WhtieParents, mom and dad work full time.
Parents began noticing bruises on the child.
Said parents monitor the footage later.
While the parents were probably some liberal faggots promoting muh diversity this is also their fault toom
Also, this is great racial propaganda for normalfaggot social media.
Never Relax
Other urls found in this thread:
niggercunt needs to be lynched
I'd fucking kill that bitch if it was my child and damn the consequence. No joke.
DOTR cannot come soon enough
Poor lad or lass. Hope he or she is ok. Hope the parents get redpilled, and if not, then enriched.
Fucking disgusting. Did this really happen in SA like the comments say? When will whites wake up there? They are being eliminated.
At that age no matter who was doing the abuse it will leave a permanent effect on their personality.
Meme as many black deaths as possible….. with guns.
t. Fbi
Like, that kid will never be the same person they would have been if they were only taken care of by people that cared. It's essential that babies and toddlers are raised in a caring environment with lots of talking in their native language as if they are a real human adult (they are a real human). If you treat a kid poorly or as if they are a retard they will turn out fucked up. Raise your kids yourself
Not knives? Bats. Definitely bats. Rolling for niggers getting raped to death by bats. A fruit bat or a baseball bat , whichever would be more horrific for the nigger on its way out of this world
Also ,agent smith ,the preferred nomenclature is niggers.
Sage for double post
reminds me a little of those african tribe documentaries where it shows the savage women carrying their women around by their arms.
Truly, they are just like us. :^)
carrying their babies I mean
But seriously though this is common sense. It goes to show how "uncultured" your typical shitlib and neo-cuck really are that they don't know the behavioral traits of the people around them. That level of raising kids is fucking NORMAL among black families, in America alone. You can take every ethnic group in this country and then compare them to their homeland and find the exact same patterns. Sometimes it's more extreme, less, or roughly the same, but the behavior traits are still the goddamn same everywhere you go.
This is what happens when you live in a society that has given up on statistics, generalities, and averages, but instead skirts all downsides by betting on finding the token outlier. That token individual that breaks the norm. The Not All X Are Like That. They are willing to bet their life on the losing end of the spectrum, and risking a child's life is downright neglect. I'm not one for the state taking away children, but if the parents are mentally incompetent they shouldn't be allowed to raise it until we can get to a point where sterilization is the standard.
Yeah, I haven't been this mad in awhile. Holy fuck, how could someone do that?
Fucking this.
A thousand times this. I took a year off when mine was born, and his mother took six months. After that, I rearranged my whole life to work from home so he'd always have a parent right there with him. He's nearly 11 now, and it's paid off.
Not to be a tough guy, but if that had been my child, I honestly would have had a hole dug before the sheboon's next shift. It was hard enough for me to watch as a stranger. I can't imagine taking this to the cops so she can do community service.
By the way. . .
This happened in South Africa. Why did the white parent hire a nigger as babysister?!?!? I thought they learnt the effin' damm important lessons that they must never ever relax around the niggers. I'm effin' mad that they managed to be stupid. I hope the baby is taken away by the white people to raise in the lovingly pro-white community.
No revenge will be taken. We are too civilized and will likely die out.
This is from SA? Well fuck the parents even more so than the nigger bitch in that case. Judging by her place and ability to hire a nanny the parents are probably empty headed.
It's not like 1 in 4 white South Africans are living in poverty and in shacks, or your president doesn't sing songs about killing whites or anything for you to unfuck yourself.
At this point the only SA I sympathize for is the farmers.
kill every jewess and nigger bitch.
fuck the nigger and the irresponsible parents
Hang the parents by their feet.
If I saw a nigger doing this to my child, there would be a murder.
It's in SA so it can be done.
don't suppose a channel out there compiles footage of this stuff?
3 seconds in and I'm seething, this fucking subhuman should be hanged.
Run off you jew rat.
Checked. I don't think it would be technically murder. Unintentional death protecting your child falls under self defense I would bet. Also manslaughter at the worst. Not murder. Some nigger is throwing your baby around? Grab the first solid object from your waist and put the feral creature down.
The (((media))) will soon send it down the memory hole.
Colin Flaherty.
The niggers can throw the white people and left thme in the prison to rot. Delay the legal matters long as possible.
Was about to name Ol' Colin. Be sure to follow him on different platforms though – the Google Jew keeps shutting down his channels.
wait, nvm, looks like a different story?
So many are walking around this Earth who need to be beaten to death.
you could play this video on every screen in america and nobody would care
There will be mock concern and immediate virtue signalling that the watcher is a supporter of diversity.
The abuse and kid's injuries will come second.
Enduring such absurd abuse as a people is an example of our unique nature as a people. It is some of the most accomplished European peoples who are current revel the most in this self-flagellation. None of this is forced upon us, we could resist and obliterate at any point. A couple of boats of half dead Europeans can bullycide entire continents, the detritus that pokes at us now are insignificant. It is all in our heads. One day some autistic Europeans will decide to turn the ship around, it will probably be triggered by something seemingly asinine like a postage stamp and very large amounts of people will die very quickly.
Never let your faith in the European people waver.
The parents deserve the rope more than the ape.
Animals will act like animals. Would you put down the dog if parents left a baby alone with a pitbull and the dog started attacking the baby?
Abuse of lesser beings as in totally helpless beings like this is extremely common as in it's in the nature of niggers to act this way. That nigger had a rush doing that. They all do. They love violence, and if they know they can get away with any violence they will.
This seems so obvious to even have to state. I see hate here against the nigger but negros are objects. They have no agency. Take a guess as to the political affiliations of the white parents.
tl;dr what happened here is the result of whites not dealing with other whites, not whites dealing with niggers.
It's like taking your baby to the zoo and sticking it in a cage with chimps. This is the exact same way they handle their young. They just grab them up and toss them around. They even kill them pretty often. Christ, sick fucking Leftie rat "we're all the same, we all bleed red" parents. Apparently out West in the US a shit-ton of Leftie rats let beaners watch their children. I'm sure it's somewhat better, but still not good. These people fucking hate us, and these delusional scumbag pieces of trash put a tiny little white kid directly into their arms and say "you're free to do whatever you want." The parents and the nigger need to hang, and that baby needs to be placed with a rural white family with a nice big home out in the country.
There's your problem, right there.
They do this to old folks too. There is no escape from the shame of leaving your parents to die under the care of these creatures, and no shame in leaving your parents to die under the care of these creatures if they are cucks or libshits.
