Are cigarettes kiked?

As you all know and see, tobacco is heavily demonized in Western society - one anti-smoking campaign and organization pops up after another like weed. Why is tobacco demonized while alcohol isn't at all? Or is tobacco part of the Jewry and one of the few things kikes cannot go unnoticed about? Even going so far as calling "alcoholism" a disease, portraying the addict like a helpless victim, is beyond me. I haven't seen a thread about it, hence am I uninformed about this whole matter.

I apologize for not contributing anything - it has been on my mind for weeks and couldn't think of why smoking suddenly became so hated while alcohol isn't at all.

Other urls found in this thread:


I love cigarettes but I got sick of waking up and having trouble breathing so now I have a vaporizer with high amounts of nicotine in the juice. I don't really think it's healthier but I solved the problem of being short of breath.

I find it suspicious as well. Seems like the perfect disease for them when you consider: smoke for 50 years paying heavy taxes, get sick and spend even more money on treatments. Why try to end that? They've been pushing this anti tobacco stuff almost as much as the Holohoax.

smoke camels

I tried the vaporizers of some acquaintances and it fucked my throat severely whenever I inhaled, while cigarettes irritate my throat a little when inhaling lots of smoke. Since I am able to keep smoking cigarettes to twice a day max, I have, so far, no concerning health problems.

What needs to be mentioned too is that libcucks and leftists usually do not smoke and condemn it with passion, as I have noticed. Maybe it is because of the effects? Nicotine keeps your stress level down and you are able to think quite clearly during a nicotine buzz, alcohol on the other hand numbs and degrades your psyche to your primitive drives.

Funny thing about smoking for me in the UK.
I was seriously considering giving up smoking when they changed the source from American Virginian tobacco fields to some unnamed dodgy European tobacco fields, then they openly admitted to adding even more chemicals to the baccy and then the government anti-smoking campaigns they whipped up from it.

I smoke non-additive tobacco now, it's all I can smoke, anything else rips my lungs and throat to fuck, I used to smoke 40 Rothmans a day, so it aint harsh tobacco I can't handle.

A perverse part of me wonders whether the ramped up anti-smoking campaign from the government isn't because they care about our wellbeing, but perhaps its because it somehow coats my lungs to protect it from whatever it is that is in the atmosphere making my compatriots so retarded and trusting of their lying government.

For example I've been red-pilled from the early 80's, yet all my friends believe all the shit on TV regardless of how much proof I clearly show to them.
Look at the Trump campaign and all the other kosher nationalists that the 'red-pilled' goys all insisted on backing, it's literally retarded.
I can either stab at a guess that it's either forced vaccines (I never had my shots that everyone else had at 16 years old nor since) or non tar-protected lungs saving me from poluted atmosphere helping me resist the 24hr full spectrum non-stop jew propaganda.

Who knows, I only know for a fact the government has no interest in people living for longer or being healthier.

Liberals detest cigarettes at least partially due to arrogant televised ads that occasionally air on mainstream television, in which market cigarettes as an explicit attack against poorer communities. This, alongside other factors, make Liberals and Leftists interpret the cigarette industry as an element of oppression just as they view pretty much every other business and industrial presence, besides left-aligned coffee distributors or phone distributors or any product/service they get their rocks off on. Cigarettes still yield negative impacts on health, especially when consumed with addiction, but these commercials and the behavior of the modern Liberal-Left coalition pertaining to cigarettes blows this out of proportion.

basically, you are paying to get sick and hurt.

nicotine protects brain cells from burning

but the rest of it is bad

also- the only reason they push to demonize cigs is because everyone already knows they are bad. it's a grab for credibility. if people see "the good guys" warning everyone how smoking is bad, they seem more easy to trust since "they warned me" and the sheep are more likely to listen to other things they say

Grow and roll your own. Don't give the tobacco Jew any more money.

Too far of a stretch for my money. Considering how much money is involved and that you get anti-smoking propaganda blown up your asshole almost everywhere you are it cannot be the sole purpose. There has to be a bigger picture.

And do you have the facts to back that up?

The shit that kills you or disenfranchises you is probably kiked, despite what the media might have you think about it.
Now that I think about it, why would you guys watch Jewish stars in the black-and-white era, think smoking is cool from that, and then take it up yourself? Sounds stupid.

One thing I can tell you from years of dedication to smoking, heavily, is that if you maintain a healthy regiment of exercise through your years, you will still be healthier than any goy that doesn't smoke but doesn't do any exercise.

Additionally, Chicks really dig guys that smoke…

what's with these fucking shills?

Kiked cigarettes are loaded with chemical jews.
Organic tobacco is fine. Moderate usage even has health benefits.

man what is your fucking problem? you hate the truth or something? If it's common knowledge than it's not worth a reply is it? certainly not worth shitting all over it just because it's the truth.

please elaborate on this further.

Do not smoke cigarettes. Not only are they made of lowest, shittiest quality tobacco (sometimes it's not even leaves, it's ground-up stems or even aromatized brown paper), they also contain tons off additives aimed at agitating your dopamine receptors in order to get you addicted. And, well, there are tars and other garbage that lines your lungs when you inhale cigarette smoke.
You want to smoke tobacco so badly, smoke a pipe. Pipe tobacco ranges from mass-produced stuff to quality leaf, and all of it is affordable. It is flavored naturally (whisky, rum, honey etc.) and the most important part is: you do not inhale. You roll the smoke around in your mouth, enjoy the flavor and the nicotine kick, and then let it out. None of it ends up in your lungs and you do not get addicted. And nicotine does indeed provide a short-time clarity of mind.
Non-smoking is the way to go, of course, but I doubt anyone can fault you for relaxing with a pipe at a porch once a week or so. I work out, run a lot, eat healthy and smoke a pipe occasionally. I am fit as a fiddle. Have never smoked a cig in my entire life.

inhaling any smoke into your lungs is shit for your health. no matter the plant or it's source.

Alcohol doesn't make you unpleasant to be around unless you drink a lot of it or you're already an asshole. Cigarettes make you unpleasant to be around no matter how many you smoke; the smoke smells bad and it seeps into your clothes and your skin and makes you smell bad. Also secondhand smoke gives other people cancer. I don't care if a someone is chugging whiskey from a hip flask on the bus as long as they don't throw up all over the floor. I care if someone is smoking on the bus because I have to smell the disgusting cigarette smoke smell.

