far more likely to listen to the facts. This is a very good current year. And it will only get better the more people (you call them ecelebs) come out and say that White people have a right to exist.
You'd rather Whites stay in their basement and post online. I want more White people openly promoting our right to exist. Currently my position is winning and Whites are coming out of the basement and into the sun.
Beating up degenerates is a pleasant thing indeed. But it's not an argument. It's a goal. If Spencer or David Duke or Jared Taylor started hunting down Marxists and beating them to death, they'd end up in jail. And they would have accomplished nothing. Assuming you are White and don't hate White nationalism, I'll assume as well that you hate Marxi$ts as much as I do. I'd love to line them up and bayonet each and every one of them in the neck and dump them in a hole. However even if Spencer killed ten thousand Marxists, it would accomplish nothing. If you want to kill someone, kill someone important. Degenerate antifa goons are merely the pawns of big Jews like Soros and Gerald Levin. Killing them would do more than killing a million of their goons.
But back to the present now, the alt-right has and does beat up antifa. Maybe not to death yet. So are you complaining that Richard Spencer doesn't personally go out and beat up antifa goons? That's a pretty immature wish. Spencer has many flaws, but I am not upset that he isn't some meathead who runs around beating other meatheads up.
William Pierce, GLR, and even Adolf Hitler didn't always hate Jews. And this claim that his mentor was a Jew is both irrelevant and silly. Show me actual evidence that this Jew has influence over Spencer in the same way that Gerald Levin has influence over CNN.
That's bullshit, so I don't even need to respond to it.
Says someone actively attempting to shut down White nationalism. That's rich.
You keep making baseless claims to try to shut it down, but it only proves that you are not a White nationalist. I actually want Whites to survive. You're just obsessed with your Jewish memes.
.Holla Forums isn't an organization.
Name for me one White nationalist organization you DON'T shill against.
The NSDAP was a big tend group that included people from many political persuasions ranging from many sides of the conventional political spectrum. Also, if Hitler were alive today, you'd say HE'S A SHILL! because of his "Jewish father" or his accepting loans from banks or his Jewish bodyguard or some other bullshit that you obsess over to avoid the fact that Hitler is/was promoting German interests instead of the Jewish interests you are so content with.
Again, you must spend a hell of a lot of time imagining what TRS is because I doubt you spend much time on their sites. But then neither do I so I literally don't care what TRS says. Clearly TRS is calling for civic nationalism or something.
You say you'd follow Pierce, yet he was an "eceleb" or rather would have been had he been around today. He'd make pro-White podcasts and videos as that was his life's goal. And you're clearly open to Jewish suggestion considering you're pushing Jewish memes. I think had Pierce been alive today you'd call him a Jewish agent because he had a Jewish publisher or because he was in the military once in the same way that shills say that David Duke is a shill because his father worked for the government.
You're so devoted to doing nothing but shitposting on an anonymous image board that I have no confidence that you'd lift a finger for Pierce other than to shill against him. Cowards and shirkers like you really do disgust me.
let me help you.
That's a bullshit Jewish meme. You probably claim that you don't really think that, but name one pro-White organization you don't shill against.
Well that is what the "shills" of the Traditional Workers' Party is trying to do.
Then name one real life action that you haven't claimed is a Zionist conspiracy.
That's not what I have said but it's nice to see you have to deform sentences like a kike to be able to argue against the truth.
Namefags aren't welcome on Holla Forums in general. Most people here know TRS was just an edgy Opie and Anthony without comedians. The hate is a backlash from the attempt to co-opt Holla Forums as a volunteer marketing branch. I like the idea of a media platform pushing white nationalism, even though it's a little gay and jewish. The problem is their forum members tried to shill a hardcore dyed-in-the-wool national socialist antisemitic imageboard with "hey guys remember to donate and promote us also not all jews and fags are bad". It was bad strategy and they got assfucked for it. Anyone who listens to TRS now keeps their head down and never mentions it. They should have known better than to try and shill Holla Forums of all places. Keep that namefag shit on reddit. This isn't the place for it.
Uwe Boll boxing Lowtax.
Yet you have only ever shilled against it. Name one White organization you don't shill against.
Name one pro-White organization you have not shilled against
Notice how the shills who claim to not be opposed to activism cannot name one pro-White activist organization they won't shill against.
Where did my Telegram link post go? Am I blind?
I don't really like organisations when they get too big they attract the wrong crowd but the Traditional Worker Party is fine, I also like certain people like Kai Murros.
Notice how the TRSodomites can't think for themselves and do shit on their own.
I've seen this argument a lot on here, especially within the last year.
Holla Forums's job is not to name organizations so you can go and infiltrate/dox them. We support nothing and nobody but the existence of our people and a future for white children. You can't shame anonymous posters into giving you a target.
It's been a thing since the beginning of this year when we fucked TRS.
look, I think we would agree on mosr issues here on Holla Forums, the difference you seem to be fine being called alt-right, while I don't. The reason why I don't because it's associated with and defined by repugnant people like Milo and Spencer. Why would you want to be under the same banner as them? . One should refuse (((media))) created labels, because they only serve to demonise and obfuscate what you really stand for.
Come again?
So you're telling me that the ONLY thing in all of recent history that you haven't shilled against is a boxing match? The one thing that isn't fake is boxing?
