Alright, Holla Forums, this post has been a long time coming...

Alright, Holla Forums, this post has been a long time coming. I want to address all the people who think Donald Trump cucked out and that he sold out and so on. First, I want to say, that I am not a hundred percent sure that The Donald has not sold out, but this is more about the arguments for it that I've seen, that honestly for now are pretty shitty.
1. Donald Trump is shaking Netenyahu's hand and is not talking against the international Jew, therefore he sold out.
2. Trump said something that is contrary to his campaign promises - therefore he sold out.
3. Trump has sold out because I heard it on the left media.
4. This is a more broad one.
I hope I didn't miss anything. I am not saying that Trump didn't cuck out, but for now the arguments are shitty. The criticisms about Trump not going full Adolf Hitler are honestly unrealistic. He will accomplish nothing this way. There is a way to accomplishisg everything.

Other urls found in this thread:

This thread needs to keep getting bumped despite OP being a suspected fag. I don't know whether Trump is serious, but he's a step in the right direction and he's leagues better than any of the banker-vetted alternatives we've been given.

Also, the fact that the kikes are parting with their hard-swindled shekels to send shills here everytime Trump makes a speech should tell you something.

Thanks and the left sends lots and lots of shills. They need to be gassed BIG TIME

Kikes will try to blackpill you 24/7. Trump hasn't cucked shit.

This is the biggest one in my opinion. It looks to me like Trump has been making autistic plans for his presidency for a long time now, he likely has a full roadmap for the next 4 years. It looks like his major focus for the first and possibly second year was making the public turn on Congress, first with the Republican failure with Obamacare and then possibly the Democrat failure with immigration (DACA aside, there's zero chance the 12 million are getting legalized - and that's going to kill them electorally).

esp if he enforces the law and doesn't allow dead people and Juanes to vote

He's already got beaners staging taco riots when Nancy Pelosi appears in public. It's possible things will just seem to magically work out better and better, with the (((enemy))) going progressively more insane because they can't stump the Trump.

user that's been (((recompressed))), take the original.

All reports I read until now were like:

(((sources))) said X

The only shit things Trump did were condemning white supremacists, but he fixed that by calling out ANTIFA, and then the "DACA being beautiful" tweet, but he will fix that with The Wall.. so.. until now he dindu nuffin

seeing the state of 4chan nowadays, you can add the 4chan icon as well lmfao

Huh, now that I look at it it's higher detail but it's also different. Did AWM make two or something.

Blackpill motherfuckers have shit pattern recognition and are unwilling to read the books written by Trump about strategy, that outline how to be unpredictable and how to set up a situation to your advantage.

It's not even some extremely complicated genius 88dchess thing. It's basic as fuck to put out a pro-immigration trial balloon and see which traitor comes out like "Durr gee boss that's great. I've been waiting to vote for amnesty. I'll write up a bill right now. Durr."

There is nothing that is a higher priority than outing traitors. If that's not a major part of your strategy you're a simpleton.

That gave me quite the laugh - LMFAO

In short
1) Don't listen to the shills
2) Idiots don't know how the Don deals
3) Why the fuck would you listen to the MSM?
4) If they couldn't impeach him by now, they won't be able to impeach him for the next 8 years, which means he has time to steadily unfuck our country in several meaningful ways.

Holla Forums is getting cucked or shilled. The only thing this place talks about now is how Trump "cucked out" because of DACA, the wall, Isreal, etc.

Meanwhile, he's in front of the UN telling them that

I haven't seen Holla Forums flat out lose on an issue like this, the libs out-played this place and got you to start turning on Trump because of some fringe issues, while you ignore larger issues. And that's exactly what they want, Trump's base to turn on him so they stay home and give up

Thanks OP for making an effort, but Holla Forums got out played by Share Blue and other shill groups and it's going to take a lot to get them to realize they fucked up with all of this anti-Trump shit.

This. We're the chemotherapy and controlled opposition neocons are the cancer. He's reversing on immigration because elections are in 2018 and we'll "kill" them first. Putting him into 2019 with a loyal supermajority and a wall.

tl:dr "kill" traitors first or you are not operational.