Oh my fucking god… I'm getting really fucking sick of white people to be honest. South Africa? No one, other than Rhodesians, should fucking know better. Is there no god damn fucking end to this delusional fucking "we're all the same" mentality that white people have? I'm getting so fucking sick of it. This is why I hate leftie whites more than anything. They are genetic waste. They are an infection in our fucking gene pool. These people can be beaten, robbed, abused, threatened, oppressed etc. for years, and they'll still fucking come out of it wide-eyed and saying "we're all the same!" "Treat everyone as an individual!" "We all bleed red!" I bet you they hired another fucking nigger after this. This is the exact fucking reason I wrote off urban whites last year, and I'm never changing my mind. Fuck them all. I hope they all fucking rot.
And when USA collapse then every nigger will rape and eat them to cure the HIV.
welcome to the final redpill
How long will we have to wait this time? 200 years? The US has been experiencing it longer than anyone, and we're only 50 years in with no sight of retaliation. We're more overrun than any European country ever was at any point in history, whether from Arabs or Mongols, or some other group. I can't even fathom an end to this anymore. I can only see a collapse of our civilization and the natural segregation post collapse. From there, who the fuck knows. Maybe we'll just live like fucking Brazilians and be oppressed by brown people. If I had one wish, it'd be to have the ability to instantaneously punch every fucking white person as hard as I can right now. I'm so fucking sick of how passive most are. Not only passive, passive and trusting and fucking delusional. Come 500 years from now we're just going to be a portion of some monkey's DNA, the way the Neanderthal is just a portion of ours, if this shit keeps up. Someone give me one example of how this can end in our favor, because I honestly can't see it. I only want it. I don't see it at all. South Africa, Rhodesia, and Haiti were all pushed to the limits, and at best, in the case of the Rhodesians, they defended themselves. Not even at these incredible extremes were whites aggressors. What the fuck will it take? I'm losing patience, and I'm losing my ability to care about any of them. I'm to the point where I'm going to just stop the information flow, say fuck them all, and spend the rest of my life looking out for my tiny circle of people, and never bother myself with any of this shit ever again. This shit is just too infuriating.
Interesting that you should say that user.
Fuck off you literal fucking nigger.
Take you and your nigger dog fetish and kill yourself. Only faggots own pitbulls.
Damn this thread really upset you didn't it?
Do you at least feel better?
Apparently that's a myth. Got any evidence to back it up, retard? If not, stop spreading that stop picture around.
Why can't you just find a majestic and aesthetic dog to own instead of one bred to fight? Literally one of the lowest IQ dog species. They're not meant to teach tricks or anything. All that bite strength and shit? Oh, so you want to be a tough guy and sic your nigger dog on anyone you want? Fuck you nigger
Good rule to follow in general.
That the "To find out who rules over you…" quote is still ever attributed to Voltaire is shameful.
Disinformation is a kike tactic. Always verify everything, faggots.
That, kind user, was an animal.You haven't been here long enough.
Holy shit that video triggered you didn't it?
Understandable. Totally understandable.
I find it funny how you immediately make a claim refuting a picture and demand evidence from your target while posting none to back up your claim.
Damn, you are desperate.
I'd like to add, while looking for huskies and Alaskan malamutes to adopt, I came across some information that alluded to Alaskan malamutes being used in the manner that faggot is attributing to pit bulls. Not as "nanny dogs," which don't exist, but as protection for children while the parents were away. I ended up getting a husky, but Alaskan malamutes seem like good dogs.
There is no evidence, retard. You made the claim. Back it up. The lack of evidence is my evidence that you're fucking wrong.
I've been seeing all these pro-pitbull bumperstickers on cars these days… you know what I want? A sticker that says EUTHANIZE ALL PITBULLS
…And I believe it! That dog breed serves no earthly purpose other than to make people feel tough that they have an attack dog.
Malamutes are sweet pooches.
this board is a fucking parody of itself
But there actually is evidence. I'm looking right at it in another tab, you' do the same if you were more interested in learning than acquiring temporary, perceived victories during an emotionally compromised mindset but hey whatever helps you with those insecurities
What size and color?
You want T-shirts? Key chains? Hats?
haven't you seen the video of the nigerian babysitter nigger beating and stomping another nigger's nigger? what we would consider child abuse is common practice for niggers. the nigger will probably walk scott free because this is its culture.
Who are you quoting? I never typed anything like that.
you're the fag trying to say pit bulls dindu buffin. We have IDs here, faggot
Cool, let's see it then, retard.
Not excusing this nigger dog, but only 203 deaths is really nothing compared to how many there are. Still wouldn't own one.
Bullshit. That claim was never made. You're exaggerating.
Yeah? And?
I want to watch you make an ass of yourself some more though.
Or you can do some research on your own. I'm not done researching yet so you just throw your temper tantrum with your keyboard.
I've been feeling the exact same way this past year.
Dumb nigger.
Your ass sure is chapped. I've got a pit bull/german shepherd mix that knows several tricks and is quite obedient, perhaps it's from the shepherd side lol, but it's a great dog. In my opinion, a dog is about as good as its owner, with some exceptions. Most niggers can't raise their own children, let alone a pit bull, so of course their dogs would be aggressive and adopt aggressive nigger behavior.
If mostly niggers and shitskins own pitbulls then they're mostly killing niggers and shitskins, does this make them our dog?
Relax stupid. I'm not going to copy and paste the first three articles a simple google search brings up, rub them in your face for a perceived internet victory and masturbate my ego.
You might, but that's not how I roll see?
I tend to look at as many sources as possible, compare, check their sources, digest the information, and reach a conclusion.
In the time it took you to look stupid you could have been doing something smart.
Because 90s rap music videos had them all over the place. Monkey see, monkey do. Niggers got them, abused and abandoned them and white people adopted the now almost feral and traumatized animals.
I, personally, am dehumanozed. Nigger do whay nigger be doing.
However, checking out whites on twitter growing some balls to type nigger, is facsinating.
Do not trust niggers.
If you have something you care about, keep it as far away from nigger scum as humanly possible.
Nice try schlomo, but you're gonna have to do better than that to attack the white race and their dogs!
I'm not going to do anything. You made the claim. If there's no evidence to support it, then there's no evidence to debunk it. You first need to provide evidence. Good luck with that.
You're funny.