I'm fully aware of that. However TRS has never solicited me so I do not obsess over them. I'm more concerned with pro-White activism than TRS podcasts. If you hated only the fact that they wanted more viewers then I'd agree with you. But the fact that you oppose White torch rallies and every other form of activism besides Boxing matches makes me think you're either a Jew, an anti-White, or an idiot. You could have named anything in the world and the ONE thing you did was a boxing match.
You keep telling me all about TRS and maybe you're right. I don't know. I never obsessed over it. But I'm more interested in your boxing match. Tell me what great things this one event caused.
If you don't want to take my advice, fine. I told you what your strategy resulted in, and yet you double down. Reminds me of a certain group.
It was a joke, you fucking newfag. Stop embarrassing yourself.
95% of the comments :
ZOG bots in full force
remaining 5% :
Yet the Traditional Workers Party associates with the pro-White alt-right. Doesn't that make them shills? I've seen many (((anons))) claim that the TWP is a Zionist organization.
Notice how your one and only argument is about TRS which I never once claimed to be familiar with. I neither support nor oppose TRS, a relatively unimportant podcast crew who has yet to do anything important. If I obsessed over TRS as much as you do, maybe I'd tell them to get off their asses and do something. Why haven't you?
Watch this video.
I already saw this video and the reason why I obsess over TRS is because I know you're one of them.
So once again you have admitted that you shill against all pro-White organizations and all actions and everything that anyone has ever done.
Notice how the Jews pull this shit about ALL White organizations. Their goal is clear; discourage any and all pro-White activities
And yet the lemmings will fall for it.
He never admitted to that.
Notice how the TRSodomite deforms every phrases to support his lies.
And yet the lemmings will fall for it.
Filtered for non-argument and being an idiot.
I'm just going to filter anyone who mentions TRS as it seems that they're all either Jews or idiots.
You redtext for no reason, you put words in people's mouths, and you reference WLP quotes with no understanding of what he actually meant.
You can filter the truth but you cannot stop it, everyone can see what you are.
I redtext for very good reason, Kike.
hope not hate puts shills in a hard position.
they are now forced to go directly against what they try to sell to the public
Please identify yourselves so I can filter you. An identification constitutes as a non-argument like
it's hilarious to see shills losing their mind.
hope not hate just confirmed alt-right as legit
You’re doing Odin’s work, user. I had hoped that the endless attacks on any and all pro-Whites who showed their face or used their names would end when Iron March imploded, but I was wrong. Too many blackpilled retards fall for the kike D&C.
Yeah, it's as if Iron March had nothing to do with it and Holla Forums just hated you fags. Really activates the almonds.
I figure if I filter at least half of the shills, conversations in the future will get a little bit more meaningful.
I noticed you used the term "White Genocide"
Are you by any chance familiar with the Swarm? Very few people here seem to be familiar with what should be a household name for internet activism.
good idea. doing the same
-hope not hate
Yes, I do a lot of BUGS type stuff on Twitter and in real life. A lot of Holla Forumsacks don’t have the patience for it, they need fresh memes and OC all the time. Still good, but Holla Forums‘s memetics is more of a preaching-to-the-choir variety that’s useful for solidifying an in-group. I can go to a pub and use the mantra and drop redpills, but talking about Kek wouldn’t work there obviously.
You are a gem. I do the same thing myself. Using a flexible Mantra, I was able to redpill my entire White workforce. They went from a jumble of working class men who ranged politically from
Later that year we formed a pro-White militia. Even I was amazed at how readily they got it. And I'm not even talking about an equal opportunity nationalism either. After only a few months I was handing out copies of the Turner Diaries.
It's powerful stuff and I wish more people here had the patience to pull off what the Swarm does. Too many people here (not even mentioning the Jews) understand Pierce's points about the lemming-nature of most people and then failed to understand what Pierce wanted to do from there. Just because most people are lemmings doesn't mean that they should be ignored and the Zeitgeist left up for grabs. The masses must be guided and can be guided by whoever can create a strong enough narrative.
TRSodomites aren't fucking welcome.
How many fucking times do we have to tell you this ?
How? Jewish organizations have attacked controlled opposition before, the JDL even fought Frank Collin and his followers during the infamous march.
Daily reminder that the organic overlap of groups like trs/im/cc/t_d and Holla Forums is what drive jews and activist faggots insane
All they can do is astroturf and threaten ideological excommunication, utterly powerless and impotent gnashing of teeth, pitiful display.
The oversight didn't plan on their honeypots getting bigger and more influential, to the point that they're used as filters for smaller local groups that they don't control. Don't mind me, I'm just on my way to insert some better rhetoric into alt-lite groups real quick, without revealing where it came from.
Can you decide on whether alt-right is nazi or jew already
You are so confusing hope not hate
Like this
[autistic screeching intensifies]
This is great news, I'd like to thank the people at hopenothate from the bottom of my heart
Thanks, and congrats. That’s all it takes, you red pill a few people, they redpill a few people, and you get exponential growth. Now that 30% of Americans are openly 14/88 (though they don’t know that term yet), fireworks are going to start soon!
Nigger, do you think Charlottesville was anything but Skokie 2.0? It was a massive victory for the jews, and according to at least one of the other organizers, Jason Kessler is a jew, and everybody knew, but went along with anyway. Kessler also authored the poem "White Devils", which he's currently trying to scrub from the internet.