Pretty damn based!

US President held hostage. Not Cucked although he controls a worldwide military machine, federal and state law enforcement. He's a fucking cuck, he's no leader, he won't be a leader, when I think of leaders I think of Caesar, Stalin, Mao, Alexander the Great, Ghengis Khan, Adolf Hitler, Vlad the Empaler, Trump pales in comparison to any historic world leader. I rate Kim Jung-un higher on the scale of world leader than Trump. Trump is a go-along to get-along kike puppet. man has zero moral conviction, and since I don't have 16 million to buy one of his apartments I'm fucked like the rest of us.

and, I'm actually a reverse reverse reverse 23rd level Trump shill and all part of his masterplan

You're fucking late, Chaim. Don't think you'll be getting your full shekel quota for this one.

Yes, and how did Caesar, Stalin, Alexander and Adolf Hitler ended up ?
If he was like Adolf Hitler he would pick a fight with the jews immediately and then he will end up in a bunker with a pistol with the U.S. in ruins…..

Look at his

It's a good argument. You still want refugees in Europe? You will help one tenth of all refugees that need help, just help them in their own country. If you send them back, you can help 10 times as many refugees. etc.

Current Holla Forums would view this as Trump cucking out and wanting to help refugees. In reality it's taking liberal talking points and turning liberal talking points against liberal actions.

Since you're so against hiding your power level go ahead and dox yourself now.

Can't the BO just filter all msm links like Holla Forums did to journo sites?

its the new shill tactic, notice how they've switched from
1. Russia Collusion
2. Trump is a Nazi Racist
3. Demoralise Trump supporters, pretend Trump is a cuck who gave up on his campaign promises

Holla Forums is overfilled with shills at this point, repeating this ad nauseam. Its much worse on halfchan

The problem is, everyone started creating a cult of personality around him when Holla Forums should have been it's harshest critic. There are shills from both sides, ones that want you to attack each move trump does, and ones that want you to idolatrize like if he was Hitler he will never be hitler, let alone Paul von Hindenburg, want you to think that every mistake and promise he has done is actually 1488D chess. Think for yourself, don't let shills control your thoughts. One thing is for sure though, ever since elections ended the quality of this board has nose dived hard.

The love didn't do shit you fucking retards, Trump 100% did it to himself. Calling the wall rebuilt existing fences around the same time he virtue signals about FUCKING DREAMERS.

No one gets out alive user. They changed the world but no man can change the world forever, what's you're point? The history books write bad things about them hundreds of years later, and you use that as a basis of judgement? You're part of the "muh legacy" crowd.

Personally, I think history will reflect that there were a series of minor perfectly forgettable weak as fuck US Presidents until the US ultimately broke apart, as the Zionists desire.

He said that The Wall will be built as he promised. He is renovating, but that doesn't mean it will be fences. Listen to his comments before he travelled to Florida. He said he is looking at four samples of The Wall and deciding exactly what is best for the wall. The renovation is needed before the actual wall is built.

I want to answer that, but in all honesty, I don't get what you're saying.

No, those are 4chan and reddit refugees. Actual Holla Forumsacks always said that we would be his biggest supporters in the race and his harshest critics when elected. We got drowned out in about 6 months, though.


you missed the fact the parts where you put the #. should be fagtext, and the greentext should not be greentext, like so:

The numbers should be red text. Fagtext shouldn’t ever be used unless you’re engaging in a hypothetical (or quoted) discussion between two third parties (one pink, one green) and you also need to inject your own commentary thereon (in regular text).

To be honest it's been two months since I started coming to 8ch. I used to go to half chan but the board is now so low quality that I couldn't stand it anymore. Appreciate the advice

Fucking hell, you need to lurk.

Why are you still backing a President only loyal to jewry?
What is the point of backing him at all if all he's done is continue the same jew agenda as all previous jewish puppets?
I don;t understand what the point of any of you cunts posts on this board if all you do is support a guy because jews told you he was secretly on our side, despite all evidence prior to and since then proving he isn't, he is serving ZOG, so in essence of absolutely no benefit to a single user on here.

