Members of Congress in both parties have begun exploring possible legislative action against Facebook and other tech...

Members of Congress in both parties have begun exploring possible legislative action against Facebook and other tech giants
setting the stage for a potentially massive battle in the midterm election year of 2018.

Why it matters: Following revelations about fake news and paid Russian propaganda on Facebook during last year's election, big tech has become a big target, with politicians across the spectrum declaring on Sunday shows that more scrutiny, transparency and restrictions are needed.

The shift against the companies has been sudden, and is one of the biggest stories of the year.

Republicans are likely to emphasize the national security and homeland security aspects to reining in the tech companies.
>A GOP lobbyist who's involved in the conversations says that the populist right in Trump's base views tech companies as political combatants that favor open border and liberal social policies.

On the Democratic side, Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia is actively working to develop legislation to improve disclosure for online political ads.

Facebook sees the abrupt turn in elite opinion about Big Tech, and is unlikely to oppose all legislation. Instead, Facebook will describe the proposals as a "roadmap" or "framework," and try to steer them in the industry's direction rather than try to kill them, which would be unpopular in this environment.

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Whatever they're scheming behind closed doors, it's going to fuck us over. That's the only thing you can be assured of.

I have begun using rongorongo as my text of choice in private communications.

Well, as the article states, it's an issue the parties will take up before midterms, so one can assume that no legislation will be written up until after then. Enough Trump-esque candidates get in and the odds may be in our favor.

There was also news about Zuckerberg preparing to run for presidency. If that is actually true then he is huge threat to both parties in the USA.

That would be hilarious, I hope it happens.

I can't wait

The reason this even exists is because all those tech giants have created a retarded barrier to entry by copy-righting every fucking thing so smaller websites can't even get a foothold without having to go through a bunch of kike jewish legal shit unless they want to go under ground and have basically no hits.

It's fine if you want to control your own website and what gets viewed and censored, it's your website after all, but what most people don't know is behind the scenes these kikes are constantly engaged in legal battles so other competition that wants to start their own version of something can't even get through the door anymore without getting railroaded by these fucking mega-kikes like Youtube, Twatter, Jewbook and so on, which no surpise, are all run by kikes. This shit has to fucking stop

He'd make Jeb look suave.



What the fuck am I reading, what the fuck is happening, why aren't all of the kikes dead yet?

>(((Zuck))) for pres.
his campaign poster will be pic related, whether he fucking likes it or not

Good back to CNN, my good goyim.

Welcome the first Asian First Lady, goy.

This reporting from Axios tells me that neither the GOP (nor Dems, obviously) have anything resembling our concerns on their radar.

We need a new Teddy Roosevelt coming in to go trust busting in the bully pulpit. Now where can we find a brash Republican from New York?

This is why when a smaller site does get a foothold, it's usually controlled opposition.

There are two ways to fight this:
1) Massive push for the end of patents on software. This would sit well with many leftists, as they're poor, jobless and lazy, but it's good for the right wing now, because kikes ruin everything.
2) Stopgap solutions that may or may not turn the tides like TOR and I2P. If shit gets really bad, these could usher in a new era of distributed fuck-yous like what Napster did to RIAA.

Big tech has been making moves like it is the state the past few years. Probably around 2012. Capitalism needs to be destroyed.

Pick one. Whether you are favorable of it or not, you're witnessing a faulty portion of Clintonian-styled state collusion rather than free market (actual Capitalistic) principles.

Do we have the names of those congress members?

It would be a good idea to write to them in support (depending on how much they fuck up Goybook)

Capital is in the hands of the Jew so keep cucking for it.

It's within their hands not through the natural order of economy but the means of a regulatory and selective state and money distributor that maneuvers every ounce of wealth and influence under their whim.

I seriously hope he does. Remember that he had an anxiety attack on camera when an interviewer asked him about the secret jew jacket he was wearing. If that's how he handles a softball interview imagine how he'll fare in a presidential debate. He'll melt into a puddle of goo in front of the nation and facebook's stock will tank.

He shouldn't worry, they'll just dissect his brain and remove the parts in which make his composition incapable of running, just as they did Joe Biden.

Fuck this. Is IPFS a viable alternative yet to the current internet?

Go be liberal somewhere else.

One can only hope that the formation of strict freedom of expression laws fall under the umbrella of possible legislative action.