You appear to have some autistic idea that everyone who does anything in the open is completely legit no matter what.
What about that proves they're legit?
Do you believe this is proof that Hal Turner is legit?
[shill screeching intensifies]
I love how the "anti-rayciss" dope and hate organisation after one year manages to achiece nothing but make a clear map of which movements they consider threatening, in turn provides us with movements which comply with our viewpoint.
That's great. If you want to work together, that's wonderful.
But don't come on Holla Forums telling us to PRfag and water down our ideas because you don't like them. And don't make the excuse 'normies won't like it'. Normies will fucking like what we tell them to like. It has nothing to do with normies not liking it and everything to do with a total lack of spine.
The reason we beat you faggots so hard isn't that we hate you and want you to fail. It's that we think you have potential and wish you would stop being such total newfags. It's like beating your little brother or beating a new recruit in the army.
We are winning so hard, it's insane. After we got Trump elected, now we managed to redpill millions after c-ville and the left is admitting that they can't stop us.
Bretty good :D
No it wasn’t. Charlottesville was a huge success for us and a great show of force. I just point out to people that the fake news is calling young Trump supporters ‘White supremists’ while giving a pass to violent Communists. Even liberals are getting pissed at the news now. Meanwhile, the city of Charlottesville is going to have to pay millions of dollars in lawsuits after illegally shutting down a rally with all the appropriate permits. Without these things as talking points, it’d be much harder to drop redpills IRL.
Stop shilling your blackpills, we’re not taking the bait.
Some of them still have potential, but anybody who stayed in the bog after finding out about Kike Eunuch's B'nai B'rith wife is hopeless, same for anybody who pays attention to Grindr Greg, assuming that's what he meant by "cc".
This also next big gathering will be in Europe, London, Football Lads Alliance
7 oct
Previous one had excess of 10.000 people
It resulted in Trump condemning White nationalists, and gave the jews the pretext to begin seizing domains, which interestingly hasn't effected AltRight.com or TRS.
You sound just like the people who still try to claim that the Skokie March was really a victory for Whites because the supreme court ruled that Swastikas were protected political speech, ignoring everything else that came out of it.
They're EDL-tier kosher nationalists, but I guess because they're holding a rally it means they're legit to you?
Show me one thread of evidence that Hitler had a Jewish father you ultimate fagot.
sounds pretty comfy tbh
Don't give it any more (you)s. That's the same "OMG Hitler was a kike/Rothschild" narrative the shills have been pushing hard lately. Report and filter.
solar deities are honorary aryan deities
There is none. That was his entire point. Shills will grab on to anything they can find or invent to discredit IRL pro-White activists.
Doctor:How many vaccines you want fam?
Kid's Parents: ==JUST==
So his argument is essentially "the jews have slandered people in the past, so we should give the jews and their defenders the benefit of the doubt when they claim to be on our side". Pure autism.
The next step is to radicalize them. Once 10% of a population holds an unshakable belief in something, their ultimate victory becomes nearly inevitable.
Keep telling yourself that, Mr Bloom.
There is as much evidence that Hitler's father was a Jew as faggots who shill against pro-White organizations provide.
How could I be American Vantard's James Alex Fields-Bloom, he was arrested after Charlottesville?
The claim that Hitler was the illegitimate offspring of a Rothschild is a completely baseless lie, the "shilling" against what you perceive to be "pro-White organizations" is all based on the words and actions of the people behind these groups.
This will trigger HnH cucks,
watch them screech in gran autismo as they reply to these posts:
(Meighan, Tottenham Hotspurs supporter is organizer of first FLA where 10.000 rival supporters united for the first time in history and marched through London, showing muslims whose town it is)
Why do you keep changing your IP? Is it your autistic attempt at building a false consensus?
Also, daily reminder of persons/projects/movements failed to stop or discredit:
Generation Identity: Defend Europe naval mission
National Action
ONR and Britain First
Burning dem soros bucks for no effect
Well, it's definitely part of it. If (((our greatest ally))) had postponed his destruction of the institution of marriage until waifubots and virtual reality become available, there would be no underclass of disenfranchised and angry young white men flinging poo poo pepes at him in the mail. :^)
Once again kikes with their impaired long term planning abilities.
Oh yeah, they shilled hard against Farage, nick lowles (hNh director) actually sued him
We all know how that ended.
Another one to the neverending list of things hNh failed to stop.
These kikes are so terrified of BASED kosher nationalists like Britain First.
>Its claimed objective is "to save this country and our people from the EU, politically correct, multicultural insanity that is now engulfing us".[22] It said in 2015 that Muslims are the only community not integrating, and that "Jews don't cause any problems".
I'd advise those with twitter to follow hNh
as they are normally an excellent indicator of which movement is good and has real potential
He is literally quoting what that Jew General Wesley Clark said word for fucking word. How can anyone remotely support this queer after hearing him say this?
You need to some about your autism. Did you even take any breaks during your spergout in defense of the Alt-Kike?
General tip: Majority of Holla Forums Anons recognise shills so do not engage them at all. This is what drives them insane. If you really want them to rage, give them no reply. Eventually they either ragequit or start sockpuppeting which makes them that much more obvious.
Enjoy in this present hnh just gave us, and even more so, enjoy in our ever exponentially growing influence and victory
Well put.