Why carry on cheering on ZOG now he;s revealed to be ZOG>


Back to cuckchan with you or lurk 3 more years

And the end result of that was illegals turning on dems because they were more upset about dems working with Trump.

And the thing about fences being repaired, he's talking about what he's doing to secure the border before the wall is funded. It's boasting about how he's strengthening the border even without the wall funding. It's not saying the wall has been replace.

Way to lose yourself another IP.
I don’t get why paid shills like you post on his board. Reported.

Now that the amnesty congressman are exposing themselves.

We should:
a) use this to primary them
b) March with swastika armbands
c) create liberal propaganda by killing random non-whites and going to jail.

Are you noticing a trend of (((anons))) pushing superhard for b and c lately?

Malign encouragement.

Right as always, mein Fuhrer.

Why? It's not like I'm posting low quality stuff.

You’re a statistical aberration. Anyone who could stomach cuckchan past 2014 is suspect, though.

No, no, It didn't lurk on 4chan constantly - it was on and off. Most of what they post is gay porn and other degenerasies. I tried to find better posts about politics and I started coming here from time to time. In the end I gave up on 4 chan completely and I have been coming here ONLY for the past two months. But, yeah, I should lurk more

You moved here AFTER ALL the things (((m00t))) and nipmoot did to that rotten place, you couldn't even exodus back when GG happened, that's why you should lurk the fuck moar or go back


4/pol/ is unbearable. This board is following 4's footsteps.

4chan is full with refugies from reddit now. The others are shills.
It's basically a cuckold porn and race bait infested board

Paid to shill for what?
You are here literally shilling for ZOG, I am merely pointing out you are shilling for ZOG.

I am not selling anyone or anything here, only (((you))) are.

Its only natural that the shills are following the redditfugees to cuckpol, other people who didn't leave in the 1st exodus are now leaving cuckchan again, so now there will be an exodus from here if the mods don't keep stuff in line.

Share Blue

Do you think we should primary neocons and try to take the senate or should we start an armed revolution against the United States?

democracy won't fix America. gas the kikes, race war now

I like that you can't help yourself but be retarded leftyfag.

I see. SInce you are so bold are you going to dox yourself now and lead us to glory or are you going to hide your power level and use strategy?

Hahaha you think Trump isn't banker vetted? Do you know who he was before. He'll do what they want ultimately, he just won't be a total lapdog about it. Nothing is cut and dry. Look at Obama. He definitely insulted our people purposefully as well as advanced the ((commie)) agenda enormously. But he still talked shit to Netanyahu.

Hide my powerlevel and hope the ballots gas the kikes for me ofcourse ;^)

I voted for Trump, he was going to be a larger than life President, wasn't he??? Has he been??? Instead he has morphed into an Israel lapdog with his faggot (((son in law))).
Honestly can you point to any world leader other than Bibi who get's along with Trump???? Those two are like fucking bisexual homos in photographs.
Now if your talking public relations.
Trump pictured with Putin bear hunting consolidating an economic peace good for both the US and Russia would kick ass.
Trump pictured with Xi consolidating economic trade which enriches white Americans would kick ass.
Trump and Kim demilitarizing the demilitarized zone (which is anything but) would kick ass.

It's no coincidence that gas stations and conveyance store in the US employ arabs, pakis and middle easterners. These are behind the scene deals that directly effect the life of those associated with those industries on a nationalistic level. I don't see that happening in the US. Point to a new economic wealth class being generated in the US, other than of course imigrants, chinese, koreans, vietnamese, mexicans, muslims, etc. It business as usual as I see it, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, the government gets more corrupt and the police get stronger. Trump promised and alluded to being able to change that. He can't or won't cause "muh Israel".

Bump because we need more if this here, people tend to lose sight of things


What occurred one month before the world changed?

>hur dur Trump says some things that are remotely ZOG so you should hate Trump
>some things that are remotely ZOG

You are literally making fun of hiding your powerlevel WHILE hiding your powerlevel. Why haven't you doxed yourself yet?