You do realize they were bred as attack dogs, right? There's nothing jewish about implying they're not good pets. They're not. They weren't bred to be house dogs. Different breeds of dogs were bred for different things. Some are good for protection, others for hunting, and others are fairly useless but some people think they look cute. The pit bull was bred for attacking. Not hunting, just attacking things. It has uses, but not as a pet, and especially not around children.
You're posting a lot of stuff and none of it is evidence to back your assertion.
I wonder if the baby shitting itself would cover up the scent of the nigger….
Let's check the facts you sad sacks, were there blacks? Did you relax? Child abused? To the max? Logic this couple lacks. Made a mistake and thus the tax. But really this nigger deserves the axe.
And your point is?
Now shh. I'm trying to watch the post above mine and look at their sources.
It's a good video man.
Reminder that statistics regarding "pit bull" attacks are heavily tainted because the people reporting the bites flat out misidentify the breed.
In reality actual dogs with a pit bull terrier heritage (there are no purebreds) have a perfectly acceptable temperament that is backed up by testing
Don't fall for the jews and their lies, they hate you and all that whites have produced.
You waste your dubs with bullshit. You say yourself dogs are bred for different reasons. Other than niggers that fight dogs in the West dogs are almost EXCLUSIVELY bred as companions. I'm not a huge fan of the breed, but it's been long enough that pits make great pets, just as good as most other breeds. Every pit I've known is great with children and my pit mix (I inherited, wouldn't get one by choice, not my taste) is better with my 6 month old niece than my hound (both are good though).
There's also the whole, "it's the owner not the dog" aspect. I'm assuming you're some weeaboo virgin with pet cats that live with you in your mom's basement.
Lynching niggers solves so many problems, its also a cost effective solution. Placing negros in prison is inhumane and a drain on productive society.
Pit bulls are fighting dogs. Its why you only see white trash and niggers with them.
Its a status symbol, like having nice rims on your 'Lac.
Enjoy your ebt.
Now this is the original idea the thread was meant for before aspies hijacked it for the sake of their fragile, narcissistic egos.
Please post more dead nigger pics while I watch the pit-bull video. It's very therapeutic.
See here.
Take your meds and please stay on topic. We're posting pictures of dead niggers now okay?
I've had to do this before, I don't even hesitate, if a big dog is loose and comes running at me it gets bear maced. Apparently the mutt I maced went permanently blind, as much as I love dogs I don't feel bad about it since it was going to attack some kid one day and was a ticking time bomb given its shitty irresponsible owners.
You've got one more chance to back your claims, and then you're filtered.
Europeans bred the dog as an attack dog. Niggers didn't turn it into an attack dog. It was one of its original intended purposes. Whatever a dog is like in calm, cool conditions, is not exactly representative of its instinctive behavioral nature. Even a nigger can be decent in calm, cool conditions. Stress one of those calm pit bulls a bit, and it's liable to snap a lot sooner and a lot more violently than most other breeds of dogs. Also, moron, if you'd read above, I own a pure bred Siberian Husky. He takes stress like a champ and never snaps. He knows his place and follows the leader (me) well. Take that "ur a virgin" line back to tumblr. That's not an insult. It's a pathetic attempt at attacking my masculinity, along the same line as a feminist. Pathetic rat. You're clearly in the wrong place.
And… Filtered. Shill can't substantiate false claims and proceeds to post twitter memes. Good job. Fuck off now, nigger. Reported too.
Every husky I've ever seen has been a loud mouthed annoying fuck, they bark more than any fucking dog except those shitty spic rat dogs. I hope your dog isn't like that. I just own a golden retriever, that's a real white man's dog.
Mods aren't a personal army banning people who you don't like.
Holla Forums is one person
The endkikes back at it today with the d&c demoralization faggotry
Remember anons, filter, do not reply, report
Huskies need a metric asston of exercise. If they don't get it they'll develop all sorts of bad behaviors.
Get off the board you Ubangi lipped VD infested sub human ape. I bet you smell like shit and cheap cologne.
You uh.. you a little upset there bud?
I've already motivated one aspie to filter me in a fit of immaturity would you please do the same and shut the hell up?
See what dumbass? I grew up around pits.They are nigger dogs, good only for fighting and hog hunting.
Fighting pitbulls used to be common. Fighting them and betting on them. That's what they are bred to do and why trash loves them so much.
I don't need some faggot bullshit documentary to try and justify another symbol of degeneracy.
Who the ruck are you? The Riddler?
Fuck you gorilla face.
Animals without empathy must be purged from our lands with great prejudice.
this makes no sense
Nobody cares about your life. Every animal on earth fights and has the ability to do so. Creatures alive today are here due to the necessity of fighting to survive.
Aint my fault you don't like it bud.
scaphism is the only acceptable punishment
I cant even get angry, the parents deserve to hang from the same tree as the nigger.
The dystopia that is being created at the moment is fragile, it is perceived as strong because it has never at any point during construction been tested for strength. The question that has to be asked is who could endure its collapse when it’s strength is tested and it falls apart?
Our reality is not that of the past, trained armies who establish strongholds are not invading us; they do not arrive on our shores and lay claim through traditional conquest. Our situation is engineered in a manner unique to history; it is an experiment in ethnocide by a third party. The biological weapons utilised in this experiment are dependent on the fine-tuning of the dystopia to remain intact and functioning.
The second the dystopia falters the native population gain an advantage, not all of us, many will suffer a terrible fate, but advantage goes to the natives nonetheless. We don’t live in a world of stone forts and foreign armies. Our oppression is technological and psychological, the biological weapons that have been set upon us are reliant on the former, and we are only temporarily paralyzed by the latter as a result of the existence of the former.
The dystopia is a machine and it can be switched off. There is no long-term contingency plan for this. It is at this point that a traditional fight begins the nature of which we as a people are experts at. Fought on home turf with advantage on all fronts. We will win.
a head full of lead keeps the nigger dead.
The parents are the true villains here. It reminds me of the thread we had when a guy posted screencaps from a faggot forum, where one guy talked about being left to babysit a couples infant son. He did stuff like put jelly up his asshole and have the kid lick it out, made him drink piss, give him blowjobs, etc. all when the kid is six months old. Because his parents thought it was just swell to leave a six month old with a degenerate faggot. People don't have any conception of how devastating the kike brainwashing is on an individual level until they see stories like that one, or this one.
Where were you the last several times? There's a story or two like this every year. Niggers keep becoming babysitters to libshit parents and the babies always end up battered and abused.