We're not against white nationalist media, but we put it through the same gauntlet everyone goes through on Holla Forums. If you come out the other side a whining pussy telling people to stop being mean on the internet, you were never going to be of value. If you're a faggot or you married a kike, don't expect Holla Forums to make excuses for you just because you say edgy shit.
Best advice.
Isn't that the guy who drove his car into a crowd and allegedly killed a land-whale?
It's supported by the same kind of circumstantial bullshit that you've been peddling. I've never tried to dig up dirt on Hitler but I am certain that if I wanted to do what you do, I could make some nice flow charts that "prove" Hitler was a Zionist too. Hitler didn't even want to exterminate the Jews wholesale anyway. He merely wanted them out of Germany. Does that make him a Zionist? Maybe according to your ridiculous standard.
And as for your little out of context video of Spencer stuttering around as is his usual, so the fuck what? It's ironic that many of the people who falsely accused me of being more loyal to an "ism" than the White race often themselves turn around and prove that they are more loyal to an "ism" than preserving their own allegedly race.
If I could secure the existence of the White race by creating a fascist government, I would do it. If I could the existence of the White race by creating a "republican" government, I would do it. btw, notice that I am using a small "r" not a big "R"
I am no more loyal to the fascist brand than I am any other brand. The ONLY thing that matters right now is securing our existence and avoiding complete extermination. We can kill each other again over economic agendas if that's what we want to do as a race. But right now I don't give a shit about anything other than overthrowing the anti-White System.
And to the vast majority of the White world, that is exactly what the word "Fascist" means. Maybe someday after we (meaning pro-Whites, so not you) have overthrown the Jews and taken control of the MSM, we can socialize the lemmings to love Fascism. Or maybe we'll just call it Americanism or Plumbatarkism or Kashumatiballinism or whatever other word we want to call whatever political system we create. Words don't matter. Race does.
What is great about this, hnh really put soros bucks to work, so now we hace a great outline and structure of movements with which we share common goals and can work with. It is absolutely incredible I have been meaning to do this for quite a while but now they have done the work for me. Their al-right site is a treasure of valuable information. Archive as much as possible
Americanism = Fascism. This is what the meme needs to be. I sense a lot of power in it and it's true.
Don't d&c :^)
hopejusthate if you're reading this (Iknow you are)
-Sincerely, thank you so much for this.
The autistic lack of self-awareness never gets old. You've been responsible for 1/3 of the posts in this thread over various IDs, trying to push the false consensus that Holla Forums is Alt-Right and that kosher "nationalist" groups are "/ourguys/".
I actually enjoy it when these shills post so much, because my web browser sucks and gets slow on large pages so filtering prolific shills makes my browser responsive again.
Seriously what the fuck am I supposed to use as a browser these days? Browsers with customizable UIs are going extinct, the only remaining ones have too much bloat.
It really is all they've got at this point.
>Irritating kike who has been shilling for the jewish aut-kike all day long now shifts focus to promote (((Football Lads Alliance)))
Just in case anyone was ever in doubt whether the painfully strained overpromotion of jew kosher clown organisation of Football Lads Alliance was a jew front or not…
I find it extremely satisfying when your enemy provides you with material which you use to advance your goal.
More so, it is morale devastating when they realize that all they worked so hard for actually strenghtened their enemy's ranks.
I like to use this as much as possible
. .
because physical wounds heal
What a surprise!
Literally Jewish NAxALT
Who could have possibly anticipated this?!
Holla Forums is ALWAYS right.
I'm sure USA is trembling with fear
I mean watchout guys we got a BADASS over here
deluded hnh cucks got increased soros funding to basically copycat splc and fail on a larger scale than before.
Jamaica, NY 11417, USA
A little freedom and democracy would be well spent here.
Founding Year
Principal Officer
Andrea Inverso
Main Address
Show More Contacts
Cause Area (NTEE Code)
Educational Services and Schools - Other
Mission Kindness International Inc.
Address: P.O. Box 170378, Jamaica, NY 11417, USA
Telephone: 718-848-8952
(609) 396-2278.
Trenton, NJPhila, PA
Gregory InversoJames InversoLena InversoNicholas Inverso
The United States is a great nation. It is a land of rule of law and its Constitution provides protection to minorities, religious groups and people of all ethnicities. Moreover, the government cannot impose any particular religion or ideology on its citizens nor discriminate on the basis of religion and creed.
The United States of America has been a beacon to the world in defending the rights of religious minorities, yet it is also sadly true that at times in our history particular groups have been singled out for unjust discrimination and have been made the object of scorn and animosity by those who have either misconstrued or intentionally distorted the vision of the Founders.
The face of America is changing. Religion of Cuck™ophobia, stereotypes and hate against Religion of Cuck™ and Muslims are here and real. Hate used to be on the fringes of society. Now, Religion of Cuck™ophobia is part of the mainstream. This escalation of anti-Muslim bigotry and Religion of Cuck™ophobia has truly gotten out of control. Thankfully, some interfaith leaders and politicians, even in the GOP are speaking out. But, we need many more voices. This is not the America that we know and love, that received the Pilgrims and found a place for the Quakers, that built its cities through immigrant sweat and tears. We must not turn our backs on this legacy. This is a critical moment in our history as a nation.