Nicotine is a relatively safe stimulant (the addiction is bad obviously, like any stimulant) and has other benefits related to brain function and performance. All in moderation of course as it goes for any drug. If you want the benefits of cigarettes without the health problems, just take the nicotine.

Glycol huffing degenerates are worse than smokers ever were. Take your mouth fedoras to the designated smoking area like everyone else. "BUT IT DOESNT SMELL AT ALL LMAO"
Oh yes it sure does. It smells like fucking shit. Your sense of smell is just so far gone from huffing your chemicals 24/7 that YOU can't smell it, slimeball.

I was telling you my personal experience.
I suffer less flu than all my friends
I have maintained my weight into my 40s unlike any of my non smoking friends
I still get women
My blood oxygen is lower than my gym going friends
I have never fallen for a single jew-trick growing up in ZOG controlled jewnited Kingdonm
Almost every non-smoking friend sucks on the teets of ZOG

still gives a higher risk of mouth cancer.
enjoy stained teeth and your mouth never fully ridding itself of those chemicals.

It definitely stains the teeth, like coffee or tea does.

In the end of the day, if it weren't for the heightened government campaigns demanding I stop smoking, I'd have given up decades ago.

I own a pipe but I never got a nicotine buzz out of it. And is right about the significant increase in throat/mouth cancer. Plus, I smoked pipe so rarely that it became a waste of money since all of the tobacco would dry out even more than half of it was still left.

Read this thread while having a dart before bed. Plan on quiting again this sunday

Yes, you dumb fucker. It kills you and gets Jews money. They're expensive and since retards get addicted it's a constant stream of money for (((them))). It also makes you disgusting and unfit, I have never seen a person smoking and thought that they were a good person because if it, I instantly lose respect for anyone who smokes.
Vaporizers are better, but ideally none of it would be used.

Yeah, it stains the teeth. Like I wrote in my post,
But if one wants to smoke, he better choose the least harmful way.

they demonized ciggerets in the same time when the chemtrailing begun.
the shit in the ciggeret is actually protecting you from the shit in the chemtrail
thats why you see so many new (((natural))) tabac sorts and new (((light))) packs, they try to unfuck the tabac so the chemtrail can have an effect on you again

everyone who doesnt smoke is a sheeple

everyone who smoke doesnt care about politics or is red pilled as fuck

Not sure if illiterate shitskin or edgy 16-year-old.

what the fuck? would make sense considering the strain on your lungs, circulatory system, and all the other shit it does to you. you do know your blood transports oxygen around your body right?

consider it to be a kind of protection against cia/nsa spy tech.

So tell me user, why doesn't the government make all cars stop using gas so that they stop making exhaust fumes that "protect people from chemtrails"?

fucking retard, see how I use your flawed logic as an example of your own stupidity?

Aryan males smoke tobacco on pipes

this guy got triggerd

i don't know if you srsly or just try to derail. Why are you even in here?

That's pretty much the basis for my own personal little theory.
Before the permanent and persistent trails from planes in the sky there was only the standard warnings on packets of fags, once the skies got weird the campaign to ban smoking started.

There is a correlation but I'm not fussed to push my own personal belief on anyone else as it's just a belief based on the fact everyone I know is easily controlled by TV, I only know I've been struggling to understand why most of the world population are inclined to be more gullible than I've ever been.

To me it's either smoking saving my lungs from whatever poisons they are putting in our atmosphere or vaccines making people more easily manipulated automatons.

I meant to say higher blood oxygen level
For example I can do 20 pullups while smoking, it's my thing and I love it when in a park watching health freak fitness fanatics freaking out at the fact I smoke and exercise, the restriction of oxygen I force on myself while exercising has actually aided me in surviving with less oxygen available to me.
I do not run long distance and my ankles and knees are better than all my fitness fanatic friends who are now fucked from all that running, my blood oxygen levels have always equalled or bettered theirs.

Starving yourself from oxygen while training has now become a recognised way for folk to help their endurance.

Like I said, not smoking but not pushing your body to its physical limits makes you just as unfit as any pizza addicted Cola drinking unfit person.

Why are you posting this kaffir here?

To demonstrate the point I raised you retarded cunt

All of those 'Truth' ads are so lame. They play obnoxious music, have filled with cat videos, etc.

I think they are meant to be as corny as possible so that kids will end up thinking smoking is 'cool.'

Like, they are sending in some un-hip douche being all like "hey fellow kids, do you like cat videos? Me too! You know what I don't like, smoking". But the whole point is to have the opposite effect.

shills btfo

Most (if not all) big tobacco companies are kike-owned, and i'm sure they don't mind more regulation. They basically have an oligopoly over the entire market and it's almost impossible to start a tobacco company from scratch.

Of all photos of people training in altitude masks, you picked a photo of a groid? Something tells me you are not from here, especially considering that you are shilling for starving your brain of oxygen and smoking cancer-sticks.


make the connection to chemtrails and the shills start to attack you. I wonder why :^)


nice try globalist cuck shill

Former smoker for 9 years, switched cold turkey 3 years ago to vaping. Not MUH CLOUDS BRO vanity vaping but rather simple mechanical DIY stuff.


Smoking is disgusting and as others have said, your money fuels your own destruction both physically and by putting cash into the hands of kikes.

The anti-smoking push was actually an anti-masculinity move coupled with federal grabbling over telecom, free speech and setting a precedent to selectively tax mundane items.
Then it puts you in the (((hospital))).

It hasn't been stamped out completely because of the left-right divide and it helps maintain complacency

fucking this, top fucking kek. I don't know why I laughed so hard.

Nearly spat out my drink, thanks for reminding me of that video.

I did altitude mask and found this [image added]

I instead thought demonstrating the current world heavyweight boxing champion utilising this might help demonstrate my argument better instead of some unknown blokes in masks

Picture now added to appease sensitive user upset that someone on Holla Forums still smokes against his governments demands.

Nope, never so much as even alluded to such a strange statement.
For example, most informed folk know cycling is better on your knees, ankles and joints for cardiovascular than running, which fucks them up horribly.
Smoking, for me, whilst exercising helps push my lungs beyond their normal capacity, and helps me.

It may not help overweight children who think autism is a positive character trait that makes them special and better than those not mentally impaired by medical vaccines.

Sage and fucking report.


I'd like to add that I find it hilarious that you imply that exercise is bad, and compare athletes to people who eat fast food and drink sugary fizzy shitty drinks.