The funny and fucked part about this is, why the fuck didn't they just fire the nigger when the bruises came up? Who the fuck else would have contact with the child? But sense they're probably white guilt liberal faggots they didn't want be racist and protect their child.
Fucking faggots will never get it until there's a boot in their face.
Your a fucking delusional idiot. Dogs were and still are bred for specific purposes.
Some dogs herd, some pull, some fight. Big ass super hairy sheep dogs are bred to fight wolves.
Big headed ignorant as bricks nigger pitbulls are bred to fight in pits against other pitbulls.
Your like those faggots screaming about acceptance. "Please just accept our degeneracy".
Face it, they are nigger dogs, and only trash tries to justify having one.
Huskies are known to "talk," not bark. My husky never barks unless no one's around and he needs to go outback to piss/shit. He "talks" sometimes. Mostly when playing with him, or when someone new shows up and he gets excited. Otherwise he's a pretty quiet dog. I've never heard him howl, although I wish he would. Huskies are smart as hell too. My husky figured out how to open his cage, he figured out how to get out of his collar, he figures his own way out of line tangles etc.
No. I'm not. You watched a nigger beat a baby, got mad as hell, have no creative outlets for your sperg, and proceeded to initiate fights with strangers online in a power fantasy while exaggerating and grasping for straws.
I doubt they'll get it even then, pic related
That's fucked. So what if the killer was white, what would be his reaction then? These people are fucking mind blowing.
Sure, we can win a fight, but that's if we fight. I'm finding it harder to fathom us fighting every single day.
We do it online instead.
I'm sure it would have been Heather Hayer: The Prequel
And let me add that I hope the cunt fucking suffered.
She ultimately helped to condemn thousands of White South Africans to the same fate she had.
I learned to always do the opposite of what anyone tells you, so Im going to go out and buy two pitbulls and breed them and turn them into hellhounds that attack niggers on sight by making the dogs watch videos of nogs abusing dogs.
third position always delivers.
Damn I wish I were as creative as you guys.
Don't forget to dye their fur white so the nogs will think they's ghosts.
There won’t be any choice in the matter. The creation of the dystopia guarantees action when it is switched off; its existence reduces the fight to someone switching it off. That’s it, no need to inspire resistance on any scale at all. It is incredibly fragile.
In terms of an analogy, the power goes out on a cold winters night and there is nobody available to turn it back on. Do you sit in the dark and shiver staring into space or do you quickly become resourceful? Find a source of light, put extra layers on and get comfy? You wouldn’t have done those things had the power remained on but as soon as necessity arose you jumped into action.
Okay, and what circumstance do you suppose would amount to "switching it off"? To me that would be an entire collapse of our way of life. The economy, social structures, government etc. Those are the things that I believe need to collapse before anything occurs.
This is why we should not let the traitors live or they will let someone in our circles.
Nigger, that's not a white kid, that's a fucking little nigger baby. No one gives a shit about a nigger baby.
Amazing, at least you got your twitter curse words.
Switch your router off/ drain the battery on your smartphone and continue this conversation, user.
Yeah i fucked up. Time to sleep
What, are you implying that propaganda/disinformation is the "dystopia"? Okay, well here's the problem with that. The disinformation from all sources of media, when absent, still leaves the majority of the population ignorant to the happenings of the world, and even those in the next town or county over. If I didn't have the internet, I'd probably be a clueless apolitical 9-5 worker who didn't give a shit about anything outside of my immediate circle. Most whites live around whites. Without any source of information, they'd have very little idea, even now, of how rapidly and intentionally we're being displaced. That lack of unity and lack of information is the reason the United States is as bad as it is. Disinformation is worse than no information, but no information is still terrible, and leaves us highly segregated and weak. It deprives us of motivation and reason. If the internet didn't exist, we'd be ten years further down the river right now. Another, greater, amnesty would have happened already. Everything would be worse.
Not that bad for a nigger tbh, pretty restrained. Here's something more along the lines of what you're looking for.
We have some black-sites Holla Forums could "borrow".
unmarked planes are free but need /k/ommandos to fly em
t. notthefaggotsfromLangley
Harambe was quite legitimately a better babysitter than the nigger.
Heartly chuckled sage for off topic
When my baby throws up, I get concerned about the baby and cradle and rub their back, this baboon beats and steps on it god damn
Reminder that the parents are responsible.
Subhumans can't protect their offspring.
The niggers have no empathy capacity.
Add the audio to the collar.
More racist propaganda. I noticed OP removed the part where the baby called Shaniqua a nigger.
But seriously the situation could have been avoided if the mother was home with her child.
Should be grateful they didn't eat it.
The mother is in South Africa and she or his husband hired the niggeress to look after her baby so frankly I doubt that the mother is fit to look after the baby at the home. No one in the right mind would hire the niggers to look after their children.
Did the father give her a .45ACP bonus payoff?
Of course he didn't because he's a fucking cuck that let a nigger raise his baby instead of his wife. This is a weak cuck family, not too different from niggers on DOTR tbh.
Is this true? From my understanding, there's no actual thing such as "dog breeds". It was just a bunch of bored, rich people who bred dogs for specific features. Pitbulls, due to the length of their "existence", have become severely inbred and now suffer from a whole host of genetic issues. One of the symptoms of this is the manic frenzy they're known to go into where they just randomly, savagely attack people. Perhaps that mania didn't exist back when that picture was taken though? What is that, Victorian era?
Don't know shit about dog genetics, but my instincts tell me the hideous features of dogs like pitbulls suggests something mentally as well. All the nice and smart family dogs look really friendly too.
You look like what you are
This applies to humans as well as dogs
Darwin comes for whites just as much as nigs
THIS is 200 people. unless every single one was a shitskin or a degenerate, it's unacceptable.
Fuck the nigger. This happens all the time. It's the parents that need to get their shit kicked in for relaxing around one. They may as well throw their child to the sharks.
If they were libshits they would just rationalize its an isolated incident.
I don't think these liberal faggots would get redpilled if a bunch of negroes gave their whole family the African farmer treatment in front of them.
What is wrong with them? Living in South Africa surrounded by the niggers and didn't redpill them, not even slightest! There are some saffas who knew better to leave the doomed country or live in the extreme remote area.
I haven't been this pissed off since first seeing Pizzagate. Seeing the abuse of children sends me into a rage.
You only have one fucking chance in your life to be innocent and happy until the cruel adult world takes you. People who steal innocence from children should be shot.
