Apologies if it has been already posted. This is making my blood boil.
Other urls found in this thread:
The story Freeman states is amazing. How is it supposed to make Russia look bad?
Nigger looks wasted. I should get him in a celeb death pool. Heeeeeey guize… Why don't we do an Holla Forums eceleb deathpool with BTC? If the pot gets big enough, there will be moral hazard AKA it will become worthwhile enough for someone to kill Zoe Quinn or whoever. It's win, win.
They really are doubling down on the kill Russians narrative. Boy {{{they}}} hate Russians so much.
I cannot think why any rational person would take what this coon says seriously.
Wouldn't surprise me. Hollywood actors are known to indulge in numerous vices. Combine that with the fact that Los Angeles has thousands of Jew doctors willing to prescribe anything they want in doses much higher than needed for relief, it's no wonder they look wasted all the time. They usually are.
Yeah, nope.
Go back to playing God.
Logical thinking isn't for actors…
Seems legit
How soon until liberals make China boogyman along with Russia? China is outlawing faggoty and buying Hollywood from under the Jews. Good luck promoting homosexuality to the rest of the world when the chinamen own Hollywood. China will not put up wit America degeneracy for long.
China is at the forefront of the NWO and are actively buying and colonizing Canada and australia, they wouldn't make the chinks bad guy #1 any time soon
The "nazis on every street corner" narrative isn't catching on. Oy vey, let's double down on the ebil Russian interfering with the election narrative.
Jews think they are running the chinks. But the chinks want to put Jew the Jews. they will become the next boogyman soon. Probably after Hollywood no longer run by kikes
Never. In fact, you'll probably start seeing (((them))) praise China more frequently. The parasites clearly want to make China their next host after they've broken America.
Eh Freeman was always pretty conservative…I guess he's going senile or someone threatened to Cosby him.
Is this a new meme?
is he going to play putin in this new movie?
Their propaganda used to be subtle when they were confident they were in control. Now they are losing their grip and are becoming ham-fisted rushed and illogical.
I want to see how much longer they push this narrative. Maybe they will publish this in school history textbooks.
Why does the dumb propaganda mouthpiece slave think we give a shit what it thinks? Why do actors in Hollywood think they matter? They serve a role at the behest of their owners, and beyond that they're worthless.
Distrust our media? Yeah, backing devastating invasions under false pretenses will do that, no help needed from Russia.
Only brainwashed normies will swallow this crap. The CIA has been installing brutal dictators around the world for seventy years. This video operates under the lie that America(tm) is still "the good guys". Enjoy your blood money mofo.
Look out, Putin!
That's a funny way of spelling "jewish degeneracy", Schlomo.
I'm sorry Morgan Freeman, I'm just too demoralized to give a fuck ='(
Just watched that webm. It is – and I say this after years of browsing Holla Forums – literally the most deranged thing I have ever seen. It's actually more disturbing than those cartel gore videos.
First, I'm old enough to remember when Putin came to power and expelled the NGOs that were robbing Russia blind. The Western neoliberal (((Jeffrey Sachs))) types hated Putin from the start because Yeltsin had been our guy, and Putin wasn't. That is the only reason "we" officially hate him – he's vaguely patriotic and not a slave of Wall St. or the City of London kikes. If he had played ball with our attempts to wipe out his country's people, he could do no wrong as far as our press would be concerned.
Second, the very idea Putin – the definition of a bloodless machine man – does anything for ideological reasons is shithouse-rat insane. Vladimir Putin could stoically observe his own mother being tortured to death by ISIS and still finish the day's work. That's no slam on him; he's just cold as ice. To think he gives a microscopically tiny fuck what the Soviet fucking Union was all about, even while he was living in it, is utter deranged madness. Even somebody as dumb as a nigger actor should have flinched before reading that.
Third, I still haven't heard what bad thing Russia is supposed to have done to us. Shitpost on the internet? Fuck man, Israel does that here every day! We did it for free! Fucking CtR was doing it for months! At worst, I think the most vehement accusers have pointed the finger of blame and alleged that 133t Russian hax0rz practiced journalism and exposed 100-percent-true facts Hillary found inconvenient. At worst, they did this through a journalist Hillary literally schemed to murder with a drone strike. This is considered an act of war to these people.
Finally, the notion that this, THIS of all fucking things, is what sapped the public's trust in the media. . .
. . . words fucking fail me.
This is good news. It is said that the citizens of Constantinople were hysterically praying in the church while Turkish cannons were battering their walls down. When your enemy has been reduced to magical thinking and delusional rants like this, your victory is imminent. The psychosis apparent in this stuff has gotten to the wailing-in-Haggia-Sophia-tier batshittery. The end is nigh for them, and it's obviously way more nigh for (((them))).
The ham-fistedness is very worrisome. A free and healthy lion is less of a danger than a cornered, scared lion. Who knows what rash, idiotic action this group will take?
amazing isn't it? i remember the lefty erections when al jazeera american was announced because "finally, an unbiased source of news!" then the wrong person became president and suddenly the msm are championed as courageous journalists fighting fascism & the russian menace by the very same people who just a few years ago considered them so untrustworthy they opted instead to get their information from pundits masquerading as comedians.