I eat a large pizza every time I work out to push my digestive system to its limits.

Dude, cigarettes are super bad for you bro, but lets legalize all drugs :^)

The two worst aspects of smoking are:
- The additives
- The moral grandstanding of governments who have heavily restricted the promotion and availability of tobacco, while lecturing its citizens; and at the same time implementing punitive measures such as vice taxes and plain packaging

Try and read again, only more slowly
"not smoking but not pushing your body to its physical limits makes you just as unfit as any pizza addicted Cola drinking unfit person."
Just because you don't smoke, doesn't make you automatically healthy.

Pushing your body to its limits and then repairing over the course of time is what makes you healthier and stronger.
Eating shitty American burgers and deep fried cheese sticks as a non-smoker, won't make you healthy simply because you have refrained from imbibing tobacco.

You seemed to claim I said

Smoking quality tobacco in moderation is okay, but cigarettes are shit quality tobacco with tons of additives that are extremely bad for you and it's degenerate.

If you want to smoke tobacco, get into pipe smoking and/or cigars and only do it on special occasions or to reward yourself.

Yeah, definitely roll your own if you want cigarettes.

It is. The notion that e-cigs are "not much better" than cigarettes is bullshit, they're a LOT better for you. Administering nicotine frequently is not good for you, but switching from smoke to vapor is still a great leap.

Holy shit. $10 USD in Jew York is about as expensive as it gets in the USA and in places like Maryland and Virginia close to where tobacco is grown it can be less than $5/pack.

I believed chemtrails for awhile but now I don't, how could they keep such a massive and expensive operation secret? And the trails are just the result of a plane flying in high altitude, the water vapor 'exhaust' freezes up there which creates the trails. Even as far back as WWII era, planes were doing that.

It's possible that chemtrails are disinfo to make anti-establishment people look loony.. think reptillians, aliens, etc.

It certainly lessened the effectiveness of anti-GMO and anti-additive efforts for many years.

Does anyone have the name of that one brand that uses ONLY tobacco wrapped in a paper?

Sometimes, on occasion, fk this board.

All drugs and narcotics are shit unless you are chronically ill and it's the only way to ease your problems. Under any other circumstance they are crutches that let you escape having to deal with and overcome your own weakness.

As for cigarettes specifically: When it comes to administering nicotine cancer sticks are fucking kikiest method of them all, literally kiked into the mainstream by (((Bernays))) the eternal kike whom there isn't a pejorative vile enough to describe as "Torches of Freedom". That subjecting your lungs to toxic smoke consistently all day every day is going to make you weaker and sicker is something a retard can figure out. Every challenge, from intellectual struggle to physical struggle, requires loads of oxygen. You need your lungs to be pristine.

TL;DR: Even a broken clock is right twice a day. The lefts efforts to be interfering in everyone lives as in every way they can has meant they've in this case inadvertently done something actually beneficial to the health of the Folk.

The last 2 years has seen this place act as a jewish neocon hangout promoting every single CIA agent and kosher clown fraud along with all their jewish movements.

Yet apparently folks continuing to smoke despite the governments demands we must stop doing so is what pushes you over the edge…

90% of the reason people die from smoking is because of all the artificial shit they put in cigarettes. If you smoked pure tobacco you would be fine. Of course you can't get that except from the black market. And that stuff would probably be harder to get than weed. The govt. loves their cash cow and extorting the poor out of their pension with ridiculous sin taxes.

and no.
Tobacco can be a useful stimulant which is able to kill parasites, though the kind you get from cigarettes probably won't be doing that. Just grow your own but use it as sparingly as you would cough medicine or alcohol. It shouldn't be used wantonly.

Also kikes are all over the industry to make them and the NGO industry to get rid of cigarettes through getting government funding. Playing both sides because its profitable and can be kept going forever.

T. Triggered faggot

People shit on vaping because most people who vape are annoying normalfags. If anyone here wants to vape/get off cigs I'd recommend buying a juul. They have super high nicotine and there's no refilling or having to make coils and shit. Super easy you just buy packs of "pods" that you pop in, vape the juice in it then pop in a new one. I used to be super into vaping and blowing "clouds" and all that gay shit and I prefer my juul over all that shit. Super small and convenient. Don't have to worry about carrying juice around with you and all that crap either.

Anti-smoking campaigns is an entire industry now. Because no one likes smoking, they can easily get government gibs for eternity. Basically, Jews control both sides at this point.

Wrong video link
It regards the same topic but this one is a greater concentrate of kikery.

whoa there, I fucked up. I admit it that I fucked up, if that's truly the case

I push my body to its limits by drinking a 64oz Coke as a pre and post-workout supplement. I also eat 2-3 large pizzas every single workout. Box curls, slice rows, olympic pizza lifts. I smoke a Marlboro Red to cool off between sets. I know my workout is done when the pizza is gone, my body pushed to its limit once again. I get a protein surge by adding 2 scoops of Optimum Whey to a large chocolate shake from McDonald's on the way home. My post-workout meal sometimes consists of 4 McDoubles as well (they're the most efficient food in the world after all) gotta push those limits.

I'll pass.

All of that is for nothing if you don't give 110%.

chemtrails are real. they are spraying aluminum and strontium up there among other secret shit.

Did all the persistent trails in the sky stop around your way suddenly then?
Persistent trails from planes started up in the late 90's, up till then we had contrails from planes that dissipated a couple of minutes after the plane passed.
We still have them today and you can see with your own eyes some trails growing and sitting in the sky for 8+ hours mixed with planes exhausting normal contrails that disappears after a few minutes.

Anyway,. the thread was about smoking I threw in my pennies worth, it seems to upset folk that don;t believe in conspiracies, when they're living through one of the biggest jewish conspiracies and hoaxes in world history.

We just saw the entire movement derailed and pissed all over with the the jewish freemasonic hoax trump (if that aint a open blatent conspiracy against the goy then I don;t know what else to tell you) and every day all you need to do is look up and notice that regular oldschool contrails dissipate in minutes and other plumes from some planes stay persistent and grow hanging in the skies all day long.

A bunch of globalist faggots have been trying to make vaporizers and e-cigs illegal because they are cutting into the Tobacco industry's profits. They're safer, less hazardous to the environment, have fewer health risks, don't stain your teeth or fry your tastebuds.. but a bunch of politicians got a handjob from the Tobacco lobby so they've been trying to make them illegal. And the only reason they can even do that is because the Tobacco lobby is just as kike'd and corrupt as any other group that throws tens of millions of dollars at faggoty, dick sucking politicians.