Earlier. For example, reddit was bought by Conde Nast in 2006, the team move to SanFran and in 2007/2008 the place was for all intents and purposes the unofficial website of the DNC and played quite a role in getting Obongo elected.

It's a great realigment of politics and the Dems are doubly fucked. On one hand they have coalition of resentful brown hordes who want /theirguys/ in office and not a bunch of getriatric Jews and limousine liberals and on the other hand the Silicon Valley tech elite want to grab power for themselves (and make the Judeo-Asian autistocracy ruling over a mulatto underclass real).

The Republicans are fucked too, the reasons are just different.

inb4 they're given in even more power

I'm a National Capitalist that recognizes the fiendish coordination of Freemasonic liberal movements throughout history as foul. The only doctrines of liberalism I deem worthwhile is the premise of economic liberty.

inb4 they are mandated to engage in censorship, with details prescribed by a government agency, and the jewdicial system says this is completely constitutional.

Fucking finally.

Translation: a Jew

wew, the Russian narrative just might backfire on the kikes. That would be glorious.

National Sports leagues? Another communistic enterprise bolstered by state and alphabet manipulated media projectors. A den of opposition to the viewpoint.

On further inspection, this is the most likely outcome…

National capitalist is a contradiction. How are you going to deal with the trillions in capital Jews have under their control? How are you going to deal with Jews going scorched earth on all industry and the financial system the second you're a threat to getting power? How are you going to deal with global capital declaring war on you? All your capitalistic notions are built on the assumption that you'll inherit a functional economy. You won't.

Seizure. Extraction of their departments into an auction for actual entrepreneurs of the nation. All domestic assets seized. They clench onto the state to become practically nationalized entities, so threat them like it. Consider their property being seized as communist state-mandated lands being seized, as they have become identical. Rather than depriving people of their property, this will be seen as a radical force of privatization. Ban foreign financial influences in case they attempt to use these areas to once again create state-sponsored advantages. In order to prevent a global threat, radically expand the military. This is one of the few areas where the corporate state-bound system is actually to be practiced. Abolish democracy to ensure little corruption and electoral dysfunction. Create a state of economic freedom and both deterrence and brawn when faced with the New World Order.

Might as well be 101% with Bettman in charge. He's made the NHL such a puss league that I can barely watch, and I say this as a Canadian who could skate and loved hockey since he shot out of his mom's cooze. And whenever I see hockey getting promoted on an American channel they're always rattling on about "needing to make it more diverse", and up here all they do is suck off PK Subban and act like he's the second coming of Bobby Orr.

All this lawsuit does is give legitimacy to the fake russian conspiracy.

You lose either way so I really don't give a fuck about it. If I had to choose, it would be KEEP THINGS THE SAME. Maybe faceberg will eventually die. Also, the pretense of 'free market' is what's keeping it from going full communist

in the folder you go, cheers

glad i could help, user. cheers

This is Zuck's business, he's not an idiot no matter how much you hate him.
The 'political feeler' campaign was to put his hat into the ring on the coming political battle over social media, which will inevitably come up for regulation.

Obama legalized having the US to push propaganda

This is basic antitrust that is long overdue.

Why Is Google Hiring 1,000 Journalists To Flood Newsrooms Around America? (zerohedge)

Trump is a national capitalist. It means you care about money, not your people.Its civic nationalism for profit. Its white genocide. "Were all Americans!"

interesting point, not elaborate on it


you're supporting his point, why are you replying to him?


Hey Kampfy. 1488.

TBH the /r/hapas rage would almost be worth it.

But not really.

fake and gay, that's not the point


seig heil, pupper

sieg heil, pupper

I will give my left nut for that footage


On jewtube hombre

While I'd love it if Republicans go after Faceburg and Joogle. I worry that all this talk of regulating the internet is going to end up being another attack on our ability to speak up. Alot of the rhetoric seems to be focus on attacking Religion of Cuck™ic terrorist cells online. But Religion of Cuck™ic terrorism is primarily Mossad and CIA. I have very little faith in the system fixing itself.

Russia becomes capitalist and buys ads. The US government cracks down on free speech. What bizarro timeline is this?

lurk more

Get fucked kike


Zuckerberg has the eyes of a sociopath.

of a jew*

Make 1984 Great Again!

