Globalist Trump sends out the same message his counter part Merkel does

Globalist Trump sends out the same message his counter part Merkel does.

Reminds me of an article I just read.

ILLUMINATI MEETING? Angela Merkel makes 'sign' at G7 meeting as Donald Trump looks on
GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel has got conspiracy theorists' pulses racing after making an "Illuminati sign" in the presence of US President Donald Trump.


This bothers me












muh secret illjewminati diamond satanic signal

it's not like politicians are trained in body language or anything

Nice dubs m8

The elite have always used the moar subtle methods of communicating, this is no different







a "globalist" is one who sells the blatant lie that we live on a spinning globe. while it is true that drumpf is among this set, i doubt it was what you meant to express with your choice of words.
nasa lies, space is fake, you know the rest. do your homework folks

in other news, two kikes meet for a photo shoot. film at eleven






keep going, I'm sure you have more photos of famous people touching their fingers!

How.. How's you know?
You people know everything…









Jesus fucking christ.

Ain't no damn Illuminati. The only thing that comes out of the Black Forest nowadays are delicious gelatin-based candies.

OP is a numerology tier faggot


Putin confirmed not a iluminati stooge

Wtf???? I hate Trump now

Well he was waving signs entire time during the election. He also said there's no one out there who did more for Israel than him.
Shut up leave Holla Forums for the pros.

Yes Trump was a massive jewish freemasonic hoax, I'd get swarmed by hasbara kikes and banned by Imkampfy weekly during the election for posting this image.

Thankfully we have so many based jews in an around all these once jew-wise boards and that they all were astroturfed into cheering on ZOG into Presidency.

are u guys fucking retarded
that hand sign is made to give the impression of power their coaches tell them to make it
to give the impression of an individual who is confident in their actions
no doubts about some sorta shadow council but really we still at the stage of symbolism? jesus fuck


So Trump is Hitler now? Nice.

once an idolater always an idolater it seems
patience has run out

Hitler banned Freemasonry (and also jailed a Rothschild) so the jew freemasons went to war against him, Trump is a high ranking freemason, so the judeofreemasons promote and back him in their alt-media they control.

Left wing jews call Trump Hitler in their jew controlled media and right wing jews keep telling the gullible goys in their jew controlled media that Trump is indeed secretly Hitler.

They take a different approach in their own media that isn't made for consumption by non jews. Trump has always been (((their))) guy, he is a release valve for the angry masses and a way to siphon energy from actual pro white jew aware circles imo. It worked pretty well too, if somebody told me a few years back that Holla Forums would spend over a year shilling for the GOP I wouldn't have believed them.

Illuminati is a normie tier conspiracy theory like freemasons, jews are the real ones behind the curtain.

who do you think created the illuminutty?

There's nothing inherently masonic about steepling. It's a fairly basic human gesture. It is a sign of confidence and feeling secure in your knowledge of a situation.

Interesting, so are you saying normies are more resistant to jewish hasbara astroturfing than say retarded self-appointed fashy goys who lean towards homosexuality who've been pushing and promoting the judeofreemasonic hoax Trump here then?

PS - are you saying judeo-freemasonry isn't even a real thing or are you saying that most normies wouldn't have ever fallen for the most obvious embarrassment of a psyop that was the entire Trump campaign?

people generally don't want to really be honest and admit that we are at war, it's too scary to think about what we are up against for most.
Any chance for a way out that doesn't involve killing and being killed is going to be leapt upon by the majority, even if they suspect deep down that they are being rused.
Trump was a last throw of the dice before we put our war face on, that's all.
Also, the memes and his twatter shitposting were incredibly amusing sometimes.

>I spent two years shilling for ZOG, I feel no shame about this and will continue to justify it all even while my daughters [post sex-change op] marry into a Guatemalan pygmy tribe and my house is repossessed by kikes, cos I had some seriously based fashy goy fun while throwing my peoples future away.

I don't even know what you're trying to say.
The former I guess, freemasons and illuminati get endless documentaries on the (((history channel))) and mainstream hollywood movies made about them which should tell you all you need to know about whether or not they're legitimate secret societies with actual power or just scapegoats for the real culprits. I.e.

ah yeah. youre right. mustve misunderstood your post sorry its late, user

No problem m8

Wtf I'm with her now

Have you ever watched Le Forces Occult, the only honest movie to have been made about judeo-freemasonry, and its role in creating the conditions for WWII and fomenting the wars.
The producer of this film was executed after WWII for his role in making the film.