They get fed up with their board being so shit that they come here and make this board shit too, not realizing they were the ones who created the problems that drove them away in the first place.

lmfao THIS

Do you not have any real advice as to what we should do or are you just (((concerned))) about what we've already done?

You'll never get the supreme court back in your lifetime lefty. You know that right?


No, Chaim. I am a third positionist. What I propose is we take grassroots action instead of waiting for a ballot to magically solve America's problems. Pasting pro-white posters/Jewish privilege awareness in your local neighbourhood does alot more than hoping for change by playing (((their))) game. You are a good speaker? You can start small and invite a couple of your friends and/or family to listen to your ideas, I'm not going to spoonfeed you, think about what YOU can do.
t. Someone who is trying to redpill it's local neighbourhood and family

Trump being an enemy agent is irrelevant. Seriously, this argument you are having with the hardline anti-Trumpers is ridiculous. Here is why;
1. Regardless whether Trump is working for the enemy, he is president and there is nothing, I repeat nothing we can do about it.
2. Trump, regardless of whether or not he is a shill is pushing an anti-globalist platform. This is a very good thing from our perspective because the opposite of globalism is nationalism. Nationalism is good. It legitimizes everything we have been saying for decades.
3. Trump, regardless of whether or not he is an enemy agent is hated, I mean absolutely despised by the Jewish media. And he is engaged in a (real/staged fill in whatever word makes you feel better ) war against the media. He is openly calling out the media as liars and scoundrels. This is helping ween the lemmings off the Jewish media. Merely causing the lemmings to be skeptical of the Jewish media is a good thing. But outright calling out the Jewish media as fake news is fantastic.
4. Regardless of whether Trump is an enemy agent or not leftists hate him. He is a symbol of White identity whether you like it or not. I for one don't really care for CSA statues as I don't really like the CSA (they were traitors who wanted to keep Blacks in the USA and they had a Jew as the Attorney General and many other high ranking positions were held by Jews) however I recognize that CSA statues are symbol of White identity and thus I will adapt my positions to suit this reality.
5. Whether or not Trump is an enemy agent, he is not pursuing implementing hate speech laws and that is exactly what Clinton would almost certainly have done. Now, I know some people will tell me that hate speech laws are good because they accelerate the revolutionary atmosphere, so let me say this first; I am an accelerationist myself, m'kay. However it is absolutely beneficial to be able to have freedom of speech for our side. Our side is correct and millions of Americans are coming around to us because we are speaking to them in a way that makes sense. Shutting down our free speech now would severely hamper our efforts to redpill our kinsmen. So Trump is really a blessing, regardless of whether he is an enemy agent or not.

There are many other reasons why this debate is pointless but I'll stop and say this; I agree with neither the people who think Trump is /ourguy/ nor do I agree with the people who believe Trump is a Jewish agent. I believe Trump is just another amoral opportunist who wants to enrich himself off the carcass of a dying America. He is almost certainly Jew-wise but he figures that Americans are too cowardly to overthrow them so he figures that he will merely enrich himself while the going is good. But that does not make him an agent of the Jews as Clinton is. Clinton is utterly corrupt and completely in league with the enemy. Trump is just an opportunistic agent of chaos who took advantage of the times to get elected.

We will never overthrow the elites by expecting Trump or Hitler 2.0 to come and save us. We will need to do that ourselves as our upper-class has abandoned us. They believe that Americans deserve to die because they are cowards and idiots. And maybe we are cowards. Our ancestors wouldn't have tolerated what we put up with on a daily basis. They would have risen up and hanged every traitor in their midst. So it is up to us, not a savior fantasy to redeem our race.

Ask yourself what you have done this week to help secure the existence of your race. Are you proud of your answer?
If your grandchild asked you what you did back in 2017 to help defend our right to exist, would you be proud of your answer?
If not, what the hell is wrong with you? Do Something

They're very obvious, overusing terms like "based" and "cucked", actually using "Drumpf" and variations unironically; and the overall shrill emotionality of the posts is a dead giveaway. There is no authenticity to the criticism/faux outrage. There was a thread not too long ago whose title was something like "Fuck you, you cocksucker" about the DACA Tweet (I think), which never occurred to me to be shill; just a genuinely pissed off Holla Forumsack. It's all about language and tone which shills just can't get right.