This Religion of Cuck™ophobia and hate towards Religion of Cuck™ and Muslim is there because we have not effectively challenged them. In order to effectively challenge them we have to understand that combating Religion of Cuck™ophobia is a much larger systemic challenge that requires a strategic and critical approach.
We can and must push back on the Religion of Cuck™ophobic backlash. We can and must engage in challenging Religion of Cuck™ophobia as an integral part of our efforts for justice in our country. We believe that the positive values we live by are worth more when we pass them on. We can do this, and we must do it today.
Hope and optimism is the way of a Muslim. Stand up for the rights and dignity of not just American Muslims but of all Americans.
Hope-not-hate.org is a project of Mission Kindness International (MKI) which is a not for profit, 501 (c) 3, educational organization. Donations and gifts to MKI is fully tax deductable. Our tax ID is: 47-2420019.
This web portal is managed by patriotic American Muslims who believe in united, prosperous and peaceful America; free from Religion of Cuck™ophobia, hate and injustices.
Ustadh Ekram Haque,
Ustadh Ekram Haque is a writer, journalist, author, and khateeb. He has a Master’s degree in Journalism from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. He has written hundreds of articles in large and small publications, including a number of Op-Ed and features articles in the Dallas Morning News, News & Observer, Denver Post, Newsday and Asbury Park Press.
He has taught the Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallaahu Alaiyhi WaSallam to different age groups and delivered weekly lectures on the Seerah at the East Plano Religion of Cuck™ic Center in Plano, TX. Those lectures served as the nucleus for his recently published book, “Muhammad: Son of Abraham, Brother of Moses, Successor of Jesus.”
He received much of his informal education about Religion of Cuck™ from Sheikh Abul Yosr Mohamed Baianonie, then imam of the Religion of Cuck™ic Center of Raleigh in North Carolina. Ustadh Ekram teaches the Seerah in a contemporary context and helps draw lessons that are relevant to our current challenges. “Only by following the Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad (s) can we successfully navigate through these turbulent times,” he said.
Burgers, you have been warned.
Indeed. I know many working class Americans (being one of them myself) as well as Americans of all stripes and backgrounds. Of the racially conscious Americans, very, very few of them would be comfortable saying that they were a fascist or national socialist or national syndicalist or whatever you get the picture nevermind potentially risking their lives fighting for fascism. Maybe a few more would not mind fighting for nationalism (particularly if you stick "American" in front of "Nationalism"). However most of my racially conscious friends and acquaintances happily call themselves "American Patriots." Or some variant.
I've asked some what exactly they think that is and get a host of answers that seem to boil down to "Fighting to preserve our culture and heritage."
Well I can jive with that. I don't know what kind of economic system comes along with "American Patriotism" but probably something patriotic. Maybe everyone purchases things with pet eagles. There certainly is no Federal Reserve based on what "American Patriots" have told me.
I have also heard a lot of something called "freedom" and at first I assumed it meant literal libertarian ideals. However upon closer inspection it seems to mean nothing in particular.
Nothing, Firefox blows, Opera/Vivaldi opens multiple processes at one to make sure that if one of your window freezes the other ones are safe but it doesn't work. Nobody can code properly anymore, they all have that "fuck optimization it's 2017 we fon't need to worry about hardware" attitude.
He probably filtered you, he's a faggot.
Oyyy veyy
Where do you think the movement is heading?
When I'm in Seattle, or anywhere, people know the names of Swedish fascists, they know and follow Swedish and European youtubers and podcasts.
The radical fringe is getting more radical. Charlottesville, where people marched without masks, is a sign of their confidence. What took place there was a watershed moment: those who felt the need to distance themselves from the more extreme element – and those who have been further radicalized. This division is also a natural effect of the movement growing in numbers – which it certainly is.
I was inside the movement around the time in last November when Donald Trump won the election, and I could see the growing amount of new recruits. People were really motivated. And that motivation has stayed with them, even though some have moved on from Trump. I think the movement will split into different camps, some softer, some more hardline.
But the hard core, the actual alt-right tendency, will only get worse with time. And that will contribute to the movement gravitating in their direction. Which has been their goal from the start: moving the political field as a whole in their direction, step by step.
RT should send undercover interns in various MSM joints to identify the official narrative channels and publish (((names)))
Quite the timeline we are living through, lads.
Clearly not a template at all. This must be some sort of coincidence
The things I reacted to viscerally in the beginning began to almost feel normal. I soon noticed how little I would react to hearing such extreme racism. I became desensitised. Yet that is precisely what is so scary.
Being undercover meant I couldn’t challenge their hateful ideas. Bit-by-bit, hate began to be “normal”
sorry for shitpost but
fixed it
*will be
I desperately want this to turn into a recursive shitpost
LOL, what a load of bullshit. Who do they mean, Bannon? The guy who couldn't move fast enough to throw white people under the bus and supports "economic" nationalism (kikery). Trump, the Israeli ball fondler who brags about his kike grand kids and has developed amnesia in regards to his campaign promises? Or Kushner, the shadow president kike? What a load of complete HORSESHIT. The only people believing this shit are SJW wiggers.
The NYT liberals in that comment section struggle to decide what it is that motivates the "Nazis" they so fear. The ones who don't parrot the buzzwords chalking it up to "hate" and "fear" put forth quaint Marxist theories like "they need jobs," or they go for Freud with "they need girlfriends." A fair number of them say "they need education."