Excellent analysis, however
Kind of misattributes what the Byzantines were doing, they were in the hagia Sophia holding services and praying because they knew they were about to fucking die to barbarous mudswine, I don't think lamenting your own dearlyh is delusion, but doubling down on narratives is.
My point was that the Byzantines had nothing but spiritual comfort in their desperation, while the Turks had war machines. The Turks were the rational, cool customers in 1453, while the dying Byzantines were left with an emperor wandering the city crying out for a Christian to cut off his head. It was a moment of total defeat, and most people's only recourse was to their comforting belief in heaven. The left seems to have gotten to this point.
China spends millions of American political campaigns, so this won't happen. To my knowledge Russia doesn't spend anything lobbying us.
This is something you should bring up the next time some libshit starts talking about muh Russia: "If the Russians wanted to rig our elections they could just buy our candidates the way Israel and China do"
They chose Freeman because his voice and career in documentary narration lend him gravitas. This Russia narrative has completely imploded, so they have to pull out bigger and bigger stops to prop it up.
Freeman taking this gig is a good sign. White conservatives aren't going to be flipped by him and everyone knows that. Freeman is the libshit favorite. Meaning there are enough white liberals on the fence that hiring him was necessary at this point.
Personally Freeman is actually pretty conservative when it comes to racial issues. But of course when it comes to shilling, he'll take just about any job. Doing this right now will also ingratiate him to the Jews, opening up further work opportunities. Turning it down would probably close a lot of doors to him.
How new are you?
look at those dead eyes
The Jewish celebrity culture tactic is cracking. It, like the force, still has tremendous power on the weak minded. A lot of people are breaking the conditioning, however, and many of those on the edge will see this, and become /ourguys/, or will very soon.
This is some of the most desperate, pathetic, weak shit I have ever seen, and it's coming straight out of the mouths of big Hollywood celebrities. I think this is great.
Old enough not to like faggots who wordfilter or make stupid colors appear when I type (((you're a faggot)))
So stop hiding behind typography. Call a kike a kike. When you talk about ✡George Soros✡, make sure people know who you mean and WHY.
Yeah, people automatically assume he speaks the truth, even when there's not a shred of evidence for what he says. There's something even more subtle I think, he played God. I bet you anything he's what thousands of liberal cucks picture when they think of "God".
Their target demographic isn't too bright, and they know it.
>(((Rob Reiner)))
How the fuck does anyone take this shit seriously and/or still claim this isn't Jewish bullshit to the max?
Why are these cunts trying to get trump to say things? Not just say things, but exact words- after charolettesville the MSM drones were a creeching for him to condemn 'racists and neo nazis' in those exact words, it wasn't enough for them when he said 'both sides'.
The obligatory nigger calling out the jew as being white video.
apparently it's been an effective tactic for them
That's not a wordfilter, (((double nigger))). That's a site-wide format just like redtext and bold. Faggot.
Underrated post
I'm in
He is an actor not a warrior. He have no clue that he is going to be hang on DOTR.
Imagine for a second if a 72 year old hollywoodnigger wanted to have sex with his granddaughter. Well, it's not imagination folks. We should investigate it immediately, or not.
these crisis actors are low energy.
Why should they try hard if they have two working brain cells that they know it isn't working but had to do it anyway?
Didn't this nigger rape his own daughter?
Race is a spook
They hate america that much.
The conflict wouldn't only be US vs Russia. Instead its US vs Russia, China, NK, Iran since our allies are next to useless.
What everyone should be worried about is
Morgan Freeman teamed up with a fucking Neocons.
You cant steep lower than this.
Also why the fuck is Morgan Freeman promoting WORLD WAR?
He is too stupid to realise this but he's doing for money.
So the left has resorted to exploiting the elderly? This man is like 90 years old. Wtf does he know or care about any of this?
oh wow i wish i was as sheltered as you are.
Normalfags really love le magical voice negro.
You just made this entire thread worthwhile.
I'm laughing like a madman, BRAVO!
He wants to play Obama before he dies.
Holla Forums go home
Oh come the fuck on
do it faggot
Well done lad
He's often jokingly referred to as "The Voice of God" for that reason. Everyone in Hollywood and media knows this meme, and knows you use him when you want a message to sound authoritative.
Looks like a spook to me. A Russophobic one at that.
I still can't believe the audacity of this nigger and the kikes who wrote this shit for him to read. Do normalfags actually fall for this shit? He's a fucking professional hollywood actor. He's literally paid to do and say fictional things, therefore he's likely one of the best liars out there. Celebrity political opinions are a joke. They're usually done for PR or for shekels. Sage because I'm just venting and this nigger doesn't deserve any more attention.
these same cunts had no problem with kgb russian subversion and called mccarthy a conspiracy theorist
fuck them all
So what does this qualify as? It's no longer doubling down.