I don't even smoke or vape or do any of that shit, but if it's a choice between letting these faggots continue to act against the best interests of the people or dealing with hipster faggots talking about how cool vaping is, I'll take the hipsters.

Oh, btw it's got connections to HAARP and project bluebeam.

which in turn cuts into the government profits from vice taxes, in countries that have them.


and earlier image


This guy knows what serious commitment it takes to push your liver and kidneys to its limits alright.



http s://www.y

the only reason there is an anti smoking campaign is because enough people know the truth to make the globalist cuck bastards look bad for NOT making an anti smoking campaign

they were forced to pretend to be the good guys because enough people know that cigs are bad for your health.

Quit smoking you weak willed faggots. I smoked for 10 years and all it took was two months of nicotine lozenges and the true desire to be rid of the disgusting and dirty habit that makes you stink and feel like shit.

American Spirit would claim that, but you should just get into rolling your own. You can buy whatever tobacco you want, can try different kinds. Good tobacco smells and tastes really good, and is still cheap, cheaper than cigarettes for sure. There are even rolling machines if you don't want to do it with your fingers.

how do people enjoy sucking burning bad tasting smoke into their mouth and in their lungs and through their nose? this causes cancer and other major problems, makes you stink really bad, makes your lungs black, your nails and teeth yellow, and makes you look like a douche.

if you don't know where to put your hands, just put them in your pockets, if that gets tiring, just cross your arms.

thats some impressive jewdar user

You mean to say that "Goldman" and that shapeless kike blob of a face were not enough of a giveaway?

Because weak willed normies can't resist the 2 minute lightheaded buzz they get from sucking down a plutonium-grown, paper-filled, additive-sprayed ciggy. They're ciggy butt brains, essentially.

If you want to experience the true effects of tobacco, take a heavy dose of MAOIs and then smoke some Nicotina Rustica from a pipe like the Azteks do. It's actually a psychedelic. Any tobacco company will vehemently deny this, obviously. They want you sucking down their overpriced fake tobacco stink sticks until you're nauseous and laying on the couch wishing you were dead but still chain smoking the things.

As kiked as modern television programming.

That said I've never met anybody in my entire life who used any substances with regularity that wasn't a gigantic bitch or a faggot in some way or another. I doubt anybody here that uses is any different.

Why not just buy some nicotine gum? It's bet it's even safer than vaping.

It's because nicotine is an estrogen blocker and promotes logical thinking imo. It blocks the other drugs they are trying to douse us with.

I thought this was common knowledge around here but since i haven't seen it mentioned yet i think it's important to consider that the first anti tobacco campaign happened in the third reich, which is one of the reasons why i dont smoke. I think the reason for the international condemnation of smoking is that you can hardly ignore the evidence that it is bad for you, unlike shit like circumcision and xenoestrogens which are not very well researched subjects (yet) the negative effects of smoking can be found everywhere, from scientific research to simple observations of habitual smokers. I think the kikes just decided to sacrifice the tobacco industry for a little bit of trust so they could double down on their other methods of social corrosion of the world.

You don't need a study to confirm that mutilating a boy's genitals without his consent is damaging; and an affront to his person.

They make people anxious and cause a whole host of of medical conditions that put needless strain on the system, society as a whole suffers for it. Kikes make extreme profits off them, and of course kids end up buying them too etc. If I had the choice, everyone would quit smoking, if they liked it or not, and the tobacco CEOs and upper management who could have worked in any industry but chose that one - would get the Duterte treatment for effectively killing our children. Its part of white genocide.

That was pretty much my point.
Smoking can't be good for you, but then again there weren't specifically designed airborne diseases being spread into the atmosphere back in the 1930's as they are now.

I was considering giving up until the world governments simultaneously took up this campaign to stop people smoking.
At a point when the world governments are desperately trying to destroy Europe and bring about WWIII for jews.
A healthy long living goy is not what our governments want.

It was this forced agenda that made me rethink, along with the increasingly poisoned and polluted atmosphere I just figured that it seems I'm more resistant to flu, media brainwashing etc than all my friends who don't smoke anymore.

It could be placebo on my behalf, but I do know that all my non-smoking friends have worse flu and colds than I do.
This wasn;t the case before in the 80s.


i wonder what aaad67 is doing here.


At one point in history, tobacco use in America was almost completely eradicated. Then "You Smoke Cock" showed up and kicked tobacco market into high gear.

Also yes alcoholism is a disease, a genetic disease. Approximately 20% of people have strong genetic predisposition to alcoholism and another 70% could drink without their organism instantly refusing it. Alcohol is a fucking poison with strong detrimental mental effects and long lasting bodily damage, if I shall remind it to anyone.

The same way such a massive yet ridiculous lie like the holocoaster was kept: people don't care enough ergo they don't do the research to verify, people who don't do the research are content with weak excuses such as
Yes, like this one, which as already been debunked over and over again, since vapor trails actually disappear in less than a minute, "chemical" ones do not.
It's also very possible that your IQ is in the double digits, but that's just a conjecture.
Here's some nice redpills, for your health.

Holy fuck you faggots got played like a fiddle

I've recently noticed the sun always seems shrouded in mist. Even on bright sunny days with no clouds in the sky, there's some sort of haze over it. Is that a weather thing or could it have something to do with chemtrails? Any anons noticed the same thing?

Its like Jews are pretending we dont realize the only reason he exists is to discredit the true things he says with the untrue ones, so that marxist fucks can go ahead and deny reality like that, using it as their core argument. "Well, Jones said it, so ha, I win, not true!"

The owners of the cigarette companies are basically the descendents of the old colonial elite, which of course are gentiles, what causes the jew to want to get rid of them.

With that said, yes they are bad for your health, it has been known for hundreds of years. You should not smoke them if you can help it.

Absolutely, only addicts would say otherwise.

He probably meant to applaud how quick you were on the draw with the callout. So better to say, way to be vijewlant :^)

I'm not understanding where some dumb fucker got the idea that smoking will protect against whatever the fuck is in chemtrails. If anything the tar will just keep the chemtrail chems lodged in your lungs for even longer.

so that makes what he said wrong somehow? nice try.

this. exercise is important and every single person in this thread ought to do it, even if they don't smoke. even if you're a fat, greasy piece of shit, get your pasty ass outside and walk around your neighborhood even for a half hour. it gets easier and it makes you feel great. it's even greater when you're a heavy smoker and you can outrun most of your friends w/o losing your breath.

hell yes they do user. and even moreso when you're in shape.