We know the Left misses the mark on all of these diagnoses–plenty of white nationalists have jobs, educations, and wives or girlfriends. It's cliche for folks to assume that those they disagree with are "crazy" or "stupid." They have a hard time truly believing that we've calculated differently and have a different set of values–and there's nothing wrong with us.
A few of them become neo-Puritans and suggest that "the Nazis" are simply "evil" or "sociopaths." One claimed "empathy develops later in boys." But who decides what's "evil?" Aren't these the same folks who reject the idea that there's an absolute standard for good and evil?
Reported as bad TRS shill.
A UK group went undercover to fight the alt right. Will its unorthodox tactics work in the US?
With the rise of an increasingly transatlantic far-right movement, it only makes sense that anti-racist, anti-fascist organizations are also starting to operate internationally.
This week, Hope Not Hate, a UK-based organization established in 2004, launched a new US chapter. The group is known for combining traditional anti-racist campaigns with more unorthodox methods—such as infiltrating far-right extremist organizations, both online and in person, and spending months or years undercover in communities susceptible to far-right ideas.
If they have jewish leaders; be on guard. If they do not then they are probably potential allies. To the normalfag it is only those communities which they see chimping out that are perceived as the problem. In Britain this includes browns of all varieties, blacks and specifically muslims. Jews rarely expose themselves and when they do they cover it up as quick as they can and have the full support of the media and police. The average Briton will rarely ever see jews, they might glance at one in the street but beyond the terrible driving and weird stares that jews give them, they will not notice anything dodgy.
It is blacks, browns and muslims who form gangs, commit crime and chimp out. So to the average Briton, they are the enemy. I imagine its much the same in the USA only with Spics added to the list of dangers. We obviously know that there are other threats but the average person does not have such insight. That does not make them an enemy however.
We should be working alongside all groups that opposite immigration, multiculturalism, Religion of Cuck™ and judaism. Any group that opposes just one of these will be full of people who are worthy allies to our cause, though they may not yet know the full horror of what is going. They are still our allies though. The leadership of TRS is our enemy, but the vast majority of their members are our allies. So too Britain First, the Alt-Right, Football Lads Alliance and all these other groups. Be friendly to those you meet from there, though obviously expose any corruption in their leadership.
There might be potential for recruitment, like with anti-Zionist leftists, but as of now, they aren't our allies.
'this did not go as planned"
- hateNothope
This guy gets it!
This guy is such an obvious literal faggot how could they trust him.
Also where is all the crypto pro jewish pro israel sentiment the jimpact and renegade kikes always whine about? Didn't see any (other than Greggy saying jews have a "right" to an ethno state)
Slick posting there shill.
Daily Reminder that almost all alt right is ourguys
Daily reminder that hope not hate are hilarious fuck up cucks
No idea.
Doesn't exist. It's all fake, like the Holodomor, not real like the Shoah.
Who’s got the original of that where the kike golems break free?
So what did they acomplish with this?
Destroy the shill narrative that alt-right is subverted?
They should coordinate a little better, it's getting increasingly hard to try to label groups subverted when you publish stuff like this
How do you destroy the "shill narrative that alt-right is subverted?", when they so evidently are completely jewish.
that's right, those guys at hope not hate are wrong.
fellow sharebluer
Hope not hate - a jewish organisation designed to undermine the goy
The Alt-Right - a jewish organisation designed to undermine the goy
Shareblue - a jewish organisation designed to undermine the goy
Which of these three jewish constructs is not jewish?
Who is this semon demon
so you are sayi.ng hope not hate is right .
or are we all jews?
or.are you just a fellow sharebluer who is
Are you suggesting hopenothate.org.uk is actually doing this project as a viral marketing campaign to get people to join movements on the alt right, counting on reverse psychology to make it larger?
Are you fucking retarded?
No, I was demonstrating that jews like to finance and control movements that are at odds with each other.
Like in the way they own the Democrats and the Republicans.
Do you see?
That is all any human could have deduced from my post, yet you somehow misconstrued that to state that dribble you posted.
Then you had the gall after that. to call me a retard…
The psychotic stare of the sun really illuminates the brainwashed nature of the Swede.
That's a cheetah
That's funny,because that's exactly what you were saying,
You are a fucking retard, and you're shit at your job.
What you were doing was you were backpedalling because you were rightly named a correct the record/shareblue shill
so you are suggesting shareblue.com the Alt Right as whole and hopenothate.org.uk are rivaling political parties now
How does it feel to be below nigger level iq
Careful'she's a biter
Best description of hatenotbait ever
I like how they're spinning it that the alt-right was infiltrated by this Swede. It's more likely that he was genuinely alt-right, but then he cucked out and went to work with Hope Not Hate. This absolves him of any criticism from his new SJW buddies, and makes the alt-right look like they've just been owned. It's amusing either way.
The fifth element is love.
Shit, I knew this would happen eventually.
cucks, what do you expect.
(((no no don't call us by name)))
God damn you people just cannot meme for shit.
Gee, the picture of Bibi SITTING IN FRONT OF ANDREW FUCKING BREITBART didn't clue you in?
Jews are in two general camps: conservative/neocon/likudniks, and hippie/berniefags/rapefugee advocates. The key to outjewing the jew is to play these two camps off each other.
It's because they have to cater to their minions and can't laugh at the obvious. It really boils down to control.
