What does Holla Forums think of e-celebs?

What does Holla Forums think of e-celebs?

>>>Holla Forums

its videogame related you fucking nerd.



some next level bait


Your waifu a nigger

I was told this summer was to go away



I wonder if OP will be only one who will not sage his thread.

nice bait

Bumping just to make you angry lad

Is this what counts for humor or insightful sage commentary?

Bumping for dubs


it's king of cuck

he was on Holla Forums asking the same shit earlier
such an attention whore

hey "king"…why don't you go swat yourself again?

Holla Forums hates e-celebs unless it's Sam Hyde in which case twenty fags will come out of the woodwork to tell everyone "no homo I'd suck his dick and let him fuck me in the ass" and talk about how he could totally beat up anyone who doesn't like him.

Yeah, it's a bit silly.
Speaking of which, what's you guys' favourite recent music album? As in, not older than two or three months.

Nice, good job.

That thread was non vidya shit too

wew lad

Not vidya

You're not vidya.

Doesn't really categorize as such at the moment.

your mom is vidya

Well, you mom is TWICE the vidya.

Protomen are shit tbh fam