It's just lip service, shill. It's not like they're still giving out DACA renewals.


That's not reddit formatting, newfag.





It's literally the opposite of how it's done. First you should use a memearrow to quote the point (even if it's not an exact quote), then use normal text to explain your own points. And numbers are unnecessary for a post, because it's not the foreword of some essay.

yeah, I know, we already had this conversation - look at earlier posts

You're going to lose the neocons in the senate. It's going to happen. You're going to die with a right-wing supreme court and history will forget Garland. Wait till 2018 midterms: none of your efforts to get us arrested will work and the meme machine will beat you again. We're taking over and you're fucked.

You really need to lurk moar.

honestly I think it's just been astroturfing kikes the whole time

I need to lurk moar but this is more a case of - watching a movie and too lazy to actually find it and quote it

I think so too. There's been a bunch of posts I'd say were genuinely blackpilled anons, but the vast majority was the hyper-emotional useless shilling we've come to expect from these kikes. It won't stick, I give it a few more days before we start going back to normal.

You're a fool OP and learned nothing over the last few years. Liberals and cucks are never going to work with Trump regardless of how Hitlerian he is or isn't. They are never going to stop calling him a racist, sexist, etc, or treat him fairly in the press. Ever.

If they're going to call him and us Hitler regardless of what we do, we might as well go full Hitler anyway.


Sure, those neo cohens are getting replaced by another bunch of neo cohens amirite :^)?
You're not from here, if you keep falling for the left-right false dichotomy you should fuck off back to plebbit. And again, you are playing a rigged game, do something and stop praying to the ballot to fix your problems. Your astroturfing republicuck tactics are not going to help create a Natsoc America.

calm down.
On every post there is a faggot like you who is ABSOLUTELY never satisfied. You have anything of substance to say -SAY IT. This is a discussion about Trump, since you do not contribute to that conversation and distract ONLY from the issue. If you are so entranced by green letters and give LITTLE to no care of the substance of WORDS, it is you who is making this board shitty and not me.

Don't believe that. They have the media and the NEVER TRUMPERS (not cucks) they can do it.

wewlad. Fucking lurk moar

But your words are worthless, so it's pointless to address them. You are just going on about muh PR and how based he is secretly. The catalogue is always full of threads like these. So you should read before you post, otherwise we will call you out for being a newfag who makes shitty threads and doesn't know how to post. Also, this is an image board, your whole mentality about contribution is wrong in the first place. If I want to call you a faggot for 70 posts in a row, then I will call you a faggot for 70 posts in a row.

This. It's happening everywhere. I see it on Voat too. Embarrassing thing is, /r/the_donald seems to be better at spotting shills and not being affected by them than this place. Oh well, I guess blind Faith works wonders.

lurk moar is a SAD attempt to impose some sort of HIERARCHY. It is in the spirit of : I am older, therefore I know better.
Many times you don't know anything.
I see how much you like green and red letters. So SAD! I personally would be VERY embarrassed if I was you at this sad attempt to actually SOUND like a person with a meaningful opinion.


top kek, kick rocks faggot.

You do realize that randomly capitalizing whole words in an attempt to copy your beloved idol's style in your writing just make you look like a bumbling retard, right?

I don't complain. He can post. It just doesn't make him somehow right.
READ, FAGGOT, READ - not hard - words are not hard.

I don't think that's true. Give it a few days and the shills' budget for this latest episode will run out, and Holla Forums will miraculously revert back to how it was, utterly unscathed.

It's an anonymous imageboard, so it gives shills more latitude to make a mess on the surface, but that doesn't mean Holla Forumsacks are actually falling for it.

Shitty bait, yet I will bite. Your opinion is shit and you are a retarded nigger. nobody cares about your opinion because you don't provide anything of substance and that's why people mock your reddit-tier writing style. Stop posting and lurk moar, seriously


I don't care. I'm having fun.