Massive truth, stinking like some homeless person because you're addicted couldn't possibly BE more kiked.

Yeah but it's easier to claim that a small incision at birth won't do a lot of harm than that ingesting burned plant matter laced with all kinds of chemicals rolled in a piece of paper won't fuck you up.

I'm not a doctor but I'm guessing that maybe the cold or the flu symptoms people get aren't the sickness itself. the virus or bacteria is in your system doing bad, and your symptoms are a combination of the side effects brought on by having something bad wrecking your system and your body fighting a war inside.

so my guess is that people who show less symptoms during a cold or flu that they are infected with, are possibly not fighting it off as hard as someone who does.

guess what? smoking weakens your immune system. maybe that's why you don't "appear" to get sick as often? maybe you get just as sick but do a shitty job of fighting it off?

fighting off shills with my bare memes shill!

Perhaps you could consider not staring at the sun?

dubs of truth

Buy Bugler tobacco. It's cheaper than a pack of cigarettes, it comes with papers, you get to learn how to roll a cigarette, and the tobacco is much fresher. Packaged cigarettes are garbage.

My friends (non-smokers) get the flu and colds regularly at least 3-4 times a year, not to mention respiratory illnesses on top of that.
I haven't had a flu or any breathing issues for 15+ years

Jews have controlled the tobacco industry for hundreds of years, so yes. It was one of the Jews' first big industries.

It baffles me how few people seem to know about shag, where i live everyone that cares about the price of their tobacco rolls their own, i thought this was a worldwide thing

wondering what their diets and living conditions are like.

No, I was stating something about circumcision. No more, no less.


actually, I would like to ask this. why should anyone believe the answer you give in reply to this post?

why should anyone even believe in the first place (person I was replying to) that you get sick less often than your "friends"?

why believe anything you say? you are clearly pro-smoking.

Diets, shit, they are fat and unhealthy, they are bongs so not American burger fat, just fat from my perspective, let's say 2 stone overweight on average.
Living conditions, smoke free environment, aided with the added pollutants of the natural city atmosphere and tube systems enhanced air that appears to have all the anglo-goys obediently serving their TVs instructions to the letter and getting flu and colds regularly.

ok, look, i just happend to have a different opinion as you. I'm not jumping the shark here and calling you a shill, also, this isn't an ad hominem to use. Stop calling everyone a shill. I get that, understand it absolutley because shills are indead a problem but nobody is helped when you just call someone a shill in hope to win arguments/theories/opinion. This is not how it works.

Shadowe govermant is very real! and i think this user and this get to the core very good. It doesn't have to be like this but one thing to take from it is that the aperence of chemtrails during WW1 might due to the fact to hold the civilization calm. Or to slow down when they start to think about stuff. Smoking 'pure' tabacco could have a reversed effect and this might explain why they try to fuck up the recept for ciggerets so hard.

Not to mention the biological hazard brought by cultural enrichment.


You really don't have to
I am pro me smoking
I explained in my first post how I cannot smoke the brands on sale since they stopped using Virginian tobacco.
I only can smoke unadulterated/additive free tobacco, the UK government made it nearly impossible for companies to sell additive free tobacco, they aren't allowed to even mention the product is additive free on the packet anymore.
I have a very active lifestyle, I keep myself in shape and stress my lungs daily
My friends who no longer smoke, or never started have fairly sedentary lifestyles and the one;s that do exercise go to gym lifting weights or long distance running which I find less beneficial for me than callisthenics

As I said before, that is for me.
Genetics dictates whether you'll die from cancer young.
Most people who get cancer don't smoke.

I stopped smoking cold turkey. It aint worth it man. It's fucking you up quickly and makes you mentally depended on some shit.

swollen lymph glands in the neck or armpits?

just a theorie about smoker and chemtrails

if their diets are shit then it's automatically anyones easiest guess as to why they get sick all the time.

lack of Vitamin B12 E and D are the most likely

Anyone who doesn't get to eat homegrown organic sourced food from farms eats shit nowadays, me included.

noted and appreciated.

C also?
Remember that's why the Union were so determined to retake Florida.

on the right track but off by miles. likely missing all vitamins and minerals and full of shit that shouldn't be there.

yes but most fruits have vitamin C not just oranges

Smoking is really gay. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Kikes don't want their useful idiots dying early before they establish multiracialstan, and people who agree with them already are most likely to react by doing what the Talmudvision tells them while people who disagree are more likely to do the opposite and poison themselves.
Tobacco stinks, cigarettes look gay, and they're loaded with other poisons.

Yes, but did they know that? Besides, oranges have high amount of C, so there'd be no reason not to take advantage.

I think all the tabacco companies just switched their tactics and got into the vape market to make shitloads of money from people who think they are switching to a healthier alternative.

you are still inhaling shit tons of chemicals, if you think that's healthy or better, cigarrettes already fried your brain.

How the fuck are you even asking that question? Cigarettes are specifically designed to kill the goyim while taking their money and anti-smoking campaigns are fake opposition run by the tobacco companies themselves. Get the fuck out of here with your newfaggotry.

It is, extremely gay.

Cigarettes don't kill them early. It kills them nice and slow and oh boy, those sweet medical bills the goyim rack up as they deal with the health complications of smoking poisonous chemicals.

Well, yeah. Even Hitler was redpilled on cigarettes. The first anti-smoking campaigns in the world started in Nazi Germany.

Liberals are often chainsmokers because of the edgy, artsy image associated with it.

Cigarettes are shilled so hard against because they really are very harmful. Booze is too, but booze is a much more deeply culturally ingrained susbtance, much more readily available and not nearly as addictive, though it is very harmful itself. I wrecked my pulmonary system by smoking heavily all through my teenage years, but quit at 20. Health took an instant turn for the better, and not just shortness of breath. Immune system got stronger, cough went away, no more need to constantly spit, some joint aches went away, no longer getting weird rashes when working in heat, can sit on the toilet without legs going numb. Shit like that. Plus I suppose a reduced risk of cancer.

if only I could quit booze too

Meh, red grapes and blueberries are addicting to eat.