The documentaries shown on maionstream jews media you speak about all state that judeo-freemasnry isn't real or related to jewry in any way.

Any other Hollyweird movie producer gets paid millions to pretend there is no freemasonic control in play and with their music industry have normalised all the super bad based fashy goy hand signs normally associated with freemasonry.

PS - can you remember during the Trump campaign how anyone pointing out Trumps ties to freemasonry and also Gert Wilders and Le Pens freemasonic links were banned?


Sounds interesting, I'll give it a watch.
Yes but at the time I thought it was because they were disinfo shills.

Plenty of things on which to criticize Trump, but this is fucking stupid.

What do you suggest we should have done instead, let shillary jeb or el rato win?
Should we have gone straight to "Seige/ Turner Diaries" mode?
Something else entirely?
Serious question.

Neither quite obviously so that line of attack is rather pointless when you aren't debating a child.

Quite honestly, I don't care much for which ZOG politician blue-pilled drones favour, my only concern was watching the movement get completely fucked by all the lying agents pushing ZOG while pretending those pushing for ZOG were secretly fighting against ZOG.

It wasn't just DS, TRS, or any of the chanboards that were being hijacked by isreali kikes shilling for zog, every single once jew-wise movement was railroaded into backing the kike.

The internet gives a wonderful advantage of being a historical record of who betrayed our people, the taint of this last election has demonstrated the lengths the kikes will go to, including the management of all the e-celebs and their websites who are in the pay of kikes to lie to goys and trick them into doing whatever it is jews want them to do.

Anyone in 'the movement' who pushed for Trump as the entire aut-kike did must from now on be tainted and known as either a suspect embedded CIA alt-media spook or so retarded their future judgement will always forever be in question due to their lack of discernment, every single zionist jew in isreal was backing Trump, all his financiers and Presidential campaign managers were jewish, Trumps children from first wife Ivana were biologically jewish, his open contempt for Buchannon because Buchannon was a 'nazi' 20 years prior, his entire business model based on using jewish legal chicanery to rob and steal from his investors etc.

Something else entirely to me means anyone who isn't in bed with or obedient to the ZOG forces.
Someone who isn't jewish and incorruptible would also be a good place to start.

There are many nationalist movements across Europe created with good intentions, yes they will be attacked and efforts made to infiltrate, but the last two years has proven to me, that Britain and America in our current timeline are the last places on Earth that any legitimate resistance can ever be expected to rise from.
Its people are too long term brainwashed to see beyond the scales the kikes placed in front of their eyes.

so you'd have preferred Hillary then.

I said it ages ago even during the primaries, Trump will never be the natsoc candidate Holla Forums wanted - and there will never be a candidate that will fully represent Holla Forums's ideals. You do what you can with what you have, not wait around for a miracle.

The last 2 years of jewish hijacking of Holla Forums in a nutshell




N shiiiet

nigger i've been lurking and on-and-off posting since /new/, there are always "plans" but there's no way to make them a reality. If you have a fucking plan, out with it and if it is workable, it will be implemented. Trouble is, there are no workable natsoc plans right now with the current political climate. Fucking deal with it and work with what you can work with, imagining an utopia will not move you any closer to the goal.


I have and voiced it openly on here and elsewhere usually getting banned after kike-alikes like you mass report and contact your managed MOD, I now realise there are too many jews in bed with the owners of these boards preventing any legitimate resistancebeing discussed or arising.

There's plenty of genuine nationalist movements across Europe, hardly any of them spoken of on boards like this or DS, TRS and the rest, instead only kosher nationalists are promoted and pushed see every jew created Nationalist Alliance "our lads" threads for kikes shilling for kosher clowns.

It's worth highlighting this and exposing it to retards in the midst of all the kikes shilling the same shit as you have been doing here.


No he wasn't it's already been covered years ago and here earlier, but for a reminder to all the low-IQ bargain basement hasbara kikes shitting up these boards.

Hitler banned freemasonry and jailed a Rothschild banking kike.
Freemasons don't remove jews or jail Rothschild banker class kikes, they defend, protect and reinforce jewish power like (((your))) ZOG Emperor is doing.


she's literally always fucking doing that. if it's actually a muh secret illuminati code then she's really the retarded kid of the class.


This hand gesture signals high self confidence you idiot.

He is making fun of OP the kike.