Gab domain secured, weev still banned

Gab/Andrew Torba announced that they secured domain, which means they will be able to keep .ai if they find new registrar.

jew remains banned, which causes some (a lot of?) users losing trust in free speech platform promises Gab was advertising.

Old thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


I dont really feel any resentment towards Torba. But I am not really comfortable with why he didnt just delete this specific post and let jews account online. By deleting full profile all old links to jews posts are dead. It looks like Stalin deleting people form history and this is not something I exepct from platform that is supposed to be about free speech.

I still feel people should be allowed to shitpost whatever they want. If blacks are allowed to post shit like "Kill all the white babies" on facebook, I dont see why gab should ban people for same messages.

w33v's open letter

Torbas account:

jew didnt break the law. The US has specific laws that allow you to say the things he said. It only becomes a crime when hes actually trying to gather men together. You can talk about things like that all you want, but when you get 4 guys together in a car with guns, youve broken the law. When you try to actually accomplish it, instead of just talking about it, thats when it becomes illegal - in the US. Other countries can fuck themselves.

Stop this word filter cancer, mods!

I agree.
But Torba can use pic related as excuse.

But we can also say that censorship on Twitter, Facebook and Google started exactly the same way. By braking promises that social media will allow people to talk freely and by selectively applying vague rules to certain individuals.

And it was same when he deleted (((anglins))) post about Hayers being killed.
He was cornered by legal team from domain provider and he bed over, decided he will use "you didnt tag post with #NSFW" community guideline as justification to delete the post.

In both cases, real advocate for free speech would act differently. Torba could just delete threatening posts by w33v and let other posts stay on server, and at angl1ns case, he could just add #NSFW tag to obscene post.

I am disappointed, but I still think Torba tiers to do his best. Its just that he is figuring out that being real free speech absolutist is though, and he might not have what it takes to fight on this front.


So jew got banned for promoting violence? So what, it violates US law, what did he expect????

I would rather see his post being deleted but the rest of his posts that did not promote violence to stay on server.

Also its debatable if that exact post was real threat. Under US law it wasnt real threat (Brandenburg v. Ohio).

And it wasn't deleted because it broke the law but because it broke community guidelines.

jew and anglin caused a lot of drama, these pieces of shit are paid shills

This doesnt change the fact that apparently gab also bans people.

So basically Gab is just a bit more edgy version of twitter where currently you can still say nigger if you include #NSFW tag.
This can change in future if enough SJWs will report it to domain registrar, server provider, google…

Also its ironic that all this started over post that triggered some jew (RamZPaul)

Here is watts vs, US

Petitioner's remark during political debate at small public gathering that if inducted into Army (which he vowed would never occur) and made to carry a rifle "the first man I want to get in my sights is Lyndon B. Johnson," held to be crude political hyperbole which in light of its context and conditional nature did not constitute a knowing and willful threat against the President within the coverage of 18 U.S.C. 871 (a).

what (((jew))) said was political hyperbole, political hyperbole is free speech, not violent speech

Domain registrars and server hosting are two different things.

So I can't write
w e e v
i s l a m

Religion of Cuck™

Mods are pure cancer.

I'm more concerned about the purity spiral, really.
Still down for me.

Religion of Cuck™

Yeah. This can go either way.

Will Gab continue with this strict policy?
Will Gab start changing community guidelines too if pressured?
Should be we asking this questions on platform that promotes free speech?

I am disappointed, but I still think Torba is trying to do his best.
I am not abandoning gab or trying to ruin Torba. Free speech is tough battle. Compromises have to be made. Its just that Torba decided to dig trenches a bit further back than I would like them to be.

As I understand it, Torba is a complete newfag as regards to everything legal, and Gab was never conceived as a real free speech platform anyway but rather as some civnat cucks safe space.

Worshiping kikes on a kike platform.

TIme to KYS

"White Supremacist" Andrew Anglin prefers black women

It was a perfect psy op. Waste everyone's time and effort building up a platform, then pull out the free speech promise. Facebook, reddit, same story.

>implying anyone except some r/The_Cuckhold users and a couple of (((e-celebs))) ever fall for it

go away

So is that screenshot going to be used to "prove" that anyone who doesn't approve of the "good" form of semitic anarchy is really an Antifa shill?

oh, RamZhoe is even worse than weew and anglin

he looks like the male version of britanny venti, so..

oy vey goy, don't use pic-related, it's helps the antifa.

So now it is an entirely worthless platform without free speech.

I was joking. I am not the one calling everyone a shill.

But that alt right e-celebs like to fuck thai chicks, and because of that you need to join antifa, argument is tiring.