It's called putting down the bottle, you pathetic weak-willed faggot.

any doctor will say it's better to be addicted to something healthy like blueberries than cigs

Almost all the issues come from the (((manufacturer))) and the guilt tripping assholes causing stress to people trying to relax. Just buy whole leaf tobacco or grow your own. It's 1/10 the cost or less, far superior quality (because they can't insert shit like amonia and "recycled tobacco" which is niccotinized paper from old packs) and you won't be a bitch.
Control your own resources, do not pay taxes, by whole leaf.

Tobacco is degenerate no matter how you cut it

man, fuck you. I'm buying whole leaf spinach like popeye the sailor man and getting healthy. you fucking suck, and smell like a slippery slope shill "just eat a little! it's okay!" No it fucking isn't.

True, the medical bills are another massive incentive for them, but you'll still find that smokers have a tendency to die early relative to non-smokers, even though it is a slow and expensive death.
And of course they own the tobacco companies, which we all know, but I neglected to mention explicitly.

The plant it's self is innocuous. The way it's processed and marketed is pure evil. Pre-made cigs are designed to be addictive and just short of satisfying. When I roll a small cigarillo from actual leaves, I use less tobacco (assuming a camel or Marlboro even has real tobacco, don't taste like it) and only smoke a few a day, instead of twenty or fourty like most smokers of premades.

Yes, it is a slippery slope. A slope for people who ALREADY SMOKE so they cut out the kike, buy leaves from farmers or grow their own, take control of their habit, break the fucking HABIT, and are left with enjoying the occasional cigar and cigarillo or pipeload of a natural product that they actually fucking know what is, rather than sucking down kike made chemical blends fourty fucking times a day and spending assloads of moey to fund kike initiatives.
I spend maybe $75 A YEAR on tobacco because I buy whole leaves, and have no habit anymore, do not stink, and actually enjoy the product of my own hands rather than just wanting a fix.

Is this true? that's amazing

And I don't buy GMO seedless grapes, what are you a limp-wristed faggot that doesn't know how to separate and spit out the seeds?

Faggot, just chew them up. More fats in that grapeseed oil brah.

I didn't know that exist, thanks

It IS way healthier, pay close attention to how you feel. You will notice you feel much better overall BUT you still have the craving and the throat does get sore from vaping from time to time, which means it's still damaging you.

i prefer rapeseed oil

It's interesting that even though smoking is on the decline, lung cancer is on the rise. Smoke or not, you're going to die of cancer anyway. Stepping outside in a kike paradise cosmopolitan shithole has you breathing in more harmful shit than smoking does.

Cigarette smoking has a positive and independent effect on testosterone levels.
Wang W1, Yang X2, Liang J1, Liao M3, Zhang H2, Qin X4, Mo L5, Lv W3, Mo Z6.
Author information
Previous studies have suggested that testosterone levels are linked to a variety of diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes, the metabolic syndrome, erectile dysfunction, depression, stroke and osteoporosis. Since cigarette smoking is a major health problem and highly prevalent among men, several groups have studied the effects of cigarette smoking on testosterone levels in men. However, the results have been conflicting. Our objectives were to examine the association of cigarette smoking and serum levels of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), total testosterone (TT) and free testosterone (FT) in a large male population. Data from 2,021 men (989 nonsmokers and 1,032 smokers), aged 20-69, were collected from the Fangchenggang Area Male Health and Examination survey using an in-person interview and self-administered questionnaires from September to December, 2009. We have found the following: (a) smokers had significantly higher TT and FT levels compared to nonsmokers, even after stratification as per age, BMI, triglycerides and alcohol consumption. (b) Both TT (r = -0.083, P

Ciggarettes are kiked, tobacco isn't. Tobacco is over-regulated and you are pevented from growing it without permit which you can no get unless you are a company with intent to sell. Ciggarette companies put a lot of pozzing chemicals in their tobacco during processing.

Ciggarettes are kiked, pure, homegrown tobacco is not.

Any tips to quit that isn't "stop smoking faggot"?
I try but everytime I have a couple of beers I crave a smoke.

Just keep smoking. Try switching to more organic tobacco, those you roll. They're less harmful to your lungs.

Notice how you got hitler dubs and still no one replied to you?

It's because your a faggot

I suck at rolling. All my friends know how because they're degenerate potheads constantly making joints. Guess I gotta learn now.

Smoking boost testosterone. It also gives you cancer (at least in cigarette form), but anything that boost testosterone is a no-no.

What should be banned is plastic containers for food (hey, let's call it better for the environment! would fly better than "doesn't make you a faggot"), hormones on farm animals, certain chemicals on soaps and shampoos, soy, etc.

He is right. I didn't reply because his comment stands on his own and responding to dubs is an incredibly trite element to a post that does not meaningfully contribute to a thread.

LIVESTRONG.COM Food and Drink Diet and Nutrition Food and Health
Does Soy Protein Increase Estrogen Levels?
by MICHAEL R. PELUSO, PH.D. Last Updated: Apr 17, 2015
Does Soy Protein Increase Estrogen Levels?
Soybean protein naturally contains compounds called isoflavones, predominantly genistein and daidzein. These compounds are not estrogens and do not directly add to estrogen levels in the blood. They can, however, affect estrogen metabolism. Soy protein and isoflavones may have minimal effects on blood estrogen levels in postmenopausal women and in men. In premenopausal women who have much higher natural estrogen levels, eating soy protein likely has no effect.


Isoflavones are sometimes called phytoestrogens, mainly because they produce weak estrogen-like activity in the body. Isoflavones bind to estrogen receptor proteins, which, in turn, interact with the genetic material in your cells. Therefore, isoflavones can mimic some of the biological activity of the natural estrogens – estradiol and estrone. The biological effects of isoflavones are complicated, however. There are two main types of estrogen receptor proteins, and isoflavones bind mainly to only one type. Consequently, the biological activity of isoflavones is not equivalent to estradiol, which binds to both types of receptor protein.

Premenopausal Women

A study published in the November 2004 issue of "Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention" examined the effects of eating soy foods containing about 50 mg of isoflavones per day in 220 healthy premenopausal women. After a 2-year period, blood levels of estradiol and estrone remained unchanged. The authors of the study concluded that any potentially beneficial effect of soy foods on breast cancer risk in premenopausal women probably does not involve lowering of circulating estrogen levels. A complete analysis of a total of 11 clinical studies with premenopausal women found that eating soy foods does not affect circulating estrogen levels, according to a review appearing in the July-August 2009 issue of "Human Reproduction Update."