They would be neutral about them, being torn between supporting commies or supporting post modern cultural marxism.
They were already forced to make a huge edit of the Red Dawn remake where they had to change the Chinese soldiers into North Koreans in post-production. They did this because Chinese investors of the studio were pissed that their countrymen were portrayed as the villains of the story, replacing the Soviet Russo-Latin alliance from the original.
Nice to found you guys here.
I have a lot of information about this.
I suspect this whole operation is DNCs attempt to keep Russia hacked DNC narrative alive.
Since big part of public and even most important DNC IT operatives including CrowdStrike, know by now that we are getting very close to prove withut doubt that
Guccifer 2.0 was DNCs operation, with task to leak few damaging documents and divert attention away from more damaging documents that WikiLeaks would publish in future
It is quite long story, but most of your probably heard for sites:
Here are two articles that caused panic in DNC HQ recently:
Here is VIPS (Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), founded in 2003, Binney is one of them) report:
This report outlining various pieces of evidence and raising concerns over the assessments given by several US intelligence agencies was sent to Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III as well as to the US House and Senate Intelligence Committees, the US House & Senate Judiciary Committees and the US Deputy Attorney General, Rod Jay Rosenstein.
"Non-Existent Foundation for Russian Hacking Charge" available at: nef4rhc.wordpress.com
Our last move:
Phase #5
Here's a copy of the email I sent to 150 embassies a couple of days ago for any that are curious about the contents
Give ideas for our next moves. We now obviously deal with Morgan Freeman, FB Mark Cuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack.
Here is our guess that Guccifer 2.0 was managed by Dimitri and Shawn
Here are many details about CrowdStrike
(((Great, now how do I get rid of (((it?))))))
[ Tucker Carlson vs Rob Reiner 9/21/17 - YouTube ]
Mark Cuckerberg also made video for them
WATCH: Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg to cooperate on Russian investigation after 2016 election
Twitter is also with them:
I feel like I'm back at Sooeys now.
Morgan got good diction.
Classic house nigger for the Jews. Better than Obama.
[ Tucker Carlson vs Rob Reiner 9/21/17 - YouTube ]
Lol vee found the problem right away.
…but if you're worried about foreign intervention into American politics, why don't you talk about Israel? Which obviously has a strong influence in American politics.
Why don't you talk about Saudi Arabia? Another nation that has strong influence in political parties in America. In fact Saudi Arabia Israel and Qatar all donated vast amounts of money in Hillary Clinton's wallet but I guess this is not part of your movie script…
I'm fucking embarrassed on his behalf.
This is the winning strategy, tbh. From now on, every lefty cunt whose cognitive dissonance convinces her to wheel out muh-Russian hackers/this means war!, needs to get hit with "What about Israel? They spy on the CIA and FBI all the time, and we give them $3.1 billion a year." Or: "China has regularly stolen secrets from Lockheed and Boeing, they're using it to build stealth aircraft, and the Clintons took a shitload of their money from people who fled the country rather than testify about it."
Stand back and watch the sparks fly out of their fucking ears as they explain how this is different!
If this fails, you might point out that we fuck with elections all the time. We canceled the 1954 Vietnam election and we reversed a bunch of local elections in Iraq in 2003. We tried to prevent Salvador Allende from getting elected in a five-way race, and then we had him killed. We also spent the '90s raping the fuck out of Russia and certified the 1996 election as fair, even though Boris Yeltsin had a 6% approval rating and won anyway.
Stand back and watch the sparks fly out of their fucking ears as they explain how this is different!
Finally, explain to them that Russia is sick of their shit, and it has nukes, so shut up. We've had them under crippling sanctions and we're sneaking up to their borders with military bases in Central Asia; we'd be lucky if the only way they retaliated was by practicing what amounts to journalism against your shitty candidate. So grow the fuck up and get a fucking life, NEET.
Stand back and watch the sparks fly out of their fucking ears as they explain how this is different!
It always has before. Facts make Bobo angry.
TFW you wish it was true that Russian gov was based, ambitious enough to trying to destroy their rotten "democracy".
China is also the #1 industrial power now.
When liberals discovers Chinese gov engages in widspread machine implants, genetic experiments on humans, they gonna freak out big time…
Morgan Freeman Goes Full Libtard
Mark Dice
Does he actually make a false declaration of war by the United States against the Russian Federation?
Is that a crime of some kind?
Dubs and nog kicks the bucket
Non-partisan is code word for Jewish
How dare Russia support a government on their northern border they are trying to coup…Enter Rob Reiner
Back to channel surfing… oh look a nigger next to a white girl on 300 yid owned channels in a row…Probably a coincidence.
Not when a nigger does it it's not.
Why do you watch that screaming faggot? He's the John Oliver of the 'right', psuedo intellectual one upping, loud, obnoxious, holier than thou normie quelling controlled opposition. Don't ever post him here again. If they don't push the JQ right out the gate they are e-celeb click bait tier sterilized facebook propaganda.
Heil Hitler.
Criminally underchecked.