What the fuck is it with other races not having empathy?!
I meant that if you put a libshit into that situation, they still wouldn't realize that niggers are savage beasts.
The Boers are different case. Pretty much all of them realize the nature of the negro. They haven't left because they have deep ties to the country and the soil. While I don't understand that, I can sympathize. My friend is from a family of farmers and the way he talks about working the land and developing a bond with it is quite something.
Someone telling them that it's ok. No amount of physical punishment will stir whites into action. They need a person of authority to lead them. The kikes have made sure to prevent this from happening, cutting any prominent dissenter at the knees as soon as possible.
That's why culture wars are so important, we have to change the political climate just enough so that our Fuhrer/Caesar can arise.
I've wondered about this. It's the same with animals, from kosher/halaal slaughter to Asians torturing dogs to death because they think it makes the meat taste better. A white person who deliberately causes suffering to animals like that is considered a sociopath, but to these races, it's normal.
Also, it's fairly common amongst various African tribal groups to attack a person/group via their family; they'll hack someone's small child to death just to send a message. To them, striking a child is on par with striking a blow against the white race. They don't think anything like how we do.
You have to consider that the only pets non-whites will own are Pit Bulls and occasionally chihuahuas. Niggers and spics specifically encourage their dogs to be aggressive and antisocial. Pits are shitskin status symbols. It's a shame, too. I hate to see other living creatures live around niggers.
They hate nature. It's that simple
Yet our mother nature let them live and get suffered for it.
Would work better with Dobermans, they are larger and have more stamina/faster.
They truly and literally should be hanged, not for trusting a negro but for putting their child in the care of someone they suspected of abuse. Suspected well enough to set up an experiment. That they had already discovered bruises on the baby destroys any excuse that they might have feared a wrongful dismissal lawsuit, or even that the risks of pissing this person off outweighed the likelihood that she was the one responsible for the bruises. What in the hell were these assholes thinking?
Reminder that not only blacks treat kids this way. Don't leave your kids alone with anybody but his or her other parent.
One of the things that makes pit bulls so dangerous is that they are such sweet and charming animals nearly all of the time. The fact that they sometimes snap and kill people is blamed on abuse, that many are rescued fighting dogs adopted from shelters. That's often the case and it might be a factor, but either way the fact that they seem so loving and are often trusted with children is partly responsible for how deadly they are.
Did you hear the spine crack as sheboon stepped on it? My boner did
That wasn't a crack, that was literally a fart
Please, think before you speak.
Typical tricks.
I apologize for my unthinking bloodlust, user. I just have had enough of it. I want to start TDOR as soon as possible. I want to kill as many niggers and kikes as I can. I want a world that is safe for my children's children.>>10629197
Who besides a liberal would hire a nigger to take care of their kids?
Someone who is completely sheltered, never met a nigger and was raised on multiculti propaganda all their life. But, these parents live in SA, there's literally no excuse.
Absolutely. If a child is stupid enough to start fighting with a pitbull despite having the clear disadvantage he or she deserves what's coming.
Someone without a shoah'd twatter, tell him to open up the borders of Israel for all of them then.
You mean cuckservatives
Why did the moron have to point out that it's a black bitch abusing a white child. Everyone can see that. Let people draw their own conclusions from this, it's going to go down a lot smoother if you're not yapping about black savages.
The infant was innocent. The parents deserve to by lynched for gross negligence.
I'm gonna go ahead and assume this is a deep undercover Holla Forumsack so I don't explode with rage.
That was my assumption but chutzpah is real.
I wonder if black babbysitters or hispanics are worse. A black babysitter will take your kid by the leg and slam it down on a counter to pacify it. A hispanic babysitter will throw your kids in a bathtub and slit their throats. Must be a hard choice for liberals. Having a white woman take care of their kids won't allow them to show how progressive they are.
Almost none of them follow their liberal bullshit when they have kids and when they do they end up writing articles about it. Look at samantha bee and jason jones freaking out and protesting when their kids' school was going to be integrated with a black school.
I don't know if you are a Schlomo or just stupid enough to believe them, but jesus christ that's absurd. It is the same dumb bullshit as "there's no such thing as races just the human race".
Looks like she has an African child?
It does seem a bit ridiculous now that I think about dogs such as the sheepdog but nonetheless, is it not true that some breeds were artificially created?
Not sure who to hate more, the parents or the wild animal they let into their house with their baby.
A wild animal is just that, a wild animal. It does what nature has programmed it to do, it does not know any better. But whoever lets a wild animal near their child deserves to be executed for stupidity.
This. One must remember the tale of the scorpion and the frog.
I missed that story. I read the articles including the (((fact check))). It is clear he fought against it, because he didn't want his kids enriched. He even made a small speech shaming those he thought were slandering him for it. How dare people call him racist when he was just wanting what is best for his kids. Of course, lower class whites are evil racists when they fight for their children's interests. The hipocrisy is sickening. These traitors attack and shame others to further their own interests.
All dog breeds were "artificially created". That doesn't mean they don't exist. Evolution is evolution, regardless of whether reproductive success is determined by natural selection or human choice.
The path to child abuse begins when the mother does not care for him/her herself. From there it only gets worse.
It works when it's something really bad like this. Inevitably some idiot will try to say that racism is worse than child abuse, which is the worst decision because it forces the normalfag to make the mental calculation as to which is worse - and they will almost invariably decide real abuse is worse than mean words.
Reported for rusing.
If you weren't rusing, then reported for idiot.
So for recruiting, do you find me or do I have to find you?
Neanderthals confirmed for proto-Aryans.
Haha fuck off burger. We are 5 million to the kaffirs' 55 million. Most of our population is old and us young people are just as incompetent as any American or European millenial.
We are a literal persecuted minority and none of you care because you pushed us into this situation.
you SA faggots sure are retarded. need any more advice for your simple fucking problem?
i was born in a city that used to be great. now its full of niggers. i left simply because i dont want to raise my kids with niggers, i dont want them to fall victim to niggers, and i dont want my kids bringing home niggers and mixing with niggers.
theres nothing noble about clinging to something thats lost.
user, have you seriously tried to leave to another country? what country? what happened? work visa? whats your trade?
So, never. Thanks for letting us know. We all personally did everything we could to genocide you; it totally wasn't niggers with machetes or Jews. Fucking retard.