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Postmenopausal Women

The relationship between isoflavones and circulating estrogen levels in 125 postmenopausal women, average age 64, was examined in a study published in the January 2005 issue of "Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention." In this study, blood estradiol levels were lower in women who had higher isoflavone intake and blood and urine isoflavone levels. An analysis of a total of 21 clinical studies with postmenopausal women, which was included in the "Human Reproduction Update" review, found contrasting results. This analysis found that soy consumption was associated with marginally higher circulating estradiol levels. The increase was not statistically significant, however.

Soy Protein and Estrogen Levels in Men

A study published in the March 2005 issue of "The Journal of Nutrition" investigated the effects of soy protein and isoflavones on blood estrogen levels in 35 healthy men, average age 28. After 2 months, men consuming diets containing soy protein rich in isoflavones had blood estrogen levels slightly higher than men consuming milk protein, although the increase was not statistically significant. However, men eating soy protein with most of the isoflavones removed had significantly higher estrogen levels than men eating milk protein. The researchers conducting this small study concluded that these effects were "minor."

It's extremely easy.

How is testosterone boosting a no-no?

Buy a cigarette rolling machine, I have one that makes 4 at once.

As someone who had two family members use the JUUL,
the pods are a fucking ripoff if you don't refill them yourself. Actually, the best vaping tools I can recommend for filthy casuals, not 'cloud chasers' is the open-top drip atomizer. You drip a few drops and then you vape a few times. You don't vape a few times, drip a few drops, and then pocket because that will make a mess. I recommend this because any amount of "I don't want to rebuild the coils!" is going to make the whole thing cost 5x-10x as much and will give you hassles equal to just turning your own damn 24-ga wire and stuffing cotton through it drip atomizers are that easy.

If you want to go the "rolling bag tobacco" (reduce costs) route with vaping, you'll get the drip atomizer, you'll get a reel of 24-ga wire, you'll get a quart of VG and a quart of PG, and you'll only buy the highest nic juices and down-mix it with some desired ratio of VG/PG. You want to buy the standard barrel "mechanical mod" the battery housing, mechanical meaning no electronics are doing the switching, a few 3.7v 18650 Li-Ion batteries, and a charger. You want the non-electronic variety for longevity, and you'll adjust coil heat by how many "wraps" your coil is (i.e. wire length proportional to resistance). You'll probably use up two or three (max) Li-Ion batteries a day if you go heavy with it. You shouldn't have to spend more than $150 in total ($100 should be doable). You will take a $100/mo ecig 'hobby' and turn it into a $10/mo 'hobby' after initial purchases.

Yes, this is a 'cloud chaser' rig, but you don't have to huff huge volumes of cloud yourself. You want to open up the vents and only close the mechanical switch for a second or two at the initial leg of your inhale ('chasers' press and inhale the whole way). Chad-hit the thing, you don't want to restrict airflow and virgin hit it. Virgin vape hitters will get hot juice spat into their mouths and throats. Better to short-burst the button than to virgin hit in order to moderate cloud dose with this rig.

For the kikes it is, because a masculine man will figure out their bullshit more easily than an emotional faggot. There are many products which I suspect are not just coincidentally reducing T levels in males (to half of the 1950's level) but intentionally so.

To add to that, heavy beer consumption will make you effeminate and weak. A buffoon with man-tits. At least compensate the beer by doing some exercise (and don't drink until shit-faced).

Smokeless is the true tobacco redpill
I took it up after meeting a lot of southerners at boot camp who all endorsed it
It's pretty nice, especially when shitposting as it frees up your hands
Much more of a buzz too

If you're going to smoke tobacco, pass on the jewsticks. Get a nice briar, corncob, or glass normally for weed pipe and get a bag of a nice generic Cavendish tobacco mix nothing fruity unless that's your sort of thing.

How do you smoke that?

is this a shitpost?

It's a suppository.

Stovepipe into the anus.

Snuff is the true redpill

wow nice logic there buddy. you basically just said that to quit, people just need to smoke better stuff. do you even hear your own words? people should just fucking stop smoking, COLD FUCKING TURKEY.

Do those give you cancer?

less harmful is still harmful

why even do this? if you like growing your own things why wouldn't you just grow fruits and vegetables instead? why the fuck would you do anything to yourself that damages your health?

you are a fucking RETARD

or you know, you could just not vape or smoke any shit and eat your fruits and vegetables and maintain your health.

B-17's were not capable of high altitude, and were thus easily intercepted by the Luftwaffe, although I believe they (B-17) fall with in the range of where contrails are formed.

Why are they supposedly spraying aluminum?

why would you boost your testosterone by smoking when you can boost it by lifting weights and exercising? you could just as easily benefit from being /fit/ rather than fucking up your lungs.

Nicotine isn't even enjoyable by itself. It just makes you light headed and break into a cold sweat and nausea if you take too much. All the things that feel "good" about smoking a cigarette come from the spray on additives they add during the manufacturing process.

might be because of it's relation to HAARP.

if you're going to smoke, just don't smoke. there, I just saved you tons of money and doctor trips.

That's the correct way and I don't advocate for fucking up your lungs. I'm just saying kikes will demonize the one harmful thing that has a minor good component to it, while not demonizing the entirely harmful ones (alcohol, sugar, etc).

Speaking of which, the recent kike promotion of weed makes me suspicious. I wouldn't recommend any user trying it.

Are you fucking serious, OP?
This has to be bait.

Any faggot on here worth their weight in knitting needle enthusiast forums knows the reason tobacco gives white man lung cancer (but less so than other races) is due to the radioactivity present in the fertiliser used, which internally concentrates and is present in the dried product.
So yes, it's kiked as fuck.
Home grown stuff with the right nutrients/active medium will not have this risk, plus no kike tax.
Personally, I stick to the green as THC has anti-cancer properties.

Grotty snuff.