I saw two White working-class males fagging it up in fursuits on the bus in Escondido the other day.
Apparently this is normal in SoCal now.
I need to get out of this god-forsaken state.
O reilly?
I assumed they're just playing both sides by appealing to both bases.
The "split" only exists at the lowest levels, they're both on the same side. Remember when Bernie kicked the pro-Palestine activists out of one of his events?
Jewish groups have done that kind of thing in the past.
Look at , there are multiple kikes/known shills, do you think all of them are legit because they're being "attacked" by Hope not Hate?
if only
Because the alt right can't read anything that isn't an online post
Can you see the mental blocks? He refuses to believe anyone who's not on the left can be successful in life. The weakling projects his insecurities to others. He needs his enemies to be weak so he can win.
damn son
Picnic protests, my man. They throw the establishment kikes for a loop. Occupy tried but fucked up the concept by being gross. No one wants gross people to cook for them. But a right wing chef squad prepped with 1,488 German sausages and swastika napkins? That's a whole other story.
My sides
Right Wing Picnic Squads
These extreme nazi right wingers organize picnics.
They go to concerts.
I was so traumatized that they dindn't have tofu.
The horror as the baby pig rotated on the spit roast. I could hear it's screams:
Oink oink,it said
Oy vey, it's like annuda shoah
Extremely vile display of white supremacy
The horrors follow me to this day
A classic insult
American Racists Work to Spread ‘Identitarian’ Ideology
Several small American hate groups are stepping up efforts to spread local variants of “identitarianism,” a movement born in France in recent years that preaches opposition to multiculturalism, often taking shape in the form of anti-Muslim xenophobia.
While Identitarian groups on both sides of the Atlantic claim their opposition to multiculturalism isn’t racist, their direct action tactics and end goals indicate otherwise. Put simply, identitarians want regions and nations that are different from one another — but at the same time culturally and ethnically homogenous within their borders.
You D&C shills are retarded.
At least try to make your shit semi-believable.
Wait, can that video and others be used to identify the snitch?
If you know the angle and have other videos, you can identify him. Just what I can think of right now.
< This is why Hitler seized power with a coup.
Yes, fellow White people, the Traditional Workers Party is zionist!
Pure coincidence, goyim!
< Everyone who disagree w/ me is TRS.
Yep, they are all zionists! Just trust me!
He married a kike and his children are Jewish. Enoch might as well be a kike too.
This faggot looks like convicted pedo Jarred Fogle of Subway fame. I wish he would punch "ebil notzees" so he can find out what happens when you do that. Spencer getting punched wasnt legit, useful idiots punching undercover FBI agents doesnt count.
Is there any actual hard evidence of Dicky being deepstate? I see that referenced here all of the time, is it just conjecture because he seems like he is so obviously controlled op?
Thats pretty much why I think hes alphabet or on someone payroll. My intuition screams not to trust him. I trust my intuition, especially when Spencer's actions support what my intuition is telling me.
Pure character assasination.
Some people on the other hand
I would go.as far to.assasinate their character.
You're doing gods work user.
Fuck off nigger. I said he might as well be. Meaning despite him not being genetically Jewish, he still will hold a tribal loyalty to them to some extent given that his offspring are part Jewish.
Every time this narrative gets pushed no one has any proof. She was even on the show so clearly she didn't have a problem with what he was doing. The only proof is the word of a man directly after he was caught lying to his followers for years. As for the 23 and me that was one of the more damming thing for Enoch as it was clearly not him that took the test. He claimed to be Serbian, Croatian, and kept pushing different narratives each month on what his origins are. Then the test shows that he was none of the things claimed or even looks like. Also unless he was adopted the kike mother and father are dead giveaways that he is a hooked nose kike. Mike has even admitted he is a kike several times on podcasts right after he was outed, and a few times before
mein kek
Whatever group let him in is retarded. He has gay face, and doesn't even look remotely Nordic. I doubt he even joined a group at all, and it's mostly in his head.
Had a hearty chuckle, have a smug
The Alternative Right's Jewish Origins
The original concept of the Alternative Right emerged from paleo-conservatism. Paul Gottfried, one of the Jewish founders of paleo-conservatism, declared the end of paleo-conservatism and called for an 'Alternative Right' in a 2008 speech for the H. L. Mencken Club.
The Alt-Right's Jewish Godfather
How Paul Gottfried—willing or reluctant—became the mentor of Richard Spencer and a philosophical lodestone for white nationalists
Some Observations from the Man who Created Alt-Right
Meet the Jewish Intellectual who Coined the Term 'Alternative Right'
Hope Not Hate
More like
Rope not Hope
George Lincoln Rockwell was an FBI informant. Did you know that? He was also an "former" U.S. Naval Intelligence officer.
It's like you kikes aren't even trying anymore. Two shekels have been deducted from your account.
Let me tell you a couple of things about Kevin MacDonald that very few people know:
1.) Kevin MacDonald works directly for William Regnery II and what I like to call the "CIA/Regnery intelligence complex." Pic related.
2.) Kevin MacDonald spent two years in Jamaica from 1972-1974 teaching math to high school students who were the children of the Jamaican elite. I suspect strongly that Kevin MacDonald's high school teaching job was in fact a cover position for his real job, which was spying on the Jamaican political elites for the CIA. The CIA ran large intelligence operations in Jamaica from 1976-1980, so Kevin MacDonald's earlier activities during 1972-1974 were probably part of some preparatory phase for the CIA's later actions.