I know it's lost man, but a country is very different to a city. Once the Afrikaners leave they're gone permanently, relegated to history. Our country was a nuclear power not long ago, can you even imagine the amount of history, culture and infrastructure we're leaving? I see things for what they are, which is why I'm on this site, but most of us white saffers are normies.
I'm leaving at the end of the year and trying to convince my friends and family to do the same, but if they don't I'll have to come back here and risk my life to save them when things inevitably get bad. Not to mention I'm going to have to work manual labour in a foreign country now since I'm young and have no qualifications.
I've never even travelled out of the country man, it's not so simple.
No you dindu nuffin. ZOG is definitely behind it but that's your responsibility, it wasn't ours.
Hey saffa, I recently encountered one of you the other day. First time I've talked to anyone from the country. Anyway long story short this girl came out with the sentence "Oh I'm from SA but don't worry I grew up in x, it's a really liberal area where everyone mixes" she said this in a positive manner. Is that really the state of things over there? Even after all that is and has happened? I couldn't fathom it.
your culture is much larger than SA. i know its not easy, but it has to be done.
in america we have a term called "white flight" because we do this all the fucking time.
i live in white suburbia now and dont fit in at all. it sucks, but atleast i wont be extinct.
i hope you also blame the SA farmers that kept those niggers well fed and ended up being enriched by them.
the worst thing you can do to niggers is leave them to their own devices. by staying, youre helping them.
I had a nigerian babysitter who bruised and infected my gums by using toothbrush that was used to clean toilets, not to mention that I got repeatedly beaten by her. When my parents confronted her about it, she called the cops and FBI on us. They're pretty sadistic people.
im really looking forward to killing jews.
They're called ghetto ponies.
kill its kids first, then kill it. then regardless of what happens to you personally the consequences of your actions will have benefited all your kin
I'd love to slit his throat, tbh.
Thanks for this, I'll post it on my Black Crimes Matter channel on BitChute.
Typical nigger.
Webm copy of vid. Before Twitter takes the video down for racism.
It's called being white.
vid related
What's this from?
The Believer (2001)
An important point to raise…
This nigger must have put on a BIG NICE SMILE whenever she saw the parents, and acted all sweet and perfect.
Nigger housemaids always do this. They are soooooo friendly.
It's based on this fellow: en.wikipedia.org
that's it. Dads need to suck it in and work hard to support their families.
Huskies were bred to look after children, pitbulls are all good until they eat them
fuck off you fucking retard and take your half nigger mongrel dog with you
The scientific consensus put africans in the same group as "modern humans", but even then the rest of us who are non-africans have a small admixture of Neanderthal alongside "regular human" genes.
All of us non-africans are Neanderthal descent and so have something that africans are lacking, i wonder what..
Must be nice blowing all that hot air and actually doing nothing about it.
The problem with the Nogs=Dogs model is that you'll always have the Jew sneaking them scraps over the back fence, so eventually they'll side with the Jew when he decides to cut the fence and rob you.
We're all here to find our true potentials, friend.
>Instead let (((strangers))) "care" and influence your children when they are their most vulnerable and impressionable
Why do normies do this?
kikery has convinced them that they won't make enough money for all their wants and have enough left over for their needs, so they both need to work (Kikery in the form of Feminism for women in particular). They wrongly assume that it's not that important while the child can't talk.
Why? Because the system has called for it.
>get a job for 50k in Los Angeles (kek) and live in expensive (((manhattan beach)))
>girlfriend wants to go to (((USC))) law school to hopefully make 150k+ (how that makes sense after tuition costs is beyond me).
This. I tutor music after school and frequently witness women teachers talking to 8-10 year old boys in baby speak. It makes my blood boil. It is a big problem that 90% of school teachers are women many of them childless
The school system teaches people to be children.
(((Their))) attacks have been against the traditional nuclear family for a long time now.
The people who still buy the anti-family propaganda in CY+2 deserve everything that's coming to them.
This is a great clip. Please tell me the movie isn't full pozzed and would actually be enjoyable for a fellow jew hater.
Surely that picture doesn't just have a yellow fucking filter on it and a bullshit "facebook" ""fact"" put under it.
One in particular comes to mind.
Saffas need to create Afrikaner nation for the Afrikaners. I don't understand why the saffas refused to leave SA. SA is a lost cause for long time.
long before the final redpill some people search for every bluepill they can find and drown themselves in them
but once someone is ready, and takes the final redpill
there is no going back
we have a true nationalist on our hands, someone who cant unsee and does not want to unsee
someone who is willing to do whatever it takes to fix this planet
user it is someone already in the midst of us.
And we wouldn't know if this user has started work yet, but rest assured, there won't be just one.
user has to understand:
The pain will not go away.
I for one do not reject technology because white man made it. I reject the diseases that are amplified by technology, spying, disinformation, etc.
What will it take? It is already being taken. You don't need that for motivation though. You should already be acting for your family and your self.
When the time comes for many many families of whites to work together, you will know, even if the internet is shut off. Even if the AM radio can not work.
its an interesting movie SPOILER
but the main character is a jew and the movie ends jewishly
It's pozzed.
Video taken from inside a bedroom in Namibia
Mother Annemarie Theron had set up a camera after noticing marks on her baby
Annemarie Theron, a marketing manager for a holiday lodge, remains chilled.
Ms Theron, originally from Zimbabwe, had decided to set up a hidden camera when she began to notice bruises on Laila's neck and arms.
as much as I want this nig lynched 'attempted murder' seems a bit excessive, how are they going to prove that. this is from some 3rd world country though, who knows what the laws are.
Twitter supports.
Full story here allafrica.com
This guy's remarkably antiwhite.
Remeber when everyone in town looked out for one another, and if something like this happened, a mob would form and correct this problem the moment the news broke out?
Its time to connect with your neighbors and tell them you got their back.
You're not wrong when you say this is its culture because it is. If this were a black baby being abused I would be all in favor of the court system turning a blind eye because the niggers are just interacting with each other as they have for thousands of years. It's natural.
However since this involves a white baby it should be a death penalty case.
How the hell do niggers ever survive to adulthood?
How subversive.
The same way abused animals do it: With a fucked-up mind.
I'm reminded of the perpetual cycle of infanticide in macaques, where parental care is extremely inconsistent and if the child doesn't die to neglect, other members of the troop are likely to murder it. They die more by their own hand than by predators or environmental consequences.