There was some user in another thread a while back who stated that weed isn't the same as it used to be. It used to serve to break the conditioning of cultural marxism that the jew tirelessly works to purvey, but within the last decade or so (((they))) have most likely done something to change the chemical makeup of the weed through plant breeding or direct genetic modification which renders this condition breaking characteristic inert. Given the nature of pot growing, I would assume they took the most popular strands and targeted those for modification, then when someone went to make an offshoot from the original source those too were "infected" with the modification. Again this was just some user's opinion in an old thread. Are there any examples of (((them))) promoting weed prior to around 2007?

weed smokers should be hanged. You degenerates helped hand the country over to jews and then try to push your "miracle plant" propaganda everywhere……

There's something about all the chemicals in cigs that protects you from zog chemicals like Fluoride and whatever the fuck those chemtrails are.

Smoking rates are down to 15-20% from 30 years ago but lung Cancer rates have held steady. Booze also causes Cancer and makes you a retard. The weed is being pushed because it's SOMA 2.0. You become a lazy retard AND it fucks up your sperm. I have citations for all this whacky sounding shit.

Anyway, if you're an adult how the fuck are you going to let another man tell you what you can put in your body? Have some selfrespect and smoke them if you got them and of course, FUCK JEWS.

This is the quite possibly most retarded bullshit I've ever seen anyone post. If you're that worried about muh chemtrails wear a fucking respirator, don't pick up smoking for fuck's sake. How fucking stupid do you have to be to actually believe that "the chemicals in ciggy smoke protect u from da chemtrails!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

This weed smoker is GTKRWN motherfucker.

If you ask me, it's the Brewed Jew which has most y'all on screw!

Really nigger?

Here's a good way to help yourself and the white race and it involves not doing something…..stop smoking weed. If you can't do that then piss off and go join a jewish cult.

lel, larp harder fag

Whatever, Chaim. Weed has been explicitly illegal since the jewish takeover in the early 20th Century, and you'd have us believe it's only legal now because of the kikes who own most of big pharma?
Methinks you're just a mormon shitposter.

not doing drugs is larping… shows how far everything has fallen also this is justifications for your weakness.

Could it be weed was taken over by the yid and then made legal after the take over and its sexiness and hype in the media reached an acceptable level? .."its an illegal drug you teens can't have"
Not a mormon , never did drugs and I don't drink either.

>>>Holla Forums7393102

who did this?

shills weren't successful so they started a new thread.

Not likely. It's more likely kikes are feeding the dudeweedlmao 420 culture while people are getting high, because most drugs like these do induce more suggestible states (which is a *tool* that can help bypass biases in thinking, which neither good nor bad).

In Bongistan a box of 20 Marlboro costs £12($16), the packaging comes in diarrhea green with pictures of lazy sperm brandished across it. Shopkeepers are mandated by law to poke you in the face with a spoon and call you an idiot every time you purchase a tobacco product.

I switched to Snus years ago.

You and I both know you won't be going out and hanging anyone who smokes weed, larp-fag.

It's more potent because it's been selectively bred for generations. I don't think it's biological warfare per se, I think it's a soft drug.

The narrative is currently, "marijuana legalization is on the horizon because so many people are smoking it and prohibition is unpopular".

A more suggestible state, yes. It does not brainwash you or change your opinions, but it makes you more open minded which can be used for good or bad, and has historically been used for bad.

Plus, bread and circuses.

Jews use drugs to make consumers more suggestible to their electric jew brainwashing. You say ban drugs.
Niggers use guns to make victims more likely to give up their belongings during their muggings. Are you going to say ban guns?

Of course you're not going to say ban guns, but I bet you don't look at the use and benefit controlled drug use provides. Eating also conveys a benefit, but I'm sure you know what uncontrolled over/under eating can do.

Holla Forums needs more rationale, less hyperbole.

Just want to clear something up, plenty of liberals and SJW's, etc., smoke. Mainly the urban ones.

Know strains 20-12 years old and they are just as strong as some of the newer stuff, same effects, same conditioning breakdown. E.g. Go look up Thai Stick weed, that one is well known and coveted as an old school super strong strain. White Rhino also. Sure they improve them but even the untouched stuff is still excellent.
All that has happened is THC content has increased on average and yield due to selective breeding.
GM modification is not present yet but is planned, to increase yields and medical effects in certain strains.

Weed is degenerate faggots can fuck off.

Yes, cigarettes are kiked you dumb fuck.

One of the big reasons weed has gotten so good is because, now that it's practically legal in many places to grow it, more facts and less voodoo bullshit as to its horticulture are spreading. There are strong fertilizer options for cannabis. More people are growing so there's more competition to up the appeal of the final product (in appearance, in fragrance, in flavor, in THC content). Some of the improvement is cross-breeding, like how we got the cabbage, broccoli, and brussel sprouts from the same blade grass, or bananas from two separate trees being cross-bred.

No, it's because this thread is filled with people asking Holla Forums to affirm their degenerate addiction, and he isn't doing that.

Agreed! You know your shit user, great opinion and 100% true.
It's no different to dog breeding or anything else at this point.

… and judeo-worshiping fags doing the equivalent of demanding a ban on guns to solve the niggermugger problem. Clearly someone who believes in a just world and that minds are in fact "souls" perfectly created. Yea yea, I'm attaching a strawman to you because I know the strawman fits you well and that you're unlikely to fedora tip on reply.

In my area, we don't have cloudless sunsets anymore. Even if the sky is perfectly clear all day, the clouds move in along the horizon while the sun is setting. Meanwhile, the local National Weather Service station continues to report clear conditions while this is happening. I half-believe the /x/ theories that they're trying to cover up something in sky that's visible at that time of day because I'm at a loss for any other explanation. I've lived at this same location for years and it wasn't always like this.

I've noticed the hazier sky during the cloudless parts of the day as well. Again, it wasn't always like this.

Truly "logic" only a degenerate addict could appreciate.

Because there's no such thing as "smoking within moderation."
Any use of tobacco causes permanent damage to the lungs and circulation. You might not notice it but it's there.
I have to admit, I'm a little puzzled by your question too. The general rule is "the opposite of whatever the Kike/govt tells you is the better way to live" but cigarettes seem to be an exception.
Attacking smoking served a very important purpose in the grand scheme of the kike, it caused the destruction of pub-based communities in the UK and thus accelerated the end goal of total genocide.
My best guess is that the govt needs the tax money to pay for more immigration rather than dying smokers and so is urging cessation but that, again, doesn't seem to apply in the US (correct me if I'm wrong) where medical care is privatized.

Follow the conversation, I'm talking about pot.


Gee, I wonder.
Alcohol has none of the above properties and did nothing wrong.


tobacco is a estrogen blocker