I'm not going to do your Google search for you, you lazy anime freak.
Calm down CIAnigger. Not everyone wants to fuck cartoon ponies like you.
I can see you are doing the same false flag again. Maybe it is time for you TRShills to get a different script
So does David Duke. But, guess what. David Duke is also 2nd generation CIA.
If you didn't know that George Lincoln Rockwell was a confirmed FBI informant, then you need to inform yourself. Google it. You'll find the actual scanned documents online.
How about linking your source, and stop acting like an obvious outsider in order to try and make TRS look good in comparison. This shitty strategy becomes rather obvious when you have not lurked
If you're too lazy to do a simple Google search, then that's your problem, not mine.
GLR was an intelligence spook, as every single far-right nationalist leader in history has been.
Oh look its the same faggot shilling the same shit in multiple thread. Let me guess Adolf was also a Rothschild. It's amusing, in a way, watching you screech like a faggot into the wind. Nice try CIAnigger.
But that image shows both Spencer and KMac praising him.
So you have no source other than your blind hatred of actual National Socialists. You make 2 posts pretending to be anti TRS, then immediately start showing off the fact you are an obvious outsider and you really didn't think any anons would find that suspicious? Then when called out on it several times all you do is continue to autisticly screech saying Rockwell was a fed, right after anons were talking about spencers actual fed connections. This is not a coincidence, and you need to go back to your bog
You argue like a leftist commie faggot. Your nose sticks out.
Apex wew
you need.to understand this
you are done
you aren't safe anymore.
Wouldn't trust someone with a nasally faggot voice like that at all.
But if you followed people who sound like Richard Spencer and Greg Johnson you probably would.
dank meme my dude 👍
i know one when i see one
Reminder the Alt-Right is lead by homosexuals.
Fatman Sargon? He lives in nearly all white Swindon and navel gazes about how brown people aren't a huge problem.
He hung out with Grindr Greg and filmed the bombshell of Greg Johnson repeating the exact same positions as he's written online before.
But user, those are BASED nationalist jews, not SJeWs!
That's an actual Aut-Kike talking point I've seen on twatter
the famous purity spiral in action. Can you point me towards some non-jews fellow goy
Fuck off TRS, there are no good jews
A Zoroastrian Persia would have every reason in the world to hate the Jews because the Eternal Jew was the one that created the Religion of Cuck™ that destroyed Persia.
I listened to the entire thing. Wow. How was he so right so many years later and killed by a former member of his movement? :(
personally i'm "obsessed" with sweden because, when i thought they've gone as far as one can get, they go further.
Yea, I'm pretty sure we're "obsessed" with Sweden because it is the most cucked country in Europe and it is the one committing suicide the more rapidly and fervently.
Yeah sure totally alike.
Hilariously well played
Very nice. OC?
That gif is fucking gross, man.
When Pokémon GO swept the world in 2016, no one expected it to become a platform for Nazi youth recruitment. Nonetheless, an alt-right advocate created a targeted youth campaign, with characters bearing swastikas and distributing anti-Semitic fliers in the online universe.
Alt-right blogger Andrew Anglin promoted the campaign, commenting, “I have long thought that we needed to get pre-teens involved in the movement … Anyone who accepts Nazism at the age of 10 or 11 is going to be a Nazi for life.” Targeted youth recruitment by the alt-right goes beyond Pokémon GO. In August, the group published an alt-right children’s book that preaches predominantly anti-Religion of Cuck™ sentiments. The alt-right’s website promotes a “handbook for right-wing youth,” demonstrating the savvy online marketing strategy used to draw vulnerable children into the alt-right.
The alt-right’s rise has been accompanied by racial violence, Nazi salutes, and open KKK demonstrations—all under the guise of free speech. The alt-right has used the internet to promote these events, such as the Charlottesville rally that drew supporters from across the country.
In response the alt-right’s use of privately-owned websites to organize and spread their ideology, sites like PayPal and Reddit have taken steps to limit the group’s organizing power on the internet. This has drawn new attention to the role of private actors in restricting online expression. Though the alt-right’s internet presence poses unprecedented challenges to free speech, allowing private actors to become the gatekeepers of acceptable speech online places the fundamental idea of free expression at risk
Those lefties are almost always projecting their own shortcomings on others. Seems most people who accuse someone irrationally are often themselves guilty of the accusations they make.
He was like ''MSM is not right but lying!'
Hmm RT is just confirming whatever their users already believe and just appeals to that. I don't even know how someone can go like that and not see the logical flaw in this type of thinking: the mainstream media is just as guilty of this. Probably even more guilty since the government gives 14 years of brainwashing to every member of society to think a certain way.
Yeah, but notice who the mods actually ban, I watched imkikefy yesterday ban around 15 or so IPs just because they said Trump may be a jew lover and he banned a guy just for posting imkampfy's face on a Maddow pic
This site is fucked. I almost think halfcucks is less moderated at this point.
halfcuck is not moderated
That's why you get all the retards spamming 1 line threads. That's why you get all the retards from plebbit and everywhere else on the internet spamming the most insane conspiracy theories that make alex jones look like a realist.
Bump 4 anyone who might have missed it