Though, this appears to vary from troop to troop, with urban populations more prone to violence thanks to boredom via lack of foraging activity, which is only perpetuated further by the fact that primates pass their culture on to their children. I'm positive that if a small population was gently hand-reared by humans the subsequent generations would be very docile in the wild.
don't even want to imagine the crimes i would capable of if that was my child. holy shit.
Here's a picture of the mom from 10 years ago, and one from this year.
From the mom's facebook, it turns out that she grew up in Zimbabwe. Her father was a farmer. She had shared links on facebook about the oppression of farmers in Zimbabwe. She also posted a lot of religious stuff about love and forgiveness and whatever
She got married in 2013 and moved to Namibia to be a manager at this resort: etoshaheights.com
Here's my question: how is she not redpilled?
Fucking animal
I seen a lot of shit, but this is the first time my jaw actually dropped seeing a video on the internet.
they deserve it for trusting a nigger
Dumbass white cuck parents should have their children taken away and given to a white family that will actually care for them.
What about the child?
the endless compassion, selflessness and benevolence of whitey is easily exploited.
On the one hand, White baby, but it's Darwinism, if you're still this stupid about shitskins, doing insane shit like handing your offspring over to niggers, you and your offspring deserve to be killed by them.
Bizarre mindset of Africa‘s whites. Cognitive dissonance or so of living in Africa surrounded by animal like brutes.
One reason Apartheid failed is there was no apartheid. The Whites in Southern-Africa wanted to have their black gardeners, cooks, nannies, farm hands, miners etc. If they had had a pure white society, were every work was done by whites, from street sweeping to surgery, there would have been a much smaller lever to use against them.
tiepies fokkin kaffirmeid.
Not saffa names, not living in SA to my knowledge. More like US polak coalburner.
okay, so this is what you're seeing here. perhaps they lean way too far to the left but the reality of it is probably this: they are middle - upper class, this means that both mother and father do not have the cash for one of them to stay at home and support the family. They do however have just enough to pay a nanny. The nanny is usually well behave and will watch over the child for half days as is with many women here because mom has to work. nanny kaffir is living in a squalor because her own kaffir government cannot help her… they blame whitey so she takes it out on child. It's as simple as that. Nothing more, nothing less. Imagine living in detroit, now make it 10x worse. I've never been to detroit but i'd imagine SA is similair based on this board as well as all tv series i've ever watched based there. We're surrounded. You don't expect it. Not defending the family whatsoever. This bitch deserves a rubber hosepipe which won't leave marks but will teach well and good. You will see less and less of us posting on this board because they are tri-angulating us and coming after us for racism and hate speech. be weary saffas and stay safe. The internet is now a honeypot and we were the experiment. Regardless, there is never justice in Africa, just savagery and beauty. Beauty given to those who don't deserve to be here, and suffering to those who gave everything to make it better…
checked and this bitch and jew nigger can go burn.
stop using that honeypot you cia glow in the dark nigger. the problem was that we labelled it. what the usa and uk did to their nogs was exponentially worse than we treated ours.
Let's fully reverse apartheid and we'll build a white utopia under the same conditions…. oh wait, only 11% of the south african population still pay taxes…. I wonder which colour they are? Oh wait (((who))) still employs the goys which run this shitshow of a country to keep it afloat?
And now your situation is exponentially worse than ours is. You gave them everything, and they murdered you and took what you built for themselves, and have since destroyed it, and now in most places they're begging you to come back to fix it. Sad thing is, there will be those moronic leftycuck whites who DO to back and fix it, thinking things will turn out any differently than before. Nope, they're just gonna use you, drain you dry, rape your daughters, murder your sons, and use up your hard work and money until its gone, then throw you out. After which they'll proceed to shit up everything you created once again, and then go begging to the UN for more gibs.
I was never in disagreement with you user. You hit the nail on the head and I fully agree with your statement. Our biggest weakness was our kindness and tolerance. Rhodesia was worse in theirs too, and the likes of Denmark, Sweden, UK and bleeding hearts helped our own demise, then the final stab in the back came from the USA and the (((whites))) finally helped the terro… I mean, freedom fighters attain their glorious victory. My heart bleeds more for the occidental world when I see the news. We were simply an experiment, waiting to be slaughtered. Your future is nigh but you're in the same boat we were 20-50+ years ago when the (((Brits))) gave us independence and the Nats eventually decided to become (((nats))) by selling the country to the communists while the USA and Europe watched and celebrated. Cosmis justice is a bitch and I feel no sorrow for Sweden whatsoever, those tinned sardines were enjoyed by those who killed the terrorists you support overthrow our homeland - now the pendulum has come back. Our problem was that we were too honest and too black and white… The wests' problem is that they're sticking their heads in the sand and pretending it doesn't exist or falling for the multicultural meme.
Also, do not let the propoganda mislead you. The rainbow nation is a falsehood or a blessing in disguise. We keep to our own despite what the media suggests. Just sit down and have a chat with a Boer when you get the chance to. We were born red-pilled.
it should pair with the fact that slave owners left their children around house negroes a lot.
if it's true it would be strange that enslaved niggers, who would have a legitimate reason to hate their masters, were far more reliable than free niggers…
niggers are mostly killing niggers…/ourkangz/?
Nah i get you completely, I think most of europe has whats coming to them to be honest. They snubbed their noses at the rest of the world, bowed down like faggots after killing their own best hope during WW2, and gave the rest of the world to the shitskins at the behest of the leftyfaggots among them, hoping to stay in their own homes unmolested and the rest of the world can do whatever it wants. They all took on commie forms after awhile, started sucking jew cock, and then the importation of their demographic replacements began… but they have it coming for opening the gates to this to begin with
If they had joined in on gassing the kikes, or at the very least not sucked their dicks SO hard, and not given up their empires to the nog hordes leaving their own brethren to suffer and die… I'd have more sympathy for them.
The USA is a little different, so are the cannucks and cunts down under. We aren't really a "part" of europe and havent been for a long time, we didnt really build empires the way they did, and so we had nothing to give up to the nog hordes, nor did we really turn on our own to protect ourselves. yeah, we fought against our races best hope, and sucked the jew cock, so we have our problems as well, but we didnt turn on our own people like the eurofags did. On the note of empires though, the USA is currently getting what is due to us for having anything to do with subhumans (other than extermination), our fucking about in the middle east and wasting our own blood and resources either for the "narrative" of nation building, or the truth of doing the jews bidding (doesnt matter either way), is biting us in the ass with all the nog hordes we're dealing with at home.