Yeah, it's pretty blatant with their extreme disregard for anything that isn't 100% perfect and isn't happening right at this moment.
If there were 10 beaners and Trump deported 9 of them, they wouldn't say "we're making good progress", they'd cry about how Trump cucked out on the 10th.

See, this wouldn't have happened if you've lurked like you are supposed so.

No, he wasn't and that's why people responded with "yeah, lets just wait for Hitler" when your kind was shilling against him before the election.
Don't ask for a raise.

And filtered, kike

Going to bed.
Nice pics - stole them.

Your thread is a net positive but for fucks sakes this isn't 4/pol/, you need to lurk here as well our culture is very different to that dump and you're not even trying to fit in.

lmfao - if it wasn't more obvious that you are lost for words.

Ok. Got it.

You fucking kike.

Seems you scared them. Look at all the blackpills in this thread.




>Are you noticing a trend of (((anons))) pushing superhard for b and c lately?

Yep and those feds should be mocked mercilessly whenever they post.

but did she died tho?

I still watch debate clips regularly, Jeb! is fine, but foamboi Marco getting blasted are my favorite ones.

Oh well. Yes, OP, we’re sick of the shills. We’re also used to it. It’s not like they’re not outing themselves by calling him ‘the orange man’ or anything.

Some people seem to forget that the US and Russia are already making deals after Syrian war is over and word is Israel and especially Netanyahu is getting pissed as fuck over it. Also the fact how the US is unofficially working together with hezbolla prolly making the kikes shitting bricks. The amount of shilling this past week is telling they're scared. I highly doubt would sign any amnesty he has nothing to gain from it and will alienate his voters immensely. Me thinks he is talking a lot of DACA is too show republican voters that their politicians don't care about immigration at all and I think trump is doing it this way to make supporters more committed into making America great again and not get lazy and forget about it. Plus we must also consider if any of the stuff of senate user is accurate then some serious shit is really going on

I'm going to operate under the assumption that elections actually matter and continue to try to consolidate political power by campaigning for men that espouse ideals I share. That would be functionally identical if trump were a sell out, although I don't think he is.

I'm willing to explain what I think Trump is doing and why I believe it's a good strategy, but at the same time it's moot because I'm just going to be trying to primary neocons in favor of nationalists no matter what.

I changed my mind you might not be a blackpilling leftist.

If you're going for symbolism and putting up posters why not make a big ass statue? Everyone's mad at statues anyway. You'd be better off banging your wife and making white children, but if you're going to go bold and short-term think about statues.

Fucking memes man. I'll show my grandkids folders of spicy memes that influenced votes and a clip of Hillary Clinton flipping out on NPR or something and say "See there user The III, that crazy bitch was going to set the tone for our culture for at least 4 years and I played a part in stopping it." You got to do more than that of course, but it's a start.

That's incorrect, the (((anons))) sperging about how betrayed they feel are goons, shareblue, and plebbitors pretending to be Holla Forums users.

I have no face

I'll tell my grandkids how I worked for over a year to keep someone out of office to prevent civil war within the year, and my grandkids will ask if I thought the tradeoff was worth it…
It's not looking like it.


This is like the mother load here

It really is pretty damned based!

Your thread is lazy and dumb just like you intended. But i don't disagree with your shitpost. Trump has no boundries. I fully sanction everything he does, including Lefists behaviors, until it comes to destroying the white race

WTF - I thought my thread is dead

If you picked the right congressmen he wouldn't have to cuck out or compromise on anything but he has no choice if he wants even a slim chance of things getting through and passed. This is your faults you guys didn't vent local candidates and thought one man can do it alone. He cannot and you need to help him however you can and it all starts with a single vote and some memes.

Nine months in office. Zero Federal Reserves demolished. Zero niggers killed. I have to admit, I'm having doubts.

At least not a lot of whites dead on that list. The Trump years are a time to prepare for the switch back to Democrats who'll try to turn the US into Britain. If you aren't preparing now then I'm afraid you won't the ability, when the time comes.

If DACA spics get amnesty while we're fighting Israel's wars, without a border wall, as Muslim refugees continue to be settled all over the US… then I'm done. America is done.

f*** off DACA shill why didn't you leave with the rest of them?