Dont honestly know what to say about the cunts though, mostly they just need to stop following the wests lead and start gassing chinks and abos. And canada is just fucked because they're more interested in being "better" than everyone else, and "better" means far more lefty faggot than anyone else (hence their PM being a literal cuck), so their own smugness is biting them in the ass as it should
But yeah anyway, on topic, I know most of you down there hate niggers as much as the rest of Holla Forums, that guy who cried/hugged his daughters rapist/murderer was a serious one-off, you guys have been dealing with niggers on a very real level for way to long to not fucking hate everything about them.
Frankly, I just wish there was SOME place on this planet that wasn't cucked or niggerfied, where those like us could just pool our resources, and go and build a new homeland away from all these lefty faggots. Arm ourselves to the teeth, and absolutely reject ANY leftists or subhumans from ever coming anywhere near our lands. Fuck it, cut off all communication with the jewified/commie/nigger outside world, and point every weapon we have at any jew or bank or commie or subhuman that comes within 1000 miles of our nation.
If only
they make 6-7 kids on average for a reason.
and how does that disprove what he said?
First of all, fuck you for using that much spoiler text.
That's complete bullshit. They make more than enough money for the wife to stay home with the baby. They chose not to because they're greedy.
Here's a better pic of the husband along with the husband's sister at her wedding.
r selection
I've seen people being tie necklaced and disemboweled. But this is the first thing I've seen in a while that makes me pissed. Remember the days when a mob would randomly kill every black they saw when a nigger even looked at a white woman?
Segregation was civilization v savagery. Integration is an affront to civilization and encourages child abuse.
Jesus, no wonder why the black crime rate's so goddamn high; Their upbringing is like every single "School Shooter" story cranked up to eleven.
Whites taught them this behavior, goy. :^^)
Niggers are the only race in the planet lacking Neanderthal genes, lads. This is not news.
its apparent the Afrikaner movement did a shit job of total mobilization.
doubt it user, most were -40 years old at the time here, I surmise here.
Wew, look who showed up in the comments. Is that you OP?
South Africa is full on white genocide right now. And yes, this is why we call them niggers. The idea that they're equal to us in any way, shape or form is just laughable, morality and care for other beings and animals seems to be primarially a white trait… Something the other races see and attempt to emulate it in order to exploit our empathy and screw us over later.
It's even more worrying because most of the whites in south africa have guns …yet they don't seem to be able to organize and fight back.
The reason this is worrying is because Holla Forums imagines there'll be a collapse, or a "day of the rope" or something - pol says that eventually, whites will wake up and retaliate. But south africa is a perfect case study - a well armed white population that is actually being oppressed - and yet, they're not fighting back.
and who would you suggest they fight back against? random black people on the street?
they are on a continent surrounded by over 1 billion of them.
they arent fighting *an enemy* they are fighting the rest of their country, at random, attacking them.
Wait a fucking second, who is pol suggesting we'll fight back against on "the day of the rope" or "when the saxon starts to hate?"
All of a sudden you're acting like it's totally obvious that white people in SA can't fight back. You do realize that within one generation, the US is going to be exactly like that. If you don't see a way for whites in SA to fight back now, then how will whites in the US in the future fight back??
Oh man that's dark and true.
Women do this also with foreigners, I only know this in German speaking areas because of my experience, but I suspect it is universal. They talk in infinitives and no object constructions, simple tenses and no complicated words. Without fail, a guy, even the simplest of the simpleton clerk in a food aisles stocking things starts with a normal German, but then he has to capitulate for the customer can't speak properly. Even studied Iranians or Indians, who really should know better and CAN do better, because their language is very compatible, can't speak German because the cunts spoiled their grammar. Frustrating and infuriating. It is doubly infuriating because mud tier Asia and outright nigger waifus of Westerners speak local dialects in perfect tone, grammar and vocaulary, while not perfectly enunciated, at least in complete and correct sentences. Curiously, the other way around (Nigger and coal burner) never translates into language adaption.
Now post it to normies with "And they produce this shit tier propaganda to chivvy up us Whites against other races. How disgusting." Repeat it every time with this framing. Then, when it gets revealed it is true, they cant remember where they've seen all those niggers abusing white children, they just know it. If somebody wants to tear your name through the mud, you can always point out you were outraged about this disgusting propaganda. Presumed you aren't known already for what you truly believe, though.
Sometimes, it's the same.
come on, this was too easy
There was a nigger hate thread last week that I wish I had saved some of the images from. It's one of the best kept secrets of people who work in aid and charity programs for Africa: These people have no empathy. They don't understand guilt. They are self-destructive in ways you cannot even begin to fathom because your brain is just literally that much more advanced than theirs. And you may think to compare them to animals, but there are wild animals who share more in common with us than niggers.
Take the "dindu nuffin" meme. Now realize that it's not a joke. It's a sad, cruel facet of their actual mentality. They think it's wrong that other people will try to bring them to justice. They literally don't understand that they've done something wrong or that there should be consequences for the harm they inflict on others.. But in the infinite wisdom of the merciful and empathetic, they hear some pavement ape screeching about how they're innocent and that they're being oppressed, and they take it as truth, believe that an injustice is actually taking place and that the confused and infuriated screams of the nigger are built on the same cognitive and perceptive understanding of society as any other normal human.
If there's one thing you absolutely need to understand on the subject of niggers, it's that they do not think like other humans. It's not just simple-minded bigotry and surface level prejudice because they don't look like us. Centuries of interactions with the Africans have taught us time and time again that niggers are subhuman, soulless, selfish, guiltless creatures. Even the stupid lefty faggots who fought and died to free them from slavery learned quite quickly that niggers are exactly as the confederates said: they are the white man's lesser and the kindest thing we could do for them would be to keep them as slaves for our benefit and constantly beat the everloving shit out of them, because the other option is killing the whole fucking lot of them, because they are monsters.
Plato was right, everything's downhill from here
Both parents and nigger should be lynched for child abus
Member when it is the other way around, whole cities, wait, inner cities burn?
the reason the jews hate pitbulls so much and demonize them on the media they own because a pitbull has the capacity to murder intruders in your home with ease.
the same reason they want to ban pitbulls is the same reason they want to ban guns.
they want to make it as easy as possible for the shabbos goy cops to drag you out to the fema death camps.
Is that another baby she picks up by the leg near the video end?? Please tell me that's just a doll…